Halloween Howling 2015

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Halloween Howling 2015


Heya, folks!

This is a Halloween commission for iconnex-canis: - it might not be Halloween anymore, officially, but anyway, everyone else posted their Halloween stories, so I might as well cash in on the season for a bit longer. *chuckle* i do hope you enjoy this story, and I look forward to your comments, votes and faves! Cheers!


A festive commission for Nex_Canis on a Halloween topic of his choosing - and I put my best spin on it, and here's the result for everyone to enjoy! I look forward to your comments and other feedback - remember that they help others to find these stories to read as well!

Cheers, everyone!


Every day Brandon walked through the hallways of the Department of Natural Sciences at the Taylor University, it seemed that the number of festive grinning pumpkins, spiders, flying witches and skeletons would magically multiply overnight. The cafeteria was selling spooky specials, music blasted from boom boxes with associations advertising their great Halloween parties, and Professor Littmann's skeleton had once again been hauled up the big flagpole despite the Dean's express warning against repeating such a shenanigan after the previous year.

Brandon took it all in a good stride. The young husky still got a bit of an extra wag to his tail from all the silliness going on, even if he did feel like he might have outgrown some of the stuff. Besides, this would be the first year for him on campus when he'd be actually allowed to drink legally, and that meant that it would be easier to get into the even better parties this time around.

His tail might've been curly and waggy enough alright, but his ears flattened briefly when his homebound walk passed the frat house of the Lycabros. The infamous all-canine fraternity had geared up for Halloween with lit-up pumpkins and decorations in its own right, but that was hardly the reason why the husky experienced a mood drop while going past the building. Colored lights had already been strung up - likely some leftover Christmas ones - and they formed letters that nobody could miss out while going by the frat.

"HOWLIN - 15"

Brandon snorted while his eyes lingered on the letters emblazoned on the side of the building. Everybody on campus knew about " The Halloween Howling" , the most exclusive party held every Halloween at the Lycabros frat. Even among accusations of speciesism and angry Facebook posts calling for an equal opportunity entry to the party, it had managed to survive as an invitation-only event. You had to be a canine, and the preference was heavily upon wolves, due to the frat's own deep association with canis lupus to begin with, though occasionally others were admitted as well. This year Brandon had been juuuust a bit hopefully, considering that his roommate, Devin, was a wolf who had been invited the previous year, and certainly being friends with someone who had been invited before was a way to get a good rep with the leaders of the frat? Brandon did know that Devin hung out with that Collins guy, who was an enormous black wolf and a member of the university football team, and that seemed like the perfect way to get on his good side and grab a few tickets in the process as well.

No such luck, Brandon thought somewhat bitterly as the colorful frat fell behind and he continued to stomp on his way, head bobbing along to the music blasting in his earphones. Devin had not been invited, and neither had Bradon, of course not. He felt a bit silly, even, thinking that he might have qualified. It was the party where all the popular kids went to, and he probably wasn't a member of the right cliques for that.

It was a total load of boo.


"Sup sup!" Brandon hollered when he entered into the dorm he shared with Devin.

"Sup man!"

The white wolf could be found on his bed, earphones on and with his laptop over his thighs while his roomie appeared. He looked relaxed, what's with bare paws, track pants and a oversized T-shirt and an open bag of chips by the bed.

"Not much," Brandon replied. "Lecture was okay. Bit tired."

"Heheh," the white wolf smiled over his computer screen.

Brandon got rid of his shoes, backpack and other acessories and slumped onto his own bed. He let out a loud sigh of pleasure when he was finally off his paws.


"That good?" Devin asked.

"Pretty much yeah," the husky said, eyes closed. His tail was finally wagging a little after the previous displeasure, making a shuffle on the sheets on the unmade bed. He never made his, unlike Devin, who was much neater in that sense.

"Sweet," the white wolf said.

"So glad it's Friday..." Devin rumbled. "Ah..."

He listened to the gentle tap of fingerpads on keyboard for a moment before cracking open an ear and looking over at the wolf.

"I better get my strength up though," Brandon smirked, "today's the night!"

He was smirking, and Devin still had a smile on his lips, too, but it grew less so while Brandon's eagerness persisted. That made the dog's ears droop.

"What?" Brandon asked.

Now the white wolf wasn't smiling eat all anymore. Brandon rolled onto his side and looked at him more intently.

"What's up?"

Devin's ears flicked in a very telltale embarrassed manner.

"Eh...I've kinda..some new plans developed since," the wolf said.

"Like what?" Brandon asked. "What's going on."

"Well..." the white wolf continued, "I've kinda got...other plans, so...I guess we'll have to take a rain check."

"Craaap!" Brandon groaned. "You for real?"

"Sorry, man, I just...kinda got somewhere to be," the white wolf said, "I'm sorry I can't make it tonight, dude, I'll make up for it, okay?"

"Oh maaan," Brandon flopped onto the bed. "I thought we were on!"

"I know," the wolf looked guilty, "but I didn't really know until today and I couldn't get a hold of you before..."

"Oh, shit!" Brandon dropped his head against his pillow. "I was looking forward to it!"

"I know, and I'm sorry!" Devin huffed. "I'll make it up to you, yeah? Next weekend, I promise!"

"Bhuh," Brandon snorted.

"Sorry," the wolf said. "Really didn't expect it but...yeah."

Brandon looked over to the wolf.

"So what is it?" he asked. "Were you invited to some sort of a party or something?"

"Uh..." the wolf scratched his muzzle, "just kinda...seeing someone..."

"Oh right?" Brandon grumbled. "So you've got a date and I'm gonna have to stay home alone when everyone else is having a party?"

"You could still go out," Devin said. "All the bars are having Halloween nights. You can still go to the Lefties like we were planning to. "

"I know," Brandon rumbled, "but I don't really feel like it now."

"I'm sorry, man!" the wolf looked genuinely sad now. "I really wish it would be on another night but...well it just happens to be this one, and I really can't postpone it."

"How come you have a date and I don't know anything about it?" Brandon asked. "Who is that girl?"

"Uh...it's kinda early still..." the wolf looked quickly at his computer screen to avoid the wolf's gaze.

"Hah!" Brandon snapped the bed with his tail. "Do I have to go and spy on your Facebook to find out about it?"

"Well I'll tell you all about it when I've got something to tell you, okay?" Devin suggested.

"So you're gonna go out on a fun date, and I'm left here, and you'll also tell me all about it when you're back?" Brandon suggested.

"I didn't mean it like that!" the white wolf rumbled. "I mean, you can go out and have fun on your own!"

Brandon snorted.

"I don't really feel much like it."

Devin cocked an ear at his roomie.

"Is this still about not getting to the Howling this year, dude?" the white wolf asked. "Are you still jealous about last year?"

"No!" Brandon yelped. In his heart he knew that part of it was that, though he couldn't really blame his friend about it. His roommate didn't decide who could go and who didn't.

"Eh...okay, then," Devin said. "If you're sure...are you?"

"Yeah, yeah," Brandon knew that he must have sounded dismissive, and the wolf appeared quite suspicious. He didn't seem all too happy, either.

"I do feel like I've let you down really bad," Devin snorted. "I'm sorry, dude."

"Never mind," Brandon huffed. He dug his paw into his pocket to take out his phone and used that as an excuse to not to continue the conversation. Devin gave him a couple of glances and then returned to his computer. The husky tried to concentrate onto his phone again, but found it hard.


Brandon felt bummed. It wasn't even nine, but he felt like crawling under his covers and sleeping away. Practically everyone he knew was out having a party, and even now his Facebook was getting updates from them, with suitably goofy photos and his buddies saying how great everything was when you had a PARTAY!"

"Shit," the husky grumbled to himself, staring at his phone. He hadn't even bothered to turn on his computer so that he could dull his brain with some Netflix.

Brandon flopped around on his bed. It really felt unfair, him being left out, and it wasn't even his own fault. He just didn't feel like crashing some party where he didn't know anyone. He liked spending his free time with friends, especially while getting drunk. It was no fun to pass out on his own, anyway.

"Fuck," the husky rumbled. He scratched his ass and his belly, mostly out of boredom, and gave his sheath a squeeze, too. Maybe if all else failed he could whip it out and jerk himself off to a nice creamy end. That ought to relax him a bit, at least.

"Bah," Brandon huffed. "Meh!"

He wasn't really in the mood, and just jacking himself off for having nothing better to do seemed a bit suspicious, At least usually it was accompanied by being genuinely horny...

He gave the bed a flap with his tail and finally stepped up. The drowsy doggie slinked over to the other side of the room where a small fridge stood humming on the corner of the dorm. He might as well get something to drink or eat. Their fridge usually stocked a good supply of unhealthy snacks brimming with sugar and salt and fat.

The husky's furs bristled a little with the rush of cool air from the fridge, when the dog bent over to peer inside. There were apples, chocolate chip cookies, soda, juice, a premade sandwich Brandon had meant to be eating the other day but it'd been forgotten into the fridge. The sight of the plastic-wrapped monstrosity made the husky's nose wrinkle.


He grabbed the carton of papaya and mango juice, unscrewed the top and gurgled down a big, good gulp. It was terribly sweet and left a sticky covering onto the inside of his muzzle and his tongue.

"Gah, " Brandon made a face while he looked at the carton that boasted that it had "ALL THE VITAMINS YOU NEED FOR THE DAY AND MORE!" He wasn't sure why Devin drank something like that. Surely even soda had less sugar than this stuff, he thought.


Brandon wiped his muzzle with his paw. Some of the furs on his wrist now stood up once the droplets of juice had stuck to it like glue. The husky put the carton back in the fridge and and closed it. He smacked his lips. His tongue still felt sticky. At least he was no longer thirsty. All that sugar would probably keep him from feeling hungry, either. Maybe he could watch an episode of Orange is the New Black to get his mind off everything.


Suddenly the husky, halfway towards his desk, bent over in pain that forced him to clutch his stomach. Brandon thought he was going to throw up and retched while he hissed curses under his breath.

"Owww...fffuuuck...shit..." he rattled away.

The husky panted rapidly. He found himself collapsing to his knees and clutched his body, still overstruck by the odd sensation coming off his tummy. He coughed and expected a vile mess to pour out of his muzzle any moment, but nothing came, only deep grunts. Brandon's tail stuck against his rear, like it had been stapled there, and he rocked back and forth in confusion. His skin itched everywhere, his fur stood up on its end and it felt like every muscle on his body was twitching. Even his tongue bounced inside his muzzle, hitting his palate and teeth and gums randomly.

"Aahhhaaahh...arggggrraaggg...grrrr..." the husky moaned upon the ongoing virtual electrocution that was taking place. "hrraah...hraah...hraah...hraah..."

His shoulders SNAPPED and grew broader in an instant. The fabric of his T-shirt split on the collar seam from the sudden stretching the cloth couldn't handle. The elastic of his pants had more success when the husky's hips burgeoned in size as well. His glutes rounded up and filled with muscle, itchy, bursting, twisting muscle that spread down his legs to bulge out his thighs into formidable tree trunks with blood vessels snaking along their sides.

"Ohhuuuuuhhhh..." huffed the husky whose lungs were suddenly much larger than before and his voice deepened into a bark with the transformation of his larynx. His teeth grew, his chin strutted out more and his face become even more angular than before, while the baby blue of his eyes melted into a sparkling green.

The curly tail wagged on its own accord, no longer under the college kid's control. It grew an inch of length with every second that passed, became bushier, and the fur upon it shifted into a deep, uniform shade of black that soon covered the entire tail, which also straightened itself up and now flayed the air free of its previous natural curve.

The same black fur traveled along his body in bursts that followed swelling muscle. The shirt became even more ripped when his torso filled out and the arms that had been wrapped around him built some serious heft and bulk and definition within moments. Even the husky's fingers - what remained of husky, anyway - became thicker, and more aggressively curved.

The black wolf threw his head back and howled in a broken voice that could shatter dreams and make little girls cry.


He did not even need to show an invitation. Just appearing on the door was enough to let Grunt in through. He could even tell that the wolf keeping watch at the door cast an envious glance at the black wolf whom was about to gain entry into the most talked-about, rowdy party of the entire Halloween season at the Taylor campus.

Music blasted through the common room of the frat house, encouraging the dozens of revellers to dance, tails and ears swaying even if they didn't take onto the dancing itself. Several kegs and a bar served drinks to the revellers, and most of the were clutching a red Solo cup by the time Grunt joined the fray. The party had been going on for a couple of hours or so and was in full swing easily at that point.

The dark wolf surveyed the the scene in front of him,eyes narrowing with intent, ears flapping to the music. He was a marvelous sight for anyone to see, a wolf almost seven feet tall, standing on thick legs that ended in shockingly bare footpaws. He had certainly not overdressed himself for the party, for the black wolf was only clad in a pair of dark blue sports shorts that hugged onto his firm, muscled rump and thighs and left nothing for the imagination, except perhaps to wonder just how much he was packing in the obscene bulge at the front of the said shorts. The T-shirt he wore seemed to be barely able to contain his torso in it. The armholes clung onto the wolf's biceps like tourniquets, and they seemed to bulge with every movement of his broad shoulders. The outfit was completed by a collar he wore, simple black leather, buckled with brass, and worn tightly about his neck.

The crowd was all-canine that night, as per the rules of the Howling. The elitism of the Lycabros had certainly made sure that only dogs and dog-like breeds had been invited. The majority of them were wolves, many of them impressive physical specimens. Grunt recognized many members of the football team, the wrestling team, even someone from the lacrosse team. It looked like a who's who of the literal top dogs of the campus, whether male or female. The ladies were well represented and cozying up to the hunks that littered the room. The air was full of musk that wafted off so many hormone-filled young, ripped bodies getting loaded with alcohol to top off even that.

Grunt revelled in it all. He breathed in the musk, stared at the swaying bodies, the inebriating energy he could feel in the room. Indiscriminant, his gaze wandered about the girls and the boys, sizing them up as he wandered about the room. Many eyes turned and gawked at the stranger.

Who was he? Where did I know him from? Why hadn't I seen him before?

Grunt moved through the crowd confidently. He did not mind when he bumped into others. A swing from the wolf's shoulder might have been enough to topple the lesser of them, but he was a gentle giant. The big black wolf's smirk did not disappear from his muzzle even when a drunken wolf collided with him and almost spilled beer onto his shirt.

"Grrrrrr," Grunt's throat said.

"Sssorry dude," the wolf in question rushed away to bother others instead.

Grunt arrived to the bar.

"Beer. From a bottle," he extended an impatient paw. The barkeeper was a fox, who hurried to produce the requested beverage and pop the cap.

"Ta," rumbled the big wolf.

The beer disappeared quickly down his throat. He let out a pleased rumble and a huff once he'd downed half of the bottle in one go. Grunt did not linger by the bar for too long. The probability of getting splashed was the highest there, and the furs thronging about it were a nuisance to begin with. This wolf needed a little bit of personal space. He leaned against a wall close to a framed photo of a former frat member who had since gone on to play in the NFL. Grunt gave the photo a glance and snorted, and his smile showed many pearly white teeth. Even the footballer seemed puny in comparison to himself. The wolf let out a pleased grumble. He was truly feeling fantastic, he was on the game, on top of his world.


Furs lingering about paid him much attention. They looked at him, licked up his muscular curves with their eyes, whether in lust or intimidation, or drunken indifference. That was a common occurrence under the circumstances. Grunt was not beyond showing off, his body slowly moving to display different angles of it to his unsuspecting audience. Let them watch, he thought. let them smell. Show them who was the boss.

A couple of giggling girls approached with intentions but felt intimidated by the hulking male and decided on some lesser specimens instead. The big black wolf grinned smugly to himself. He could smell the stench of female rut coming off them. It made him sneer, made the big wolf feel dirty.

He wanted something else. He wanted musk, strong muscles, a powerful body that would feel firm and solid under him. He wanted to bite, to taste sweat and flesh. He wanted to bathe in the scent of a real man, revel in their masculinity. He wanted it expressed in the most solid way possible, the rough slap of hard bodies together in lust.

Even thinking about it sent blood surging into his cock, barely hidden by the shorts. Those girls he had turned away before were truly gonna soon see what they would be missing out on if he'd keep strutting his stuff like he was ,leaning on the wall with his legs spread so that anyone looking could see.

His beer was gone.

Grunt let out a big, manly belch when the bubbles wanted to escape. The noise was thunderous. A nearby German Shepherd slinked away with his tail between his legs.

"Heh..." Grunt grinned to himself. it was good to see that those men knew their place in the wolf hierarchy. He wondered why that dog had even been allowed into the party. Maybe he had connections. It was all about the social roulette here. Grunt didn't give a shit for that. He lived like wolves do, in tune with his own nature.

This big black bad world knew what his nature was. It needed to be let out.

He dropped the beer bottle to the floor where it hit with a clatter but did not break. The wolf joined the throng of furs, undulating and moving, although he was not really dancing along to any particular rhythm. His tune was the beating of his own heart, powerful, deep and as strong as the muscles that rippled along his body with every movement and made him roll along quite naturally.

His nose became his weapon. As he moved along, brushing against furs, men, women, he sniffed at everyone that passed. He sampled even the women, not because he found them attractive, but because some of them might carry the residual scent of someone he wanted.


His fur bristled pleasurably with every passing contact, a body bumping at his own, a tail brushing along a leg, a thigh on thigh. Everything was a pleasure, both the bodies that craved to touch him and the knowledge of the ones that instinctively moved to give the big guy some space.

The black wolf's nostrils flared with the scent he picked up. His head turned sharply to follow the trail of scent, an earthly, deep musk that stirred him and made his tongue water.

"Hhmmm..." the wolf rumbled.

He sniffed and watched, and located the fur in question. It was a wolf, a small brown-eyed twing dancing with a malamute girl with enormous breasts. A second sampling of the scent made Grunt sure that the wolf couldn't be the original source. He just didn't have the hairy, musky balls for it, the big wolf thought with pleasure. He wanted to cop a feel of his own 'nads, but resisted the urge. Even bad wolves had to have manners.

The game proceeded.

He moved among them, seeking the trail of the scent that had been passed from fur to fur, rubbed upon a coat and then transmitted along on a moving, living game of hopscotch taking place among the partygoers. It was intoxicating, and almost infuriating, too. It seemed like everyone had touched everyone, and he could pick up half a dozen individual scents upon almost every body that he passed.

The wolf was getting anxious.

Grunt sniffed his way along two wolves, a vixen, a malamute, a Rottweiler girl and a Dalmatian. The trail seemed to get weaker by that time, but then a passing wolf with a beer cup brought a fresh whiff and let the black wolf to renew the frustrating hunt. The wolf gave him a curious look when his ears picked up the loud sniffling that ensued, but a single glance at the towering canine was enough for him.

Not him.

The wolf was only but a carrier. He looked onto the direction from which the wolf had been coming from, and hit the jackpot after only a few moments of eager searching with all of his senses. A wolf, rugged grey and white fur and sharp brown eyes, barreled chest, paws like shovels even with the thumbs tucked passive-aggressively into the pockets of pants that were barely able to contain all the lupine that he was, in more ways than one. His lips were curled like he was sucking on an invisible cigarette that puffed out growls instead of smoke.

His aloof attitude oozed off him like the musk that Grunt was sure would be found under those thick arms, in their musty, hairy pits.

Grunt let out a sound appropriate for his name. It was time to act, fast. The trail was starting to grow cold. He had to be sure that the wolf was the source of the scent that had been driving him crazy on the makeshift dance floor.

The big black wolf moved among them, nose flaring with intent. He puffed out his chest and made sure to strut himself. He had something to prove. He was not about to let himself down. He wanted that one.

Grunt reached the wolf. This close, the musk was strong enough to tickle his nose. He had to swallow to make the feeling disappear, and it only made the scent more intense, upon his tongue. It felt like he could could lap it up from his very lips if he tried.

The wolf smelled so strongly that the usual personal scent space of a regular wolf seemed to be at least double the size on this guy, Grunt thought, when he approached.

His arrival didn't come unnoticed by the wolf he had been sniffing out. The salt and pepper wolf's whiskers waved with the force of his own breaths, taking in the arrival. Those huge paws moved to his sides and then up his body when the wolf folded his arms across his bulging chest. The wolf's arms were toned enough to make anyone jealous, unless you were currently standing in front of him and sizing him up with a big, dark look on your face, as was the case with Grunt.

"Nice party," Grunt said.

"Hmmmmmh," the wolf did not sound particularly convinced. "Lotsa folks. Little howling."

"That so?" Grunt offered. "You want to howl?"

"Tonight's the night," the wolf spoke in a gravely voice that sent a surge down Grunt's spine, enough to make his tail flap. The air he breathed was tinged with the aroma of alcohol. The wolf didn't seem drunk, though. His words and his eyes were too sharp for that. Besides, the kind of smug arrogance the wolf's demeanor signified wasn't generally associated with being drunk.

"For what?" Grunt asked.

The wolf's lip curled upwards, baring a few vicious teeth.

"Name's Fang," the grey wolf said. "As you can tell."

Grunt wanted to wipe that arrogant smirk off the wolf's muzzle. It was among a great list of things he wanted to do to this wolf, the source of the infuriating, tantalizing musk.

"That so?" the black wolf pursed his own lips.

"Ya," Fang said.

"I'm Grunt," the black wolf said.

Fang's eyes narrowed.

"I bet you are," the hunk said. "And would."

Fang smirked.

"Someone talks a lot," Grunt rumbled.

"I do a lot more than talking too," Fang said.

Grunt flicked a sharp ear upon the salt and pepper wolf.

"I think we both know what you do...pup."

Fang's eyes seemed to flash. His tail swung aggressively behind him and slapped against the wall. The noise made Grunt's ears drop.

"I certainly know your kind," Fang said, "lot of talk, little action. Bad-smelling air and nothing more."

"Hmmmmrrr..." Grunt growled deeply. "I'll show you action if you dare."

Under normal circumstances, some further social graces would have probably been exchanged, but that was not the case now. It was Halloween night, in a frat house full of furs driven by their hormones, by the instincts that the night brought alive in an unusual way. These two wolves had had enough of proverbially sniffing out each other's backsides and had done enough of sizing up to match it. The two towering wolves disappeared up the frat's stairs, away from the booming music and the alcohol that flew freely among the laughing, flicky-tailed crowd.

They entered a dark bedroom, and did not turn on the lights. The air became especially charged once the door was closed and the music dulled away.

"This your room?" Grunt spoke. He did not even try to whisper, or keep his voice down.

"Don't know whose fucking room it is," said Fang.

The wolf grabbed Grunt's arm. He flexed his muscles and growled, his arm as solid as a steel bar and unbendable to Fang's will. Grunt snapped his teeth together.

"Careful," Grunt hissed.

"You won't break," said the wolf.

They grabbed one another, fur, shirt, muscle, fingers finding purchase. Muscles flexed and rolled, and their throats gave out noises that showed both appreciation, and warning They snapped their teeth, tails tense and tucked away, tasting the air flowing out of each other's muzzles. It was primal, saliva slick on their tongues and catching more of the scent and musk that they both were putting out in veritable clouds. Whoever the room belonged to would not need to guess could have been going on there by the time these two were done with one another.

"Was hoping some proper tail showed up," Fang huffed dirtily.

"Could smell yours from the door," Grunt grinned.

Saliva dribbled between their maws. The black wolf grabbed the grey one's chest roughly to paw at his slab-like pectorals. They felt solid and alive, vibrant with the wolf's pleased noises. Fang's own huge paws were making their way onto the black wolf's ass. The globes of muscle moulded well under the rough grip of the bold wolf feeling them up. Grunt hissed and swatted the offending wrists with his tail.

"What do you think you're doing?" Grunt snorted.

"Hush," said Fang, "got a place where you can put that dirty muzz of yours."

One ass cheek became ungroped, but the very same paw slapped down on the back of Grunt's neck and pulled him down onto the grey wolf's armpit. Grunt let out a growl and tried to push the male away, yet it was a half-hearted attempt to get away from him. The black wolf's muzzle filled with musk and grumbling. It also made his cock painfully hard, ready to burst a seam on his short. Humping his tool against the lupine's rock solid abs made him leak and spread the musky, sticky fluid all over his skimpy shorts.

He slobbered all over the wolf's pit.

"There's a good pup..." Fang murmured.

The movements of Grunt's muzzle became more insistent. His teeth nicked on the cloth and tore on it some, so that his tongue could get directly onto the sweaty skin. Fang breathed out sharply.

"That's right...taste me...yeah...that's right..."

Grunt yanked his muzzle away from the pinned position and snorted at the wolf.

"You talk too much crap," he snapped his teeth at the wolf.

Fang gave his ass a rough squeeze. Grunt growled.

"Fuck!" the black wolf declared.

"Less talk," Grunt said, "more wolf"

Plenty here," Fang harrumphed.

"Asshole," Grunt replied.

"That what you want?" the wolf spoke. "You might have to recons - "

"Don't think so," said Grunt.

He gripped the wolf's tail and gave it a hard yank. Fang's teeth flashed in the dim light of the room, but he was not able to stop himself from being spun around and pinned to the wall, one strong paw gripping his tail while the other held one of his arms behind his back. Grunt pressed down on him, teeth tugging on neck scruffs and his hips making heavy contact with the burning heat of the wolf's rump.

"Nghh...you think you can take...me..." Fang's voice was rough, challenging.

Grunt bit down. The wolf beneath him was already drooling down his own chin, from lust and the sensation of his cock sandwiched against the wall. He throbbed, in tune to the music that made the entire drywall panel tremble, and the beat of his own heart.

"Don't think, know," Grunt replied.

He was too far gone for niceness, or any finesse when it came to it. This was gonna be rough and both of them knew it from the onset, when they're caught the first whiff of one another. Men who smelled like that did not go for the lovey-dovey approach to sex between two males. This was the way where one black wolf tugged down on pants so that the fabric tore and exposed one fine, round muscled ass, while his other paw pulled down over-strained sports shorts and allowed eleven inches of solid wolf-cock to emerge into the air, red, engorged and slick with pre-cum that came out in a dribble.

"Gonna fuck ya to the wall," the wolf licked his partner's ear, "gonna fuck ya so you'll remember it."

"Ye think ye can?" Fang growled.

Grunt stuck fingers into his maw, slobbered onto them and jammed them under Fang's tail. He found the place he was searching for, hot, hairy and sweaty in its hidden burrow, deep between the wolf's ass cheeks. Fang's tailhole was firm, puckered and very tight, as far as he could tell from the initial poke of wet fingerpads on flesh. The wolf's growling was a deep, organic sound that mostly gave the impression that he was pissed off.

"Gonna fuck it like a pussy," the black wolf said, fingers twisting around to try to gain ground in the wolf's hole.

"Grrr...ye trying to turn me off ya?" the pinned wolf complained.

"Naw," Grunt huffed, "ye keep quiet or I'll make ye beg for it."

"Ye wish."

The big wolf's cock pressed into the furrow of Fang's rear. Grunt bit down on the big wolf's neck once again and stuck himself further down, to rub his tool between those lush cheeks that flexed around his shaft when the wolf adjusted himself.

Bracing for a hard ride, Grunt thought, with pleasure, when he jammed his huge prick unto the breach.

"Hrrgh!" Fang barked.

The thick cock spurted pre-cum against the flexing pucker. Grunt slobbered at the wolf's neck furs and made them thoroughly wet, and impregnated with his scent while he struggled with whatever resistance the grey wolf might manage to come up with. His body was tense from shoulders to the flexing thighs, pinned between the wall and the wolf with nasty intentions.

"Grrrr...open up!" Grunt demanded.

"Fuck you," said the wolf.

Grunt thrust. The wolf under him let out a grumble. His asshole gnawed on the wolf's burgeoning cock that was trying to butt its way in.

"Mark you like a bitch," Grunt snorted.

"You wwwish - "

The black wolf began to gain ground. The grey wolf's insides were deliciously tight and hot, lubed only with spit and copious pre-cum pouring out of Grunt's piss slit and leaking to cover the walls of the wolf's violated rump.

"In the ass," Grunt declared.

The wolf's hole was tight, and squeezed down on him. Grunt pressed his body flush with the wolf and swung an arm across Fang's neck to hold him in place. His teeth asserted his lust as much as the stiff, hot poker of a cock dwelling into the wolf's rear.

"Knew ya take it like a champ."

The collared wuff began to hump. His huge balls swung and slapped onto the ass that'd been split in half by the thick wolf-cock The bottom wolf's own pair churned with lust coming from the feelings that burnt through his body at being buggered. The grey wolf's forehead kept bumping against the wall that still trembled with the obnoxious music coming from downstairs. The wolf's cock inside him hurt just the right way, making everything stretch and send even further pleasure down the wolf's curved spine.

Grunt fucked, and bit. The wolf's neck was a mess of spit and teethmarks, with the big hulking male showing his dominance. The wolf taking it in the ass had no choice but to accept this rough type of man-love that was given to him hard up the ass by the collared stranger.

Hard, purple cock slurped in and out of the wolf's ass seemingly endlessly. Grunt had stamina, that anyone would have to give him, going on pummeling Fang's messy asshole. The big bulb of the knot was already ready to kiss the sweet man-pucker whenever Grunt bottomed out inside the temporarily ass-receptive grey wuff. Both of them knew where that was going to go soon, and it was going to be rough.

Even the drunken revellers downstairs likely heard the barks and growls of the two wolves when the fleshy knot punched its way into one wolf-ass and locked its way in there. That didn't stop Grunt from continuing to fuck him for all his hips were worth, to slam into the hole that was now filled to the brim with hard dick.


Balls drew close to straining bodies, and big cocks twitches when burning cum poured out and into the wolf's ass and in great splashes against the wall, from where it dribbled down along the wall to leave a very musky reminder of what had been going on in the room.


Brandon woke up feeling like he'd emptied a bottle of vodka, and after the strangest dream he'd ever seen. He shivered and felt damp, like he'd been sweating his ass off in his sleep. The dog's head hurt, and in fact it hurt everywhere. Every part of him seemed to ache. The husky groaned. He couldn't remember drinking, not beyond the strange dream that had been filled with musk, alcohol and insanely hot imagined man-sex with a strange wolf...after he himself had become a wolf by some bizarre hijink.

Definitely too much television, the husky thought.

"My brain hurts," Brandon groaned.

He wondered what the time was. He glanced at his bedside table but his phone wasn't there. There was light coming from the crack between the window frame and the curtain. He must've slept through the night and into the day.

"Shit..." Brandon shook his head. That caused a strange feeling around his neck. The sleepy husky rubbed his paw over his muzzle and felt about himself something odd there. Firm...and something cold...metallic.

"What the fuck..."

He dared to reach up to turn on the reading light above the bed, even though Brandon suspected that it was going to feel like someone was shooting laser beams up into his brain. He crunched them shut just to make sure, but even through his lids, it felt a bit much.


He looked down at himself and tensed. All he was wearing was a pair of torn blue sports shorts stained in strange yellowish globs, and one of his belts was around his neck, like a collar though it was so big that it just flopped about and the buckle rested against his chest.

"What the fuuuck!" Brandon hollered.

He heard shuffling from the other side of the room. There was indeed someone sleeping on the other bed alright, someone white-furred, naked, and curled up.

"Devin?" the husky called out. "Dude?"

The white wolf's tail stirred. His ears flicked when his head began to move, though it was soon terminated when the wolf let out a groan.


"Dude, what's wrong with you?" Brandon asked.

"Ouch..." Devin muttered.

The white wolf slowly rolled onto his back. Brandon was shocked to see that he was completely naked...although disreputable remains of oddly familiar clothes littered the floor. A bit further away, the nearly empty carton of juice laid on its side, near to the fridge.

Brandon looked at the wolf with wide, shocked eyes.


Devin blinked hard and then looked over to the anxious-sounding husky occupying the other bed in the dorm. His own eyes widened into the massive range when he saw the husky, lying on the bed with his muzzle halfway open.

"DUDE!" the white wolf yelled.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Brandon yelped.

"YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!" the wolf went.

"NO WAY!" Brandon gulped.

They exchanged shocked expletives for a few moments before Brandon made the all-important question.


"I bought something I wanted to use to man up to get into the Howling," Devin explained, "I mixed it with the juice because the instructions said I was supposed to take it with something that has lots of sugar in it, so that I'll get enough energy to...to change..."





The two realized they had reached an impasse. They sat quietly for a while.

"So...we...we fucked last night," Brandon commented.

"Yup," said the wolf from his side of the room.

"So you...you're gay?" Brandon asked.

"Bi," Devin said.

"Oh...okay," the husky said.

"You gay or bi?"

"Gay," the husky said. "Yeah.."

"Okay," Devin said, "wanna fuck again?"

Brandon coughed.

"For real?"

the wolf chuckled.

"Not right now, silly. I feel like someone stuck a baseball bat up my ass."

"Oh...well..." Brandon blushed, "I think that stuff of yours...might have made that part of me grow, too..."

"Oh, thank God," the white wolf snickered. "That's a relief. Means I won't need an ice pack every time I get your dick."

Brandon could feel his sheath stirr, despite the lousy physical state he felt.


"Yup," said the wolf.


OCTOBER - 2016

There was a great buzz in one of the university hallways on that afternoon. A wolf and a husky stood side by side in front of a banner they'd set up that read :


They were impressive specimens of masculinity. Both guys in compressions shorts and sleeveless shirts and matching sweatbands sported great muscle definition, enough to cause the girls surrounding them to swoon and the men to feel either jealous, intimidated, or piqued.

"Lots of good drink, food, fun and dancing!" Devin rumbled amiably to all the passers-by while he handled out leaflets.

"Everyone welcome!" Brandon added with a wag to his tail.

A pack of wolves approached the commotion, looking somewhat suspicious of the two bodybuilders.

"Hey!" one of them yelped. "Ain't that name of your party a bit close to what the Lycabros do every year?"

"Yeah," another letter jacket-wearing wolf commented.

"Well, for your information," the musky white wolf replied, "unlike that bunch of losers, we welcome in everyone who wants to have a good time."

"And we don't make rules about whose frat wolf cock you gotta suck to get an invite," Brandon added while he offered the jocks a printed advert for the party.

Some of the gathered crowd snickered at the put-down. the wolves grumbled to themselves and slinked away. Brandon and Devin shared a grin and a fond look. They'd really grown close together since last year, taking up some heavy duty gym so that their true selves could reflect what happened when they had consumed the mysterious potion. The natural way to do it had proven itself to be a lot fun, too, considering that working themselves into a musky sweat usually led into some very interesting after-gym...massage between the two muscle guys.



Thank you for reading! I hope you had a good time, and I look forward to your feedback!
