Slave 3

Story by Marcwolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Slave

I have had a lot of wonderful replies re the first two stories here. I wanted to complete the circle as it were. So here it is.

I hope you enjoy it..


I sat, feeling the warm grass beneath my thighs and tail, my cheeks still burning from the shed tears of the past week.

Why did they have to go?. I knew the answer all to well. They loved each other and could not bear to be apart.

Brett went first. His sickness getting worse as the winter months grew in, and his coughing grew worse, Tess did what she could but we all knew that it was just a matter of time.

And when he drew his last breath Kyle held him in his arms, drank the potion, and followed him into the beyond.

Looking around the fields once more I let the fond memories seep in, and then turned to pat down the stirred earth. In spring a flurry of snow-bells and blue bells would mark a new life but I knew I would not be there to see it. Snowbells for Kyle and Bluebells for Brett.

I did not need to look when I felt a presence next to me. "Hello Tess, Stepen " I murred softly.

"Karl.. you are welcome to stay with us tonight. You know the boys would love to see you, and well â€" now that the farm is sold you cannot stay here."

I nodded and stood, towering over both of them. Although we were all wolves my Artic heritage from my father showed through. I was tall, white furred with green eyes. And my arms were marked with tribal scars that my farther had carved for me.

Tess was my mother, and Kyle was my father. Tess had given me to him and Brett when I was born. I had been told the reason and I understood, loving her for her selflessness in giving my two fathers a gift they could never have themselves.

I looked at the graves one last time. Pulling my emotions around me like a cloak. Formless and unreadable.

Tess waited for a few moments and left me in my thoughts

"Fathers.. I loved you so very much. I hope you find peace wherever you are"

I turned and felt a sharp pain in my chest.. I gasped for breath feeling it flare outward in a burning sensation, and finally contract again to a small cold sphere deep inside me. What had happened I do not know â€" only that I felt it tugging at me.. leading me somewhere.. or wanting me to be someplace else. Since my adulthood I had these feelings, like a longing wanting me to be elsewhere. Now that my fathers had passed they were becoming stronger, almost unbearable.

It was getting dark as I entered Tess's house â€" my nose almost overwhelmed by the aroma of herbs and spices, Tess was one of the most accomplished Herbswoman in the county and respected by all.

A small furry bundle yipped in delight and hurled himself from the stairs into my chest "Karl.. You here.. want to come up and see what I got"

I chuckled, letting my spirits lift at the enthusiasm of the 9 year old "Later, after supper"

Turning I saw Stan looking shyly at me. At 15 he had grown into a fine young male and was being chased by the local lasses. But Tess and I knew what was not yet spoken â€" Stan was for males. In time Stan will tell us where his feelings lay, and I suspected that he was considering myself as a possible partner.

Later that evening I spoke with Tess re my unsettled feelings. She checked the scent of my breath, looked at my gums, and noted the color of my maleness. All seemed to be fine.

Taking a small stool with a swivel top she told me to sit and close my eyes. As I did she spun it gently and told me to stop it where the feeling was strongest. As I did I saw I was facing a cabinet. We did it again several times and each time I stopped it in the same direction.

Tess pondered for a few minutes and then went to another drawer and took out a Lodestone. Putting it on its float we watched as it also pointed in the directions of the cabinet.

"North" Tess mused. "I have heard of some wolves and other fur's having this.. Your instincts want you to go North."

I shook my head "Why North.. What is there for me? Especially now?"

Tess smiles "Your Past.. Maybe your future." She tapped my muzzle with a finger "Remember who you are and where your heritage came from. I am your mother but there seems to be so little of me in you"

"I'm sorry" I stammered..

"No.. I'm not saddened or angry. It is who you are. And I would not want you any other way Karl. I have always been proud to know that you were my son, and that Brett and Kyle were your fathers." She smiled and stood on tiptoes to kiss my forehead.

It was late when I finally went to bed. Tess and Stepen has fixed up the spare bed in the attic for me away from the rush and bustle of the rest of the household. I needed some time to myself and to think.. Futures. The farm was gone. I was a freeman with many skills but master of none.. I also had gold enough to take me where ever I wanted my paws to tread, and enough to settle and start anew.

I had only retired for what seemed to be a few minutes when there was a quiet knock at the door. Being late I whispered "Yes.. who is there"

I was not too surprised to see Stan creep in, looking nervous.

"Stan.. what's up - is there a problem"

Stan shook his head and seemed even more ill at ease "Karl. Can I talk to you about something?"

I nodded and moved in the bed so that he could sit on the edge "Sure.. what is on your mind"

He sat for a few moments â€" collecting his thoughts "Are you going to go away?"

I thought for a few minutes. "I have to. There is nothing really here for me and I can feel the tug again. Leading me somewhere."

Stan seems to collapse in on himself a little so I questioned

"You do not want me to go?"

He made a small shake of his head and breathed deeply "Karl.. I know that you have had lovers in the village.. Both male and female." took a deep breath "why have you never approached me?"

I chuckled softly "Because you never asked, you were too young. And also you were my brother. I had expected that you would seek another male in the village for companionship"

He turned and looked at me surprised "You knew that I was for males?"

"Stan â€" Tess and I had guessed that you were for males for the past 2 seasons. But â€" it was not my place to make the approach"

"Would you stay if I asked you to.. If you were my mate? Or another someone in the village?"

I looked at him seeing his down turned muzzle. "Stan. I.. it is not you but I must follow my instincts. I cannot explain this need to go. And I fear that if you were my mate you would not survive the journey"

Stan sniffed and nodded "Then.. Will you sleep with me"

I hugged him "Of course if you want me to.. But.. I will not tie with you. Ok. "

Stan nodded and hugged back â€" knowing the local customs that a tie mean a life mating.

The next day I considered my options and decided to follow the pointer in my mind. If nothing else then it will answer some questions, and even if it amounted to nothing I would still be seeing more of the world.

Tess and Stepen were understanding, but saddened. Both knowing that they were all the family that I had. And where would a wolf be without family. What was also surprizing was their acceptance of Stan's wish to journey with me so see some of the world. I tried to make them understand that I was not sure WHERE I was going, but with many a tradesfur or merchant travelling through the village it should be easy to find an honest fur to travel with Stan back. With luck he could even get an apprenticship from it.

I packed for two, knowing that Stan would not be able to carry what he needed by himself. Again thanked the Gods for giving me the build of my father as there were no other wolves in the village with my height and strength.

Setting off in the morning I made my way into the town center. Standing there with eyes closed I felt the distant tug and turned to walk that way. Stan looked at me and grinned â€" "That's way"

I nodded "That way"

Stan pulled out a small lodestone and looked at it "it is North.. your going north"

"I don't know what way I am going only that it is that way."

We traveled for many weeks. Myself finding that I often needed to slow to let Stan keep up with me. For him it was a wonderous journey seeing sights, scents, and sounds that he would never have experienced whilst living in the village. Fortunately he has a knack of knowing which fur was trustworthy and which was not â€" something that gladdened my heart as I has been very concerned for his journey back.

Finally after about a month we made it to the nearest port. Both Stan and myself were overwealmed by the crush and bussle of the docks, ships arriving and leaving, and the cries and calls of the merchants checking and sampling the wares.

The weather was turning from late summer into autumn, and I knew that winter was on its way. When the wind blew in from the sea I could smell a crispness on it â€"clean and invigorating that only made the beaconing pull more insistant.

Stan was comfortable with loose pants and an overcloak, but in the late heat I preffered to go with just a simple leather loincloth. I could have gone comfortably furclan if I wanted but the front of the loincloth held a pocket for my gold, and a short knief.

One boat I passed had several sailors leaning on the railings. My height and white fur generally set me apart from most of the other furs however these sailors seem to be a little more than curious â€" giving a friendly wave and nod.

Their manner intrigued me so I made my way over to the boat to talk with them.

"Ho Northerner, your running it a bit late for your home?" one of then called out

"I think you must be mistaken. I have only just arrived and this is the first time I have ever been to this part of the world"

"Really, well you're a splitting image of one of the Northern clans, right down to your

arms. Infact if the Capt'n saw you he prob tell you what Clan they are from."

That definitely caught my interest and a short while later Stan and myself was chatting to a elderly beaver â€" Capt'n Ryu, the owner of the Frost Sprite.

Capt'n (thou he preferred to be called Ryu) listened to our tales and huffed over his beer. "Tis said once a Northerner always a Northerner. And you're a prime example of one. Mix the genes up how you want â€" the Northern ones will always pop to the top."

I was a little unsure of his tone â€" he had a very gruff accent "Do you think that is a good or bad thing?" I asked carefully

"Nevr met a Northerner that I did'nt like. Honest hardworking folks who's word was as good as their gold. I take it your looking to head North and maybe need passage?"

"If your heading that way then I can pay"

"I am sure you can, but if you want to put a bit of your muscle into the deal then I'm happy to make it a very reasonable offer"

We agreed on a price, Stan offered to work in the galley and help the ships doctor (living with his mother he had a good knowledge of healing), and I would help with the loading and the rigging.

For the next week or so I was kept busy hoisting loads into the hold, carrying sacks, and rolling barrels. This was to be Ryu's last run north for the season and he hoped to beat the ice on his journey back. He also had a great number of maps and was able to give me much knowledge on the lands to the north.

At last the ship cast off and we were on our way.

The ship has a couple of kayaks and I found that I had a natural talent for using this sleek craft.

Ryu joked several times that I seem to have been born into using them. It helped that I was able to keep pace with the ship on the calmer days and bring in welcome treats of fresh fish for Stan to use in the galley.

I could also see other changes happening to me. My upper body was building out with the rowing and my fur was thickening. I was still white but now with black ear tips and tail tip. I had a thick dense undercoat and a layer of guard hairs on top. The crew had no trouble with me going furclad as there were some slaves on board, but clothing made me itch and pant from the heat. Even the strongest breeze had difficulty getting through my pelt now however Ryu tolk me that that was fairly normal for a Northerner

We made land fall at one of the far most northern ports. Ryu would be staying here for two weeks and had promised to wait for Stan. The crew had taken liking to him, appreciating his cooking and the help offered for splintered paws and bruised tails. There was also a slightly older wolf on board and I had noticed he and Stan often sitting alone and chatting with a closeness that hinted of more than just friendship. Maybe Stan had found someone after all, and a merchant sailor was not a bad career to pursue, especially whith as good a captain as Ryu.

In the distance from the harbour I could see that mountains of ice moving southwards. Harbringers of what I would have to travel through. We got a map and found there was a small out post about 4 days walks from the port. Already each day the frost lay on the ground until nearly noon and the sun was lower each day.

On the forth day it snowed. If a stranger was to see us he would have been surprised to see a tall white wolf and a large bundle of furs and cloaks bundled next to him. I had already decided that I would make Stan go back when I go to the outpost. He did not like the cold and I knew that the temperature would only go down for here in.

The outpost was really just a trading inn where various tribes met to sell their wares and to pick up supplies of things not found locally. The owner was a large brown bear with a open honest face.

"Welcome to my inn.. I am sorry but you can only stay one night as I will be closing for the winter. I am Barry by the way."

I reached out and clasped his offered paw. It was a strong friendly grip and I felt reassured that this fur carried no malice or guile.

"Myself I am Karl and this is Stan.. my brother"

With this his ears twitched "Brother?.. Will you trade that story for a meal and a bed?"

"Gladly" Stan muttered and made his way over to the hearth and started to shed his cloaks.

Barry busied himself getting the last of the inn shutdown for the winter

"I've no fear of thieves here, but the winds can be pretty fierce" Barry called over his shoulder

I nodded "And where will you be heading when you leave?" I asked.

"South to where it is warm" he chuckled "An old friend of mine always makes a run this time of the year and I hope to catch up with him."

"Old Friend.. Not a fur called Ryu of the Frost Sprite"

The bear laughted "Ay, that be him. So he's in port now. I better hurry my bones else I'd be stuck here for the snow. How long will he be in port"

"About another 8 days or so. If your heading back can I ask that you take my brother back with you, I'll be happy to pay for your help"

"More than happy to, and keep the gold. It be nice to have a walking companion fro a few days." Barry grinned, leaning against the bar and pulling up mugs of warm mead. I grinned as Stan's whiskers twitched at the hearty brew.

We talked into the evening. Barry ran the outpost here and in the colder months would travel south to purchase supplies and pick up orders from the various tribes. He returned in the spring and would trade through the warmer months.

Barry was surprised that I was from the south "With your coat and looks I would have taken you for a Northerner. What do you seek then"

I thought for a while "My future. And my past. You'd have seen others like myself?"

Barry nodded "Yes â€" there are several tribes of wolves up there, as well as snow leopards, foxes, and bears. I know your markings too.. Karl of the Tesse"

I looked at him "You can read these then"

Barry nodded "Karl, son of Tess and Kyle, of the tribe Tesse â€" I pick up a lot from the tribes that is not all furs, gold, and carvings. I find them all to be an honest folk. Dishonesty does not last long in these climates as my predecessor found out. I have the trust of the locals and it something I am honored to have. Now.. " and he pulled out a map that had been marked into sections "The Tesse live up around here.. It's a big area and I cannot tell you more. You will have to rely on your instincts."

I looked curiously at him "Instincts?." Barry looked back surprised "Yes â€" if you ever lost in a blizzard just grasp the tail of a northerner and they will know the way.

It was evening and I was eager for the journey forth. As much as I loved Stan, I knew that I needed to continue alone. I was happy that Stan would have company back to the ship, and whatever his decision on his way home he would be well and amoungst friends.

But Stan as not happy and tried to argue to contine with me.

"Stan â€" I will not take no for an answr. You Must go back.. Tell Tess and Stepen I have made it this far. What lies beyond is for me only"

Stan looked at me with tears in his eyes "I could.. go a little further with you.. Maybe to the next town or inn.."

I shook my head.. "Oh Stan.. you can read the map. What else is out there beyond here."

He signed "Nothing.. this is the last outpost.."

I lay in my cot, waking when I felt a form snuggle in with me. I kept still but there was an insistantt hand on my sheath..

"Stan..." I murmered

"Please.. Karl. For me.. One last time

Sighing I rolled onto my back and gripped his hips.. Keeping my arousal down I pressed up.. Stan gasped and tensed as I started to slip into him.. Deeper and deeper until I was almost hilted in him, my knot still tight in my sheath.

Suddenly Stan lifted his hips and pressed downward Hard!!. I was unprepared for this and my knot broke from its furry home and slipped into him.

I looked to his muzzle seeing the tears there "Stan?" he shook his head.. "Don't stop.. I need this.."

I rocked a little feeling my maleness thicken - my knot already inside him swelled and rubbed his sensitive places.

It was a fast brief passionate mating, but as I moaned and spurted my seed into Stan I heard his whines and the soft patter of his seed on my chest and throat.

He lay on my chest, breathing harshly and sobbing.. gripping my fur tightly with his fists. "Karl.. I'll never see you again.. I want.. this so badly so I can remember you as my lover.."

"Stan â€" you know I cannot be your mate.. I have to go on." He nodded "I know

The dim light broke throught the clouds and we woke. I had already softened and retacted into my sheath,

Stan got up and dressed, as we went down to Barry for our last meal together.

For Stan his journey was now South, back to the warmth. For myself â€" North and the unknown.

The sun was higher and shining on the crisp snow. My thick pads made no impression on its surface save for some broken grains of ice.

Close â€" I know I was close. My heart and my feelings drew me forward. Then I was over a small rise and looking into the valley below me.

My Heart sank.. Everything told me they would be here as I looked over the snow and rock shelf, then I saw movement and smaller white bodies running and swerving on the snow.

Eagerly I padded forward. Not breaking into a run as that would make me sweat in my cloakâ€" a bad thing in the cold and light winds.

As I got closer I could see the mounds of carved snow, the ice windows. A group of young cubs â€" their thick white coats protecting them from the cold and their green eyes shining with the joy of youth.

I stood, waiting to be noticed and unsure what I should do.

One of them noticed me standing there and called to the others. They stopped, one running around a boulder and seemingly to disappeared.

A few minutes passed, I waited looking around, and then the tribe appeared. There must be a cave in the rocks for I could 20, maybe 30 wolves approaching me.

They stood before me. All of them like myself. White, Green eyes, and their tribal scars blacken. I sensed no animosity only a curiosity as to who I was..

My stomach stirred and tensed.. I had been driven to come here for so long and now I was here I did not know what I had to do.

Two wolves approached me. One a tall handsome older male. I knew he was the Alpha, the other.. my heart stopped. It was a male no older that myself. And when I looked at him my heart stuttered. I suddenly felt so attracted to him. My revere was broken by the alpha who cough gently and spoke "I am Yree of the tribe Tesse.. May I ask who you are"

I felt a violent shuddering inside of me. I saw spots in front of my eyes as I unclasped my cloak letting it fall to my feet to show my scars. Falling to my knees I lifted my muzzle and Sang!!!

I do not know how long I knelt there or what I sang. It almost seemed that I was just a puppet to the song, nor did I know the words that slipped from my tongue. But I did know the warmth and flow of something electric pouring from me..

Then it was over. My tongue stilled and I started to feel very weak and dizzy.

Suddenly the Alpha Yree was there crouching in front of me - his hand on my shoulder.

"You must be exhausted after your journey my son. Come inside with us and you can tell us more.. " Turning his head he looked at the young male behind him "Krai help him will you"

Krai came forward and helped my up, holding me close. My body responded and I felt my maleness slipping from my sheath and pressing against his fur and warm body. It was not lost on him but he smiled and looked deep into my eyes. I could have sworn that I heard a voice inside my mind say "Later.. there will be time for everything later.."

I sat in the cavern under the ice sheet. Looking at the shine shining in. I felt.. such a closeness to this place I have never been I was still weak and dazed by what happen on the plain above. And was now feeling a little scared.

I sat on the soft furs and Yree stat close in front of me. His muzzle inches from my own. I felt a warm body slide behind me, and strong arms wrapping around my chest. Sighing softly I relaxed back against the furson behind me. I did not need to look to know that it was Krai there. His presence was so.. comforting, and for once in my life I felt complete..

Yree smiles and put a hand on my shoulder.. "Do you know what just happened"

I shook my head, now feeling nervous, Kree sensed that and smiles, giving my nose a tender lick "You have brought us back a great treasure you know.."

"Treasure" I stammered , Kree nodded " Yourself, and two others."

I looked at him dazed.

"You really don't know do you Karl". That got my attention.. he knew my name and I know I had not told it to him.

"Yes.. I know you.. You don't remember what you said out there"

I found my own voice this time "No.. I.. just had to sing.. I do not know the words but something has been driving me here. I had to travel in this direction. To here. And I don't know why"

Kree nodded solemnly and reassuringly smiled again

"We are a very spiritual people. We believe that there are parts of us that stay after death. And that some meetings and matings were meant to be. I remember a while back when I was mating I felt a presence.. A spirit joined us and part of it stayed. Krei" - and I felt his arms tighten reassuringly behind me - "Was conceived at the same time you were, and you have part of the same spirit."

Now that got my attention "But.. how do you know these...things."

Yree laughed gently, his deep voice a soft rumble in the cavern "Many years ago a male left us. His name was the same as yours â€" Karl - we never saw him again but I sense his spirit . Then another male called Kyle - his son left to find him. We never saw him again either. We thought their spirits were lost to us, as well as their legacy.. " and I felt a soft brush on my sack and sheath, looking down I saw that it was Yree's tail "their genes."

"Kyle was my father.. and Karl my namesake was my grandfather" I said

Yree nodded smiling "In by returning to us your have brought their spirits back, and yourself.. This is your home now if you want to stay.."

Home.. the word seem strange in my thought, the place I had been searching for so long. I felt dizzy again and was supported by the caring arms of Krei, and as I looked at the rocky face behind and saw them.. Kyle, and another older wolf that looked so much like him.. and Brett between them.. They smiled lovingly at me and then faded but I knew their presence was here now.. always..

"You need to rest now.. Krai take your mate and look after him.. We will talk later"

Mate.??.. I shifted and looked into the warm eyes of Krai "You are .. my mate" Krai nodded "Of course Karl.. I have been waiting here for you since you were born. " and that's was when I realized that his lips had not moved..

"We share the same spirit. And you have much to learn of your past.. and your heritage. No.. don't speak.. talk with your heart.."

And I did, and he heard me in his thoughts.

I lay with him.. holding him close. I was too tired to mate, just contented to lie with my lover. I knew that there would be long wonderful matings in the future but for now I just wanted to sleep..

But there was a nagging thought so I spoke with him


"Yes Karl.."

"If we.. are to be mates.. Will I never have cubs to watch grow and to love"

He laughed, a physical one, and kissed my nose.

"Oh Karl â€" of course you can. Because we are mated it does not mean you cannot sire cubs, You saw one of my cubs out there playing in the snow"

I shifted in his arms to look at him "But ,, I don't understand. If we are to be lifemates..."

"Karl.. lover, we are lifemates. That's part was destiny. But we can take lovers as well. And cubs are the treasure of the tribe â€" any cub born here is cared for regardless of who sire or bore them."

And so my new life began.

The years have passed but the tribe lives on..

I sat on a rocky outcrop, watching the sun sink lower. In a day or so it would be night again for six months.

Barry was already on his way south again, and with him Stan and Jack, the wolf he had met on the Frost Spite. Ryu has long since retired and Jack was now captain of the Frost Sprite. Both of them has brought news of Tess and Stepen, now older and proud grandparents of many cubs.

Cries of play and laughter brough me out of my revre, as well as the wetness of snowflakes on my nose. Looking down on the white plain I watched. One cub caught my eye â€" he was a tall strong male with a cheeky laugh, and he was running with a smaller female on his shoulders. They tumbled â€" laughing gleefully into a small drift, shook themselves and then bounded away.

"Ah â€" Karl. Doing watch duty again" I heard in my thoughts.

I did not need to turn to see him. Only felt his presence strengthen as he came close.

"Hi Lover " I thought back.. quickly dipping into his thoughts for an instance and feeling a stirring in my sheath with what I found there"

"Yes â€" Sera has asked me to mate with her. She is in season and has asked if you would honor her by being her second mate"

I smiled â€" feeling him hug me as I kissed him briefly , nuzzling under his jaw and into his ruff.. "My Alpha" I murmured. "My Beta" he replied tenderly nibbling my ears.

I looked back to the plateau at the cubs playing there

"Krai?" I asked "which of those cubs down there are ours?"

He laughed "Who really cares.. They are all loved, cared for.. and they all have a home "

And at last I knew my place on this Earth..

I was loved, cared for, and I had a home.

All else is just snowflakes on the wind..
