You are what you eat

Story by SourIstas on SoFurry

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#2 of Demon Chronicles

You Are What You Eat

The sequel to In Space no one can Hear you Moan, commissioned by Radin, hope you all enjoy! <3 please read that story first if you have yet to read it!

And I am starting to take commissions slowly for stories, all the info is on my FA page ^.^

Just keep watch for openings, it's first come first serve!

Oh, and a special appearance by my character Midnight

Hir eyes opened slowly, groaning softly as if the wind had been knocked out of hir, shivering as hir skin tickled. Those eyes of hirs blinked as shi saw nothing around hir, no lighting anywhere, seeming to be floating in pure darkness. Gasping out, hir first thought was being flung out into space, but found hirself able to breath just fine, calming down somewhat. Where was shi? Hir head twisted back and forth as shi just felt weightless in a sea of nothing, shivers racing over hir as shi couldn't shake of this feeling of something crawling over hir skin, tickling every inch of hir body. Radin could only whimper as the feeling of being utterly alone started to sink in, but the memories of what happened last night coming back to hir... making hir loins tingle at the images creeping forward into hir mind, letting out a moan as hir shaft slowly peaks forth from its sheath. Blushing deep, a paw idly slides down, stroking the member, while those soft pussy lips of hers started to moisten and ache with need, "So... am I... dead...?" shi whimpers through hir soft moans as shi strokes hirself, wanting to stop but can't seem to help it, the feeling too good.

As hir muzzle parted into a louder moan, shi let out a scream as something shoved itself inside, spreading hir jaw hard as it seemed to grow thicker, pulsing and working its way down hir throat. Tears dripped from hir eyes as shi felt hir esophagus being stretched as it pushed deeper and deeper down towards hir belly, feeling something oozing down into the pit of hir stomach. Hir eyes strained to keep open as shi felt thick large paws digging into hir shoulders, hir invisible assailant starting to thrust it's body, shoving what shi knew to be a cock now hard, forcing the bulge up and down hir throat, feeling thick sludge filling hir poor belly as it worked faster. Hir paws meanwhile, kept stroking hirself, unable to work hir own paws anymore as shi stroked hir cock... feeling it actually grow thicker, and longer, groaning weakly around the length pushing harder and faster.

Toes curling up, Radin wanted to scream as the beast thrusting its cock in deep slowly appeared in front of hir. A large creature was wolf like in appearance, standing maybe 10 feet tall, it's rod a deep black almost rock like, veins pushed out everywhere, coated in a layer of sludge that shi felt pouring into hir body from the tip lodged almost in hir stomach. It was coated in a thick black fur, having a mostly female shape apart from the huge cock getting rammed inside of hir body, and the huge sack swinging with each thrust. Its frame was muscular, fitting a world record body builder as its paws dug their claws into hir flesh, hir eyes catching the sight of long tentacles wiggling up from its back.

Radin could slowly notice the ground as shi was still semi suspended in the air, what was beneath hir looking like volcanic rock, red cracks lining the surface, but shi could only see a few feet around in each direction, the rest just pure darkness. Hir nostrils cause the scent of brimstone, or at least what shi figured was brimstone thinking this must be part of hell that shi saw yesterday... must have died on that wall of tentacles, hir spirit being sent to the pits of hell to be fucked for eternity. Forced to gulp around that shaft, shi tried to scream but couldn't as a similar pair of paws griped at hir rump, feeling a similarly shaped shaft pressing hard against hir pussy lips, setting hir loins aflame as shi was raped hard and fast, feeling hir skin stretching outwards as the creature shoved itself all the way in, not caring for hir comfort as that massive rod pushed right into hir womb, drooling that sludge right inside.

That paw of hirs just kept pumping as hir cock, feeling the pre pouring forth, splattering over the ground as shi was held between the two demon wolves, forced to take their massive tapered lengths again and again, finally feeling a thick bulge bumping up against hir muzzle on each thrust into hir mouth, and another at hir pussy. Hir skin still felt like a million fingers pressing and rolling along hir body, eyes desperately looking around in search of someone who could help, anyone who would help! Hir sight slowly could see more and more of the area shi was being fucked in, letting out a silent scream as hir body felt like it was going to be torn in two... hir belly started to round out more and more as the two creatures kept pouring the thick pre into hir stomach and womb.

Then shi felt those two... things shove forward, hir body almost buckling as two gigantic knots lodged themselves into hir mouth and pussy, hir jaw wanting to snap apart as the tears ran down hir cheeks, hir paws both grabbing hir length and pumping harder, so close to cumming... And the moment those two wolf demons howled out, shi tried to scream but nothing could come out around the fuck rod that bulged out hir throat, hir seed splashing out in almost gallons over the ground beneath hir body, feeling the two demon's loads starting to pour, more and more, and endless supply bubbling out of their sacks, feeling the bulges traveling down to deposit the gigantic load into hir stomach and womb. Shi cried more as shi felt hir belly surging out, feeling and hearing the fluid sloshing inside of hir, the pressure making hir feel like shi would explode, unable to stop hir own orgasm as hir cock spewed just as much as hir rapers over the ground below.

As shi felt hir stomach pushing at the ground, shi heard something that made hir want to die... just a simple laughter that shook hir to the very core. Ears folding back, shi strained to look to the side, hir eyes going wide to what shi saw before hir. It was a small bat girl, so sexy, stark naked upon a throne of obsidian snakes, fingering a drippy twat not 15 feet away from Radin. The woman was pure black, with those eyes, nothing but a pit of darkness, sending hir body to shake all over, feeling the building contents of the sludge filling hir more and more. The battess almost looked like she was showing off for hir, "Mmmm, good bye..." Radin wanted to ask 'what' before shi felt too much pressure... hir brain shutting down as shi felt hir skin grow oh so taunt, at the bursting point, hir last tears running out of hir eyes... Then nothing...

A hard slap drew hir to gasp sharply as shi awoke to find herself suspended on the wall, hir body groaning as shi looked down to see hir bulged belly, the memory of the previous night coming around as shi saw that demoness before hir, panting hard as shi tried to get out of hir sudden awaking from that horrible nightmare. An evil grin spread across its face as it stood in front of hir, that huge cock pressing up against Radin's belly, oozing that purple slime across hir fur, "Time to wake up... You need your breakfast." Smirking as it reached up and grabbed the back of hir head, the tentacles helping to lower hir downwards towards that throbbing meat, trying to keep hir muzzle shut tight as the tip mashed into hir lips, "Mmmm, naughty girl, if you don't eat then how will your babies ever get there nourishment?" Blinking and looking up, shi parted hir lips to ask of the demon what it meant... but of course shi gave the thing an opening which it took hard, mmphing around that throbbing green shaft as it pushed all the way to the back of hir throat, unable to do much as hir jaw was pushed open around it, hir body too weak to bite down only gulp at it as shi could hear the demoness start to groan, "Mnn... here comes your meal my pet!"

Gallons of sludge bubbled up and spurted from the tip of that shaft, hir gulping helping to get as much of it down before shi drowned in the purple slime, the rest splattering out and dripping onto the floor. Strangely, shi actually... enjoyed its taste, hir body shivering as hir insides tingled, hir flesh getting goose bumps all over as shi was force fed hir breakfast. When the flow finally stopped, shi felt the demoness yank that cock right out, the shaft bobbing out then coming back up and smacking hir right in the chin, hir jaw getting shut hard and almost biting hir tongue, "Ow!" shi yelps out, a splash of purple liquid splashing across hir breasts, making them almost burn, "As... I wanted... to... to... Ask, but Babies? ... Are we... even capable?" hir jaw still ached from the slam of that shaft, peering up at the demoness with hir eyes watering up.

A soft billow of laughter escaped the creature's muzzle, reaching down as the tentacles brought Radin back into the wall, its paw mashing the slime into hir breasts, "Oh, yes... and much MUCH more... And that breakfast should induce contractions soon enough... Mmm, you're a fine bitch, so docile." Whimpering, the wolfess panted hard, feeling a pressure swelling in hir breasts, turning hir head down and gasping as hir breasts where getting larger, hir tits pushing out from hir fur and actually starting to drip with milk, "What... did you do to me?!" shi whines as shi struggles against the tentacles, only wanting to be free now.

But that was cut relatively short as shi felt the first contraction hit... It was like a huge orgasm wracking hir body at once as shi pushed hir muzzle out and howled, hir shaft bursting from it's sheath, pulsing hard as juices splattered over the tentacle wall behind hir, the demoness laughing more and stroking that still pulsing green length as it watched, "Mmmm, very good.... Just push and it may be done with soon... Or perhaps you got a stubborn one first..." hir body shook all over as a second contraction tore through hir, hir shaft bouncing as hir hips pushed forward, crying out as hir seed gushed out, being forced to cum by the sensations plowing every nerve in hir body.

Shi started to lose count of the times shi came, hir cock was spent entirely, but shi kept having dry orgasms as the thing inside of hir just wasn't coming out, the longer it took the faster the contractions happened, the more shi came, the more of hir femme cream feed the tentacles wrapped around hir limbs. After what seemed like an eternity, shi finally felt something pushing out of hir womb, but groaned out as it wasn't... body like, something long and writhing pushed itself outwards in a rush, howling out again as a thick purple tentacle wiggled out and squirmed everywhere, jerking hir hips more.

A second, and third tentacle soon joined the first, stretching hir vagina more then the demoness' cock had! Shi was forced to cream more and more, hir cock feeling like it would explode if this continued for much longer... till one more contraction finally made hir feel the heavy weight in hir womb decent, the tentacles outside of hir body clinging to the tentacles on the wall, pulling outwards, helping to get the object outside. A gigantic oval thing was pulled out of hir pussy, hir eyes shut tight in a mix of pain and bliss as shi could barely stand being stretched this far, till it suddenly all came out at once, slumping against the wall as shi gasped and wheezed, hir chest bouncing and dripping with more milk.

Radin flushed deep as shi watched the thing that was once inside of hir slowly crawling along the ground... A deep black egg was walking! Surrounded in a purple jelly, the three tentacles that helped to yank it free were carrying it over to the corner of the room, then set it down and formed a pulsing purple cocoon around the cargo within. "T...That w...was... in...inside... me..." shi gasped weakly, then yelped as a tentacle pushed up into hir tail hole, whimpering at how good it felt... feeling a fluid pouring out and filling hir bowels, making hir groan... But shi slowly felt hir energy returning somewhat, panting at the pleasure still wracking hir poor body.

"Oh yes... and there will be more, so many more... You have an Army to birth, Midnight's Army..." The demoness stepped back up, reaching down to stroke the wolfess' belly that shrunk back to it's perfect shape moments after the egg had left, "Now lets get your next child in this glorious womb of yours." Laughing as it brought that pulsing length back up to hir vaginal lips, the head soon being thrust up inside, tossing hir head back, "Oh gods... N...No, please, No more!! PLEASE!" shi screamed out as shi was taken just as hard as the first time, feeling a second... and third tentacle forcing their way up hir tail hole, stretching it out, hir cock tingling and throbbing with more life then before, feeling hir sack tightening up. Hir protests were silenced though as a few tentacles worked down hir throat, wiggling all the way down to the pit of hir stomach, pumping hir with something shi couldn't tell what, hir brain unable to deal with all these sensations at once.

The demon roared out as it's paws mashed hir breasts, ramming that fuck pole harder and harder inside, mmphing around the tentacles in hir muzzle as hir cock suddenly jerked and slapped down against the demoness' belly, cumming a huge load across it's fur, electing a warm growl of pleasure from it, "Mmmm, you're turning out quite nicely if I do say so... already cumming like a demon!" Laughing darkly as Radin could feel that first knot slapping hir cunt on each thrust, gulping and squeezing at everything invading hir body... Felling just so good, but shi didn't want to accept liking this, this was... wrong! Why couldn't shi have just died! Why hir!

A growl wormed it's way up hir throat as hir cock felt ecstatic, still hardened and pulsing... hir body felt so odd as that throbbing grew in intensity, unable to see but the demoness was licking hir chops gazing down at the poor wolfess' groin, seeing hir cock start to split down the middle... and slowly reform, giving hir two thick cocks, that sack almost doubling in size as the twin spires started to cum in celebration, spasms wrack hir cocks and coated the entire demon's front, making the creature slam forward, driving both knots right inside, "Mmnnn.. you feel that don't you my pet? The corruption, spreading inside... You're the first to succumb to it this quickly. You're going to be like me... a fuck toy for the Mistress!" It lets out a deep growl as it tosses it's head back, that oh so familiar flowing of seed ballooning hir womb outwards, gurgling around the tentacles as shi was being pleasured more then ever, hir throat felt just wonderful, hir tail hole was simply orgasmic with those tentacles worming up and pouring it's slime inside.

It took a few more moments before the demoness popped hir cock out, leaning in as the tentacles slithered out of hir throat, unable to think, much less deny a kiss shi was forced into, feeling that long snake tongue wiggling down hir throat... and feeling thick saliva bubbling up and oozing from hir lips, the taste so sweet over hir own tongue, whimpering and groaning as the creature slipped away, swishing it's tail as it walked to the doorway, "Mmmm, I enjoyed the session this morning, looking forward to tomorrow!" That dark laughter filled the wolfess' ears, hir body worn to the point of no return as shi slumped forward as best as shi could, hir vision blacking out as shi slipped back into hir dreams.

Radin woke up in the nightmare as shi scooted back, feeling hir back press up against cold stone, despite the air around hir felt like it was on fire. Flicking hir ears back, shi felt a paw slide along hir cheek, making hir gasp and look back. A blush overtook hir as shi laid hir eyes upon that battess from hir previous nightmare, watching as she licked her lips almost staring with hunger at hir, "When I say my good-byes, they don't ever stay away long." A claw gently dragged under hir chin, unable to hide the twin erections sprouting up in front of hir, whimpering more. "Oh? Is that for me? Don't mind if I do..." A soft giggle escaped the lovely battess' lips as she climbed down from the throne, spinning around and sliding herself tight against Radin, the wolfess looking taken back before shi felt silky lips embrace hir upper cock, and a perfectly tight ass pushing hir lower cock inside, the beauty's wings spreading out wide behind her as she leaned in to kiss the wolfess deeply and actually lovingly, arms wrapping around hir neck as shi felt that body bouncing on hir cocks, pushing as best as shi could back into the kiss.

With shaking paws, shi slowly put hir claws onto the battess' hips and helped to pull her down on hir throbbing cocks, growling within hir throat as shi tongue wrestled with her. It didn't take long till shi yanked hir head back and howled out, cumming the mighty load out and filling the battess... certain shi had the volume pumping out that shi was filled with in the real world... or was this the real world? Hir mind grew foggy as shi didn't see any bulge form on her front, only seeing a grin and that tongue licking across her muzzle, "That's it my pet... Give everything to me..." Baring her fangs, the wolfess screamed out as a moment later those fangs were biting down into hir neck, shoved all the way in as hir orgasm persisted, claws digging into the demoness' hips, feeling hirself getting weak once more as the blood got pumped out of hir body, feeling so light as shi was devoured...

Trying desperately to gasp at the air as hir body felt like it was shriveling away to nothing, going numb in hir legs, hir groin, no longer feeling hir cocks pulsing as hir body seemed to be pulled downwards, the battess slurping hir bloodstained fangs as shi looked down at hir, only laughing more and more, "Mmmm, you're mine now..." Radin couldn't speak as shi glanced down, watching in horror as hir body was being devoured by those soft ebony folds, feeling hirself grow smaller and smaller, till shi was once more welcomed by the darkness, feeling it embracing hir, though could feel a heart beat around hir... comforting hir.... as shi finally got the rest shi wanted for so long..