Under The Quiet Moon - 2 - 02/23/2016

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Under The Quiet Moon

The pitter-patter of falling rain was punctuated by panicked splashes of shoeless feet pressing their owner frantically through the night. There are no monsters in the dark! There are no monsters in the dark! The old stories aren't true! Silly things like that are only in dreams! Laura repeated these things to herself as she tried to wake up. Sometimes the words were inside of her head and sometimes she whimpered them out loud, but they were her mantra and she held on to it for dear sanity. Elizabeth's only missing. Elizabeth is not a monster! She isn't ... she can't ... no!

A sudden movement was noticed out of the corner of her eye, sending her back into the shadows where no one could see. Metal clad men rushed past her, searching for the creatures that were taking people in the night. Laura hid behind some boxes in an alley with her eyes closed.

They're just chasing men ... people. There's a perfectly rational explanation to all of this. I'm just tired. My cabin fever made me sleepwalk and I woke up out here in the rain. None of that was real. I'm just overtired and going a little stir-crazy. I'm hot and I ache a little ... maybe I just have a fever. Fevers make dreams weird. Everything's going to be okay. Everything is okay.

A sharp itch caught her by surprise and drew her hand to the moist place between her legs. Her smallclothes were not there ... she vaguely remembered Elizabeth taking them off but that had to be part of her fever dream. There was something else too ... she was wet, but it was too dark to see here. The throbbing ache caused her to dismiss it as her moon blood coming early. Stress does strange things to the body and this is just one of those things. Everything's fine. I just need to get back home.

Once the soldiers had passed, Laura left her hiding place and began moving quietly. The fire will dry me out and then a warm bed will make all of this better. Everything will be better tomorrow. That dream was too intense. Liz ... gods, I miss you. Stupid women and all of their gossip panicked me into nightmares that managed to sleepwalk me across town. I'm lucky I didn't fall off the damn roof and break my fool neck.

By the time Laura saw her home she had built a massive wall of denial. A tiny smile grew in anticipation of the relief that was almost hers, but then she stopped dead and stared. The front door was not closed all of the way. There are three locks securing that door ... and Angela is way too much of a scaredy-cat to have opened it for anyone. Unless ... maybe I didn't actually sleepwalk out the window, like in my dream. Maybe I just opened up the front door and stumbled out. This excuse worked well enough to allow her to approach her home, but the sense of wrongness stuck as she slowly stepped inside.

Laura closed the door, leaned against its surface, closed her eyes, and listened. The wind and the rain muffled everything, but she was sure she could hear sounds from the second floor. Without knowing why, Laura left the front door unbarred and moved across the tailor shop to the stairs that led up to where her family lived.

The rain caused her clothing to cling. Cold and fear made her teeth chatter. The stairs did not protest at her passage but she could tell a collection of wet and dirty feet had passed up them recently enough that the water had not yet dried. Someone else is here. A group of men ... here for my sister!

A surge of wild anger flooded through her veins and Laura let out an angry little growl.

Looking around the room, she found her long-nosed sheers and held them like a big knife. I'll stab them then cut off their naughty bits! The anger felt good but a quiet little voice in her mind told her that she might not be able to overpower three grown men who were used to violence. Tucking the sheers neatly into one of the pockets she had sewn into her dress, she went over to a workstation where several meter long poles waited for bolts of fabric. A twist and tug pulled one of the poles free and she tested its weight once before she felt satisfied.

A torrent of murderous thoughts covered up her fear as she crept up the stairs. Lightning flashed, casting the shadows of large bodies onto the walls. The presence of these others should have sent her running out into the night but she was committed and unable to turn away. At the top of the stairs was a short hall with three bedrooms. The master bedroom of their parents had been closed and empty since everyone had been forbidden to leave their homes. The markings on the floor led to the open door where her sister should have been sleeping alone.

Another flash of light flickered through the window, briefly casting a collection of shadows which struggled together on the adjacent wall. Laura's knuckles turned white around the metal pole in her hands. She could hear the beating of her heart and the voice of Angela as she made distressed noises. The rumble of the storm was accompanied by the growling of animals and the motions of bodies as they moved in the night.

The scent of rain, blood, and heated lust wafted into Laura's nostrils as she lingered inches from the doorway's edge. Pressed firmly against the wall, she heard an excited gasp and smelled the horrid stench of sweat and sex. The smell seemed reach up her nose, grab ahold of her sinuses, and pull her forward. Eyes squeezed shut as her blood seemed to boil with an intensity she could not control. Pain swelled from between Laura's legs and she curled into the fetal position and waited for it to pass.

One hand released her weapon and drifted unconsciously between her legs and found wet relief waiting. Trembling fingers drifted along her petals but she jerked away. Whatever had just seized control of her let go and she managed to push herself upright. Flashes of lightning showed red on her fingers and she pulled her dress up to her belly, revealing marks where sharp fangs had pierced her skin. The blood leaked slowly but an infectious ache drew her fingers back again, pressing and caressing in the ways her dear Elizabeth had done many times before.

Another cry from the bedroom snapped her out of her trance and she gripped the metal pole in both hands. Drawing closer to the noise, Laura peered carefully around the corner and saw what her mind could not comprehend. Three beasts, part wolf and part man, surrounded Angela and one of them had her pinned to the bed. Savage teeth had already bitten her several times on the arms, neck, and chest. One male suckled at her bloodied breast while her hands gripped two fists full of his fur and pulled him this way and that. Though pain was apparent on her face, desperate cries of ecstasy accompanied her screams.

The biggest of the monsters suddenly reared back, as if gasping for breath, and then pressed forward, heightening the musky scent from the bed. Moans of pleasure emitted with each mighty thrust, exciting the other two beasts whom whimpered and paced more intensely they stared hungrily at the scene. On and on the mounted beast drove until his musical howl drowned out Angela's ecstatic screams. Then the bedded body went limp and the wolf-beast released her from his bulk.

Laura breathed hard, as she tried to clear her mind. She wanted to fight, she wanted to flee, but the third desire had overridden everything else. Endorphins coursed through her veins as she sank to her knees. Little shivers reminded her of that she had just done and she stared in horror at the wetness on her free hand. A monster just brutally raped Angela and I pleasured myself to it! How could I do such a thing? Why can't I fight or run away?

The bed and bodies shifted as the largest of the wolf-men crashed to the floor. Muscles flexed grotesquely as he strutted on all fours. A primal gesture gave the other two males the permission they sought and they rumbled lustily to their alpha.

Laura gripped her weapon tightly and peaked into the room again. Angela had turned onto her side and was breathing deeply. The beta wolf-beast climbed onto the bed with her, his muscles were gloriously flexed and his musk filled the room with an overpowering hunger. Angela looked up at him with awe in her eyes but she did not look afraid. The beta-male surrounded her body with his and he began to lick the wounds where claws and teeth had drawn blood.

Angela made sounds Laura had never heard as she turned onto her hands and knees. Laura could see many more claw and teeth marks across her delicate skin but she did not appear to notice them. The monster's tongue seemed to be balm for her wounds and he eventually started lapping at Angela's presented backside.

Submissive whimpers rose from her throat as she rubbed her bottom against him. A shiver ripped through both sisters as Angela turned, took his length in both hands and began to suckle him tenderly. A guttural growl rumbled through the beta-male and he pumped his hands into fists as he visibly fought for control. The attention caused the object of his lust to swell with even greater heat but Angela only pressed harder, taking as much of it into her mouth as she could manage.

The size of it should have gagged her, but somehow Laura's normally prudish sister let all of him slide down her throat. Drawing back let her take a breath and then she plunged forward once more. Work calloused hands fondled skin and fur, touching all of him as she worked until she leaned all the way back and released him with a gasp. Then she dropped onto hands and knees and presented herself once more.

Laura breathed the suffocating stench of their bodies and found her desire increasing with impossible need. The beta-beast took hold of Angela and his length slid easily into her glistening body. A desperate fire burned inside of both sisters and Laura found her hands moving on their own once more. While one sister made do with her hands, the other was filled with the power of the animal she desired. Bliss shown clearly in her eyes. Avid yearning drove away all fear leaving only a need to be lavishly used and filled with the seed of those who surrounded her.

The omega wolf-beast approached the foot of the bed and Angela needed no coaxing to take him in her hands. Subtle manipulations engorged his lust which she took into her mouth with the hunger of a starving woman. Tongue, lips, and quivering movements coaxed life from the creatures and they clearly enjoyed her attentions.

As they pressed into her, Laura watched in paralyzed horror as Angela's body began to change. Work beaten fingernails lengthened, sharpened, and grew as she sprouted claws. Fine hairs became courser as her spine against her skin and her tail bone lengthened. Bones shifted and twisted, lengthening the young woman into a female worthy of the essence being plunged into her body. Muscles rippled, adding bulk to her thin frame. Shoulders grew wider and ears pulled back, until a snout reached forward. More of her grew in their care, allowing each beast to plunge fully into her. Thick hot seed erupted into her at both ends, making her wild, gripping both of the males with her arms and legs until they were through.

A rush filled Laura as she buckled to the floor and breathed heavily in recovery of her body's rapture filled defiance. A tumbling rush of climax filled euphoria seemed to satisfy her madness and allow her to stand. At some point, the metal pole she had brought with her had fallen to the floor and rolled out of easy grabbing distance. Lightning flashed and the shadows told her the largest of the males had reasserted his dominance and was now breeding the beast that had once been Angela. Though part of Laura wanted to stay, the rational parts of her stepped back down the hallway to the tailor's shop below.

The air was cleaner down there, allowing her to think a little more clearly. As she looked about the room, she heard two of the beasts moving down the hallway, giving their alpha the privacy he needed ... or maybe they caught my scent and are searching for me. Snatching her sister's coat from the hook, Laura flung open the door and rushed back out into the night. Snarls and howl faded into the distance but she could feel them in her veins. Onward she ran ... blindly forward into the unknown.