A Curse Passed On

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned as part of the foot fetish stream last week, we have FA: Txeptirea with a story about a young canine's feet getting possessed by the ghosts in a pair of cursed shoes that he destroyed.

If you like this story or generally want to send a little support to me, I can always use a bit of a tip at [email protected]/* <![CDATA[ /!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/ ]]> */ as this is my work.

If you want a story for yourself, please keep an eye on twitter (draconiconwrite) and my website (www.thedragonstories.com) for updates about when I am open and what the costs of the commissions are.

If you just want to talk to my characters, head to my tumblr, at http://draconiconcharacterask.tumblr.com/


A Curse Passed On for Txeptirea by Draconicon

Xander growled as he stomped out the last of the ashes, watching as the remnants of the cursed shoes finally seemed to fade away into the ether.

"Good riddance."

The wolf shook his head as the embers continued to flare, occasionally sending puffs of smoke like ghost into the air. It might very well have been; he didn't care, though. It had been too long since he'd been cursed with the shoes, and he wasn't going to shed any tears about their destruction when they'd put him through so much humiliation.

He made a resolution never to trust a wizard after he had gotten them placed on his feet. Protect him from all sorts of weather problems. Yeah, they did that, alright. They also controlled him from the waist down, and used their enchanted shoelaces to keep him from pulling them off. They'd marched him through businesses and public places with a boner, made him dance and made him throw out his ass at public restrooms. He still hadn't gotten over the Trucker incident.

Shivering at the mere thought of it, the wolf turned his back on the ashes, letting them burn down in the little pit that he'd dug for them. He would have done more than burn them and stomp on the ashes, but he had little time. He needed to get home before his roommate did, and make sure that no questions were asked.

The wolf walked down the park pathway, never realizing that two puffs of smoke slipped free of the ashes, and followed in his wake.

Xander swore that he was dreaming when he felt the first tingling sensation between his toes. It was like little tongues, tickling and wiggling against the spaces between them, tugging on them, playing with them. The wolf dug himself further into his bed, trying to shake his head and not think of the stimulation he felt, not wanting to think of the shoes and their curse.

They'd done it all the time, never letting him take the shoes off, never letting him have some time to get away from the feeling. The tickling, the teasing, the vibration, the licking; it had come so close to driving him utterly crazy, because it never stopped, never ceased.

But it was gone...It had to be gone.

Except it wasn't. And he was slowly realizing that he wasn't dreaming about the licking feeling spreading down along the bottom of his foot.

The wolf shivered as he rolled onto his back, feeling the same tingles that he had felt for weeks as he looked down at the little hills his feet made in his blankets. They looked...normal, like the shoes hadn't come back, but where was the tickling feeling coming from? Why did it look like his feet were grabbed through the blankets, but there were no hands? What was going on?

Finally, fear of the unknown overwhelmed his fear of the shoes, and he yanked the blanket off. He whimpered, dreading the sight of the high tops again...

But there was nothing. No shoes, no socks, no laces. Just his feet. Just a few toes, wiggling in an attempt to fight off a strange itch he couldn't explain. Just two soft-furred feet that looked completely, utterly normal...

And two sudden bursts of fire between his big toes and the ones next to them.

"AH! AH!"

He grabbed his blanket again, smashing it down against his feet in an attempt to drown out the flames. In seconds, the only thing around was smoke, and Xander slumped back down in his bed. He reluctantly pulled the blankets away from his feet again, dreading the return of the fire...but none came.

What the fuck? What the fuck?!

He shivered, trying not to think of what that might mean. He wanted to keep his life simple, without any more magic...but that was looking completely unlikely.

At least the fire was gone, even if the smoke looked like it was hanging around. Perhaps he should open a window. He started to lean for the edge of the bed, but then...


He fell right out of bed, landing on his face as his legs refused to move. The feeling...the sensation of them being dead to his control...

"No, no no no! I burned you! I killed you!"

You burned our bodies...

Now we have new bodies...

The wolf rolled over just in time to see his feet lift off of the bed, the toes smoking as they floated around. They whipped him around, dragging him along the ground towards the window. His toes, refusing to obey his orders, somehow became flexible enough to lock the window, lock it down hard, and then pulled him back across the room to his bed.

Thunking his head along the footrest, he was dragged back into it, and then finally managed to sit up again. He managed to grab his feet - seeing that the undersides were a demonic red in the process - and yanked them down.

"What do you want? What in the fuck do you want? Just...leave me alone!"

We want our body back.

"You can't! I burned it, burned it to the ground."

Yes...and then stepped in it...stepped in us.

He flashed back, the sight clear in his mind. The moment when he'd stepped into the ashes, the heat of the dying fire just enough to leave him a bit scalded, but he had to have some revenge. Had to show the shoes how much he'd hated them.

But instead...instead, he'd invited them to take up residence in his feet.

They broke his grip as he sat there in shock, the soles of his feet pressing back against his crotch. He gasped at the sudden heat down there, the way that they managed to burn away his clothes, his underwear shocking him to the core. Somehow, they had gotten much more powerful in a very short time, and it worried him.

The heat faded away as the feet pressed against his crotch, rubbing against his balls, and then against his sheath. They were so warm, so teasing, that he started getting hard almost immediately, shaft rapidly rising from its home as his own feet seemed intent on teasing him to his limits. It was so good that he had to lean back, unable to keep leaning forward without gasping and heaving for breath.

"What...what are you doing?"

You will submit.

We need more than feet. We will own you.

Control everything...

Just need to break you...

If they were going to try and break him...if they were trying to get more of his body, that must mean he had a chance to stop them. He just had to hold on long enough. Maybe...maybe they were ghosts that didn't have much time. Yeah, yeah, that could be it. If he just held out, they'd fade away, and he'd be safe.

But that would be more than a little hard - difficult, difficult. Xander forced himself to replace the word as his cock throbbed all the more, his feet sandwiching the rising member between them and forcing so much pressure on it, making him bite his lip at the sensation. Everything felt so hard, so stiff under his feet, yet at the same time, it was like getting a footjob from someone else, as he had no control of what happened.

He had to curl his fingers into the sheets to keep from losing control almost right off the bat as the toes curled around the head of his cock, squeezing it, teasing it, as the other foot rubbed up and down the underside. The bulge of his urethra seemed to pulse and twitch with every stroke of those toes, and he groaned, biting his lip at the need that his own damn feet were building in him.

Give in...we need a body...

Give in...it'll be fun...

Xander shook his head, trying to ignore those thoughts even as his feet stroked him harder, faster. The toes were dancing along his shaft, making it impossible to ignore the light drum-beats of the digits along the lower half, the way that they squeezed and teased the head. He had to fight the urge to hump forward constantly, and it wasn't helping that his knot was getting harder, bigger, as well.

His cock throbbed and he bit his lip as one of the feet pressed down against his knot, rubbing the sensitive ball at the base of his cock, and he whimpered.

"Hey, Xander? Xander you okay?"

He gasped, the sound of his roommate's voice all the more worrying considering how close it was. Desperately, he lunged for the door, but he didn't even make it off the bed. All he did was fall on his face, both of his feet still stroking the cock kept pointed back between his legs. Grumbling, he squirmed, trying to get free, only to have his toes tease his cock head directly.

"Please...stop...he's gonna -"

We need more bodies...

We have one...

We need two...

The wolf gasped as he realized what they meant. They were going to take him over, and then they were going to take over his roommate. He couldn't let that happen to the gryphon. He shook his head, squirming around towards the door, even as he blushed and whimpered from the teasing his cock was getting.

Just...a little...fu-

But it was not to be. Even as he reached for the door, it opened from the other side. The gryphon - Taren - looked down at him in utter shock. Humiliation, embarrassment, and his own goddamn possessed feet pushed him over the edge, and he howled with pleasure as he collapsed.

He felt the red running up his legs, through his throbbing cock - which in turn only made it throb more - and up towards his chest and head. It was like he was feeling everything change ownership, feeling his body as a sensation of colors as it went from his body to the ghost's. His fingers twitched without his permission, his palms turning red. For that matter, everything seemed to turn a shade of red, a shade of crimson.

And then...then he stood up. Naked, hard, throbbing, screaming inside as he was utterly humiliated by standing in front of his roommate like this. Screaming inside to try and get him to run away.

But nothing worked.

"Hey, man, are you okay? You, uh...you look like you're a bit out of it."

"Don't worry...I'm just fine..."

His body swung his foot around, planting it on the gryphon's crotch as he knocked Taren to the ground.

"And in a few moments, you'll be just fine too..."

The End