Looka and Miw Chapter three

Story by Neo-Zander on SoFurry

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#3 of Looka and Miw

Miw smiled and shrugged her shoulders at him. "Fine, walk around naked."

Chapter 3- the dirtiness begins

Looka looked at her surprised and shock, as well as freak out a bit. "Huh?" was all he could muster to say. She looked at him crossly. "Well you aren't going to wear any of my cloths." She giggled at the thought of Looka walking around in a dress. Looka frowned looking at the pants in his hands. 'She has one warped mind.' He thought to himself. He held the pants folded, then with his teeth ripped off the pant legs, creating a very high cut pair of shorts. 'Better than nothing I guess.' He thought as he put them on with a bit of difficulty. Miw did her best not to burst into laughter watching him struggle to put them on. Looka tossed aside the towel and looked at Miw with disdain, trying very hard not to blush with embarrassment from the fiasco with his new shorts. They were barely enough to cover anything and were about four of five sizes too small for him, leaving a rather obvious bulge in his nether region.

Miw wryly smiled at him as she pulled a cloth cord, sounding a bell. The doors promptly opened and several ocelot servants walked in with several trays of food. "I hope you're hungry Looka." She said sitting on a plush ottoman, stretching out, allowing her robe only to barely cover her, and allowing a great of cleavage to show through. Looka stared at the food a moment, it had been several days since he had eaten a meal other than what insects or the occasional rat he could catch. "Ravenous, but..." he stopped at looked at her; seeing the way she was flaunting her body. Miw looked at him curiously, waiting for him to finish, but saw he didn't wish to speak with more than four ears in the room. She waved off the ocelot servants and looked at Looka. Looka stood staring at her inquisitively, crossing his arms. "Alright, I want to know here and now. Why did you buy me for more than double what I'm worth on the markets, when you don't own a mine or a forge? Surely you know that's all we slith are good at." He demanded from her.

Miw giggled innocently at him, she set down her wine goblet and leaned her head against her slender hand. "Very well, I bought you to be the head of my harem." She stated with a wry smile. It took a second for that to sink in for Looka. "Ha... Harem?" he stammered, he had suspected it, but didn't dare believe it. Miw nodded. "Yes my harem, I needed someone strong and handsome to head it." She said walking over to him. "And you suit my needs purrfectly." She said seductively, gently caressing his face with her soft hand, her twin tipped tail wrapping around his waist. Looka tried to back away from her, but found himself against a wall. He could attack her, shove away, something, but he didn't. He stood there frozen, looking at her with shock and a small amount of horror.

She pressed her body against his; he could feel her soft down like fur caresses his skin. She reached up and gently nibbled at his ear and softly whispered. "Don't be so cold, give in to it." As he heard that, he realized in horror that she was using magic on him. 'DAMN, why didn't I sense it before.' Though the slith were naturally resistant to many forms of magic, seduction was not one of them. HE could feel his will slowly slipping away from him but it was strange, he didn't care anymore. HE lowered his head to her, and started to gently nibble at her neck, exciting her all the more. She moaned softly, sounding like a contented pussycat. "Mmmm, yes, there you go." She backed away a bit, tugging at his arm, towards her bed. She lay back upon the down feather bed, looking him invitingly. But he stood, hesitant, looking into her emerald green eyes that spoke of lustful desire.

"Why? Why me? Answer that." He said simply. He looked no more of the defiant slith, but seemed broken and submissive, but his eyes spoke differently, of a lustful passion that burned brilliantly. She looked up at him lustfully. "Because I wanted you." She said kneeling upon the bed to kiss him passionately. At first he did nothing, and she guided him down to the bed gently, but forcefully. As she kissed him, he couldn't describe the utter ecstasy of how she tasted. Their lips parted and she reached down nibbling at his neck, slowly to going to his ear, tracing its outline with her soft pink tongue. Looka bit her ear softly; she could feel his fangs gently, erotically nibble at her ear. A soft rumbling noise came from her chest, she evidently was highly aroused, but wanted more. She moved holding Looka, and gently moved him atop her. Looka stopped and looked at her, his face barely an inch away from her. He looked puzzled. "Am I not the slave." He asked. Miw purred and giggled at him. "Slave is such a harsh word I think. I prefer pet." She said reaching to kiss him again. Looka felt her soft lips against his, and her soft tongue slide into his mouth; she tasted fantastic, unlike anything before. He slid his long forked tongue into her mouth, embracing her own with his tasting her ecstasy.

He parted from her slowly turning his head nuzzling and nibbles her neck again. Miw moaned softly, purring loudly, quite happy with the treatment she was receiving. Slowly, erotically Looka lowered his head stopping where her robe covered her. She looked at him, he treated her with such respect though he hated that she owned her. But she could see within his eyes that would want nothing more than to tear her robe off and feed upon her. She smiled, willing to oblige. She wriggled her arms out of the robe and untied the sash, revealing her naked body to him, inviting him to feast. Looka continued and lowered his head down upon her large breasts (for the sake of the story, lets say 36D for now... sry, I'm a breast lover XP)) First gently nibbling at her nipple, waiting for it to harden, and when it did she gently began to suckle it, hearing Miw purring loudly, enjoying the sensation. Miw moaned softly as Looka suckled her breasts, she looked down at him and noticed his color was changing. His skin was turning a brighter crimson, she could also feel heat coming from Looka, warmer than she would expect, unknowing that the slith's body temperature rose as they grew hornier and more lustful.

She looked down lower and could see within the tight confines of his shorts a massive bulge that looked ready to tear through the cloth. She wrapped her hand around his back, gently running her claws down it, pulling him closer to her, feeling the lust radiating from him, feeding off it, fueling her our lustful passion. Her thought was interrupted when she felt Looka's hand reach down gently caressing the soft fur of her pussy. Her mind swan with erotic desire as he gently massaged her pussy, while still suckling on her breast. Within the folds of her delicate pussy, she began to moisten from her erotica massage, but she wasn't about to let Looka have all the fun. He hand sly glided down from his back, hesitating as she caressed his ass, and then slowly reached for his still harnessed cock. She could feel it, rock hard, barely contained within the cloth around it. Looka moaned slightly feeling her hand on it, and still massaged her pussy delicately, with due care to arouse her further.

Finally Miw couldn't stand it any longer, using her claws she reached around Looka and slashed the cloth garment, releasing his swollen member. She took it into her free hand and looked down, even she was amazed by his size. HE gently rubbed the length of his cock, sending spikes of erotic pleasure through Looka as he moaned softly. She knew he had to be over a foot long at least, and massively thick. She was worried if it would even fit in her tight pussy

She looked at Looka, her head swimming in the pleasure he was giving her, but her mind was clear enough to still do what she did best. She held him by his shoulder and rolled him over, kneeling next to him. He looked up at her, submissive, but loving it. She purred gently as she caressed the massive cock in her slender soft hand. "You've had your fun, now its time for mine." She said mischief

She slowly lowered her head towards his cock; he could feel her breath on it, sending waves of pleasure through him. She brought the head close to her lips then with her tongue licked it slightly, tasting him. He tasted slightly salty, expected and more than acceptable. She licked again, prolonging it, teasing him. Her hand moving for his testicles, groping them lovingly. Merely by feeling them, Miw could tell it had been a long time since Looka had the fine pleasure of a woman. She smiled thinking, 'Well, I shall have to try and not disappoint.'