A Slave's Love Chapter 2: Brains versus Brawn and Fang's true intent

Story by Khaos of Envy on SoFurry

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#2 of A Slave's Love

The second chapter took me way too long to finish and get to everyone. I still feel that it's not the best it could be at all. I hope you all enjoy it anyway, and know that this will not be the last we see of these two.

Roars from the crowd filled the back of the royal stables. Drunken, rowdy, raucous furs clanging their grogs of mead and wine together and stomping their paws on the ground below, each one wanting to see the blood shed that was sure to unfold this night. On the far side stood thin, lithe Malachi, and on the other the towering, bulking, Ezekiel. The sheer size difference made this fight seem unfair, even to our gracious host Captain Fang who watched with a calm face, but secretly was afraid what harm might befall the young fox whom he had coupled with only hours before.

The big black lion, Ezekiel, roared with ferocity that the small fox had not seen in the hulking feline before. The cheers drew to a soft clamor as Captain Fang waved his paw. With a thunderous voice that showed his dominance and his power, he yelled out, "Gentlemen! Tonight, my first of many in your humble village, we will see a test of brain versus brawn, in a fight to the death between these two slaves!"

This display of words caused the roars of excitement to grow to an ear rattling volume, which only made Ezekiel grin with delight as he looked over at the frail Malachi and growled with that malicious intent he always showed toward the vulpine. Malachi stood there, frozen in his tracks, his mind racing through images of how this behemoth would massacre his wiry frame and leave only a bloody heap behind in his wake. Even though he may have been more intelligent than the feline, he knew that Ezekiel would overtake him in all physical aspects of battle. Malachi was not built to fight, he knew that well. Strategy was all he would be able to use to turn the tides of this fight. With a wave of the great Captain's mighty paw and a thunderous roar, the fight began. "Begin!"

Baboom, baboom, baboom! That sound rang loudly in the poor fox's ears. He crouched down in preparation, thinking the sound was the lumbering Ezekiel rushing toward him, but the lion was just watching him with this twisted, sadistic grin. What was that sound? His heart, he was listening to his panicking heart slam against his chest. Why was Fang doing this to him? Why was the man his heart had pined for earlier putting him though this? Malachi felt betrayed, he thought what he felt with the Captain was real. Now here he was in a fight to the death, with someone that could crush him with just one pectoral.

Those thoughts would have to wait as Ezekiel charged him, not holding back one ounce of his herculean strength. The large ebony fist came crashing down where the lithe Malachi once stood; luckily, the fox had the upper hand at speed. Using his crouched position, he sprang upward with the force of his coiled leg muscles, which allowed him to flip over the hulking feline and behind him. The chains around his neck, ankles, and wrists greatly hindered them both. Ezekiel took one look at these chains and snapped them, feeling it was their annoyance that caused him to miss.

This simple act gave Malachi his chance, and with swift reflexes, he whipped his wrist shackles around his opponent's neck and tightened until the black lion struggled for breath. He hated being reduced to such, but he was not about to let the feline best him. Malachi knew Ezekiel well and knew the lion would go for the kill if given the chance.

Enraged, the herculean lion let out a roar that rattled their cages. Ezekiel only saw red, rage boiling his blood as he reached to grab at the nimble fox. Every attempt missed as Malachi managed to swing away from the fatal claws. Each second the lion felt as though his chest were housing an inferno. Desperation began to set in as his limbs started to slow and dizziness overtook him.

The resounding thud as the lion's world went black was all it took. A roaring crowd, a pleased captain, and an unconscious opponent was all that met the lithe vulpine as he removed his shackles from around the thick neck of the fallen Ezekiel. At first his mind buzzed with confusion, his body pumping with adrenaline as he looked toward the wolf who had brought all of this upon him.

Now as he gazed upon his lupine Adonis, he felt a pang of pain in his heart. If the wolf had shown him so much love before, why now was it he was the one behind this atrocity. Malachi felt tears welling inside, but he fought them back as he was lead out of the arena by two guards.

Instead of taking the fox back to the slave quarters, the two bear guards escorted him to the eastern wing of the castle where he was forced into a lavish room usually reserved for nobles and visiting royalty. Deep crimson's trimmed with exquisite gold decorated the linens, furniture, and even the large bedding. Malachi was beside himself as he walked around the room, taking a peek into the adjacent room which held the sleeping area along with a change of clothing.

Alongside the tunic and trousers sat the keys to the young vulpine's shackles. All of this was very curious to Malachi, but he was used to being rented out to visiting nobles so his mind immediately thought someone had asked for his services. As he usually would in this situation, he unshackled himself and slipped the linen tunic and trousers over his sleek body. Most would try to escape given they were no longer chained, but the fox's ears picked up the padding of the guards just behind the door.

How could he focus on pleasuring a noble when his mind was far from anything of the sort? Malachi's heart sank at the thought of Captain Fang putting him in such a dangerous situation. He thought he felt something more from the wolf as they laid together, Fang tied inside him. Maybe he was just fooling himself? The young fox knew nothing of love except for the stories Solomon told him. Thinking of the old gray bear made him smile softly. Malachi had always thought of the other slaves as his family since he himself had not known his own.

Before the young fox could think further, the door opened to reveal Captain Fang. This was the last thing Malachi expected to see, and the wolf stepped in with his ears lowered. "For what it is worth I am sorry. I did not wish for that to happen."

As the muscular wolf stepped toward him, Malachi moved away from him with a look of pain on his muzzle. He felt betrayed, even if he only knew the wolf for one night he still felt something deeper. "I could have died..."

"I know...it pained me to have seen you like that." The wolf spoke softly as his deep, sultry voice made the small fox's heart jump. "I wanted nothing more than to leap down there and sweep you away to safety...had I done so we both would have been executed on the spot for killing a king's slave."

"But...you said we were to fight to the death?"

"I did yes, but in matters as such, if I were to kill him to save you or even helped you escape then they could have done worse. Those guards are not ones to follow the king's laws. If they did then those fights would not exist."

Fang could see the hurt in his young fox's eyes. He wanted to just scoop him into his muscular arms and take him away from this place, but that would have to wait. Right now he faced a hurt young fox who had felt love and been betrayed. Captain Fang eased over to the recoiling fox and pulled him into an embrace, letting the teenage vulpine nuzzle into his chiseled chest through his exposed coat.

"I would never purposely betray you Malachi. In the short time we have spent together I have felt something for you that few males or females have ever been able to make me feel. I know you have no reason to trust me after what happened, but please...allow me to show you what my heart wishes to convey."

It was the wolf's scent mixed with that baritone voice that swirled around the fox's mind as he breathed in that wonderful lupine smell. When Fang stepped away it left Malachi feeling vulnerable until he noticed the lupine grab the keys that was to the fox's shackles that he previously shed. "After tonight you are a free fox. My vessel will be setting sail at first light. You are welcome to disembark with me if you so desire." That smile, it was the same one he flashed to the fox the moment they met, and it was one of care and devotion.

"But I was told the king turned down all previous buyers...how..." Before the kit could speak more he was silenced by the captain's tongue invading his maw with a kiss. This caught Malachi by surprise. He did not expect the wolf to be so forward at such a time. Fang's broad arms wrapped themselves around the slender vulpine as he moved with him to the bed. Laying Malachi down gently, the wolf broke their passionate kiss to look into those amber hues only to lose himself inside those innocent eyes. He envied the kit's innocence, and yet it was what he found most endearing about him as well.

"Don't worry your pretty little head my pet. Just let me show you my true feelings before you make your decision." Captain Fang gave a sultry whisper that made the little kit's ears flick and shudder. The moon shone down upon them both, leaving its silvery aura illuminating both males as the strapping wolf craned his muzzle down to brush his sharp fangs against the tender flesh of the fox's neck. Malachi found this new sensation very erotic, but teasing at the same. Letting his paws dance down the wolf's toned biceps, he could feel them ripple underneath the surprisingly silky ebony fur.

Every touch from Fang felt like a spark against Malachi's fur. It felt so much more this time than the night before in the stables. That was carnal, a lust filled fuck that brought out something more. Now, as they bathed in the moonlight, the two males felt closer. One would almost say they were in love. But that was something that neither of them understood in this moment. Fang knew one thing for sure, that he was not wanting to leave this young Tod behind. Looking down into those innocent eyes was enough to make the usually cold-hearted captain melt. He wanted this fox to be his and only his, to sweep him off to his world of adventure, wonder, and show him that he was the only fox for him. The wolf wanted to say all this, but his muzzle would not speak what his heart was trying to scream.

Tender kisses from the wolf lead a journey from the fox's neck down his chest. Fang paused to let his warm, velvet tongue caress the sensitive nipples which brought forth soft whines of pleasure from his beautiful fox. Glancing up at Malachi, the Tod's eyes closed and body trembling in anticipation when Fang traced his tongue until he reached that delicious mound hiding the young vulp's needy spire. It only took the practiced wolf a few laps over the opening of Malachi's sheath to draw out the deep red tapered tip from its furry prison.

A pleasing smile behind those shimmering red pools looked down to the young tod, seeming to trace every contour with precision. "Your form is like that of a celestial being." Fang spoke with his voice soothing and deep, tantalizing to Malachi's ears enough to make them flick with excitement. A soft blush ran under the fox's fur as the words like a sensual hum that sent a shiver down his spine. This wolf flattered him so, and it was clear by his every movement that he had been doing this many times before. Those paws were large and worn, clearly those of a male who knew the value of a hard day's work, but yet their touch felt like the softest of silks upon Malachi's innocent body.

How could one so beautiful be caught up in so much pain, and yet still keep that innocence that most of us lose so young? Fang's mind saw nothing but this fox...no, his fox. There would be no denying that he would not leave here without Malachi. The day had seen them nearly killed, one in a fight and the other by treason. Though in this light, and seeing his fox lying under him with his shaft throbbing between them, Fang could only see the one that grabbed his heart.

No words were exchanged. Their glances told them both volumes that neither one had to say. Fang craned his neck, the touch of his hot breath making Malachi tremble once more. He wanted this, gods above did he want this. Ever since the night before in the stables has he wanted to feel both their bodies entwined. A mix of passion and debauchery that some how bordered on something natural. It was the sudden blast of warmth on his exposed length that snapped Malachi back to his senses. Glancing down he saw Fang's muzzle open just enough to allow the pre-cum soaked tip into his muzzle and wrap his lips around the delicious spire of flesh.

Malachi tasted delicious, his young feint musk mixing with the sweet yet salty pre made Fang's tongue dance around the sensitive organ as he wanted to coax more from his fox. With the soft moans of pleasure escaping Malachi's lips and more of that wonderful pre-cum spurting onto his tongue, it was more than enough to have the great captain's first mate standing at full attention. His head bobbed over the young fox meat as the sounds of his sucking mixed with the loving moans escaping from Malachi's muzzle. The Tod's eyes were transfixed on the handsome wolf sucking his cock, and he never wanted to look away. He saw something in those crimson orbs. Something more than both of them, and yet he wanted more of it. Without hesitation, the fox lifted the muscular wolf from his member and pulled him so that their eyes met. It was as if time itself began to slow while they stared into each others eyes.

As though in slow motion, Malachi pressed his muzzle to Fang's while entwining his arms around the bigger canine. Fang smiled and let his muzzle open so their tongue were able to explore. Malachi could taste himself on the wolf's tongue, and that brought a naughty blush to his cheeks. He had never experienced anything like this. The fox was more accustom to being fucked and left, but now he could tell just how much this wolf felt for him. How long they kissed neither one could tell. Time had begun to lose all meaning, and all that remained was the one with them. At last Malachi broke the embrace, his breath quick and his body trembling. He eyes met those kind wolf's, and he asked what he'd been wanting since their previous encounter, "Fang...I want you inside me once more...please."

"Are you sure my pet?" The wolf's reply came as winded as the Tod's own. He clearly wanted this as much as Malachi too.

All it took was a nod from his fox to give the wolf the okay. Fang was going to ensure his fox would look back on this night and remember it fondly. He brought an ebony finger to his muzzle and began to suckle. Once he was sure it was wet enough he gently spread Malachi's legs, allowing him such a nice view of the modest pink fox cock. Oh how sexy he found every part of his fox, and how he wanted to give him all the pleasures in the world. Right now though, he was asked to satisfy his fox's carnal pleasure and that was what he intended to do. Fang found the Tod's young star with ease, and gently he applied pressure to slip his finger slowly into the young fox. Malachi's body tensed at the first amount of pressure inserting itself into his backside, but he quickly relaxed. He was warmer than the last time, Fang thought, as he worked his finger in and out of Malachi's passage to stretch him in preparation of what was to come.

Soon the fox was squirming in pleasure from just the wolf's finger, and this excited Fang even more. This spark charging between them had both of their bodies surging with more sensations than any other lover before. He could not wait another second, he had to have his fox now. Removing his finger from the velvet insides left Malachi whimpering. He wanted it to never end, he wanted Fang to ravish him in every way possible. While using his own copious pre-cum, Fang lubricated his thick cock before grabbing both Malachi's legs and pulling him closer so that he loomed over him. "Malachi...my pet...from this day forward I claim you as my fox. I do not wish to be another day without you." Those words made the fox blush with romantic embarrassment, never had he been spoken of in such a high manner. He loved Fang's tenderness, and he too wished to not spend another day without this wolf.

A firm pressure and a bit of force was all it took to spread the fox's pucker wide with the wolf's thick cock head. Both men moaned out into the empty room as each inch of Fang's large member stretched his fox wider. Once his sac came to rest against Malachi's rear, Fang leaned down and kissed his fox softly. The Tod's insides felt so full that he was sure he could not take another inch, but he did not mind the slight burn that had already begun to subside. Fang was much larger than most males, especially in girth, but with time Malachi was able to adjust. He let the kind captain know by returning the kiss with one of his own while also letting his arms wrap around Fang's neck. Slowly the big wolf pulled himself back, leaving half his cock inside before thrusting in and out at a steady pace.

Both of their moans filled their muzzles as they kissed. Malachi's tight walls seemed to pull Fang deeper inside, milking him as he picked up his pace. Now he was thrusting more fully, pulling out til just his head remained inside. The sound of his balls smacking against Malachi's cheeks soon mixed with their moans. Every graze of the fox's prostate sent him arching his back and his cock spurting clear pre all over him and Fang. Pulling from the kiss, Fang brought his paws to Malachi's waist so he could get better leverage. His thrust grew rough as his knot started to swell and tease Malachi's opening. The fox knew what this meant and he pushed himself up onto his paws before wrapping one paw around Fang's neck. Their breathing was somehow in unison as the wolf laid back to allow the fox to grow a bit more bold. Malachi was soon riding that thick wolf spire down to the swelling knot, intending to become tied to his wolf once more.

He wanted this, the fire within him burning as he craned his head down to kiss the wolf deeply, swirling their tongues around one another with fervor. The cock in his ass felt amazing, the copious amount of pre keeping his tight walls slick. His own modest length bounced between them which he quickly gripped and pumped over the sensitive flesh, smearing pre all over his paw and his cock as he felt his own climax rising within him. Malachi's body felt a tingle with a passionate sensation, should he try to explain it would have been like having a piece of you that had been missing suddenly returned. Fang gave a deep growl as he rolled both of them over so that the fox was once again under him and he pumped his cock into Malachi with a renewed vigor of a young pup. This brought Malachi moaning louder and louder as his prostate was assaulted by the large wolf cock hammering his insides. Fang's large muzzle wrapped around the small fox's shoulder and slowly applied pressure until Malachi gasped in pleasure and bucked his hips into his own paw where he stroked his cock feverishly. His knot swelled along with Fang's, but the larger male growled around his shoulder as he began to rut his knot against that tight entrance. Malachi cried out in pain and bliss at the knot slamming against his hole, he wanted it, he needed it, and with a loud pop he screamed out into the room. Fang's knot forced itself inside him and locked them together.

Fang continued to batter his insides while biting down firmly enough on the shoulder to pierce the skin. Malachi cried out once more as he squeezed his own knot and felt his cum rush up to splash rope after hot rope onto his chest, belly, and muzzle. The wolf's balls drew up closer to his body and the walls around his cock convulsing with the Tod's orgasm was too much. Fang pulled off Malachi's shoulder and let out a roar as he filled those silky insides with a flood of hot wolf cum.

Both were unsure of the events after as their bodies slumped onto one another and they fell out of consciousness. Fang was the first of them to awaken. He let out a soft yawn and a smile when he saw the slumbering fox under him. Gently he tested to see if his knot had shrank, and indeed he slipped it out with ease, a little cum dribbling onto the bed which made him chuckle. "I filled you good my pet." He brought a paw to Malachi's cheek and caressed it lovingly. He thought the fox looked even more beautiful now than he had the day before. Looking up he could see that dawn was soon upon them and he cursed. How had he let time slip away like this? Quickly he moved to dress himself, but not before leaning down and giving Malachi a soft kiss on the lips. The fox murred sleepily at this and slowly stretched, yipping at the twinge of pain in his ass when he tried to sit up. He wiped his eyes and blushed at the memory of their love making just a few hours ago.

"Are you leaving?" He asked, his ears flattening against his skull.

Fang moved to his fox's side and lifted his muzzle to look into his eyes, kissing him once more. "Not without you my pet. But hurry, we must make it to the harbor soon." He scooped up the garments Malachi had been given and stepped to the door. "We must be quiet. Should the guards see us then we both will surely be discovered."

Malachi wondered what that meant as they stepped out into the hall. Judging from how he moved, Malachi guessed the captain knew his way around this castle about as well as he did. The two slipped in and out of hallways, being sure to not encounter any of the castle guards. Their luck was short lived however when the portly bear and keeper of Malachi rounded the corner to catch them. He remembered the captain paying him handsomely the night before for time with the young fox so he reached to grab the fox. "Good, now I don't have to come for you across the castle. Come on Malachi, you have dignitaries to tend to."

Seeing the bear's paws squeeze his fox hard enough to make Malachi yip made Fang growl deep in his throat. Before the bear could move he found himself slammed roughly against the stone wall, his breath knocked from his lungs. He struggled for breath in vain to find Fang with a large paw around his fat neck. Those once loving red eyes were now filled with rage. "You will not touch him in such a way again. This fox is mine, and you will walk away now and forget you saw us." Tossing the large bear to the side with ease made Malachi jerk in fear. Never had anyone besides Ezekiel manhandled the bear in such a way. Fang put his arm around Malachi, his smile returning and those eyes once again pleasant. "Now, lets head to my ship my pet." Malachi blushed at those words as he always did and followed the captain.

Fang knew now they would be hunted so he removed his coat and hat, placing them on the fox who looked ridiculous in the larger clothing, but it kept most of him from view. Quickly they ran to the closest castle exit where the guards tried to stop them, only to have Fang hook his leg behind one and use momentum to send him crashing to the ground. The second guard swung his blade at the wolf, but Fang rolled nimbly out of the line sight. Jumping to his feet he planted a foot paw in the distracted guard's back to send him tumbling over himself. The wolf grabbed Malachi's paw and raced them towards the direction of the harbor. The horns blared their royal orders to the knights that flooded from the castle gates into the town.

Fang slipped through the crowds with ease, obviously having done this on many occasions while also dragging the poor fox who was trembling with fear. He knew what it meant if they were caught, and he pleaded with the wolf that he was not ready to die. Hearing that made the wolf stop in his tracks and pull the fox into a quick kiss. Looking into those crimson hues was a near instant comfort as he heard Fang say, "I will never let them touch you. I'd die than see you back in that hell hole."

They had no time to discuss his words before knights descended upon them. Their swords raided to the wolf's neck who raised his paws, pushing Malachi behind him. One of the knights stepped forward and removed his helmet, the sun glinting off their steel armor. "Captain Dark Fang. You are wanted by the king for the following crimes..." What happened next seemed impossible, but the sound of cannon fire deafened behind them. A boulder of pure iron came crashing down onto the knight speaking to the wolf. Fang just smirked while the knights slowly retreated at the sight behind them. Fang had indeed reached the harbor in time, and a large galleon raised it's jolly roger. Behind a smoking cannon stood a mass of muscle. A tall mountain of a green dragon with a brown bandana tied atop his head.

"Hope we aren't too late Cap'n."

"Not at all Copper! Just on time as usual!" The wolf beamed at his first mate and best friend.

Quickly he grabbed Malachi and lead him down the dock to the ship. Up the gangplank he took his coat and hat from the fox, pulling the confused Todd into a kiss. Malachi just melted into his arms as the rest of the pirate crew opened fire upon the knights trying to board. Fang murred into the kiss while also kicking the gangplank from it's position. The water splashed with fleeing knights and the chunk of wood as they shoved off.

When Fang broke the kiss he began to bark orders. "Hoist the sails, let's get the fuck out of here. I have what I came for." He put his arms around the fox's waist while leading him to his quarters. "First mate Copper! We are not to be disturbed."

"Aye Aye Cap'n Fang." The green dragon called as a lithe, feminine cheetah wrapped his arms around the muscular arm of Copper.

"You know they are going to be busy for a while hunny dragon."

"I know Allie cat. I know." The tall dragon ran a claw through the cheetah's soft pink head fur as he turned to the crew and yelled for them to set sail.