Stranger Part 9

Story by Wolf Tomorrow on SoFurry

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#11 of Stranger

Kit was furious, he was sorrowful, he wanted to kill someone, he wanted to die, to disappear. He got to watch his boyfriend kiss some other man, and the fist thought he had was to run away. He didn't even want to look at Jav anymore, or even think about him. "How could he do that to me... How?!" His eyes were starting to show slits, and the rare passerby would inadvertently stare in his direction before a withering glare had them high-tailing it out of the way. More and more tears leaked out of Jav's eyes, until he was trying desperately not to break down crying. He turned to walk home, roughly shoving Vincent out of the way. "Oh! Why did this have to happen?!" A constant stream was now rolling down his cheeks as he made his way down the sidewalk in the downpour. Kit stormed down the sidewalk, Marie's apartment building coming up on his side in the middle of the biblical-proportion rain. He walked into the lobby and jammed his finger at the up button to the elevator, but in his impatience whirled around, grabbing the handle to the stairwell door. "Stupid Jav... Damn cheater..." He muttered under his breath, taking the stairs two-by-two in his anger. Finally stepping into the apartment he ran headlong into Atti. "Oh... Kit, sorry, can't talk have to go to my brother." Kit harrumphed and stepped past him quickly. Atti looked back in confusion, but kept going. He brought up his cell, Jav's call still open. He could almost hear sounds of crying coming out of the speaker. "Hey...are you okay?" He heard Jav sniffle through the phone. "No Atti...I'm not okay. Just...come here, please." "I will." He practically sprinted down the stairs then, halting at the lobby door. He ran through it onto the section of sidewalk covered by the awning, and waved his hand for a taxi. Kora sniffed at the air, smelling wet fur. Judging from the rather stomp-like steps heading in his direction something bad was about to happen. The door opened wide and the rush of air hit Kora's back as he turned to see his angry brother. "Kit...? Kit, What's going on?" He noticed his brother's eyes and instantly went submissive under the glare. Jav put away his phone and stepped into the reception area of his apartment building, completely drenched and quietly crying. He slowly made his way to the elevator and punched the button, staring at the floor as it made its way down to the lobby. He was in it in a few moments, and inside his apartment in a minute. The room seemed empty without Kit, Jav's footsteps echoing in the silent space. Atti sighed lightly while traveling down the sidewalk. He thought he heard Jav crying on the other end of the phone, and upon entering Jav's apartment building and seeing the wet footprints it was a little harder not to feel worried. Wasting no time Atti made his way up to his brother's apartment and knocked politely. "Jav! It's me, open up!" In the back of his mind he was certain something bad had happened. Jav looked at the door. "It's unlocked..." He said in a small voice, and returned to looking down at the floor, his mind reeling with thoughts of Kit...his smile, his cute way of cocking his head to the side when thinking...his eyes filled with tears again, and he let out a soft cry of anguish, slowly sinking to his knees. Atti walked through the door, seeing Jav on his knees nearby. "Jav! What's...what's wrong?" He knelt down next to his depressed brother, rubbing his shoulders in concern. "K-Kit...hates me..." He closed his eyes. "It's all my fault...Vincent came up to me when Kit and I were walking, and..." Jav's mouth twitched. "And...?" Atti pushed his brother on, clueless to what was going on. He had heard what Jav said, but didn't believe what he had heard. Kit, hate Jav? How could that even be possible? "He kissed me...he started trying to make out with me...and I couldn't get him off of me." Another small groan of sorrow escaped his lips. "And Kit saw." Atti's face fell instantly. "Stalkerbunny seriously kissed you out of nowhere? Oh, where is that rabbit, I'll..." He started grumbling under his breath. He couldn't believe this, even hearing it straight from his brother's lips. "I didn't even think he had the brain to talk, all that obsessive crap he spouted just sounded like someone pulling his string." Atti shrugged dismissively, trying to cheer his brother up with a joke. Jav sighed. "Yes, he did...and then Kit ran off. Atti...I don't know what to do. I feel helpless. I can't talk to Kit, there's no way he would let me. And he hates me now." Jav put his arms around his younger brother, clinging to him. "Please...tell me what I can do..." Atti sighed aloud, rubbing Jav's shoulders calmly and letting him get it out of his system. " should call him...he may be mad, but...I know how much you mean to each other. He can't be mad forever, and once he knows just how everything happened, there's no way he could remain mad at you. I know, everything seems to be ruined, but only if you give up and let Kit get away because of it!" He patted Jav on the back, trying to rally him into feeling better. "No, Atti...I can't call him. He wouldn't pick up the phone. I know, I tried calling him before I called you. I need to see him myself, that's the only way." Jav stood up. "Call Kora...tell him to make sure Kit doesn't leave." Kit growled under his breath, clenching his fists hard. He wanted to walk back out there and tear the rabbit limb-from-limb for even daring to take his boyfriend away from him. "Damn it all..." Another growl issued from his throat, his tail flat against the bed. Kora sighed, concerned for his brother and still not sure of what was happening. He timidly walked up to Kit's door. "...Kit? What's going on?" He asked, not really wanting to hear the response. Kit glared at Kora through the door, his eyes still looking like slits and his fur was ruffled. "Jav... That no-good cheater was kissing another man!" He punched the bed angrily and he let out another growl. Kora's jaw dropped. "Jav? Cheating?! I...I can't even picture that." His mouth moved a little, trying to form more words, but completely unable to think up anything. "He was kissing another man while I wasn't looking. I saw it with my own eyes." It didn't seem like his mood was getting anywhere close to improving. Kora frowned. "Kitsune. There's no way Jav would cheat on you...he loves you with all of his heart. I could see it in both of your eyes whenever you were together. There is absolutely NO way he would have been unfaithful to you." Kora stepped into the room and slowly approached his brother. Kit closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm telling you I saw the two kissing with my own eyes. He was all over Jav!" He growled again, thinking back on all the times they had shared. Through the anger a tear began to well up under his eye and a whimper escaped him. A thought occurred to Kora. "Brother...was Jav kissing him back?" He sat down on the bed next to Kit and gently put his arm around him. Kit cocked an eyebrow. "What?" He tilted his head out of habit. His fur dropped a little, reason taking over his anger and pain. "Kissing back...?" Kora looked his brother in the eyes. "You said that someone kissed him. Did he kiss the guy back? Did he..." Kora almost couldn't say the next part. "...look like he was...enjoying it?" Kit thought back to the painful happening. A slight hint of realization shot over his face and he cursed aloud. "Shit..." Without thinking he stood straight up, a look of grim realization on his face. Kora allowed himself a tiny smile. "So..." He was interrupted by a buzzing from his pocket. He brought out his cell and looked at the screen. A picture of his boyfriend with a small heart over it was displaying. He flipped it open. "Yes hon? Hello? Atti?" He looked at the phone again. A blinking symbol of a battery was on the display. "Crap. Anyway, Kit...go to Jav. Tell him that you still love him...make him feel better." He hugged his brother close. "Go. Now." Kit's ears were flat against his head. He had barely registered what Kora said and quickly rushed out the door and out of the apartment complex. The rain was still coming down hard, and Kit's eyes were clouding up with tears as well. (Please don't let it be too late...please forgive me, Jav!) At that moment, Jav was sprinting down the street through the downpour, his feet hitting the sidewalk. The rain ricocheted off of his body, but he paid it no attention...his mind was set on one thing and one thing only: His love. Kit was openly crying while he ran down the sidewalk. Nobody was left out in the streets, and the whole time he was too far into his mind to pay attention to what he was doing. (Oh I was so stupid, I was too quick to be angry!) He ran past another person running the opposite direction, not realizing who it was. Jav flashed past someone running the other way, then stiffened and slid to a stop. "Kit?!" He said, loud enough to be slightly audible above the thunder. He spun around, shocked that he just ran past his lover. He began to run after Kit, hoping to catch up before he was swallowed by the rain. Kit heard Jav calling out behind him and comedically tried to stop, skidding to a halt but not before falling on his knees. Quickly correcting himself he got back to his feet and spun around, running for Jav with eyes full of tears. "Jav!" The two furs collided under the rain, raindrops and tears flinging off of the pair of lovers. Jav tightly wrapped his arms around Kit, crying openly now. "Kit! Kit, oh my god! I'm so goddamn sorry..." He buried his face in the crook of his boyfriend's neck, his shoulders shaking with sobs of sorrow and joy at the same time. "I'm sorry..." He said quietly. "Please, please forgive me." Kit was shaking with a mixture of grief and happiness at once. "Jav...I was such a fool. I jumped to conclusions, I assumed the don't need forgiveness, I do." Kit sniffled and sobbed into the hug. His tail was between his legs, and his ears were flat against his head. "I understand if you never want to talk to me again, but I...I'm so sorry." Jav looked up from Kit's shoulder, and stared. "Kit...why would I ever not want to talk to you? You're my're the most precious thing in my whole life." He sniffed. "And I almost lost you...I couldn't live if that happened." He kissed Kit on the lips hard, tears still tracking down his cheeks. He held Kit tight, as if he could disappear if he didn't have him close. Kit whimpered and hugged the cat closer, wrapping his tail around Jav's waist. "I don't know how I could live without you, Jav..." The rain and lightning gave up when the two embraced each other, and slowly the clouds overhead dispersed. Jav smiled, his heartbreak now fully given way to joy. "And I couldn't live without you. I love you, my wonderful fox...and I never want to be without you again." The fox smiled, sniffling a little under the influence of the tears and rain. "We should get going... It's been too long of a day." Jav shivered a little, for he was completely soaked. "Let's go home and relax...I want to get in bed with my foxie." Kit smiled at his once-again lover and draped his arm around him. The two walked down the sidewalk together in the chill night air, heading back to Jav's apartment.

Randall waited until he heard the door shut, then turned to his boyfriend with a happy grin on his face. He sat down on the couch next to him, and cuddled up to Matt. "So...what do we do now?" Matt smiled down at the husky practically sitting in his lap. "Hmm...I'm not sure. We have the whole house to ourselves... there's TV, games, we could go for a walk..." He started listing things off with an absent-minded look to his face. Randall put his arm around Matt. "Or...we could get a little more...comfortable." He smiled slyly. Matt cocked an eyebrow and continued to smile, running an arm around the smaller boy. "What did you have in mind then?" He giggled, rubbing Randall's side lightly The smaller husky put his hand on his lover's abs. "Being with you...the way nature intended us to be." His face flushed a little. Matt gasped and his face lit up. " mean it?" He blushed brightly under his fur, and nuzzled up against the dog's fur. He was nervous about doing much of anything in all honesty, but with Randall he felt ready for anything. It was a feeling he had never had with anyone else. Randall moved up right against his lion, and began rubbing his hand in circles on Matt's abs. "I do, Matt...I want us to be together fully." He kissed him on the neck. "Do you?" Matt's blush deepened. "O-o-of course!" His tail swished to and fro. "I'd do...hell, anything for you. Anything you want me to do." He thought in the back of his head that he shouldn't have sounded too eager, but it was too late to take it back now. "Awww..." Randall hugged Matt tight. "Then, let's move to your bed..." Matt smiled widely, nervous and excited all at once that he was going to do something so close with Randall. "O-okay..." He got up, and quickly thinking scooped the husky up in his arms deftly. He smiled and carried his lover up to his room. "'re such a gentleman." Randall said, grinning ear to ear at being carried by his mate. He pecked him on the lips a couple times as they entered the room. "I definitely try my best for the one I love." He smoothly replied to his lover before setting him on the bed gently. He lay next to the younger love and snuggled up close to him. "You're such a handsome doggie, you know that, right?" He smiled and kissed the dog full on the lips. Randall smiled at the compliment and the kiss, and when it was broken said "And you're a very beautiful kitty." He giggled, eyeing the tall, muscular lion. Matt grinned and blushed in response. "Thanks..." He muttered before it hit him; he had no idea what Randall wanted to do. He didn't want to go too far too fast, or to do the wrong thing at the wrong time. "Wait, Randall...what do you want to do? I mean, I don't want to do something you aren't comfortable with." He chuckled nervously. " 'bout we just...explore at each other, and see where it leads us?" He looked up at his love's face and smiled shyly. Matt smiled silently at the offer. "Mmm...that sounds nice." He smiled and caressed his love's head before delivering a passionate kiss, closing his eyes slowly. Randall's eyes closed soon after, and he kissed Matt back deeply, in heaven with the feeling of his mate's kiss. " me with these clothes, sweetheart?" He said when Matt pulled away. Matt's eyes went wide and he coughed a little bit, blushing hotly. "S-sure..." He fumbled before he ran his hands under Randall's shirt, feeling his muscles underneath. "Oooh...have you been working out?" He giggled lightly. Randall's face went a little red, and he smiled. "Maybe...maybe I've been doing push-ups every day, for you..." Matt purred loudly and rubbed Randall's abs for a while longer before finally lifting the shirt away, continuing his rub-down. " shows." He kissed the husky on the neck sensually. "Ahh..." Randall let out a sigh of light pleasure. "I'm glad you let's get you out of that shirt." He said, and smirked naughtily. He took hold of the larger male's shirt, and began lifting it up, his eyes roaming all over the lion's chest. "Wow." Matt was absolutely ripped under the somewhat baggy shirt, his pecs standing out the most. He wasn't overboard, Mr. Universe, but it was obvious that he participated in sports. Even though he had nothing to be embarrassed about, he couldn't help but blush under the eye of the husky. "Wh-what...? You like what you see...?" When Randall nodded he giggled. "Thanks...I like what I see in you, too." Randall smiled and laughed lightly. "So...what do you want to do with me?" He asked suggestively, propping himself up on one elbow. Matt laughed candidly. "A lot. But like I said, some things are better left off for later." He gave Randall's neck another kiss and a light nip. Without warning his hand graced past Randall's crotch still in his jeans, and Matt squeezed gently. Randall inhaled sharply. "...that felt nice..." His own hand reached out, almost not under his control and ran up the outside of Matt's pant leg towards his crotch. He stopped at the upper leg, and began slowly moving his hand in circles. Matt jumped a little, watching Randall come closer and closer to his crotch. When he stopped short he half-gasped, half-moaned. (Oh, he's such a tease...) His tail twitched and his eyes closed. "Mmm... that feels good, Randall...closer, please..." He was at the husky's mercy. "Not just yet..." He moved his other hand to Matt's abs and rubbed in circles there, mimicking his other hand. "You like this?" He asked, and kissed Matt's neck a couple times. Matt swallowed hard. "Oh Shi...y-yes..." The cat was putty in Randall's hands and they both knew it. For a weight-lifting sportsman, Matt seemed to be a rather docile and submissive person. Randall nuzzled the older fur, and moved his hands a little bit closer to Matt's crotch, then moved them away, relentlessly teasing the lion. "And you like me teasing you, don't you?" He said quietly, sensually. Matt whimpered lightly, purring and at the same time growling. "Please...please touch whatever you want to me..." The cat was desparate, wanting, needing to be touched. His back arched a little bit and his pants began to tighten. "Heh...of course..." Randall said, and licked Matt's neck. He moved one of his hands from Matt's abs to the top of his bulge, and brushed his fingers over it a few times. "Oooh...big..." He said in a low voice, and blushed that he had said something like that out loud. Matt let out a low mrowling noise when the dog touched him, followed by a low moan. He almost literally melted, so sensitive to Randall's advances. "Mmm...oh feels so good...Randall...I love you!" He blushed, his mind shut down with lust. Randall let his hand lay on top of Matt's pants for a moment, then slowly moved it up and down a little. "Mm...I can tell you love this...but I'd like some attention too." He looked down at his own crotch and smiled at Matt. Matt blushed hotly. How could he have forgotten? Slowly, tenderly, he reached up and rubbed against Randall's pants, noticing a bump of something hard. With a shock of realization he gasped. "Oh my...'re so hard...and big..." he giggled giddily. Randall blushed as well and shrugged his shoulders. "Thank keep going." He said, and fingered the button at the top of Matt's pants. He lifted the fabric up, and unbuttoned the male's pants. The fabric around Matt's crotch tented out even more, and Randall smiled. Feeling the button pop out of place caused Matt to gasp hard, his hand fidgeting against Randall's rapidly growing maleness. He decided to mimic the motion himself, and soon found that he was unbuttoning his lover's pants just as well. He was so nervous, and was trying his hardest to hide it. Besides, it felt so right, and he didn't want to stop for anything. Randall could feel Matt's fidgeting. "Don't be so's all okay." He took the zipper of Matt's pants between two fingers, and slowly began pulling it down, Matt's endowment pushing up with every bit the zipper opened. He moved his other hand in circles on Matt's leg again, but this time to stimulate rather than tease. Matt gulped and nodded silently. He felt so stiff, and Randall rubbing his leg only served to make him harden even faster and more completely. He fumbled with Randall's zipper as well, but soon had the pants open, rubbing directly through the dog's underwear. "Oh Matt..." Randall said, then let out a low moan as he felt himself be rubbed, Matt's fingers sliding over and pushing his maleness. "Honey..." He pulled down Matt's pants a little, and lightly grabbed the larger male's stiffness through his boxers. Matt's entire body stiffened and he let out a low moan. What had been left in his sheath had now fully ejected and he was his full seven and a half inches. With a loud purring in his chest he followed Randall's example, but taking it one step farther by reaching into his love's underwear and grabbing on straight. "Ah!" Randall's back stiffened and his eyes opened wide. "Ohmy..." He said, and breathed in deeply. "M-Matt...that feels good..." His own maleness twitched in Matt's grasp, and he relaxed his back a little. The cat smiled through his sudden reversal of the situation. He slid Randall's pants and underwear down further to allow ease of access and got to work. He rubbed the hard member in front of his eyes slowly and lovingly, taking his time and making sure not to hurt Randall. A bead of pre appeared on the tip, which he quickly got on his hand to use as a makeshift lube. Randall's eyes slid halfway closed, and a quiet sound of pleasure came from his lips. "Yes...keep doing that..." He said in a low voice, and started to do to Matt what Matt was doing to him. He felt the stiff lion meat in his hand, heat emanating from Matt's pole, and he smiled inwardly. Matt gasped, his eyes fluttering shut while he let out a powerful moan. "Oh god..." He continued rubbing Randal's cock when a thought pushed into his mind. (I wonder what he tastes like...?) Without warning a rough tongue shot out from its mouth and ran up the length of Randall's hard-on. Matt began to purr loudly enough for Randall to hear. (Delicious...!) "Oah!" Randall let out a loud, pleasurable moan and flexed his hips a little. "Jesus, Matt...that felt so good..." His chest heaved a little. "C-can I...return the favor?" Matt was simply in heaven from the reaction he had gathered from the lick, and wasn't expecting the offer. Still without missing a beat he let out a quick "Yes!" to the question. Randall smiled, his face still red. He slowly pulled Matt's boxers over the male's erection, the elastic just barely clearing the tip. His jaw dropped. "" He said. From Randall's point of view, Matt was HUNG. The lion cock stood straight up, slightly throbbing from the teasing earlier. Randall moved his head slowly forward, as if in a trance. (Ohmy god, I can't believe I'm about to do this...) He thought, and opened his mouth, letting a bit of his tongue touch his lover's tip. Matt gasped and inhaled sharply, letting out a whimper of pleasure. "Oh god feels so good..." He continued to rub the husky's rod in his hand, giving another lick without warning the husky yet again. "Oh...I could say the same to you..." He gave his boyfriend a few more licks, feeling Matt purr more. He moved a little closer, and took the tip of Matt's rod into his mouth. (Mmm...he tastes great!) With yet another gasp his eyes shot open, looking down at the husky lovingly suckling on his hard-on. His lip quivered and his body just melted at the feelings, his every thought enflamed with lust. His hand began to idly increase in pace, and before he could even control himself he was licking the meat in his hand, and had soon taken it into his own mouth. "Mmm..." he marveled at the taste. Randall took more of Matt into his mouth, then gasp-moaned around the lioncock as Matt started to suck on him. He increased suction on Matt's rod, creating erotic sucking noises that made his face go a little red. He moved down more on Matt, using the muscles in his mouth to press down and turn Matt on even more. The lion moaned around Randall's cock. (Th-that's not fair! Well...we'll see what this does then...!) With that he let up on his control over his purring. Vibrations flooded through Matt's chest and up into the cock he was sucking on. He went down further on the husky, and the purring intensified. (A-aah...god... this feels amazing...) More moans escaped Randall's mouth as he felt the purring. (Oh lord...oh god this feels so good!) He humped upward reflexively, but got himself back under control. Randall marveled at how good he was feeling, but not even close to climax yet. (Wow...the only time I felt this good when pawing was right before I came...) Matt coughed and gagged a little when Randall thrusted forward. (Oh god...too much!) He pulled back a little and continued. He began making sucking noises inadvertently and couldn't stop himself from becoming more and more ravenous around Randall's meat. (Mmm...) It suddenly occurred to him: (This is the longest...I've ever lasted!) The two lovers continued with each other for a full three minutes, letting up if one sensed the other coming close. Finally, Randall took his mouth off of Matt's rod briefly. "Honey...please, let me come this time!" He said plaintively, and resumed sucking on Matt with vigor. Matt took his cue and went into overdrive. His tongue began to swirl around the head of Randall's cock, and he purred and moaned as hard as he could. He could feel his own climax coming for what had to have been the tenth time - he had lost count - and he wanted to make sure that Randall came first. "Mmmm..." (Oh god... this is it!) Randall's whole body shook as he felt himself coming closer and closer to a blissful climax. He let out a loud moan around Matt's meat as he felt the first wave of pleasure hit him. (Oh god oh god oh god...) His mind completely blanked out as the second, third, fourth...many waves of pleasure wracked his teenage body. He began to spray seed into Matt's mouth, his chest heaving and panting in the throes of orgasm. Matt was caught off-guard by the fluid shooting into his mouth. He realized that it felt strange, but at the same time he couldn't complain about the taste. The thoughts, however were soon erased from his mind when he felt his body pass the point of no return. (Oh-Oh-Oh!) He yelled around the cock still in his mouth as the first powerful burst of lion spunk shot into Randall's waiting mouth. His claws came out as a reflex and his tail flipped into the air while his hips thrusted without warning. (Oh god!) (Holy shit!) Randall thought, and gagged a little bit when Matt thrusted. He felt the lion's seed start shooting into his mouth, and quickly pulled back to taste some. As the hot cum covered his tongue, he sighed in infatuation. (Oh, he tastes so good...) Matt suddenly found himself wanting more of the treat he had just gotten. Almost like a baby with a bottle he tried sucking on Randall's tip, trying to get more out of the husky. (I-it tasted so good...!) He felt his orgasm winding down, his final spray of cum leaving him with a tired and fulfilled feeling. (God, yes...) The afterglow began to tug at the edges of his mind, causing him to become groggy. Randall let Matt's cock out of his mouth, and exhaled heavily. He put his arms around Matt and put his head in the crook of his lover's neck. The two were silent for a long moment. Finally Matt broke the silence with a purr and a kiss on the lips. "Mmm...I love you, Randall..." He kissed again, only this time pressing his tongue in on the kiss, hoping to escalate things. Randall let Matt's tongue in with no resistance, his body practically limp from the intense lovemaking he had just experienced. His eyes closed, and the corners of his mouth turned up in a small smile. Matt noticed the taste of his lover's mouth with an inward laugh. (So that's what I taste like...) He broke the kiss slowly, nuzzling the husky nose-to-nose and smiling. "That was amazing." "I know...I loved it." Randall sighed in happiness. "And I love you. Never let me go..." He said, holding onto Matt. Matt got a devilish look on his face suddenly. He leaned in, putting his muzzle right next to Randall's ear and began to whisper. "Maybe a little later we can do something even more adventurous, my lovely doggie." He growled amorously and winked. Randall smiled and blushed lightly. "Maybe...for now, I just want to rest..." The big cat smiled warmly and nodded, snuggling against the husky that seemed to fit his body perfectly before the two nodded off to sleep in each other's arms.