Dinner Out

Story by davsionnach on SoFurry

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Dav walked in to the packed restaurant lobby and scanned the crowd. After a minute he spotted his wife Inci standing over against the wall.

"Hello, hon. Sorry I'm running late. How much longer is the wait?"

"Probably about another 10 minutes. That's what we get for deciding to go out someplace that just opened last week. Especially with how crazy this town is for sushi these days."

Dav scanned the dining room, "Nice décor. Seems almost too dark though."

"I don't know. Doesn't seem much darker than you keep your own place at night."

As they were talking, Inci hand drifted behind her husband and firmly grabbed his butt, eliciting a sharp intake of breath.

"Something wrong, dear?" Inci asked with a wide-eyed innocent look.

"Oh, no. Nothing at all," Dav responded looking sideways at her and mouthing Naughty little vixen.

"So, let me tell you what happened at work today," she started. Dav tried to listen, but was getting distracted by the fact that Inci was using two fingers to slowly walk up the fabric on the back of his kilt until her hand was finally on his bare ass. His cock grew stiff behind his sporran and he fell back slightly against the wall. Of course this only succeeded in trapping her hand where it was, giving her little to do with it other than gently squeeze and release repeatedly.

The pager in Inci's other hand finally lit up and gave a buzz. Shaking his head slightly to clear it, Dav pushed off from the wall freeing her hand and allowing her to pull it away letting the back of his kilt fall into place. They made their way through the crowd in the lobby to the host stand and were led to an intimate booth near the far edge of the dining room. 

As they briefly looked at the menu, Dav decided Two can play at this game and reached a foot across underneath the table to gently stroke Inci's calf with his toes. She closed her eyes for a moment, just as the server came up to the table to take their order. 

"We'll do a three-course Omekase, and a bottle of Reisling," Dav said handing the menu to their server while Inci nodded dreamily. It was their usual order whenever trying out a new sushi place.

As the wine and first course arrived Dav and Inci chatted about various topics: things that happened at work, bits of news they heard on the radio, plans for the next weekend they had off together. And taking turns reaching across under the table with a foot for a little contact with sly little smiles.

The third course arrived and as Dav looked it over as though trying to decide exactly where to start he quietly slid his shoe off his foot and proceeded to slide it up the inside of Inci's lower leg, along her thigh under her dress and then suddenly pressed his toes up against her cunt. She gave a little squeak and Dav looked up from his plate, matching her innocent look from earlier.

"Something wrong, dear?"

"Oh, no. Nothing at all," she squeaked then mouthed at him You naughty, naughty man.

Dav went back to feigning complete concentration on the food in front of him, occasionally giving his toes a little wiggle usually just as Inci was about to take a bite. Once he finished his own meal, Dav put his shoe back on and returned to general small talk as Inci finished, and the server presented the check. As he finished signing the credit card slip he dropped the pen under the table and he went under to retrieve it. While there he quickly snuck his head between her thighs, pressed his nose against her and gave her cunt a quick lick and then resurfaced with a smile on his face.

"Ah, that was the perfect dessert."