Lonely Hearts

Story by Moonshadow on SoFurry

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This story is of an adult nature and as such should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. Anyone above 18 but with a mental age of below 18 should also avoid it.

Anyone else, it's your own fault if your eyes bleed after reading this.

Lonely Hearts

Zara, a mid 20s ice blue vixen, was lonely. 10 years since any guy had paid attention to her, and even that was just so he could boast about not being a virgin any more. Still, she liked him. He was charming, and actually took time to get to know her. However, after sleeping with her, he didn't bother to keep in touch, He just....left.

She sat on the couch in her apartment, watching an advert for a new club, the Lonely Hearts club. It looked fun. Plenty of opportunity to meet someone nice.

Switching off the TV, she sat up and wandered over to her bedroom. Gotta get something nice to wear. I bet there's gonna be somene who's interested in me....for once. She stripped off her dressing gown and draped it over the footboard of her bed, and opened her top drawer. Now came the hardest decision. Commando, or thong? Giggling, she decided on a sexy, flaunty number, a combination of a red lace push-up bra, a skimpy red thong and a garter belt with a pair of skin-tight red sheers. Grinning and admiring the effect it had, she closed the drawer. Opening her wardrobe, she picked a couple of outfits off of the rail and held them up against her, unsure as to what she should wear. She had a beautiful leather jacket which she was very fond of, to go with her tight leather trousers. It would go very well with the enhanced cleavage her push-up bra gave her. But then she was also very fond of her shimmering red miniskirt and tight white blouse. BUt then there was also....

The debate raged on for a full half hour before she finally decided to wear her leather jacket and trousers combo. She pulled the waistband of the tight leather up over her legs and pulled hard on the zip. She then pulled her leather jacket over her arms, doing up only three of the five buttons, letting her cleavage show through. She smiled and blew a kiss at her reflection, before turning on the heel of her black stilettos and sashaying out of the room.

Down at the front door, she grabbed her coat and unbolted the door, remembering to pick up her keys and mobile phone, before stepping out into the dull grey hallway of her apartment building. She hated the colour. She'd asked the supervisor a dozen and one times to have the wall colour changed. She even offered to paint it herself, with no luck. Not even a reply. She sighed and strode down the stairs to the ground floor,waving goodbye to the clerk at the desk.

Outside, she pulled out the keys for her car and pressed a button on the key fob. One of the car's lights blinked twice, showing it was unlocked. Zara opened the door and sat in the driver's seat. She didn't start the car, though. Instead, she just closed the door and sat, staring at herself in the rear view mirror. Who are you trying to kid? What makes you so sure that this will be any different from before? You can't get a good looking guy because you always come on too strong. You always scare them off. You can't get a guy. Blinking away a single tear from her muzzle, she started the car.

David, the badger who worked as the clerk, watched Zara as she left. He felt really sorry for her. A beautiful vixen like her didn't deserve to be alone. But what could he do? He couldn't ask her out. They weren't close enough for him to try anything like that. He had to find someone for her. He was quite happy to stay single, and help out a lady in need, rather than take advantage of her need and ask her himself. Part of his mind told him he was being a fool, that she was drop dead gorgeous and available. She wouldn't go for me. I'm just the clerk. She wouldn't even notice if I asked her out. He sighed and went back to reading his magazine. His attention was drawn to an advert for entertainment for the new club in town, the Lonely Hearts. He smiled. David had a passion for singing. He had tried to find places where he could sing, but with no luck. Now it seemed his prayers were answered. He picked up the phone and dialled the number on the ad.

Outside the club, Zara had found a pretty good parking space, not too far from the club entrance. It was just as well, because the queue was huge, and reached down to her parking space. She flaunted toward the cue and parked herself behind a rather nice looking arctic wolf. She grinned seductively and planted one paw softly on his ass. Wrong move number one. He turned and growled at her, complaining about her 'impertinance', and asked her to remove her paw. She did quickly and asked if she could make it up. Wrong move number two. He stepped aside as best he could without stepping out the cue and revealed a rather large looking wolf femme standing in front of him.

"Who is it, honey?" She asked in an icy cold voice.

"Some vixen who can't seem to take a hint." He responded, just as cold. The wolf femme stepped up to Zara.

"You stay away from him. He's mine." She said, one paw raising to Zara's throat, a single clawtip pressed to her jugular.

"Hey, hey, hey! I didn't know he was taken! I'm sorry." The clawtip retracted.

"Don't forget it, bitch. Get to know the guy first before you molest them." Zara just stood, stunned. They were REALLY over-reacting!

Inside the club, it wasn't much better. She managed to find one interested guy, but he only wanted drinks, and only if she paid. She wouldn't have minded a tight-wad, if only he had bothered to say thanks afterwards. She didn't speak much to him after that. Every other guy was either taken or gay, apart from a few that seemed more scared of her than interested. Maybe she DID come on too strong. She sighed and walked over to the bar, sitting herself down on one of the leather stools, close enough to hear a conversation between the wolf from earlier and another lupine, a slightly smaller grey wolf.

"Yeah, this dumb blue vixen was coming on to me as soon as she laid eyes on me! She had her paw on my ass and everything!" His smaller friend was enraptured.

"She did? Man, sounds like she has no self-control."


"You reckon she'd spread her legs if someone offered her some cash?" The smaller wolf asked, laughing.

"Ha ha ha!!! Most probably! Wouldn't surprise me in the least!" Zara just grabbed her drink and poured it over the larger wolf's head and ran out, tears streaming.

"Was that her?" The smaller wolf asked him. The larger, white wolf just nodded, a slight grin on his face.

Back at the apartment building, Zara ran through the lobby, stopping just briefly to ask for her keys through teary eyes. David asked her what was wrong, and Zara gave a full account of the incident involving the wolves.

"That was horrible! I had no idea there were guys like that." He lied through his teeth. Zara just grabbed her keys and ran upstairs, not wanting anyone to see her as she was at that moment in time. She just sat on her bed and sobbed.

David looked at the advert he'd scribbled on while Zara was out. He'd managed to book an audition to sing at the Lonely Hearts club, hopefully full time. He wanted to share his good news, but after hearing about how bad a time Zara had there, he decided it wouldn't be a good idea at the moment. He just let her be and closed up downstairs, heading to his own room.

One month later, Zara was still miserable. Still single, still in the same job, still thinking about that one night in the Lonely Hearts club. She had managed to score a week off from work, when her friendly and good-natured boss had seen how upset she was for the past four weeks.

"We can manage a couple of days without you, Zara. You go and get yourself sorted out." He'd said.

Zara was laying on her bed, reading a women's lifestyle magazine. David, however, was practicing more for his next night at the Lonely Hearts. He had managed to score the job, and was singing full time. Now he was just another resident at the apartment block, having resigned from his job as the clerk. The money had proved good, and he was living much better than he had by working downstairs. His songs gained such a huge audience. But still he was unhappy. He was lonely, still thinking of how lonely Zara was, and how he should be able to do something.

Then it hit him.

Zara was on the Saturday of her week off when there was a knock on her apartment door. She answered the door, finding no-one there. Sighing, she closed the door again. Two paces away, she heard the knock again. She opened the door again, and this time stepped out into the hall. Still, she saw no-one. She turned to head back to her apartment....and saw a costume bag attached to the door. A piece of paper was stuck to it.

'Wear this.' It said simply. She took it in and opened the bag. Inside was the most luxurious red ball-gown she had ever seen. She pulled it out gently and held it up, admiring its beauty. She couldn't resist holding it close to her furred body, ooohing at the feeling of silk against her fur. Smiling for the first time in weeks, she couldn't resist trying it on. It was a perfect fit, and it made her feel so much better. As she admired herself in the wardrobe's mirror, she saw another piece of paper poking out of the clutch purse that came with the dress. She opened the purse and read the paper.

'Two furs will meet you outside. Go with them.' Starting to feel a little confused and a lot intrigued, she found a pair of red dress shoes and slipped them on, before fixing her hair up quickly. Whoever was waiting for her, she didn't want to make them wait. Feeling the best she had for a long while, she literally bounced out the door and locked it behind her. Downstairs were two handsome foxes, both in tuxedos, both waiting to escort her outside.

"Miss O'Donnell?" One of them asked politely. She nodded. "We've been asked to escort you to the ball in your honour." As the two foxes turned to leave, Zara just stood there. A ball in her honour? That couldn't be right. She trotted out behind them slowly, wondering what the hell was going on. What she found was a limousine with a gorgeous looking black stallion, also in a tuxedo, holding the door open for her. What confused her most was that all three furs looked incredibly familiar.

Inside the limo, the two foxes were attending to her every need, with the exception of telling her who had arranged all this and where she was going. She was fed, served drinks and massaged, all while driving....somewhere. She couldn't tell where, as all the windows were blacked out. Some time later, the limo stopped.

"We're here." The stallion announced. He opened his door and stepped up to the rear door, where Zara was helped out by the three gentleman furs. She couldn't help feeling special, like a princess. No-one had ever treated her so well before. She was lead to a familiar looking street, and that's when Zara started to whine.

"No! Not here! Please!" She said, stopping dead in the middle of the street.

It was the Loney Hearts club.

Zara whimpered and pleaded with her escorts, but they simply assured her that everything would be alright, that no-one would treat her badly, and that someone special was waiting for her. Reluctantly, she let herself be led toward the front door, past a queue of waiting furs. One of them stepped out in front of them. Zara cringed.

"Hey! It's the vixen slut! She's the one I told you about!" He cried. It was the white wolf from her first night at the club. The stallion stepped forward.

"Please move, sir. You're upsetting the lady."

"I'll say what I like! You should have seen her! She was bloody desperate! Never seen someone in such a need of a good hard shag."

"I'm warning you sir. Please move."

"Like hell!"

"Well, you asked for it sir." The stallion's fist flew out in an uppercut, sending the wolf reeling, sprawled across the floor. There was a crunch as the stallion's fist fractured the wolf's jaw. Zara simply smiled and stepped around the wolf on the pavement, still escorted by the three suited furs.

Inside the club, yet another fur in a tuxedo announced her arrival.

"Ladies and gentlefurs! The honourable Lady Zara O'Donnell!" The whole club cheered. Zara blushed deeply. She'd never been called a Lady before. She was ushered to the centre of the dancefloor, where a familiar voice spoke from the darkness of the stage.

"Zara, this one's for you." Zara gasped. It was David, the badger! The lights went up, and David was standing centre stage, surrounded by the in-house band, holding a microphone. The music started to play, and David started to sing.

I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight,

Never seen you shine so bright.

Never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance,

Looking for a little romance,

Given half the chance.

I have never seen that dress you're wearing,

Or the highlights in your hair that catch your eye.

I have been blind.

He stepped onto the dancefloor, one hand extended towards Zara.

The lady in red,

Is dancing with me,

Cheek to cheek.

There's nobody here,

It's just you and me,

It's where I wanna be.

I hardly know this beauty by my side,

I'll never forget the way you look tonight.

He took her paw, and drew her in close, starting a slow dance.

I've never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight,

I've never seen you shine so bright,

You were amazing.

I've never seen so many people wanna be there by your side,

And when you turn to me and smile,

You take my breath away.

I have never had such a feeling,

Such a feeling of complete and utter love,

As I do tonight.

The lady in red,

Is dancing with me,

Cheek to cheek.

There's nobody here,

It's just you and me,

It's where I wanna be.

I hardly know this beauty by my side,

I'll never forget the way you look tonight.

I never will forget the way you look tonight.

Lady in red!

Lady in red!

Lady in red!

My lady in red!

The audience cheered and clapped as the song ended, and David drew Zara into a soft, sensual kiss. She held his muzzle gently and kissed back. The cheering went on for some time, before he released her.

"I love you, Zara. Someone as lovely as you shouldn't be alone."

"Thank you, David! You don't know how much this means to me."

"Just relax. Tonight, you're the princess."

"And I suppose you're the handsome prince." She said with a smirk.

"Well, I wouldn't say hand-" Zara kissed him again. The crowd had dispersed by then and were dancing to the music, ordering drinks and generally having a good time. David led Zara to a room backstage, where he pulled out a seat for her at a table in the green room and then sat down himself.

"I'm glad you came, Zara. I've wanted to tell you for so long how I felt about you. I've just never known the right time."

"Why didn't you just tell me?" Zara asked.

"I always thought you could get anyone you wanted. I mean look at you! You're bloody gorgeous! What fool wouldn't want to go out with you?" Zara frowned.

"Yeah, well, that's not how the guys see it."

"Yeah, but what do they know?" David snorted. Zara giggled.

"So, you really love me?" She asked.

"Absolutely. I have for some time, and now I finally get to tell you. I thought you could do with some cheering up." Zara leaned in and kissed him gently on the bridge of his nose.

"Thank you, David. It's just what I needed."

Later that evening, David and Zara were sitting on Zara's couch, cuddling softly.

"I could stay here all night." She said, almost a whisper.

"I know what you mean." He replied before kissing her.

"You know, we could....you know...." She said, a slight hint of mischief in her voice.

"Oh? What?" He asked, already knowing what she had in mind.

"Take it to the bedroom, maybe?" She suggested. David kissed her again.

"Nothing would make me happier." He replied, and stood up, undoing his shirt. Zara stood and unzipped her ball gown, pulling it down her lithe body. David was pleasantly surprised to see she had gone commando, and admired every single curve she had. Draping the dress on the couch, she sashayed into the bedroom, looking back with a naughty wink. David chuckled and took off his clothes faster than before.

Man oh man! How lucky am I? She's even better in just her fur. He thought. Once he was fully nude, he walked into the bedroom behind her, to find Zara laying on the bed, spread-eagled, on her back.

"Come here, handsome, and show this horny little vixen why badgers are the best lovers!" She purred in a deep, seductive rumble. He didn't need to be asked twice. He leaped onto the bed with a 'WHOOP!' and landed just in front of her, before crawling up to loom over her. Sure enough, she was thoroughly wet, the scent of her arousal filling his nostrils. He bent down and inhaled deeply.

"I think I need a warm-up first. Show me why they say vixens have the best tongues." He countered. Zara beamed and got up off her back and pushed David onto his, before ducking her head down level with David's crotch. She licked at his semi-hard cock and took its whole length into her muzzle, letting it throb and grow in her mouth. Her rough vulpine tongue caressed and stroked it softly as she caressed his fuzzy balls. She gave them a gentle squeeze which made David gasp. He placed his paws on either side of her head and started to thrust gently, rocking his hips in time to her motions, pushing deeper into her muzzle. Zara was loving it. His pre tasted so good on her tongue, his cock felt so good in her mouth, and he was so gentle with her, instead of roughly fucking her face. Soon enough, her arousal built so much that the smell was stronger than ever and she was dripping on the bedsheets. David was hard enough too, and Zara backed away, much to David's dismay. She laid back down on her back.

"Take me, David." She whispered. David happily obliged. He placed one paw under each thigh and pulled her closer, so his dripping cockhead was level with her damp pussy, and he pushed in gently. His cock was so thick, it stretched her enough to make her whimper with joy. He really was well-endowed. His cockhead was nestled between her pussy lips, begging to be thrust in. Her groped her breasts and caressed her nipples, making Zara pant harder and louder, moaning as she did so. He massaged her soft orbs of flesh gently, kneading them like lumps of dough. She held his paws and stroked them, running her hands up the lengths of his arms. He started to push into Zara's pussy, making her moan louder.

"Oh, god, David! You're so big!" She whimpered. And he was. Fully 7" was buried in her pussy, at 2" thick. And he wasn't even all the way in. He pushed slowly, pressing hard against her clit, which made her cry out, desperate for more. David grinned, before ramming hard into her, hilting all 11" into her. He began to pull back out, once again grazing against her little lump of sensitive flesh. Once he was almost completely out, he rammed in hard again. He pulled out faster than before, and then thrust. Globs of pre started to flood her pussy, making his cock slicker and easier to thrust. He kept ramming in and pulling out over and over until he built up a rhythm, Zara's breasts bouncing on her chest. She squeaked and squealed, filled with joy as she was taken, used, fucked. She loved every second of it.

"Oh god! Oh god! Oh yes! Yes! Yes!" She cried. He rammed harder and harder, pushing her slowly across the bed. She cried out once more before her pussy started to spasm. "Oh! Oh! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'm cuuuummmmmooooooOOOOOHHHHHH!" She lost herself in the feelings of joy as David's thick, slick cock forced into her dripping pussy. She squealed as her orgasm hit and her pussy exploded in a torrent of juices. David roared as he came at much the same time, cumming hard into her pussy, flooding her love tunnel all the way up to her womb. She reached up and grabbed David's shoulders, pulling him down on top of her, in order to bring him into a tight, loving embrace.

All characters copyright of Moonshadow Silverflash 2006.

Lady In Red lyrics by Chris De Burgh.