I nodded. - liontari, what is your religion? - i asked. he laid on the floor and closed his eyes. - i don't know - he answered.
Lemurian religions
Lemuria constitutionally lacks a state religion, but the folk religion has often been co-opted by nationalist groups.
The Gods of the Abunese religion
The gods of the abunese religion the abunese religion is one of the most important ones in the southern region of planet nakti, mostly because it's one of the most worshipped religions, due to the extension of the abunese kingdom and the history of the
The Anthro Religion - (WIP)
Upon the ancient stone tablets believed to be carved by the Goddess's own claws almost 7 million years ago, can be found what awaits each Anthro when there time on the mortal realm comes to it's end. The Goddess, after using parts of her own soul to...
Furry is my Religion
Please don't bash on my religion. more stories to come soon! \<3
The Thing About Religion
I find religion an interesting topic, so why not learn about it? my own religion is a little fuzzy though, it may just be fate and destiny playing tricks on me." jade felt as though she had missed a lot. but, (his own religion?! and he's still popular?
Science and religion 8
Oh my god! I finally got sum access... thank you... Part... 8 is it? whatever. Got a little stuck, but finally finished it after some effort on my part. The process is beginning to flow again. "You still shouldn't have killed them." "I said I was...
Science and religion 7
On my hard drive for so long.... I don't know what it is, but something just warms me up this morn- that's right... a warm grin tugs on my lips as I tighten my arms around Sumieri's neck, lying under the covers close beside me. I feel her furry chest...
Their One way
Their One Way There is only one way Those who follow must obey They obey the word of a single God The Only God, Or so they say They say, Other Paths are rooted in sin Corrupted by the powers of Satan They follow without a word Never...
People And Their Opiates (World Building)
The final religion, if it can be called that, is shamanism. shamanism is not an organised religion, but due to the amount of practitioners of the faith, located primarily in the african wildlands, one must consider it.
Right Church, Back Pew (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The temple lecture was a bit more than halfway complete when a basilisk, dripping wet with kerosene, slipped in the back doors of the long hall and tucked onto one of the rear pews. Everyone in the length of the hall gave some notice to the sound of...
Dagaron Chronicles: The Dark Age - Prelude
A new age has come upon Europe as the Western Roman Empire crumbles all around me. My mountain kingdom lies in ruin as the invaders come to pass judgement upon my family name, Dagaron. It is a very ancient lineage that can be traced through the Italian...