Legend of Shevf- Prologue- Academy Floet

Story by Trink on SoFurry

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This is my first story submitted to yiffstar, hope you all enjoy ^.^

"Damn it! Keep your guard up! Faster!"

Shefv always hated it when his combat trainer was in this mood. He only had a couple seconds of thought to himself before he brought the wooden sword he was holding up to block another strike, but the trainer made a sudden feint and brought the wooden sword down onto his forearm with tremendous force. A loud crack erupted from Shefv's arm. He instinctively brought the hurt arm towards him and held it against his stomach. Just then he felt a sharp pain against his back from yet another strike,

"Fuck man stop Fucking hitting me!" Shefv yelled at the trainer.

"The correct term is yield, next time I'll break more than your arm if you don't train more for next time!" At that his trainer turned and walked out of the room.

Shefv slowly pulled himself up to his foot paws and walked out of the room as well. He got stares from most of the other students, but others where to use to it to even notice it. Shefv made it back to his room a few minutes later, and opened the door to notice that a female Scottish Collie was sitting on his bed. She stood up when he entered and walked over to him.

"What happened to you?" She asked with a sense of worry.

"Nothing, just a training accident again, but I can't even feel it anymore. In a few hours I'll even be able to move it again."

"So does that mean we get to have a little fun tonight my big doggie?" She asked, staring into his eyes giving him a sad look,

"No not tonight, I promise though that I'll be free all day tomorrow, we can make it a special day between the two of us, but for today I need some R&R." He gave her a soft kiss before she walked past him and out of his room. Now that the room was empty it gave Shefv some time to examine the room that he had lived in for the past 6 years. The walls and floor were painted white. On the far wall he had a king size bed. On the wall to his left was an assortment of weapons, ranging from throwing knives to katana's, and across from that was a bookcase lined row to row full of books. He walked through a door that was directly across from him next to his bed bringing him into the private bathroom attached to his bedroom. The bathroom was half as small as his room was. Which gave him enough space to walk 4 steps in any direction. Shefv walked over to a full length mirror that was in a corner next to the sink. He admired his reflection in the mirror. He was a German Sheppard who was age 17. He quickly removed his shirt and pants to admire himself further. His arm fur and leg fur where tan along with the fur composing of his chest and stomach traveling further down to be hidden by his boxers. Thus leaving his shoulders and back to be a dark shade of black. He had numerous scars running across his chest and his cheek. As he looked in the mirror he could already see his arm start to heal. The bones moving and mending together before his eyes, but this wasn't weird either. Everyone in the academy had some special ability of some sort. His happened to be the power to heal himself along with the power of telekinesis.

Shefv quickly turned around and slid open the shower glass door with a slide of his paw, and turned on the water in the same move. He removed his boxers and stepped into the warm stream of water. He instant the water hit his body he felt completely rejuvenated, his sore body feeling better right away. He quickly washed himself off with shampoo/body wash, rinsed off, and got out of the shower. Shefv dried his fur quickly and stepped back into his room. He walked over to the dresser next to his bookcase and pulled out a pair of black boxers. He pulled them on and laid down on his bed. Even though it was in the middle of the day he still decided to take a nap. He fell asleep almost the instant his head hit the pillow.

He woke up later that day to a bright light being shined straight into his eyes

"Dude, da fuck" He said swatting and his best friend Xole who was standing over him holding a flashlight.

"How'd you get in here anyway Xole? Didn't I lock the damn door?" As an answer to the question Xole held up his paw and a key appeared in it instantly. Shefv had forgot that Xole the panther could make anything out of thin air.

"To tell you the truth Shefv, I was sent here by your combat trainer to request another training session today he wants you to start seeing him twice a day instead of once so hop to it!" On that note Xole walked out of the room.

Shefv sat up and pulled himself out of his bed and walked over to his dresser and pulled out black cloth pants and a black training robe. He quickly pulled on the pants and put on the robe leaving a small opening to show off his chest. Exiting the room he quickly made his way back down the hallway and back into the training room to find his trainer already there. The wolf looked over at Shefv and motioned for him to come over.

"Seeing that you have the ability to heal I've decided that you are going to have to train twice as much as the other students. Now lets practice your hand to hand fighting skills." At that the wolf spaced his feet at shoulder length apart and brought up his paws in a fighting stance. Shefv casually untied his robe and shrugged it off his shoulders leaving him in his pants. He always liked fighting without a shirt on, it gave him more room to breathe while fighting. Bringing his paws up into a fighting stance that matched his trainer. He knew that he had to concentrate, his trainer wasn't a pushover, but neither was he, and this felt like this was going to be his lucky day.

The fight started with Shefv making the first move. Starting by running at the wolf and aiming a right punch to his jaw, but the wolf was to fast. He took a step backwards and to the side grabbing Shefv's arm and tugging it causing him to loose his balance and fall forward into the wolf's elbow. Shefv quickly countered by jumping up and rolling, bringing his foot down on the back of the wolf's head, knocking him to the ground. Shefv quickly placed his footpaw against the wolf's throat, signaling that the bout was over. He removed his foot and helped his trainer up to his feet,

"What gives old man? You seem to be off your game."

"It's nothing, I'll see you tomorrow morning, have a good night student." Shefv bowed then turned around and started to walk out of the room,

"Oh, and I'm sorry for earlier today, I was in a bad mood, later Shefv." Shefv heard the wolf apologize to him for the first time. He continued out of the room and into the hallway. On his way back to his room he noticed that his girlfriend, Lune, and Xole where talking to each other, so he walked over and decided to join in their conversation,

"........ya I'm worried too, he seems to be getting angrier and angri......oh Shefv what ya been up to my big doggie?" She asked whilst she looked up into his eyes and smiled.

"Nothin, just whooped the old man's ass in a fight, and you know. I'm kinda in the mood for a little something more tonight," Shefv looped his arm around the small of her back and pulled her against himself and kissed her roughly. Their tongues swirling around each other's. He pulled away softly and smiled down to Lune,

"Can't you two get a room? Gawd." Xole walked away rolling his eyes at the couple.

"I kinda like his idea, how bout we make an advance on that promise that I made earlier today?" Shefv picked up Lune and carried her effortlessly into his room. He kicked the door shut behind him and used his mind to lock it. He began to kiss Lune again as he slowly laid her on the bed and took a few steps back from her.

"So, have you been missing me Lune? Its been a while hasn't it." Shefv said Lune got up and walked over to him,

"Of course I did, but tonight I'm gonna do all the work, and your just going to relax." Lune said as she pushed Shefv over on to the bed. She then continued to hook her thumbs in his waistband of his pants and pulled them down his legs and threw them in the corner next to his bed. She then did the same to his boxers revealing his large sheath and balls.

"Hmm did my friend get lonely without me around?" She said teasingly as she softly began to massage his ball sack causing Shefv to tilt his head back and let out a soft moan. She was right, they haven't been having a bunch of sex lately and just the thought of what was about to happen was enough to make his dick slowly start to slide out of his sheath, and Lune didn't waste a second before she started to lick up and down his semi flaccid cock. Shefv let out a soft grunt of pleasure as his dick became fully erect at its full 8 inches. Lune casually licked up his shaft from the bottom to the top and slowly started to stroke his dick with her paw. She smiled to herself as she got another grunt from Shefv. Lune then began to wrap her lips around his shaft and started to bob her head up and down on his shaft. Her tongue swirling around the head whenever she came up. Her hands then started to play with his balls again while she locked her lips tighter around his shaft.

"Oh god baby......I've really missed you lately." Shefv said slowly, "but lets get goin love." On that note Lune stood up and pulled her shirt off over her head before throwing it onto the raising pile of clothes in the corner. She then pulled down her pants and kicked them off her foot before unclipping her bra and letting that fall off too, exposing her Ccup breasts. Lune then pulled off her underwear and crawled onto the bed positioning herself over his cock and slowly started to lower herself onto it.

This was the part that Shefv always loved, the first entry of the night. He loved the sound of Lune's breathe start to speed up and her face contort in pleasure. He was, however, getting tired of her doing all the work. His dominant side kicked in as he turned them around so he was on top of her. He pulled her legs up and rested them on his shoulders. He slowly started to push his dick into her inch by inch until his full 8 inches were buried inside of her. Shefv then continued to thrust his hips in a slow rhythmic motion. His thrusting slowly started to increase in speed, getting moans of approval from Lune. He could tell from her rugged breathing that she was getting closer and closer to her climax. About 8 more minutes later Lune let out a loud moan as she climaxed.

Shefv felt the walls of her vagina tighten around his cock which made it even more pleasurable to him. His knot was now fully formed and pushing against her vagina with each thrust. With one final thrust he shoved his know into her pussy, tieing him to her for the first time in weeks. The sudden pressure on his knot was enough to push him over the edge causing him to unload his hot cum into her. He then lowered her legs and turned them around, letting her collapse upon his chest.

"That was amazing Shefv, I'm happy you didn't make me wait doggie." Lune said before she kissed him again and fell asleep with her head against his chest. Shefv kissed her once on top of her head and laid his head against a pillow and fell asleep.

I hope you all liked it. Please leave comments and criticize my work. This may be the beginning of a new series if it does well. ^.^