One Hot Night

Story by Tokomi_Flametail on SoFurry

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#2 of Jacob & Star

This is a continuation of A Trainer's Inner Fire. It's also the first adult piece I've tried writing.

"Ugh..." Jacob sighed, dropping his armful of various berries onto the decently-sized pile before him. As he flopped down against the rock wall of the cave, his red-orange scales took the soft blow rather easily. He didn't feel any pain whatsoever, which was still strange to the newly-transformed Charmeleon. With his old human skin, he would have definitely gotten bruises from something like that. Scales were so much tougher, though, and he greatly appreciated them, but at the same time...

"What's wrong? Feeling tired already?" Star asked, ducking to fit through the small entrance hole into the cave. Dropping her own load of berries onto the pile they had been gathering, the female Charmeleon walked over to her former trainer and sat down beside him.

"Well, yeah," Jacob nodded before closing his eyes and resting his head back against the wall. "We've been at this berry gathering thing all day, and I'm still not used to these small arms. They're just not as strong as my old ones were."

It was still strange to Jacob that he could now openly communicate with his former partner Pokémon, but for the most part, he had grown used to it. The two of them had gotten lost in the Viridian Forest about a month ago under strange circumstances. After Jacob had been transformed into a Charmeleon, they had finally found a way out of the forest and had been living in one of Mt. Moon's numerous caves ever since.

"Well, sorry, but you're gonna have to get used to it," Star apologetically chuckled. "I mean, you're not going to be human again any time soon. Well, as far as I can tell, at least."

"I know..." Jacob frowned, hanging his head at the solemn reminder.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Star exclaimed, hurriedly hugging her former trainer. "I wasn't thinking about what I was saying. Please don't be sad."

"But that's just it, Star," Jacob sighed, opening his eyes again and hugging back, only slightly acknowledging the thought that her scales felt very comfortable against his own. "How can I not be sad about it? My mom probably thinks I ditched her to go on a journey without telling her, or worse, she thinks I'm dead. All of our friends - Libre, Trisha, Strider - they're probably still waiting at the Pokémon Center, wondering why we abandoned them. And I can't change any of that, because I'm a Pokemon now. I'm lucky I haven't been captured myself!"

With that, a deep silence fell over the cave as the two of them stayed still. The hugging carried on in only the light given off by their tail flames, since the dusk was starting to pass in favor of the night.

"Well..." Star whispered, leaning in close, "I know I may not be able to fix everything, but... I can at least try to make you feel better."

With that, she broke away from her former trainer's embrace and got down on all fours. Before he had time to react, the female Charmeleon grabbed Jacob's legs and spread them apart, moving her face down quickly and licking in just the right area.

"S-Star? Wh-what are you doing?" Jacob responded as his eyes flew open, shocked at the turn of events. Nevertheless, he made no attempts to stop her, allowing his long, red cock to come out of its sheath.

Not hesitating for a moment, Star quickly began to suck on his dick. Her tongue continued its work, pausing the blowjob every so often to get in several long, slow licks.

"S-Star..." Jacob tried to speak, his feelings conflicted. On the one hand, he knew he couldn't allow this to continue. What if he did return to being a human? He couldn't have a relationship with his Pokemon! ...But at the same time, it felt so nice...

Once he was finally fully erect, Star stopped, looking back at her former trainer with a knowing look. As his pre trickled down her panting tongue, he realized that she was completely enjoying herself. But of course, he was as well. It would have been a lie to think otherwise at this point.

Before he had time to think about it anymore than that, the female Charmeleon turned around and flagged her tail, backing towards him slowly. Letting go of his inhibitions and allowing his primal instincts take control, Jacob grabbed Star's ass on both sides, his claws slightly digging into her scales. He thought he might have heard a wince of pain from her, but he didn't care. Thrusting his lower half towards her, he plunged his pulsating cock deep inside her pussy, the tightness of her insides working him up even more than before. Pulling out slowly, he started to feel a rush inside, and it was growing quickly. Relishing the feeling, Jacob kept going, thrusting his dick inside of Star time and time again, feeling the pressure build up inside of him. Losing himself in his senses, he reached up further along the Charmeleon, clinging on to her sides, until he finally reached his climax.

Euphoria flooded his system as Jacob sprayed his hot, white cum into the Charmeleon's wet pussy. Again, he could hear grunting and moaning, but he didn't know or care where they were coming from at the moment. For now, he just enjoyed unloading everything he had into his partner.

When it was all done, Jacob pulled his dick out from her, showing him just how much he had done. His cock was now covered in a sticky, semi-white substance, which also trickled out from Star, who had collapsed to the floor in sheer joy, panting heavily. Standing up, Jacob walked over to Star's front. Kneeling down to her face and lifting her snout open, which caused her to look at him with a hint of surprise, he shoved his dick into her mouth, shuddering at the pleasant, wet sensation of her tongue. Understanding now, she started the process of cleaning up.

While she did so, Jacob looked her in the eyes. The same eyes he had looked into many times before now had something else behind them; a slight sparkle. Was it love? Was it lust? Or something else entirely? Regardless, he knew how he felt. Maybe he didn't have to worry so much about returning to human life. After all, he had a home, food, and companionship. So, deciding that it might not be as bad as he previously thought, Jacob asked Star a simple question.

"So... Wanna go again?"

It was a long night for them both.