A Warm Winter's Evening

Story by bear_dragon_lover on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Story contains sexual acts and some foul language along with other non-suitable things not ideal for non-adults. The entire story takes about 18 minutes to read for the average reader. If you are just looking for the yiff, the first beginnings of it begin at about 7 minutes, or about 1/3 of the way through, but I suggest you read the entire story. Enjoy! And Rate and comment! This is my first yiff story and I enjoyed making it and reading it over and over and getting aroused by it! ;D * * *

A Warm Winter's Evening Rock drew in a long, deep breath of cold mountain air. He trudged along the snowy mountainside carrying a sack tied to his back filled with firewood. His brown fur was covered in small patches of snow and the cold of the ground underneath him was frigid in the pads of his large feet. He wore a black bandana around his neck and his small satchel around his right thigh filled with personal items and a 3-inch long knife, he never went anywhere without his satchel. He cursed, searching the ground for the trail he was following. Snow blew into his eyes and he squinted and let out a sigh of moist, warm air. It evaporated quickly in the cold. He could barely see through the forest directly ahead of him, the trees barren from the winter. Rock worked as an ambassador for village negotiations. He was a bigger, middle-aged brown bear. He has some girth to his body, but would not be categorized as being fat. He had soft, brown eyes and a wet, black nose with broad shoulders and a thick, warm coat. His drooping stomach sloshed from side to side with every step he took. He was currently trying to resolve a conflict of trade taxes between his village and the one residing on the base of the mountain. The bastards were so greedy and selfish that he could not get either to agree with the other via mail, so it was left to him to travel to the other town to negotiate directly. He liked his village. He lived alone, but it was filled with plenty of other friendly bears, with lots of cubs and many caves and dens surrounding a large lake. He had left only a day ago and the trip would take two full days walking, if the weather cooperated. He needed to find a cave or somewhere to spend the night on his travel; the sun was already low in the evening sky. The winters were dangerous because hunters made more rounds through the forest, armed with spears and arrows looking for meat to help aid for their winter survival. Rock paused and cursed the bad weather and tried to get his bearings. He was not sure he was even on the trail anymore. He searched and sniffed for his own scent, but found nothing. The wind let up and the snow now was falling in a slow side-to-side manner. It felt almost calm. Rock now spotted a land-marker he had passed on his trip already, he had lost time. He repositioned himself on the narrow trail, just as it turned a corner and thought he heard a low rumble in the ground. He cocked his head toward the ground to listen, but before he knew it, CRASH! Something barreled into him with some force. It knocked him to his side, but he was quickly on his feet. The collision was not too severe. His eyes fell upon a smaller female. She had a beautiful face and a clear-cut muscle-toned body. She carried only a small pack on her back. The odd thing was that her fur was snow white. He barely would have spotted her if she was not directly in front of him. He pondered why her fur was white; it was a rare color of fur to be found in the mountains. She shook her head, regaining her composure and stood. "Sorry about that,"her words came in quick breaths and she kept her vision downward at Rock's feet, avoiding eye contact, "We really need to get out of this area though..." Rock began to question why, but the twang of an arrow rang from behind him. Rock doubled over in unimaginable pain, an arrow lodging itself into the inner side of his left upper thigh, where it connected to his groin and torso. "Son of a bitch!" he muttered under his breath. All he could do is close his eyes and clench his teeth as the nerves in his left leg screamed and burned with fire. He grabbed for the arrow, touching it burned his entire body. He rolled in pain. He could feel his heart pumping where the arrow had invaded his body. The female gasped in surprise. She looked up and stared down a hunter loading another arrow into his bow from his position twenty feet behind some bushes.Rock managed to glance at the hunter. He noticed that he was younger. The female reacted on an impulse and instantly charged him. The hunter tried to shoot her, but she reached him before he got the shot off. They now were jostling around in the bushes, the hunter screaming in terror, shielding himself from her mouth and razor-sharp teeth with his bow. Rock tried to stand, but instantly collapsed in pain. He grinded his teeth together. He was a sitting duck. Rock snapped off the end half of the arrow lodged in his underside, but the stone-tip was fully under his skin. The snow around him was now covered from his bloody leg. He looked back at the female, watching the hunter kick at her legs. He tried to get on all-fours again, but his leg gave out and he landed on his knee. He felt dizzy. His vision blurred. Sounds became drones. He blinked and shook his head, which made him dizzier. The female had now pushed the hunter up against a tree. Rock fell to all four knees, staring at the ground, his mouth filling with saliva. He picked up his heavy head. Female. Snow. Pain. He winced, becoming very weak. His muscles were becoming so very heavy. Ah! The pain was so excruciating. Blackness filled his peripheral vision. The ground quickly rushed toward his face, a final sound filling his ears as someone yelled out at him, but he did not comprehend it and blacked out... * * * Rock's eyes fluttered. He drew in an unsteady breath. He blinked and put his hand to his face, wiping sweat from his forehead. He clutched his hair on his head and winced as his body hurt all over. Warmth was filling his face and belly, inviting him. He opened his eyes again and a blurry, dancing fire greeted his gaze. He put his weight on his forearm and lifted himself up. Still groggy, he turned and looked around. He was in a small cave with a fire and a burning pot, located in the center, only a few feet away from where he lay. He spotted his empty wood bag, satchel bag and bandana against the wall. He looked down over his body. He began to move his legs, but an eruption of pain stopped him. He gasped for breath andtightly closed his eyes as he now remembered what had occurred. He started to turn over so he could have a glance at his leg, but a cry came from his left. He looked up. The same female stood at the small opening of the cave. He looked past her, it was dark outside; he had been out for some hours. The opening of the cave was very thin, barely enough room for him to slip inside. He wondered how she had gotten him here. She slowly took some steps into the depth of the cave, the fire light illuminating her body. She cautiously dropped an armful of wood from the bag on her back. "H-how are you feeling?" she asked timidly, her face showing concern. He wondered why she was acting so afraid, being cautious and placing the wood down so softly. He ignored her question. "What happened on the trail?" he asked quickly. His eagerness made her smile. "I let the hunter run off, I injured his arm, but I let him live; however, he won't be shooting arrows for some time" she said with a wry smile. "How did I get here?" Rock questioned from the ground. "I half-dragged/carried you here," she replied. "YOU carried me here??" Rock restated in surprise, looking over her smaller frame. Again, more laughter. "Well, ok, more dragged, you are heavier than I thought," she stated and tossed some wood into the fire. Rock frowned. "And I made you some food to eat." He looked to his right and a plate of two fish lay by his side. He quickly tore the flesh from the bone and devoured the meat from the fish. Again, she smiled at his actions. He noted her smiling. "What's your name?" Rock inquired. "My name's Nadine" she crossed her front paws and bowed a little. "I'm Rock" he replied still lying in the same position. A short pause filled the air as they both remained motionless, waiting for the other to say something. "H-how do you feel?" she again asked, and again it was soft and filled with concern, almost embarrassment. He looked down and saw a bandage wrapped around his upper leg, tied tightly. It was fastened very well, and that impressed him. She was looking at him cautiously, watching him inspect the bandage. He looked up and met her gaze. She looked away when he looked back at her. "WHY is she acting so afraid of me?" he thought to himself, did I do something wrong? "Listen; don't feel bad that I got tagged by a hunter. It wasn't your fault. I was stupid of me for letting my guard down." He blurted out, assuming she could be feeling bad because of that. She caught onto his thinking. "No, it isn't that. Well..." she hesitated, "Y-yeah, I feel bad, I did distract you, and it was clumsy of me to run into you, but I try to avoid confrontation, that's why I was running from the hunter and not fighting him, but when he shot you..." another pause, "...I just didn't know...h-how you would react waking up." Again, he didn't catch her drift. She noticed that as well. "Your bandage..." she said, nodding to his lower section. He looked down, "What, you fixed me up so well. You did a great job," he replied. She did not respond and looked away again, somewhat frowning. Maybe he was missing something. He inspected the bandage again. Nothing, it was perfect, flawless. Then his mind caught her thinking, and why she was being so timid and embarrassed. The bandage was only inches away from his manhood. He looked down. His balls were touching the cloth and she obviously had seen and probably even touched him while repairing his wound. He sheath lay limp on top of his sack and he now definitely knew that was the reason she was acting so timid. "Hey, I appreciate the care you gave me," he said, "I know I could not have fixed that up as good as you did." She smiled again, lightly. "The wound isn't too big," she replied taking a step toward him, "but I had to dig around to get that arrowhead out, it was in deep, and it will probably take a week to fully heal." He frowned again. "Well we better get some rest," she said and turned to walk to the entrance of the cave. Rock caught a glimpse of her ass. He quickly averted his gaze and cursed himself for looking there. She put a large stone over the entrance of the cave, sealing it up from the cold winds. Nadine strode back and put some more pieces of the wood in the fire. Rock watched her do it. Again, their eyes met. "Tired?" she asked him. "Very," he replied and put his head down on his front paws. She came over his back side and plopped down next to him. She scooted toward him, making their backsides touch heavily. He grunted at the contact, but it was somewhat comforting. She rested her head on her paws as well. He looked into her soft, blue eyes. "Good night Rock," she said and rolled her head over to face away from him. "Good night Nadine," he replied and closed his eyes. He wanted to thank her for getting him out of danger, preparing the fire, fixing his wound and making him a meal, but he quickly and quietly fell asleep next to her. * * * Rock awoke some hours later to a cold draft. He swallowed and shifted his weight back toward Nadine only to find cold ground. He shifted a little more, still coldness. He opened his eyes and picked up his head. She was gone. He looked around. The fire had faded away to an orange glow. The stone blocking the entrance had been moved, allowing a winter breeze to stroll in. Rock shivered. He, cautiously, got to his feet. Pain, again, enveloped his leg. He waited a few moments to get used to it, and took some steps forward using the wall as a balance. He reached the opening and crawled/squeezed out. A pile of wood lay five feet from the cave. He exhaled. It appeared as Nadine had woken up before him and gone to retrieve firewood. He was somewhat worried about her. They had only just met, but Rock felt as if she was beginning to grow on him. A soft sound tapped at his ear. It was a steady patter of water hitting the ground. It continued, not growing louder or weaker. He followed the side of the cave around, keeping his balance and passing the pile of wood. His eyes then fell on Nadine, her backside, a steady stream of urine leaving her as she was standing on three legs, with one raised up, not the typical way for a female to do her business. Her body and fur glistened in the moonlight. Rock couldn't help himself but stare directly at her vagina and the fluid leaving it. It was so moist and the shimmering, the white fur below seemed to be soaked. Rock felt blood flow to his member and a growing sensation in his lower section. Nadine had barely even finished before she came down on all fours and turned around. She saw Rock. Rock froze, as a shiver ran across his skin. "Were you watching me?!" Nadine accused taking rapid steps toward him. "No...uh, well, I w-woke up and you were gone," Rock stuttered, searching for words, "then I came out, and saw the firewood, and figured you had gone to get firewood, because there is firewood here, on the ground, so I waited, and then heard something, and I came...around...the corner..." He faded out, meeting her stare. After a few awkward moments, she bought the story, smiled and said, "Fine, well help me put the firewood in the cave," with a slight apathetic tone. He moved, still confused at what had just happened, to the cave entrance, feeling his member poking at the opening of his sheath. He really did not want her to notice. She tossed the wood over to him as he waited at the entrance and flung it into the entrance of the cave as quickly as he could. It only took a few moments. He scurried into the cave and laid down in the same area as before, trying to hide himself. Nadine began to rekindle the fire. He wanted to apologize to her, but Nadine spoke first. "Is it all right if I take another look at that wound, make sure it's not infected and it also may need a new bandage." Rock almost stuttered, but caught himself. He knew what that meant, she would be right there, in front of his package. Rock had mated twice in his life before, with two different females, neither of them to have cubs. Bears had to mate consistently and frequently in order for the female to release the egg to becoming fertilized, but it had been a long time since he had been on the ‘job'. "Is that ok?" Nadine questioned innocently, turning toward him with the fire started up again. The warmth was inviting. He met her gaze, and she took that as an agreement. She got up and sealed the cave again. Rock avoided glancing at her backside this time and focused on relaxing. It wasn't that he did not like to mate, he was just very shy and lacked experience, and she was so much younger than he was. Nadine brought over her bag and the remnants of the supplies from Rock's satchel. Rock shifted and sat on his behind and leaned back up against the cave wall, taking a deep breath. "It would be easier if you were on your side," Nadine calmly said, as she put a paw on Rock's left thigh and sliced the bandage open with Rock's knife. Rock faked a smile and shifted his weight to his right forearm and lay on his side, he couldn't believe he was going along with this. He watched Nadine take away the bandages. The first couple were clean, but then ones covering his direct skin were coated in blood and other fluids. Nadine picked up his left leg and Rock felt open as he was now exposed to her direct stare. However, he glanced at her face and she was focused on his wound on the back of his left thigh. Luckily, his growing erection had not become visible. "Stay still," she jeered, showing the first aggressiveness Rock had seen from her. Rock shifted his weight back and let Nadine look over around the wound, he felt so exposed, even if she was looking at the wound, his sheath and balls were right there, it was impossible not to see them in the peripherals. He cursed at the bastards for not negotiating with him, he cursed getting shot at such an awkward location and he cursed the situation he was now in. She prodded at one part of the wound. Rock winced. She noted it, and prodded again in the same vicinity. "Hey!" he objected, moving slightly away from her. "Sorry," she apologized and went back to work. Rock felt that the wound was actually starting to feel better as she worked on it. Nadine began to poke around the wound, wiping away fluids and adding herbs and oils from her pack to the wound when necessary. Her constant poking was beginning to arouse him. He tried thinking of other things, taking deep breaths, his hometown and even multiplication tables to attempt to take his mind away from the poking only centimeters away from his member. He couldn't help it; he felt his erection coming back. "Are you almost done?" he inquired as innocently as possible, hoping for the correct response. "I need to make sure this is clean, you have no idea how deep that arrowhead went," she responded with concern. Nadine held his leg strong, but her grip only increased his oncoming erection further. He felt himself growing, his member ready to poke out of his sheath any moment. She loosened her grip finally and turned to grab new bandages. Rock again caught a glance of her ass, "Fuck," he swore to himself and looked down; his erect member was now poking through, red growing from his sheath. He swallowed and cursed again. Nadine was turning back around. Rock quickly pulled his leg down and lay on his stomach, hiding himself. "Hey, I wasn't done," she complained. He did not move. She waited longer, holding the bandages in her paws. Rock was now trapped. He started to explain, "Nadine, I-I, um..." but could not gather the courage to say it, he sighed and glanced away from her. Nadine waited and then suddenly got up and shuffled off a couple paces away from him and stopped, dropping the bandages. "You're a bit excited, aren't you?" she finally said, the words coming out so smoothly. Rock shut his eyes. She knew?! He looked back at her, her back facing him. She didn't move, waiting for him to respond. "...yeah..." he finally spoke softly. Nadine half turned to look at him, but stopped. Rock kept focused on her face. It looked as if she was going to begin to cry. Short gasps escaped her as she started to sob. She was crying. "I'm so sorry," she said and turned full around toward him. Rock looked back at her tearing face with concern. She bowed her head and continued to cry. "Hey, it isn't your fault..." he started, trying to calm her. But she cried out loudly and ran toward him giving him a giant hug. The force caused him to sit back upright. His semi-hard member became sandwiched between his body and hers. She sobbed into his chest with her arms around his waist. He only could hug her back and he felt the warmth of her body meet his. His arms fell around her back and he picked her up gently, the pressure increasing on his cock. She was now crying heavily and he felt her tears fall upon his chest. He embraced the hug, it had been so long, and he tightened his grip over her, laying his head on hers, his arms enveloped her small body. Her crying softened, but she still left her face buried in his fur. He was enjoying the moment, but she took her head from his chest, and slid back down his body, rubbing her stomach unpurposefully against his cock. Rock's toes cringled atthe feeling. She now sat in his lap facing him; Rock felt wetness on the base of his member, right above his balls. He wiped away a runaway tear with the backside of his claw from her face, pretending not to notice the wetness. She smiled slightly. "I have to tell you something," she stammered, looking into his eyes. "Anything," he replied trying to comfort her. She opened her mouth to say something, but hesitated and closed it in silence. He thought quickly, "Hey, you can tell me..." he paused, "I was honest with you with my, uh...problem, and you basically are giving me a free lap dance right now anyways, so what could be so bad?" She laughed and smiled at that, still holding on to his waist. He sighed, he wasn't sure she would appreciate his dry humor. He was just trying to make her feel as comfortable as possible. "Ok, but promise you won't be mad," she said. He nodded. "I...kinda masturbated after you went to sleep," she paused briefly, "to the thought of me cleaning your wound, it was right before you found me outside, I didn't get a chance to clean up." She started speaking rapidly now, "There is just something about you, your body, your charisma, your charm...I know we just met, but you were full-salute when I was cleaning you." Rock blushed, "You've got to be kidding me," he thought to himself, "I struck a hard-on without evening knowing it, to a beautiful female while she was doing me a favor." "But..." she continued and looked away, biting her lip, "I kinda did fondle you a little bit in the process." She winced, giving him a quick glance, unsure of his reaction. Rock was awestruck. He didn't know how to respond. "Y-you fond-, what?" he stammered. She didn't say anything. He thought to himself. "Ok, I get shot, she fixes me wound, bats my shit around while I'm out, treats me so nicely when I wake up, sleeps next to me, then gets off to me because she likes my charisma, but does it in private, and now tells me?" She was blushing now too, avoiding his eyes. She loosened her grip on his waist and pulled her arms back to her body. Rock's member was now fully erect, standing up in the air. She glanced down at it. He noticed. "Well, why did you go out there by yourself in the cold weather to do that?" he questioned, ignoring his hardness. "I don't know. I didn't want you to know, it shouldn't have happened, I don't know why I did it, it just happened..." she trailed off, feeling embarassed. "Ah fuck it," Rock thought to himself. She was beautiful, he was aroused, and her wet vagina was sitting on the base of cock for heaven's sake. She had already fucked herself to thoughts of him. He leaned over, put a paw on her chin lightly, and turned her face to his and planted a moist kiss straight on her lips. He felt her body shiver as they embraced. He pulled back after ten seconds or so. She stared into his deep, brown eyes. The fire crackled warmly. He figured she would just smile again and laugh again, but she leaned forward again and kissed him, open-mouth, and invaded his mouth with her tongue. This caught Rock off guard; she was now fully leaning into him. He responded quickly as their tongues met and they made out for well over a full minute. She leaned back with another smile. "What is it this time?" he said, raising his eyebrow. She pointed downward and he looked. The lips of her vagina were half closed around the base of his red cock. He now noticed how big he really was, or maybe it from comparison, she was so much smaller than he was. He pondered if she could even take a full mounting from him, but that thought was interrupted as she positioned her hands on his shoulders and moved up on him. The wet lips of her vagina slid moistly across the length of his member. Rock moaned and he looked up at her. She slid back down, slowly. Rock again hummed as he felt her warmth emanate over every inch of his full length. "NOW I am giving you a lap dance," she giggled. They met again for a long kiss, tasting each other. Her friendliness made him aroused, and yet secure at the same. He felt that this could be more than just amusement. "It may be a bit more than a lap dance..." he managed to say. She pulled away and got up off him and turned so her ass was right in front of him. "Like what you see?" she teased him. "Oh, wow," he murmured softly. She had such a nice ass, and he could already see her pussy was excreting juices. He felt his cock throb. "All right then," she broke off then and turned back around putting her face close to his cock. She looked back up at him. Oh he wanted only to fuck her so hard, he didn't care that she was younger, smaller, he wanted to make her scream, beg and plead for him to stop. She smiled once more, seductively, and ran her long tongue from the base of his hard member all the way to the tip. Rock had to balance himself. He put a paw on her shoulder. She giggled and lightly sucked on the tip of his member. "...fuck," he sighed as the feeling of her mouth on him was so pleasurable. He had never received a blow job before. It was almost too much. She stopped sucking and responded, "that's exactly what I intend to do." And then took him fully into her mouth. He shifted his body for her to get a better angle at him and put his other hand on her shoulder to keep himself stable. All of his 10 inches slowly entered her mouth. He wondered how she could fit all of him inside her mouth. Then he felt the back of her throat. He moaned deeply. She was trying to swallow him. "Oh, oh, oh my god..." Rock moaned. Nadine let out a slight giggle and hummed to make a vibration on his cock. She loved the taste of his meat. Nadine swallowed multiple times, the roof and back of her throat rubbing the very sensitive front part of Rock's head. She was wasting no time. He felt his climax starting. "Nadine, I'm getting close," he stammered trying to fight his climax and giving her warning, he didn't know her full intentions. But, she pressed on; grasping his balls with one claw, massaging them, then took a deep breath around the girth of his cock still in her mouth and shoved it as deep as it went down her throat, rubbing the entire underside with her warm tongue. Her face pressed hard against his lower abdomen fur. She gagged a couple of times. Rock couldn't hold out anymore, he placed his paws over her ears and tried pulling her deeper onto him, the nerves of his cock screaming in ecstasy. "N-nadine!" he cried out, but she held his cock firmly in the back of her throat, bobbing her head quickly. He felt his head going down and back up her throat rapidly until finally he bucked his hips forward and shot load after load of warm, flowing cum into her throat. He heard her trying to swallow, but he kept thrusting into her face hard, fucking it wildly. Four more thrusts later, she couldn't take him anymore, and released his cock gagging, cum spraying out of her mouth onto the ground and her face and chest. She coughed a couple more times, Rock standing there, grasping his cock, watching down on her and waiting for her to stop, concerned. She finally did and looked up at him, wiping her face with the backside of her paw. "HOW did you learn how to do that?" he said panting, enunciated each syllable, still feeling a high from his ejaculation. "Oh, I have learned over the seasons," she responded smirking, "...but you know what I really want." She slowly turned and stuck her ass in the air. He stared deeply into her filthy, wet, pink pussy. "I don't know..." he started, "I might break you in two, you have such a nice ass," he put a paw on her backside, "and I wouldn't want to completely destroy it." "But I have never been so turned on before," she whined, sticking a claw up her pussy and licking the savory juices from it. Rock moaned at the sight of her tasting herself, her pussy still inviting him into her from his standing position. "Well..." Rock hesitated. "You just need to get rolling," she said, and backed up into him, grinding her warm ass against his cock. He placed his hands on her back, stabling himself. She rolled his cock around her ass and pussy; he felt her wetness all over his flabby stomach fur. She stopped and looked back at him. He gripped his cock and placed it against the lips of her vagina, she smiled. He leaned forward and placed his stomach on her back with most of his weight. He bent his knees slightly, still mounted on her from behind, and slipped in his head past the lips of her waiting pussy. She moaned. Juices flowed out of her and over his shaft and trickled down his fur to the ground. He slowly entered her, placing about half of his girth into her. He stopped as her tightness was squeezing him greatly. She threw back her head in delight, crying out loud. "Fuck, you feel so good, damn you're so big!" He waited and listened to her panting as her walls opened more for his cock to drive in deeper. He pushed further, feeling his member slide past her moist walls. She mounded louder, with a sense of instability in her voice. "Is that too deep?" he asked. She didn't answer, pondering. He waited and she pulled off of him and out from underneath him, sliding to the side. He fell to all fours, frowning. She inspected her pussy and then looked at his still hard cock. "I know I can mount that," said Nadine, "I want to mount that." "Maybe try another position?" Rock asked, still wanting to fuck her like a dog. "No..." she sighed, "That kinda was uncomfortable when you were going slow, so just put all of it in this time right away." Rock chuckled, "You're kidding, right?" he responded. She turned and took the position again, spreading her legs wide, "No, just pound me, ok?" she responded. "Oh, fuck," Rock thought to himself again, staring into the walls of her waiting vagina, "She really wants it...well then I'll give it to her." Rock mounted her again and waited for her to stabilize. "Ready?" he asked, still wanting to confirm with her. "Yeah." she said, "I want all of it." Rock placed his head just passed her outer walls, got a firm footing and rammed his entire length forward, hilting her. She screamed as the force knocked her forward a bit, Rock holding her hips tightly, keeping her on him. "Ah, FUCK!" she screamed, "Do it again!" She moaned. Rock wasn't going to deny her now. He withdrew and pounded her pussy again with all his meat. "Ah!!" she yelled, "I've never been fucked so deep!" Her words coming in shorts gasps. "Again!" she pleaded. Rock again slipped his giant cock out and fucked her like he never had fucked before, pummeling his length into her until her outer wall collided with his lower abdomen. She screamed again, but Rock felt something this time, a quiver deep from inside her. He didn't pause for her to tell him again. He pounded her again and again, not even waiting, every thrust a full 10 inches of hard bear cock being thrusted into her. She moaned every time he rammed her, his balls slapping against the wet underside of her pussy. She seemed to scream louder with every fuck. Rock pounded her 12 more times until he finally knew the next one would push her over the limit. He reamed back and fucked her harder than he ever had, lifting her slightly off the ground when his cocked stopped deep inside her pussy. He felt her insides burst, juices and cum flying out of her pussy. He tried to keep fucking her, but the pressure was too much and he was forced to pull out. An explosion of juices flew through the air. She squirted for a full 8 seconds until she her orgasm finally stopped, Rock's cock and lower core drenched in her fluids. He was so turned on from making her cum. She fell to the ground, panting. "I've never been fucked like that before," she managed to whimper from the ground. "Oh, my pussy, oh, fuck, my poor pussy," she cried out rolling over to her back. Rock looked up and down her wonderful body, his cock still throbbing. He wanted more, it only lasted a few minutes. She lay with her eyes closed. He bent over and picked her up in his mighty arms. "W-what are you doing?" she asked him. Still holding her tightly, he took a seat on his rear and fell backward to lay on his back. He shifted her higher up on him, feeling her tits rub against his chest. "I'm not quite done yet," he answered her. She started to question, puzzled, but then Rock inserted his shaft into her pussy, and placed both of his paws on her thighs. He bucked his hips upward, shoving his red shaft into her. She cried out in surprise and put her hands on his shoulders. "You wanted to mount me," he said, "well now you are mounted on me...and I need to cum again." He kept fucking her from beneath, again every time, every fuck, was his full girth and length, shoving, ramming his cock completely into her. She screamed in pain and delight and ecstasy, it didn't matter. Rock was going to pound her until drained himself. "Oh my GOD!" she yelled, bouncing up and down on him. "Oh, FUCK YEAH!" he moaned, feeling her walls on his sensitive member. He kept her from not taking his full length every time with his paws on her hips, not letting her escape, even if she wanted. He fucked her for what seemed like forever until he finally felt his climax start. "Here it comes!" he warned her. "Oh, god...GOD! I-I-I'm gonna cum again!" she moaned, feeling him pound her harder. He ejaculated everything he had into her, filling her up with his second load. She exploded and cum and juices tried to escape from her opening, but Rock's shaft occupied every cubic millimeter of her pussy. "Ahhh!" she screamed, "Too much!" She yelled as she felt the fluids inside her build pressure. She was still attempting to cum, but Rock kept pounding her, not letting her climax. She dug her claws into his skin. "P-p-please!!" she moaned at him. "Not y-yet," he replied and fucked her more, pounding his cock into her cum and juice-filled pussy. Every fuck made a squish sound and small amounts of fluid were flying through the air. Finally, Rock withdrew from her, and instantly was covered in her explosion of cum and semen. The juices flew onto the cave walls and ceiling, sending a spiky, shimmery array of crystalline fluid through the air. Nadine collapsed onto his stomach, passed out, moving slowly up and down on his massive chest to the rhythm of his breathing. He looked at her closed eyelids and thanked her in his mind for driving him to have such a wonderful experience with him. He reached down to her vagina. It was gaping open. He frowned at the thought, her pussy had been fucked by his over-large cock. He was too big for her. She wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow morning without being in pain, but then again, neither would he, remembering his wound, the adrenaline starting to leave his body and the pain reemerging. He placed his paws around her, pulling her closer to him, feeling the warmth of the fire in their small cave, and then he slowly fell asleep holding her ...on such a warm winter's evening.