Gymnasium Blues: Chapter III

Story by Haru Da Wolf on SoFurry

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"Gymnasium Blues: Chapter III"

Haru Da Wolf

In the basement of the gymnasium was a fairly dark room, where an even heavier scent of sweat and the slight sharp bite of blood tainted the still air and wafted up the staircase. Veruca held a paw up to her nose, screwing up her face in dislike at the harsh smell as she descended into the gloom.

The stairs seemed endless as the soft tap-tap of her foot paws' extended claws scraped over the wooden stair's surface. Those scrapes bounced off the walls and echoed forebodingly, seeming to taunt her as she walked.

When she got to the bottom of the stairs, she saw that a door was opened in front of her, and beyond that, blackness. She squinted, her eyes trying to pierce the gloom, but it seemed as if a solid veil of total blackness. It was quiet, too quiet... she tilted her ears back, feeling her entire stomach turning over and over inside her. Her compact frame trembled and tensed as she padded slowly forward, putting one paw cautiously in front of the other.

She could feel something that seemed to be ancient, as though her thoughts had picked up an old, dusty memory, and was turning it over in her head, trying to remember the significance of it. She walked toward the door, reaching nervously into the room with a trembling paw, searching for the light switch. After a few seconds, she found it, flipping it with a sigh of relief.

Nothing happened. She reached in and flipped it again. Nothing. She really was feeling scared as she let out a whimper, "J... Joe? A... are you in there?" She asked, her own body jumping at the sound of her voice.

No response from Joe. Was he alright? Had he fallen? Hurt himself? Been attacked? Or was there a door she had missed, maybe in the hallway? She turned to check her progress in the small hallway at the foot of the stairs. No... this was the only door and the light behind her flickered once as she looked at it, then in a flash, it burnt out, the only light streaming over only the top few stairs from the overhead windows in the gymnasium cieling.

She gulped, steeling herself as she put her right paw bravely forward, breaching the tomb-like wall of dead air. She gasped for breath in the fouled air, her eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness. She could feel deep padding under her feet, covered by what felt like a very durable meshed plastic material. She almost didn't catch a slight gleam as a dark blue glove flew out of the blackness and sailed toward her head. She dodged without thinking, rolling quickly to her feet, teeth bared.

She couldn't see very well, or hear much, thanks to her assailant making almost no noise as she turned on the spot, trying to take in all of her surroundings. She was blind. She couldn't see a damn thing as she felt a heavy blow land across her back. She grunted in shock as she felt the force of the blows rack her frame, sending her sprawling.

She was shocked as she heard a very familiar chuckle, and usually tender voice, now sounding dark, and domineering. "Having a hard time seeing? I should hope so... here, your senses don't matter... your mind does... use other tools to gain your advantage." He said, sounding, in any other situation than this, like a Far Eastern Buddhist monk. In this context, it sounded almost mocking, and it did have the effect of slightly ticking her off.

She growled throatily, turning and throwing a punch into the darkness, and hit nothing but open air. She turned quickly, giving a startled yelp and a soft cry of shock as she felt a blow connect with the side of her muzzle, sending her sprawling to the thick mat. She felt her heart stop as she saw the images brewing in her memory finally boil over, this feeling of helplessness blossoming into focus as she remembered her mother's voice, her eyes slipping out of focus before shutting tightly, brimming with tears as the memory played over and over in her head.

Her mother was a sweet woman, even if she was a human. Her father was a fox anthromorph, and she remembered him very little, he was always off at work with NASA on the space program. That left her with her mother, who hated her with a passion. She would yell at her, give her chore after chore, and laugh at her scrapes and cuts from the work. Then she would remember the nights when she had had one too many shots of vodka. She would scream, throw things at her, and sometimes even throttle her until she pretended to be unconscious. Her voice, her high pitched, screeching voice as she shouted that she was a beast, a worthless piece of trash that would never be anything. She remembered one night in particular she had wailed on her so much she could barely move afterward. She had lay there on the living room floor for over an hour, questioning if life was even worth living anymore when nobody loved her, when her father wouldn't be around to protect her from her violent mother. It took her years to finally tell her father about her mother's cruelty, and when she did, she was quickly taken out of her care and brought under his wing. Soon after this, Veruca's father divorced her mother, and they lived together as a single parent family. Eventually, her father had moved on and married a pretty skunkette named Ellen, who took Veruca as her own daughter. Even though she couldn't really remember this, until now, she always felt the weight of it.

She felt the first sob rack her body, her form tightening up into a little ball on the pad, just as he throat did as she began to cry, fat tears rolling down her cheeks and matting her face fur. She then saw colors blaring against her eyelids, and a frantic fall of footpaws, then a pair of strong paws running tenderly over her facefur.

Then she felt something she wouldn't have expected. A warm wet pressure was now pressing against her cheek. She knew it was Joe, she could smell him clearly, the foul odor of the room quickly clearing from her mind as she centered on his scent. She could smell his scent, something thick and heavy about it, but very pleasant and reassuring. She felt her lips tug ever so slightly upward as she still sobbed, rolling onto her back and looking up at him with her now soaked face, whining. "Joe... why did (sniff) you do that?"

He looked down at her from his place beside her, his paws rubbing over her arms and shoulders in a soothing manner as he whispered, "I wanted to see if you were mentally ready to go beyond the basics... and into the mental training..." He whispered, stroking her cheek lightly once more.

This moment now made him feel as if he were the lowest form of life on planet Earth. He lowered his muzzle, looking away from her. How could he have done this to her? How could he have let himself hurt her, the woman he saw as so wonderful, and was now crying because of something he did. He sighed heavily as he looked away, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you that hard..." he said, his voice filled with regret and anguish.

She looked up and shook her head, and, surprising herself that she did so, licked his cheek in confidence and gently stroked his crooked muzzle with a gentle paw. "No... it wasn't you... it's just that... when I was a little... my mother... she..." she trailed off, looking away from him, "never mind...." She whispered, tears continuing to fall as she gave a hard sniff, a little mucous hanging from the end of her nose.

Joe was petrified, he felt like a total asshole now, and he was reeling in the shock of having brought back this trauma to her life. "Is... is there anything I can do, Veruca?" he asked tenderly, nuzzling her cheek in reassurance as he sat on his rump, pulling Veruca gently up into his lap and wrapped his arms tenderly around her waist, just trying to reassure her and bring her comfort.

She sighed gently into Joe, her body sinking against his as she ran her paws tenderly over his forearms, letting his claws gently scrape beneath them at his tender flesh, giving a muffled giggle as she leaned her head back against his shoulder, enjoying this closeness she was sharing with Joe. She did know of something he could do, which was shut the fuck up and just hold her. She didn't really want to offend Joe right now, so she decided to keep her muzzle closed on her thoughts about his actions in regards to her for the moment.

Joe, too, was enjoying the vixen's proximity, using every strain of discipline to keep himself from trying anything inappropriate, and it was becoming a titanic struggle in his mind. With every passing second, the temptation grew stronger to explore more of her, to touch her in ways only he wanted to be allowed to touch her. He shuddered only slightly as he forced his eyes shut, nuzzling her neck tenderly before giving it a gentle lick.

She smiled broadly as she felt the tug of his warm muscle against her fur, making her give a soft, "mmh..." of delight as she gave a gentle squirm in his lap, her tail flicking teasingly over his chest, her soft, thick fur flicking over his nipples, making her protector's breath give involuntary shudders.

She paused, noting this change in how the body behind her was moving, her ears picking up a slowly rising thump-thump of his heart as his temperature started to rise. She looked back, turning her now gentle eyes up to her protector, noting how this room was a deep blue, the pads lining the walls, ceiling and floor. She looked up at him, burying her muzzle into the crook of his shoulder, murring softly, "feeling okay, Joe? You're burning up..." she whispered, the scent of his slowly growing arousal being covered up by the thick muskiness of the room.

He nodded softly as he looked down at her, the skin beneath his fur bright red as he murred down at her, surprised as she pressed herself even closer to him, "I'm fine, Veruca... I'm just fine..." he whispered, his paws running gently over her back.

Veruca sighed, her mind now far away from her mother, and now on the wolf who held her, that impressive, powerful man who now held her in his strong embrace. She sighed, nuzzling even deeper into his neck and taking a heavy whiff of his scent, noting that it had changed. Something deeper, more demanding was now present in his scent, turning on alarm bells in her mind, but were ignored as she felt nether regions starting to warm, as well.

Both Veruca and Joe had been thinking about what it would be like to be together, and maybe... just maybe... they could pull it off and stay friends. If not, they were going to hopefully enjoy their time together.

Veruca broke the silence as she whispered quietly at the male before her, "J... Joe?" She asked, looking up at him with soft, gentle eyes, that were hiding a sheen of desire and uncertainty behind them as she spoke.

Joe seemed to have fallen into a trance before being shook out of it by Veruca's inquiry, looking quickly down at her and finding herself muzzle to muzzle with the stunning young vixen. He gave a nervous gulp, feeling his sheath starting to stir with life beneath his pants. Joe was blushing hard as he looked up at her, "Yeah?" she asked, tilting his head, "what is it, V?"

She giggled nervously as she murred softly up at him, "maybe we should get these gloves off... they're hurting my paws..." she whined, looking down at them with a pout on her face as she leaned down and started to use her jaws to undo the knots. After getting both of them undone, she smiled over at Joe, who had already placed his gloves aside, his face unreadable as she unexpectedly leaned forward and took his muzzle in hers, a possessive growl rumbling in her throat as she stroked at his sides lustily, her eyes sliding closed as she pressed his frame back against the ground, causing him to give a soft, "oof!" of surprise as he hit the mat.

Joe's mind stopped cold as she felt her warm lips against his, his body reacting without his mind as his arms curled around her like twin constrictors, pulling her body tightly up against his as his paws explored over her back eagerly as he lay beneath her, feeling his sheath already coming to life, a little gasp sliding from him as his angry red tip rubbed over his bellyfur, making him whine gently into the kiss.

After what seemed an eternity, Veruca pulled her lips tenderly from Joe's, her eyes twinkling with something he had never seen before, adoration and love. Joe's life seemed to come to a halt, time seeming to halt in the intensity of that gaze. He murred deep in his throat as he murred up at her, "V... Veruca? C... can I tell you something?" He asked, his eyes never leaving hers.

Veruca nodded softly, reaching up to his cheek to gently stroke the side of his muzzle. "Go ahead, Joseph... I'm all ears..." she whispered, letting her tongue stroke gently at the side of his cheek.

He shut his eyes as he gently pulled his muzzle back and placed his nose gently against hers, "Veruca... as your coach... I perceive you as a wonderful work of art... you are beautiful... graceful... and your ability to have passion about what I do makes you even more special to me. Over the weeks that we have trained, I've found my thoughts returning to you again and again, and I keep thinking about this going far beyond the relationship of a coach and an athlete." He said, his voice steady and confident as he spoke. He may have sounded confident, but inside, he was shaking like a leaf on a tree, hoping to the deities above that he was in their favor.

Veruca was taken aback, for she was almost certain that she would be thrown aside and called trash, a little whore for seducing him like that. She was even more surprised as he leaned over and licked her cheek, whispering tenderly in her ear, "I... I want you to be my mate, Veruca... I want to be able to protect you, to care for you... to provide for you..." he ended in a whisper, his paws now stroking lovingly over her face as he whispered, "Do you, Veruca Vix, accept or decline my proposal?"

It was now her turn to have her heart skip a beat as she took a deep, steadying breath, wanting to scream "Yes!" but now, all she could do was nod, her eyes brimming once more with tears.

Joe felt his muzzle split with a broad grin as he swooped down upon her, rolling her onto her back laying a barrage of licks upon her face before taking her lips forcefully, growling down against her lips.

Veruca gave a loud gasp, her body going totally limp beneath the powerful wolf above her. She noted the now large tent that his pants had made on his hips. She giggled as she reached up and scratched behind his ears, her maw sliding open to accept his thick tongue into her maw, making her whimper as she felt her tongue dragging up against hers, her back arching up into the strong male above her.

Joe was lost in pure arousal and need, but also engulfed in this new, overpowering sense of love and devotion towards her, his maw clamped upon hers as he let his paws slide over her sides lovingly.

In this society, extramarital sex was totally unheard of, the thought of random mating just having no appeal among the therianthropic populous. There were the very rare cases of an affair, but that usually ended in the death of both partners via public execution.

She smiled up at him, panting for breath as they parted, giving loud gasps as she felt his hips being pressed eagerly against hers. She giggled as she looked up into his eyes, taking one of his paws and guiding it to the strap of her workout shirt. "Go on... mate... you can undress me..." she whispered tenderly, smiling brightly up at him.

To be honest, he had many better places he could think of to mate her than the activity room, but his need far exceeded the desire for a better locale. He groaned as he tugged her bright blue top's straps down over her shoulders and pulled them down over her arms and rolled it down, feeling the fur of her now exposed breasts pressing up against his chest fur. He heard her give a yelp and a smile as she leaned up and licked his cheek, whispering, "I'm yours, Joe... take me..." He didn't need asking twice as his paws swiftly went to her workout shorts, almost ripping them as she pulled them down her legs, growling down at her with a wry grin.

She moaned in need, feeling her nether regions reaching a rolling boil of expectancy, wanting, needing to feel him fill her wet slit, to mate her, to pup her. She gave a loud gasp as she felt his paw sliding over her most tender place, her hips bucking madly up to his paw, trying to get more as she whined his name in frustration, looking imploringly up at him. "J... Joe... Please...." She whined, her hips bucking harder as she felt his claw starting to run gently over her love tunnel, which seemed to grip at the emptiness within itself, making her need grow even stronger.

Joe growled low in his throat as he let his claws gently stroke over her warm slit, shuddering at the sheer slickness of them. He could tell that she was more than ready as he lightly popped a single finger up into her, feeling her walls grab desperately at the invading digit, followed by his future mate's husky groan, her legs giving a few soft twitches as she felt his finger sliding lovingly into her.

Veruca had never felt anything quite so wonderful in her entire life as that first touch, her eyes sliding shut in pleasure as she felt him slowly pull his finger from her, then opened her eyes just in time to catch him cleaning the digit meticulously, making her giggle, "D... do I taste good, Joe?" she asked, blushing brightly as she watched his gaze.

Joe murred throatily as he nodded, reaching down and sliding his sweatshirt up over his head and tossing it aside, along with his sweatpants and boxers, giving a low growl as he was now bared to her gaze. "mmmh... yes you do, my love..." he murred quietly, smiling down at her.

His smile was met with her gawking face as she stared at his crotch, looking as though a UFO had flopped out of it. She gave a soft noise of interest as she slid up onto her knees, taking from her mated friend's advice, and giving it a gentle nuzzle with the tip of her snout.

Joe grunted, his eyes rolling back into his head as he felt a surge of pleasure course through him, causing him to stiffen slightly before relaxing. His paws immediately dropped to cradle her head lovingly as he stood, letting her nuzzle his thick, hard shaft. "Nghh... baby..." he whispered, letting himself slowly sit down on the floor, murring loudly down at her.

Veruca giggled loudly as she let her mouth nuzzle slowly up the underside of his shaft to his tip, opening her mouth a little and pursed her lips around the tip, giving a few gentle sucks. A small jet of hot, salty liquid shot out onto her tongue as he heard her lover moan softly, his claws scratching gently behind her ears as she began to gently pump her head up and down on him, her right paw running lovingly over his shaft.

He grunted loudly, his back arching slightly as he felt her warm mouth wrap around his tip, his hips giving a gentle thrust forward, wanting her to take more, which she eventually did, his eyes rolled back into his head as he moaned her name loudly, his tail now wagging wildly behind him.

She began to growl down onto his warm member as she began to take slowly more of him into her mouth. Since now he had had a nice look at him, it seemed that he was about 9" long. He was pretty big, and in her opinion, he was just the right size for her. She personally though of his shaft as feeling like she were sucking on a very delicious hot dog, that pulsed and twitched as she teased it with her tongue, lips and paws.

To put it simply, Joe had died and gone to heaven, his paws scratching madly at the back of her ears as he looked down at his mate pleasuring him, giving her a warm smile and a soft, low whine as he bucked his hips a little bit, asking her to speed up a little bit. He could feel the first stirrings of his orgasm within his furred sack, feeling his testicles give a warning squeeze. Joe moaned quietly, leaning his head back as he gave a quiet yowl of her name, panting slowly as he urged her on even more, "oh... oh baby that's so good! Yeah... good... mmmmh god...."

Her perked ears caught every nuance of sound that Joe was making, making her nether regions convulse with need as she pulled herself back, laying back on the mats and spreading her legs wide, hissing up at him desparately, "fuck me, Joe... do me hard... and tie me... pup me!" she whispered, rising to a desparate groan as she held her legs up for him, as though inviting him in.

He smiled as he slowly dropped to his knees, then onto all fours above her, slowly lowering his nether regions up against hers, giving a groan as he felt her slick wetness pressing to the base of his shaft. "Veruca..." he whispered, looking down at her as he panted softly, "I... I love you..."

Veruca looked as though her world had finally come together as a smile as bright as the sun itself broke over her face as she stammered, "r... really? W... well... I... love you too... Joe...." She whispered, blushing softly as she leaned up and gently took her lips in his, grinding her hips as well up to meet his, drawing a collective groan from both she and him, their eyes sliding shut in unison.

Joe knew the time was now as he felt his hips slide back slightly, lining up with her as he licked her cheek, whispering, "here we go, sweetheart... grab my shoulders if it hurts." With that, he began to enter her, gently pressing his hips upward into hers, both of them gasping when his tip popped ever so gently into her, and soft noises of pleasure rose from the both of them.

Veruca was a virgin, she knew that herself, and it was because anthromorph females were born without hymens that the vast majority of pain was absent from their first mating. She whined softly, feeling her walls being spread for his invading phallus, the thick, hot rod pushing her walls aside, which grabbed possessively at him, forcing a few small groans out of him as he filled her. She gave a soft whimper of discomfort as she felt him hilt her, driving in his last three inches with a loud "fump!" After a few seconds, she found herself growing used to the new feeling, and began to enjoy it. She gave a soft buck of her hips and a tiny nod to tell him that he could continue.

He had to be dreaming, he just had to be as he gave a nervous thrust forward, then pulled back, then reseated himself carefully. He could feel her slit clamp down upon him as he moved, making his movement come against a bit more resistance. "nnngh.... Fuck baby..." he moaned, his back arching into the thrust as he got a soft, high-pitched gasp from his lover for his efforts.

The dance had begun, slowly picking up speed as time progressed, paws exploring over bodies, mouths kissing, licking and nipping at one another, throats creating louder and louder noises as their hips began to meet with more and more force. It was beginning to turn into a frenzy as he nipped at the side of her neck, Veruca crying out, "mark me! Mark me baby!"

He didn't need her to tell him twice as he slammed his fangs down into her, slamming his swollen knot up into her tight little slit, tying them both together and making them one.

She let out an unbidden scream of pleasure, her hips grinding madly up to his as they began to reach the final leg of their mating. The sound of labored pants filled the room as the already warm room began to reach near the boiling point for the lovers, whines, growls, yelps and groans coming from their united form as Joe moved his knot with surprising slowness, Veruca's wide open muzzle dropping to the side, her tongue lolling out over the mat, which was already beginning to smell like their combined scents. She groaned, whining out, "Oh Joseph... that's it... I'm... I'm close!" she said breathlessly, her voice laced with love, excitement and lust.

Joe grunted low in his throat, leaning his head back in exstacy, growling her name as he felt himself starting to tighten up, and gave a low, throaty groan as he released his hot seed up into his mate, filling her to the brim with his hot love juice.

That was all that Veruca needed, it seemed, as she lay her head back and cried out in explosive pleasure as her walls contracted violently in the waves of her first orgasm, barks and erfs of pleasure exploding from her as she rode it out, being placed in the serene afterglow with her mate, who slumped down on top of her, nuzzling madly into her neck, making a smile blossom across her muzzle as she murred, "my... my mate..."

Joe looked up and smiled, licking her cheek gently as he pulled her close, his body starting to shut down on him as he cuddled his mate close to him, feeling her nuzzle lightly into his chest and her breath ease out into a slow steady rhythm, easing him, too, into a light slumber.