Week 7

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#7 of Gainer's Paradise

Nathan takes a deep breath, sucks in his gut as best as he can and tries to button his pants again. Nothing. He releases his breath, letting his belly hang out. In the end, he just decided to go pants-less. Now that thinks about it, everyone in the house hasn't been wearing shirts or pants lately. Perhaps everyone has gotten bigger to the point that they can't fit in the clothes they brought.

As Nathan takes his pants off and sits on his new bed, someone knocks on the door. "Come in." Nathan says. The door opens and Anthony, Will, and Fred step in the room. His new team.

"If it isn't our newest newbie." Will says, smirking. The three of them sit down and engage in conversation.

"Very funny." Nathan says, sarcasm heavy in his voice.

"So, you're taking Tom's place?" Anthony asks.

"I guess so. Then again, I didn't want to do the switch either. We were kinda forced to do that." He turns to Fred. "And it looks like you and I are on the same team again."

"Looks like it." Fred says. "Except now we're in a different room."

"So..." Nathan starts out. "What do you guys... do together?"

"Lately we used to hang out in the pool." Will says. "But we understand if you're not into that."

"That's ok. I don't mind going in the water. But I've kinda outgrown my swim gear."

"Dude, we all have." Fred says.

"Good point." Meanwhile in the blue team's room, Tom just wakes up, sad to find that Anthony isn't in the same room as him. Eric comes in the room and rifles through his suitcase.

"'Morning newbie." Eric says. "How'd you enjoy your first night outside the red room?"

"It wasn't the best night I ever had." Tom says. He sits up in his bed. "What're you looking for?"

"My tank top."

"Will it even fit anymore?"

"I honestly don't mind. Sometimes I like small clothes on me." Eric pulls out a white sleeveless shirt and puts in on. Tom was right, it only covers half his belly. Eric sits on his bed. "Can I tell you something?"

"Sure." Tom says.

"I know you and I have barely ever spoken, but if you need someone to trust in this team, you can trust me. Kevin and David have an alliance and Raymond was involved with it."


"Yes. I want Kevin gone since he's the biggest threat right now. I talked about it with Nathan before and he's on board."

"Well... Why should I trust you?" Tom asks.

"Because. If you trust Kevin, I guarantee you that he'll drop you the second you're on the block. I, however, will not." Eric gets up and leaves the room, leaving Tom pondering over whether or not to take Eric up on his offer. The door opens again and this time Kevin and David walk in.

"Hey, Tommy, what's up?" Kevin asks.

"I'm fine and please don't call me Tommy." Tom says.

"Alright. But we do want to talk to you about something."


"It's obvious that the house is full of pairs at this point." David says. "You and Anthony, Eric and Nathan, me and Kevin, and Will and Fred."

"Yeah. I'm aware." Tom says. What are these guys getting at? he thinks.

"Well, we were thinking that this week, if you help us send home Eric, we can assure you that you and Anthony will both be in the final 6."

"What do you say?" Kevin asks.

"I say I've been here one day. I would like some time to at least think about it first." Tom says.

"That's fine. Take all the time you need." Kevin and David get up and leave the room.

"You really think we can trust him?" David whispers.

"Well, with Raymond gone, we need someone to fill his place. And with Tom being half an alpha, he's an easy pick." Kevin whispers back.


Anthony sits next to Tom on the couch and kisses him. "How're you doing, honey?" He asks.

"I'm doing just fine." Tom replies. "It's a little sad we can't sleep together anymore."

"I know." Anthony kisses Tom's nose. "But we can still cuddle and kiss during the day." That slightly lifts Tom's spirits as he kisses him back. The two wrap their arms around each other, slowly rubbing each other's soft bellies. Their lips touch, igniting fireworks. Their hug tightens with the passage of time.

"I love you, Anthony." Tom says in between kisses.

"I love you too, honey." Anthony says. Tom snuggles up to him, resting his head on Anthony's stomach.

"There's something I wanted to talk to you about."

"What is it?" Anthony asks, caressing his cuddle buddy/mate.

"Eric came up to me saying that Kevin and David are threats. Then he suggested a four-way alliance with us, him, and Nathan. What do you think?"

"Huh." Anthony hasn't really thought about forming alliances during this game. He mostly focused on keeping Tom safe and making him bigger each week. What could he say? He loves Tom with a burning passion. "That'd be interesting to do. But how about the four of us talk and then we can see what'll happen."

"Ok." Tom says. Nathan soon comes into the living room and sits down on the couch adjacent Anthony and Tom's. Like everyone else in the house, he's only in underwear.

"Have you guys noticed that no one wears a shirt anymore." Nathan says.

"Yep." Anthony says. "Everyone has just gotten bigger I suppose. Next thing you know, we'll have no choice but to go around naked."

"That would be interesting." Tom says, already imagining it.

"Whatever." Nathan says. "So, Eric came to me earlier about the four of us come together and join forces."

"I know I was just suggest that to Anthony."

"I still think Eric should be here to discuss this with us." Anthony says.

"I'll get him." Nathan gets up and goes into the hall. A few minutes later, he comes back with Eric, who wears a confused look on his face.

"What's going on?" Eric asks.

"I want to do that agreement you told me about." Tom says.

"Seriously? Well... that's awesome. I'm glad you want to."

"I'm on board too." Anthony says. "But we all have to promise not to say anything to anyone. Especially Kevin and David."

"Yep. Those two have got to go."


As Anthony and Tom make out in the pool, Fred and Will sit in the sidelines feeding each other cake. "Oh god. I don't think I can eat anymore." Fred says, rubbing his stuffed tight belly.

"Me neither." Will says. In fact, the boys feel a bit drowsy. Fred lies down, puts his sunglasses on and slowly drifts into sleep. This isn't the first time Will has slipped into a food coma; but it sure won't be his last either. At this point, Anthony and Tom's kiss has deepened a lot. Tom even breaks the kiss to lick his mate's chest a little, which just makes the polar bear chuckle a little.

"Does someone like that?" Anthony asks. He rubs Tom's back a little.

"Yes." Tom says in his playful voice. His paws sink in the water and end up playing with Anthony's belly.

"You're gonna be as big as that one day. Maybe even bigger." The thought of being bigger than his mate makes Tom more aroused. Which is why his paw slowly creeps down and paws Anthony's cock. However, the polar bear was smiling before his paw reached there. "Mmmmmm, I take it someone wants to play."

"Oh yes. Please." Tom begs.

"Alright. Lie down and show me that tailhole." Tom slowly gets out of the water and lies down on his stomach. He soon feels his mate right behind him, getting on his knees and feeling his big, brown, furry ass. As Anthony massages his back end, Tom reaches back to try and paw off only to find a bunch of lard in the way, so he just plays with that instead.

"Ohhhh." Tom moans at the feeling of Anthony fingering him.

"Does big fat bear want to be barebacked?" Anthony asks.

"Yes. Please!" That's all Anthony needed to hear. Putting his belly on Tom's back, he aligns his dick with his mate's tailhole and starts to push it in. Tom immediately moans. A wave of warmth and pleasure wash over Anthony as he keeps pushing more and more into his sexy bear. He eventually buries it all in there, putting his paws on Tom's fat, squishy hips.

He pulls out a little and then thrusts back in. Then back out. Then back in. His pace starts to pick up, making Tom beg for more. "Ohhhh yeah, still as tight as ever." Anthony mutters with a slight growl in his voice. Eventually Anthony starts fucking Tom at his regular pace: quite fast but not too fast.

"Yes!" Tom moans. "Yes! Fuck me!" Anthony gives Tom a hard spank.

"Ohhhh yeah! Does big bear like being fucked?" Anthony thrusts harder at the word fucked. Tom moans and nods, biting his lip to keep from moaning too loud. "Let me hear it. Tell me how much you love it!"

"I love it!" Tom says.

"I'm gonna make you such an immobile bear." Unknowingly, Anthony fucks Tom faster the longer he fantasizes about either of them growing. "I'll make you so fat you'll never be able to stop eating. Then I'm gonna fuck you as you eat. You'd like that wouldn't you?"

"Yes! Oh god!" Tom says. He moans even louder when he feels Anthony's knot swell up. He purposely tightens his tailhole which makes Anthony growls a bit louder out of pleasure.

"Oh yeah! You know I love it tight." Anthony says. "Make it tighter." Tom complies. "Tighter! I'm gonna fill you up with my fucking seed!" Tom feels precum in his ass. Anthony fucks faster and faster, feeling orgasm coming with each thrust of his hips. As his load almost arrives, he growls again. Pretty soon, he shoots stream after stream of hot, sticky, bear cum up Tom's fat, tight ass. However, Anthony continues to fuck faster, which only makes him tie Tom down once his knot swells enough.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh." Tom moans once he feels Anthony tie him down. Once Anthony's orgasm is done, the two start to calm down. Their breathing slows down and as for Anthony, the desire to fuck Tom turns into the desire to cuddle and sleep with Tom.

"Wow... that... was amazing." Anthony says in between breaths.

"I know." Tom says. "You're such... a good top."

"Yeah?" Anthony reaches out and slowly rubs Tom's back as to soothe him. "You... are such... a nice bottom."

"Thanks." Tom blushes. They wait for Anthony's knot to swell down and once it does enough, he slips out of him, lies down, and cuddles up to Tom.

"I love you, Tom. So much."

"I love you too, honey." They briefly kiss and then slowly drift off.


Kevin and David sit at the kitchen table, stuffing their muzzles with pizza and ice cream. "I wonder why Tom hasn't accepted our deal yet." David says.

"He's probably still thinking about it." Kevin replies. "Besides, he was pretty distracted by some stuff lately. Like yesterday, they sex by the pool again." David rolls his eyes.

"I swear those two are soulmates-slash-fuckbuddies at the same time."

"Whatever. We promised them safety if Tom votes out Eric so I think we're fine."

"And if he goes against it?" Kevin quickly swallows what he bit and an evil grins spreads across his muzzle.

"Then he goes home no questions asked." Kevin says, right to the point. Will comes into the kitchen later, his belly rumblin' for something to eat. As he goes into the fridge, gets a huge tub of pudding, he turns around and sees Kevin and David looking at him.

"What're you two clowns up to?" Will asks.

"What makes you think we're up to something?" Kevin asks.

"Because it's you two, that's why." Will replies. He goes over to a drawer and gets a couple spoons. I've got my eye on those two, he thinks. He walks out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"He's definitely in my cross-hairs." David mutters. "He's said 'because it is you two'. You know what that implies?"

"That Will's suspicious of our game and probably wants to get rid of us?" Kevin suggests without really having to think.


"Well then, looks like we're gonna have to fix that." In the living room, Anthony and Tom feed each other a plate of 20 pb&j sandwiches Eric made earlier and Eric and Nathan feed each other sundaes they made. Fred plays Family Game Night on the Wii, his mind focused 100% on the game until the smell of chocolate pudding hits his nostrils.

"Hey, Fred." Will says. He sets the tub in between them.

"Will, how'd you know chocolate was one of my favorites?" Fred asks, smiling.

"I recall you telling me once." Will takes one of the spoons and slowly feeds Fred and uses the other to feed himself. As Anthony finishes his 8th PB&J and Tom starts his 10th, their bellies feel as if they've completely swollen up, but as usual, there's room for more. And that's exactly what both bears like to hear.

"There's only two more." Anthony says as he continues to feed Tom. "Want them?" Tom nods. As the three pairs continue to feed each other, the A/C kicks on like it does every hour for 30 minutes. Nathan slightly shivers a little. Eating a sundae in the cold isn't always the best idea, but it's worth it for him if it means he gets fatter.

The sandwiches are finally gone after a couple minutes and then Tom beltches. "Oops. Excuse me." He pats then rubs his tummy. "I guess those PB&Js were so good. Thanks again Eric for making them."

"You're welcome." Eric says. He looks over at Nathan and slightly chuckles.

"What's so funny?" Nathan asks.

"You've got ice cream all over your upper-lip."

"Really?" When Eric nods, Nathan licks his lips. When he finishes his ice cream, he sets the bowl on the table and then leans back on the couch, slowly rubbing his stuffed belly. "Man oh man am I stuffed. I need a nap."

"Me too." Tom says, then he yawns.

"Such a sleepy bear." Anthony says. He pats his belly. "Here, I've got a pillow for ya, right here." Tom smiles as he lies down, resting his head on his mate's fat, soft stomach. He closes his eyes and is soon fast asleep. Nathan and Eric curl up the same way, with Nathan slightly caressing Eric's arm as they go to sleep.

Will eventually runs out of pudding. "I'm out." He says. The end of that sentence turns into a yawn for him.

"You're tired too?" Fred asks. "How come everybody's so tired?"

"Everyone has been eating a lot. It's called a food coma. Where you eat so much that you get drowsy and fall asleep."

"Well, I've definitely had those experiences before."

"We all have. Is it ok if I...?" Will points to Fred's belly.

"Knock yourself out." Fred says, still focused on his game. Will sets the pudding tub on the table then lies down and rests his head on Fred's belly. However, there's still only one thing on his mind. The one person he only wants to be with once the show is over: Stephen.


With everyone well rested, all 8 contestants go into the living room and await for Toner. As they do, Kevin glances over at Tom, who just sits there anticipating what's going to happen. Tom briefly kisses Anthony before Toner appears. "Hi everybody!" Toner says.

"Hi!!!!" Everyone inside says.

"What another crazy week! A lot more 'food comas' this week than any week in this game. Plus, one nap came from the bliss of the aftermath of sex." With that, Anthony and Tom blush as everyone already knows it was them. "Whatever. Eric, I've noticed that you have been making a lot more food lately. Why is that?"

"Everyone's getting fatter." Eric says. "Therefore, I have to make more to keep everyone satisfied. Including myself."

"Interesting point. Nathan, how come everyone in the house is in just their boxers or briefs? Where's everyone's pants or shirts?" Toner asks.

"They're still with us," Nathan says, "but everyone has outgrown their clothes so much that they don't fit. All that fits is our underwear. Soon enough, we're all just gonna be naked all the time."

"Huh. I guess I should've thought of that before I started this show. Oh well. It's time for the weight in. Tom you're up first." Tom goes into into the hallway and steps on the scale. His new weight is 422 pounds. Shit! That's a loss of one pound. He steps off and passes Eric in the hall. Eric then gets on the scale. His weight is currently 371; a gain of 3 pounds.

+4 pounds: Kevin, David

+3 pounds: Will

+2 pounds: Fred, Anthony

-2 pounds: Nathan

"Well, that was the fastest weigh in ever." Toner says. "Let me just say, I'm not surprised at the results at all. The winners are... the blue team. Again!" He sounds irritated at the last word. Kevin, David, Eric, and Tom look relieved while Anthony, Will, Fred, and Nathan are also irritated that they're back in the loser's circle.

"Not again." Will mutters.

"Red team. Looks like you're facing the vote once again." Toner says. "You know how this works: two of you are marked and the others will vote one of them out. This week, those marked are... Fred and Nathan." The two look at each other. They just got back on the same team and now they're facing elimination together.

"What?" Fred says, shocked.

"You've got to be kidding!" Nathan says.

"I'm not." Toner says. "Anthony and Will, you're gonna be voting for one of these two to leave. Eating a 1 cupcake means a vote for Fred. A 2 cupcake means Nathan. Anthony, you're up first."

"Ok." Anthony says. At least me and Tom are safe, is what's at the back of his mind. He goes into the kitchen and looks at the cupcakes. He just made a new alliance. Now way is he going to go behind their backs. He eats the 1 cupcake and goes back into the living room.

"What do I do?" Will whispers to himself. He wants Fred to stay but doesn't want to seem too attached as he still has a lot of feelings for Stephen. He eats the 2 cupcake anyways and hopes he didn't make a mistake. When he settles back on the couch, Toner reappears on the TV looking surprised.

"Wow! I don't we've ever had this before." Toner says. "A tie! One vote for each nominee." Fred and Nathan look at each other again, still nervous as hell. "So, whoever gained the most on the winning team gets to break the tie. And this week, that person is..." Toner looks over his notes. "... Kevin and David. But I'm only gonna let Kevin do it since he gained more last week."

"Yes!" Kevin exclaims.

"Ok. Kevin. Please decide who's going home: Fred or Nathan." Kevin stands up and walks to the front of the room. At the same time, he quickly weighs his options. Sending Nathan home breaks up a pair an alliance. Sending Fred home someone he considers a friend.

"This is a no-brainer." Kevin says. "I'm voting out Nathan."

"What?!" Nathan shouts.

"Sorry, Nathan." Toner says. "You're going home." Nathan doesn't say any more as he gets up and walks to the door. Kevin and Eric follow him. Eric hugs him tight.

"I'm so sorry." Eric says. "I should've done more to ensure you'd be safe."

"That's fine." Nathan says. Eric let's go and Kevin steps up to him.

"Listen, man. It was nothing personal. Only strategic." Kevin says. Nathan's anger suddenly shows as his blood gets heated and his fists clench.

"You." He points a finger at Kevin's chest. "Can go... suck... my... dick!" Nathan punches Kevin hard in the muzzle and walks out the door. He walks down the porch steps and goes up to Toner.

"Yikes!" Toner says. "That was some punch."

"It was nothing." Nathan takes a seat next to Toner.

"So, last week, you switched teams and became an official red team member. However, this week, here you sit. Why is that?"

"Will probably wanted to keep Fred in the house which I understand. It's Kevin that set me off. I can't stand the bastard. He and David have got to go."

"What did they do exactly that made you want to target them?"

"They tried to lure Tom into an alliance to get of me and Eric. And I trust Tom a lot but I really hope him, Anthony, and Eric can get those two out. If they end up winning this game, I'm gonna explode."

"How did you and Eric become such close friends?" Toner asks.

"We started out as cuddle buddies, which everyone in the house needed, and we started talking to each other and next thing you know, we're pretty good friends."

"Do you think this friendship-slash-cuddlemance is going to continue outside of the house?"

"The friendship, yes. Cuddlemance? Maybe. Depends on how cuddly Eric feels on the outside and how close we live together."

"Well, Nathan, right now you sit at 442 pounds which is a gain of 20 from the beginning. You definitely look bigger. What are your thoughts?"

"I'm absolutely proud. I came in this game, saying I wanted to get bigger and that's exactly what happened."

"What's your ultimate goal in terms of gaining?"

"I hope that one day I'll be 500 pounds." Nathan says.

"Well, for your awesome efforts, you do get this." Toner pulls out a gift card and gives it to Nathan.

"A $250 gift card for McDonald's?!" Nathan asks, shocked yet surprised.

"Yep. Go use it and get your goal."

"Oh I will. Bye, Toner."

"Bye, Nathan." Nathan gets up and walks away, excited to get to use this card to make him fatter. "Well, only 7 players remain. Which one will be stormed out next? Find out next week on Gainer's Paradise."