Chapter VII: The Devoted Husband

Story by Simplified on SoFurry

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#7 of Love for the Birds

This is another more mellow episode, much more about progressing the story really, Justin makes his journey to the towns for the first time, in search of someone who could help him, (though I haven't even thought of how this person could help, I'm not very good with planning.)

He runs into many new people, most who seem very polite and helpful, very different from what he'd expected, plus one who seems eager to help him, but does this one have good intentions at heart? Or does he want something from Justin?

This plus the subplot going on at the same time with his wives and their new male friend who intends to move in.

Where will all this lead to? Hopefully something good, I'm not really very confident about writing these kinds of stories.

The Devoted Husband

Come the following morning, Justin woke to find himself still pinned under a brawny, naked rottweiler, his doggie cock pressed up against his own.

Justin embraced the slumbering canine then started to thrust against him.

The next thing he knew, he had a wet dog tongue slobbering his face as the dog started to hump back.

The dog opened his eyes, having feigned sleep to see what the horny bird would do. He then continued to thrust some more against the throbbing avian cock beneath his own.

The pair broke into a quick morning frot frenzy ending just as quickly with their dicks spraying Justin down in salty, mineral-y cum.

The dog lapped up everything he and his new fuckbuddy had just produced, enjoying his protein-enriched breakfast. He pulled himself up afterward, "Come on, Birdy... We've gotta get you home now!" He helped Justin to his feet then.

Minutes later, Justin stepped out with the rottweiler, dressed in an uncomfortably tight green tunic and brown leather pants. He conspicuously neglected the undergarment he'd been given to wear underneath. He didn't see the problem as his genitals didn't typically make a bulge like the mammals. Everything of his was internal, after all.

The native bird had never had to wear any type of clothing beyond his loincloth and his armbands. He did, however, like the buckle in the back of his pants that allowed his tailfeathers to fan out quite well.

He followed his new canine companion to the cottage where the rest of the rangers were eating breakfast while Captain Velasquez merely drank his morning tea. Justin sat by the captain as Constance served him a plate of fried eggs, creamy mashed potatoes, beans and blood sausage. The sausage caught him most by surprise, but when he tasted it, he found he rather enjoyed it. Mrs. Velasquez had to teach him how to use a proper knife and fork, though. She didn't allow finger-picking of her meals at her table.

Justin realized that if he was going to adapt to civilization, he would have to learn everything all over again.


Javin woke up in a similar fashion to Justin, with a warm body laid atop him. The cobra found that not only had Kali slept on him all night, but his hemis were trapped under the warmth of her avian pussy.

He put his arms around her, allowing himself to bask in her sexual warmth, her beauty, he wanted to see those blue eyes again. He kissed her lightly on the face. The snake felt his heart flutter the more he looked at her peaceful expression. He must have fallen hard for this hen if she could have this effect on him.

He heard a light giggle from his left side.

Maureen smiled as she looked into the eyes of a very obviously smitten snake. "Someone's got it bad, mmm?"

He definitely would have blushed if he could. The snake flit out his tongue in embarrassment. "Cheeky." He retorted.

Later, when Kali woke, unaware of the snake's new feelings for her, the three adults at breakfast before they were soon joined by the two cubs living in the hut.

Maureen retrieved them then held them while Kali started feeding them their first bites of solid food.

Javin watched, eating his breakfast.

Maureen introduced the kids to him, "The cute one here is Justin, named after his father." She pointed to her own, "And the handsome young rogue over there is Iomer, named after my father."

Kali giggled at her mate's declaring Iomer handsome after calling her son cute. Oh, the connection these two had.

Javin was impressed, "They do seem like fine sons! I'll bet the two of them would grow up to be the best of brothers."

Maureen nuzzled Kali while Iomer ate some chicken, "I certainly hope so... I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for this one saving me in my time of need." She kissed Kali making the blue jay blush.

The proud huntress coughed, "I was hunting when I came upon Maureen about to be ravaged by a vicious wolverine. The bastard had a knife on her belly, he would've killed her baby. So I shot him with my arrows, shot him until he fell dead."

Javin held his chest, "My word... You've killed then. I was taught such a thing was wrong, but from your perspective, I guess, there was no other way."

She nodded, "He was big, if I'd tried to take him on, he would have killed me, and our people had to be secretive back then, so we did not attract outsiders... Now all we do is attract outsiders." She joked before petting Javin's arm, "But, you're one of the good ones."

Javin snickered, "Well, it's nice to hear you consider me 'one of the good ones'."

Kali smiled for him before she decided it was time to break the joviality of the moment. She cleared her throat as she felt little Justin going to sleep in her arms, "Now... If you really intend on staying here with us, we'd better go meet Nestor as soon as possible. He should be waking up already, and if Feroz gave him a good night, then he should be in a good mood." She giggled.

He cleaned himself, "Then we'd better get going."

Kali turned to Maureen, "And you'll have our little ones in bed, Maureen?"

The pine marten smiled, "Of course!"

The blue jay stood, "Right then, let's go!"


"Alright men, we're moving out!" Captain Velasquez gave his order as he led his rangers out from home, Justin at the back by the rottweiler he'd befriended over the previous night.

Velasquez led his dogs straight to the dirt road that would take them straight to the towns.

Justin followed, still quite uncomfortable with having never worn clothes before.

The rottweiler, who he eventually learned was named Ben, was there to help him at all turns, though. When the bird got too hot, the dog shielded him, when he tripped, Ben helped him up.

Justin got curious with why the dog was always helping him. He thought the rottweiler may be attracted to him, a flattering thought and one he wouldn't dissuade, but he was still intent on getting home to Kali, Maureen and his son.

He eventually asked and the answer he got didn't quite surprise him.

Ben said, "The Captain's asked me specifically to watch you, an honor and a privilege to be sure. You should feel privileged too, Birdy. It's not often that civilians are invited to walk with the rangers." He playfully nudged the bird, "And if you think it's 'cause I think you're cute, you wouldn't be far off either. If the captain hasn't already let it slip, I ain't got a problem messin' with a married man." He patted Justin on his butt before he walked ahead.

Justin stayed quiet for the rest of the trip, contemplating what would happen if he were to let this dog get to him. Well, he wouldn't be a bad choice for a lover. Ben was handsome, had much muscle and the nicest smile.


Nestor was sitting outside his cottage with his son on his lap when he saw Kali walk up with that cobra from yesterday. He thought those reptiles would have left already, not that he had a problem with reptiles. He sat up to hear what Kali had to say while Trantor sucked on his thumb. "Kali, what a surprise! I hadn't expected you to drop in for a visit. I've come to believe you don't like me too much."

Kali kept her temperament cool, "Well, you did send my husband away from our village, but that's in the past, right?"

Nestor saw she was trying to behave, so decided he should too, try to set a good example for his son. He spoke his piece, "It did hurt me very much to have to banish such a strong and resourceful warrior as your Justin, but yes, we shouldn't dwell. I assume you've come to ask me something."

Kali nodded, "Not me specifically, but Javin here, this kind serpent who stayed the night in my tent has a special request to make." She made a silent gesture for Javin to say his piece.

The king cobra felt his hood extend as he thought of what he was going to say. He exhaled then stepped forth, "Chief Nestor, my time in your village has surely been well spent and I've certainly enjoyed every minute of tasting your food, every minute of just feeling alive for the first time, I mean really alive..."

He frowned, "It makes me realize how wrong it was to deprive myself of life's simple pleasures and it's awoken me to how foolish I was to believe the words of men who only wished to belittle my people and seal us away in a monastery."

He looked up with more pride, "So, I and my brothers, we will not go to monastery, but we also cannot go back home. We've left our homes, our families, we cannot show our faces to them again... I wish for us to begin again, to lay our roots here in your village, Chief."

Nestor surprised even himself when he smiled at the snake's plight. He sat up, "You wish to stay in my village. You realize this would mean us building new homes just for you and your brothers. It has always been part of my plan for our village to expand, for us to become more diverse, so this would be a good thing." He thought to himself, besides it would bring more clientele, in case if they were tired of only laying with the birds. Now they'll have snakes and lizards here, and hopefully more races will want to come. "I accept your request."

Kali was definitely surprised to hear Nestor, of all people, fully embrace the idea of letting the reptiles stay. This meant she would also have to hold up her part of the bargain and let Javin stay in her house.

Javin was overjoyed, "Oh thank you, you are truly a kind and understanding leader, I will inform my brothers as soon as possible."


Justin gazed in awe at his surroundings as he followed the rangers into the town. He was amazed at the big buildings that surrounded him, the paved road beneath his spindly bird feet, the different furs walking about in more clothing than he'd ever seen in the village.

He saw people in simple rags; a drunken komodo gulping some cheap booze from a paper bag, the front of his pants obscenely stained with urine... And whatever else Justin didn't want to think about.

He saw people wearing clean clothes, some bulky bears or badgers lifting heavy crates, dressed in overalls that only served to conceal their privates, because their muscles were bulging.

He saw some people who looked quite out of place in their fancy clothes; he saw a stoat, not a very tall, not too short, just a perfect medium... Like Justin really. The stoat was dressed in an elegant purple vest that made him stand out from all the other rabble in town. There was someone who had money to spare.

Justin's attention was then drawn to a large building his group was coming to. He saw a sign hanging over the door, Iomer's Tavern & Inn. He couldn't read, but those letters were certainly big enough for him to understand. The I in the first word had some fancy carving to make it look like an animal's tail.

He followed the rangers inside and was immediately struck by the smells of a tavern. He smelled the alcohol, the meats sizzling over a stove in the back, the raucous laughter of some drunken fellows.

Captain Velasquez looked about for his contact before addressing his soldiers, "Rangers! Sit down somewhere, make sure our friend Justin is settled before he passes out from the fumes in here." He ended with a joke before then saying "I will look around for my friend. Behave yourselves." He said like a father talking down to his boys.

Ben personally held a seat for Justin as two other hounds sat at the same table.

The other four took a nearby table for themselves.

Justin kept looking around, astonished by the many mixed races conversing with one another in here. His own village was never this diverse; there were different birds, but that was where it stopped, at least until Maureen... He only then noticed someone had walked up to their table.

She was a ferret in a tight bodice that showed her cleavage quite fine and a small skirt that left little to the imagination. She was a thin jill with the perfect curves in all the right places, and with her small muzzle, small round ears, she reminded him of Maureen, just with a lighter brown, and that cute brown mask over her blue eyes.

She smiled brighter than the sun as she spoke, "Good morning to you, Rangers! Welcome to Iomer's Tavern! My name is Nadine and I assume you handsome boys will all be having your ales, hmm?" She saw the small bird sitting with them, "And you, cutie, I bet you'll be wanting the ale too!"

He stammered, "What's-"

Ben interrupted him, "Sure, sure, honey! Ales for all of us and our little pal here! Along with your best and freshest steaks, bloody and rare all the way!"

Nadine giggled, "I'll get right on it! I'll have your drinks our right away!"

Justin watched Nadine as she walked away, his horny bird brain hypnotized by the sway of her hips.

Ben patted him on the back, "Aw, I see you've fallen for Nadine's charms, eh Birdy?"

Justin shook his head, "I-I'm sorry, she just looks so much like someone I know back home."

Ben leaned, "You've got weasel friends, eh? They're a fun lot to know, for sure. I've known Nadine since before I even made ranger."

Seeing her did remind Justin of Maureen, and by extent his wife, so his mind began to wander.


"You mean, we are not going to Monastery, Brother Javin?" A small green anole lizard spoke in disbelief.

The cobra shook his head, "After having spent such a lovely and awakening night with these fine females," he gestured to Kali and Maureen who stood by him with their kids in tow, "I come to realize that going to Monastery is not what I was meant for. I realize how foolish it is to throw away my life for ideals that I just don't believe anymore. But, as I am still your elected leader, until Father comes to collect us, to guide us to Monastery, I am giving you all a choice. You're individuals, you shouldn't have to stay on this path and you shouldn't have to stay in this village if you don't want to. You can go on to Monastery, you could stay with me and these generous birds, or you can go home."

The anole who spoke, "Brother... I've already come this far... I can't go home, there is nothing for me. I must see the Monastery."

Some others agreed.

The two geckos had grown accustomed to these friendly birds and, like Javin, had enjoyed a most wondrous night of sharing with these birds. One stood with a stunningly beautiful grackle at his side. The other had her brother nuzzling his soft scales. The one who'd discovered his love for his fellow male spoke, "I agree with our Brother. He would not steer us wrong. These birds are very kind and generous, and such fine lovers too." He kissed the handsome warrior-in-training that clung to him.

A few of the brotherhood agreed with them.

A fellow serpent, this one a rattlesnake smiled, "My night with these birds awoke me from my delusions as well." He had two pretty females clutching his chest through his robe.

Another one, an iguana sighed, "I also agree, but I will not stay here. Experiencing such open hospitality as this only reminded me of how I miss my own country, my family... I wish to see them again, and I wish all my fellow brothers good luck on your journeys too."

Javin wept openly to the overwhelming response he got, "Thank you brothers, and those of you who still wish to leave, I will miss each and every single one of you."

And so Javin and each of his 15 brothers embraced each other.


Justin looked up from his musings when a mug of frothy ale was placed in front of him. He smelled it and was struck by the strong aroma. He looked around and saw Ben downing a tankard himself.

The rottweiler burped loudly before slapping Justin on the back, "Come on, Birdy! That's the stuff that makes your balls drop!"

Justin retorted, "Mine are inside me, so I don't have to worry about that."

Ben laughed, "Just drink it, mate!"

Justin had fermented beverages, the village would drink beer made from the fresh berries that grew around, but that was usually only for events, not for casual consumption. He shrugged, different places, different cultures. He lifted the mug, first finding it hard to get it around his long, narrow beak. But, once he could get some down, the mix of hops, spices, that small hint of sweetness on the back and that great burn as it slid down his throat, his simple bird brain was thrown for a loop.

Ben laughed, "That's my face the first time I drank this stuff!" He chugged his drink, "That right there hits the spot! And if ya think it burns now Birdy, wait till you gotta take a piss!" He grabbed his crotch as he said that.

Nadine leaned on Ben, "You have got the mouth of a poet, Benny dear."

The drunken rottie put a sloppy kiss on the ferret waitress's cheek, "Stick around, Nadine, an' I'll show ya what else me mouth can do for ya." He squeezed her butt through her bloomers then patted Justin as the bird was drinking more of the house ale. "Me an' Birdy here can show ya a real good time later, darlin'."

The ferretess had a special place in her heart for wild natives like this handsome bird before her, "I'd look forward to that, but let me get back to work, Benny. A gal's gotta earn her rent in this town." She kissed him then gave one to Justin, "That's a reminder so you don't forget about me, cutie." She walked away letting her long tail brush against him as she left to tend to other patrons.

Justin nearly coughed up his drink when Ben patted him, then swallowed the instant he felt that pretty ferret kiss him. He watched her walk away again.

Ben laughed, "Careful mate, you're lettin' everyone see your bone." He shamelessly poked the bird's tented crotch.

Justin flinched when he was touch, then he covered himself up.

Captain Velasquez came back at that point accompanied by a middle-aged goat with loose-fitting spectacles. "Gentlemen, this here is William Jarlsberg, a fellow immigrant and close friend of mine for many years." He shook the goat's shoulders as he spoke.

The goat chuckled as he pushed on his glasses so they would not fall, "Ja, many years arguing about which culture has the better beers, better sausages and which of us had the better libido." He shamelessly kissed his old friend so the rangers would know just the kind of relationship they had, "I see you continue to surround yourself with such strapping, young canines, Carlos. And who is this handsome new addition to your ranks?" He looked over Justin who blushed to have a male twice his age come on to him.

Velasquez chuckled, "This, Will, is the native I've just spoken of."

The goat nodded, "Oh, ja! Terrible thing, thrown out from your own home, forced to live away from your own family. I'd be lying if I didn't share the sentiment. The biggest difference of course is our homelands are from clear across the ocean. But still... Yes... Even as a horny old queer who's never heard the wedding bells myself, nor even laid seed with any wayward drunken nanny, I can sympathize with the devoted husband who only wants to see his family again."

Justin was buzzed from the ale already, but he was at full attention for the goat, "So... You can help me with my problem?"

The goat shook his head, "Sadly, there is not much I can do. I am only an innkeeper. I have a hard enough job trying to please the hundreds of people who come in and out of my shop every day. I could link you to some elected officials, they may be interested, but not many people here really honestly care about the natives. If it were up to them, they'd prefer if all you just stayed in your forests."

Justin seemed disappointed, but he understood, "So how do we find these officials."

Jarlsberg straightened up, "That's easy, my tavern is quite popular with the common folk, enough so that even some of the nobility have come down to drink my ale." He looked up, "Ah! And there is one right now!"

Justin turned.

It was that pompous stoat in purple, nose up in the air like he couldn't bare to look at the commoners around him. He was closely followed by two bodyguards.

Jarlsberg got the attention of the stoat, "Ambassador Fuchs!"

The stoat held up a paw to his guards before turning his short muzzle down so he could look at the innkeeper who just addressed him. He chewed on a bar of tobacco, then spat into some unlucky bystander's mug when they weren't looking. He hid the smug grin he had when his victim gagged on the stoat's spittle. He walked up to the goat, "Innkeeper Jarlsberg, the veritable celebrity of the southern district... What a surprise that you should grace my presence with that bushel of pubic hair growing out of your face." He playfully tickled the taller mammal's scruffy beard. Despite his prankster attitude, the stoat always found it a joy to speak with a fellow German.

Jarlsberg chuckled at his friend's teasing, "It's better the pubic hair than those rat droppings on your face, Fritz." He tugged on the stoat's carefully cultivated mustache. "But, all pleasantries aside, I need a favor."

Fritz chuckled, "Don't you always, friend?" He quickly fixed his mustache while his sadly heterosexual guards both rolled their eyes at his flamboyant antics. "I'm not sure I can pencil in a meeting with you at the moment, but you know I can always squeeze you in somewhere..."

Jarlsberg laughed, "As much as I'd love to, we have more important matters." He realized he had not asked the blue jay for his name, "Forgive me, but I seem to have forgotten to ask your name."

The jay looked up, "Oh, I'm Justin."

"Justin!" He turned to Fritz, "My young acquaintance here, Justin, is in dire straits. He's banished from his village under false pretenses and wishes to find his way back in."

Fritz understood now, "Ah, and as an important official of this district, you know only I can decide immediate actions concerning our native population. And I assume Mr. Justin comes from the fabled bird village of these very woods."

Justin nodded eagerly, "Yes, sir!"

Fritz smiled, "Well, I believe I could help you... Yes indeed."