A romance in the countryside: chapter 5

Story by Taitey boi on SoFurry

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#5 of A romance in the countryside

Ooh, my first chapter with an actual yiff scene! If its crap, I'm sorry. I'm still working on my descriptive language. DANGER! DANGER TO ALL HOMOPHOBES! This has gay material in it. If this ain't your thing, if you're not old enough... oh god, do I really have to say it? To those who likey, read on...

I woke up to the buzzing of my alarm clock, the numbers flashing '10:00.' Groaning, I reached over and smacked it off. I was about to try and go back to sleep when I felt something, the something being a pair of golden furred, spotted arms wrapped around my stomach. The memories of yesterday and last night came flooding back to my brain and I smiled.

My wish had come true.

I snuggled further under the covers, reveling in the warm and fuzzy feeling I was getting from my new lover.


Yes, that's what we were now...

"Morning sunshine."

My head hit the ceiling when Alex whispered that in my ear.

"Hey there."

I said back. He pulled me into his embrace and started kissing and lapping at my exposed neck. I shivered and leaned into his affections, moaning ever so quietly. Then, much to my surprise, Alex moved his muzzle upwards and gave my ear a light nip. I moaned even louder, shivers going down my spine. I'd never felt something like that before, but I certainly wasn't complaining. The cheetah began to whisper sweet nothings in my ear and I melted under his warm breath.

"I had the greatest dream last night."

"Really? Was I in it?"

"Of course silly little Fox! That's what made it so great."

"Suck up."

"You love it and you know it."

"So what happened in this dream?"


He quickly but gently turned me around and kissed me deeply. I had no resistance and gladly allowed his tongue entrance into my muzzle, him doing the same. I rather submissively sucked at his tongue while I pressed my own against his teeth. My paws caressed his soft chest fur, my fingers playing with his nipples. That made him shiver and start purring. Our make out was interrupted by the alarm clock again. Grunting, I broke the kiss and pretty much smashed the clock to the floor, breaking it.


I muttered. Alex just giggled.

"Is this the usual morning routine?"

"No. I just don't like being reminded that I have to leave your arms."

Alex blushed, his fur turning a light shade of pink. I snickered and gave his snout a quick lick. He smiled and snuggled me closer, bringing my head to rest on his chest. He leaned down to whisper in my ear, his warm breath causing me to shiver.

"Can I let you in on something?"


"When I first moved here, I went exploring into Nannup. And while I was walking up the street, I saw you and your Grandad."

I raised an eyebrow, confused as to where this was leading.

"When I first saw you... Vincent... I couldn't take my eyes off of you. Vincent... I fell in love with you from the moment I first saw you."

It took a second for that to register in my ears. But when it did, I found my eyes watering up. That was the sweetest, most touching thing I had ever heard anyone say to me. I didn't know what to say so I just wrapped my arms around him and hugged him closer, resting my head in the crook of his neck. I sighed happily. Suddenly the school holidays didn't seem so bleak after all...

Alex suddenly started giggling. I looked at him in confusion.

"Ah, s-stop t-tickling me Vinnie!"

"Um, I'm not tickling you."

"Yeah ri..."

It was then that Alex noticed my arms around his neck. So then what was...

My eyes widened until it was painful as Alex drew back the quilt to reveal a three ring circus in my boxers poking him in the stomach! I expected Alex to be angry at me (for some strange reason.)

Instead, he just gave me a sly smile. He slid out of my arms and manouvered down the mattress towards my crotch.

"Alex, what are you..."

I stopped for two reasons:


It was a stupid question.

And two.

Alex had begun to grope my family jewels through the silky fabric of my boxers. Suddenly, all rational thought left my head and all I could concentrate on was the gentle paw massaging my length and sac. Obviously I had masturbated before, but to feel someone else touching me...

Alex looked up at me.

"Shall I go on?"

He asked, though in his eyes, the question was:

"Please, please, please?"

I gave him a lusty grin.

"Is that a trick question?"

I replied. He simply returned the grin and proceeded to hook his fingers into the waistband and slip my last source of decency down to my ankles. And there I stood, my member throbbing and begging for my lover's ministrations, a clear bead of pre slipping just free of my head. Alex' sandpapery tongue darted out and licked it off. That simple action caused me to moan. Alex then went lower and gave each of my balls a tentative lick, first the right, then the left. I was now squirming on the mattress. This felt nothing short of amazing.

But the best part was yet to come.

Alex edged back up and ever so slowly slipped my member into his warm, wet muzzle. I threw my head back and groaned so loud, I think I woke the dead. The cheetah swirled his surprisingly skilled tongue around my glans. My fingers dug themselves into the sheets to the point that I think I heard a ripping sound. But it didn't matter. What did matter was the amazing, incredibly sexy cheetah suckling on my Foxhood. It could not feel any more amazing than this.

And then he began to suck and bob his head.


If God himself had come down from heaven and offered me a place at his side, I would have told him to piss off!

Alex guided his tongue along the throbbing veins on the underside of my pride and began to move quicker, sucking even harder. Already, I could feel my climax approaching. I forced it down as best I could. This wasn't just simple sex. Alex and I were truly becoming one with each other. If I had my way, this single moment would last forever. But my body had other ideas. I started panting uncontrollably. Alex must have heard because he sucked even harder and then, with one last motion, he shoved my entire malehood into his maw, deepthroating me.

That was it.

I screamed in elation and climaxed. Alex didn't flinch, swallowing down every spurt of my seed until I slipped into the warm embrace of afterglow. Alex kept me in his mouth for just a few more seconds and then he grunted around my shaft and suddenly, I felt a hot goopy liquid splatter onto my legs. I realized he had been masturbating while he was tending to my lower regions. He finally pulled off my length with a wet shlop and pulled back up to face me, panting.

"That... was... amazing..."

I managed to get out between breaths. Alex smiled and caressed my cheek.

"Anything for you babe."

I giggled.


"You called me babe..."

I could be a real vixen sometimes. Alex chuckled and shook his head. I snuggled him close and he put his arms around me, protecting me.

"I love you."

He whispered.

"I love you too."

I closed my eyes and listened to alex' heartbeat...

Awwwwwwwww! :)