Always Bring Along Your Little Sister - Part 4

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#4 of Always Bring Along Your Little Sister

Two months had passed since Eric's first day of middle school. As he expected, he had learned to enjoy his sixth grade year. Though recess was gone, it was replaced by classes that were far more enriching to him, like creative writing, swimming and weight lifting. The young lion made sure to maintain the proper balance between school and his favorite after school activity; fucking Tasha and Tracey; an activity that never grew old.

This school week had been short, with Eric and Lars only attending Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and having Thursday and Friday off for fall break. If having two extra days of school off wasn't good enough, Eric and Lars were thrilled to learn that there parents were going away on a vacation for that time period. Left by themselves, the two brothers indulged themselves to their hearts content, smoking cigarettes, drinking booze, and having their girlfriends over for round after round of rough sex. It was every healthy, young boys dream come true.

By the time Saturday had rolled around, Eric was up in his room, reading a book as he listened to his iPod. With no parents around to correct him, he'd decided to take a page out of Lars' book and lounge around in the nude. He quickly learned that he rather like the idea of being without clothes, finding it liberating, relaxing.

Eric finished the book he had been reading, tossed it to the side and hopped out of bed. Pulling his headphones off, he paused the track he was listening to on his iPod and threw it on his bed. Walking down the hall, he stopped to see Lars, who, as per usual was without clothing. The older lion sat at his computer desk, focused on some task. Eric knocked on the open door and Lars turned his attention to his sibling.

"Watcha need, little bro?" he asked.

"Nothing. Just wondered what you were doing."

Lars motioned his brother to come inside. Eric looked on the computer screen and saw what appeared to be some sort of form that his brother was filling out.

"College applications?" inquired the younger lion.

"My seventh one today," answered Lars. "I'm not gonna limit my options to just what we have in state."

"Sounds expensive," observed Eric. Though several years away from filling out college applications himself, Eric was cognizant of the huge expense of college tuition, having heard several news reports about it over the years as well as listening to his father complain about it.

"Tremendously fucking expensive," agreed Lars. "I'm just lucky that I'm getting an academic scholarship. Better stick to the books so you can get one too when your time comes."

Eric nodded his understanding. Both he and Lars had always been excellent students, with Lars getting straight As all throughout high school. Eric was well on his way to getting all As on his next report card. His parents told him that if he brought home all As, they would give him two hundred dollars to spend as he pleased. That was more than enough incentive to the young lion to keep his nose in the books.

"Say," spoke Lars, turning his computer chair around to face his little brother, who was now sitting on his bed. "Has that Tyrone prick ever given you anymore problems?"

"I almost forgot to tell you about that" said Eric. "He got expelled for threatening another student with a knife."

Lars' eyes widened. "No shit?"

"Yeah, last I heard, his family moved out of state to see if they can get a new start some place else," informed Eric.

The older lion snorted. "Good luck with that. That kid's got serious problems."

"So I've noticed," said Eric, "I've gotta ask you: if it came down to it, would you have actually beaten him up if you thought you had to?"

Lars gave his brother a very serious look. "If I thought I had to, I would have even killed him to protect you, Eric."

Eric was astonished at his brothers words. They'd always been close, but her was Lars saying he was willing to kill someone who harmed his brother. Eric didn't need anyone to explain to him that such an action would have resulted in Lars possibly going to prison.

"Wow, thanks, Lars," said Eric.

"No problem, little bro," said the older lion as he resumed his typing. Eric was about to leave his room, when something else popped into his mind.



"I need some serious advice," said Eric.

Not the least bit annoyed, Lars again swirled his chair around to face Eric. "What's on you rmind?"

Eric scratched at the back of his neck. "Um, since I started going to middle school, I've had the chance to make some new friends."

"That's good," observed Lars.

"You know my friend Perry?"

"Oh, you mean the panther? Yeah, seems like a nice guy. What about him?"

Eric felt a little uncomfortable. "We've gotten to be pretty tight lately, and Perry asked me a question that I really, really need some advice on."

"What?" asked Lars.

"Turns out we've got a lot in common. I have two girlfriends, and Perry has two girlfriends as well, both cheetahs . . . and . . .um . . . he was . . ."

Lars smiled. "Let me guess; he's wondering if you guys could swap girlfriends for the night, right?"

"How did you know that?" asked Eric, astonished that his brother guessed correctly.

"Nothing new about that one, little bro, especially with felines," said Lars.

"So, have you and Talia ever done that?" inquired the younger lion.

"Yep," said Lars nonchalantly. "No big deal. It's just sex."

"Wow, I never would have guessed!" said Eric.

"Where do yo stand on the issue?"

"The girls want to, and so do I, but . . ."

"What is it?"

"I'm just worried that they might feel differently about me afterward."

"Eric," said Lars, shaking his head. "You know those girls love you, right?"


"And you love them, don't you?"

"I do!"

"Then I'm sure your relationship with them won't be harmed at all by sleeping with other felines," reassured Lars.

"Yeah, you're right!" said Eric. "Is it okay if I call Perry and say that we're on for tonight?"

"Sure, little bro. I'm going over to Talia's, so you guys will have the whole place to yourselves."

"Cool," said Eric as he left the room to get his phone.

"Hey, Eric?"


"If you plan on marrying those two tigresses of yours, you'd better make sure you get a job that pays really well!"

Eric shook his head. "Thanks, Lars."

Even though Lars was going over to Talia's for the night, he had agreed to pick up Perry and the two female cheetahs to bring over to the house, and he also moved his bed into Eric's room so that everyone could see each other while the fun was going on. Talia had already dropped off her sister and Tracey at the house.

Eric heard the doorbell ring. Smiling at his two girlfriends, he went over and opened the door.

"Hey, Perry!" he said, fist bumping the male panther. "What's up?"

"Not much," said Perry. "You remember Chelsea and Chastity, right?"

"Sure do," said the lion, bowing to the female cheetahs. "I hope to get to know them much better before the nights over."

The cheetahs laughed as they put their paws on Eric. "He's a cute one, isn't he, Chastity?"

"Sure is," said Chastity. "Can't wait to enjoy ourselves!"

As Eric was getting better acquainted with the cheetahs, Tasha and Tracey were busy making Perry feel welcome, rubbing at the panther's jet black fur. He purred at their tender touch. Eric looked over at his girls and saw they were enjoying themselves. That's what truly mattered to him, knowing that they were happy.

"Does everybody want to go upstairs?" asked Eric, savoring the increased rubbing of Chelsea and Chastity.

"Yeah," said Perry. "Where to?"

"Follow me," said Eric.

Everyone piled into Eric's room, seeing the two beds, they decided to get it on right thee. Eric pulled his clothes off, though kept a close watch on Chelsea and Chastity, wanting to see their naked forms for the first time. He wasn't disappointed by what he saw, as both girls were slim, with flat tummies, large breasts and firm backsides. Eric was determined to get his paws over every single spot on their coats.

"You two ready?" he asked them, putting his arms around them.

They nodded their readiness. The lion looked over at Perry who had already gotten into bed with his tigresses. Eric lied down in his own bed, and quickly found both cheetahs up against him, rubbing his chest and making him super horny. He grinned as he looked back and forth, trying to decide which one to take first, finally settling on Chelsea.

"Ready Chelsea?" he said, seeing her get on her back.

"Shove it in me, Daddy!" she cooed.

Never one to upset a lady, Eric did as he was told, shoving the whole of his cock inside of the cheetah. Chelsea groaned at the lion's girth. Though everyone present was a feline, cheetahs, as well as panthers, were smaller members of that family, and as such, Eric's cock was bigger than what Chelsea was used to. She thrashed her head back and forth as the lion a top her plowed away at her smaller pussy, wanting to give her a healthy does of lion seed.

Perry had busied himself with Tasha, getting her on her back and shoving himself in. The tigress was enjoying his vaginal assault, finding his jet black fur and bright yellow eyes exotic, though she could tell he was not as big as Eric, he certainly knew how to use what he had. The panther was no stranger to females, and lived to please his two cheetahs. He lowered his mouth onto Tasha's breasts and sucked on her tits. The tigress wrestled at the intimate contact of the panther's mouth on her tits, wanting more and more from him. Tracey was on her side, taking in the view of their new male sex partner as he fucked Tasha harder and harder.

Eric occasionally looked over to see Perry plowing away at Tasha's cunt, and found that Lars was right; it was just sex! Completely relieved of any guilt or regret, the lion sped up his fucking into Chelsea. The female cheetah had already experienced one orgasm, and was well on her way to a second when she heard the powerful roar of Eric as he was fast approaching release. Begging to fuck her harder, the lion complied, and was rewarded with the second orgasmic screams of Chelsea as he shot his load into her. Pulling out, he motioned for Chastity to take her place. The second cheetah looked up at him, purring.

"How long does it usually take to get your second wind?" she inquired.

"Give me thirty more seconds," said Eric.

Perry, hearing this, stopped fucking Tasha momentarily. "So, it's true? You lions really can recharge that quickly?"

"Oh yeah," said Eric, feeling his dick springing back to life. "We've got pretty immense stamina."

Perry went back to rocking Tasha's world, wishing he'd been born a lion instead of a panther.

Fully erect, Eric sunk his wang into the second cheetah, making her scream at being stuffed by such a large penis. He grinned as he took her, pinning her arms to the bed as she cried out his name. Just like Chelsea, Chastity's cunt was smaller than either Tasha or Tracey's and that was giving Eric the time of his life. His mane shook as he was on his second female of the night, and he knew that it would not be his final round by any stretch of the imagination. The cheetah dug her claws into his back, something he had gotten used to with Tasha and Tracey. His thrusts were as powerful as ever as he made the cheetah below him squirm in sheer ecstasy. She screamed out his name.

"Yes, fuck me, Eric, make me your slut!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Said the lion

Half and hour went by and while Perry was barely able to go a round with Tasha and then a round Tracey, Eric had shown his prowess by taking each cheetah twice, and still his thirst for sexual conquest had not been quenched.

"God damn," said Perry, panting. "You're the man, Eric!"

Perry and Eric did a fist bump. Eric laid back down with Chelsea and Chastity, but Perry had other plans.

"Hey, is it okay if I give you back your girls? I think they want more, and I'm spent!"

"Sure thing!" said Eric as he exchanged places with Perry. "Hey, girls!"

Tasha and Tracey cuddled up against him, wanting to have their boyfriend take them on a magical ride.

"Hey, I've had fun tonight," said Eric.

"Me too," said Perry. "You wanna do it again?"

"Sure," said Eric. "But for now, how about you enjoy the show that we're about to put on?"

"Cool," said Perry.

As Eric climbed on top of Tasha, he realized that he would be fucking not one, or tow, nor even three, but FOUR girls tonight! He wondered just how many girls he could please on any given night.

Hmmm . . . I wonder if I could get six next time? ****