Meeting The Dragon

Story by The Silent Fox on SoFurry

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I was sitting at the edge of a lake, hoping that I would finally get a chance to talk with the dragoness who came here every night. The sun had just reached the tops of the mountains and was slowly starting to disappear behind them. With every little tick of time I couldn't help but get more and more nervous about actually meeting her. I hate to admit that I had been spying on her for the past five nights, but I simply couldn't help myself. She was simply too beautiful for me to not watch her. The white scales that graced her body seemed to glow in the darkness and she moved with such grace it was like

watching a dancer. Her size surprised me the first time that I saw her; most dragons, or at least the ones I've had the pleasure of meeting were always rather large. But not her she could have only been about 4'5'', shorter than even me, and as a fox I've always felt rather short. I was so lost in picturingher in my mind that was until I heard the footfall of some large creature behind me.

I jumped up and spun so fast I thought I was going to go in a complete circle, conveniently for me I didn't. I found my eyes resting on the form of a huge black dragon. He had to be at least ten feet tall, double my height. He looked thoroughly pissed off and I got the strong feeling that he was pissed at me thou I had no idea as to why. He was clenching and unclenching his hands into fists. The dragon took a step toward me and needless to say I was terrified as he towered over me. My mind was racing, trying to figure out why this dragon was here and more importantly why he seemed so pissed at me. Then the only possible solution I could come up with was that this dragon was the mate of the dragoness I had come here to meet. If that was true and he found out about

why it was that I was waiting here he would probably kill me. He started towards me and the only thought that ran through my head was that I was going to die. It looked as if thought he was going to walk into me before he made a quick sidestep and continued past me to the edge of the water. I don't know if he touched the water or not but I heard him spin around his tail splashing into the water. I was so filled with fear that I couldn't even turn abound to face him. "Why are you here?" the dragon growled at me.

I finally managed to at least somewhat overcome the fear I had been feeling and turned to face the dragon. "I'm here to meet the dragoness that comesto this lake at night," I found myself stammering out. It didn't take me long to figure out what I had just said was probably really stupid since I believed this dragon to be her mate. The expression on the dragon's face became unreadable, but since his fists were clenched tightly I figured that I was about to die. Then I heard the dragon start to chuckle before he started to laugh loudly. I sighed in relive "so you're not going to kill me."

The dragon gave me a wicked smile and bent down till we were eye to eye. I had to strain hard to be able to hear him. "And who said I wasn't going to." My body froze in fear, I couldn't even shake, I was completely paralyzed. Then I heard that dragon laughing again, "I'm only joking."

"Th... that's not funny," I snapped at the dragon. I was trying to calm down my breathing and regain my composure. I can't believe that this dragon was making jokes with me especially since I had honestly thought he was going to kill me.

"I don't know, it was pretty funny to me," the dragon said still laughing slightly. He turned and sat down on the edge of the lake. "Why don't you sit down little fox." I wasn't sure if I should or shouldn't sit down but it seems my mind was working on its own as I lowered myself down and sat on the bank next to the dragon. "So you want to meet the dragoness who comes here at night huh?" The dragon looked a lot calmer now which was good because it was helping me to calm down as well.

"Yes," I managed to stammer out, "do you know her?"

"You could say that," the dragon said in a low voice. There was a light smile gracing his features. I was unsure about what I should say next so decided I should simply remain silent. The dragon seemed to be watching the sunset very intently. I couldn't handle the silence, I just had to say something.

"So what's your name?" I ask the dragon, hoping that I hadn't down anything to make him angry again.

"You know little one, it's very rude to ask someone's name without giving your own first." I had never even considered that I was being rude by asking that question, but I felt stupid after he pointed it out. Luckily for me the dragon didn't sound angry or upset.

"Umm... sorry my names Rain."

"Rorek," the dragon said. His eyes had not left the setting sun once since he had sat down. A long silence followed, but this time it didn't fell as awkward. We both simply sat there watching as the sun slowly set behind the mountains.

"Do you know when she'll get here?" I ask.

"As soon as the sunset's she'll be her." I wanted to ask Rorek more questions but I figured he was probably getting annoyed by all my questions. He was completely still with the exception of his breathing and the slight wiggle of his tail. I turned my attention back to the sun which was now almost completely out of view. My nervousness of finally being able to meet the dragoness starting to return as it got closer and closer to being dark. It wasn't till it was almost completely dark that I noticed a slight glow around Rorek; and now that I was looking at him with more focus he seemed to appear much

shorter than before. I closed my eyes and gave them a quick rub thinking that I was simply imagining things. When I opened my eyes to look at him again I saw that the dark coloration of his scales had faded to a very familiar pearly white. The large powerful form of Rorek was no longer next to me, but instead sat the lovely form of the dragoness I had so greatly sought to meet.

I must have had the most dumbstruck look on my face because when she looked at me she chuckled loudly. It was the most divine sound that I had ever heard. I couldn't bring myself to comprehend what exactly it was that had happened, so I simply sat there my mind drawing a total blank. She smiled softly and even in the darkness I could tell how beautiful she looked. "You're confused," she said in voice that I thought could only belong to an angel.

"Yeah, completely and totally confused."

"Don't worry I'll explain," she sighed deeply as she prepared to explain what exactly had happened. "To put it basically, I'm cursed. Forced to live as a male during the day and a female during the night."

"I'm still a little confused. So are you, are you two different people?"

"No I'm not two different people I just have two different bodies." She shifted slightly before leaning up against me. I put my arm around her and she was as soft and delicate as I thought she would be. It was incredible having her lean up against me. "I'm sure you have lots of questions that you want to ask me, so feel free."

I was hesitant to ask her the one question that I truly wanted to, so I decided to simply ask something else first. "Do you have your own name? Or do you still go by Rorek."

"No I don't go by Rorek. My name's Kai." I just loved hearing her voice; it was like music to my ears. She nuzzled against my shoulder sending shivers down my spine. Despite the fact that I wanted to desperately know if she had a mate I just couldn't bring myself to ask. But as she rubbed up against me harder, I couldn't help but run my hands along her body. My hand brushed up against her breast and I froze, unsure how she was going to react. I stayed still waiting for some kind of sign that she wanted me to continue. When I felt her tongue run against the side of my muzzle I was sure it was safe. I cupped her breast in my paw, it was nice and firm and it felt incredible to be able to hold it. But the feeling of holding it was short lived as she moved; my first thought was that I had down something wrong, but she quickly dispelled that as she pushed me on my back and straddled my chest.

Kai bent down to kiss me and I raised my head and meet her half way are lips locking together. Are tongues swirled and danced around each other as we explored each others muzzles. We were both panting when are lips separated. I could feel my cock pressing hard against the fabric of my shorts; I had never felt so turned on before especially not just from one kiss. I desperately wanted out of my shorts. It was like she was reading my mind; she turned around and started to fumble with the button on my shorts. Kai struggled with the button but managed to get it undone, she quickly pulled my shorts off and ran her claws down my shaft sending shivers of pleasure through my body.

She turned around so we were face to face again. "Kai I...," she pushed her lips against mine and I knew she wanted the same thing I did. We rolled ending with her on her back, never once breaking the kiss. I finally broke the kiss as I slid down her body; I let my hands run over her breast giving each nipple a little pinch as I moved downward. I took in a deep breath enjoying the beautiful scent of the dragoness under me. I let my tongue run over her sex reveling at the sweet taste that filled my mouth. I continued teasing her with my tongue loving the sound of her moans of pleasure. I just couldn't wait any longer I had to have my cock inside her now. I positioned the tip of my cock against her sex and slowly started to push forward. I moaned loudly as I slowly made my way into Kai. I simply sat there for a minute simply enjoying the pleasure of her insides squeezing against my cock. I slowly started to pull out the cool air of the night only making me want to trust quickly back into her.

Both of us you're moaning loudly as I got into a steady pace. My thrusts quickly started to pick up speed as I felt myself getting closer and closer to cumming. I felt her body spasm under mine as she moaned loudly, her insides pulsing around my cock as she came. A few more quick thrusts and my own orgasm hit and I filled the lovely dragoness under me with my hot, sticky fox cum.

I collapsed next to her both of us still panting as we snuggled up against one another. We wrapped are arms around each other and hugged each other tightly. We stayed like that for a long time while are breathing slowly, slowed. As the warmth and afterglow of are mating started to fade, it was quickly replaced by the harsh chill of the night. Kai was shivering and it took me a minute to realize that I was to. We both pulled up against each other tighter to increase are warmth but it did little, it was just to damn cold.

"I didn't know it got this cold at night" I said as I tried to cover Kai up with my body to keep her warmer. Kai pushed me back a little and gave me a big smile, as she sat up. I quickly followed her movement and sat up as well.

"Come on," she said as she stood up. She looked a little shaky as she stood up but she recovered quickly. She took a few steps toward the woods before she stopped and looked back at me. "Well, come on. It's only going to get colder out here." I stood up quickly and started after her as she led me into the woods. The woods seemed a lot different at night, but Kai seemed to know where she was going.

"Where are we going?"

"There's a cabin up a little farther that we can stay at for the night." I caught up with her so we could walk hand in hand. It was only about fifteen minutes before we entered a clearing with a small cabin. It surprised me that the door wasn't locked, but I didn't argue with it since staying here was much better than sleeping outside in the cold. Kai headed straight for the bed as I closed the door behind us. I quickly followed after her and sat down.

"So do you know the people who own this place or something?" I asked wondering if we actually had permission to be here or not.

"I'm not really sure that anybody does own it. But I do know that lots of people come here to stay for the night when they don't fell like heading back into the village."

"So it's alright for us to stay here."

"Yeah," she said softly. She yawned largely and that's when I realized just how tired I felt. We both pulled the blankets back and slid under them, before snuggling up against each other again. We gave each other a quick kiss and whispered I love you to each other, as sleep slowly clamed us.