Salamander's Clutch: Part 1

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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The boot kicked hard against Jihilla's hip and sent her launching across the floor. Her shoulder dragged roughly over the stone and grit, running raw welts against the side of her arm when she tried to stop herself. She was dazed, but not downed, as she lunged upwards to her feet to face the men who slammed the door shut behind them. The world was tilting wildly, reeking of spiced Smoke that made her struggle to keep her attention on her kidnappers--slavers. They weren't taking her to ransom, they had taken her for their own gold.

They had come in the night when she hadn't been ready for them, her guard down. She had left home six weeks ago to travel for work across the coast, she had found enough work to satisfy her needs, but had continued on. Four days ago they had begun to follow her once she passed into the outer edges of the kingdom and they had begun to hound her. Literally. Dogs had been released and they had forced her further away from the safety of the soldiers and laws, and into the outer edges of the desert. She didn't know why they had targeted her, only that they had refused to release her.

"Beasts." She snarled out, her voice choking slightly, aching faintly. When had she last had a drink of water? Anything? Even the most basic of pleasures?

The building she had been hauled into held the markings of the black market on the outside edges. The bold strokes advertised that there was nothing they wouldn't sell and there was little any country could do about it, not with their seat on uncontested lands. Any country that dared punish them would risk all-out war with opposing lands. The moment someone tried to say they had authority over no man's land, they would end up facing every neighbor in a bid to take over the area. It would serve no purpose, even if they were able to run out the thieves and the slavers, they would still be at each-other's throats. No one would risk it for a band of thieves, slavers and degenerates. No one would come here, not unless she had been someone of importance.

"Hardly, though I suppose you would accuse us of that." One spoke, his voice clipped and without accent as he peeled his helmet off. "It's not often that our hounds scent one of your kind so far away from the inner cities."

He was dark skinned, nearly black, with his hair cropped short as he slipped out of his cloak. His eyes were fixated on her as the rest of the men moved through the narrow room and began to pry off their own armor. She barely looked at them, her eyes kept the leader in her sights as she took a step back and kept herself near to a corner. He followed her, stalking with a slight smile on his face, his gaze sliding down over the line of her nearly naked body. All they had left her with was a tattered blanket, the dogs had handled the rest when she had tried to run from them. The fact her boots remained were a miracle, one that she was grateful for considering she was hauled through the forest by the creatures.

Her breathing came a little faster when one of the men pushed open a door that led to the back room and revealed a slice of light and the sound of rumbling voices. There was no denying that there were others, but how many? A dozen? A few dozen? Hundreds? There was no gauge that she could use to measure just how many people were waiting for her or if they were a danger. Well, more of a danger than the slavers already were to her. She didn't even know how big this place was, only that they had brought her here through a narrow passageway that had opened up into the forest.

"I'm a citiz-" She began, but the man only reached out to give her a casual slap along the cheek.

It was so quick that it should have been just a light pat, but it struck hard enough for her to see stars, causing her to bite back a pained cry. She tried to strike back, but his hand caught her wrist and the leather covered fingers dug down hard enough to pinch her tendons and shoved the arm back to pin against the hard stone. The rough blanket she had been using to cover herself slipped as he bared his teeth in a smile. The teeth startling white against the dark lips as he gave her arm another smack against the wall behind her. It was enough that she let out a short high pitched call, stifling it as she tried to meet his eyes without fear. It didn't work, the fear was threatening to overwhelm her as she looked at his impersonal eyes.

"You are a slave, girl, you have no name. No lineage. Nothing." He purred, voice silky and thick. "You are a product we have been looking for, and you will learn respect."

"I am no sl-" She started again, and she was shaken, her teeth rattling at the violent movement.

"What do you have to prove you are no slave? Your words?" He let out a low laugh, rumbling deep in his throat. "You have nothing except whatever mercy your owner wants to show you."

"Please... I don't understand." She stammered, her cheek burning from the strike.

"Animals do not need to understand." He answered coldly and used her arm to pull her from the wall. "You were special...ordered, so what you need to understand is that you can either accept your new life, or you can fight it. If you fight it, I can assure you that you will be broken and you will not enjoy it."

"Fight what? Please.." She swallowed, wanting to snarl, but the grip on her aching wrist stilled her tongue as she was shaken.

"That is something you will find out soon enough. It's not my business to give you an outline of your new life.." He answered and unhooked something from along his belt. "Of course, you are a unique set of goods to be picked up. There aren't many untouched women that happen across our paths. I was beginning to consider going straight into the village to find one, but then you come along."

"Untouched? What does that matter? A-am I to be sold to a harem?" She stammered over the question, seeing the collar held in the hands. Thick heavy metal, pitted and crudely formed, but strong.

"Harem? Hardly! I have no reason to sell you so cheaply, my girl." The slaver answered, his voice thick with an edge of amusement. "You are worth far more to me as you are."

He held up the collar to tease her with it, it was the same sort that every slave wore, but this one had a strange twisted creature burned into the metal instead of the normal owner name. She didn't even know what it was, just that it was something strange and different looking, longer and odder than a normal animal. The cold iron collar was lifted and touched the line of her cheek, a brief caress before there was a clatter and slap that ran along the line of her bare neck. She tried to push it away, reaching up to dig her fingers around it, but the locks snapped shut with a metallic click that pulled the pitted metal against her throat. The rough texture ground along the smooth skin, raking over the edges hard enough to redden and abrade her. The cloth slipped free, falling from her body as she tried to push a finger underneath the metal to loosen it.

"Pradis." The man murmured, his hand touching the edge of the metal seal. The moment the word escaped him the ring went hot and squeezed down as the magic thrummed through her.

Magic. Real magic. Magic to solder the metal together into a solid seal instead of hinges meant to open and shut. The smell of burning iron filled her nose as she was pinned backwards against the stone, her hands forced down and away from the collar the magic settled over the device. Jihilla felt a cold curl of fear slide through her stomach, real terror. Magic was forbidden, anathema. Wars had destroyed entire lands, it had created this desert, because of magic. It was abused, and those that wielded it did so with little morals. Blood rites and sacrifices were the least of the stories she had heard about, and this man, this common slaver, stood above her with a single world to solder metal together.

The slaver bared his teeth in a brief smile and grabbed her arm, hauling her away from the wall as she tried to bury her terror. His head turned down towards her, but he didn't try to move his touch lower or push his advantage with her half nude form. He stepped away and turned her so she was forced to stumble in front of him. Her feet dug down, trying to stop the shove that sent her nearly to the ground, but she kept her feet beneath her... just barely. The rest of the slavers were moving towards the door, holding it open so she had a glimpse of a wide room just beyond it. At least, she thought it was a room...

"Move it, girl, your masters are waiting for you." The man pushed her out past him, forcing her to stumble as firelight nearly blinded her.

The building was no building, it was a set of ruins left to molder and decay from the inside out. The night sky stretched out above them without a single star to be seen, the sparse lights driven back by bonfires that were set up in every corner and torches placed in a broad circle. The scent of fire and smoke filled the air, but it did little to chase away the acrid bite of sweaty bodies packed into a space far too small for the amount of people gathered. Even the open air did little to keep the scent from hitting her. The ground was packed earth that led up towards mounded broken rocks that had been cast in a pile, but her attention only wavered there for a few precious moments.

Her attention was on center of the circle and the rocks that were pushed up against one another in a strange pattern. It was a purposeful one, they were worked around a circle, completely joining end to end so that she was left trying to puzzle out what it was for. A man stood to one side, by his very presence he drew eyes to him. He was wrapped in a cloak, but it wasn't the cloak that made her fixate on him, it was the way he held himself and the way people were avoiding him. They were pulled away as far as they could go, the nervous looks and the circle of space that surrounded him. They were afraid of him, or leery, something about him made hardened criminals avoid him and that brought Jihilla's heart rushing into her throat as she was pushed out past the men

They stared at her, their voices sharp and laughing as they commented about her nudity and the shape of her body. They were vile words offered up from men slurring their speech with their drink. They were mocking her, taunting her, their eyes slid over her body until her cheeks were red with humiliation, anger, and disgust. She refused to look back at them as the slaver shoved her forward. His hands were rough, but impersonal, they didn't seek to slide over her or touch her any more than he had to, but she didn't want to be touched at all. Her bare feet dragged against the ground as she slowed her steps and the man shoved her forward again, her breathing coming a little faster as the strange man looked at her.

"Well, you found one, Orion." The voice was smooth and soft. "I really had doubted you'd manage it."

"I wouldn't have without your magic, Soren." The slaver answered with a low rumble. "But if only a virgin will give us what we require, than we must have one."

"And you understand the nature of the deal, then? The whole thing?" Soren moved around her as he spoke, his eyes studying her keenly. "I won't be held accountable if you don't understand it."

"You will be paid regardless if the animal takes to her or not, do not worry." Orion gave her a shove, sending her stumbling into the middle of the ring. "Your pay is secured, we just need you to summon it."

"He isn't my master?" Jihilla asked, her words coming out in a shivery burst of fear.

"I have no use for a slave." Soren flicked his hands a little bit, spreading the fingers out wide. "I never have, but your master has yet to be summoned. Go and place her on the altar and secure her. I don't want her able to move. These creatures aren't precisely known for their patience and killing her will give you nothing."

Jihilla wasn't able to come up with another question, she was thrown forward. Orion's impersonal shove forcing her towards the altar like protrusions before she could find a way to fight free. His hand grabbed the back of her neck and squeezed when she tried to buck backwards, his other hand reaching towards her leg to grab the underside of her calf and yanked it backwards. A few of the watching men began to yellow and hoot in appreciation, their laughter building rapidly as she was thrown to the ground and forced to the stone. Her knees hit it as she struggled back up, twisting and squirming backwards while the weight pushed against the line of cool stone as she struggled to get her way free, throwing her weight back and forth, shaking slightly as she swallowed down a breath and let it out with a shaking burst.

Two sets of chains were drawn up from either side of the stone, the jerk and pull forced her down hard enough to bruise the edge of her stomach. Her breathing came in a wheeze when the hand pushed down harder and dug the fingers down against her shoulder blades as the chains were linked up against the line of her spine. Her ass was pushed high in the air by the angle of the altar, unable to do more than tuck it down a few inches as the cold links pressed right beneath her shoulder blades as she squirmed and gave a sudden jerk. Her fingers flexed down before her back was released and her arms grabbed.

"Please, you don't have to do this." She spoke up, her eyes looking around wildly before her wrists were dragged down in front of her.

"Stand back!" Soren snapped out at the men surrounding the area, the man walking around her with a swirl of robes. "Keep her still as you can, he's just as liable to eat her."

"It would behoove you to listen." Orion spoke down at her as her wrists were shackled, dragged taut to the ground as she let out a pained noise. "I have no wish to see you dead, nor injured."

"Then let me go." She rolled her eyes up at her captor, her heart beating wildly in her chest as the grip pulled a bit harder and drew her wrists in close to herself.

Her attention was on Soren as he walked around, drawing out something that sparked like fire from a small bag. It glowed and pulsed in his fingertips, but there was no smell of burning flesh as he flicked it out and began to trail his fingers along the ground. Where he touched, the earth grew singed and blackened, cracking along the edges and glowing at the middle with a pulse of energy that spread outwards with a crackle. The ground grew blacker and thicker, rippling upwards and glowed just under the surface. It wasn't simply a random pattern on the ground, it formed intricate circles and rough cut ruins. The man was speaking, the voice thick and slow and thick, and it was growing deeper by the moment in a language that she didn't understand in the least bit.

The chains clamped down around her ankles as Orion moved about her, his touch continually impersonal, but firm as she kept her eyes on what Soren was doing. The man walked around her, stepping about slowly as the markings grew and created a pattern that vaguely looked like a twisting lizard. Her breath caught in her chest as something like fire rushed against the edges of her hanging fingers and toes. She tried to jerk her hands up and out of the way, but the restraints only drew tight as more chains were weighing down her ankles, keeping her stretched over the hard rock. She let out a pained noise, a sound that came out in a wheezing burst as her legs were splayed to either side and forcibly spread.

She heard men calling out, their comments crude as her body was revealed to them. The stab of heat was growing against the ground, it was burning her finger tips, making her strain and struggle to keep her skin from touching the ground. The slaver didn't seem to be affected in the least bit, he moved and positioned her as the ground at her legs began to crack open and the mage's chanting voice grew louder. She didn't care that others could see her. She didn't care that the man's hands were on her. She only felt the heat rising up through the rock and beginning to send wavering patterns over the air before the mage stopped within her view and reached down to curl his fingers against the ground.

"Come, wake up... We have brought you an untouched offering with a beating heart." Soren murmured to the ground and gave a rake of his nails before there was a loud cracking sound. "Get back! Out of the circle!"

Orion jerked away from her as the ground began to splinter and crack open, plates jutting up like angry teeth. There was a twist and shift as the mage backed away to join the slaver. His face was pale and sweat coated his forehead as he stumbled to a chair, his chest rising and falling, but Jihilla wasn't watching him. Her eyes were locked on the form that was rippling and roiling beneath the ground. She saw a flash of hide and skin and the ground rippled with a buck that threw her against the chains. She felt the bruising force against her shoulder blades as she balled her fists up, shaking slightly to see something twisting and turning.

She swallowed, her tongue felt dry as she watched three heavy claws slipping out with a hook that raked against the ground. The ground parted with a pulse of fire that burned from deep in the heart of the earth, fire that brought the scent of steam and brimstone with it. The ruins cracked and split, opening a circle large enough that another set of claws pushed from the ground and a slow leak of lava bubbled up from the surface. The brilliant embers flashed in the light before turning dark, ashes cooling on the surface and flowing down to the ground in a trickling rush before the claws raked and twisted. A set of shoulders lunged upwards, the ground cracking apart as the demonic creature threw his weight higher in the air and a head cracked against the ground loudly.

"Oh gods.." She breathed out, her eyes widening in terror as a strange set of eyes fixated on her, glaring up before a blunt muzzle began to push free from the heart of the earth.

The creature clawed its way from the ground as there was a murmur of sound heard from the men seated at their tables. Row after row of them, the rings surrounding the open area as bits of scorches earth fell down around a pair of pulsating red claws that led towards sleek orange-yellow hide. The crust of the earth shifted as the creature wriggled and pushed, smoking as a large spade shaped head crested through the top soil and lashed back and forth with a hiss. White on blue eyes glowed as it vomited out a liquid spill of raw molten rock upon the ground, splattering droplets to either side as it twisted to enlarge the entrance.

"Please.. no." Jihilla's heart was hammering against her chest, beating so fast she felt as if she were going to be sick.

No one was listening to her, the men were watching the show with increased attention as the voices called out greetings. The monstrous animal that heaved itself out was as large as a small horse, but bulkier and heavier as the twin pair of paws hooked into the ground so he could drag himself free. The build was stocky and heavy, the hide looked as if it were wet and glistening with a spattering of dark spots that ran down along the sides. Heat was radiating from the animal, bursting free as fire chased down the line of the broad spine. Lava was rolling off his powerful haunches, spilling to either side of a large fan-like fin that roused up along its back. The length of the tail fell out, cracking and sending droplets towards her, missing her by only a hair.

_Salamander.._She barely thought the word as bile rose into the back of her throat, her hands balled up against the cold hard rock.

She had expected them to summon up a demon, but it wasn't a demon that was looking at her. She was staring at an animal that was turning his head around to consider his surroundings with mild interest. Salamanders were elemental creatures, not demons, they were basically harmless save for those that needed their magic to cast spells. She had no idea what they could have use of the animal for or why they wanted her, but the world slowly came to a halt as the eyes slid back towards her. She held her breath, not daring to move as she listened to what was going on in the background. A few men could be heard ordering drinks, their voice humiliatingly normal before there was a soft hiss spilling out of the creature. The mage was collapsed, he wasn't controlling the creature, he didn't seem to have any use for it!

"Your offering, untouched and female." Orion's voice rumbled over the altar. "Slave to your house."

The Salamander shifted his head and looked around, sniffing at a few people before the great paws took a lumbering step forward. She'd seen illustrations of the creatures in books and on buildings, but they had looked nearly the same as their real world equivalents; squat amphibians with short legs and silly looking faces. Harmless looking. This creature didn't look harmless or silly, nor did it have short legs, instead long powerful appendages moved beneath the muscular trunk-like body as it flicked out a tongue that pulsed like molten rock and tasted the air.

Jihilla balled up her fists and jerked backwards, her ass jerking high in the air as the eyes settled on her and the slit nostrils opened up. The glowing paws scorched black marks on the ground as it began to darken along the lines of his back and sides, the glowing hide starting to turn ashy and crack in lines and creases as the surface cooled. The heat sweltered and distorted the air around him, rippling it along the line of his back while the low growl bubbled up from deep in the heavy throat and then hissed out from blackened teeth.

The chains began to steam and smoke along her wrists, her ankles, and the bite of it turning her skin raw as she sobbed out and twisted her wrists to one side. She nearly broke hold of the chains, they rattled and clanked together, the skin bunching up high towards her knuckles as the creature advanced on her. The shallow pants spilled out with a soft hiss, like water being poured on fire, and heat came with it. It was hot enough that sweat appeared on the bridge of her forehead. As it walked, her eyes were drawn to the heavy body and the rolling hide.

"Two bits that it kills her." Someone spoke up from one side, a bet. Against her.

Tears sprang to her cheeks as the terror kept building, her heart was throbbing in the back of her throat. The spade shaped head dropped down closer to the girl, breathing out a steaming rush of heat that poured down her arm and caused her to go still and terrified. The eyes were living flames that surged and twisted behind the spread of the pupil. It's tongue flicked out towards her arm, the drops of lava fell down to the ground and trailed down towards her skin as the growl vibrated up from deep in the glistening throat.

"Please.. don't touch me.. please.." She breathed the words, her voice shaking before the hot tongue slathered outwards and slapped right against her wrist.

She screamed, the voice erupting out in terrified ululation in anticipation of the fiery pain of scalding the skin from her muscle and bone. The burn came, but not the torture and torment, it raked up along the length of her arm all the way up towards the shoulder and gathering higher towards the apex of her shoulder. The hot breath erupted over her, pouring over her nude body as her scream turned into a choked sob as the lashing of the tongue pushed towards the line of her back. The lava drooled from the jaws, but it didn't burn, it made her ache and seared her, but her skin only reddened as he worked his way down her.

The large blunt tail swung behind him, sliding and curling over the ground restlessly before her eyes were drawn lower. She couldn't help it, the tongue slathered down her back and sent spikes of pain coursing through her. Her only distraction came in the sight of the heavy fat lipped vent that was hanging down low along the underside of the beast's tail and just between the legs. It was bulging outwards, spreading wide to show something dark black pushing out, slimy and heavy looking as it edged into the light. The beast's cock began to extend from the swell of the lower belly as the muscles began to contract and tense.

The heat poured down her bare ass cheeks, the tongue slathering out harder, running and squeezing out in a line. The rivulets of lava fell free, the jaws running to either side, searing against her skin. Even if it didn't burn her, it still made her flinch and shudder as she watched the dark girth swell and push down lower. The head was shaped like an arrow, fat and swollen as a ring of thick fleshy barbs rose up around the edges. The thick slit drooled glowing puddles of what looked like molten rock to the ground before a large paw moved up to curl against her ass cheeks, pressing her hard against the rocks.

"Heh, pay up, told you that it wouldn't burn her." She heard a voice speaking from one side as she felt the tongue dipping down lower. "He's not going to kill a potential mate."

"I had no way of knowing, he still might break her." The one who had bet against her countered, only making her humiliation worse.

She was little more than a bit of entertainment for them, despite what Orion had said, they viewed her as a floor show with the animal. The murmurs were there, but they had dulled as the creature was exploring her. The hot steaming breath rushed down around the edges and puffed out wildly. The harsh scents of copper and burnt metal struck her, singing her nose as the ash coated creature slid along her side with a smooth caress that sent the powdery stuff coating along the edges of her bare skin.

Her cheeks were dark red as the hot molten tongue started to push lower towards the line of her naked shaved folds. The touch sent a burn running through her body in a lance, coursing towards the swell of her belly. The wet drooling tongue tip ran along her puffy outer lips and started to curl, just barely touching the puffy outer lips before nudging forward. The fiery tip probed lightly, kissing along the virginal passage before a hot strand of the molten saliva spilled out and ran along her vulva. Her entire body surged, bowing until the chains were shaking as she clamped her jaws shut on a scream. The Salamander's fiery tongue extended further, probing and pinning down the small nub of her clit before she gulped down a breath and tensed herself.

The long tongue pushed hard, grinding hard against the swell of the tender nub and then sent out a hot stream of breath against her. The tongue pushed harder, curling upwards until she felt the uncomfortable heat beginning to grow against the tender skin. The twist and curl suddenly put pressure down against the spot, the hard pinch and squeeze erupting in a wave of gut wrenching pain that drew her lips back from her teeth as she lost the battle to hold back sound. She screamed as the liquid fire built up over the tender area, flushing against the skin and softening it while the Salamanders heavy shaft stretched wider beneath it. Fire, real fire, began to melt and redden her clit, forcing her cunt open as the creature snarled against her.

When the tongue tip pushed up, it did so to twist and curl against the melting softened skin. It didn't tear away, it began to fade, the fire pouring over her to send pain ripping through her body until tears rolled down her cheeks. She screamed out again, choking a sob of pain as the edge of the sharp fangs brushed against her lower belly and raked. The prominent bud became little more than a distant dream as her tongue pushed harder and suddenly yanked upwards. She felt the rip, the pressure that washed over her, barely able to do more than choke out a sob before the animal lifted his head up.

The cock curled right beneath the stomach as she coughed and trembled, tears falling along her cheeks while her head was pressed against the rock. Her rasping pants coming from her lips in short tremors while swallowing a short whimper. He had changed her! She felt it, the thick puffy lips of her vulva were standing out from the hot tongue, wetness gathered between the folds and trailed down. Saliva, animal saliva, her own wetness, her body struggling to accept what was happening to it.

Her pussy felt as if it were beating in time with her heart, throbbing with pain and fire. Every part of her stomach was trying to clamp down around nothing as the head gave a rough push against the line of her back. She saw the sway of the shaft, the slimy length that was drooling another spill of wetness down towards the ground. She balled her fists up, she couldn't do anything to stop what was going to happen. She couldn't free herself, she couldn't argue, the Salamander's heavy paw grabbed at her hip and yanked, digging the blunt claws down hard enough to leave welts against her hips.

He hauled himself upwards, dragging higher, pushing along the line of her back as the weight forced every last bump and jagged edge of the rocks against her tender stomach as he nearly crushed her in place. The hide scraped her as the large blunt muzzle shoved right up against the nape of her neck, sending the breath tickling against the nape of the neck. The tongue pushed out, slathering out along the edges of the skin while the large paws curled and cupped against the hips.

"Please.. please please please... please no... please.." She started to repeat the words, shaking as the hot slap of the fiery shaft slapped upwards between her inner thighs.

Jaws, jaws made of fire and obsidian, opened and closed against the nape of her neck and clamped down. She held the shoulder and back of the neck, contracting down as the heavy glans was flung up to hit hard against the puffy reddened lips. It thudded heavily along her, every part of the position felt wrong. The shape and dimensions of the cock were entirely foreign as she let out a breath and sucked it in again, choking on the harsh scents of brimstone and hot musk. She jerked at the faint burn it left trailing against her, running downwards in thick strands before the cock jabbed and shoved. Her virginal body was taunted with it, the thick rise ran up and down in powerful rolls, pushing high and then dropping down lower to try and spread her outer lips.

Hot and heavy, it probed roughly and began to push forward with a shove that pressed roughly to force her vulva inwards. The hot spurt of precum bubbled up from the tip and erupted out to be flung into her narrow opening. She could barely stop the whimper, she was choking on it as the narrow tip shoved roughly and caught against the tight ring of her opening. The ash was falling over her, blackening her body as the hind legs spread wide and the beast went tense above her before there was a sharp lunge forward. The cock tip drove in roughly and peeled her open as she let out a shrill panting cry, her lips being forced to tear and strain around the slimy length that pushed into her body.

The hot precum welled out of the tip and suddenly she was sobbing out as she felt it burning a trail through her passage as the length began to stiff its way home. Inch after fiery inch splayed her open, her lips splayed open into a wide O as the creature's hips jumped forward and hunched, the paws clinging against the edge of her hips. She twisted and threw her weight around, roiling and kicking as she was fed the first few black inches of the cock sinking inside of her. The slow pain of her tearing inner body made her breath catch in her throat, choking it out before the thrust forward hammered in and the cock tip drove all the way into her stomach. Six heavy inches were speared into her, throbbing and beating, sliding through her passage as she felt tears rolling down her cheeks. The burn pushed through her womb, singing her insides as the creature's haunches shifted inside of her.

The next thrust plunged the cock right up against the frail barrier of her cervix, something drooling out with a stream of wetness pushing deeper as she let out a choking cry. His breathing came out in short wheezing bursts before the hips dragged back and drew the arrow like cock tip backwards through her. Her walls were being singed and pulled, dragged over the edges and made to feel the sawing movements that pumped and squelched wetness out of her body and to the ground. The strands of it splattered, not simply saliva and the burning precum, but her own wetness, a humiliating testament to what he was doing to her before he sank home again.

The cock drove hard against the barrier of her cervix, the strain and give of the thin flesh making her body seize up and her eyes close tightly. It was throbbing and building, a pain that made her gut wrench before the drag backwards slipped the inches from her passage again. The hot breath hammered her, she felt her skin reddening and growing tender as obsidian teeth clamped down harder for the next thrust forward. The hard shove bowing in the dimpled opening as her nails raked over her palms, drawing blood. Her muffled scream only earned a scattering of laughter as the monstrous hips pushed forward harder, digging and forcing the narrow tip to spear into her stomach.

It was too much, she was bloated with the feel of the cock sunk inside of her. She couldn't catch her breath, she could barely move as the drag backwards pulled the length back away enough that she got some sense of relief. She nearly choked on it, panting and shuddering against the ground, only to have the beast driving himself home again. She was thrown into the air with the weight of the cock plunging in and bottoming out, the tip brutally forcing her narrow passage open wider and wider. The way it was peeling back began to form a taut ring around the tip and she saw stars as pain tore along her lower belly. She cramped and tried to curl around herself as the weight continued to push over her, making it harder to breathe, harder to fight.

Fight? There was no fighting against this! There was nothing she could do, no where she could go, instead she was forced to feel the cock sinking into her most vulnerable part of her body. The liquid fire poured out of the tip, gooey strands of it slathering her inner passage roughly before her neck was released and the animal hissed above her and shifted his hips along her hips. The jerk backwards tugged, barely pulling away before the drive forward forced her ass higher in the air. Her body throbbing and beating in pain, she couldn't think, much less say anything. The only thing she felt was the pain spiking higher, twisting around her, swallowing her down as the sawing movements pumped in and out of her aching body.

The ragged lunges worked, the tip battered its way through her cervical passage and glutted her womb with his length. Every droplet of precum ached as he let out harsh panting sounds against the nape of her neck. Her outer lips felt torn and bruised as she twisted and gave a jerk backwards, throwing her weight briefly in an effort to loosen the chains enough to give her something, anything, to get away from the monster. Everything hurt, her brow was covered in sweat as the cock tip yanked away from her with an audible popping noise and then the next thrust forward made her call out. Her lips peeled back wide, her entire body seized up and shuddering the ridges drove their way through her body.

They caught against her inner passage, stimulating and teasing her, but not in a way that caused any real pleasure. Any twinge of enjoyment her body was made to feel was robbed by the very pain that was causing her to sob out in a broken sound. The cock began to twitch upwards and grew thicker, the arrow shaped tip caught against the inside of the stretched rubbery ring and locked inside of the passage. The Salamander hissed down raggedly against her, the jaws snapped above her head as the thrusts grew harder, the base swelling and tearing into her as she soon felt the slimy length of the hide grinding right up against her seared cunny. The sting of it ripping another cry from her throat as the tip began to swell and grow.

It caught inside of her, the ridges lodged along her strained passage before the creature gave a final thrust forward. The powerful jerk slamming agains the rock roughly, throwing the weight forward again and again, each movement exploring her depths in a way that she had never imagined. Never experienced. Jihilla's eyes flashed open as she felt the movement rippling along the slimy animalistic girth. The great vein running the length of the passage bulged before the tip inside of her began to erupt from so deep in her womb that she felt a stream of liquid fire pouring from him in a pressured stream that hammered deep into the narrow soft pocket.

She screamed, the sound was torn from her throat as rope after heavy rope poured out of the tip and flushed through her. It was fire, it was touching and cramping places inside of her that caused her to shudder. She couldn't struggle, she was frozen and trapped as the fiery heat poured deep enough that it began to flood its way deeper. The spurts growing more pressured so that they were wedging in deeper and the trails traced along the narrow tubes that led towards her ovaries. They were being bulged open by the sheer amount as she dropped her head down. Tears rolled down along her cheeks, her nose, choking on a sob as something happened deep inside of her.

The Salamander's thick semen spread and began to touch through the soft inner passages and parts, changing it with a stream of fire that flushed her narrow body with bestial sperm. Ashes fell against her as her stomach twisted and the lower belly cramped again, her ovum being overrun, but not simply to seed her, to change her. The rich soft ovaries began to harden as the stream singed away the living flesh to form a hardened stone shell. It was growing rapidly, bulging her stomach as her womb was being flushed with the bulk of the heavy semen. She dropped her head against the rock, shaking and panting as the hot tongue slathered down against her shoulder.

She heard the men beyond her, their mockery and jests, their bets and chatter and it meant very little to her in that moment. The creature lifted his head and body, the weight sliding against her with a jerk that yanked a ridge free with a wet popping sound. As the cum leaked out around her cervix, there was a stream of fire that rushed along the narrow opening. The cock tip popped free and she managed a ragged whimper, her throat feeling raw as the drag of the cock smeared a last thick droplet of cum against her. The gooey strands didn't just cling, they burned and closed her. They caught against her vulnerable violated flesh and her cervix closed down, the skin being cauterized together as she gave a short jerk backwards.

The ache was just one more wound added to many, one more sharp pain that was beating through her broken body. The slow shift and slide pulled the ridges from her body with a wet slurping noise. The length pulled free after a few sharp jerks, the cock tip popping out so that a spill of cum drooled between her legs. Her entire body was shaking, exhausted and sweaty, spent and ready to pass out at any moment. She let out a short noise as the muzzle brushed right along the curve of her ass, the breath panting out with a hot stream as the creature examined her.

"Go in peace, the birth of your clutch will summon you again and you will be given one egg in exchange for the other." Soren's voice was weak, the mage was spent, but still commanding.

"Are you sure there will be two eggs? I went to great pains to acquire this girl, I don't wish to do it for little pay." Orion rumbled as the Salamander's claws dug against the earth, the creature hissing under his breath softly.

Jihilla didn't care, in that moment all she could feel was the aching pain twinging through her belly and making it impossible to think about anything except the burn. Everything hurt. Even breathing hurt. Her body was shaking when a hand slid along the edge of her shoulder and made her jerk backwards. The movement sent a cramp through her over stuffed stomach and made her freeze in place.

"Do not worry, you will get your price." Soren answered weakly. "What about the girl after?"

"She is worthless once she's laid the eggs, but I'm sure if she's enterprising she will find her place in the world." Orion murmured and stroked a thumb along the side of her spine. "But it's what she's growing that is the real treasure. Rest well girl, tomorrow you will begin your work earning your keep while you're getting ready to lay. I will have no idle hands here."

She opened her eyes, only a hair, feeling a wave of panic rushing to the surface at the words. Eggs? Clutch? Her stomach twisted in pain as she tried to squirm out from under the touch on her body, but the slaver only ran his hand down the line of her back. His fingers flexed a little bit with a playful stroke towards her bare ass. She couldn't even get away as she opened her eyes and watched the creature slip down into the earth. He had already done what he wanted, leaving her to wonder if it had taken and what would happen if it did. Eggs? She tasted bile on the back of her tongue with her fear as the men continued to talk in soft voices.

"I'm not a slave." She rasped the words out softly, trying to will herself into believing them.