Apartment E-7

Story by Boroco on SoFurry

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*Knock**Knock* Luke slide his chair away from his computer desk. He was not a very happy cat. *Knock**Knock* "Yeah, Yeah, I'm coming." He said and he scratched his brown fur. Who was it this time? he wondered. Luke was in a terrible mood. It was only thirty minutes after the landlord came to the door. *Knock**Knock* It was the same hallow sound as before. Luke tried not to think about it; it only made him angrier. *Knock*-- Luke opened the door before the second knock would hit.

"Yeah?" Luke halfway forced the word out. He knew it sounded rude and but he didn't really care. It was a grey wolf, about his own age, but a wolf not a cat, maybe older, though a lot more in shape. The wolf's fur was silver and grey, green eyes; he also had on a red and black sports jacket. "Can I help you?" Luke asked. "Uh, yeah, I am here about this." The wolf handed Luke a sheet of paper which he instantly recognized. It was one of the fliers he printed out several weeks ago. Looking for Roommate was shown in big bold letters on the heading. Luke scratched his head. "This is the right place right? Room E-7?" Luke looked up at him. "Yeah, it is. I'm sorry, what was your name?" The wolf extended his hand. "Daniel, nice to me you-" "Luke" He finished Daniel's sentence. "Alright, well you can come in, but I wasn't expecting anyone, so the place is a little dirty."

Luke let the wolf in and shut the door behind him and then leaned against it, reviewing the flier that Daniel just handed him. "So you've read all of it, right?" Daniel was looking around the room, inspecting it. "Yeah, I've memorized it." "No parties," He started counting on his fingers "buy your own food, clean up your own stuff, and the rent is split fifty-fifty, right?" Luke smiled "That's right." Daniel was still looking around the room. "You know, this place isn't so dirty. Could probably use a new-" Daniel glanced over the futon, and the small makeshift coffee table "everything." The statement irritated Luke a little. "Well you know, if I had enough money to get real furniture I wouldn't need a roommate. Collage students don't get much luxury." The words came out sharp, but they didn't seem to bother Daniel much.

Daniel made his way to the small little kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Luke started "Now hey-", but Daniel interrupted him "Looks like you're a heavy eater." The words hit Luke like a cannon. It was true, he was a little overweight. 5'7, and weighed 210 pounds, but he didn't have to say it like that. Luke became very flushed. 'He didn't mean it, it's just me.' Luke thought. Either way, Luke took a disliking to the wolf. He didn't want a roommate anyway; it's just... Luke looked beside his computer desk; there laid the piece of paper the landlord gave him. It was still crumpled up. He didn't have a choice. It was the middle of the fall semester, and it was three weeks since he posted the flyer. He had to get the rest of the money somehow.

"This place isn't so bad." Daniel walked out of the kitchen. Luke stared at the floor, still thinking about his situation, but Daniel noticed. "Oh no..." This caused Luke to look back up. "What?" Daniel frowned. "Did I say something wrong?" Luke had completely forgotten about the remark until now. "No, you didn't" Then Daniel sighed. "It's just I always tend to speak my mind about everything, so sometimes I end up saying something rude." This made Luke feel a little better. But still, he didn't like outgoing people like that. He didn't like to be so forward.

"So where are you living now?" Luke asked as Daniel went back to poking around the room. "Nowhere." Luke frowned. "Nowhere?" Daniel was looking over the entertainment center. "Yep, last roommate was a complete jerk. Threw me out, and I really have no place to go." Luke raised an eyebrow. "So, you just came here?" "Well actually, I slept in my van last night. I went to drop my friend off at school today and I saw your flier." He pointed to the paper in Luke's hand. "Well you know your share of the rent is-"one-hundred, eighty dollars" Daniel pulled a wad of cash out of his pocket and handed it to Luke. One-hundred, forty, one-hundred, sixty, one-hundred, eighty, it was all there. It was a complete wadded mess, but was all there, and it was all he needed.

Luke didn't know if to think that Daniel was a blessing or a curse. He seemed disorganized, as in his manners, his thoughts, and everything about him. This made Luke feel very uneasy. Luke wasn't the type of person to take risks. If he ever made a decision he was always one-hundred percent sure of himself, but he didn't have a choice. He had to get money and this was his only option. He justified himself with that thought. Yes, this was the only possible way.

Luke looked up from the money he was holding in his hands. "Alright, well that's everything. You know it's only a one bedroom apartment." Daniel shrugged. "I'm fine, as long as you're ok being in the same room as..." Daniel stopped for a second. "What's wrong?" Luke was a little puzzled. Daniel scratched the back of his neck "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you I'm gay." Luke's eyes widened. It was the last thing he expected to hear. How could he say it so casually? There was a knot in his throat and it didn't want to go down. Daniel frowned "Is that a problem? If it is, I can just leave." Luke gathered his thoughts "N-No" he choked. "I'm sorry; I just wasn't expecting that - that's all." Daniel waited for a reply. "Look, that's your own business. I don't care as long as you pay your part of the rent" Then the wolf smiled and nodded. "Alright then, I guess I'll go downstairs and get my things." Luke couldn't help but wonder. "All of your things are downstairs?" Daniel was already opening the door. "Yeah, I don't have much. Some clothes, and money, that's all." Luke's mind went only to one thing. "S-so you don't have a bed?"

It's been two nights since he came, and he hasn't slept here once. It didn't take Luke long to also figure that that not only was Daniel not enrolled in collage (That he could deal with), but he also didn't have a job. The money Daniel got was borrowed from the same friend he had taken to school the very day that he and Luke had met, and not only that, Daniel hadn't even been at the apartment in two days. Three hours after he paid Luke, some of his friends picked him up. Luke really didn't like being under circumstances like this. He didn't know if he should be worried or not. He had already paid the landlord, so that was off his mind. He didn't really care if Daniel even stayed, he could save enough up for next month by himself. It would be hard, but he could do it.

Then Luke started wondering about what Daniel said: "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you I'm gay." He played it again and again in his head like a broken recorder. Luke was like that too. Luke just couldn't be so open like that. He didn't even want to admit it to himself. He's always hidden it, ashamed of it. Thinking about it didn't hurt anymore though. He was well use to the fact that he liked men, just as long as he wouldn't admit it to himself. He just assured himself he was normal like everyone else, always one-hundred percent sure; He had to be sure. This wasn't the case anymore. He was never around people so open about it. He shut it out of his mind. It didn't matter. He continued to do his Chemistry homework. It was several days before it was due, but it helped him get his mind off of things.

Luke had forgotten about the time when there was a knock at the door. Daniel. The thought alleviated one of his problems and induced another. When he opened the door it wasn't just Daniel, but also a raccoon. He was a little shorter than Daniel. But that was all Luke could notice before he realized Daniel was hunched over with one arm around the coon. "W-What happened? Is he hurt?" The raccoon smirked "No, but the dumbass should be." Luke felt uncomfortable. "Set him on the couch." Luke pointed, and then helped the raccoon carry Daniel. "You must be Luke" The raccoon said after they laid Daniel down. "Yeah, that's right." He wasn't wondering about Daniel anymore. He smelled the alcohol on him all the way to the seat. "Well my name is Cornell" said the coon. Cornell, Luke remembered the name. It was Daniel's friend that gave him the money. "Daniel had been party hopping for a few days. It's just past mid-terms and people aren't taking collage so seriously right now; lots of partying going on." Luke wouldn't know. He rarely got his nose out of a book, let alone to a party. He hadn't ever been to one, but he wasn't interested in the least. "Anyway, sorry I have to dump him off like this, but he isn't the only one passed out I have to take home." Luke nodded. "Alright, well thanks." Cornell waved as he shut the door behind him.

Luke looked at Daniel passed out on the couch. It really happened fast. He wasn't expecting him to show back up like this. Well, especially like this. He couldn't just leave him there; he stank after all. Daniel was a little bigger, but Luke had no trouble carrying him to the bathroom. Luke started finding himself in a pickle. The futon was broken, it wouldn't roll out. It simply made a small little sitting space for the drab little entertainment center consisting of only a small regular 20" TV. The only place he could put Daniel was in his bed, but definitely not like this. He hadn't had a bath in days.

"A bath..." Luke said softly aloud. "Would he mind me washing him?" Luke bushed a bit. "I mean he is gay, right?" Daniel was completely unconscious. It was harder than Luke thought, getting him out of his clothes. The shirt was easy enough but his pants and underwear he had to get much more aggressive. He wasn't though, until he was sure Daniel wouldn't wake up. He had to be sure. After this, Daniel became much more subconscious. He would follow Luke's lead and sometimes do what he told him too, so getting him in the shower was much easier.

Now there was something else Luke hadn't thought of: This was only a stand up shower, not a standard bathtub. The downstairs apartments had stand up showers in case there were any elderly tenants. When he first got the apartment, Luke thought he was lucky getting a downstairs one like he did, but at this moment he wasn't so happy. Now what was he suppose to do? He wasn't going to get his clothes wet, that was for sure. Luke sighed, and then began undressing himself too. Daniel wouldn't remember any of this, so it was fine.

Luke started up the shower. He liked his showers cold, but he thought this might snap Daniel out of his sub consciousness, so he decided a warm shower was better. Hot, too hot, and now too cold -- this is one reason he doesn't take warm showers, too much hassle. Finally he got it right. He sat behind Daniel which he thought would be too much of a burden to get to stand. Luke started lathering up Daniel's back, he slowly started scrubbing his shoulders and then down his back. Daniel moaned. Luke couldn't help but blush a little. He felt Daniel's back muscles as he washed his back; slowly moving his fingers over the crevices. He wasn't incredibly toned, but much more than Luke was use to.

Luke wondered... He pressed his face against Daniel's back. He barely knew him, what was he doing? His mind was racing. He was attracted to Daniel, he knew it. That was fine, as long as he didn't admit it to himself. He was fascinated by him. He spoke what was ever on his mind, and did things completely off the top of his head. Something Luke would never do. He has to be sure of everything he does, one-hundred percent sure. He didn't know him long but-. Something interrupted his thoughts. It was the sound of Daniel crying. Luke was a little shaken at first, but then he realized that Daniel wasn't awake. Still though, he was sobbing slightly under his breath. Luke felt a little ashamed. Whatever reason Daniel was drinking for, it wasn't for the enjoyment. He wanted to forget something.

Several weeks had passed. Luke became much more use to his new roommate. Daniel promised not to drink anymore, and he really didn't seem to remember anything from the one night he did. Luke was really relieved at this. Both have tried to unroll the futon, and actually succeeded the first few nights, but they decided it took far too much effort, so Daniel would sleep along with Luke in his bed until he got enough money for his own. Luke was uneasy at first, but eventually became much more use to it. Daniel found a job across the street working as a gas station clerk, and nothing more was ever said about the night he came home drunk.

The door swung open as it always did every night Daniel came home. Luke was mindlessly typing away at his computer. "Here cat." Luke felt the shock of a cold melon cola on the back of his neck. He quickly grabbed it and Daniel plopped down on the futon. "Why do you only ask for one when I come home? Why don't you just get a case and stick it in the fridge?" Luke was use to Daniel now; he didn't really care about the direct questions anymore. "Just because" would settle it, Daniel was satisfied. The real reason was that Luke liked those melon colas too much. If there was a case in the refrigerator then he would drink them all too fast. He needed to cut down.

"Hey Luke, I was wondering." Luke was only halfway paying attention. It was divided between Daniel and his paper and his school work took priority. "Yeah?" He managed to mutter out. "Well, it's just you remind me a lot of my old roommate. H-He was a cat too you know." That managed to tear Luke's attention away from his paper. Not really the subject so much as it was the way Daniel spoke. It was very rarely that Daniel had a problem saying something on his mind, and he could tell something was bothering him. "And?" Luke urged. "And, I was wondering why you don't have a girlfriend." Luke was surprised, but after living with Daniel so long he handled his surprises much better than before. "Not everyone wants to find a partner all the time. Some people have other wants too." Luke knew it was coming. "Ah ok, so it's like the saying goes. You're married to your work, eh?" Daniel started laughing. Luke just smiled and shook his head.

Daniel soon regained his serious tone. "But it's just that my last roommate and I..." Daniel leered at the floor. He had Luke's full attention now. "It's just we..." Daniel paused another time, but then looked up and smiled. "I really don't know where I am going with this." Luke stared blankly at him. He tried desperately to read his feelings. Daniel ducked his head between his legs, he held his hands over his head, and just sat there. Luke knew something was wrong. He got out of his computer chair and sat down beside Daniel. He was more than just a roommate, he was his friend. Luke put his hand on Daniels back. "Hey what's wrong?" Daniel couldn't think. He got up and went into the bedroom with Luke following him. Luke was sure of it, one-hundred perfect sure: Something was wrong. Daniel sat on the bed with

his hands covering his face. Luke patted his back. "Hey look, you can tell me anything."

No amount preparation could help Luke next. Daniel said it, and he said it busting out with every muscle in his body: "I love you!" Luke's heart stopped, but he couldn't help himself now. Daniel went into a fury of sobs. "Please don't hate me, I'm sorry." He cried even harder "I'm sorry, I take it back." Luke couldn't think, his mind was blank; he tried to make sense of something, anything. What was he feeling? Happiness? Anger? His mind was an ocean of emotion, but he couldn't tell which one it was. Then he knew what he had to do. It was there with him all along. His insecurities, his self loathing, everything about him that he hated was revealed. Luke couldn't take it anymore, emotion swelled in him like a balloon. All the emotion he kept in to himself, that he would share with no one else surfaced. He said it without regrets, without even knowing. He released his insecurities in one mindless involuntary phrase: "I love you too."

Daniel looked at Luke. Tears were still in his eyes. They didn't say anymore to each other. Daniel stared at Luke what seemed like forever. Luke realized what he said. He didn't mean to. He would never take risks like that... why would he- but before Luke could think anymore he was laying down with Daniel on top of him, both of them staring into each other eyes. "Do you mean that?" Luke was as white as he was brown. The question rolled in his head echoing. Luke came to tears. "Yes."

Luke closed his eyes, thinking about the risks, about the facts, but he stopped. Luke felt Daniel's tongue enter his mouth. Luke had never kissed another person. It was a completely new experience, but he cried. Daniel slid his tongue around Luke's mouth, slowly. Luke felt Daniel's tongue exploring; tenderly they wrapped their tongues together. Daniel slid his left hand down Luke's stomach then up his shirt. Never, never had Luke experienced something like this. It filled his head, his skull. He cried harder. Daniel stopped kissing him. Daniel held Luke in place as he drifted down to his waist. He carefully unbuckled Luke's belt, and kissed Luke in his pelvic area as he slid off his pants. Luke's mind was filled with emotion, but he knew what it was: He was happy. He had never felt another person touch him there. He had done it many times himself before, but never from anyone else. His mind was bloated, so many thoughts at once. He felt Daniel's mouth cover the tip then the rest. It was wonderful. All the thoughts of risks left his mind. He no longer felt insecure about his weight, or his studies, or his choices.

Luke squirmed, all of this was new to him, but Daniel was no amateur about this. He was happy he could please Luke. Carefully up and down Daniel took Luke's entire shaft. Although Daniel had done this many times he wasn't really prepared for Luke's reaction. All of his other partners were quite experienced. They would never twitch, and moan nearly as much as Luke did. It reminded him of his first time. This got Daniel very excited. Luke clutched the sheets on his bed and started thrusting with his hips, moaning louder and louder. He was close, but Daniel didn't want it to end quite yet. He was in complete control, and he wanted to please Luke as much as possible.

Daniel took Luke's member out of his mouth. Luke's eyes were closed and he was panting rapidly. He still hadn't recovered from before and his emotions were quite unstable. Everything was running through his mind, he was just so happy. "C-can... I try?" Daniel looked up. Luke's eyes were still closed, and he breathed even harder after saying it. It made Luke nervous thinking about it - Daniel inside his own mouth. Luke had thought about it somewhat. He usually pushed it out of his mind when ever those kinds of thoughts about Daniel came up, but every once in a while he couldn't help but wonder. What would it be like? What would it taste like? His own thoughts made him even more nervous.

Luke sat up on the bed, beneath his fur his face was completely red. Daniel beamed a smile at him. "I don't know, you any good?" Luke swallowed the lump forming in his throat. "I-I dunno." He looked down. "Well whatever, I trust you." And with that Daniel leaned forward and kissed Luke once more. Daniel did it casually but Luke wasn't use to the feel. Luke knew he wasn't any good at kissing so he let Daniel lead, rolling his tongue around Luke's. Daniel fell back pulling Luke with him. His head became hot again, even kissing was too much. Luke pulled himself away, breathing, taking all the new experiences in.

Luke put his hand on Daniel's crotch. He was already hard. Luke unlocked Daniel's belt and unzipped his pants and carefully pulled them off. He suddenly became quiet. Again, Luke couldn't take it. Daniel was there in front of him, fully undressed from the waist down. Like before in the shower, but Daniel was conscious. Daniel wanted Luke there with him, he loved him. He never felt that before, someone wanting him to do these things. Luke clutched his face with his hand, and he began to cry.

Daniel sat up and held Luke in his arms. "Hey look, if you're not ready for this that's fine." There was a pause. "No." Luke sobbed "That's not it, it's just." Luke wrapped his arms around Daniel and buried his face into Daniel's stomach. "I-I've never had anyone... I've never had anyone who..." Luke began to cry even harder. Daniel didn't realize how hurt Luke was. He didn't realize all the emotion he kept in. Daniel admired Luke with his hands. He ran his fingers through his hair and touched Luke's ears. He felt of them, ran his thumb and finger from the base to the end. This seemed to calm Luke down a bit. Then Daniel barely touched the end of Luke's ears, causing them to involuntarily twitch. That was like him, always trying to lift a heavy situation by being funny.

Luke forced himself up to Daniel's face. "I meant it; I really meant it when I said I loved you." Tears were still in his eyes, but they were red and swollen now. "At first I thought I said it without thinking, but..." and then he smiled "But I knew it, I've known it for a long time. I just couldn't admit it to myself." Luke clutched Daniel's hand. "God, I am so happy." Daniel was speechless. He was worried that Luke would hate him for admitting his feelings, but now this? Daniel started to tear up. "Luke, I meant it too." "I say what's ever on my mind, so I say a lot of things I don't mean." He looked Luke right in the eyes. "But I have never been more sure of something." "I love you." Luke was so happy, but this time emotion didn't overtake him. He was calm, tranquil, because he was sure of himself. Daniel put his hand to Luke's face. "Weren't you about to do something?" Luke smirked "Oh yeah."

Daniel was a little spongy by then, but it wasn't long before Luke's hands caused him to get aroused again. Luke took in a deep breath and slowly took Daniel's penis in his mouth. "Ouch, watch the teeth." It wasn't really what Luke expected -- Pure flesh in his mouth. It was his first time so he couldn't take a lot in, maybe half. The other half he held with his hands. It took a while but Luke got into rhythm and rocked slowly back and forth.

Daniel sucked air in through his teeth. It definitely wasn't his first. But it had been a while. It felt good, damn good, but it felt even better knowing that Luke was the one doing it. Someone he really cared for and not some guy he met at a bar. And not like his last roommate. He avoided that thought. He really couldn't focus on much anyway, Luke was doing a good job for his first time, and Daniel was feeling it.

Luke was really enjoying himself after he settled down. He liked the way it tasted and felt in his mouth. He enjoyed the fact that he was pleasuring Daniel, and it was a lot easier than kissing. After a while Daniel started thrusting, this excited Luke even more so he went faster. "Ah..h. n-no..." Daniel ejaculated and an awful taste filled Luke's mouth, but he kept Daniel's cock covered anyway. Daniel panted, Luke tried to swallow the semen, but it wouldn't go down. It was awful tasting, and knowing what it was, was even worse. "Here, let me get that" Daniel lifted himself up to Luke and inserted his tongue. Luke gladly gave him all the liquid and Daniel gulped it down like nothing.

"I don't think I can get use to that." Luke wiped his mouth. Daniel laughed "Oh, it doesn't bother you after a while." Daniel was still panting and Luke was proud of his job. He actually made someone orgasm. The thought of it made Luke hard again, he still hadn't come himself. Daniel's ears perked up "Oh yeah! I forgot!" He bent down and picked his pants off the floor and took out his wallet and pulled out a packet of some kind. "This is for you." Daniel held it with both of his fingers and thumbs as if he was showing it off like some article of clothing.

"A condom?" Luke's eye's widened. "No, I'm definitely not ready for that, I-" "No," Daniel interrupted. "FOR you silly." Luke was puzzled "Huh?" Daniel tore the packet and inserted the contraceptive in his mouth. He then buckled down Luke and fitted Luke's penis with his teeth. "What, you mean?!" Daniel licked his finger and inserted it into his own ass. "Oh D-Daniel I can't!" Now he had two fingers in. "Why not?" Now Luke was really hard." B-Because!" It was too late. The wolf had pinned down the cat -- one hand on his chest and the other hand adjusting the covered penis.

Luke gasped as he entered Daniel's ass. "Ahh..h... D-Daniel.." Daniel became hard again hearing Luke moan. He wasn't usually so forceful but the way Luke reacted aroused him. He grabbed his own cock and began beating off rocking back and forth listening to Luke. Luke was in ecstasy, having Daniel force himself on Luke was too much. Every time the moans would get louder and Luke would get close, Daniel would stop rocking. He wanted to savor the moment, it was just so much. After doing this several times Luke finally shouted "I-I cant take it anymore!" he thrusted his hips even though Daniel stopped rocking. He held on to Daniel's thighs pushing him up so he could finish. Daniel jumped off the bed and removed the condom. Luke tried to reach but Daniel held his hands. "That's not fair!' Luke shouted. Daniel tried to calm him down. "Hey, you don't want to make a mess do you?"

Daniel inserted Luke into his mouth again, slowly sucking, draining him of everything, making it last as long as he could. Luke couldn't take it anymore. He shouted as he came and Daniel let the liquid ride down his throat which seemed like forever. Luke was gasping, panting. It took everything out of him and his prostate muscle was hurting. Daniel finished for the second time in his hand right after this. He laid his head on the foot of the bed and moaned as he came right in his hand. He took it and licked it clean.

Daniel slowly crawled up beside Luke and held him tight. Luke was never so happy. "Well, I don't think I'll need to get another bed." Luke held Daniel's arms around him. He was free of his confining thoughts, as if Daniel would express them for him. He was where he wanted to be. He was where he needed to be. Luke was sure of that, one-hundred percent.