(~2~) One Must Learn

Story by WSAD on SoFurry

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#2 of Star Fox: The Descent

This is the second chapter of my fanfiction series Star Fox: The Descent. It took a long time to finish (blame procrastination) but it is finally here for all to view. Some readers may feel that I am making up for the lack of erotic content int he last chapter by adding a surplus of content in this one. I neither confirm nor deny any such notions.

Either way, I'm happy to have finished this and I appreciate the few people who have expressed continued love and interest in this series despite having only its first chapter posted. To those of you who were waiting for this to be release, I do very much hope you enjoy what I have written here.

I don't think I've written anything with this much sex in it before...

*Goannan - My term for a species of space lizard in the Star Fox universe (fan-canon) that is based off of the Goanna lizard. I will use Goannan frequently in reference to the two main characters in the story that are of this fan-made race.

*Goannan - My term for a species of space lizard in the Star Fox universe (fan-canon) that is based off of the Goanna lizard. I will use Goannan frequently in reference to the two main characters in the story that are of this fan-made race.

(~2~) One Must Learn

The private lounge of the Loka brothers was as exquisite and every bit as expensive as anyone could imagine. The walls and flooring were made of imported hardwoods in warm hues. Set into the wooden flooring were polished white marble tiles carved into diamond patterns. The wall decor and countertops all matched the white marble tiles. Nothing in the room could be considered affordable or common by even Cornerian standards. It was clear that anyone who was brought this far into the brother's domain was expected to be left in awe, and awed Fox was, or would have been, had he not been made to feel so uncomfortable.

Fox stood by silently and felt himself burn with a terrible mixture of guilt and discomfort. Standing at Krystal's flanks with their leering lecherous gazes the pair of Goannans were the source of all his discontent. Krystal, his lover and soulmate, between the men that were the Star Fox teams' most reliable business partners. The pair were assaulting her body with their hands and tongues in a haphazard harmony. Fox felt the muscles in his face twitch every time he saw one of the green hands run across her chest or hips. He couldn't even bring himself to watch her face as the Goannan's took turns forcing their slithering tongues between her delicate lips. Her face was full of excitement at the attention she was getting and he was struggling with his choice to accept the agreement of... sharing her... with the brothers. He could only swallow hard the bile he felt rise in his throat every time he stifled the urge to rip her away from their clutches.

But this was something she agreed to as well. With her assurance that it would be alright. He was drawn into this by their mutual trust, and by the promise of such a lucrative arrangement with the brothers' and the space station Belter Sol. Fox could just endure this and the team would profit so much, and Krystal had given him her assurance. The assurance, one given with her full knowledge of his reservations, held his feet in place as he watched them flank her and grope her. They eyed her constantly from the tips of her ears to the soles of her shoes. Fox grimaced, but tried to hide it. He know vixens were a rare sight on Belter Sol.

"Such a beautiful maiden." Baccus spoke, with a patient measure of excitement much like an enthusiast would have at the discovery of a fine classic, as he drug one hand up the blue vixen's side to trace her curves. He stopped himself when his palm found her breast. They had already unzipped the black jacket she'd worn to their offices and dropped it to the floor where it now lay in a careless pile about her feet. Krystal had chosen to wear only a lace bra under her jacket. She must not have expected that she'd be removing her jacket any today. The lacey article had a narrow golden clasp suspended between her breasts to hold her mounds together.

Kilroy thumbed the clasp and it popped free. Fox watched her breasts, now free from the pressured confines of her brassiere, fall and settle themselves still. Both brothers took a strap by the hand and pulled the article free of her arms so it could join the vixen's now forgotten jacket.

"I agree, Baccuss. Exxquissite." Kilroy replied in a measured pace much like his brothers. The natural drawl they gave to their syllables added a sinister flair to their words that felt appropriate given the present context of the situation. Fox certainly felt it was appropriate. Krystal was blushing, Fox noticed. He was red as well, but it was not from any embarrassment he was feeling. He swallowed again.

"Thank you, you are both too kind." Krystal replied quietly. It looked to Fox like she was now acting modestly. Her hands, now that her upper body was left completely exposed, were hesitating to cover her chest. Krystal was never normally this shy about her body, but that was because she was always with him. Not them! He remember the first time he saw her nude and she was bold and adventurous with him. She didn't feel any need for modesty then, but why now? Was she regretting the choice she'd made?

Baccus took one of her hands by the wrist before it could cover her breast, and Kilroy joined him by taking the other. Krystal was an adult. He trusted that she was wise enough to put a stop to anything she didn't want. Was there something she sensed about the two of them that made her retreat to modesty in ways that Fox himself couldn't?

"No need to hide thesse asssets." Baccus started.

"Yess, thesse are finer than the art on our wallss." Kilroy finished. The pair lowered her arms to her sides where she left them to stay.

Fox looked away. He couldn't stare at them any longer. It was too strong of a dose to swallow, and he knew that this was not even the main attraction. There would be worse for him to weather by the time this was finished.

The four of them were standing near to the center of the room. He saw it was large and in the shape of an octagon with furniture and decorations on every wall. There was a massive bed pushed against one wall that had a rounded edge which left the bed looking more like a half oval in shape rather than a rectangle. It of course looked imported with embroidered bedding. Even the wet bar was more than just bottles of various alcohols. Wine glasses of crystal, shot glasses and cups of polished and buffed metals. The brothers had used their wealth to spare no expense in making this lounge of theirs the finest room in their domain. So far as he knew. There were closed doors on the two far ends of the room that led to unknown destinations.

Krystal drew in a sharp breath and Fox quickly turned back to look at her. Kilroy had dropped to one knee and was running his fingers across the white fur of her belly. He was avoiding her beltline for now. Kilroy wasn't where Fox's glare was resting, however. Baccus had taken a firm hold of one of Krystal's breasts and was now kissing her fiercely. Fox watched as Baccus used his free hand to grab Krystal by the back of the head to tilt her neck back. The Goannan licked his filthy tongue through her fur from her jawline down her neck and to her collarbone.

Fox wanted to say something, to stop them. He only felt ice cold with a lump in his throat that he couldn't make disappear no matter how much he swallowed. Shivers dances across his spine and chest as he felt his limbs grow restless. Krystal's eyes found his, and they looked wild with excitement. She smiled at him, but it was almost a sad. She had to know. She couldn't have been blind to his emotions. Her expression was comforting then for a moment. Something for him. Silently, she mouthed the words "It'll be ok, F-"

Baccus cut off her wordless message with his mouth as he proceeded to tongue fuck her with his sloppy digit. Then, with that, her eyes shut and Fox felt forgotten. He didn't know what to do except stand there and let this horrible event play itself out. He couldn't watch them kiss anymore. His eyes fell low and he found the petite belt buckle that held her pencil skirt closed and used it as a distraction to keep his eyes from wandering. Kilroy had stepped away, but only by a foot or so, and the Goannan was just a green and black blur in Fox's periphery. He was undressing, which was all the greater reason to not look away from the little buckle at the front of his lover's waist. It was the only safe place to look that wouldn't pull his eyes away from his vixen.

His anxiety kept growing. Baccus was taking off his jacket while he molested her mouth with his own. Krystal's arms were crossed over her chest. Kilroy, still standing at the edge of Fox's vision was now kicking off his pants to leave him there as a tall green blur. Nude. The nude green figure moved to step forward and blocked his view of her. Fox shut his eyes. He did not want to look. His heart was like an engine with the gas pedal pressed to the floor.

He tried to focus on his own heart beat. The noise of the thumping. It was running at a frenzy, but it was a safe sound. It wasn't the sound of clothing hitting the floor. It wasn't the noise of spit being traded between two working mouths. It was not the wet smack of lips meeting and pulling at what his imagination could only tell him was one of her plump nipples.

"Eyess up, little maiden." Fox heard what sounded like Baccus. He turned his head away from the scene, as if it'd help any. She replied with a gasp. He shut his eyes tighter. She gasped again, but this time it was louder and carried with it genuine surprise. "Now, eyess down."

Fox opened his eyes and looked, but couldn't see anything. He only saw Kilroy's green backside standing between him and Krystal. The metal capped end of the Goannan's tail was flicking back and forth happily as his tail swayed behind him. Both brothers had their arms up and were probably groping his woman's body like she was just a piece of meat. But he couldn't see anything. Krystal was now strangely silent between the two Goannans.

"I think she is speechless, Baccuss." It was Kilroy. He has his head dipped low enough to place his lips on one of her breasts before lifting it again. Krystal was too short compared to them and he couldn't see her face clearly.

"Are you, maiden?" Baccus asked her. Fox could see that one's face. The Goannan was looking down at her with a hungry toothy grin. Baccus looked at Fox. There eyes met. Fox had to look away from the scar that tracing down the right side of Baccus' face. The Goannan looked so smug it made him feel sicker than he already did, and he kept his gaze on Fox until he could stand it no longer and he pulled his eyes away. Fox saw in his periphery that Baccus was now looking back at Krystal. Like he'd won something, and he had. Fox lost a contest there, and he knew it.

"I..." It was Krystal speaking. She was hesitating, but her voice was high, but not with fear. She sounded excited and nervous all in one. "I don't think I can."

It was a statement that clearly worried her. Why did she sound worried? He looked back and glared at both brothers. They were chuckled, and if Baccus was grinning so was Kilroy though Fox didn't have the vantage to see it.

"It'll fit, maiden." Baccus said. "But, let'ss assk a second opinion, shall we?"

Kilroy looked up at his brother who was grinning back at him with a terrible mischief. They shared a silent moment of understanding before Kilroy tilted his head around and now both brothers were looking at Fox with a look that made him swallow with the sensation of ice water pouring down him. Krystal was now in view, but only from the neck up with Kilroy still standing in the way. She was staring down below her with wide eyes and looking uncertain. But her mouth... The edges of her mouth looked almost curled. Was she at the cusp of a grin? "I agree, Baccuss. Let uss let Flyboy give hiss opinion."

Kilroy stepped to the side and turned to face Fox at an angle. Krystal was now in clear view with her body on full display. Baccus was standing behind her with his arms wrapped around her sides to grab at her wrists. Her hands were hoisted up to the shoulders to stop her from covering her chest out of modesty. Her skirt and pants were piled around her ankles along with the scattered elements of the brother's own outfits. They'd stripped her completely while he had held his eyes shut like a coward.

"Well, Flyboy. What do you think of thiss? Do you think she can?" Baccus asked him. Fox's eyes were locked at a spot below her stomach. He couldn't see her crotch. Baccus' green bumpy tool was wedged between Krystal's blue thighs. She couldn't even touch her knees together due to his barrel-like girth. He didn't need to look at what was standing proudly in front of Kilroy. They were brothers so of course they'd be the same.

"I- I don't know Fox." Krystal said. Fox looked up at her and she looked away. She was blushing red hot, but she was smiling. Her breathing was fast and her chest was rising and falling with each inhale. She was horny. Fox knew she was horny. Her face and her breathing were her tells. That was her every time she and him were together in bed. But it wasn't him she was with this time.

"Seemss flyboy iss speechless, too." Kilroy said. Kilroy stepped away from his brother and the vixen straddling his pole and made his move toward Fox. His toenails clacked across the floor. Fox didn't flinch when he reached his side. "Do you think we will fit?"

Fox didn't say anything, he only glared sideways at the Goannan. Kilroy stepped around behind him. Fox gave a noticeable twitch when he felt the heavy rod bump across his backside as Kilroy stopped behind him. He didn't know what the hell Kilroy was aiming for. The Goannan puts his hands on Fox's shoulders.

"Maybe he doessn't know, Kilroy?" Baccus asked. "We might have to exxperiment. Our maiden can be our tesst pilot, yess?"

"Yess. I like thiss idea, don't you Flyboy?" Kilroy asked him from behind. "I am sure there iss much we can learn."

"So big..." Krystal whispered, even as she seemed to pant. She was looking up at Baccus and he grinned back at her. "But you are both so big..."

Fox felt himself twitch again. Baccus was slowly dragging his thick length back and forth between Krystal's thighs. In his position he was certainly grinding himself against her opening. She was starting to squirm and fidget.

"Baccus getss to go firsst, Flyboy." Kilroy whispered into his ear. Those claws hands drifted from the top of his shoulder to the sides of his arms. The Goannan dipped his head next Fox's own. "He'ss better at loossening up virginss than I am."

Fox's glare held steady. Virgin. He knew his expression gave away what he thought about that. Kilroy stared back with bright eyes. He looked like he was having so much fun. "You've fucked her, Flyboy?"

Fox refused to answer. He looked back at Krystal and watched her eyes slowly shut as Baccus sped up his thrusts to a more moderate pace. He was now holding onto Krystal by her upper arms, much like how Kilroy had him by his. She was definitely panting with shallow breaths. The pole between her legs was now looking slick with her juices. Baccus wasn't even paying any attention to Fox and his brother anymore. His attention was now solely on Krystal.

"Ansswer." Kilroy whispered into Fox's ear firmly. The grip on his arms tightened.

"Yes." Fox answered. His voice sounded hollow to his own ears almost like it wasn't even his own.

"When he fuckss her," Kilroy wispered. His voice was excited. Fox tilted his head away from him when he heard Kilroy lick his lips. The brother leaned in closer to Fox's ear until those green lips were millimeters away from the fur. Fox could feel the meat pole behind him poking at the back of his thigh. Fox was rigid like steel with his heart still pounding. "When he fuckss her she'll scream like a virgin whore."

Fox felt an emptiness in the pit of his stomach. Krystal was going to get fucked by these bastards and he was going to stand there and let them, wasn't he? Krystal clearly wanted it. She was pressing her back and ass into Baccus' body as she squirmed and grinded onto that hard rod jutting between her thighs. Fox couldn't stop it now, could her?

"Now strip and behave yoursself while we fuck your maiden." Kilroy ordered him, harshly. It was clear that things were going to progress a certain way no matter what he wanted for himself. "We might let you have a turn with her after we're done."

And with that Kilroy stepped back around Fox to make his way back toward Krystal and his brother. Fox was again standing alone and apart from the lecherous trio of bodies. He was shaking all over. He started to remove his jacket. The process felt mechanical like the rigid movements of ROB's own motions.

Kilroy grabbed Krystal by the side of her face and forced her into a kiss. Pulling her toward him she fell against his arms and Baccus had to adjust his handholds to keep her balanced over his cock. Her body was twisted in an S-curve with her thighs splayed to the sides over Baccus' pillar and her chest leaned foward against Kilroy's chest. The pair broke their kiss so Baccus could have a turn with her mouth before separating again. She looked both light headed and delighted at once. Perhaps it was the lighting from the suspension lights overhead, but her eyes seemed to be dancing.

"Lift her leg." Baccus told his brother. Kilroy grabbed Krystal under the knee closest to him and lifted until her knee was planted against her shoulder with her other leg dangling over the floor. Baccus switched his grip from her arm to her uplifted leg and was again in control of the blue vixen. He licked in her ear and took its tip between her teeth playfully.

Fox could only drop his jacket to floor in defeat. He felt his ears splayed back against his head as he began to remove his shirt. There was nothing for him to do but watch these two lecherous monsters do what they wanted. It's what he told himself. Krystal hadn't tried to stop them. She looked happy.

"Such a beautiful maiden, yess?" Kilroy commented with a hand moving roughly across one of her breasts. His fingers stopped over her nipple and played with the smooth nub until he felt right to pinch it between his thumb and finger. She squeaked and squirmed in response. Krystal arched her back and pressed herself back into Baccus' chest as she was assaulted from her ear to her tit with tiny tortures.

"Oh yess, she is magnificcent." Baccus replied after freeing her ear. He slowly lifted the vixen up and down with his blunt tip prodding and slipping at her slick soakened folds. He kept missing. No, Fox was sure Baccus was hitting his mark. The Goannan was just too big for him to slip right in. The mental image of himself sliding into Krystal with ease made him burn hotter. It was like being able to penetrate her with ease was now somehow shameful in the face of these two men and their terrible tools.

Without his jacket and shirt he felt colder and naked for it. The metallic pop of his belt buckle coming undone did not elicit any reaction from the trio in front of him. Kilroy moved closer to Krystal and took both of her breasts in his hands. Now he was in the way, but Fox refused to move. He just wanted to strip and endure the last of this and be done. Let it be fast, he hoped.

"Line me up, Kilroy." Baccus asked with what sounded like irritation. Fox couldn't see, but he heard Kilroy give a growling chuckle. Krystal inhaled sharply and he could see her flinch with her dangling leg kicking out in shock. Reacting to her, with his pants like a noose around his knees, Fox tripped and fell to his side as Krystal continued to flail between the green pair.

"Ssso tight!" Baccus proclaimed and let out a satisfied hiss. Fox lay upon his side with his legs tangled up in his pants. In his new position on the floor he had a view once more of Krystal in all her elegance. Her white and blue body arched tightly and squirming against the green body behind her. Her arms clung tightly to Baccus as he held her in place over his shaft. His terrible shaft.

"It think our maiden iss going to do jusst fine." Kilroy remarked. Fox watched with wide eyes at the sight of her. Krystal was panting with mouth agape and eyes fluttering and squinting. He'd never heard noises from her like this. She was like a kit mewling. Fox couldn't look away if he'd tried.

"Yesss." Baccus said. He lowered her down more, and Fox watched as she struggled and barked as the fat cock head that belonged to Baccus Loka stretched the lips of her sex wider and wider until Fox could no longer believe that she was even capable of it. He tried to turn and move to free his legs.

His arm bumping across his erection. Fox stared at his own modest shaft. How long had he been hard? It startled him that he was this erect without him having noticed, and he was being forced to watch Krystal have sex with these other men!

Krystal was getting louder now. Fox turned back to her and stared. His eyes went from her face, which was contorted with strain and discomfort, and down to her abused entrance. Baccus' shaft was straining against Krystal's folds until finally the resistance gave way and the entirety of the blunt head popped into her body in a single surge. Krystal yelped and tried to pull away in reflex, but Baccus only let her body drop like dead weight.

Fox's ears pinned themselves to his head as he watched her struggle against the invader piercing and stretching her tight body as her voice wavered and whined in growing volume. The descent was slow and laborious but it was not something Krystal had the power to prevent. Her eyes were shut tight as she clawed at the green body holding her.

The green length slid deeper into her steadily with every bump popping inside her after a brief moment's struggle. Fox didn't know how long it took, but Krystal wasn't so light in weight that it would stop her from impaling herself. She finally stopped sinking when a full three quarters of his shaft was embedded in her.

"That it?" Kilroy asked. Baccus shifted Krystal in his grip and tested her by pushing her down on his cock. A scant few millimeters sank into her, and she wailed in response.

"I'll make it fit. She'll learn to stretch." Baccus replied.

"Then give me her top. I want her mouth." Kilroy insisted, and his brother relented. Krystal looked exhausted and worn out just from the penetration. Baccus pushed her forward and caught her hips with both hands. She squeaked as she sank further on his cock and Kilroy caught her shoulders. Suspending on Baccus' prick and by his brother's hands she was now face to face with Kilroy's equally enormous dick.

Fox could barely see her face now. Kilroy was in the way again.

"Wu- wait! I c-can't." She protested, but she was silenced her own gagging. Kilroy had moved one hand from her shoulder to the back of her head. He was forcing her to bob her head on his prick. Every time he pushed her head back he saw her face with tears around her eyes and a brief glimpse of green stretched her mouth apart.

"Sssh." Kilroy told her. He kept making her bob on his cock. Baccus only smirked and started slowly thrust from her other end. Fox was still on his side, frozen in place, as these two began to fuck her from either end against her growing protests. He felt frozen in place having never seen anything like this before.

Kilroy was even and steady with his abuse. His hand held the back of her head for only as long as it was needy. Fox watched her plant her hands against his body to try and push away. At first it was as if to escape, but then, after a time, she steadied herself reluctantly and now was only keeping her balance to save herself from falling. Kilroy took both shoulders again and all Fox could tell was what the noise told him. She was sucking his dick on her own accord. Krystal couldn't prevent herself from gagging and choking on such an impressive member, but she was slurping and sucking on it as best as she could, judging by the sound of it. Kilroy was grinning wickedly down at her as she worked. he was clearly satisfied with the performance.

"You'll love her cunt." Baccus confessed. He was working her lower end more roughly than his brother worked her poor mouth. His thrusts was fast and steady, and as he picked up speed Krystal would choke and cry out from out the wet cock in her mouth.

"I'm sure, Baccuss. Try not to break thiss one." Kilroy replied. Try not to break this one? Fox shivered and continued to stare at the awful display of Krystal being used like a sex toy. she was a rag doll between them.

"I wouldn't break our maiden, Kilroy! I will only Break. Her. In!" And with his last three words Baccus bucked his cock into her folds with three powerful thrusts, and each of which forced her to cry out shrilly from around Kilroy's cock. "Hussh her."

Kilroy took her by the back of the head again and choked her with his cock. He held her hard and tight. Fox couldn't see her head anymore, but she was fighting and struggling between them with her legs kicking and fist beating against Kilroy's thighs.

Fox felt hollowed out and empty as he watched the two Goannans brutal begin to cunt and throat fuck his lover and lady like they wanted to break her. Kilroy gave up on the one handed method and took both sides of her head in his hands and grunted himself against her sweet face. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he used her. Fox still couldn't see, but he didn't want to see the look on her face, the expression that he didn't allow his imagination to paint for him.

Baccus was no less cruel. His hands dug their terrible nails into the soft flesh and fur of her hips as he pounded her with solid thrusts that make her cry out with muffled and gagged protests.

Fox had never fucked her like this. He made love to her, not this! Whatever this was! They used like like she wasn't a person. She wasn't Krystal as she hung suspended with her tail drooping limp at her side to dangle with her jelly legs. She was this maiden that was only there to please them. They were fucking her into becoming a sex toy they could use however they pleased. And Fox was letting them, wasn't he? For what? Money? Because he trusted that Krystal knew what she was doing? Did she really?

"Hu hu hu, I fit now." Baccus chuckled over her limp lower body. Her legs weren't fighting anymore. Fox saw him readjust his grip so he could fuck her even harder. Her poor body shook with his every impact as he claimed her. His tail was swinging viciously behind him.

"You always take the fun partss." Kilroy accused his brother. Kilroy was taking great pleasure in using Krystal's face, still obscured from Fox's view, as a pussy.

"I'll let you have the nexxt one." Baccus replied. He slowed his thrusts down to pump her with harder thrusts instead. Speed traded away for more power. Krystal wasn't trying to fight with her fists anymore. She was holding onto Kilroy's arms while he used her.

Fox was still hard as a rock. His eyes and throat burned like he was going to cry.

"Fuck, thiss will be a goood finissh." Kilroy hissed and tilted his head back. He slammed his hips forward and Krystal took it, not that she had a choice. Her hands never left his arms. She started squeezing him tight as soon as Fox heard Kilroy growl. It was a long groan of a growl that came rumbling deep from within his chest. The Goannans eyes were actually fluttering. He was rocking his hips into her face.

"You trying to drown her?" Baccus asked as Krystal started trying to pull at his arms like she was wanting to pull her head away.

"What? Oh. No." Kilroy panted and stepped backwards. A mass of white soup spilled down from between his legs as Krystal exploded into a fit of gasps. Her coughing continued as more strings and ropes fell from her and Kilroy's still twitching shaft. Fox saw her face just as Baccus reclaimed his hold on one arm and drug her back to an upright position.

Her face was stained with Kilroy's copious spunk. Her chest was covered it in now and she was coughing up more every moment. She had a blank look on her face with eyes that no longer danced as they had been before. She looked out of it.

"The maiden has a lovely mouth I see." Baccus commented. He'd stopped thrusting in her. His large testicles were taut under his cock, which was buried completely in her poor body now. The gap between his nuts and her clit was hardly worth noting.

"I'm happy to confirm that it iss." Kilroy agreed. "You'll have to tell me how her cunt faress."

Baccus let her dangle off his cock like a coat on a hanger. He moved his right hand behind her and did what looked Fox like a grab at her tail. His other hand grabbed her by the back of the head, much like his brother had done.

"How are we feeling, little maiden?" Baccus asked. Kilroy chuckled and stepped around them to make his way to the wet bar. His cock dripped a cum trail behind him as he went to make a drink for himself. Krystal could only pant heavily in response. "Maiden."

Baccus bounced her once on his prick and she yelped. It was a high note, but not painful to the ears. "Do you want me to fuck you?" He asked her into her ear.

Her head was held high by the hand at the back of her head. Krystal's blue locks, which had once been carefully combed and fixed, where now a disheveled mess. Betwen her hair and fur she looked little like the "maiden" to which they referred. Krystal swallowed once and slowly squirmed. Her toes stretched and she tried to touch Baccus' legs with her mostly limp arms. He felt her fingertips on his hips and he sneered angrily.

"Do you." He asked her in a whisper. Fox watched her face in anticipation of her response. She seemed only half aware, but she was growing in that awareness. Her mouth moved, but it was a silent message that no lip reading could translate.

"Want me." He continued to whisper, closer to her ear this time but still loud enough for Fox to hear him. Kilroy was watching as well from over the lip of his glass of amber fluid he held to his lips. Krystal coughed. Fox winced when he saw a bead of white trickle from the side of her mouth.

"To fuck your little cunt raw?" He finished in a hoarse whisper. Fox watched her face as she smiled. She smiled. Krystal smiled with cum dripping from the side of her dainty mouth and looked at Baccus and tried to nod. Fox felt ice cold all over again.

"Uh huh." She weakly added. After all of that abuse, why? Why?

"Goood girl." Baccus told her before pulling his head away. He tilted her down and flexed the fingers on the hands gripping her by the hair. Then he started fucking her.

Krystal was silent at first. It was like the initial shock of the act had muted her response. That response that eventually arrived came in shrill wails and cries no sooner than his seventh thrust. She was a noise maker as he fucked her harder than he was previously. His eyes were shut as he snorted through his nose and hissed from between his lips. He was swinging her into out by her hair and tail just so she would swing back in and collide with his ramming thrusts.

Her eyes were looking up at the ceiling with their gaze crossed and confused. With her mouth unable to close from her constant wailing she did nothing but drool spit and leftover spunk across her chin and the floor under her. She was again left as nothing more than a ragdoll for the Goannan's personal use.

Baccus was skilled at this position almost like he'd done it hundreds of times before to other victims. He had his fingers laced within her hair so that his grip was firm but wasn't ripping out the hair. Krystal wasn't crying out in pain. Her wails and whines were growing in volume and were drenched with more and more amounts of underlying pleasure that made Fox's ears grow hot just hearing them. She sounded so whorish it made the skin under his fur turn red like crimson paint. He'd never made her sound like that before.

The green hand on her tail held firm right at the base. The fluffy fur she took such good care of was matted and messed from the rough treatment, but as a handle it was working perfectly. It was surreal to watch her dangle limply in front of the Goannan as he fucked her with enough force to bounce her off his hips after every collision. Had it not been for her vocals Fox would have thought that Baccus might had fucked her dead.

His own hissing and snorting was growing more labored, but he continued his assault on her even as his lips parted to show his many teeth. Her lust fueled wailing was joined by Baccus' own guttural grunts and groans. Fox didn't want to see her this way.

The blue vixen in front of him wasn't Krystal, was it? The woman he loved wouldn't do these things, would she? She was different, right? Krystal wouldn't scream and moan on a bastard's cock as he fucked her like a street whore? Right? Fox trembled as he stared right at her face, a face that didn't know he exist in front of her just several feet away on the floor. Her man. Hers. On the floor with a rigid prick as his woman was brutally fucked by men that had no right to touch her.

Then, a sudden change. Baccus roared his orgasm when it slammed into his gut in time with the fluffy blue rump. Kilroy's was a modest vocalist when he came, but Baccus was a braggart. He slammed her home in his lap and pumped her full. Using her tail he kept her in place as he jabbed her with short brutal thrusts. He swore at her and cursed her.

"Take it! Take it!" The Goannan was glaring at her angrily as he drained himself. He'd been growling like an animal over her for half a minute and finally the white slop from his prick started to drain out from around the plug of his prick and hit the floor. Fox kept looking at the falling strings of cum that fell from Krystal's folds. He could never fill her that much. He was pathetic compared to them.

"I think her cunt iss better, Baccuss. Clearly." Kilroy commented from the wet bar. He was working on another drink. Krystal was shivering all over. Her body was vibrating as Baccus came off his orgasmic high. He was panting hard, but despite his exhaustion he lifted her off his cock, which unleashed a messy deluge of cum onto the floor, before dropping the vixen to the floor where she landed in a heap. She was now panting on the floor and shuddering with her arms caressing herself as she shivered.

Fox didn't understand. Was she having an orgasm? Did she have an orgasm? When? He'd been watching that monster fuck her. Had he missing seeing the start of her orgasm by looking at his wicked performance? He was overcome with shame, but why was he feeling so awful for missing her orgasm? An orgasm he wasn't responsible for? His cock was twitching and he balled his fists in anger at himself and the betrayal of his own loins.

Krystal rolled over onto her side, which left her facing him as she continued to shiver quietly with an expression rolling across her features of delighted bliss. She looked like she was lost in a drug fueled high.

There eyes met, but she wasn't aware. It was like she was blind at first, but then, to Fox's honest surprise, she suddenly seemed to become aware. It was like the slow dawn of a sun over the horizon. The stupid smile of her high faded and was replaced by a smile of genuine happiness. Krystal rolled over onto her belly as Baccus and Kilroy made themselves drinks.

Climbing up to her hands and knees Krystal drunkenly crawled her way slowly to Fox, who instantly started to close the gap with her.

"Fah Ox." she enunciated like she had been drinking heavily. Her eyes were bright but out of focus. She grabbed his arm and he flinched under her touch. She reeked of the scent of the brothers combined musk. Her fur smelled like salt and leather.

She leaned against his chest and knocked him to the floor. Draped over him her body felt wet and sticky as their fur matted together from her squirming advances. Fox grabbed her sides and found more damp spots on her fur that clung to his hands whenever he moved them.

"Lah Ah Vv You." Krystal spoke in a sultry drawl with each syllable spoken as its own word. She was clearly drunk, but not off alcohol or drugs. She forced her mouth on his. Fox panicked and pulled away, but his back was against the floor and she chased him hungrily and found his mouth again. He couldn't smell the perfume she'd worn on the way here over the aroma of musk and cum.

He tried looking away but couldn't. The taste on her tongue made him want to gag but he swallowed the reflex and breathed heavily through his nose. Her tongue tried desperately to fuck his mouth with a horny passion she would always give him when she was needy in their bedroom.

It was over at least. He let himself kiss her, and it came with an almost shuddering ecstasy. His hand found the small of her back and he held her close. Her breasts, coated and soaked as they were, were mashed against his chest. They were both now tainted by the seed of their business partners. But the wave of relief, and the sinful wave of ecstasy that came with it, was washing the taint away. It was over at last.

He would never get the taste out of his mouth. That salty flavor of Kilroy's cum. It was on her teeth. It clung to her tongue. It permeated the salvia that poured from her hungry mouth and into his. It was a heavy flavor, meaty, with the twinges of salt and a buttery consistency. Fox wished it had been more repellant, something horribly repugnant. Why not acid, acrid and harsh? Why not bleach or ammonia? Food from the galley would not taste the same after this. Not for a long time.

Krystal hiccuped in the middle of their kiss. A bulb of cum flooded his mouth and he choked. He broke the kiss and spit out the small amount of cum he'd failed to accidentally swallow. Krystal was blissfully ignorant to the deed she'd not meant to do. She clamored and crawled over him more to engage him further, but a green hand fell atop her head and took her by the hair. She was looking upward at the hand curiously before being pulled away firmly like a pup from its mother.

"Enough of thiss." It was Kilroy. He had Krystal on her knees who now looked up at him with a dumb smile on her face.

"Muh Or?" She asked, smiling up at him. Fox's coughing fit wasn't over. The cum now stained his mouth and coated his taste buds like glue.

"Yess, more, maiden of ourss." Kilroy answered her. His dick was still damp from his orgasm, but that just gave the eager maiden something to lick clean when her lips met his cock of her own accord. Fox glared up at him and watched as he and his brother traded knowing glances. Baccus then noticed Fox.

"They alwayss struggle at firsst. We like it when they fight." Baccus said. Krystal was now shoving herself halfway down Kilroy's cock with her eyes tearing up hard as she tried hard to fit as much of him in as possible. Kilroy had to help her through her struggle by planting a hand behind her head and shoving her down the rest of the way, making her gulp and gag.

Fox was speechless as he watched the bulge of Kilroy's cock expand her throat. Her eyes rolled back in her head and the hands that groped at his legs began to tremble. He yanked himself free. She looked up at him with an open mouthed happy smile.

"Jusst meanss when they finally break, they stay broken." Kilroy added. "My turn to try your cunt, little maiden."

Fox watched her smile harder and she eagerly spread her knees apart on the floor where she knelt. Kilroy squatted in front of her and planted a kiss on her mouth, which they shared for several long moments before he slid down to sit on the floor. "Turn around."

Krystal turned herself around and Kilroy pulled her over him into a cowgirl position where his heavy meat rested under drooling pussy. Despite his size, the same as Baccus, the penetration was swift and effortless. Baccus' efforts had made sure that it would.

It didn't keep her from shivering and squealing at the pole pushes its way inside to force the excess cum still in her snatch to evacuate the reservoir of her cunt. Cum pooled in Kilroy's lap and drained onto the floor under him while he rocked her back and forth in his lap, the metal capped end of his tail tapping away at the flooring.

Baccus joined Krystal by kneeling in front of her. She leaned out and kissed his snout and he kissed her back hard with a hand groping a breast. The kiss broke and Krystal reached out with her lips again to kiss and lick at the scar that trailed down the side of Baccus' face. Her silky digit traced the line of his scar down from the eye whose sight had been stolen and down his neck until the scar finally faded to nothing. Baccus was smirking with what looked to Fox like some kind of pride.

"Such an affectionate lady we have found, yess Kilroy?" Baccus asked his brother. He was now groping both her breasts and pinched her nipples to tug at them roughly.

"Oh yess, Baccuss. She truly iss the maiden we thought she'd be." Kilroy replied. To accentuate the message he bucked his hips up and she yelped, but finished with a happy drunken giggle. "On your feet, maiden. Squat."

Krystal listened and obeyed. Fox watched her wobble up onto her feet with Baccus standing upright and holding her by the shoulders so she wouldn't fall. Baccus' cock was twitching in front of her face until she leaned forward, now on the balls of her feet, to bury her nose into the heavy sac sitting under the barrel of his cock. His dick draped over her face to drip its leftover cum onto her fur to join what his brother had put there earlier.

Stunned and incredulous, Fox wondered if they ever grew soft? Why wasn't this coming to an end? Wasn't it supposed to be over for them? How long would they have to endure this? No... How long would he have to endure this. The happy panting coming from his lover's mouth, the way she willfully bounced on Kilroy's prick, how her left and right hands each reached up and down respectfully to grope at both her green lover's nuts with an eager tenderness... Krystal wasn't enduring anything she wasn't enjoying. Fox was the only one being tortured. They'd broken her in. Now it was just him, wasn't it?

Krystal sucked the dick in front of her slowly and skillfully. Despite stretching her mouth more than any cock she'd had before, Fox's unfortunately, she was still able to have that drunken smile at the corners of her lips. Having Baccus hold onto her shoulders while Kilroy took hold of her hips the blue vixen was able to bob and bounce at the same time to give pleasure to both pricks she was servicing. Kilroy wasn't even watching her dance on his dick. He had his head leaned back against the wood and tile of the flooring with his eyes shut as he clearly enjoyed the velvet cunt sliding across the full length of his shaft.

"She'ss tighter than our secretariess issn't she, Kilroy?" Baccus asked. Krystal was happily forcing her mouth down until she was only an inch or two away from touching her chin to his nuts. She was actively trying to go balls deep on him without his intervention.

"Sso much better." Kilroy had to agree from his prone position. Fox noticed Krystal was sweeping her tail back and forth across Kilroy's stomach and chest. Again, she was happy and completely unaware that he, Fox, was right here. Her eyes were locked upward to look at Baccus who was in turn grinning back down at her whilst growling every time she gave him a particular good grope or swallow.

The vixen shoved herself forward until her nose bumped into Baccus' stomach. She smiled around his cock and pulled herself back until her rump was firmly seated in Kilroy's lap. She grabbed Baccus' nuts with both hands, a heavy ball in each hand, and gently coaxed him to step forward, which he did.

"She's so eager now, Kilroy. A shame she wass not with our Flyboy sooner." Baccus said as Krystal buried his prick back between her jaws. Again she deep throated him to the base where she gulped and swallowed before pulling off only just enough to breath, which came as a quick feminine snort before she pushed back down again. Her hips rolled into Kilroy's lap as she slid off her balls of her feet and onto her knees.

She was fucking both of them like a professional. She never did anything like this with him. Where? When did she ever behave like this? His worthless cock still betrayed him with its erection. He wished it to go away, but, but nothing would make this go away. Why was it arousing him so much? This should steal every ounce of pleasure from his body shouldn't it?

Krystal bounced once on Kilroy, almost like a test. She did it again but rolled her hips with the rise and fall so she was dragging his cock in and out to rub at her insides with changing angles and intensity. Kilroy could only growl with contentment as his reply. His toes were even curling and he took hold of her ankles to hold onto her tight.

The faster she bobbed her head the faster she rode with her hips. She was slapping her hips into Kilroy, who was now watching her quick motions on his cock with growing interest. Baccus, too, was interested in the blue maiden servicing them so eagerly and skillfully. Neither had likely imagined such a performance from their darling little vixen.

It wasn't long before her hips were moving rapidly like a hot blur. She was bouncing as fast as her weary, but able, body would allow. From somewhere she was drawing the strength to give her pair of cocks their due, like she was returning the favor for fucking her so well. Forgotten of course was her struggling and fighting. That didn't really matter anymore, so said the pounding blue rump and the delicate vixen lips pulled taut around a girthy tool. What mattered was that debts be repaid, and Krystal's every slurp, her every gag, her every single lift and drop of her hips, was evidence that their maiden was happy to repay the brothers for every drop of seed they'd so graciously given her.

"Mouth open." Baccus told her just as he pulled himself free from her mouth. She looked sad, Fox noted grimly, that the prick was no longer there. "Open wide, maiden."

Krystal opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue happily, like she knew what was coming without being told. Fox didn't know why she would, or even should. What was this side of her he was seeing? He didn't want to understand. Didn't want to consider that perhaps there was so much more to her than he knew.

Baccus jacked his cock quickly with one hand and grabbed her by the ear with the other. She obediently waited with eyes patiently shut for the gift Baccus was unwrapping for her. Baccus shut his eyes as well, and gave a long growl and a hissing sneer before letting go with a ragged exhale. With that exhale of breath came a rush of cum from his cock that shot Krystal across the face before a second rope landed in her mouth. She eagerly caught ropes and strings of cum across her face and tongue until there was too much to be contained and it drooled and pooled on her tits below and floor beyond that.

Fox was left to lay in chilled awe, despite it all, that these monsters could cum so much like that. What the hell were they? He watched as she struggled to happily to swallow the cum in her mouth before trying to lick Baccus' cock clean, which he was more than willing to allow. He panted and chuckled between breaths at her happy attentions.

She wasn't allowed to finish, however. Kilroy bucked up once and took her by the tail to force her backwards. Falling into his chest Kilroy wrapped both arms around her and hugged her tight before spreading his legs and planted his feet firmly on the floor.

"You want me to fuck you, maiden?" Kilroy roughly asked into her ear. Fox flinched. Again, it would happen and he would watch. That's all he could do wasn't it? Watch as they claimed her again and again. Abuse and use her. With her willful, happy, drunken consent.

"Uh Huh!" She shouted girlishly and rubbed her sticky face into his neck and jawline. Her hips were still rolling over his cock as quickly as her pose would allow. Kilroy flexed his legs and curled his toes like he was a runner at the starting line, stretching his muscles before the signal was given to take the lead.

"Want me to fuck you raw like Baccuss did?" Kilroy growled harshly into her ear with his teeth purposely clicking between his words.

"Yuh Huh! Ple-, Fuck me! Fuh Kk muh lil Puss reel Good!" She pleaded with him desperately like a whore. Fox was wide eyed with shock with the last of the blood he had left draining away from his face at the sight and sound of Krystal begging and pleading to be brutalized by this monstrous man and his cock.

Kilroy only snorted and tightened his arms around her like a vice. With her body so light there was nothing stopping him from bucking his hips as roughly and quickly as he wanted. Krystal kicked out with her legs in twitching spasms as her deepest reaches were plundered and pounded by Kilroy's pillar. She was nothing but a collection of whorish moans and shrill cries as he fucked her raw just like she'd begged for.

Frustrated with his position, Kilroy rolled himself over and carried Krystal with him until she was belly down. He was careful never to leave her snatch. He planted a hand on the center of her back and shoved her into the floor where he'd been laying moments earlier. She looked back expectantly, but he was only watching where his cock pierced her body. To admire how well he was ruining her.

One upward tug on her tail later and she was ripe for a rough fucking as her ass was propped up on her knees with her arms pinned under her chest. In this position Kilroy had the freedom to rut her cunt as terribly as he desired and her siren song of screams and wails was proof that his cock was finding its mark each every every time it embedded itself in her to the nuts.

Kilroy did not wait nor did he linger. His thrusts were becoming ragged and shaky, but they stayed in their power through until his ultimate finish. There wasn't much left of Krystal when he hit his peak. Her screams of ecstasy and wails of lust had worn her down just as much as the cock reaming her pussy had. She was limp underneath him with her legs having completely given out. Flat against the floor she did lay while Kilroy blasted his load in her with his hips pressed tightly against her own. His orgasm was a song of low groans and hisses as he held firm to her lump while he gave his final deposit.

He waited to pull out until his dick quit twitching. There was a puddle of sticky white underneath her when he was finished. Baccus was fetching a fresh drink and Kilroy stood up to join him, finally looking like he needed a rest. Both of them had the look of needing it with their breathing and poise no longer as confident and stable as it had been at the start. They both drank from a bottle of amber and traded wry grins. There was spunk scattered all across their beautiful floor.

Fox didn't even try to move toward Krystal. She was panting hard where she lay. Her eyes looked glossed over and she started out at the far wall. At least she wasn't convulsing in orgasm this time, Fox thought to himself. She was just too tired to, perhaps.

Fox felt his ears fall back when he saw Baccus approach with a glass in hand. He stood next to the prone vixen and sipped at his drink. The liquid must have burned as he inhaled through his teeth after letting the liquid run down his throat. Baccus turned and looked at Kilroy who nodded and gestured his glass at his brother.

"Well, Flyboy, you didn't strip like you were supposssed to, but you were well behaved." Baccus said as he stepped around until he was next to Krystal's head. His foot nearly touching her hair. Fox didn't say a word. He felt nothing but loathing. And sickness. "But, we'll let you have a turn ass Kilroy said."

They'd let him have a turn. With his own woman.

Baccus leaned down and took a squat. To Fox's surprise the Goannan grabbed her by the back of the neck and hauled her up to her knees. She whimpered pitifully in protest, but she complied obediently. Pushing her toward Fox, he spoke.

"See your Flyboy there, little maiden?" He asked her. Fox and her were feet away from each other and he watched the focus return to her eyes. She perked up as recognition of him came to her, and she smiled.

"Uh Huh!" She said in a bubbly drunk way that wasn't characteristic of her at all.

"Suck hiss little cock. It'ss hiss turn." He ordered her, and she beamed at Fox with a drunken smile and crawled over to him as soon as Baccus freed her from his grip on her neck. Fox was in too poor a state of mind to do anything but let her crawl over him. Her lips found his stiff dick quickly and he jerked underneath her and flinched at the sudden intensity of her oral treatment. He just gritted his teeth and glared at Baccus. How dare he use her this way! And to act like he has the power to make these decisions? His anger didn't keep his ears from splaying back in submission. He'd been whipped, he knew it. But it was "his turn" and so it was over. Baccus chuckled and stood. Finally it was done!

Krystal was blowing him effortlessly. How could there have been any trouble after sucking those two monstrous cocks? He was nothing compared to them. To her his cock was just there for suckling. A nipple to a real man's hose.

"He'ss so rude, don't you think, Baccuss?" Kilroy asked from the wet bar. Baccus looked to his brother, then swished his glass. Looking back down at the pair of foxes he sneered.

"I agree, Kilroy." He replied. Fox only glared at him. What now? "Iss our Flyboy not a gentleman?"

"Foxx McCloud, the famouss pilot. Does he not know to return a ladiess favor?" Baccus continued. He stepped next to the pair. Krystal was completely oblivious to Baccus' presence, so absorbed she was in giving Fox marvelous head. Her dedication to the cause was so great that even when Baccus grabbed her by the tail she didn't flinch or break her stride. Fox had to fall backwards again. Baccus had lifted Krystal up off her knees and dropped her back down over Fox's chest. "She blowss you, Flyboy. Why not lick her?"

From between her rump and tail Fox continued to glare at Baccus, but now resting on his chest was the pussy he knew so well, or thought he did. It was drooling cum all over his fur as she licked and sucked at his cock. He was trembling under her from trying to fight back the impulse to cum. He didn't want to give in to this, but Baccus only sneered down at him again.

"Surely you've done thiss before, Flyboy. Eat her." Baccus said. When Fox made no move to do no such thing Baccus cocked a wicked grin. "Let me educate you then."

Baccus lifted a foot and pressed it into Krystal's rump. With a little force and no resistance from her, Fox got a facefull of vixen with the sloppy seconds and thirds collecting over his cheek. Angry he tried to push Krystal off himself, but Baccus quickly dropped his other leg to a knee. With his foot still pushing down on Krystal's behind he took Fox by the hair and shoved his muzzle against Krystal's sloppy cunt.

"Eat. Or should I fuck her with your muzzle?" Baccus threatened. Fox could hear Kilroy's low laughter in the background. He resisted, then felt a tightening on his fur that started to hurt. He opened his mouth and instantly tasted the thick cream of cum on his tongue. "Clean her up."

Fox didn't gag, but his stomach churned. He ate her out like he'd done many times before, but he'd never had anything drooling and pooling out of her before. It was all he could smell. Her pussy didn't even taste or smell like Krystal anymore. She'd been so thoroughly claimed that her cunt was loose enough for him to dig his muzzle into it to lick, which he was forced to do by the rough hand on the back of his head.

Fox felt Krystal reach behind him to stroke his tail and a finger found his backside. He squirmed his hips but she was too much in control of his nethers. She teased him with a finger and started suckling him hard with a rapid bob that was too much for him to fight against any longer. Moments later he choked out his orgasm into her still dripping pussy. The blue vixen swallowed everything he had to give without any trouble. Fox swallowed, too, but there was too much for him to accept and she was just as filthy after as she was before.

Fox saw Kilroy standing overhead. The Goannan left his view to move back toward Krystal's head. Her mouth left his softening cock without ceremony. Baccus grinned at his brother and let go of Fox's scalp. The Goannan looked down and his smiled turned wicked.

"Lookss like you get a front row seat, Flyboy." He finally said. He removed his foot from over Krystal's rump and stepped around on his knees until he was behind Krystal. He grabbed her tail and lifting her up to her knees. Fox was free of her soiled cunt, but now had to witness the lecherous cock, still erect at its full size, bobbing over his face as its owner's hand gripped it for a few casual strokes before pressing its blunt tip against the abused entrance of his vixen lover. He could hear Krystal giving Kilroy another blow job. "You can finissh cleaning her up after we are done."

Fox watched as the fat cock that wasn't his own impaled the beautiful, if ruined, cunt overhead. It stretched her out lewdly and taught him painfully that he would never be able to fill her like that. They'd beaten him. At business, at negotiating, at fucking his own woman. As the first droplets of excess dropped across his face he finally understood. This would never be over when he wanted it to be. He had learned that he was not in control. One must learn eventually. One must learn.