A Desperate Charmeleon
[charmeleon's desperation](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/thumb?page=239024) charmeleon's desperation](/view/239024 "charmeleon's desperation") the surrounding bug and plant type pokemon jeered onward at the charmeleon's senseless struggle.
Chapter 7 - The Origin of Skyfire, Part 2
charmeleon chuckles, and beckons him forward. "try me..." absol wastes little time and goes for charmeleon, waving his head and slashing at him with the scythe on his head. charmeleon grabs the blade.
The Wages of the Game
"aren't you, charmeleon?" charmeleon turned around swiftly, looking somewhat enraged. "you listen here," started the charmeleon, poking a claw at the riolu's chest. "i could beat you in brawl anywhere, at anytime. got it?"
After the Storm - Part 26 [Curious Kids]
The charmeleon said as he shook her hand. "and i'm jason alexander." the riolu said and shook her hand after the charmeleon let go.
A trainer's story [08]
He knew charmeleon loved me all the time. that's why he told me not to let charmeleon know that i have a translator. he wanted charmeleon to confess to me. fuck! i should have figured it out a bit sooner!"
DA in...Pokemon Mine is Better Than Yours; Part I
Scizor rushed at charmeleon at such speed, charmeleon's eyes widened "what!? when did he become this fast!?"
After the Storm - Part 25 [Catching Up]
The riolu didn't wait for the charmeleon to finish his sentence when his left hand glowed a blue light which he then used to jab and the charmeleon's bicep.
Curse of the Lycanroc
charmeleon desperately cried out to their trainer, not wanting to give up on them. dave then took a swipe at the charmeleon again, growling as he did so.
DA in...Pokemon HTLU: Part IV
Da grabbed charmeleon and threw him to the bed as he grinned, charmeleon gasped as da spread charmeleon's legs open, "luke...suck charmeleon. use that wet mouth while i give him a good licking..."
Mystery Dungeon Mishap
Asked charmeleon. pikachu nodded his head eagerly. charmeleon shrugged. "good enough for me." lucario stepped closer.
DA in...Pokemon HTLU: Part III
Nidoking plowed into charmeleon with wet, sticky sounds as charmeleon whimpered and moaned. "oooh! n...nido! i cant...l...last!"
Second Chance
Through watering eyes, he could see the figure of the charmeleon not too far from the pond. "h-how...did you..." "find you?" the charmeleon snickered in amusement.