Tigress meets her master

Story by nighteyes15 on SoFurry

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As Tigress limped her way towards the training hall, she started thinking of an excuse for her long departure and more than noticeable limp. Of course she could not admit to Shifu or the Five what actually happened and the mere thought of that incompetent panda finding out; it would cause her to die of sheer embarrassment. Finally she decided it would be best to lie to them all and say that she had been ambushed by a group of guerrilla thugs and just managed to escape after kicking the asses of the entire troop. That surely would not dampen her reputation and it felt like the most believable lie she could come up with.

Just then she heard a large spurt come from her nether region and she realized with a all too noticeable blush that her ass was still filled with the irresistible seed that was shot deep into her ass yesterday. Diverting her path back to the barracks, she decided it would be best to give herself a nice tongue bath before starting her training, after all she didn't want her perceptive companions to realize what she actually had done. Oh! Just thinking of those blissful moments gave her shivers and made her all the more damp between the thighs. If only she could relive those moments.

....16 hours prior....

Tigress was on her normal monthly hike to the surrounding countryside that skirted the valley when she suddenly smelt a very odd scent waft by her. It was like nothing she had ever smelt before, having a slight musky hint to it, as if it were from some mating animals close by. As she made her way closer to the abnormal smell, she stumbled over a large stone and found herself face down in the mud, her heavy pack weighing her down. When she looked up, it was to her astonishment to see the black trousers and spotted hind paws of the notorious Tai-Lung. He was wearing his usual evil smirk upon his face as if he had planed for the striped feline to fall down at his feet.Tigress quickly scrambled to her feet but only ended up back on her knees a moment later, it was at that point when her eyes came down to rest on the tent in Tai-Lung's trousers inches from her muzzle. Tigress suddenly realized why Tai-Lung had not moved from where he was standing, he had been too focused on staring down at her lustrous and glorious ass.

"what's this here? what is the little kitty doing so far away from her home. It must be important if the so graceful Tigress came to me on her knees." Tai-lung sneered as Tigress threw off her pack and jumping into her normal fighting position,claws extended and teeth showing in a frightening snarl.

"How dare you address me like that, I will rip out your eyes from your ass after I beat you with your own broken arms!" She spat back with the most intense hatred she had ever felt towards someone.

"Oh, i'm surprised, the little kitty's got a temper. You know the stories I've heard of you don't even begin to give you credit for your glorious figure." Tai-Lung's tone changed unexpectedly to that of a matter of faculty note that caught her off guard and lose focus for an instant before snapping back to herself. She would wonder why he's trying to flatter her after she kicked his ass.

All of a sudden she pounced towards Tai-Lung with her right paw on a direct course to impact him square in the face, but at the last moment, just when she thought her fist would make contact, his head darted to the side with serpent like speed that shocked her beyond belief. Instead of feeling the satisfying crunch of Tai-Lungs jaw against her fist she had to make a turn in mid pounce and leap off the tree landing right behind Tai-Lung. when she looked back over to Tai-Lung, she saw he was still standing with his same casual posture and deceptive green eyes stuck on her vest where her breasts made a small protrusion. This however only angered Tigress more and again she pounced this time with a sweep of her leg in an attempt to knock him off his feet. Tai-lung back flipped to a safe distance in answer to her second failed attack, only to stand with the same smug grin plastered on his face.

"I thought you would be more of a challenge than this. The fearsome master Tigress not even being able to land a single blow. When I return to the valley all will know how Tigress the all powerful fell to the disgraced Tai-Lung who had been locked in a prison cell for the last 20 years. I can't wait till I see the look on Shifu's face when I drag in his precious daughter on a leash butt naked." Tai-Lung taunted her, she realized, but that one idea shocked her so much that she didn't even see his attack until it was over, he aggressively lunged towards her hitting a point in the center of her abdomen.

Tigress was suddenly as stiff as a board, her back straight and legs immovable in a soldier like stance, the only part of her body she could still move was her head and muzzle which started to curse Tai-Lung to the sky and back. "You fucking coward, only you would use a cheap move like that you fucking bastard! I'm going to make you wish that your whore of a mother never opened her legs to the fuck-tard you called a farther!" she screamed struggling against her own body that was acting as a personal prison.

Tai-Lung didn't even flinch at her aggressive outburst of anger. Instead he allowed his grin to widen and say in a lusty tone "i'm not the one who is going to rue my conception. I'm going to enjoy filing your tight holes with my cock!"

A sudden dread filled Tigress to her the deepest depths of her soul. As she was, there was nothing she could do to prevent Tai-Lung from doing anything he wanted to her. This realization caused her to make an involuntary squeak which made her blush profusely under the heavy fur on her face.

"Sounds like you have finally realized your predicament, there is nothing you can do or say that can prevent me from fucking you senseless or simply just killing you now and being done with it. I, however, have not had any sort of release for 20 years and I think I will finally sate myself to my hearts content. I wont just be thinking of myself though, during our session; Did you know that when you're paralyzed you don't just suddenly lose all feeling in your body, it moves to your most sensitive and intimate areas?" Tigress' eyes shot wide open as she suddenly felt a paw roughly massaging her oversensitive breasts and pinching her nipples, her clothes doing nothing to subdue her arousal. Within seconds her panties had became more wet than she could ever remember them being and she couldn't help but squeak a slight moan of pleasure as she experienced a small orgasm.

"Looks like the little kitty is enjoying herself. I wonder if I can get you to squeal and scream my name by the time i'm finished with you. Of course I have some rules that you will follow for the next several hours. Firstly, you can only address me as master and in turn I will address you as my Bitch. Secondly, you can only cum when I give you permission. And lastly if you even break one of these rules I will put you through the most degrading torture I can possibly conceive for you to endure. Am I making myself clear Bitch" Tai-Lung was now grinning widely again as he finished off his speech ensuring to sound as threatening and mocking as possible.

Tigress having no choice other than to listen to him, naturally decided to insult him again with even more obscenities that came to mind. "Don't you dare touch me again, you fucking bastard! i'll rip your cock before it even comes near me!" She snarled.

This caused Tai-Lung's grin to widen at his bitches choice of words. "I have to disagree with you about that Bitch, I think my cock is going to cum much closer to you and ripping it off will be the last thing on your mind." He snickered evilly at seeing his Bitches very noticeable blush as he finished.

Coming back to himself from his not so innocent thoughts of what he was going to do to her, Tai-Lung stepped around and behind his Bitch ensuring to spank her ass with as much force as possible, while whispering threateningly into her ear "You seem to have forgotten rule number one."

Tai-Lung quickly proceeded to pull down his Bitches leggings only to see, to his surprise, that the respectable master Tigress also known as his Bitch was wearing a thong that looked as if it had been soaking in a barrel of water for the last couple hours. "Oh! Whats this? I never imagined master Shifu would allow his beloved daughter to wear such a provocative piece of clothing. Since he isn't here to discipline you for this slutty behavior, I guess I get the privilege to do it for him." As he said this Tigress' dread began to rise again until she was petrified with a mixture of both embarrassment and fear.

"y-y-you wouldn't" she managed to stutter.

Tai-Lung leaning in closer, only replied with "oh, but I will." before pushing his Bitches, still paralyzed form, forward so that she was bending over with her ass plainly in view. He took a moment to bask in the site of his own Bitches glorious body that near drove him insane; the supple curve of her wondrous ass, her black as night stripes that spiraled up her legs only to end at a soft patch of pure white fur that covered her dairy-air and just the sight of the thin strip of material slightly parting her lower cheeks sent shivers throughout Tai-Lung's entire being.

When he placed his hand on her exposed rear he heard a sharp gasp from his Bitch and only just picked out the word "p-please" from the terrified woman in front of him. Taking her plea in a slightly different manner to how it was intended, he continued to manhandle her ass and give it a sharp spank every so often. Within minutes of his ministrations against her very sensitive and rounded ass, his bitch was moaning intently with the snow white fur that was her only protection from its mistreatment became tinged with a bright shade of red as the skin underneath reacted to what it was receiving.

As Tigress was nearing another orgasm, Tai-lung suddenly stopped and said in a lusty tone "Whats my name Bitch?"

Tigress reacting to the sudden halt to her source of pleasure, lost all will to fight him and replied timidly with "M-master"

Tai-Lung's grin returning only said "And what does my Bitch want me to do to her? Does she want to cum"

Tigress blushing even more now stuttered "I-I want y-you to s-spank me"

Tai-lung suddenly put far too much force into his next spank for tigress to feel any pleasure from it. "Are you forgetting something, you are to address me as your master. One more in-compliance from you and I will ensure that the only pleasure you feel will be when I kill you after abusing you as much as animally possible. Now, beg for my forgiveness before I change my mind of giving you another chance."

"p-please forgive me m-master, please spank me, make me cummmmmm" Tigress was cut off as Tai-Lung rammed two paw digits into her swollen pussy lips and resumed his methodical spanking of her rear.

It was not long before Tigress was clamping down on her new master's adventurous digits and screaming at the top of her lungs as she went through the most mind shattering orgasm she had ever experienced. After Tigress rode out her orgasm and came back down to earth panting heavily, Tai-Lung straightened his Bitch back into an upright position where he started to strip the rest of her clothes off of her soon to be used body. Tai-Lung was in no rush, however and took his time savoring the delicious curves of his Bitches body. When he had successfully managed to take of her vest he became very annoyed at the fact that she was wearing chest wrappings, How could she be wearing a thong with fucking chest wrappings for God's sake? It just puzzled Tai-Lung and he savagely tore off the bindings, only to see the explosion of her breast's as they took back there natural shape. Oh! How those orbs made him giddy,his Bitch was truly god's most perfect creature ever placed on this planet.

In all she was a goddess, from top to bottom nothing but pure perfection. The tantalizing stripes that spread all over her body, the only thing shielding her from his hungry look was the thin strip between her legs, hardly worth the title of clothing. Her large and perfectly formed breasts protruding nicely from her chest, soon she would feel more pleasure than she could ever imagine. 'It will be fun' was Tai-Lungs only thought.

Part 2

"Now Bitch, I am going to un-paralyze you, and when I do, if you even think about running or disobeying any of my rules, you will be sorry. Eventually your now oversensitive pussy and breasts will go back to normal, that however will take a couple of hours and by then you will be unconscious and filled with my life giving seed." Tai-Lung announced to his still recovering Bitch.

Tigress, however had no intention of running away or fighting her master, in fact the only thing she was planning on doing was to get as much pleasure as possible out of Tai-Lung. "Yes Master, please let me feel more orgasms like that." she begged in her most innocent voice she could muster with her ever growing arousal.

With that Tai-Lung struck out with an open palm fist to the center of his Bitches abdomen, where she immediately fell to her knees having all feeling return to her. Deciding to make the best out of his Bitches new position he ripped off his own trousers to reveal his 9-inch monstrous cock that had been fighting against the strain of his confining clothes for the last few hours. After spending 20 years in a prison cell, he was finding it hard to control his hormones.

When Tigress finally managed to build up the strength to look back up to Tai-Lung she gasped at the sight that befell her. Never had she seen anything like what her master was showing her, of course her and Viper had managed to get there hands on some erotic paintings, they looked nothing like what she saw now. Viper and Tigress had even had the courage to fool around with each other from time to time enjoying each others company as being the only source of companionship for her heart of stone. The thought quickly left her though as her attention was brought back to a pressing matter hanging in front of her muzzle.

"How about you show me how grateful you are for your orgasm?" Her master almost commanded her.

Tigress only reply was to slowly inch her muzzle closer to his throbbing appendage and gave it an experimental lick from tip to base. This caused Tai-lung to shudder in anticipation and stifle a moan as Tigress, discovering she liked the musky taste, engulfed his cock with a vigor that shocked him. She started out slow at first making sure to swirl her tongue around the thick head filling her muzzle and being able to take just over half his length. As she got used to his size, however, she started to take more of his girth into her maw and felt a few small spurts of pre going down her throat. After a couple minutes of this, Tigress getting just as much pleasure out of the situation as her master, Tai-Lung started to feel the tightening of his balls as his orgasm neared and rested his paws on the back his Bitches head forcing her to deep throat him. Taking the hint, Tigress sped up her actions and allowed her master to take control of her motions feeling the bristles of his cock head scrape along her throat giving her only a slight bit of pain, after all she was more than willing to please him knowing what was to come next. It was not long before Tigress was rewarded with her master's seed shooting into her stomach with a growl that caused her to shudder for she knew that soon the ginormous appendage pounding into her muzzle would soon be exploring a more interesting and exclusive cavern.

It took several minutes for the flow of her Master's seed to finally stop, the time he spent in prison clearly being responsible for the excessive amount of cum slowly filling the Bitches stomach. By the time he was finally finished filling up his Bitch there was no doubt that she wold not need to eat that night, the seed inside her being plenty to sate her for the next few hours.

Tai-Lung roughly pulled out of his Bitch, the flared head of his cock head scraping over her tongue and the back of her throat, he then proceeded to throw his Bitch down onto her back. Tigress, knowing exactly what to do, spread her legs wide, ripped off her thong and beckoned her master forward with the words. "Cum here and show me what that glorious cock can really do, I bet you won't be able to match Vipers pace. Ha! I don't even think you'll last five minutes before blowing your load. Maybe you'll ask me to take you in the ass when your done, only being half the man Viper is. Master!" Tigress drawled out.

This angered Tai-Lung beyond comprehension, how dare she talk to him like that! He would show her how he took his Bitches, and when she begs him to stop, he will pound her that much harder for her insolence. Tigress only smirked as she saw the rising anger in her master, having the exact effect she wanted out of him. He'd have to take her to the moon and back now before he finished, otherwise it will only prove her point and he will forever have to live with the shame of that realization.

"You want it hard?" Tai-Lung snarled taking a few steps closer to his Bitch "I never thought you would be a rug muncher Bitch, what would Shifu think if he knew about your relationship, and talking to your master like that, I think you require another punishment" and with that Tai-Lung pounced on top of Tigress pinning her arms to the forest floor.

"grrrr. I think i'm going to take your pussy first, after that I think your ass will require a nice pounding Bitch" snickered Tai-Lung seeing his Bitches smile immediately turn to that of doubt and fear.

"P-please not, in my ass, do anything but that" Tai-Lung furiously backhanded his Bitch.

"what is my name!" shouted Tai-Lung at his Bitch "If you thought I would even reconsider my threat, you can now feel reassured, for there is no doubt now that I am going to fuck your ass until you are so sore that you will be limping for the next year."

Tigress whimpered, suddenly sorry for her earlier comment, she did not doubt that she would regret it later. Tai-Lung then proceeded to ram 7 inches of his cock straight into her dripping sex, which caused an explosion of euphoria to explode from within her and squeal with delight. Grinning widely, Tai-Lung gave Tigress no time to get accustomed to his size and ruthlessly continued to pound into her sending tendrils of orgasmic bliss up Tigress' spine. Her clamping pussy felt great to Tai-Lung and had no plans to slow down or stop anytime soon, he reached down with a large paw to his Bitches swollen pussy lips and pinched her oversensitive clit, hard. This caused Tigress to scream out her pain and pleasure to the world, not even lasting one minute before her orgasm overtook her and turn her tunnel into a vice like clamp which all but stopped Tai-Lung's thrusts.

Bringing down his free paw down hard onto his Bitches ass, quickly brought her back to reality only to hear her master saying maliciously "I waited to give you your punishment as I wanted you to feel some pleasure before your pain started, but it looks like you just can't learn from your mistakes. How dare you brake another of my rules? This calls for a more severe punishment now, and seeing how you reacted to my first suggestion, I think I will make your cute little asshole the star of it."

Tigress squeaked out her fear as she felt her master pull out of her gaping slit, the flared tip of his cock, painfully brushing against his Bitches clit. He continued turn her onto her hands and knees with her ass sticking out and face in the mud, throughout there session it appeared that Tigress' juices had managed to somehow cover her from head to toe and mat her fur in some of her most intimate areas.

Tai-Lung inserted a paw toe forcefully into his Bitches tight tail hole, hearing her gasp in shock and instinctively squirming under her masters probing paw in the dark recces' of her bowels. Simultaneously, while having fun with her tight tail hole, Tai-Lung resumed his spanking of his bitches rear end with hard quick slaps that were far more painful than the previous spanking he gave her. It was not long till he was shoving in another paw toe into her backside, separating his fingers and seeing how far he could open her asshole until his fingers snapped back together. For Tigress it was nothing but pure torture and the thought of how much more there was to cum had her dreading the next hour.

Still only being half sated from his interrupted fuck session with his Bitches moist slit, Tai-lung pulled out his probing fingers from Tigress' asshole, where he swiftly shoved them into her muzzle. This took Tigress by surprise as she tasted the bitter and unpleasant taste of her ass, though not wanting to anger her master further and prolong her punishment, she obediently cleaned off her masters paw. "Good Bitch, if you keep up this submissive behavior, you may have another orgasm today."

Tigress' only response was to whimper quietly at her masters comment and push her rump out slightly in a begging way that told Tai-Lung that she was desperate for another orgasm. However, he couldn't just forget about her punishment and when he mounted his Bitch, he aligned his cock slightly higher than Tigress would of liked. As he started to slowly but forcefully push into her depths, the sound of Tigress' moans started to increase steadily until by the time he had only gone two inches into her ass they turned into shouts of obscenities and screams of pain. There was no pleasure for Tigress in the intrusion of her asshole, with the nerves within still being at triple there normal sensitivity, it felt more like being penetrated with a knife rather than her master's cock. All she could feel was the pain, sharp and as precise as a needle, every so often she would spasm when her master hit a rather sensitive area, which did nothing to slow him down. The more her ass clamped down on his fuck rod, the more pleasure he got out of it, and increased the force of his pushing. Eventually He finally bottomed out in her tail hole, causing her to moan out in relief, knowing that she had managed to take him fully. This was the point that Tigress missed most, the point when he started thrusting.

Pulling slowly out of his Bitches ass felt almost heavenly, jamming it back in was even better. He hoped that his Bitch would never get used to his girth for he never wanted to lose this feeling he had at that moment, this would almost definitely happen again, even if it meant sacrificing the dragon scroll, he needed to feel his Bitches asshole around his dick again.

Tigress had started to get used to the feeling of being pounded with such amazing force, her thighs becoming damp yet again, tension building, the all too familiar feeling of her slit quivering in anticipation. The pain had not stopped by any means, and neither did her moans or screams, it was funny how only two hours prior that she had been the powerful and mighty master Tigress, leader of the Furious Five, but now she was just a simple Bitch on her knees getting the best fuck of her life. It was then, when she made the decision that this was going to happen again no matter what the cost might be, the only thing being worse than her torture, was the thought of living without it.

Suddenly Tai-Lung started to feel the same tightness in his balls again as his orgasm closed in on him, making him speed up his thrusting which only increased the speed at which his Bitches orgasm approached. "M-M-master p-please ca-an I-I C-C-cum" she just managed to stutter out, it being very difficult to speak with nine inches up her ass. Tai-Lung rather than voice his consent, decided to repeat his earlier action and pinched her clit, sending her off into a new world of orgasmic bliss.

Breaking point finally hit Tai-Lung right in the face as his cock was gripped to almost bursting. Ramming in his nine inch rod one more time to the hilt, a loud moan escaped him and his seed shot into the deepest parts of his Bitches ass. This had the additional side effect of sending Tigress into another orgasm, screaming out her pleasure for the fourth time that day. By the time Tai-Lung finally stopped his thrusting, his Bitches ass was filled to its limit with the pearly white cum of her master.

Marking the end of there session, both Tigress and Tai-Lung collapsed where they were, fast asleep with his dick still buried within her, preventing any of Tai-Lung's life giving sperm from exiting her rump.

Two hours later, when Tigress woke up, she could still feel the swishing of cum inside her tight asshole, unable to escape. When she tried looking for her new master, she was surprised to find that he had disappeared along with the soaking thong she had discarded earlier, the soreness of her rump and a note attached to a nearby tree, was the only proof that anything had actually happened at all. Inspecting the note, she read in Tai-Lung's exotic handwriting.

Dear Bitch

Meet me at the ancient bridge outside the valley, I expect you to return to the valley and allow your sexy ass to tighten up again before I rip it open again. Make sure Viper joins you, I have special plans for her. I will be expecting you there in exactly two weeks.

Don't be late, or what you experienced today will be nothing compared to what I do to you next.

Sincerely your Master


A slight shiver ran other Tigress as she try'd to imagine what her master was planning for her. One thing was certain however, she was going to enjoy herself tonight. Maybe she would invite Viper other to see if her slender body could go deeper than her masters cock in her ass.