Early Submission

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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Well a year ago I wrote a story called Late Submission and...well it was very popular, in fact it held on as most popular story for a year. 239 faves. Now I got a lot of calls for a sequel and well this isn't that, this is a prequel. I felt the more interesting story was where Dr Adam Gisborn had come from, who he was and this is that story. Now as it's a prequel you could read this first and I think the ending will shock you, but if it does try reading Late Submission to see what happens to the bear.

Now this story being special I commissioned a cover image and for once I wanted it to be more sweet, as while this story is chock full of hot sex, there is a wonderful love story in there too. So anyway the cover image was by the very talented Thrushes http://www.furaffinity.net/user/thrushes/

I hope people like this and something else stolen from a friend Gabe, If you fap and don't fave I cast a tribal bear curse on you (I can I has tribal bear tattoos so clearly magic) and you will only be able to cum while watching your Grandma in the shower. Seriously show the love and help make So furry a strong fun place to produce work.

Real ale Russian roulette, that's what it was. Of course the student union in SunderlandUniversity wasn't much. Just a small bar with a pool table, not really enough space for a pool table, but it was a student union and a union room without a bar and a pool table was unheard of. Well except maybe at those posh uni's like Oxford and Cambridge, where the students sip port, smoke cigars and play snooker with their butler racking up for them.

Maybe it wasn't like that in those schools, but then Adam wouldn't know because he had been turned down by both of them, at the last fucking moment, apparently something about an administrative cock up. Which he knew was bureaucrat for somebody with a big cheque book wanted his doctorate for their less than bright child. Well fuck them, he would get his doctorate at a local school and make a career out of it. Of course while Oxford and Cambridge have centuries of history and oh a boat race! Sunderland had beer and plenty of it, the university had many brewing courses after all it was England and one thing an Englishman loves most is a good pint of real ale.

Thousands of students were learning how to make a proper pint; some were good at it, others not so. All of their concoctions ended up behind the taps at the student union. No names on the beer, no knowing what awaited when the barman pulled that pump. It could be a black as midnight in the bottom of a disused coal mine. Or so light it was like sunshine filtering through the window in the morning and all the shades in between. Glorious chestnut reds, browns and some oddly foamy blondes. Either way there was no way of knowing what the taste would be, appearances meant nothing. You might be about to sup a taste of the divine, or you might be about to taste the most vile demon excrement. There was only one way to know and that was to lift the pint and put it to your lips. Real ale Russian roulette.

"Blarg!" Adam snarled as he slammed down his glass. "Fucking swill!" Another looser, hopefully the student behind the vile swill would learn fast, or be driven out by a mob of students with torches and pitchforks determined to ensure he never created another monster.

"Hey, you know the rules," the barman observed tapping a small sign in front of the four pumps. 'No refunds, no bitching, all glasses must be emptied'. For twenty pence, you couldn't find a cheaper pint, of course sometimes the price was far, far greater than just twenty pence.

The young polar bear looked at the black piss in his glass, it tasted like it had been extracted right from the arse of Satan himself. Never-the-less rules were rules. With heroism far outmatching Galahad as he quested for the Grail the bear picked up the glass, tipped it in silent salute to the barman, a sign of respect for the man who had pulled him many drinkable pints. Then he downed the pint as quickly as he could and hoped his stomach would let him hold the vile swill down. "Fuck me this is rotten stuff!"

"Ah!" the wolf behind the bar interjected placing a finger on the sign beside the 'no bitching'.

"Sorry, get me a pint off the number two tap and let's see if my luck improves," the bear replied with a smile and a wink. The black wolf behind the bar was quite handsome, sadly the bear had seen him hitting on anything female with a pulse. With a grin the wolf grabbed a clean...ish glass and reached out for the number two pump.

"I hear this one is... drinkable," the lupine observed as he placed the pint and took the twenty pence. Of course the bear could always give up if it wasn't and just buy a pint of something commercially made to taste ok. However, even if he was working on his doctorate he was a student, just like any undergrad, and that meant he would drink the cheap piss and lump it. It still got you drunk, even if the hangover the next day was a lot rougher, you could be pissed on a quid; depending on your luck at the pumps.

The second pint did prove to be drinkable, malty, hoppy but a little too bitter for his tastes. However, this was a pint to savour it was not only drinkable it was pleasant, and that was quite rare. The bear turned to look out at the evening's talent. Or sadly the lack of talent. He could see quite a few undergrads, a bull was hitting on a hyena chick as he taught her to play pool. A group of students were gathered watching the footy on the tiny T.V in the corner. They were all straight, Adam had really good gaydar, plus he'd subtly hit on every one of them before and they... well at least none of them had outed him publicly.

It was the eighties, well just, attitudes were changing but there was still plenty of bigotry around. His parents would shit a brick if they knew what their bear son had done with men in the safety of his dorm room. Hell, he wasn't even sure he wanted to be Dr Gisborn, after all he was way too laid back and fun to ever be a proper doctor. Well at least it was just marine biology. A study into the impacts of trawling on the development and life cycle of sabellaria spinulosa reef features. It even sounded dull to him and he was writing the bloody thing.

The last person he spied was a rabbit, a black bunny sitting alone with a folder of notes, he was pouring over, and a pint of some unidentified ale sitting almost untouched. A small pair of specks balanced on his pink nose. The splash of pink on his black face made for a striking contrast, much like the pink of his inner ears. The rabbit was quite lithe, unlike Adam who had a far more natural chunky polar bear appearance. Green eyes were staring intently at his notepad.

Whoever he was there was one thing for certain he was pinging on Adam's gaydar. In fact as the hyena cheek bent over for a shot, less than a few meters from the rabbit, his eyes didn't twitch to her ass. Unlike the eyes of the guys watching the footy, who nudged each other and whispered excitedly. Or her bull paramour, who oogled both her ass and breasts in alternate shots. Though the way she was smiling and responding to his flirting the bear was sure the bovine was going to have a fun night between those brown and grey thighs.

The bear himself fancied spending a night between some sleek black thighs. Rabbits were a favourite of his, his first lover had been a bunny runner in high school. The two had fooled around in the changing rooms at his high school. A dangerous place to explore your emerging and forbidden lust for men. The stink of so many musks in their lungs, as their paws and tongues explored each other. It had been a brief affair, just three dalliances, sadly the rabbit had gotten scared when the bear told him he wanted to fuck. Not that he blamed the rabbit, the bear had never bottomed. That was something that he as an alpha male shouldn't do. Fortunately as a science student in university he had found plenty of guys willing to 'experiment'.

Learning had been the reason he had taken his degree and his masters. Of course his parents had no idea just what he was learning on the side. How to spot the signs, how to make gentle overtures, to investigate and just exactly how to fuck a guy so roughly and thoroughly they cum so hard they almost forget to breath. Sadly he only got certificates to confirms his Bsc (with honours) and his Msc. They don't give guys an Mfc (with dishonours) a masters of fucking, but the bear was sure he could have earned one. It was a shame they didn't run that course, after all the practical exam would be fun, as would the oral.

With a pint in his paw and a spring in his step he wandered over to the rabbit, gave him a broad grin, "you mind some company?"

The rabbit glanced up at him through his small round glasses, his blue eyes slowly inspected the bear. "It's a free country." The rabbit muttered waving at the chair opposite. His accent was definitely southern, it was hard for the bear to place. So definitely not a local and to Adam that made him a posh boy. Not that there was anything wrong with that, the bear had enjoyed being the bit of rough for many a posh little cocksucker. It was fun to make those little rich daddy's boys into his bitches.

"Thanks mate, I don't think I've seen you in here before," the bear observed it wasn't exactly original but then the rabbit's initial reaction hadn't exactly been welcoming, so he was treading a little extra carefully.

"That would almost certainly be due to the fact I only started on my doctoral program this week and have hitherto been unable to partake in the social aspects of this... university," the bear noticed the significant pause, so he knew the posh rich boy had a problem being in a northern school.

"Yeah, well it weren't my first choice either, sadly Oxford fucked me over and I didn't fancy a year of flipping burgers before I try for it again," the bear sad taking a sip of his number two. "Besides for all I knew somebody's daddy would open their cheque book again."

With a deep sigh the rabbit gave him a look that said somehow succinctly in one glance 'do you really think someone bribed their way above you?' However, he quickly returned his attention back to the papers in his folder.

"What are you doing?" The bear asked, feeling that he was definitely not going to be taking this rabbit back to his dorm room for a quick mount and stuff. Of course he wasn't about to give up just yet, he just needed to find a way in and then he would be so in.

"I am trying to design my survey schedule for next month," the rabbit replied with a snort of annoyance looking up at the bear again, letting him know just how much he was disturbing him.

"Ooh, what are you surveying? Name's Adam by the way," persistence was his middle name, well ok it was William, but William Persistence.

"I wish to study the Nephrops ground off Blyth," replied the rabbit without looking up from his page this time. He was clearly hoping that if he just kept focusing on his folder the annoying northern bear would go away.

"Oh, are you using a two meter beam trawl for that or something more specific? Oh and have you spoken to the local fisherman, you don't want to piss off those guys by stealing their catch?" Adam asked leaning back in his chair as he watched the rabbit's ears shoot up and his head lift.

"You know about fishing surveys?" He asked as if doubtful that anyone from the wasteland of the north east could ever possibly know anything about anything.

"Sure, I did an extensive study of those nephrops grounds as part of my masters project. I was looking at the spoil heaps from the port to see what impact their dredge was having on the grounds," Adam smiled internally as the rabbit was suddenly looking at him like he wasn't a major annoyance. "The area is a historic fly ash dumping ground from the sixties. I found some of the ash conglomerations in my trawls, consolidated stuff. I ran a few standard contaminations tests on them."

"You did? I... I don't suppose you would be able to let me see a copy of your results?" The rabbit asked leaning forward eagerly, his tone and posture changing totally. No longer defensive he was more open and eager. This was definitely something Adam could work with and on.

Adam smiled and leaned a little forward locking his eyes with the rabbit and smiled broadly, "well I dunno, I mean I don't even know your name."

For the first time the rabbit showed signs of shame, as if he realised how he had been acting, "Richard, Richard Grahams." The rabbit held out a paw and the bear snatched it and shook it firmly, lightly squeezing the warm hand, placing his other paw over it.

"Delighted to meet you, now if you want I still have the report on a floppy, I could print it out for you tomorrow, when the computer room opens up," Adam offered, it was a little bit a sneaky way of ensuring he got the rabbit's number.

"S..sure," Richard replied slightly disappointed the bear wasn't able to share a copy instantly. "So you already have your masters?"

"Well I wouldn't be much of a doctoral candidate without it, got it at Newcastle, my undergrad was at Birmingham," he could see the rabbit's eyes opening slightly wide. Newcastle and especially Birmingham were good universities. Suddenly the mention of Oxford wasn't just a bit of false bravado the bear might actually have been considered as a candidate. What Adam wasn't about to mention was his study could be found in the library; in issue two-hundred and twenty-eight of the journal of Applied Marine Ecology. Although he knew the rabbit would be impressed, he wanted to save that for later, maybe after he got the bunny to his dorm room.

"So what gear did you use," the rabbit asked eagerly and reached into his pocket pulling out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter.

"Those things'll kill you," observed the bear as he watched the rabbit light up. Adam took a pull on his pint, he'd slept with more than a couple of guys who smoked, it was still fun but the taste wasn't exactly pleasant. He made a mental note to get some gum on the way to his dorm.

"Yeah I know, but they help me focus," the rabbit replied as he put his folder down for a moment.

Adam smiled and leaned in a little closer and asked in his lowest husky voice, "what exactly would you like to focus on tonight?"

The rabbit looked a little flustered and embarrassed at the unexpected and quite obvious come on. It sparked the predatory instincts in the bear's brain, the cute little herbivore was just ripe for this hungry beast's taking. Richard smiled nervously, brushed his floppy ears away from his face and for the first time took he took a drink from his own pint. "Oh fuck this is rancid?"

"Let me guess, the number three?" The bear asked with a knowing smirk.


"Aye, they got me with that stuff first, of course house rules you know," Adam replied pointing at the sign on the bar.

Richard's jaw dropped, "seriously I am expected to finish this... I don't think I can."

The bear felt a little sympathy for the rabbit, he certainly could empathise, after all he had swallowed an entire pint of the same not five minutes earlier. "Union rules mate, they take a full glass away from you and you won't get another pint, not of the cheap stuff anyway. It's not all bad the number two is quite palatable."

"Why didn't he warn me?" Richard muttered gesturing at the wolf barman, as he finally lit his smoke and took a pull on it to clear away the taste .

"Cause he needs to empty that barrel of swill before he can get something fresh and hopefully drinkable to sell," answered the bear with a shrug.

The rabbit looked at his glass a little nervously and took another swig, he reacted physically with a gasp and a stuck out pink tongue. "Oh god, I don't think I can make it." Adam smiled at the cute expression and thought of all the fun things he could let the rabbit taste with that tongue instead.

Sensing an opportunity to set himself up as a hero the bear glanced at the bar, the wolf was distracted eying up the hyena female; who was bent over the pooltable taking a stupid amount of time to make a simple shot. Adam knew the slut was doing it on purpose now and half the bar was watching her. Without a word he deftly grabbed Richard's glass and replaced it with his own.

"Oh...wow, th..."

"Shhhh!" The bear interrupted quickly then leaned forward to whisper. "If they find out both of us will lose out on cheap bear." Of course the bear's plan did have one rather large drawback, he was now back to where he started staring at a pint of undrinkable swill. With no way back the bear knew it was time once more to man up, or maybe grin and bear it. With one quick motion he downed the vile fluid and slammed the glass down hard enough the entire bar turned to look at the noise. Adam tried not to look disgusted as he swallowed the last drops, knowing the bartender was watching and would happily enforce the student union rules.

"I think the next round is on me," the rabbit said with a smile as he picked up his pint.

"Why Mr Grahams are you trying to get me drunk and defenceless?" The bear asked with a smirk and a wink that made the rabbit blush deeply. Well there was no doubt left for Richard, he knew he was being hit on.

"I...I just... your drink, "stammered the rabbit his ears burning with the embarrassment. His green eyes unable to meet the bear's ice blue ones, which were shining as the bear smiled. There was one thing Adam knew, the rabbit wasn't just gay he was definitely interested in the bear.

"That's ok, well maybe one more round, after all you have a pint of something nice to drink and it would be a crime to let you drink alone, get me a pint of the number two please." As the rabbit stood up the bear's eyes dipped and he watched those slinky hips swaying, while he walked to the bar. Adam could see the tail quivering, a subtle tell for a rabbit, that he was horny. The not so subtle tell had been the tent the rabbit had pitched in his pants without noticing.

A few seconds later the rabbit returned with a fresh pint,then placed it down in front of the bear. His third in less than an hour, the buzz of the first two was already pretty strong in his mind. It was clear whichever student had made that vile swill had been looking to make a drink that got you drunk when you wanted, just not one you wanted to drink unless you were drunk.

"So... you're... not into... girls?" The rabbit asked quietly and cautiously. Adam knew why he was asking like that. It was always a risk to say it out loud, no matter what the signals it was always possible you'd made a mistake. Just because someone's body was into you didn't mean their mind was willing to accept they were what they were. Denial is not just a river in Egypt, as the popular saying went.

The bear leaned back in his chair and shrugged his shoulders, "naw, I tried, they don't do anything for me. You?"

"I... have a girlfriend," Richard muttered his eyes suddenly deeply interested in his pint. "She's studying at Plymouth."

Adam knew that didn't mean the hunt was over, hell most of the guys he had nailed had girlfriends. He certainly had a good cover girlfriend from time to time, a couple of dates and then dump. Afterwards he would tell his parents that they had broken up over some stupid argument, or that he found out she was cheating on him. Whatever he said it seemed to do the trick, his parents would stop asking him to get a girlfriend from time to time. "So you don't have any interest in... not being into girls?"

Richard picked up his pint and took a large swallow, "I... well I mean it's uni and stuff, so a little bit of experimenting, fun and stuff. You know; now and then."

A broad smile crossed the bear's muzzle as he leaned closer, "so I have to ask, are you feeling like tonight is a good night to run a few... experiments?"

Unable to contain his smile the rabbit nodded, "I mean, I promised Kally I wouldn't sleep with any other women while I was away studying."

"A guy who keeps his word, very sexy." Adam positively growled with lust, as he finished his third pint quickly, wanting to leave already. After all the hunt was over, now all this predator had to do was enjoy devouring his prey.

"I..." Richard struggled to find something to say, he did feel guilty for abusing his girlfriend's trust. However, he had only ever been able to satisfy her by imagining he was with another man. He had lost count of the number of nights he had snuck out to one of the back alley gay clubs he knew. There was a gay sauna not too far from his parents' house, just a short busride away. There he could find any male companionship he wanted, a good suck and a superb lay. No questions asked of course, no relationship and no intimacy. "I could use another drink." He finished lamely, doubly so because he had three quarters of a pint in his paw. He knocked it back quickly and got to his feet.

Adam stopped him with a huge powerful bear paw on his stomach, the rabbit shuddered as he imagined what such a powerful animal could do with paws that huge. The bear gave him a grin, "I do believe it is my round." He growled up at the rabbit and stood up, towering a clear foot taller than Richardt and far broader at the shoulders. His ursine nature gifted him with a broad frame and he found gaining muscle and insulation both equally easy.

With speed quite startling for his size the bear leapt to his feet and was over at the bar in a split second. One more round to give the rabbit courage, he couldn't say he blamed him; bears were well known for their girth. He was no pony but he was packing something that could satisfy most fillies, not that he had any interest in mares. He got two more rounds of the drinkable number two, his fourth pint in less than an hour. The bear's head was definitely buzzing already, of course it was a pleasant buzz. That is the lure of alcohol; the pleasant buzz getting slowly stronger and stronger as your own logic and reason takes a holiday.

The bear had no intentions of having another pint after this one, beer dick is a disappointment, unlike bear dick which is a marvel. He handed a pint to Richard and sat down opposite, lightly clinking his glass to Richard's, "to science and experimentation; may our results always be favourable."

The rabbit chuckled at the pure corniness of the toast, but clinked his glass against the bear's anyway, "to... unexpected results." The bear was too busy lifting his drink to spot the little mischievous gleam in the rabbit's eye. Their last drink together didn't take too long, they both had a terrible thirst after all and it wasn't for the ale. Less than ten minutes later the bear was helping Richard pick up his notes and papers as they got ready to leave.

"My place is just five minutes walk from here," Adam said, his words ever so slightly slurred, from four rather strong pints of ale in little over an hour.

"Sounds good to me, we can collaborate on some shared research," the rabbit observed with a grin and a wink as they left. Both of them hoped they hadn't been too obvious. All it would take was one person outing them and they could never get back into that closet. They walked quickly through the dark streets, Sunderland in the early weekday evening. It wasn't exactly beautiful or indeed nice. It was... where they were, there were far worse and far better places. Of course much like any location it wasn't about the place it was the company.

From that perspective they were walking along a Caribbean beach at sunset, warm water nibbling on their toes and the soft beat of the water on the beach. Or maybe in the back alley behind some gay club, drunk and horny. Either way both of them knew they were in for a fun night and that was enough. Their guards at least partially lowered by alcohol, they were able to talk and joke more freely.

Adam had to admit that for a 'posh boy' Richard was actually quite intelligent, and not just book smart. The more they talked the more he realised they had some things in common, neither of them cared about sport. They had both pursued a career in marine science, partly because they loved the environment and partly because it was a way to get away. The romantic notion of spending months at sea researching cetaceans, or pinnipeds, was a nice one to think about. Though they both knew opportunities like that were not easy to come by.

There was a definite connection, or at least Adam thought so. Five minutes, and one hour after meeting Richard and the bear was already thinking of date number two. He was wondering about asking Richard to go to the cinema at the weekend, there was that sequel to alien that everyone was saying was awesome. He wasn't much one for horror, but something to maybe make the little bunny jump into his arms sounded fun.

His dorm room wasn't much, a small bed a wardrobe and a bed, a tiny ensuite. A small desk filled one wall with his books and his ghetto blaster. As the bear entered he reached out and hit play on the cassette recorder, and out from the blaster beat a familiar tune. Maybe not appropriate for making out, or fucking, however, he just wanted the noise to drown out any sounds his neighbours might hear. After all he wasn't supposed to have girls staying over, something told him the excuse of fucking another guy not a girl would cut him any slack if he got caught.

"Someone told me long ago there's a calm before the storm

I know, it's been comin' for some time

When it's over, so they say, it'll rain a sunny day

I know, shinin' down like water"

Adam had gotten a love of seventies music from his mother, a little Creedence Clearwater Revival was good to sit and listen to after a hard day's study. It wasn't exactly romantic, but as soon as the door closed romance wasn't the matter of the moment, it was lust. Their lips met rapidly and their first meeting was definitely a success. Tongues became part of the meeting, dancing and exploring. The taste of real ale and musk being shared, fortunately the taste of tobacco had been washed clear by the ale.

The bear growled with lust as he pressed up against the rabbit, Richard's body felt so warm squeezed against his far larger frame. The rabbit's paws wandered around quickly caressing Adam's large belly and then he gasped into Richard's mouth as the rabbit began to work feverishly on unfastening his jeans. Breaking the kiss Adam giggled, "you're eager."

With a snort the rabbit pulled down the fly on Adam's jeans. "Yes, very, now why don't you sit down over there and let me get a taste of this beautiful bit of bear meat." As he spoke the rabbit let his paw slide slowly up and down the bear's thick drooling shaft. The shaft was too wide at the base for him to get his fingers around and he had never seen such length except in porn with horses. A thick bear musk flooded his nose, it was so thick he could taste it, like a mixture fine dark porter ale and feral animal desire. He knew what he was feeling, holding, smelling and tasting was the maleness of a real prime alpha male.

There was nothing that could stop the bear from taking the rabbit up on that offer, he moved so quickly he almost tripped up on the jeans pooled around his feet. As he moved he pulled off his shirt, throwing it into a corner of the room. He turned around and sat on his bed naked, noticing that in his quick journey to the bed Richard had managed to cast off all his clothing as well.

The bear took in the glorious sight before him; Richard standing naked and proud. His body covered in velvety black fur, lithe frame with plush looking hips and buttocks, almost feminine. The bear hadn't noticed just how shapely the young buck was, probably due to the looseness of his jeans. A pink cock stood out like a beacon against the black night of his fur; smaller than his own but not a bad size, at least a little more than average.

Of course none of that could compare to the sheer awesome beauty of a rabbit staring at his cock with nothing but pure hunger in those eyes. A nice muzzle job and then a stuffing, the bear definitely liked that idea. An ass like Richard's looked like something he could plough more than once in a night. However, the first load would come all too easy; the best place to empty that was between those pretty lips and on that delicate little muzzle. Let his prey get a taste of the bear's dominance so he knew what was to come.

The bear licked his lips, he loved smaller prey species, they always seemed so delicate and so fragile. Yet once he got his cock inside them most turned into furry whores, begging him to go faster and harder. With other predator species it had always been a challenge for dominance, fun but ultimately more exhausting. Plus most prey were so small beside him, their bodies, like Richard's, made him feel large and powerful. He growled deeply with dominant lust as he gestured with his mighty paw at his aching maleness, "you want to get this experiment started?"

Richard smiled and blushed a little as he looked at the meat hungrily, "I am certainly ready to perform a few exploratory tests." They both giggled at the stupidity of their banter, science wasn't exactly sexy. However, knowing what they were about to do made everything far more fun. Of course as fun as sexy banter was it was nothing compared to what they both desired and the rabbit wanted to get things started.

With a hop in his step the bunny practically bounced into position. On his knees before the bear, between those huge tree trunk-like legs. His paws stoked over the meaty knees and he groaned as he felt the muscle flexing beneath his fingers, while they stroked up this inner thighs. The heat of the bear was astounding, his paws felt like they were on fire, the ursine trembling above him with lust. Between those powerful legs the musk of the bear's maleness assaulted his nose, dominated it so that all he could smell was bear cock.

Adam moaned as he looked down at the glorious sight of the rabbit on his knees right before him. His cock ached with desire and he found himself growling softly with a mixture of lust and impatience. A deep gasp escaped his lips as furry digits stroked over his inner thighs, the light tickling touch electric and as they moved closer to his crotch the excitement inside him grew. Then, just as those fingers reached his crotch, the touch was gone and he moaned deeply in frustration, a bead of pre squeezing out of his cocktip.

The rabbit smiled his eyes watching the bear's reaction, it was perfect, dominant and yet not forceful. Most importantly the bear was eager, oh so eager and horny, along with a little drunk.The perfect target for his desires and his secret intentions. With a lick of his tongue he got his first taste, running from the musky base right to the pre soaked tip. Above him he heard the gasp and pleasured moan of his lover, music far surpassing the mixture of seventies hits filling the room.

The bear growled lustfully above him as the rabbit's tongue left Adam's cock. Richard could see the beast trembling with only barely controlled lust. The rabbit knew he would need to walk a fine line, Adam had the strength to take what he wanted and Richard would honestly love that too. He enjoyed a good hard fuck like the subbiest of sluts. The rabbit had met many guys out on the scene for no names, no strings attached fun. Most of it had involved him pushed up against over over something taking a thick cock under his tail. Of course it hadn't always been him that was bent over crying out in pleasure as a cock plundered a hungry tailhole.

Leaning close he kissed the base of the black shaft. The skin felt hot against his lips and as they touched it he felt the bearhood throb and pulse. A rain of pre landed in his hair and ears. He smiled to himself as he felt the bear moan and tremble, Adam was desperate to cum and he knew it. Of course he was in no hurry, he could take his time and pleasure with the huge cock to get what he wanted.

His lips ran slowly up the shaft, his warm moist tongue trailing over the hot flesh, the taste of the bear flooded his mouth. Potent and bitter, musky and yet creamy like the finest stout ales. Richard knew he was tasting a true brute of a male, of course his eyes already told him that much. Adam was a gentle giant, if not the bear would already have had his cock hilt deep in the rabbit emptying his balls in a quick rough fuck. The bear had chosen to get sucked first, he wanted to bust a quick load so that he might take his time fucking the rabbit. That showed the bear was smart and more importantly he wanted their fun to last and he cared for his partners pleasure.

Adam cried out as slender digits caressed his huge churning orbs, the rabbit's lips sealing around hs cocktip. He looked down, his jaw hanging loosely open as he watched his ebony cock disappearing inside those wonderful black lips. The thick meat looking huge next to such a delicate and small muzzle, another delightful bonus of smaller prey species. The pink of his tongue and nose was wonderfully highlighted against his ebony flesh. The rabbit's eyes were shining with lust as he kissed and licked the bear's cocktip, the swirl of the little tongue across his glans sent waves of pleasure down his cock.

With hungry eager licks the bunny cleaned off the copious jets of pre as they escaped the cocktip. His tongue teased the corona and across the frenulum , his hot breath flowing down the rest of the trembling, aching and needy cock. Rabbit paws continued to caress and cradle the two huge orbs, they felt hot in his palms and he could feel them churning. Smiling he let his lips sink down around the huge maleness, loving how the thickness spread his jaw wide, he knew he could never take the full length. However, he also knew he wouldn't have too.

The rabbit pushed his lips further taking in another inch and then another, It wasn't long before he felt the fat cocktip pressing to the back of his throat. He held his muzzle there sucking on the hot length hungrily, his tongue squirming against the hot firm flesh. Then he let his fingers wander, slipping off those huge orbs and onto the bear's taint, the huge ursine squirmed. Looking up he could see the confusion in the bear's eyes, nobody had ever touched the ursine there.

There was conflict in that gaze, his body was delighting in the soft tickling and yet something in his mind was warning him that an alpha male shouldn't be touched there. However, the feeling was too pleasant, mixed with the mouth around his cock, he didn't resist or make any moves to stop it. Adam could feel his orgasm building and there was no way he was going to let anything get in the way of that. Let the rabbit's fingers wander where they wanted.

Richard knew he had the bear's attention fully on the mouth around his cock. He kept his lips loose pulling back and teasing the hot flesh. The key was keeping the bear on the edge, not letting him go over, just enough pressure and pleasure on his cocktip. All the while his fingers worked their way back to their target, it was currently under the bear. The rabbit pulled his head back fully off Adam's cock and the bear obligingly slid forward, bringing his cock to the rabbit's lips. At the same time he was exposing something new to the rabbit's eager fingers.

With a cry the bear felt a slick digit pressing against his pucker, he opened his mouth to tell the rabbit to stop. However, the bunny began to suck faster and firmer on Adam's thick fuck pole. Wondrous sensations prevented any thoughts of saying stop, lest the rabbit stop the wrong thing. Wait until he came his body told him, just a finger, it wasn't even a thick one, let the rabbit finger him, what could be the harm just as long as he got to cum?

The bear's ass relaxed around his slick digit, Richard had sneakily spread some lube over his fingers. He was a very well prepared rabbit and soon he would have a very well prepared bear cave to break in. He slowed his head as he forced a second digit into the tight hole, letting the bear adjust to the fingers inside him. His tongue danced over the cock teasing the maleness, jet after jet of pre flooded his mouth. Richard swallowed eagerly, a delicious musky starter before his delightful main course of tight virginal bear ass.

The finger's inside Adam were maddeningly stimulating, they teased and caressed places inside him that he never thought he had. Adam began to understand why the males he had bred enjoyed the feeling so much. He was smart enough to know what was happening, he was being played. The rabbit wanted to fuck him, to breed the big predator. When the fingers lightly grazed his prostate a powerful jolt of pure bliss rocked through his entire body, his huge toes curled and he cried out loudly in bliss. Maybe, he could try being on bottom, just this once? His alcohol soaked mind wondered as he drown in the pleasurable sensations.

With a smirk the rabbit heard the bear's cries of pleasure. He knew what he had found and pulled his muzzle off the bear's cock, too much stimulation would push the huge ursine over the edge. His eager fingers plundered the bear's hole, fucking quickly and with each motion he targeted the bear's secret button. With each stroke of the bear's prostate he could see the huge cock throb and ache, those huge white nuts were churning and desperate to empty Richard knew that the bear wouldn't take more than a stroke or two and he would blow like Old Faithful.

Moving with purpose the rabbit shifted up onto his haunches, getting his cock closer to Adam's stretched and prepared ass. It would take careful timing but if he worked it right he could replace his fingers with his cock before the bear knew what was happening. This was how you brought a true beast down, a mighty hunter didn't chase his prey, he stalked them and laid a trap.

"Oh....just fuck me already!" Snarled the bear, a lustful smirk spreading across his own face as the rabbit looked up in astonishment. "I'm a fucking Phd student, how stupid do you think I am?"

The rabbit stared open jawed at the bear, his hands stopping in their motion. He thought he had been so sneaky, so careful. Apparently the predator hadn't fallen into his trap, he had thrown himself in willingly. A soft growl above him reminded the rabbit that he had just been given an order. For a moment his mind wondered if he was really taking the bear if the bear was asking for it, was it a true conquest. Then his cock reminded him angrily that there was a willing warm, lubed, ready hole and this philosophical crap could wait until after his balls had been drained into the bear's fuck tunnel.

Adam flopped back onto the bed with a snigger as the rabbit leapt to his feet. The rabbit hefted the bear's two huge legs up onto his shoulder. The bear couldn't help but laugh to himself. All those jocks, all those well built firm guys, all those smoking hot daddy furs he had fucked. However, it was a skinny rabbit less than half his size who was going to be first to claim his anal cherry. It seemed absurd and yet, he knew he wanted it, the second those fingers had pulled out of him his body and cock and begged him for more, 'just say anything, agree to anything but give us more, more more! Please!' They had screamed in his ear and he was ever a gentlebear, he liked to oblige those who asked nicely.

Richard grunted with the effort as those two meaty trees slid either side of his head. The musky and spicy scent of the bear's delectably huge paws caught in his nose. He licked his lips and promised himself a taste of those dainties later, one step at a time. Topping the bear for the first time was one step, he could get his fingers on those huge hoofs later. He guided his cocktip to the bear's quivering pucker.

There was no more waiting and nether of them wanted to wait. The rabbit's pink meat pressed to the bear's black pucker and then slipped easily into the bear. His average length feeling anything but average to the virginal ass. Adam bit down on his lip until he could taste blood. It was a painful entry and yet, his body wanted it, more than that it needed it. Blue eyes stared into smiling green eyes. Richard was trembling as he felt the tightness clenching down around his length. He knew he wouldn't last long inside the bear, however, after all his teasing he knew the bear wouldn't last long either.

With a joint sigh the two felt their hips coming together in wondrous union, the feeling was unlike anything Adam had ever felt. It was so right, and in a strange way so pure. To lay beneath another and let them take pleasure inside him. He looked up at the rabbit, the bunny's eyes were closed in pure bliss and he had a silly smile on his face. The bear licked his lips and issued a guttural growl, "after this, it is my turn on your ass."

The rabbit couldn't help but smile at that, the bear was on his back, with the rabbit's cock balls deep inside his ass, and he was still trying to be the alpha. "We'll see, depends on what data we extract from this round of... testing." He couldn't help but smirk as he returned to the experiment banter from earlier, then as the bear open his mouth he pulled back and the thrust forward hard.

Adam cried out as the rabbit cock rammed home deep inside his ass, his paws clawed at the sheets. A strange spark of pleasure ran up his spine as the rabbit thrust again, he groaned deeply his ass contracting around the cock inside him. Richard cried out in pleasure and thrust again and again. The bear clawed at the sheets and then reached down, grabbing his aching cock and stroking it rapidly, as the rabbit started to fuck him properly.

Moving on their own the bear's huge legs slid down around the rabbit's waist. Richard groaned deeply as he felt the thick legs gripping him, he couldn't help but smile as they wrapped around his back. The large bear was clearly enjoying the rabbit cock reaming his ass, otherwise he wouldn't be pulling him with his legs, forcing him to fuck harder. Moaning deeply the rabbit licked his lips, deciding that he should show the bear why they call it fucking like rabbits.

Everyone marvelled at rabbit's perky asses, their plump hips and quivering tails. What they didn't think of was that those plump asses and huge hips were evolved from powerful running legs. Legs that could be used to thrust with near unmatched speed and strength. He leaned over the prone bear, loving the huge expanse of male beneath him. Such a wonderfully large predator, under him, taking his cock deep inside submitting to the herbivore. His paws reached down, feeling the soft plush fur stroking his pads and slipping between his fingers, as they clenched the plump ursine hips.

Looking up Richard locked eyes with the moaning bear and smiled, gave him a wink. A second later the rabbit let loose with everything he had, using those powerful hips evolution had blessed him with. He fucked with everything he had, rabbit cock being stuffed deep and hard into the tight bear hole. His balls mashed hard against the bear's ass as his toned lithe hips slammed into the bear's chunky ass. The smacking sound it made was music to his long ears, the drum beat of passion as the bear's whines and cries gave glorious vocals to their love making.

With deep groans and cries the bear was lost to the rabbit's assault. The cock plundering his hole, smashing into his prostate again and again. His own cock was alive with the pleasure, his paw stroking desperately as his balls began to rise up tight. With a roar of bliss Adam lost control, his thick cock throbbing as he jetted hot spunk out over his huge white belly, streams of bear seed flying so high one hit his own chin.

Richard gasped as the hole he was fucking suddenly clenched down around his thrusting meat. Gritting his teeth he kept thrusting, making shallow firm thrusting as he watched the bear milk his cock dry. "Oh fuck...oh yeah...you like that don't you bitch?" The words slipped out as he fucked the orgamsing ursine. Realisation dawned the second the words slipped out, however, it seemed the bear was too lost to the pleasure to notice or respond.

His own orgasm far too close to hold back the rabbit gave the bear everything he had. Hips crashing into soft bear ass wildly as he rutted like the proverbial rabbit he was. Until with his heart racing he cried out, his cock throbbing inside the bear's warm depths as he drained his smaller orbs inside the hot male. With all his strength spent he fell down over the bear, landing on the huge white fluffy mattress, hot bear cum gluing their fur together.

The afterglow, it was one of Adam's favourite moments of sex. Where your breath comes in pants, your mind is unable to think of anything but how good you feel. The touch of your love both calms and excites you and you exchange sweet caresses and kisses, neither caring for the stickiness of your bodily fluids. Happy minds don't care about those earthly things, all they care about is showing the joy in their hearts.

For Richard, these moments had always been brief, if at all. Maybe a hug or a pat, he rarely stuck around, after all he couldn't exactly stay out and snuggle when his girlfriend was waiting at home. The bear's arms curling around him and he found himself leaning up to that huge muzzle, warm tender kisses were exchanged, the rabbit's breath was taken away by the tenderness of the ursine's lips. The warmth of their embrace and the feel of that manly body holding him, it surprised him. He had always wanted to feel it this, so rarely had he managed and never with someone as warm and gentle as the bear.

The soft moans and touches were a delight to them both, while their bodies recovered they revelled in each other's presence. Adam rolled slowly over laying the rabbit down beside him, while his soft kisses grew to something more. Hungry lips and tongue danced inside the lapine's muzzle, huge paws stroking down the lithe body. A deep lustful moan passed his lips, as thick white finger's closer around pert black buttocks.

Richard gasped a little as the bear began to grope his ass firmly, he flushed and chuckled as he broke the kiss. Panting heavily he gasped, "mmmm I guess you are wanting to conduct your own experiment huh?"

The bear laughed softly and shook his head, leaning up to kiss the rabbit's nose playfully,"no, I just want to fuck you and see if 'you love it just like that, bitch.'" The rabbit cringed at his words being echoed back at him, dirty talk was fun, but if both parties were not into it, things got awkward fast. Adam chuckled more and kissed the rabbit's cheek, peppering a trail of slow sensual kisses up toward his ear where he whispered softly, "I did love it though... and so will you."

With a soft growl of lust the bear pushed and pulled with his paws, Richard gasped deeply in shock and arousal as the bear turned him around forcefully. Then he felt the warm soft wall press up behind him, a huge ursine nose nuzzled into his neckfur, the warm breath soaking and warming his fur delightfully. The predator was scenting him as he ground his broad chest against the bunny's back.

The warmth damp breath of the bear soaked into the rabbit's fur and Adam took a gentle taste. His broad tongue stroking up Richard's neck to the base of his ear where he nibbled gently. Two large paws wandered over the lapine's trembling body, exploring every inch teasing his sensitive nipples, and stroking over his belly, working their way lower. A soft squeal escaped Richard's lips as a strong paw stroked down beside his cock. The fingers avoiding the hot fully hard meat and stroking his scrotum lightly.

With a deep moan the rabbit found himself thrusting against the second bear paw, while arching back against the tender nibbles and nuzzles of Adam's muzzle. Rarely had he felt a lover show such tenderness, most had just wanted to fuck, hard and fast, cum and go. There was something more wonderful in the bear's touches, tenderness and passion. His warm lips felt so alien and yet so good, he turned his muzzle hoping to feel more.

Everything he wanted it seemed the bear was only too happy to give, kissing him deeply and passionately. A broad ursine tongue thrusting into his mouth dominating it wonderfully, for a moment he did nothing but bask in the feeling and the flavour. Then he began to fight back, he was no mere prey animal to be taken, he would fight for his own dominance, even if that fight was futile and he wanted to lose.

Adam moaned as the rabbit's tongue sprang to life, no prey lover had ever pushed back like that. They all lay back and took what he gave them, and he made sure they loved it. The spirit in this rabbit was something different, something delightful. His tongue danced with the rabbit's wrestling between each others mouths. He knew he could win at any moment and yet the fight was so much fun that he pulled back letting the lapine win for a moment. A warm tongue invading his muzzle. His fingers wrapped around a hard and slick shaft, stroking it slowly and firmly.

Richard delighted in the taste of the bear's muzzle, his hungry tongue exploring for a few wonderful moments. Then with a deep growl of lust the bear took control, the thick tongue forcing its way deep into his mouth taking what he wanted. The rabbit couldn't help but shuddered with desire as he felt the power of the brute he was kissing. He couldn't believe just a few minutes earlier he had been hilt deep in such a powerful alpha male. Then without warning the kiss was broken and the paws left his cock. "W...wha...?" His head spinning he was unable to make full words.

"Time for me to get a taste," the bear growled deeply too lost in lust to hold back. His paws pushed the rabbit firmly, but not roughly. Richard was forced onto his stomach and two huge paws pulled his pert buttocks apart. Adam growled louder as he saw the quivering pink pucker, his huge nose picked up the earthy musk of the rabbit, peaty soil on a spring morning. The rabbit squirmed under his paws but he held firm and pushed his nose in deep, snuffling up the delicious scent, running his huge nose up and down the valley.

The rabbit whimpered with desire as he was held down, he loved it when a predator acted like one. It made their subjugation to him far sweeter, but now he knew it was time to pay for the bear's early submission. A price he was all too happy to pay, the bear's tongue was teasing his taint and crack, tasting it all like a starving animal. Each touch of that broad tongue sent quivers down his spine. Then the broad tongue pushed to his pucker, he clawed at the sheets as Adam easily overcame his defences.

Adam's mouth flooded with the taste of his prey, sweet and musky, earthy and oddly spicy. His tongue wormed its way deep and stroked around inside until he found the coppery taste of the lapines prostate. The muffled screamed and squeals of pleasure were music to the bear's ears, he drank them down as a fine wine, which he continued to devour his prey, his hungry tongue delving deeper and deeper, wanting to explore every nook inside this fun partner.

With squeals and moans Richard was lost in a bliss he had never known before. The bear was far from the first to eat him out, yet the other's had just got his ass ready, they had spent the minimum amount of time down there before bending him over and fucking him hard and fast. Each time had taken his breath away and yet none even came close to comparing to the bear. His ass had been ready for a long time and yet the bear continued his work, the rabbit's cock was aching and drooling from the treatment, he thought about sneaking a paw down and jerking himself off. However, the rabbit held back, wanting to save that moment for when the bear finally took him.

Using a sly motion the bear took a paw off Richard's ass slipping it under the bed and pulling out the bottle of lube he kept hidden there. He squeezed a dollop onto his cock and then growled louder as he smeared the slick substance over his hot flesh. His cock was singing to him, begging him to ram it inside his prey, to take his reward as a true predator. With a gasp and a shudder he pulled his hungry tongue from the rabbit's now dripping and well spread ring.

Grasping the rabbit's hips he didn't hesitate he guided his cock between those wonderfully pert buttocks and pressed inside. The warmth of that hole surrounding his meat made him growl deeper, the squirming and squealing of the rabbit under him triggering his deep predatory instincts. His large paws gripped tighter and pulled firmly as his thick black meat stuffed deeper and deeper inside the rabbit's prepared pucker.

Richard moaned into the sheets, the bear's girth far beyond anything he had felt before. The warmth of the cock inside him filled him with wonder, and he did his best to relax, though it seemed that nothing would stop the ursine from taking his pleasure in the male beneath him. The first thrust felt long and slow, yet inevitable, the bear's hips moving like a glacier slow and utterly unstoppable.

The ursine paused for a moment with the rabbit fully stretched around his engorged maleness, feeling the heat of his lover surrounding his aching length. With a grin spread over his lips the bear leaned down over the prone rabbit, his paws moving up to the rabbit's shoulders gripping tightly, holding him down. Then he let his cock slowly slide out, letting the rabbit feel every single inch as it slid back slowly. Just before he pulled his cocktip out, he slammed the meat back stuffing it deep inside the lapine again.

All Richard could do was whimper as the thick cock stroked his prostate, the bear was holding him down. Every instinct in his body was telling him to push back, he wanted that cock inside him. He wondered why the bear hadn't just started jackhammering away like every other male who fucked him, just desperate to flood his tight bunny pucker with their hot seed. Adam was doing something different, slow deep powerful thrusts, stroking areas inside the rabbit he didn't know he had.The pressure inside his balls grew with each deep powerful thrust, his paws were far too busy clawing desperately at the bedsheets. While powerful thrusting ursine hips drove new sensations into him.

Adam gasped deeply as he felt the rabbit under him, squeezing and squirming around his cock. The bear snarled and fought his natural instincts, he loved making his lovers squeal and cum first. With growing speed and strength he continued to deep dick the rabbit, letting him feel every inch again and again, keeping his strokes as even as he could. Each time he thrust hard, into the rabbit's prostate, he could feel the rabbit squirming under him when he hit it. The squirming was wonderful it sent pleasurable sensations dancing up his aching cock, right through his entire body.

The ursine took his time, taking his pleasure slowly from the rabbit's ass. Hips pumping deliberately as under him Richard squirmed and squealed pushing back against him. The feeling of dominance filled Adam, he knew he was in command, this rabbit was his to take, to plunder and fill. It was intoxicating and with each passing moment he felt his resolve fading. Lowering down over the male his paws slipped onto the bed, onto all fours. He rutted the delightful creature like an animal, their hips slapping, the room filled with the sounds of their mating; the smack of hips on hips, balls on taint, the squeal of a bitch and the grunts of a powerful male. Music of the body and soul, ancient and unwritten, primal and passionate.

With each passing moment the bear's thrusting grew faster and faster, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. The lithe male under him writhing and squirming against his broad chest and belly. He snuffled along Richard's neck and licked his shoulders on instinct, nipping lightly as he gasped and groaned.

Moaning with delight Richard arched his back, loving the feel of the firm chest and stomach just above him. The feel of another male body grinding against his, as the bear's cock thrust in and out of his eager hole. The pressure in his balls building more and more, he whimpered deeply knowing that he wouldn't last much longer. Not that he cared, the bear could do anything it wanted to him, just so long as he kept thrusting, kept filling his body with those wonderful sensations.

Thrusting harder and harder Adam began to let go, his instincts taking hold of him. His hips drove harder and faster breeding the rabbit, his thick cock slamming in and out of the bunnyhole faster and faster. His huge orbs smacking off the lapine's taint heavily, with loud lewd smacking noises. The sensations of the rabbit's ass flooded the fiber of his body, he couldn't stop. He could scent, taste, hear and feel the rabbit, touching him on every level as they connected deeply and intimately.

There was something wonderful about the union, flesh and soul blending as their breaths and hearts raced. Yet there was something missing. With a force of will he never knew he possessed Adam stopped his thrusting. The rabbit squealing with annoyance, Adam ignored the rabbit's protests. Instead he lifted off the male, keeping his cock buried hilt deep inside him. Then he grabbed the rabbit and turned him around forcefully, rolling him onto his back. A deep pleasurable cry, escaping his lips, as he felt the rabbit's ass turning around his cock; a sensation unlike any he had ever felt before.

Richard groaned in confusion as the bear turning him around, the feel of the cock in his ass as he turned was wonderful though. It almost made up for the lack of thrusting. Then as he lay back he found himself staring into the wonderful smiling eyes of his lover. Before he knew what was happening the bear leaned down kissing him deeply. He gasped and returned the kiss with passion, then cries of bliss as the bear's hips began to drive into him again. This time there was no slow or deliberate strokes, it was the fast brutal rutting of an animal giving in to lust. The rabbit had felt similar before and yet as his tongue danced with the bear's he knew this was far different.

Hips rolled against hips, the bear's huge paws found Richard's and his fingers laced together, holding his paw as he pushed down. The rabbit couldn't stop himself this was something far beyond anything he had ever experienced, the pleasure and intimacy was far greater than he ever expected from a casual lay, picked up in the student union. The bear's stomach stroking over his cock was all the sensation his cock needed. Whimpering the rabbit lost control his cock spewing hot bunny cream onto the bear's stomach, their furs getting soaked with his jizz.

Adam gasped in pleasure as he felt the rabbit tighten around him, the wet warmth of Richard's cum soaking into his fur. It was all it took to send him over the edge, breaking the kiss to roar with pleasure. He kept thrusting with desperate bestial need as his cock jetted streams of hot seed deep inside his lapine lover. The bear continued to thrust as he emptied everything he had into the beautiful creature under him.

It was a moment of true bliss, for both of them. Even the banging on the walls from his student neighbours complaining about the noise, couldn't ruin it. Adam lay down losing himself in the green eyes of the rabbit. They kissed and nuzzled softly, tenderly, their bodies holding together as if they were made to be one. Eventually they both succumbed to slumber, the exertions of their mating taking control of them.

It was Richard who woke first, he looked up and noticed the clock. It was almost midnight, he moaned deeply as he knew he had to leave. He was supposed to call his girlfriend a few hours earlier. The bear's cock had slipped out of him as they slept, he felt strangely empty. Also wonderfully content, wrapped up in the powerful embrace of the ursine. He closed his eyes and nuzzled into the broad chest, wondering at the sensations. The scent of his lover mixing with the smell of their rutting wonderfully. The warmth and sensation of the soft fur mixing with his own, all he wanted was to lay there forever.

All he wanted to do was lay there forever in the bear's embrace. However, he knew that soon Adam would awake and ask him to leave. After all if one of the other students spotted the two leaving in the morning they would probably figure out the bear was gay. Richard would never take that risk, or let Adam take it.

With a sigh he pulled reluctantly from the embrace, the large bear groaning and yawning as Richard sat up and sought out his pants. "What time is it?"

"Midnight," the rabbit replied as he found his underwear and picked them up. "I have to go call my..."

He didn't get to finish the sentence as the bear reached out and took his paw, the bear's other paw turning Richard's face to look at him. "Stay." The bear whispered, somehow both asking, begging and commanding all at once with a simple word. Richard felt the underwear in his paw slipping from his fingers. He knew that his girlfriend would be suspicious if he didn't call, she was his beard, his disguise that kept who he was from his parents, family and friends. He also knew that the other students might see them together. That he might be dragged out of the closet and yet, the other choice was to leave the bear. To walk away and go back to his life, call his beard and start hitting the gay bars in secret again.

It was strange, he had never even thought to challenge his life, to take such risks. This bear was just another student, someone hiding like he was. When he had approached him he thought he would be just another lay. Yet looking into those hopeful eyes the rabbit knew he couldn't leave him. Not while those eyes held his gaze. He let his underwear slip and began to lay back down. The bear's arms curled around him and he signed with a feeling of contentment he had never felt before. The large male spooned up behind him and he closed his eyes, for the first time ever he felt like he was where he was meant to be.


A large yawn escaped the bear's lips as he awoke, stretching out. He carefully pushed the slumbering rabbit out of his arms and smiled as the bunny grumbled in his sleep, then chuckled as the rabbit snuggled back up in their bed. 'Their bed' it had taken a long time before Adam had been willing to admit that's what it was. The blonde rabbit began to snore as the bear got up chuckling to himself. Students, they never changed, all these years and he had never met a student that got up before midday if they didn't have to. Of course after what they had gotten up to the previous night they young male needed his sleep.

Adam grabbed his glasses from the nightstand and pulled on his dressing gown. As he brushed his teeth, a few minutes later, he couldn't help but catch his face in the mirror, his muzzle had a few wisps of grey. Still that was one of the benefits of being a polar bear, when you got old and your hair went white, nobody really noticed. Twenty plus years, many of them had been wonderful, some had been dreadful and one... one he rarely thought back on even after a decade it was too painful.

With his teeth cleaned the bear wandered downstairs and made a coffee, watching the sunbeams dance in his garden. They filtered down through the branches and leaves of the apples and cherry trees. He could remember the argument they had in the garden centre, apple verses pear. The rabbit had won, he always did. Adam may have been the big brutish bear, but the little rabbit had had a fire that was hard even for a polar bear to cool.

The smell of his cheese on toast beginning to burn roused him from his thoughts and he pulled them onto a plate. Tintern on toast, a rare and expensive kind of cheese. The bear had discovered it by accident one Christmas. It made a great cheese to add to the cheeseboard. The bear prided himself on being an excellent host. However, afterwards he had tried the leftovers on toast, somehow the melted cheddar, mixed with shallots and onions became something more than the sum of its parts. The perfect cheese on toast, he only ordered it for a couple of occasions these days. This morning had been one, he ordered it without thinking, without realising what the day was.

He switched on the radio to keep him company as his young lover slept, then he wandered to pick up the mail. As he sat down at the kitchen table he heard the DJ announce a request, an old classic. His ear's didn't register the name, but the first few bars struck him so hard the letter he was reading slipped out of his paw.

"Someone told me long ago there's a calm before the storm

I know, it's been comin' for some time

When it's over, so they say, it'll rain a sunny day

I know, shinin' down like water"

The words cut right to his heart, his trembling paw reached for his breakfast and he knew it. The date, how could he have forgotten? Ten years and he never forgot this day.His eyes became glassy as he couldn't take the whirl of memories and emotions. Wonderful years and feelings, declaring his love and having it accepted. There were no words for that, pure joy is a hollow shell compared to knowing you have found the one you will be with forever. Standing before his father and introducing his boyfriend, the weight of decades of lying being lifted as his mother smiled and gave his rabbit boyfriend a welcome to our family hug. He had cried that day too as his family had told him they had known for years, and accepted him, loved him for who he was.

He remembered the day they found this house, he hadn't wanted to look at it, Richard had said the garden was sort of ok so they should check it out. They had put an offer in the next day and moved in a few months later. He remembered their first night there, sleeping on a mattress in their living room, with no curtains up. There hadn't been time to unpack thanks to the delivery driver arriving very late. Smiling he thought of how they spent that first night in the house, making love and holding each other, all the while hoping their neighbours couldn't see them through the window.

Tears began to roll down his cheeks, soaking the fur as the song continued to play and he continued to drown in the memories. Of the cough Richard developed, how long he insisted he was ok. The bear had to force him to see his doctor, one of the rare battles he won. He could remember every detail of the doctor's face as he sat down to explain what the x-rays of Richard's lungs meant. The feeling in the pit of his stomach and how much he wanted to be brave for his rabbit. He failed, ending up a blubbering mess, while his dying lover tried to comfort him.

Those last six months had passed so dreadfully slow and far too fast at the same time. He held tightly to his lover and yet Richard had slipped through his fingers. The last days... the rabbit had been a shell of himself, gaunt and thin, sick from the chemo. He had barely been able to walk, Adam had been there with him throughout. He'd taken a leave from his job and served as nurse and carer. In the end carrying his love to the toilet, cleaning him, and feeding him.

The rabbit had begged his forgiveness for leaving him alone. Adam gave it and he promised he would always remember him as the rabbit he met, smart, beautiful and with a passion that nothing could temper. He tried each year on this day to honour that promise and yet, this year he felt he had failed. A trembling paw picked a photograph off the wall. Their wedding day, well civil partnership, but it was close enough a day to celebrate their love.

"A... are you ok?" A cautious voice whispered from the doorway to the kitchen. The bear looked up, embarrassed to have been caught in this moment of weakness.

"I'm fine," he said his normally strong voice giving away the truth and showing his lies.

The blonde rabbit stepped forward and looked at what he was holding, "you... never talk about him."

"I... I didn't want to make you feel unwelcome," the bear whispered hanging his head in shame. "Plus losing him was the single most painful thing I have ever felt... I was worried I might drive you away."

The young rabbit smiled and sat down next to the bear, reaching out to take his trembling paws. "I knew about him from day one... I don't want to replace him..."

"I know you don't and I told you you are nothing like him, I do love you... but I will always love him as well," the bear smiled and looked at the photo. "He was late you know, to our ceremony. His brother was driving him and he got lost. I remember thinking, just for a moment mind you, that he was going to stand me up at the alter. Then he burst into the registry office, with such drama, and fluster he ran down the aisle and I couldn't help but laugh as he apologised to the registrar, "sorry I'm late, I hope you didn't start without me."

Toby smiled as the bear spoke, finally about his former lover. The young male had known before he slept with the bear he'd lost his previous lover. He had never pushed for details figuring that when the bear was ready he would tell him. However, once Adam started talking about him, he wasn't able to stop. Story after story flowed out of the bear. He made the rabbit laugh and both of them cry. Adam opened up about everything, sharing everything about Richard.

As the day wore on Adam admitted that this was an important date, the anniversary of Richard's death. He talked about the funeral and how hard he had found the years since. When he saw some worry and doubt in the rabbit's eyes he changed topic. Talking about Richard's last six months, how the rabbit had made him promise he would not spend the rest of his life alone.

"It took me many years to get to a point when I could think of another person that way, I didn't know I was ready," he whispered and smiled. "You know you just sort of go on with life, you don't think you will, but you do. Get up, go to work, laugh with colleagues, terrorise students" the bear winked at Toby, his former student as he said that, "eat, pay bills, and sleep. Life doesn't give you a choice, it just goes on. Then one day some silly kid knocks on your door and asks if he can submit his paper late and you... find yourself falling in love again. You don't mean to, you don't even know you can you just... do." He emphasised the last part of his speech, he hoped it might make things easier on the rabbit. Though he knew that one way or another the rabbit would find out the true harshness of what it was like to lose a lover. He was twenty-four years older than his lover, he took great comfort in that. Living through the death of one love had hollowed him out and he knew he could not stand to do it a second time.

"What... what do you think Richard would have thought of me?" Toby hesitated to ask, but he couldn't stop himself. There are some questions which have to be asked, no matter how much we fear the answer.

The bear smiled and then chuckled, "he'd definitely like you. Though he would insist on taking first go on you... he always hated going second." There was a twinkle in the bear's eye as he spoke. Toby couldn't tell if he was joking or not. "He would love you, you took my pain away and he would love you for that."

Toby felt a tear running down his cheek again, it was strange to cry over the death of someone he had never known. Sitting with the bear for the day made him think that he did know Richard, or at least for the first time he had a real sense of who he was. His eyes fell on one of the many pictures of Richard around the house. They had always seemed somehow fake, strangers smiling. Now he could see it, a person who had brought wonder and happiness into his love's life. He didn't seem like a stranger anymore, Toby wished he could have known the rabbit before he died.

Adam smiled and pulled the rabbit into his arms for a long warm, loving embrace. Toby returned the affection with everything he had, loving the feel of the warm body pressed to his. The bear felt nothing but love and gratitude for the new male in his life. He had worried so much about what to say, how to broach the subject of his former lover. His new love had made it easy on him and he knew that his old one would understand and approve. Moving on didn't mean he had to forget his past, but ensuring he made the most of the time he had while they were apart.

If you enjoyed this story please consider buying my first book details can be found in myhttps://www.sofurry.com/view/945905 journal It's a sweet romance story with some steamy chapters and some art by Edesk

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