Highschool love: Punishment and Love

Story by Alkain on SoFurry

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#3 of Highschool Love

The latest installment of Highschool love! Hope you guys enjoy~

I feel I should warn you guys that there will be soft and cock vore in the next one, I hope that doesn't disturb you guys enough to stop reading though!

As always, comment are welcome <3

A few minutes later...

Alkain waits for Eca down stairs and on the couch after having cleaned up a bit and gotten 'dressed'. The gang is still here getting cleaned up, though Lenny and probably Sana will be taking longer then Rei and Wally! Alkain looks nervous as he awaits the 'trial' with Kor and Terra looking on. He gulps nervously as he is watched by his parents and rubs his shifting belly for comfort. He's near panicking and trying to calm down with deep breaths as he looks around. Rei looking at the door looking like she wants to skip out on the meeting!

Izixs holds Alkain's paw and shakes slightly due to his nervous state. Eca crosses her arms and gives them both her steel eyed glare. "So then, you boys couldn't resist humping your friends," she says before looking to Lenny and Sana, barely dressed and still sporting rounded bellies. "You do realize there's a good chance you just knocked both of them up, right?" Her words were like slabs of granite in how hard and cold they were delivered. "Being hyper fertile like both of you are, has some risks, even for males. Or were you unaware of that?"

Alkain withers under that glare, though squeezes your paw in return, "S-sorry..." it's not enough as Kor and Terra are clearly enraged, "It isn't enough that you had to knock each other up... Is that it?" Kor asks sternly. Alkain looks over to Lenny and then to his parents before finally settling on Eca, "We... We can?" Lenny gulps a bit as he puts a paw to his belly, unaware that your seed is still active deep within him. Alkain shakes his head at that and whimpers a bit, "No! It's not like that..." Kor remains unconvinced as Terra covers her eyes and weeps a bit. Rei on the other hand looks over fearfully and winces as she debates heading home, likely to an earful herself

Izixs stutters trying to get out a sensible sentences. "I... we needed... our relief... you know that and uh... they wanted... to help..." The dragon gulped. Eca tilted her head. Then looked to Sana. "Is that true?" The bunny nodded. "They were obviously in need and well... I couldn't help myself." Eca turned to Wally and Rei. "You two aren't looking like balloons. You're free to go. But Sana and Lenny, we should talk to your parents before you leave." Eca turned to Alkain and Izixs again. "We understand how often you need to climax and we've accepted that. I just never figured you'd be stupid enough to get your dicks into someone who wasn't each other. What the hell were you two thinking?" Izixs' face changed slightly. "Mom, you saw Lenny run into the wall. You saw us without our shorts with them present. What did you think would happen?" The dragon sounded angry, nervous, but angry.

Alkain nods to you in agreement, "Yeah... That... That was all it was..." he hopes he doesn't hurt any of our friends feelings with that! Lenny gulps a bit and nods in agreement with Sana. Rei looks visibly relieved and shoots us a 'sorry' look before leaving! Alkain sighs as she leaves and mumbles low under his breath, "Some friend..." he's just hurt though! Lenny gulps a bit more and goes to take a seat, paw on his belly as he tries to come to terms with likely being pregnant. Alkain looks to you and nods in agreement at your words, "Y-yeah! That's right..." We are likely grasping at straws though as Kor looks to Eca curiously with a raised eyeridge, the big dragon looks like he wants to speak with her but saves it for later as he looks back to us, "While I agree your mother should have stopped you two." he looks at you pointedly, "It doesn't make up for the fact you couldn't contain yourselves!" Terra looks to Kor and sighs, "What about... Vasectomies?" Alkain winces at that and pales though Kor shakes his head, "Would only work a week at best! Grandad says they only sure way would be... Complete removal..." Alkain goes ridged at that and gasps, "You... You won't!" he looks deeply worried at that

Izixs bolted up right as well, his eyes going wide. "No no no no no!" Eca shook her head. "Something like that would need them on board," she grumbled to Kor, obviously disapproving of it even being brought up. She turned to them again. "Next lesson I think is on learning some responsibility with your bodies and what you are fully capable of. And..." just then the phone rang. Eca turned to Terra and Kor. "Would you mind getting that?" She turned back to the boys and then to Sana and Lenny. "You two, you have some big decisions to make here. You're quite young, and maybe don't know the full effect of what's going to happen to you. You both might not be pregnant, you might both be. If you both are, you can look forward to a similar situation as Izzy and Al. They're not even half way through their terms and they're having a lot of trouble moving around. Another month and they'll be unable to move on their own. Another month... well you get the picture. Do you understand that you may be in the same boat?"

Alkain sighs in relief at that and squeezes you paw thankfully, "Thank the gods..." he utters under his breath as Kor sighs and nods, "I know... I know..." he glares at us though and looks about to speak before he hears the phone, with Terra weeping openly, he goes and answers it. Lenny looks over at us and gapes a bit as he barely registers Eca's words, "We... We... Might look... Like that?" Alkain can't help but blush at the thought, clearly turned on, though shakes his head to try and focus. He looks to Sana and is about to speak before another voice joins the fray! "Now hold on here!" it's the phone! "Y'all don't need to do anything hasty now!" Kor looks over and sighs, "It's my grandfather... He insisted on speaker." he grunts, obviously displeased at being interrupted, "Y'all will be taken care of, ya hear?" Alkain looks confused at that, as does Kor and Terra

Izixs perks his ears. The great granddad they had heard about a number of times but that which the dragon had not ever met before. He wasn't sure if Alkain had either. "Uh... hi," he blurts out. Eca seems unamused by the intrusion. "With all due respect, we're kind of in the middle of something here. Can this wait at all?" The voice on the speaker came back. "Afraid it can't. This is about the boys after all." Eca glanced to Kor accusatively for letting anyone interrupt what was going on here. "Yes, and just so you know, we just found them with a couple friends of theirs post coitus. We suspect they may have bred them." This got a chuckle in response. "Is that all?" Eca looked furious. "Now see here..." she was about to enter a tirade.

Alkain looks over at you and then to the phone as our great grandfather interrupts, "Y'all are rich!" Alkain, Kor and Terra look dumbfounded at that and the phone starts up after a moment to let it sink it, "I have here... Around half a billion..." Alkain looks floored at that and Terra squeals in surprise at the number, "That's eight zeros..." Kor looks floored as well, then suspicious, "H-how... Why?" Great grandad speaks up, "I'm afraid it came at a great price... Kor, yer uncle Desmond passed recently..." Kor blinks at that, jaw dropping as he is speechless and Alkain tilts his head as he finally squeaks up, "H-hi... Great grandad?" The phone goes staticy a second before he speaks up, "Ah, that must be one of the boys!" he must not have heard you, "I-it's Alkain... We've never met..."

Izixs was momentarily distracted by a kick from his belly. The squirming had slowed after the excitement earlier, but a few were still active. "And I'm... I'm Izixs. Uh... you can call me Izzy if you like," he said. He had a very confused look on his face. So did several others present. "What... what is going on?" asked Eca. "Is this some kind of trick?" she demanded. "Hardly," came the voice on the other end. "Mom," said Izixs. "Please." With her sons pleads she sighed and slid into one of the chairs. "Fine," she whispered. Her cold gaze returned to the boys. It was clear she had plenty more to say but would hold off for the moment. "And... uh... I'm Sana," said the rabbit to the phone. "One of Al and Izzy's friends. I'm uh... well..." It was clear by her tone how she was involved. Wally had lingered for a few more moments before slipping out after Rei. The distraction of the phone call had made him feel less guilty about leaving, but he was determined to make sure he and Rei apologized later.

Alkain shivers in fright at that gaze though focuses on the phone, "B-but... Why give it to us...?" he questions before great grandad chuckles heartily, "Because my boys, ya take after ol' grandad and lemme tell ya... It wasn't easy growing up like this!" Alkain grumbles in agreement and Lenny speaks up, "I... I'm Lenny..." the voice on the other end speaks up, "Hey Len, terribly sorry to both you and Sana there if y'all are confused... Y'all be taken care of as well though!" Lenny looks relieved at that and Kor speaks up sadly, "How... How did he die?" Grandad is silent a moment, "Deadly car accident... He left most o' the money for anyone in our line that happened ta be like me. I threw in a mil meself to help out."

Izixs was having a hard time processing all this. "So... you're giving us a bunch of money..." he began to ask. "Yep." The dragon nodded. "I... thank you!" The shocked look on the dragon's face was priceless. Going from feeling small and crushed to uncertain but elated was certainly doing a number on his emotions. "So... we'll be ok too?" asked Sana. "I mean, I don't want to impose." "Don't you worry about it none." replied granddad. Eca still wasn't fully convinced this was real. But she had to say something. "I'm Izixs' mother. Just... just so you know... we are getting on to doing some remodeling. And... this will cover all that easily if what you say is true." "And it is." "Ok, and then some." "Babies gotta eat!" "Well yes, and... are there strings attached?" The front door opened up and Isto, Izzy's dad, but not biological father, strode in. He hadn't gotten Eca's phone message and as such was blissfully unaware of what was going on. Several sets of eyes went to him, all of them at different emotional states.

Alkain is floored by the generosity of our grandad and looks over as Isto enters, "Um... Hi..." he waves sheepishly and Lenny tries to will his belly away, with no success of course... Grandad speaks up, "Only strings are... It's in a trust, and must be used fer the boys benefit or any of their mates. There is stuff for the babies too! I'll half'ta come up there an' work out the fine details, but ya'll be alright. That I swear." Kor and Terra look relieved at that and look over to Isto as he enters, "Late for the party it seems." Kor grunts to the other dragon, still upset with us of course, "Now, before ya'll start plannin' stuff... Keep in mind that though this'll go a long way, it is still finite!" Alkain blushes at that, wondering just how prolific our great grandad thinks we are

Izixs understands the implications. "So yeah... we... best not let our hormones get us into too much trouble." Eca nods enthusiastically at this. "You better learn to keep yourselves in check." Isto looked around at everyone and began to piece things together. Izixs listened closely and picked up a bit on the subtext. Did their great grandfather expect them to not to be able to keep that promise very well? Izzy loved Alkain but... they had both been so eager to stuff their friends despite that. Were they doomed to have many partners over the years? The thoughts of this, of breeding over and over again, turned the young dragon on a bit. He gulped.

Alkain rrfs as he shifts in his seat, likely thinking similarly, and looks to you, "But... We can still have one permanent mate... Right?" The voice on the other end cackles at that and Alkain glowers a bit before great grandad speaks up, "O' course ya can! That'd be preferred o' course..." he hmms in thought as Kor watches our reactions closely, "I'll not deny that it's fun to sleep around, but ya boys gotta learn ta control yourselves ya hear?" Terra nods and so does Kor, though they both look a little uncomfortable with that line of thought, "Now now, I know what ya folks are gonna say... But ya can't keep a true hyper ta one mate, believe me, I've tried!"

Izixs did his best to keep his expression still. But the slight movement of his hips made it clear he was thinking about the difficulty of keeping to just Alkain. Eca pondered with her arms crossed once more. She looked to Isto. "Hey," said Isto. "So I just got here. I think I've figured out a bit of what all is going on. I'm Izzy's dad by the way. So we're currently slated in the remodel and addition to have room for fifty cribs. We've already got the contractors signed up and the down payments in line. Does that sound good?" "Well 'tis a start..." Isto couldn't help but give a chuckle. "And uh, keeping to one mate... well one of the things we've been a bit concerned about is that the boys are technically half brothers. Is that going to be a serious problem you think?" Sana's jaw dropped. Izixs suddenly turned his gaze away from their friends guiltily.

Alkain blushes as he glances to Sana and then noses you, "I love you Izzy... I always will." he gives a comforting smile, though is clearly thinking the same thing. Great grandad speaks up, "Ahh, I'm quite aware of that. There have been great strides in medicine for hypers lately. One thing they've found is that while our gene's are strong... They are also quite compatible." Alkain looks over at the phone curiously, "Meaning..." Grandad chuckles, "Yer kids'll be healthy and most shouldn't have defects. I'll not promise all won't though... It's not perfect after all!" Alkain looks overjoyed at that, though Lenny continues to stare at us, "Half... Brothers?" he then looks to Kor who sighs, "It's... Complicated, I'll explain later." Terra makes no mention so she must have already known about it

Izixs glares at his dad after a few more moments of avoiding eye contact with Lenny and Sana. Isto suddenly realized his faux paw and gave an apologetic chuckle. "Well then," said Eca. "Its settled. Alkain and Izzy will be mates. And I need you two to focus on each other as much as you possibly can. Your great grandfather's generosity will help all of us get through this and in time you'll settle into a life raising your..." she sighed. "Fifty... or more kids." It was clear she had finally started to ease off her rage. Izixs looked to Alkain. "Thanks grandpa," he says before giving the hybrid a kiss. "We'll do what we can to make sure the money lasts. And... do... do you have any advice? I mean, we're kind of new to this in our lives. I mean, we're still fifteen. I've been having trouble wrapping my brain around it since it all started."

Alkain murrs at the kiss and nuzzles a bit, "Alright." he looks happy with it at least and nods in agreement at that, "Yeah, thanks so much!" Great grandpa chuckles heartily, "It's fine boys. As fer advice... Pick up a hobby, other than breedin' I mean! Somethin' that'll keep you occupied an' busy yer hands and thoughts." Alkain nods as he thinks this over and Lenny looks back to us curiously, paw still on his belly, "Well..." Kor looks at the phone and nods with a sigh, "If that's all... We'll see you soon then." the voice on the other end speaks up, "I'm good to go, if ya have any other questions... I'll answer them in the flesh as it were." he chuckles and than says his goodbyes, "I'll see ya all soon. And Kor, yer uncle is in a good place, I'm sure." Kor nods and sighs again, "Thanks grandpa." There is a click as the line goes dead and Kor puts away the phone

Izixs gazes into Alkain's eyes with a smile on his face. The first since his mom caught them. "So... you two are brothers?" asked Sana. "Like... brothers... and you're fucking each other?" "Language," grunts Eca. Izixs nodded to Lenny and Sana. "Yeah, we didn't find out until after our first time. Kor's our biological father. My dad, Isto, is still my dad. But... yeah complicated." The bunny looked down at her bloated belly. "You could say that," she said turning her mind to something else for the time being. "Well..." interrupted Eca. "I'm going to call your parents. I'll have them pick you up after I've had a chance to go over things with them. I... think the boys have had enough for today as far as stress. I'll let them talk with your parents another time." Eca turned to Izixs and Alkain. "You two, upstairs till dinner's ready." Izixs nodded and began to pull himself from the couch.

Alkain smiles back, the first genuinely happy smile since they were caught as well. He looks to Sana and Lenny with a blush, "So it turns out..." he nods to you and grunts as he works himself to his feet, "I umm..." he looks to Sana and blushes as he waddles towards the stairs, "Will talk to you later." he looks like he wanted to say something else though. Lenny gulps a bit and nods, wondering what his parents will think as Kor and Terra watches us head upstairs, "Things... Will be fine." Terra looks to Lenny and Sana in an attempt to comfort them, "But your parents won't let you off the hook either, I'm sure."

A couple days later...

Izixs huffed as he went down the hospital hallway. "So... remind me again why they put things... so far from the garage?" The dragon was having a bit trouble keeping balance, but Isto was there to help him along. "I mean, really... they didn't think that someone might be carrying more than a little extra weight?" Isto chuckled. Lenny and Sana had already arrived and gotten checked in. They rounded a corner and entered the waiting room. Izixs spotted his friends and he smiled. They were looking much less round than he and Alkain had left them that day. "Hey!" he said and the two got up to greet them and guide the dragon to a couch. "Yes, a break would be nice."

Alkain grunts as he pads along putting one, already sore, paw in front of the other as he focuses his thoughts on supporting his friends, "I know..." he groans, "But we are here to support Sana and Lenny..." he sighs, wishing he could do it over Skype or something... He shakes his head though and then smiles in relief as he spots the two in question, "Hey!" he waves eagerly with a paw on his belly as he waddles over to the couch with you, "So... They check you guys out yet?" Lenny shakes his head and grumbles a bit, though having come to terms with it already it seems, "No..." he says quietly

Izixs notices the parents of their friends were not present. "They're having a talk with our moms," says Sana. "Its been super awkward. I mean, rabbits have reputations for these sort of things, even if its not usually true. But yeah, lots of passive aggressiveness from my 'rents and my brothers and sisters." Just then an older rabbit emerged. "Sana, they're ready for you," she said before motioning her daughter to come in. Sana's mom shot the boys a sharp and annoyed look. "Umm... think Alkain can come with?" she asked. "Fine, bring him in. He should know how things go too I guess."

Alkain looks around for Sana's parents as well though ahs at that, "I see." he sighs as he relaxes a bit and chuckles at that, "Yeah... I know..." he hmms? as Sana is called and gets ready to wish her luck... Then withers at the looks from her mom before he groans as he is asked to come, "Alright alright..." he looks to you and Lenny and can't help but tease as he gets back to his feet, "Play well you two." Lenny blushes furiously and takes a seat beside you, "My mom... Is not happy..." he says simply as he waits for her to return, "You wanna come... Too?" he looks with pleading eyes

Izixs gives him a nod. "Yeah. I gotta face up to this. More than you do really. I mean, it's my responsibility and all." The dragon leans against his friend and gives him a hug. Isto can't help but smile. "You know boys, its not the end of the world. I mean, we'll have enough I think to not just barely get by, but to also give all of your kids a good life. So don't fret, ok?" Izixs nodded. Sana's mom lead Alkain and her daughter down the hall and they were met by the doctor. The doctor lead them into an examination room. Sana was soon on the examination table. The doctor was the same one that had done the same series of tests for Alkain. "So, Alkain, are you going to take good care of Sana?" asked her mom. "I know you're probably not going to vanish on us, but what your dad told us about things, that's not just a bad joke right?"

Alkain smiles at the doctor and nods, "Hey again..." he rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment and then blinks at Sana's mom, "O-of course! I wouldn't dream of leaving her alone..." he blushes a bit more and bites his lip, "No... It's not a joke." he hopes she won't be too mad at him... Besides, the size of his belly definitely isn't a joke! He waits for the questions and answers them the best he can. Lenny gives a sigh of relief and hugs you, "Thanks man." he nods to Isto and glances down at his own belly, "I um... Yeah, I know."

Izixs ruffles Lenny's head fluff and gives him a peck on the cheek. Isto slid out of the room to hit up he bathroom. Izixs leans in to Lenny. "I... would be lying if I didn't find the idea of you being pregnant like really really hot." The dragon smirks to his friend. "And uh... though it might not be that great of an idea, if... things go well... and all... wouldn't mind getting busy again." Izixs winked before leaning back again. In the office, Sana was dealing with a bit of embarrassment even as the doctor went over the basics of the tests with her. But she was overall not reacting to them. "Good," replies her mom. "I don't know much about hyper fertiles like you, but I expect at least some responsibility out of you. And if I ever think you're trying to do my daughter wrong, you'll be hearing from me."

Alkain smiles reassuringly to Sana during the questions and fidgets nervously under the gaze of her mom, "Yes mam. I promise to take care of her as best I can." Lenny grumbles at the ruffling but smiles as you lean into him, though blinks and blushes as he hears those words, "Uh... R-really?" he shakes his head though and sighs, "I... Dunno... Maybe... I mean... I'd like to, but... My parents..." he whimpers a bit and noses, "I know they won't be happy... If it happens again..."

Izixs gives a nod. "Well, then maybe after you're out of school and on your own. Just figured I'd offer." The dragon shifted uncomfortably in his seat, fighting the urges in his loins. He had made sure to climax before they hit the road, but even so, it was no guarantee he wouldn't get aroused. In the examination room, the doctor was explaining that there was a chance that Alkain may have left more potential babies than what would normally be expected from even a rabbit like herself. She gulped and bit her lip. They then got onto the last set of tests. After that, the answer was clear. Sana was quite pregnant. What they wouldn't know was that she had twenty one little one's growing inside her.

Alkain blushes at the result and can't help but be turned on, he bites his lip more as he fights his arousal. He had made sure to have some extra fun earlier as well, as much as he could anyway, just to see if it'd help. It hasn't so far though! Lenny nods as he ponders that and looks over shyly, "M-maybe..." he can't hide the way his tail is wagging though!

Izixs is about to say something more when the other doctor appears with Lenny's mom in tow. "Lenny?" she asks. "Come on," says Izixs. "Lets see how things are then." The dragon gets up just in time for Isto to return. "Oh heading in? Alright alright," he says following the group into the back office. Sana's heart pumps hard. She smiles, and has tears in her eyes. "Al... mom..." she mutters. Her mom goes to her and gives her daughter a hug.

Alkain nods to Sana and sighs in relief at her smile, moving to hug her to his belly if allowed! "Well, shall we break the news?" Meanwhile, Lenny nods as he gets up before helping you up, "Careful..." his own heart is beating hard, though with nerves more than anything else! He pads after his mom and the doctor, squeezing your hand as he hasn't let go since he helped you up

Izixs smiles to Lenny as they are lead towards their own examination room. Sana nods. "Yeah, we should," she says between sobs of joy. Her mom sighs and rubs her daughter's back. "Sana... heh... I didn't expect to get grand kids for a while... but... maybe it will be ok. I love you Sana." The doctor moved out of the way as the rabbit moved to the door. The others were passing by just at that moment. "Hey guys, uh... I'm pregnant." Izixs smiled at her, then at Alkain beyond. "Congrats you guys!" he said. Isto chuckled.

Alkain flicks his tail happily at Sana's joy and rubs the back of his neck more at her mother's words, "It'll be ok." he smiles a bit and nods to you as we pass, "Yeah..." he glances over to Sana's mom and mouths, "Thanks." with a grin. Lenny can't help but blush as he smiles, "C-congrats..." he looks over to Alkain and chuckles a bit before both groups move on, Lenny's mom looks at you a bit, "You'll take care of my son... If he is indeed pregnant..." it is definitely a statement, not a question

Izixs does his best to stand up straight and at attention. "Of course!" he announces. "I'll do what I can. I mean, he's my friend, and, if he is... it would be a real jerk thing for me to do to ignore him and not do the right thing." The dragon had been practicing his speech a bit in his head for a while. He had more but he forgot it. "Well, uh, we should get on to our own appointment," he said before waving to his brother and the rabbits. The doctor lead them on to their exam room and they were soon settling in. "Well, I guess we have somethings to get sorted out," said the older bunny. "Alkain, I know this is going to be a... complicated life for us going forward, but if you prove you are trustworthy as you sound, then I think we'll get along ok." Sana huffed at her mom. The doctor slipped out after one more congrats and setting up their next appointment when they would know for certain how many the rabbit was carrying of Alkain's brood.

Alkain waves back and nods to Sana's mother, "Yeah... It will be..." he sighs a bit, mostly to try and hide his excitement, "I won't let you down. I promise!" he looks to Sana and smiles, trying to keep his thoughts away from how big she might get! Lenny smiles at you, while his mom huffs a bit, "We'll see." her tails flicks a bit as she walks along, she clearly isn't sure what to think of all this still

Izixs was ushered into the exam room with Lenny, his mom, and Isto. Isto, after the first few questions asked if he could leave. The doc nodded and Isto slipped out. He caught up with the others on their way out. He got the attention of Sana's mom and told the kids to go ahead and have a seat in the waiting room so they could chat a bit. Sana escorted her friend, lover, and father of their children back to the waiting room. "Pretty unreal isn't it?" she said as they got to the couch again. "I mean... wow and stuff."

Alkain sighs in relief once Sana's mom is distracted and pulled away, "Yeah... I mean, I'm glad you are happy and stuff. I am too." and proud... And very turned on... He takes a seat with a grateful groan before he falls silent a bit, then asks, "What do you think though? Will... Will you keep them?" he asks nervously, though probably already knows the answer! Lenny answers the questions as best he can, though likely needs prompting from either you or his mother with how shy he is! Once the answers are gathered and the samples taken... The result is clear, Lenny is quite pregnant... Though the exact number of seventeen will not be known until a while later!

Izixs can't help but give the folf a hug as the results are announced, almost knocking him off the table. He doesn't care about his mom's glares. "Lenny, it still confuses me all this, but .... but... heh... I'm so happy." The dragon's tail wags excitedly. And being so close to the table means the shorts bulge was not as visible. Sana nodded to Alkain. "I... I want to keep them. I already told my mom that. And... heh... I'm glad you got that baby naming book. We might need a few." She leaned in to give Alkain a kiss.

A couple days later and a few talks from Great Grandad as well as lawyers...

Alkain sighs as we pull up to the resort, grateful to our great grandfather for 'convincing' our parents to go easy on us. He looks over at you and squeezes your paw, also thankful for the new van with plenty of space for out growing bulk, "Whew, we should have a lot of fun while the construction is going on." he smiles and noses, adjusting his shorts a bit... They've been feeling a lot tighter these days, and not just because of the lusty fun we've been having!

Izixs was finding himself prone to extra adjustments of late himself. He had to make a couple as they climbed out of the van. Pel and Gral bounced around the van as the two heavily pregnant teens hit the parking lot pavement with the assistance of their parents. Kor of course helped Alkain while Isto did so for Izixs. "Whew indeed!" said the young dragon. He smiled as his mate. "This is gunna be so nice." Everyone was going to be staying at the resort while things were readied back home. The parents would of course need to head back from time to time to check on things, but for the most part the lot of them were free to enjoy themselves for a couple weeks while the major work was done. "Looks nice," said Isto as he took Izixs' arm. Izixs held Alkain's paw as they started in.

Alkain nods gratefully to his father, "Thanks dad." he grunts as he manages to get to his feet after wobbling a bit and chuckles at you, oofing as his young kick actively within him, "Heh... They must be excited as well." Kor nods and gives Alkain's belly a pat, "Just be glad your great grandfather blackmailed us..." he sighs, still a sore point for him. Alkain blushes and nods at that, "I know..." before he waddles towards the entrance with you, blushing as he ponders his surprise for you...

Izixs groaned a few times as they headed in. Moving too far was a tad tiring of course but the growing effort to get around was leaving the dragon with a good deal of strength in his legs. "Now now," said Isto to Kor. "I wouldn't say its blackmail. I mean, he's just having conditional generosity!" Isto had a chuckle. Izixs kept his mouth shut just in case. Eca and Terra had beat them in and were working on getting their rooms sorted out as well as their itineraries. Pel and Gral hovered about the boys, trying to hide behind the four, until they had the room cards in hand and were off to get settled. Pel was the older of Izixs' siblings at twelve. Her younger brother had just hit nine.

Alkain chuckles as you groan, though can't help but grunt in sympathy as well. Kor gives a sigh to Isto and nods, "Sure." he's clearly being sarcastic. Terra nods to the clerk and finishes up, "-room twenty-B, got it." the clerk nods as he hands over the keys to the room, the largest room they have most likely! Alkain watches your siblings with a chuckle when he can, wishing Lenny and Sana could be here too. He looks over at you and sighs, "I -really- hope it's on this floor... And isn't too far away..." as unlikely as that is for reasons both design and punishment related

Izixs watched as Terra and Eca lead them down a hall, and to an elevator bank. Izixs was about to say something sarcastic but was distracted by a kick from within. "So I guess we go up a few at a time?" asked Isto as the first elevator door opened. "I'll take Izzy up first, the rest of you follow when you can." Isto slipped in first, hit the button for floor twenty. With Izixs in and filling up a lot of the space, the door closed leaving the rest behind. "So..." said Izixs. "So what?" replied Isto. "You know... did you get it?" The older dragon nodded. "With the renovations paid for, you managed to secure a pretty good one. Well, I did," boasted Isto. "I even made sure to get his ring size while you guys slept." Izixs gulped. The boys had given up sleeping with clothes on, and though their parents had seen them in the buff a number of times by this point it always made Izixs feel self conscious even when it was simply mentioned. The elevator dinged and they existed. "I left it in your suitcase, lower pocket in the front."

Kor nods at that, not like there is much choice after all! "See you at the room then." Once the doors are closed Alkain looks to his father, "Did you get it?" he asks excitedly, Kor nods at that and chuckles, "Yeah, I got it. I snuck in while you two were sleeping to size Izzy's finger." Alkain blushes furiously at that thought, sure they've seen him naked quite a bit these past few months... Still quite embarrassing! He nods though and Kor points to Alkain's bag, "It's in with your clothing. In the little pocket on the left." Alkain can't help but squee and hug our father, well... As much as he can with his belly! By that time, you have reached the twentieth floor

Izixs found himself on the twentieth, and top floor. "B... B... B... well, we're at Y," said Isto before inspecting a sign. "Ah yes, this way." The older dragon started off down the hall pulling their bags along with. The room was not quite at the end of the hall, but just short of. Izixs realized he wasn't going to much like the hike. Isto scanned the card and opened the door. Izixs jaw dropped as he saw the room. It was a suite, and a large one. Couches, large TV, small kitchen, doors to at least two bed rooms and a stairway heading up, likely to another. "Wow!" said the teen as he entered and took it all in. "I suspect you two will be wanting one of the rooms on this level," said Eca as she, the kids, and Terra arrived. Izixs wanted to turn and run back for Alkain, but decided to conserve his energy. He'd be there soon enough.

Alkain's loud grumbling can be heard as he waddles closer to the room, "Did... You guys... Have to... Get a room... So far... From the elevator?" he pants out as he reaches the door, then brightens up at the 'room' "Woooooowww, ok... This makes up... For it." he grunts as he squeezes in and gives you a kiss before looking to our moms, "Oh yes, please!" he near begs and Kor can't help but grin, "Fine fine..." Terra relents though and nods, "We'll take another room." Alkain nods and breathes a sigh of relief, "Thanks!" he grins as he ponders the night ahead

Izixs thanked their parents. Eca corralled her younger kids off for the moment through the art of promises to go swimming in a bit while Izixs and Alkain were shown to their room. It had a large California king and a large window overlooking the court yard. Despite huffing a bit, Izixs went to the window and looked down. "Nice!" Isto left his suit case in the corner before departing, eager to see more of the suite. His tail wagged but it was very much time to have a sit. He slid onto the bed and then grunted as he adjusted his shorts. He was wearing a shirt but plenty of his belly was showing out the bottom. "Al, this isn't so bad you know?"

Alkain's eyes go wide at the bed and he rushes, as best he can anyway, over to examine it, "Awesooooome... We can easily fit on this!" well, easier than our current beds at least! He looks over to Isto and Kor with a big happy grin, "Thanks so much!" he has a shirt on as well, though it is doing little good despite being the largest size available. Kor nods and waves, "Be good boys." before helping the rest get situated. Alkain eagerly gets on the bed and noses your belly, "No... No it isn't." he smiles

Izixs reaches down and rubs your neck and cheeks. "A couple weeks here... yeah, I think we're going to have a great time." The dragon leaned down and planted a kiss between his lover's eyes. "Mmm, hope you don't mind if I flop for a bit." Izixs slid back on the bed and got to stretching out. From there, Alkain could get a pretty good view of his brother's under belly and the big lumps within his shorts. Occasionally the dragon's belly would shake of its own accord. "Oh yes... heh, its like... how my bed used to feel." Izixs chuckled. He then worked to reach down around his middle to adjust his shorts. The car ride had been a bit on the long side, so the dragon was quite aware of his body's urges flaring up. Eca knocked on the door and then spoke to them from the other side. "I'm taking Pel and Gral to the pool. You boys are free to come along if you like. I think your dad packed swim wear for you Izzy."

Alkain murrs at the rubs and smiles a bit, "Indeed we will." he can't keep the lusty growl from his voice as he noses over your cheek after the kiss. He chuckles as you flop and stares as you stretch with a murr of delight, and a tightening of his fairly overburdened shorts, "Oh?" he perks up as you describe the bed and chuckles as he moves to lay down as well, "Ohhh, it does." he sighs contently, though his thoughts soon turn lustful again as he noses more, "I-" he's cut of by your mom and ponders... Before looking to you, "Hmm think we should find some relief before we go, don't you?" he winks

Izixs chuckles. "Yeah, don't want things getting too awkward in the pool with everyone around," he says as he rolls to his side. He puts a paw on your belly and starts giving it a slow rub. "The bed's big enough we could get into a number of different positions. Could even try to to sixty nine if you like." He noses forward and then licks your snout. "Or if you're feeling real adventurous, could always go for a good pussy or ass humping." The dragon's shorts creaked. He reached down and made quick work of the front. His cock, despite only being partially hard, sprung a foot and a half of dark dragon flesh between them, bumping right under his lover's belly and against his own package.

Alkain nods in agreement at that and calls back, "We'll be down later!" trying to keep his voice calm during your rubbing, likely to little success! He grins at you and ponders a bit, "I wonder..." he rubs your belly in slow circles as well, "If we can knock each other up like you did Lenny too." he can't help but grin at the thought, though quickly unfastens his shorts when he hears the stitching start to pop... He chuckles as your length springs out, his own foot and a halfer joining yours soon enough!

Izixs murred at the thought. "I... have a feeling its a possibility," said the dragon as his shaft grew further, sliding along Alkain's as it did. "I'm rather tempted to find out." He reached down and began to casually stroke the side of Alkain's cock. "Mmm... did I ever tell you that I love your cock? I mean, its about as big as mine, but its more than that. The shape, the feel of it, the smell, hehe... the fact that it bred me so well." Izixs gave Alkain a kiss. "Though I guess we should be a bit careful. If you knot me we might miss dinner, hehe. Wanna go first? I think I'm ready for our little experiment."

Alkain mmms and nods at that, 'I hope so~" he grins as his own shaft lengthens as it hardens, "Me too," he murrs as you stroke his thick shaft and shudders as he strokes over yours, "Oh?" he mmms and kisses as you describe it and grins as he gives a deep passionate kiss at the last, "Mmm, I feel similar really..." he nods though at that and grins, "Oh yeah... After all... You bred me first. It's only fair I get to breed your other hole first~" he winks as he teases and gives one final kiss before getting into a comfortable position to mount your rump

Izixs rolled over onto his belly and was naturally forced to all fours. The dragon lifted his tail. His still growing shaft pressed against the bed and was slowly forced back. He whimpered as it slid along the sheets. Above it hang his heavy balls which normally hid his well bred vulva above them. And finally above that, tucked between his cheeks was his back door, his tailhole. "I am a little nervous of course, but, hehe, quite eager too." His tail hooked around Alkain's waist and started to tug his lover towards him.

Alkain rrs as he looks over your backside, swollen with baby weight! He grins as he places his tip to your tailhole and nods as he traces a claw over your button, gently of course! "I'll be gentle, I promise... I won't knot either, don't want to miss dinner!" He chuckles a bit, "Relax." he waits for you to relax before pushing his fat tip into you with a groan of pleasure

Izixs calms his breath and eases himself, loosening the nervousness from his rear. And just in time. His eyes go wide as the tip of your shaft makes contact with his pucker and starts to push against it. He focuses a bit to maintain his composure, and then finds himself groaning as you part his cheeks and begin to slowly burry your bone inside. All the same, he grips the sheets tightly. He shudders with a moan. "Wow..." he whispers. Soon his insides, hot as his other hole but with a different texture to them, are holding tight to the first half foot of your cock.

Alkain chuckles as you push back and shudders as he feels you slowly enveloping his girth, "Gods... Just as hot as before..." he sighs happily and rubs over what little of your back he can reach before pushing in more! Soon the half foot is a foot of his fat dick. He grunts as he stops there, fully hard by now, and lets you adjust, "Geez... So tight..." he shudders more as he leaks his potent pre into you

Izixs pants heavily. They had been holding off on full matings for a while now, and so the dragon wasn't used to the sheer girth you were providing, even less so in his rear. But after a few moments and some groans he nodded. "You... said it... Mmm... heh... But I'm sure you got more to give me." He snickered. His own length was making a bit of a puddle on the bed already.

Alkain mmms as he feels his first full mating since Sana and groans as you squeeze around his massive breeding rod, "Urf... Heh, I do indeed." he growls as the primal part of his brain is stoked by your tight rump and grunts as he starts pushing into you fater, "Can't... Wait to... Show you how... It feels..." though you probably already felt similar with Lenny! He grins as a paw goes to the little bit of your belly he can reach, knowing it turns you on hotter as he rubs it

Izixs shakes with pleasure, especially after the touch on the side of his belly. "If... this goes well... you can knot me tonight..." he said with a grin on his face. He began to push back, rocking his hips a little with your own pushes, seeking to get more of your length within. The walls of the dragon's bowels cling so tightly you can feel his pulse within them. The passage bends its direction to your insertion and with only a few internal constrictions here and there, the journey in isn't too difficult.

Alkain rrrfs and chuckles at that with a nod, "Oooo, hope I do well then..." he grunts as his member lurches at the thought and moans as he pushes deeper into you! A shrinking part of his is wondering whether the bed is water proofed! He growls as he starts rocking within you and shudders as he works deeper, soon at the two and a half foot mark! "Almost... Hilted..." Though something feels off, it almost feels like there is more to his length then he is used to

Izixs feels the pressure within him and it was incredible. The feeling of your shaft against the back side of his womb make the dragon aware of the hints of several forms deep within him. Some of them move on their own, giving the occasional kick that translates through the walls of his womb and into his back passage. The dragon huffs excitedly as he experiences this. He's only vaguely aware that already most of what he had within him previously was already packed into his rear, and yet there was more to go. He was even less aware of the extra his own length was sporting as it pressed against the bed.

Alkain shivers as he feels his young squirm against his throbbing length and growls as one hits a very pleasurable spot! Causing him to spurt a big load of pre into you, "Ooff... That... That was close..." he grunts as he continues to push into you, soon reaching the three foot mark and suddenly stops, confused... "Uhhh...." he looks down, futilely, to inspect his maleness and grunts as he starts shoving MORE of his fat length into you, "Oh gods..."

Izixs grunts. "Wh... what is it love?" the dragon grunts out. He began to piece things together. Alkain felt deeper, much deeper, than he had ever before. The dragon tried to reason through it, that this was a different hole. And that he had a belly full of babies. But the fact that his love was causing the top of his belly to push out as far as he was, was a sure confirmation that yes, Alkain was able to get more than just an extra inch since last time, more like several. He pushed back a bit, only just feeling the brush of his mate's balls on his legs.

Alkain rrrfs and chuckles at that, "Did... Didn't think... I could get bigger..." he growls as his nuts, enlarged as well, plap against your rump and sighs, "Sooo good..." he growls as he starts to pull out, just in time for his knot to start swelling completely, "Ooof, close one.." he pants as he starts thrusting into you!

Izixs rocks himself back and forth in time with your thrusts. "Big... bigger..." he says as if both asking and agreeing with you. The dragon tries to ponder this fact but is quickly lost in the feelings of joy, of tightness, of fullness you were giving him. He flexes his rear, or tries to, to give your length an appreciative squeeze. He feels your knot as it pumps up against his cheeks. He's flush and looking forward to feeling it within him later. His stomach jiggles with increased activity. The addition of your cock to his insides and the resulting activity seems to have woken up more than a couple of the dragon's cubs.

Alkain mmphs and pants as he nods at that, "Y-yep..." he chuckles proudly and shudders as you flex your rear to give him more pleasure, nearly losing it there! He preservers though as he tries to drag it out, the feeling of his kits growing more active within you does it soon enough! He howls out as he starts pumping his incredibly potent seed deep into you

Izixs feels his insides flooding with your spunk. The extra heft to his belly you had provided grows. Without your knot in him, some does leak out, but the tightness of your cock within his rear keeps most of it within. The dragon shakes twists a bit, rather close to a peak of his own. But he fights it, intent on providing you with all the can give when its his turn to mount. Still, he can't help but let his hips force back hard against your thrusts and his tail to push against your back as you push forward.

Alkain murrs and pants as he unloads his pent up seed deep into you, shivering as he rubs over what of your belly he can reach, "Rrr..." he grunts as you shake and twist, before he sighs contently as the flow of his seed slows after a few minutes, "Ohhh..." he pants and murrs in contentment

Izixs pants and groans as he feels significantly heavier. "How many gallons... feels like plenty!" he says with a chuckle, reaching for his belly, now double bloated, and gives it a rub. He wiggles his hips, rubbing the base of his tail against your own middle. "Didn't realize the car ride had ye so pent up... well... maybe I do." He flexes his groin muscle, causing his own length to twitch.

Alkain mmphs and snickers at that, "Y-yeah... We're just... So sexy like this..." he murrs a bit before he starts to pull out a bit, some of his thick paste like seed spilling out, "Rrf... My turn?" he grins as he continues to draw out and shivers in anticipation, "Or would you rather I sit here a bit?" he teases as he slows in drawing his massive girth out of you

Izixs moans a bit as you start to extract. "Errr... uh... stay for a couple..." He nods. "I'm on a hair trigger I think... want to come down a bit before I go at ye. And..." just then there was a knock on the door. "You two getting on alright?" it was Isto. "Uh, yeah! We're, just taking care of things!" Izixs replied. "Ok, I think everyone's heading to the pool. Come on down when you're done in there." They both could hear a chuckle on the other side of the door that got quieter as Isto headed off to go to the pool himself.

Alkain hmms and nods at that, stilling his withdrawal from you as he waits for you to relax, "Heh... Alri-" he's cut off by Isto and blushes as he looks to the door, hoping he won't come in with himself balls deep inside you, he breathes a sigh of relief as the door quiets, "Heh..." he murrs and rubs your belly a little, "At least they didn't interrupt us..."

Izixs giggles. "Yeah, though knowing him, if there weren't someone else out there he may just have done so to get us to freak out." Izixs stuck his tongue out. You feel his muscles try to give your length a squeeze. You can feel his pulse slow a bit as he relaxes. "I.... I think I'm almost ready. Rar, ye ready for a wonderful ride love?"

Alkain snickers with a blush at that and nods, "Yeah, probably." he has gotten to know Isto pretty well over the past months. He grunts as you squeeze over his over sensitive length and chuckles a bit, "Good. I can't wait." he murrs as he starts to draw out slowly again, both for you and for himself!

Izixs manages to maintain himself past the pop of your cock from his rear. He did his best to close up his hole put plenty of your seed leaked out, coating his nether lips and the underside of his balls. The dragon rolled to his side and as he did his massive length sprung with, almost hitting you in the snout. "Do you... do you think we're both... getting bigger?" he asked as he sat up and started moving to change places with you.

Alkain mphs at that pop and snickers as his seed leaks out. He ponders that a bit and snickers as you nearly whack him with your length, sticking his tongue out to give it a lick before he gets on his hands and knees. He lifts his tail for you to expose his baby plump rear, nethers and tail hole, "Ohhh, I can't help but hope so..." he ponders that though, "At least... I hope we don't... Get too big for sex..."

Izixs grins as he rubs the end of his prick up and down, from the space between your balls to jut under your tail. "Well, if that's ever a problem, I'll demand you knot my pussy until you stop growing just to be sure." He does another long rub before planting the end of his shaft against your pucker. "Already is a bit different than with Lenny," he commented. "I do like exploring new things!" And with that he starts to apply pressure to that spot between your cheeks.

Alkain shivers as you tease him and chuckles at that, "Mmm, you better." he teases back and grins as you rub you tip against your pucker, relaxing a bit for your entry, "Oh?" he ponders that, wondering what is different, but having no experience with anal since before you... Can't comment, "G-OOOD!" he yelps out in pleasure as you apply pleasure and start to enter!

Izixs grunts and twists his hips a little from one side to another as he starts to part your bowel walls. Half a foot in plus a couple inches, he pauses to make sure you were taking him well and not in too much discomfort. "Heh, Alkain... you so tight." He says with a teasing grin. "You so tight your ass feels like panty hose on my dick." The dragon starts to push forward again. A foot, a foot and a half. He pauses again, taking the time to rub your rump appreciatively before leaning forward, difficult given his belly, to rub the side of your stomach.

Alkain grunts as he takes your length and pants, though snickers as you start teasing, "Heh... Izzy, you so big..." he grunts as he squeezes a little with each word while you slide in, "You so big... You make my world... Shake..." he shivers, being completely honest despite the teasing tone and pushes back against you to try and get more into him

Izixs put his paws to your hips once again as he began to push. He'd occasionally pull back and then swing forward, but generally still sliding in. Two feet, two and a half. "Heh, hell, I feel different I think," he says as he presses bast the third. His shaft ran through most your torso at this point, filling out and providing quite a bump on your front. He paused and inspected the last bit that he had to go curiously. "Hmm... yeah... think I've grown a bit, heck even since the baby shower, and that wasn't that long ago!"

Alkain mphs as he wiggles his hips for you and grunts as you start thrusting into him, he groans as you slide two feet in... Then two and half... Then three! "G-gods... Soo deep..." He chuckles though and almost moves a paw to rub at his leaking chest, though reconsiders as he needs it to support his belly. "Y-yeah... Same." he shudders as he squeezes a bit more

Izixs pushes in the last bit of his length, his girth stretching your insides wide and long. The dragon was becoming aware of the feel of your insides. Similar in a few ways to Lenny, but a few very key differences, particularly the pressure from your womb. "Wow.... yeah..." he says with some gasps. He pulls out a bit and thrusts forward. Then again, and again.

Alkain shudders as he feels you hilt deep inside him and pants as his lungs press against your girth, in addition to our kits kicking and squirming deep within him, "Ooof..." he groans and chuckles as you speak, grunting as you pull out that thrust back in! He shivers as he pushes back with each inward thrust!

Izixs bites his lower lip as he gets working his three and a half foot length through your body. "Heh... I half think I can taste your cum," he jokes. The dragon's balls, massive and full, slap against your legs with each thrust. He grunts as he enjoys himself. "I... I feel them!" he announces as he gets a couple kicks inside you.

Alkain murrs and snickers at that, "I hope... So!" he groans as you work your shaft deep inside him and shudders as he feels your nuts slapping against his own, "Rrrf! I do too!" he moans as his kits squirm against you with each thrust, likely awakened by all the activity! He pants as his tail wraps around your leg and shivers as he squeezes around both your girth and your leg lovingly

Izixs had already been on edge for a while and so it wasn't a surprise he didn't last much longer. Of course it wasn't until the third squirt of seed that the peak of his climax fully hit his mind. He panted and jiggled his massive belly over your back as he humped with wild energy. Some of his spunk squirted from around his cock, landing on the dragon or the sheets.

Alkain shudders as you unload into him, wanting to squeeze over his bloating belly though unable to! He shudders and howls as he has a, much smaller, orgasm as well! Emptying his nuts all over the bed, "Ooooh gods..." he pants and smiles in bliss as he nearly loses the strength in his arms, shaking his head as he tries to keep conscious!

Izixs continues to pump and thrust. He had been more pent up than he realized as well. The dragon though after a number of minutes did begin to slow his pace as his cock finally started to run low on seed. Panting heavily he eventually pushed himself in fully. Then his paws reached forward and rubbed the sides of your belly. "I love you Al," he says as his cock jumps a few more times, squirting the last of the spunk into the massive pool within he had just left.

Alkain mmms as you continue to thrust and pump into him, shuddering with joy as you fill him with your thick cream, "Oooh... Izzy..." he smiles as he feels the rubs and chuckles as he spurts the last of his seed onto the bed, "Heh... Think it'll take?" he smiles at the affection and nods as he squeezes your leg with his tail, the only gesture he can make currently, "I love you too..." he murrs

Izixs gives a quick thrust. "Oh I hope it'll take. Else we'll just have to have another go, then another, then another..." He snickers. He sniffed the air. "Is it wrong that I so love the smell of our sex? To, you know, sleep in it every day? Heh, I kind of like it when your mom forgets to change the sheets."

Alkain groans at the thrust and snickers, "Ohhh, yeah. Sounds like a plan..." he hmms? and grins at that, squeezing over your leg and length more, "Mmm, if it is... I don't want to be right..." he murrs and chuckles, though soon pouts, "The staff will probably change them though..." he sighs and shakes his head, "Too bad though..."

Izixs chuckles. He starts to slowly pull back, sliding his prick back through your body. He pauses a couple times to enjoy the feel of your cubs against his shaft as they squirm about. But eventually the dragon's cock pops free, letting lose a bit of a seminal water fall in his wake. He sits back and admires his work as his shaft slowly deflates. "I guess we could always ask them to simply make the bed... but they might find it too awkward, hehe. I don't know." The dragon spotted that their room had its own bathroom. He tilted his head and saw that it had a handicap sized shower stall.

Alkain shivers as you withdraw and rrfs at the kicks from within him, "Heh, we woke the army up..." he snickers as he feels that waterfall and nods at that, "Yeah, would be nice..." he sighs though as he recalls our grandfathers words and grumps, "Our parents wouldn't be happy though..." he sits up slowly once you are out of him and noses lovingly, "Mm, if you aren't to drained... Maybe we should wash up and join the others?"

Izixs nodded. "Yeah, I think a swim would be awesome. I read that the babies might really like it." The dragon slid off the bed and waddled to the bathroom. "Looks like there's a big enough shower for at least one of us, both if we get close," he announces as he turns on the water and checks its temperature.

Alkain pouts as you slip away so soon, but chuckles and nods as he slides off the bed himself. He looks at the mess and winces, "Well, hope they have a clean up detail for hypers..." he looks over at the shower and smiles as he waddles over, "Oh?" he peeks in and grins, "Oh! Cool! I say with both get in, it'll be fun and we'll get done quicker." provided we done have 'fun' in there

Izixs wiggles his rear to his mate before sliding into the shower. He pushed himself to the far corner, picked up the bar of soap. "Good idea," he says in agreement. "Come here so I can get you all soapy." After his corny line he winched in pleasure as he felt a big kick. "I think they want to take a shower too."

Alkain murrs at the wiggle and snickers as he slides into the shower, "Alright." he snerks at the corny line and grins as he rubs your belly gently at the kick, "Heh, or maybe it's your cheese that upset them." he teases as he gathers the other soap to wash with, tail flicking happily as he lathers up

Izixs gets to work cleaning himself where he can and taking breaks from such to get to where you can't. Particularly around your lower belly. He pauses a few times as he does that press his ear against your stomach to listen to them move about inside. He feels quite giddy. "Yep, they're having a party in there."

Alkain mmms as he cleans over you as well and tries to contain his arousal at the rubs, kicking and squirming, "Ooofff, feels like it." he snickers as he helps lather you up, rubbing over your belly to help clean it of our recent fun, "Feels like you have a party going on in your belly as well." he murrs happily

Izixs makes sure to give his mate a kiss. "Don'tcha know it!" he says before slapping Alkain's rear playfully. "I guess like when someone says the party doesn't start until I'm here, well... I guess for us that might be kind of true!" He chuckles. The dragon manages to not get too excited and before too long both brothers are mostly clean and free from obvious spooge stains. All the same, Izixs can't help but lock his lips on to one of Alkain's nipples for a playful suckle before they're both done with the shower.

Alkain murrs at the kiss and nuzzles a bit into it, "Heh, yeah. Feels good too..." he murrs a bit and shakes his head with a grin as he helps clean ourselves up, though eeps and moans as his nipple is sucked from, some of his rich cream flowing out onto your tongue, "W-wow..." he pants a bit and grins, "W-we'll have to experiment with that later." he winks before giving a kiss

Izixs smirks and nods. "Yeah, been seeing you leak for a while now... kind of wanted a taste." As they get out of the shower and start to dry off, Izixs makes sure to check out his love. His eyes dance over Alkain's form. His familiar and kind face. His big belly and balls. His strong legs and arms. The dragon felt so lucky in that moment. Feeling sufficiently dry he headed to his suit case to get his swimwear. What he found was a note from his dad and a small package. 'So I've been asked to help with the punishments for you boys. So expect some surprises now and then until you give birth. I managed to get you and Al new swimwear. Don't go looking for your trunks or his, they're not with us. I expect you'll make good use of it during the stay. -Isto' The dragon inspected the small package before opening it quickly. In it was two thongs, one pink, the other purple. "Uh... Alkain?"

Alkain chuckles at that and nods, "I see." he grins a bit, "Wonder how you taste." he snickers as we get dry, smiling as you look him over while he does the same, "So sexy..." he likewise feels lucky and gives a hug before he dries completely. Though at your voice he perks up and looks over, "What?" as he starts to pad over, though blinks at what you are holding, "What..."

Izixs shows his mate the 'swimwear'. "I... I think my dad wants us to wear these. The slip says they're, you know, hyper sized... but... wow..." he goes as he holds one up. Indeed the front was kind of large, but not super sized. But it was quite clear the fabric stretched. And other than the front, there was not much to it. A loop in the back for one's tail yes, but just fabric straps otherwise. "I uh..." the dragon grins. "Heh, you know, I'd love to see you in one of these. Even if we don't go to the pool."

Alkain blinks at the thongs and rubs the back of his neck with a chuckle as he listens, "Oh... Oh wow..." he looks them over and nods as he looks to you, his loins tightening a bit as he imagines you in one, "Heh... Yeah. I would too." he looks at the purple one and snickers, "I guess this one is mine then..." he reaches out to take it

Izixs blinks a few times. "Hey!" he snorts but doesn't fight the snatching. The dragon inspects the pink thong and nods. "Alright, I think I can own this." He grinned to Alkain. "You know, I bet they did this so that we wouldn't get to enjoy the pool." He winked. "That we'd be too shy. You know what, lets get these on and hit the pool. And if they don't like it, well, heh, then they shouldn't have gotten us thongs to swim in." The dragon leans over and licks his brother's snout.

Alkain snickers and nods in agreement, "Indeed." he murrs at the thought of you in yours and grins, "Great minds think alike..." he noses into the lick, his tail flicking happily before he ponders.. "Shall we dress separately? Surprise each other?" he smiles happily at the thought

Izixs gives a nod before slipping back into the bathroom. "No peaking!" he says before shutting the door.

To be continued~!