Entry 23

Story by KitTheSoulless on SoFurry

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#23 of Diary of an Awkward Youth

Dear Diary, So, things have been a little stranger than usual around the house lately. Our folks know about Nicolas and I now and they don't seem to mind it much. It's still a little unnerving when they walk in on us from time to time, but I guess it could be considered payback for all the times we've done it to them. They don't know what Nicolas and I have been doing with Duke, our family dog. I have to admit, for as often as he seems to like sticking his nose in womens crotches, Duke seems to like my brother a bit more than he does me, who'd have thought, huh?

So, the other night we were in our room with Duke, door locked and whatnot and Nicolas gets this wild urge to let Duke have some fun and I got to sit there watching as our family pet rammed my brothers tailhole until he practically passed out. Nicolas nearly bit a hole in his pillow too, he was trying really hard to be quiet. It was really cute though, I mean, I've been with Nic plenty of times but I'd never quite seen him like that before. He almost seemed sort of, helpless, but oh well, he loved it all the same, even if it was a rather brief romp for the two of them.

Aaron's finally come by our place too recently, met our parents and actually survived the 'third degree' from out dad. I swear, when he first came over I thought dad was going to cut him up and try to serve him for dinner, but by the end of the night those two were like best friends. I guess dad approves of him, cause they both had a bit of a laugh when the subject of sex came up. I love how Aaron handled it too, he was calm and collected, explained that he's always been safe with the two of us and didn't even bat an eye when our parents asked if he'd known about Nicolas and I. I guess they figured he knew about it, since he is sort of dating both of us.

For as odd as my life is, I really wouldn't trade it for the world. I have two amazingly understanding parents, a brother who's always there for me and a mate who loves me and my brother both very much.