A Strange Act of Kindness : Part 4

Story by Shark_Anthro on SoFurry

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#5 of Strange Act of Kindness (Short Story)

I think I need to continue this. Just a Valentine special creation.

By the way, feel free to spot and correct any mistakes. Just drop a comment. I appreciate that.

"The imagination says listen to me. I am your darkest voice. I am your 4 a.m. voice. I am the voice that wakes you up and says this is what I'm afraid of. Do not listen to me at your peril.... The imagination is not our escape. On the contrary, the imagination is the place we are all trying to get to."

? John Guare, Six Degrees of Separation


"Hmm...such a fine ass you got there. I can't say no."

"Come on Ru, I know you want these," Jay teased naughtily. "Come ere' and claim daddy's booty."

"Arrgh," Ruwen grumbled in frustration. Seeing such display is enough to take his morning wood to the next level.

Unlike Jay who has the unique micro tooth like scales, Ruwen is just a normal human. So, walking belly deep underwater need an effort. "You naughty fish! I swear, when I get there I'll rip you in half!"

"Okay, let me help then," Jay curled his powerful tail around the human and pulled him.

Ruwen almost gasp as he landed on Jay's chest -his dick rubbed against the shark's firm muscled ass.

While the human was enjoying the warmth of his shark, Jay noticed a metallic node embedded inside Ruwen's spine, exactly at the back of his head. It is not so weird considering the uprising of body enhancing implants these days but a scratch pattern on the device seemed oddly familiar "Wait a sec, I recognised that?"

Ruwen tensed.

"Remember the one who gave you."

Time: 375 days ago. 1532 Hours

Coordinate: CLASSIFIED


Mission status: STANDBY

Jack sat uneasily at the cargo bay of an Aquarian Dropship; his fingers twirled a combat knife, his fingers nimble despite the bulky REX Technologies' blast resistant combat armour that encased his reptilian crocodile body. The blade traced a complicated series of graceful arcs in the air. A few remaining STF (Special Task Force) personnel on deck turned pale, averted their eyes and leave the room--an Elite wielding a knife was generally accompanied by the presence of several dead bodies.

Beside him, Lynch, this black ops two manned team leader ran weapons diagnostic, removed excess weight, and powered his SPI (Semi-Powered Infiltration) suit.

He balanced the point of the knife on his armoured finger. It hung there for several seconds, perfectly still.

A subtle shift in the dropship gravity caused the knife to tip. Jack plucked it from the air and sheathed it in a single deft move. A cold feeling filled his stomach as he realized what the gravity fluctuation meant: The ship is about to reach their DZ--enemies ahead.

Ruwen marched to the nearest COM panel as Admiral Vaak's face filled the screen.

"Mr Lynch," the Admiral said, "the situation had gone messy...complicated. Those rebels are planning to bomb the site. "

"Call the Secret Service then," His paused before correcting his mistake. "I mean your...Kin."

"No, I believe it's an inside job. I can't risk blowing my Kin's cover! With both embassies stationed on site, I can't picture what kind of civil war that would break out if they found out about the bomb. Chaos. Civil war. Problematic... That's why I hired you--you're spooks."

"Payment?" Ruwen said intimidatingly, cocking his head to the side. "You know that we're taking the bull by the horns if anything bad happens."

The Admiral huffed, "Fine. You got your retirement money. From now on you're no longer tied to me. Take all those gear and get it out of my sight," he hesitated before saying, "including the prototype stealth suit. It never did me any good anyway."

The Admiral steeled his gaze, "Protect my assets--especially my Kin--at all cost and leave no loose ends." He sighed, "Trustworthy warriors are hard to find these days."

"We enjoy doing business with you." Ruwen plugged a thumb drive into the terminal and filled the screen with static as a worm burned through the ship COM buffer. No loose ends.

Ruwen punched numbers into a keypad. The back of the dropship hissed open revealing open sky, lined with orange dusky band marking the edge of the world and little dotted lights--cities, hotels, casinos, vehicles. He donned his full face helmet and locked the atmospheric seal with a hiss.

A few seconds later, a green light blinked on an instrument panel and they jumped onto the megacity.


The jump part was easy.

The landing part was quite easy.

Heck, even finding the bomb was easy. It was exposed, guarded with bulky tall shark guards sticking out like a sore thumb.


"No wonder the admiral was being hush-hush about the bomb." Ruwen thought to himself. It was an Aquarian bomb! A bomb made in a deep sea factory by the shark people. This kind of bomb have unusually thick shell optimised to compress its explosive content to near critical mass yielding megatons of TNT equivalent in a single explosion, even underwater! Theoretically, detonating such device, here, on land, in a big city will result in a total annihilation--even if it's being kept inside a truck in an underground parking lot. No wonder the Admiral didn't want to get his hands dirty, even the question of how this thing is here could spark a civil war. As usual, the Rebels would put on their white hats and blame the government.

"I got good news and bad news," Jack said, poking his head out from the bomb case, breaking Ruwen's train of thought.

"Just spill it out," Ruwen huffed, dumping the last tranquilized shark guards into a dumpster.

"The good news is, this bomb problem is quite easy to solve....Just detonate it WITH the safety system enabled. The contained critical mass should be enough to collapse its mass on itself..."

"Annnd...the bad news?"

"There's an archaic bio-metric scanner hardwired inside the bomb.. The deactivation codes that the Admiral give is not enough. Even data of his DNA won't do it...It needs an actual freakin' sample!" Jack said with a heavy sigh.

Ruwen massaged his temples. No wonder that the Admiral is willing to give up this military stealth suit. "Fuck those ambassadors; we don't have Vaak's DNA...?--WAIT-A-SEC!"

We both looked at each other and for a moment, I know what he's thinking. We rushed to the unconscious guards, retrieved their telemetric equipment, and scrolled through the VIPs list.

The 'Kin' that Vaak is saying have two meanings: First, it means specially selected warriors designated to protect VIPs, Presidents, CEOs and such which are pretty much similar to human's Secret Service. The second meaning is derived from an Aquarian term 'Blood Kin"...which kinda mean 'direct descendant'. In this case...

"Voila!" Ruwen whispered to Jack, staring at three almost identical figures on the screen, displayed through a live security camera feed marching through a posh, high ceiling hallway.

Jack gasped. "Is that The Twins?"

"Yup. It's the super-secret mythical twins...." Ruwen nodded before adding, "Vaak's sons."


Ruwen crawled in the air vent above the VIP's luxury hotel room. Due to Jack hulking form, he got the easy job guarding the bomb (which totally had nothing to do with crawling inside dusty air vent getting blasted with 50 horsepower air conditioner while holding a test tube!).

So, here's the plan. Vaak is totally off-limits. Fetching his DNA sample will take more than 90 minutes that the bomb offered.

But...fetching his technically-non-existent sons DNA, who is (against all protocols) working as his secret eyes and ears...? Totally possible! Ruwen toyed the idea of fetching 'DNA cum samples' from the two hulking sharks -Arvak & Arvax.

Ruwen saw the defensive lines of Kins dressed in their formal black tie guards' attire outside the room repelling hordes of tourist & paparazzi alike and silently scanned the crowd. No match found.

That means the twins are either disguised as the ambassador or a guard inside or the ambassador's own secretary. Ruwen decided to advance, slide down and crawled until he's right beside the room, in an air vent in between an antique stereo set and a comfy bed. From his point of view he could see the secretary leaving through the door, her face flushed bright red and...Ruwen caught his breath in his throat.

It was unmistakable; the smell of liquor induced sex was ripe in the air.

From there, he could see the two sharks on the bed: Arvak, still in his fancy formal wear, tearing Arvax's clothing using his teeth, before stuffing the other male's mouth with his fully erect dual members, effectively silencing Arvax's protest. Ruwen fought the urge to slip his hands through the suit Nano-coating and massaging his dick. It was a torture, seeing the most stoic sharks that he secretly idolized, in this condition just three meters away, knowing that he needs to collect their seeds later...

After three minutes of eternity passed on his mission clock, Ruwen can't hold himself and started to stroke his erection--which is leaking pre greatly as a sign of gratitude and flooding the interior of his skin-tight suit. They can't possibly hear him behind the soundproofed walls.

As if knowing that he was there, Arvak pinned his twin against the wall right in front of the air vent, giving Ruwen a first class view of Arvax's double erection begging to be milked dry as Arvak continued his relentless assault, grinding his double cocks harder against his lil brother prostate.

"YEAH! TAKE THAT! TAKE THAT! JUST ADMIT IT! YOU'RE BEGGING FOR THIS YOUR WHOLE LIFE!" Arvak roared, using his fingers to toy with his younger brother's tongue.

"MMMPH! ARRAGHHH!!!" The other shark could only moan a protest as he felt his erections being teased as it rubbed against the steel cold air vent in front of him, setting him right on the edge, dripping, begging. He prayed to whatever higher power that exist so that his dominating bigger brother could be kind enough to let him cum.

Ruwen reached his breaking point, unscrewed the vent cover, and let the warmth of the two Aquarian dicks to enter his mouth via his retracted visor. The feeling of a single dick spearing his mouth open while the other one filled his helmet with pre and smeared against his face was nothing like he ever imagined before. Ruwen didn't care. Whatever happens at this point will end up with him covered and filled with sharks' spunk.

"AAHHH! BROTHER, I'M-AAAA! MMMPH!!!", as if the additional nipple play was not enough, Arvax warning was interrupted by his older brother prying his mouth and toying with his tongue. He clenched his ass as tight as he could as he felt the unseen soft-lipped-mouth inside the air vent swallow his whole cock and rubbed its underside with its small tongue making him cum without warning.

"OH, CLENCHING YOUR TIGHT ASS? THAT TACTIC IS OLD BROTHER! LET ME SHOW YOU HOW'S IT'S DONE! Arvak roared, biting his brother's shoulder until it bleeds.


It was too late. The taste of blood had made Arvak gone into blood lust--a state of purely instinct driven rage that inhibited metabolic activity inside a shark's pre-frontal cortex causing a chain reaction turning Arvak into pure animal. Its useful in combat but...in bed? Catastrophic.

Arvak let out a subsonic roar in rage that effectively broke through the room soundproofed walls.

Sensing danger, Ruwen leapt out of his hiding with a gymnastic front flip, gaining altitude as he climbed and flipped above Arvax, fired a burst of stun rounds and landed low with legs coiled, ready to strike, cobra pose. His ears still rings as result from the subsonic roar.

CLUNK! Arvak fell in a heavy heap as the stun rounds paralyzed him before his hormones could react.

"Thanks bud." Arvax managed through his ragged breath. "Sometime, he's literally a pain in the ass."

"We got a situation in Level 2." Ruwen told him in a straight-to-the-business-tone, pretending that nothing had happened.

"Oh, you must be doing some wet work for my dad-"

A knock on the door cuts the conversation. "Is everything okay sir?" A male voice came through. "Do you like me to come in?"

Without warning, Arvax wrapped the human in a tight hug.

"Don't worry. I'll handle the rest." Arvak whispered...before naughtily nibbling Ruwen ear, squeezing his firm muscled ass and stroking his pent up cock, earning a few muffled moan.

"Oh, sorry sir," the male figure quickly slam the door shut, followed by footsteps hurriedly moving away.

After a few moments of hugging and teasing in silence, Arvax whispered "Hey, you know that I'm the one who designed this suit?...I got the bypass code."

Ruwen muffled a surprised moan as the shark switched his left hand from squeezing his ass to jamming his fingers straight inside his tight pucker, proving his point. Surprisingly, his limb went through into the suit, making an intimate warm contact between shark's scales and human soft skin. Then, the shark slid open his visor using its right hand, licking traces of his own dried cum before Ruwen bit the long, broad tongue and suckled it earning a moan from the shark as he enjoyed its slender smooth form and taste.

"By the Ancients...ahh...you're turning me on." Arvax moaned an approval, thrusting his tongue deeper into the human waiting mouth. "Come on, let's get to the interesting part!" the shark gently lifted the human, teasing him in the process, before depositing him on the bed.

Ruwen laid down, enjoying the feeling of satin sheet on his skin before Arvax placed his unconscious brother in front of him. "Trust me, this part of him never sleeps," Arvak giggled, gesturing at his brother's claspers. It feels just like yesterday when his brother caught him impaled on that cocks for the first time.

Ruwen wasted no time slurping the bigger male's cock, sucking its content. He felt more excited than ever as he felt the cock getting bigger inside his mouth. "AAH!" Ruwen moaned, accidentally spilling Arvak's members as Arvax penetrated him, spearing his dick through the suit's fibres, letting him getting used to the feeling of a cock before switching to the other one. Ruwen turned his head around, clenching his ass and squeezing the dick inside him enjoying Arvax expression as he licked his nipple.

"Hey, I need some attention too!" A pair of massive hands grabbed Ruwen's head, forcing a giant dick deep into his mouth, past his tonsil. Ruwen gasped in surprise, looking up, and saw Arvak pinning his head in position. "What? You thought that little electric bullets could stop me?" the shark smirked. "Still. Thanks though for stopping me and let me 'adjust' my bearings. Here's your reward!"

Arvak spun Ruwen's body around, exposing his belly before sucking his throbbing erection.

"This is gonna the best threesome ever! Damn, dad should really send merc more often!" Arvax cooed before fiercely humping Ruwen's ass.

Ruwen hadn't felt more grateful than ever as the two sharks filled him up from both ends. Although he wished that he could take all four cocks, Ruwen still felt grateful as everything turned out better than his lusty fantasies. He cupped Arvak's ass cheeks urging the alpha male to slam his balls harder against his face, spewing pre straight into his stomach.

Since that, it didn't take long until the floodgates were opened. Unlike Ruwen's past partners, the sharks didn't warn him before pumping mouthfuls of seeds into him... The best part is that they keep pounding him, pushing the seeds deeper. The pressure of the cumshots alone was enough as Ruwen cum into Arvak's waiting maw. As if wanting to make the human jealous, Arvak smirked as he shared the human cum contained in his maw with his little brother in a long passionate kiss.

Which Arvax replied by...punching his brother's lights out.

"Uhh...was that supposed to happen?" Ruwen questioned.

"Shh..he could not know about you." Arvak replied sharply before flipping Ruwen around and biting his neck from the back.

"AH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Ruwen has a mixed feeling since the shark's hard on was still lodged firmly inside him, making his cum filled stomach tingled with pleasure. To make matters worse, Ruwen felt IT getting bigger from his rough movement.

"Shh...I'm force-installing an upgrade to your suit through your nervous implant. From now on, it won't be a prototype anymore. You need this to finish this mission once and for all! Find the traitor! My dad must NOT KNOW about this perfected technology!" Arvax growled as Ruwen felt the shark's claws scratched against the cover of the implant, effectively prying it open, before the shark shoved something cold and icy inside.

"There. Sorry about the scratch though..." Arvax words sounded slurred and distant as a cold icy mercury feeling spread throughout Ruwen's spine. His heartbeat alarmingly slowed down to a point of inexistency...before the stuff injected inside him made contact with his warm blood. Then its temperature gradually increases until it returned to normal, restoring his body functions.

"Ugh, that felt like liquid nitrogen!" Ruwen responded.

"Fuh!" Arvax exhaled near Ruwen's faceplate, "I thought you were gone forever."

"I thought it's just a few seconds?"

"Nah, 3 minutes is long enough for me to install a cardiac regulator and...run a few test runs."

Slowly Ruwen saw his body disappear until it become almost perfectly invisible. Lights slide around his body's edges as the suit camouflage systems matched its surroundings. The suit nanofibres tighten up, smoothing its surface for perfect invisibility...and giving some stimulation to its wearer's.

A lusty smile spread through the shark's face as he squeezed Ruwen's ass, "Hey, you feels quite tight. Mind if-"

Ruwen punched the Arvax's snout out using his fist, causing the shark to pass out. Something that could only be accomplished when the suit start to enhance the human bodily movement using the contractions of its Nanofibres.

"Sorry Arvax. When it comes to sex drives, you and your twin are just the same." Ruwen sighed. He suddenly turned red with embarrassment as he felt the shark member still lodged deep inside him...and the contraction of his suit is making it bigger. WTF! ARVAK! IS THIS WHAT YOU CALLED TEST RUNS? Pulling THAT out is going to be harder than any stab wounds he ever had.


Jack lay perched on top of the bomb truck, guarding the bomb with a silenced Gauss-Tesla hybrid sniper rifle complete with heartbeat sensors aimed at the Level 2 parking lot elevator entrance which was booby trapped with trip mines, motion sensors and C4 designed to buy some time...just in case, until they could get to their extraction zone which is a ledge on the eastern wall.

Truthfully, he had spent his last hour jacking off to a replay from Ruwen's HUD.

He sighed, cleaning the sixth cumshots stain from his urban camo heavy armour when an invisible hand snapped his mouth shut and wrapped around his thick dick, sliding from its tip until its wide mid-section.

"Hmm...big as always," a familiar naughty voice whispered near his ear.


"Yeah, stud."

"I'm sooo gonna tear you a new assh-" Jack halted mid-syllable as a ping registered on his motion sensors.

A single shark guy appeared from the elevator... But, when he retrieved a set of car keys from his jacket, Ruwen saw a blue circular anti-government tattoo on his wrist. "Shit!"

BOOM!!! An electric sports car exploded releasing a blast of EMP in its wake.

It distorted Jack's HUD, Ruwen invisible stealth suit pattern and fried all the booby traps electronics as they jumped down into the truck cargo hold.

"Well, that was quick," Jack said, activating a signal transponder for their dropship.

"You mean...your sexual endurance," Ruwen burned him as he took a creamy white liquid from inside his suit and armed the bomb failsafe.

"For someone that is covered in sharks' cum...You're both a slut...and an asshole!" Jack retorted firing multiple shots through the truck metal wall hitting targets painted by his somewhat-still-functional motion sensors grid.

"You know?" Ruwen's body language showed a hint of embarrassment.

"Of course. Your helmet's camera will make an interesting mission report."

"Dang it!" Ruwen said as he jumped outside, grabbed a fallen assault rifle and began to make a stand. "Well, it's better for me to be KIA than alive!" he laughed picking of wave of rebels disguised as security guards. "I can never picture the look on Vaak's face!"

"Oh, I bet there's a father-son-human repeat performance when he finds out."

"Oh it's on! 50 bucks they won't come back and cuts all ties!"

"Fine....Oh crap!"

The rebels' numbers surged exponentially as they surged through Jack's minefield and carefully positioned turret. Rubbing salt on the wound, the ambassador's secretary appeared through a service elevator... [At first, Ruwen thought that she was hostage until]... two units of four meters tall defence mech appeared from her back. She is the traitor! She must've been using the ambassador's master code to deploy military assets!

Jack attempted to snipe her. His bullet pinged off harmlessly against the mech active defense system.

"Shit! Let's get out of here!" Jack commanded as he passed a football shaped warhead to Ruwen. Now, stripped of its external computers, the bomb became lighter and easy to carry although...there will be no 'other time' to defuse it...and no fully reliable failsafe either. Jack had programmed the failsafe system to run on the bomb own power pack timed by a roughly calculated algorithm--Something so unstable that it's ironically funny to even be called failsafe. Without the computers, they could only hope that the failsafe kicked in just in the right sequence, just in the right time so that they didn't end up with a literal 'Nuclear Football'. Their current objective is changed from 'defend the bomb until it explodes safely' to 'RUN! As far and as fast as you can!'.

To their surprise, a single missile tube popped out of the mech arm...and spat a round towards the roof, showering them with falling concrete slabs, forcing them to abandon their cover and move to the EZ.

Ruwen hoped that miracle did happen as he shot the mech optical sensors... There's only a few seconds targeting disruptions, an SUV and a few centimetres of armour between them and a missile fragmenting warhead.

After a few shots his gun chamber clacked empty, forcing him to switch to his sidearm. Not good.

"Don't worry gentlemen. The cavalry is here!" A familiar voice burst through their speaker. An oddly muffled whirring sound filled the air as a gunship appeared behind their back, its shadow looming, blocking the moonlight before a smoky fiery trail appeared in the air and connected to the two mech.


The machines spontaneously erupted in blue balls of flame as the missile punched through their armoured cockpit and detonated inside, shattering and twisting its frame to pieces.

Lynch turned his head towards the unknown aircraft. Its armoured hull is Vantablack-- a substance made of carbon nanotubes and one of the blackest artificial substances known, absorbing up to 99.965% of radiation in the visible spectrum. The aircraft hovered and rotated its body sideway before a door slide open revealing a familiar figure.

"Hop in!" Arvak barked, brandishing a fully automatic turret.

Jack and Lunch scrambled into the chopper as machine gun fires echoed behind them, peppering the gunship hull with bullets.

Arvak mercilessly returned fire. Suffice to say, rebel's security guard body armour plus incoming 25mm bullets...equals to a red soupy mush.

After the threat had been neutralised, Lynch gave 50 bucks to Jack with a heavy 'You damn lucky bastard' sigh before going to the cockpit where Arvax is piloting the gunship.

"What's our ETA?" Arvax voice was drowned by the gunship rotors.

"10 minutes. What's the plan?"

Arvax sighed before saying "Take the parachutes, your buddy and get ready to drop out. We're gonna ditch this bird in a lake."

Lynch went to the back of the chopper and found...only two parachutes?

"Hey, what happens to you g-" Lynch couldn't finish his sentence as he was grabbed by the neck and shoved out of the flying aircraft... Jack unconscious form joined him a few seconds later.

Lynch spread his arms and legs wide to increase drag. He rose a few meters, just enough to catch Jack and stabilise his fall. He clung upside down, activating Jack AAD and saw the silhouette of the pitch black gunship. The pilot is desperately trying to stabilise its airframe as it gyrated near a shimmering large body of water before...it tumbled out of control, spinning rapidly before getting consumed by its own downwash wake turbulence and crashed into the lake with an ear splitting metal twisting sound.

A bright flash and...


The bomb exploded.

[Present Day]

Everything finally clicked in.

"J, you're Arvax? Or is it your other brother?"

"Nah, he's having a holiday on the homeworld. Last time I heard that he got a boyfriend--one of those Air Force guys."

"So, what made you crawl 4.2 light years away to earth, join the mercenary group and picked the human name 'Jericho'? Miss me?"

He laughed. "Well, you did leave a lasting impression. Boy, my dad is speechless."

"Technically, he did authorise the 'mission'."

"Erm-hmm. So, where were we?"

Ruwen reached for the bottom of Jay's tank top, slide it upward and tie up his hands. "Oh, I was just about to launch a payback of gangbanging me with your brother."

"Wait, Ruwen wha-"

*FWAP!* A slap landed on Jay's ass.

"AAAHHH! Hey, I'm sorry!"

"Sorry? So, you do realize your mistake then?"

*FWAP!* Ruwen slapped the shark a bit harder.

"AAAAAAHHH! I-I am... D-Doctor!"

"I told you that I am going to rip you in half."


"AAAAAAAAAHHHH! Y-Yes, master...please!"

"What was that? Did you just called me 'master'?"

"Erm,...no." Jay slowly turns red. "I-I always wanted to be dominated by someone else... It's just that there's no one brave enough to do that, beside my brother...until now."

"C'mere you naughty fish!"

Jay's audibly wags his tail as the human took a step closer and ventured his tongue deeper into Jay's maw. A pair of brown hand, smoother than the shark had expected, gripped both of his rigid length and stroked it slowly, working from the base up until the tapered tips.

"Ahh," The shark managed to gasp as the long kiss ended. Ruwen grinned even wider and then stroked his cock against the shark's impressive tool. Even though the shark's tools were much bigger than the human, it is even more sensitive... Too bad for the shark, Ruwen knows that... Jay's face burned as he thought about how much secrets that the doctor have learned plus with their 'experiments' last night.

The human boldly advanced, backing the bigger shark up against the poolside. Jay laughed, unable to find his partner intimidating in the slightest, and caught him lightly under the jaw with his snout - a love tap that knocked the human's head lightly. Smirking, Jay placed both hands flat on Ruwen's chest, turned him around and pinned him to the polished marble, leaning on the smaller male with only a portion of his weight, holding in place without causing any pain. A male who knew his strength and used it well was a fine treat indeed for the human.

Jay continued staring deep into his partner's eyes, unblinking in that fraction of intensity until he could see the reflection of his own glowing fish-eye. Without looking away, he felt some kind of heat rising to his snout and spreading through his abdomen, increasing his level of arousal. Jay shivered, lips parting to inhale in a quick intake of breath as the human did the same. Looks like even after a few millennia of evolution, the Predator's stare still works...Only this time it was his turn to become the prey.

"What..." Ruwen suddenly snapped out of his trance-like state. "What are you doing? Jay?"

"Honey, can you do this for me?" Jay whispered closely to Ruwen's ear. Ruwen gasped as he felt the shark manly hot pre running across his chest. Despite what just happened last night, that poor pair looked like they were positively churning with cum begging to be let loose, and he planned to help it out as much as he could.

"Wut?" he managed a quick reply.

"Just to be fair..." The shark murmured, leaning in to nuzzle up the human's neck from his Adam's apple to the line of his jaw. "You did a very good job last night...taking me two at a time...So..."

"Ah..." The human rolled his head back as the shark's sharp teeth caught the skin of his throat, teasing where blood pulses just a hair's breadth beneath the skin. "Yeah...umm...just be careful...mmm...sharp...teeth...oh...."

His words melted into a moan and he lifted his hands and clings to the poolside, eyes closed as the shark trapped him with his bulk. The shark traced his slender pink tongue over the human's cheek, turning his snout up to his to catch his lips in another hungry kiss.

Jay pushed Ruwen against the poolside, "Just lay back and enjoy. My treat,"Top of Form he lowered himself until his head is half immersed in the water, just the right position in front of the human hard erection.

"What?" Ruwen jerked back to life, pushing hard on Jay's chest though not moving him a single inch. "Mmmph - no! Your teeth... ahh"

Paying him no mind, Jay smiled back hungrily before wrapping the entire 8-inch shaft with his tongue.

"Oh... ohhhh, god that's nice... please don't...don't stop!" Ruwen eyes went half-lid as he clings to the poolside. His legs had started to feel like jelly as the shark did a wonderful trick using his tongue, shielding and wrapping the erect meat from sharp teeth. His webbed hands felt so good against the human's skin. Ruwen unconsciously started to push his hips into the shark's maw.

Without a word the shark opened his mouth and let out a warm breath of air, Ruwen watched in fascination as Jay coiled his tongue around the throbbing meat, gently squeezing and milking his oozing pre.

"Mmmm you like that do you? Your pre tasted really good...almost reminds me of blood," Jay said as he paused for a breath.

"I...can't...stand...up." Ruwen managed between pants as his legs grows weaker.

"How bout this...?" To Ruwen's surprise - and relief - Jay cupped his ass and lifted him closer towards his waiting maw.

Ruwen's throbbing cock jumped as he traced his tongue along its length before sucking the whole package into his mouth. Jay figured out that he could suck Ruwen's dick and still run his long tongue along the underside of his balls which drove him to moan as the waves of pleasure hit him.

Ruwen panted, unable to respond. He leaned back against the wall, the tiles feeling very cool against his hot skin as he gripped the back of the shark's head.

Jay rumbled an agreement. He was about to start milking this cock of its content when...

"Jay, I think it's about time," Ruwen playfully covered the shark eyes. "I got a pre-arranged surprise for you."

"Need some help?" A loud, clear voice boomed from behind them. It was a Captain Avery Jackson, a rather handsome T-Rex with a gold-crimson striped scales and matching eyes. He was putting down a metal crate beside the pool using his well-toned arms as he stepped into the water. He hadn't even needed to see the couple; the smell of sex was too ripe in the air.

The rex, couldn't believe what he was seeing in front of him. Of course you heard about guys having sex with an aquatic in the pool, and there was heaps of porn of it too, but he'd never expected to actually see it. He didn't know which one was hotter, Jay on his knees begging to be fucked, or the cute doctor with a nice body that turns him on. "Well, I know that we're friends but, I don't see this one coming. I thought that it might take a week or somethi'n since you guys met last night."

Up close, Ruwen could see the arousal in Jackson's eyes. Even if he hadn't the way the thin fabric of his underwear started to tent up was a subtle clue too. "Jack, don't just stand right there. I could use another cock around here."

The Rex teased both males with his clawed fingers, slowly sliding inside their tight pucker.

Ruwen moaned as he asked, " You guys ready for this?"

Jay just nodded eagerly despite the feeling that this is going to be 'big' and 'rough'. It's too late to back out now.

Jackson chuckled softly and eased his fingers out with a wet slop. He fixed his eyes on the shark as he grabbed a lube bottle.

Jay held his breath as he waited for the giant Rex dick to press against his ring. He'd taken the human no problem after all, and the human had a fairly impressive cock. The Rex?

Oh, it's gonna be an entirely different story. The Rex had at least a foot of meat and he'd never seen one so thick. It was going to hurt. It was going to feel so good. It was going to...

"FUCK!" Jay swore as in one movement as the rex grabbed his tail, flipped it away exposing his ass and slammed the blunt tip of his cock into the ring. The shark's ring felt like it was on fire as it spread to accommodate Jackson's hard member.

"I know sharks like it rough. He-he-hee" Jackson grinned lustily.

"Shut up," Jay closed his eyes as he felt betrayed by his own body, whimpered and bit his lip as he waited for the sensation to pass. He wanted this. These two males that he secretly loved and wished to meet again. Hey, he had taken way lot of guys before compared to this... "This should be easier," he thought to himself. "Although, the gang scene has happened quite a long time ago."

"Wait; are you Jack, the explosive expert?" Jay asked.

"Avery. Just call me Avery. Jack is-" Before Avery could finish his sentence a young reptilian voice came from the garage backdoor that connect to the pool. "Uhh, dad where should I put..." Jack voice faltered as he saw the scene in front of him.

"Lynch, is that...?"

"Yeah bud, remember this guy?" Ruwen broke the silence.

"Oh, you don't have to ask." Jack jumped into the pool. "This is totally going to be the best foursome ever. Hey Ruwen, you owe me 50 bucks."