Massage Therapy

"Dav, honey, do you mind if I leave you to clean up? It was a long day at work and I have this terrible kink in my neck and really just need to head up to bed." Dav pulled Inci towards him and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Oooo. That is really tight....

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Morning Run

The sun had technically been up for over an hour, but was still hidden behind a wall of clouds as Dav knocked on the door. After a few seconds it popped open to reveal a sandy colored dingo. "Hey, mate. Come on in. Got some coffee ready in the kitchen...

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Helping Out a Friend

The bear who tended bar caught Dav as he was leaving the expo aisle to get his things from the office and head home. "Boss, I might have a small problem." Dav stifled a sigh. For once this week he was so sure he would get out of here before they...

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Dinner Out

Dav walked in to the packed restaurant lobby and scanned the crowd. After a minute he spotted his wife Inci standing over against the wall. "Hello, hon. Sorry I'm running late. How much longer is the wait?" "Probably about another 10 minutes....

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Remember to Call

"You're telling me you didn't even have two minutes to call me to tell me you were going to be late? We had plans!"After having been married over twenty five years, this was close to the only subject Dav and Inci would ever argue over."I'm sorry. I...

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Benefit Dinner

Dav had his tail fluffed out and his fur smoothed down. It was the night of the big Parkinson's Foundation benefit. Dav had always hated going to these things. The cause is great and he understood his wife's passion for it since her grandfather died...

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New neighbors

"There's a moving truck down at the Jensen's old place." Inci was just coming in from work. "Huh? What was that?" Dav pulled a couple steaks out of the refrigerator and set them on the counter. "Someone is moving into the Jensen's old house."...

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