Kaeryn: Gone Male Chpt 5

Story by Kaeryn on SoFurry

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#5 of Kaeryn: Gone Male

5th installment of Kaeryn: Gone Male.

18+ only, if you are not 18 no reading!!

Thumbnail art © Ranohara@FA

_"Gonna be home late tonight, don't wait up!" She called to me as she got her in car and drove off. My eyes followed her car till I could no longer see it. I closed the house door, locked it.. then followed her 'friend'.

"I am gonna have me some fun tonight.._ "


My pace was fast, but not too fast, I did not want the dalmatian to realize I was following him. I was going to have him pay for what he did to my girl, but also.. I had a hunch that my girl was not going to work, but instead.. going to where ever this fellow was headed. So, I kept my track on him just until he slipped away into an alleyway. I waited a few moments before entering it myself. He had cleared the alley pretty quick, I had to almost jog to keep up. Once I got to the other side of the alley, I peeked my head around the corner, searching for him. There, spotted. He was heading inside an apartment building, looked to be a old lock on that door. I did a double take before running across the street to the building, the door closing just as I got to it. But, lucky enough.. a young woman was -just- leaving.

The girl looked at me as she opened the door, I played it cool and was acting as though I had forgotten my keys. "Hey, you need in? Looks like you are new here too." She gave me a smile, I nodded. "Heh, ye.. first night in an I lock myself out." I looked from my pockets to her eyes. She had big blue ones, and for being a lynx they fit her well. She opened the door wide enough for me to get by, I thanked her with a nod and an awkward handshake thing before running up the stairs. I opened each floor door till I got to the fourth floor and found him. He was fumbling around with his keys trying to unlock his door. I waited until he was inside before walking down the hallway to his apartment.


I waited a good ten minutes or so before trying his door, luckily no one came up to this floor for anything. I had turned the handle slightly, giving it a test to see if I needed to knock. It clicked and the door opened.

I poked my head just inside the door, my ears moving towards the sound of a shower going. I snuck inside and closed the door, but somehow.. he knew I was inside. I heard a faint call coming from the bathroom, something that sounded like.. 'be out soon' or.. 'be there sec' or something or other. I guess he was expecting someone, which is why he had the door unlocked. That someone, I would guess would be Emily. For all he knew, I was her.

I decided to give his apartment a once over. It was not that bad of a place, but too small to have a family.. which with what he did to Emily, is what he will have on his paws when she gets close enough to having the pup. I did however, spot something interesting. A little box with the same sign on it that the doctors office I work at has on it. It is a small red and white rabbit head, split in the center as one side is female, the other male. I opened the box, finding out that this one.. had one of the shots in it, to make one change their sex. I wonder who this was for.. if he was going to use it on himself, or make Emily take it. My ears perked to the sound of the bathroom door opening, I grabbed the shot, closed the box and hid in the closet. Yup, clever.

"Emily? You here?" I heard the boy call, but I would not answer. I waited, like a predator stalking its prey.. waiting to pounce. I saw him walk past the closet twice before going back to the box I had opened. As he was opening it, shock took over his face as he realized the shot was missing. I took that time to squeeze out of the closet to stand right behind him. I was a good foot taller then him. "Looking for this?" He turned and looked at me, scared out of his wits.

"Hello sweetie." I grinned at him, shot in hand. "Y-you can't use that! Th-that is for Emily!" I looked between him and the shot, tilting my head I asked.. "Do you know what this does?" He nodded his head. "Tell me, what does it do?" I got the shot ready as he was explaining things to me. "I-it makes it so that when she and I, well.. mate she will not s-stop, like.. makes her sex drive higher. Sir." I raised a brow, "Really? You 'sir' are a dumb ass. Read the box." I reached over and threw the box in his paws before heading towards the bed. I was going to have some fun.

"It says it.. what?!" I walked over and grabbed his wrist, taking him over to the bed. The box fell to the ground, as with the instructions on how to properly insert the shot. "You got it pretty-boy, they lied to you. You, would have made Miss Emily, a guy.. but lucky for me, she won't be. You however.." His eyes went side as I tied him down to the bed, belly down, forcing him to lay there. "You fucked my bitch, now I fuck you." I grinned wide before inserting the shot to his ass, putting it all into him. "Now to wait, it will be about five minutes or so before you start to change, at least.. that is how long it took for myself."


The dog's eyes went wide after a good five or so minutes went by. I had lost count from his screaming of wanting to be freed. I just kept walking up and down the side of the bed, waiting. "S-So, you.. did it too?" He asked. I just nodded, not really answering him. Then it started to happen.

His body started to change, he also got smaller. His ears stayed the same size, making them look oversized for his smaller head. He was laying on his stomach so his chest changing was a bit more painful then it should be. I decided to play nice and turn him over, but made sure that he was still good and tied down to the bed. A grin spread across my face as his breasts began to grow. The way things worked for him, it looked like that his body sucked in his balls and made them into boobs. His sheath and cock disappeared afterwards, which was then followed up by a nice pink pussy filling in, in it's place.

About ten minutes into the transformation, the door opened to the apartment. We were just down a small hallway in the bedroom. Which by the looks of things, was supposed to be the living room, but I guess the guy had no need for one.

"Hello?" A small voice called from the door. It was Emily. She came around the comer shortly after, her eyes going wide when she saw me and my new female dalmatian. "S-Scott?" Her voice shook. "Where is-" I held up my hand. "This is Ashley, your fuck buddy. Or, what used to be him." Her eyes went from myself to 'Ashley'. I reached down and grabbed the box before walking over to Emily. "You see this?" She took it and looked it over. "He was going to use a shot on you, to change you into a male. For his own pleasure."

I was going to say more before she stomped over to his bedside and throw the box in his face, "You bastard!" She huffed and then turned back to me. "So? What were you planning on doing?" I gestured to a chair. "Breed him." She grinned as I did. "Only, he does not want to be bred.. or shall I say, she. I am not really one to rape, but.. he bred you, so now he will pay." She looked down, but was also confused that she was not being punished either. But oh bow, she would be.

"Now, enjoy the show babe. It will be a short one." I grinned before turning to the apartment door. I closed it and locked it before going back into the room. I hopped over to Emily and gave her a kiss, like everything was alright, like I was being her protector before moving over to Ashley.

I got up on the bed and wasted no time. No condom and no starting foreplay. I took my engorged cock from my pants and drove right into her new pussy. I pounded that bitch the way that she deserved to be, as she was a whore. Whores get no special treatment, they get what they give. I lowered my maw to her ear and growled, "You will be my breeding bitch tonight.. I am going to fill you with so many pups." I thrusted my cock in so hard that my knot already took. Smiling, I looked over to Emily who was wriggling in her seat as I started to jackhammer away at my new bitch.

After a good ten minutes of fucking, I came.. but I did not tie with her. I filled her up nice and sprayed her with my seed, marking her for what she was. I also left her tied up. I looked to Emily and shortly after that, we headed out.

But before we left the apartment, we came across that lynx that I had seen earlier. She gave us a nod. "Hey, that your girlfriend?" She asked me. I looked to Emily, grinned then looked to the lynx girl. "Nope."

Emily stopped walking as I took the lynx girl aside. "She is the girlfriend of someone here.. uhm, Ashley, I think it was.. I was just making sure that they both got home alright from the club." She smiled at me and nodded, "Well, glad they had you." She blushed. I lowered my head and asked her if she wanted to have dinner sometime, as I thought she was very beautiful. She of course said yes, who wouldn't?

I left Emily there, single but not alone.. to get ready for my date with a nice lynx girl, Anna.