My Week With Master

Story by Kokarca on SoFurry

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Hey! I posted this over on FA but I decided to spread this around a bit more, since reading stories on SoFurry is formatted a little better than reading stories on FA and IB.

Enjoy! :)

"Goodnight slave, I can't wait to see you..."

Those were the last words he said to me before he ended the video call. It was only two days ago, but it felt like a century. Slaves aren't meant to go that long without their masters, but I had to - I was on my way to meet him in real life for the first time. I barely registered the fact that the aeroplane had landed and was now slowly but surely parking in the terminal. Already the more impatient passengers were tugging at the latch on their seatbelts, eager to be back on solid ground - the otter next to me was wriggling and writhing nervously in his seat, obviously uncomfortable with being in the air... But all I could think of were the words "I can't wait to see you", running through my head over and over and over again as the plane came to a complete stop. My heart was in my throat, my stomach was tying itself into knots, and I was more anxious than I had ever been in my entire life. Not only was I travelling overseas by myself for the first time, but this was the most important week of my life by a mile - an entire week with my Master. His undivided attention. I knew I was only one of many slaves, but for one week, I was going to be slave number one.

It wasn't until I stepped off the plane and the crisp January air filled my lungs that I started to think about the border control hell I was about to go through. The buffalo behind the desk was tall and broad-shouldered with a stern gaze that pierced right through you and bored a hole in the person behind you. He looked exactly like you'd want someone in his profession to look like - he was the epitome of intimidation. If I wasn't such an imposing figure myself with my swimmer's shoulders and my large, bushy beard (a constant inconvenience when travelling) then I could have easily been intimidated myself, but I had nothing to hide, and no reason to panic as the interrogation began.

"Why are you in the United States?"

"Who paid for your flights?"

"Why isn't he here with you today?"

I'd answered all of these questions before, but now that I was so close to being in my Master's arms, they frustrated me to no end. I made all of the right noises and he let me through without a second glance. From where I was standing in the gate I could see at least three other pandas, and it felt odd. There weren't many pandas in Scotland besides my own family, and even then there weren't many of us. Under any other circumstances I might have introduced myself, but there was someone at the airport who demanded my attention: Master Isaac. I was running on fumes at this point having been flying for nine hours - flying always exhausts me, and this journey had been no different. I collected my luggage without any complications (a rare occurrence) before I finally made my way into the Arrivals area. And that's when I saw him.

There was no denying it was him. There are even fewer white lions around than there are pandas and if his species didn't give it away his sheer size might have. He was head and shoulders above everyone around him, and you couldn't help but let your eyes get drawn to him. And he was smiling. I couldn't see it, but I could feel it. Every reservation I had began melting away as I got closer and closer to the most important person in my life. It took every ounce of my will power not to break into a run, but I managed to convince my legs to maintain a casual pace as the distance between us became shorter and shorter.

Then we locked eyes. There was still a quarter of a mile to go, but he stood completely still - he was letting me come to him. He opened his arms, and that was all the encouragement I needed. My casual pace turned into a power-walk, my feet carried me closer and closer to my Master until I could make out the individual hairs of his thick, luscious mane. I collapsed against his chest, my face buried into the soft fur as his powerful arms wrapped around me. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding as my free arm went around his waist, holding him tightly as he turned his head and whispered into my ear.

"It's good to see you, slave."

My heart skipped a beat as I melted in his arms. We stood there for what felt like hours, but in reality it was less than half a minute. He took my hand in his and led me out of the airport, my case dragging behind me as I let him take me to my home for the week - his home. The thought filled me with a kind of indescribable joy that I had never experienced before. As the door on the driver side closed, the car began to fill with his strong natural scent and I was in heaven. His feline tail flicked lazily into my lap and I immediately began to stroke it gently, eliciting a chuckle from the lion next to me.

"So how was your flight, honey?"

"Better than I expected, considering how long it was and that I fucking hate flying - no matter how many flights I take, I still feel awkward as hell every time I get handed a hot towel..."

This got another chuckle out of my Master, which in turn got a chuckle out of me, and everything was off to a great start. It didn't feel like we were meeting for the first time - it felt like greeting an old friend. We talked all the way to his home - I understood his accent perfectly well, but my unusual mixed Sino-Scottish accent combined with my speech impediment was occasionally giving him trouble as he tried to focus on the road, so I had to repeat myself a few times. I didn't mind though - I softly petted his tail and watched his face with admiration. I studied every furrowed brow, every grimace and derisive snort directed at the other road users, every laugh and smile directed at me, and I took it all in, determined not to miss a single detail over the next seven days.

Before I knew it the car had stopped and I was once again pulling my case along behind me as the lion led me into his home, closing the door behind me... And before I could even take my shoes off his lips were pressed to mine. I could feel my heart rate soar as I dropped everything and wrapped my arms around his waist, my mouth yielding to his tongue's demands as the warm, wet muscle pushed into my mouth, already asserting his dominance over me. I moaned into his mouth as his arms came up around my neck, and I felt something cold and hard slipping around my throat. He pulled away so that he could see better as he fastened the buckle on my collar around my neck, a string of saliva connecting our lips as I panted breathlessly, giving my head a gentle shake. Master smiled warmly and pulled me in front of a mirror, allowing me to see the strap of pink leather now secured around my neck - it was backwards, but I had read my own name enough to recognise it backwards. In big block letters across the tag was written not my online pseudonym, but my real name: SHANYUAN. I was lost for words as his arms wrapped around my waist and for the first time his hand drifted over my crotch, giving it a gentle squeeze, the diaper underneath my jeans letting out the telltale squishy crinkle of heavily-soaked padding.

"And when were you going to tell me you needed a diaper change, slave? Come on, let's get you into some dry padding before you start leaking."

I blushed under my black-and-white facial fur. The way he touched me and spoke to me was so familiar, but it felt so right, like I was exactly where I ought to me. The loud rustling of the outer plastic under my jeans was obvious in the quiet privacy of the house, my hand once again in his as he led me into his living room. Clearly my Master knew me well - in the middle of the room was an adult-sized changing mat with a small supply of wet wipes and baby powder within arm's reach on a nearby coffee table.

"You know what to do, slave."

He gave my soft, pudgy behind a firm pat towards the mat, and I quickly positioned myself on my back, the dominant feline getting on his knees between my legs. He started with my trainers, not bothering to untie the laces, pulling them off to expose my damp socked footpaws. He brought the two paws together and pressed his nose between then, inhaling my travel musk. I blushed deeper as a small tent began to appear in the groin of his pants, the sweaty stink from my socks slowly filling the room. With one of my feet on either shoulder, he quickly took care of my belt, putting it aside and removing my jeans with ease, exposing the swollen diaper to him. My jeans were also put to one side as he tore the tapes, pulling the heavy diaperfront away from my crotch to reveal my glistening ursine member and the deep yellow inside of my padding. After a few gentle sniffs he balled up the soaked item, leaving me exposed as he casually opened up my case, retrieving one of the many diapers I took with me on my journey. The scent from my wet padding was making his crotch tent even more. Slowly but surely he worked around my fur with one of the wet wipes, covering me with what was certainly way too much baby powder before unfolding the fresh padding.

"Butt up, slave!"

He spoke in a cheery tone and I immediately raised myself off of the floor. He slipped the diaper underneath me and pressed down on my sizeable gut to signal I could lower myself again. A few short seconds later and the tapes were expertly applied, my Master giving me a few soft, affectionate pats on the crotch.

"All done, baby. Now you're nice and dry."

I smiled nervously and reached for my jeans, but he swatted my paw away.

"I don't think so! If you're going to be my pretty princess for the week, you're going to look the part..."

With that he reached into my case and pulled out one of the items of clothing that was buried deep at the bottom underneath everything else I'd packed - a baby pink legless onesie that opened up between the legs for easy access. I could feel my cheeks heat up as he signalled for me to raise my arms, the lion making short work of removing my t-shirt and slipping the onesie over my head.

"Up again slave, I need to get this flap under your fat butt!"

I co-operated with a small whimper, letting him push the poppers together to close the onesie, the cotton garment making sure my thick padding was held nice and tightly against my body. It wasn't the first time someone else had changed my diaper in my adult years, but it was the first time it had felt so normal, so natural. Without realising it I stuck my thumb in my mouth as my Master pulled off my socks, giving them a final long sniff before stuffing them into my trainers.

"You must be thirsty after your long journey, slave... Where's your bottle?"

I sheepishly pointed to a pouch on the side of my case, which when opened revealed a pacifier and a large bottle with an adult-sized nipple, the plastic covered in small pink butterflies.

"Let me go rinse this out and get you a nice, warm drink... Don't wander off!"

My Master disappeared into another room with a wink, coming back with... An empty bottle. I cocked my head inquisitively, but he simply grinned a mischievous grin and sat himself down on the couch, patting the seat next to him. I clambered up onto the chair, sitting on the back of my legs as I watched him unscrew the cap of the 'baby' bottle, before fishing out his thick lion cock and pressing the opening of the bottle against his tip. Immediately the bottle began to fill with dark, musky feline urine. I could already smell it as it hissed noisily against the plastic, the stream dying down to a trickle as the bottle became full, my Master letting the smelly liquid settle for a moment before screwing the cap back on, motioning for me to move into his lap. I nervously shuffled towards him, letting him cradle my head as he brought the nipple to mouth. He tipped it upwards and I instinctively began to suckle, filling my mouth with my Master's piss.

The strong, bitter flavour made me gag as the first mouthful of the lion's liquid waste slid down my throat and into my belly. He could tell I was struggling, but he stroked my hair and told me how well I was doing as I continued to nurse from the dirty bottle. With every swallow it became a little bit easier to stomach, until eventually I was sucking on air. I looked up at him and he looked down at me as I let out a short belch, my Master's pee burning the back of throat as the gas emerged from my maw. All of that was forgotten with my Master's next words.

"You really were thirsty - you drank it all up so quickly! You're such a good girl, princess."

I couldn't help but giggle as his lips came down to meet mine again in a short, sloppy kiss before I let out an involuntary yawn. My Master smiled and stroked my beard, twirling the long, bristly hairs with his fingers.

"Aww, is my princess tired? Why don't you take a nice little nap here on the couch?"

I nodded in agreement as another yawn escaped my lips, curling up on the couch with a crinkle and placing my heavy head in my Master's lap. I was vaguely aware of the noise of a television turning on and a paw resting gently on my face to stroke idly at my facial fuzz as I quickly drifted off to sleep, the taste of the lion's piss still strong on my tongue as I faded into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up with a start, my eyes blurry as I adjusted to the light. It took me a moment to realise that at some point during the night Master Isaac had placed my pacifier into my mouth, so I idly sucked on the rubbery nub as my body began to wake up. I shifted positions and the diaper between my legs crinkled wetly - it was damp because of a night-time wetting, but nowhere near as swollen as it had been when I arrived, so I made a conscious note to resist any attempts at a change. Briefly I wondered where my Master was until he tip-toed into the room, quickly realising I was awake, and shot me one of his big, friendly grins.

"It looks like Princess Sleepyhead is finally awake! Need a change, slave?"

I shook my head in response but he walked over to me and slid his hand into my padding to check for himself before he confirmed the same thing I realised when I woke up.

"Hmm... Damp, but nothing serious. Come on through to the kitchen so we can get you some breakfast."

My stomach growled in appreciation at the mention of food, and I eagerly let him take my paw to lead me through to the kitchen. It was only then under the bright light of the new room that I realised he was entirely naked, an observation that quickly formed an embarrassing tent in the front of my diaper. As if on cue, the lion reached back and grabbed the bulge, giving it a squeeze.

"You like the view, slave?"

I gasped sharply, biting my lip as he held me by the most sensitive part of my body, leading me by my cock to the table.

"Yes Master... You have such a sexy body... It's amazing to finally be able to see it for real..."

My voice was quiet, as if in hushed awe of the lion's naked form. He truly was my ideal man - tall and stocky with a plump cushiony ass that looked as if it could swallow you whole. He chuckled as he sat me down, giving his alluring rump a shake as he walked over to a cupboard and began pulling things out.

"Well you're going to be getting much better acquainted with this 'sexy body' of mine before long, slave... Your Master wants a tongue bath."

I could almost hear my member straining against my diaper at those words, imagining running my tongue along the pads of his feet, through his chest hair and wrapping it around his-


I let out a loud involuntary groan as my cock exploded in my padding, a thick load of panda seed slowly soaking into the lining of my diaper. I was panting audibly, my tongue hanging out of my mouth, more embarrassed than I'd ever been in my entire life - it was very obvious to both of us what had just happened. My ears flattened against my head as my Master walked over to me, putting my bowl down in front of me before leaning down to plant a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm glad that excites you as much as it does me, princess. Eat up!"

I giggled sheepishly and quickly ate my breakfast. My Master had been kind enough to make me the food I brought with me from home, and I devoured it hungrily, my stomach aching by the time I was done. The lion sat across from me the whole time, studying my face the same way I'd studied his in the car on the way here - by the time I was finished eating the fur around my mouth was covered with porridge. Smiling, my Master leaned across the table and wiped my mouth clean, handing me a mug of warm water to rinse the oats out of my mouth before leading me back through to the living room, making himself comfortable as he signalled for me to make myself comfortable with him.

"I think it's about time for my bath, slave."

I nodded eagerly, my heart fluttering gently as I climbed into his lap facing him, placing one of my legs on either side of his own. I leaned in close, letting my tongue lull out to lap at the sweaty fur around his neck and mane. Slowly but surely I worked my way through the thick musky fur, letting my Master's soft moans encourage me to work faster. Before long my tongue found its way to his chest fur. I saw the familiar smirk cross his face as he yawned, placing his paws behind his head, exposing his armpits. A fresh wave of much stronger feline musk wafted towards my sensitive nose, and immediately my erection returned to strain against my diaper... Something which didn't go unnoticed.

"I knew you were a stinkslut, slave, but I didn't realise it'd be that easy! Come and clean out your Master's sweaty, greasy pits."

All I could do was moan as I pushed my face into his bushy underarm fur, inhaling deeply as the overpowering musk filled my lungs with it's intoxicating stench. The next fifteen minutes were a blur, my tongue working over-time to draw out as much of my Master's sweat as my tongue could handle, swallowing the tangy fluid with glee. It wasn't the first time I'd given someone a tongue bath, but it was like the lion had been working out before I woke up - he was surrounded by a thick, heady, natural odour that was driving me wild. When one armpit was sucked and slurped clean I moved on to the other, giving it the same treatment as my Master looked on in approval. Once I was sure I couldn't draw any more sweat from his pits, I moved back to his chest, giving each of his nipples a soft lick before I worked my way downwards, placing my footpaws on the floor as my tongue flattened the lion's fuzzy belly fur. I could tell that my beard was drenched in my Master's sweat, and it only spurred me on more as my tongue dipped into his belly button, cleaning it inside and out whilst his hard, thick member drooled a steady stream of pre-cum all over my chest. The further down I cleaned, the further up the streak of gooey pre-cum spread, until eventually I was staring directly as the source.

But I had a job to do - as much as it pained me to do so, I ignored the fleshy sex organ entirely, running my tongue along my Master's inner thigh, my nose just fractions of an inch away from bumping into one of the most potent sources of his stink - his large, grungy balls. The soft, sweaty orbs taunted me, daring me to roll them around in my mouth and savour the taste, but instead I pulled away, sliding off of the couch entirely and giving my attention to the next dirty part of my Master's body - his large, smelly footpaws. I pulled the first musky footpaw into my lap, burying my nose into it and inhaling deeply, moaning loudly as my tongue slipped out and made contact with the leathery footpad. The flesh was warm and pleasantly wet already, making it much easier to clean... But I still took my time, drawing out every lick for as long as I could, making sure to slather every square inch of my master's footpaws in panda saliva. He growled and flexed his claws in appreciation, using his free foot to scratch my chest, rubbing his potent footstink into my fur. Once the first footpaw was clean, I mirrored every action on the other, until both footpaws were nearly dripping with my spit. Having cleaned everything else, I knew what was next, and so did he - those tantalising balls. He wrapped his paw around his cock, keeping it out of the way as my nose pressed deep into his greasy sac and sniffed. I almost came again from the smell alone, but managed to refocus as I dragged my tongue across the feline's sensitive balls. The soft, loose flesh moved with me, rising up and dropping along with the movement of my tongue. Gently so as not to accidentally scratch my Master with my teeth, I carefully guided the first musky orb into my mouth, suckling very softly on the sweaty treat. This got a long low moan out of the lion, digging his claws into my shoulders, the feline appendages catching in my onesie and clooking small holes in the cotton. But I didn't care, I was in heaven. Repeating the process with the second orb, I finally set my sights on the ultimate prize. However, as I leaned forward to lick his member my Master stood up.

"Not so fast, princess. I think you're forgetting something..."

With that he turned around, leaning forward slightly and prying his cheeks apart to display his tight, winking tailhole. He draped his tail over my shoulder and used it to guide my face closer to his puckered hole. He was right - in my eagerness to get my first taste of my Master's cock, I had completely forgotten one of my favourite parts of a thorough tongue bath - a deep rimming. I licked my lips and gently replaced his paws with my own, allowing him to support himself better and lean further forward, giving me better access to the hole in front of me. A fresh wall of musk was emanating from the lion's rump in front of me. Without hesitation, I moved my face forwards, letting my nose bump against the ring of muscle, snuffling and sniffing and snorting eagerly at one of my Master's most intimate places. Once I was familiar with the scent, I pushed out my tongue, letting it sink into the lion's hole, eliciting another growl of appreciation from my musky master. I'd given a thousand rimjobs before, and I always gave them well - you'd struggle to find a more eager asslicker in Scotland than me. My Master's knees trembled as I worked on his hole, working up from a simple rimming to an aggressive tongue-fucking. I was in my element, and knew exactly how to make another man cum in the exact position I was in now, but I found my head being pushed away, the lion collapsing on the couch, panting wildly. I knew I'd done a good job - I always did. While my Master regained his breath I repositioned myself between his legs, ready to finish cleaning him before I was once again pushed away. I whimpered cutely at my Master, begging him with my eyes to let me have what I wanted, but he just grinned that familiar grin and ruffled my headfur.

"Soon slave, soon. There's just one more thing I need my princess to do before she can finish cleaning me."

It took him a moment, but the lion pushed himself to his feet, his knees still shaking slightly as he strolled through to another part of the house. I followed him on all fours, wagging my padded rear from side to side for no-one in particular as I found myself looking up at my Master's bed.

"Be a good girl and get up here on all fours."

I dutifully obeyed my Master, scampering up onto his bed and getting into the desired position. I wasn't sure what he wanted until I felt both of his paws on my diapered rump. I gulped nervously, waiting for the command.

"Now slave, I know you can get your diapees more than just wet - show Master Isaac what you can do."

It wasn't the first time I'd been diapered around someone else - it wasn't even going to be the first time I messed my diaper for someone. Despite that, I found my heart creeping into my throat again, a deep anxiety creeping through me. I lowered my head and once again my ears flattened against my head. My tail flagged up, signalling what was going to happen. I hesitated for a second, and my Master could sense it. I couldn't do it, it wasn't going to happen... Until I felt a reassuring hand on my thigh.

"Go on, Shanyuan. Make Daddy proud."

That was all I needed to hear. Almost without thinking, my hole relaxed and the first log of soft, smelly panda dung began to ease out of my tailhole and bulge out the seat of my diaper with an audible crackle and stretching of plastic. Once the floodgates were open, there was no closing them; more and more sticky, stinky waste flowed freely from my hole accompanied by several loud, dirty blasts of flatulence. It wasn't long before the rear of my diaper was a large, shapeless bulge roughly twice the size of a softball. I began to breathe heavily as another wave of muck powered out of my hole, spreading the foul-smelling mess further across my furry rump. I could feel my Master's eyes concentrated on the growing bulge in my padding as the thick foul stench of stinky diaper filled the room. With a final gassy burst my bowel movement was over, and I let out a sigh of relief. I turned my head back to look at my Master, and was met with the biggest grin I'd seen yet.

"I knew you had it in you, my poopy pampers princess! If I didn't know better I'd have thought my slave was a big fat skunk!"

I laughed and shook my messy rump at him as he climbed onto the bed with me. I went to move, but he motioned for me to stay in place as his thick, musky cock came into view again. I took the head of his musky stinking cock into my mouth, finally getting the treat I so desperately craved. As my head bobbed further and further down the lion paw on my back did the same until it was cupping the stinky bulge in my padding. I risked taking my Master's entire member into my throat, and he responded with a throaty growl, his paw firmly squelching the soft lump of panda shit against my chubby ass. I couldn't help but moan around the thick cock jamming open my maw, arching my back involuntarily in pure, unadulterated pleasure. I was finding it increasingly hard to focus on giving the lion his blowjob - despite having only given a couple of blowjobs before, I had always been told I was a natural cocksucker, but now I was faltering. It didn't matter though - my Master was too pent up to require an expert mouth. He pulled out of my mouth and let out a final powerful groan, shooting a thick load of feline cum all over my beard. The viscous fluid coated the dense, dark hairs liberally, my Master's seed dripping from my face and onto the bed below. I gave the tip of his cock a gentle kiss, grooming myself as he regained his energy, his chest rising and falling with deep breaths as I licked the lion cum from my beard.

I was physically and mentally exhausted from our playtime and was turning around to cuddle up with my Master when he grabbed my thigh and held me in place.

"We're not done yet, slave... Take off your onesie."

I blushed deeply under my fur. I knew it was coming, but I didn't realise it would be coming so soon, especially not right after he'd already had such a powerful orgasm. Doing as I was told, I reached between my legs and unfastened the poppers of my onesie before pulling it over my head. I couldn't see my diaper, but I knew how it must have looked - from all the groping and kneading the entire seat would be dark with the stain of our stinky fun, a suspicious that was confirmed when my Master stroked my padded rear affectionately.

"My my, you really are a poopy princess - what a big mess you made! Let's inspect the damage..."

The lion used his claws to cut the tapes on my diaper, but all that accomplished was letting the soggy front fall downwards - the seat of my diaper was still clinging firmly to my rump. My Master carefully removed the smelly garment, revealing my fat, filthy ass positively caked in my own shit. I heard the lion growl his approval as he put the heavy diaper to one side.

"Now be a good girl and let me get a good look at that mucky tailhole, slave."

Naturally, I was more than happy to oblige. I reached back and slowly pulled my shit-smeared asscheeks apart with a satisfying squelching noise, winking my filthy hole at him. Thinking it probably wasn't obvious through all the mess, I pushed. My hole yawned opened and blasted out a thick, wet fart, taking the rest of my shit fumes out with it, and that's all my Master needed as he plunged his thick lion cock right into my shitty pucker, taking my anal virginity with a single powerful thrust. I grabbed onto the sheets, bit my lip, and let out a cry of pain. I hadn't expected it to hurt so much, but the lion wasn't going to give me any time to get used to the intrusion as he pulled his member out to the tip and slammed it deep into my shit-packed bowels all over again, covering his crotch and belly and thighs in a thick layer of fresh panda manure. Thrust after thrust he ploughed deeper and deeper into my fat, stinky ass, the lewd slapping of his messy body against my equally filthy rear filling the room with the sound of nasty, dirty sex as he stretched me to accommodate his girth thrust by thrust. I could feel that he was approaching his climax; my hole was tight and well-lubed, it would only be a matter of time before he was filling me with a second load of lion seed, and he wouldn't be the only one cumming. I had managed not to cum whilst I was bringing him to his first orgasm, but his thick cock kept rubbing and prodding at my prostate, and my panda meat was dripping and twitching and ready to blow at any second. Without much warning, my Master's claws dug deep into my back, a booming roar signalling his second orgasm of the day as rope after rope of hot, sticky feline seed was pumped into my fat smelly rump. The feeling of being utterly dominated in such a filthy, stinky manner sent me over the edge and my cock began to spasm, my tailhole pulsing and rhythmically clenching my Master's member as I coated the bed in a thick, gooey pool of panda cum.

The lion was still panting as I collapsed into the musky mess underneath me, his cock being milked for all it could give me whilst he was still hilted fully inside me. After a few more moments, he collapsed on top of me, slowly letting his softening member slip out of my hole. He let the remains of his orgasm slowly dribble out onto my thigh as he dragged me onto my side, holding me tightly in his new filthy bed. We were both covered in my cum, and there was a thick layer of panda shit between my rump and his crotch. I knew the next tongue bath I gave him was going to be a significantly longer and stinkier experience, but there was nothing I wanted more. As I was drifting off into an afternoon nap, my Master's lips appeared next to my ear, as he whispered the four words I had been longing to hear since I stepped off the plane.

"I love you, slave."

"I love you too, master."

I turned my head and pressed my lips to his in a long, tired kiss that seemed to last for hours. I smiled at him and nuzzled his mane before turning back around and rubbing my nasty rump against his crotch. He responded by releasing the contents of his bladder all over my back, soaking my fur and marking me once and for all as his own... And cuddled up in his bed of filth I slipped into the most comfortable sleep I ever had, knowing that I still had five days to spend with the most important person in my life.