A Father's Love, Chapter Eleven

Story by Boleynna on SoFurry

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#11 of A Father's Love

My awakening was less than kind. A maid shook me awake to tell me Mr. Bridshaw had invited me to breakfast. I sat up. She was skinny as a rail. She was young but looked old.

"What is it?" I groaned.

"Mr. Bridshaw has invited you to breakfast," the skinny maid said.

I looked at the clock.

"At seven in the morning?" I asked.

"He is very precise," the skinny maid said.

I pulled the covers over my head.

"Five more minutes," I said.

She pulled the covers off me.

"Not five more minutes, up now," the maid barked.

I clung to my pillow.

The maid picked up my dress that was still lying on the chest.

"Is this all you have to wear?" she asked, wrinkling her nose, then added, "It's positively ghastly!"

She yanked me out of bed and dragged me to the bathroom, the tub was already full. I was suddenly reminded of Miss Bailie. She pulled my nightgown off and pushed me into the tub. I yelped and jumped up. I pressed myself against the wall.

"Jesus Christ that's cold!" I cried.

"Watch your language young lady," the skinny maid snapped.

Young lady? She wasn't much older than me!

She then proceeded to push me back into the tub.

I sat up.

"Stop!" I shouted.

The maid glared at me.

"That's enough Henrietta," a voice said.

Mr. Bridshaw was standing in the doorway, then he raised his head and said, "I sent you to pass a message, not drown her."

The skinny maid curtsied and left, and Mr. Bridshaw turned back to me.

"Now let's get you dry," he smiled.

He brought me breakfast in the morning. Toast with warm melted butter, eggs, bacon and fruit. He put his robe around me and sat me in his lap as he fed me. As he put a piece of toast on my mouth, my mouth watered and I closed my eyes and moaned and leaned against him. I wished I had his cook.

He held my paw in his and rubbed his thumb back and forth over the top of my paw.

"What took you so long?" he asked, nuzzling my forehead. He put his other arm around my waist.

"Lots of things," I said.

He kissed my forehead.

"Like what?" he asked me.

"You know what," I said.

"Aye," he said.

He kissed my forehead again.

I picked up the toast with my free paw and took another bite.

"Could we go for a walk after breakfast?" I asked.

"We could, were would you like to go?" Mr. Bridshaw asked me.

"Could we go to the beach?" I asked.

I nuzzled his neck.

"I've never been to the beach," I said.

Mr. Bridshaw gently squeezed my paw.

"What if someone saw?" he asked.

I suspected he was joking.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked.

"What do you think?" he asked.

"I don't care," I said.

I rested my head on his chest.

"I'm tired of hiding," I said.

And then he smiled and gave my waist a squeeze.

"Alright," he said.

He sent another of the maids upstairs. He didn't send Henrietta, he sent a nice plump and smiling maid named Molly.

"These should fit you," she said, holding a white blouse and dark red skirt up to me, "They were Mr. Bridshaw's sister's."

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"He doesn't like to talk about it, and he doesn't like us to talk about it either," Molly said quickly.

She secured my corset, she didn't tighten it like Miss Bailie, and helped me into the blouse and skirt. She brushed my hair and handed me a hat with black feathers and a red rose.

"To keep the sun out of your eyes," she said, then led me downstairs.

Mr. Bridshaw and I rode together in the back seat, and Will rode up front with the driver. It was a quiet ride, and Mr. Bridshaw didn't look at me. I put my paw on his but he didn't do anything. Well, he smiled at me but that was all.

The beach was lovely. It wasn't too warm but it wasn't too cold. the sky was a light pale blue-gray, the sand looked white and the water was a dark blue in color.

Mr. Bridshaw walked beside me. I bent to pick up seashells every couple of steps but they were all broken so I tossed them back. Then I found a really nice one. It was small, cone-shaped and peach-colored with pink stripes and speckled with white.

"Look what I've found," I said, holding the shell up for Mr. Bridshaw to see.

"That's very lovely Camile," he said.

He smiled and walked on. He didn't say anything else, until I pulled up my skirt and walked down to the water. The waves washed up over my feet. It felt so nice and cool, and the foam tickled my toes. Suddenly Mr. Bridshaw rushed over and grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back. I thought he was going to shout at me, but he just loosened his grip and said calmly, "Careful, we wouldn't want you to get pulled in and washed out to sea."

"I'm sorry," I said.

"That's alright," he said.

"I just wanted to feel the water on my feet," I said.

I tugged on his coat and he said, "That's alright."

He let my arm go and I trotted back to the water. I turned back to him.

"Won't you walk with me?" I asked him.

And he smiled and took my hand and walked with me.

Then, most unfortunately, it began to rain and we were forced to return back to the mansion.

We cuddled together on his bed in his room.

He let me wear his robe again.

"I'm sorry our walk was interrupted," he said.

He stroked my hair.

"That's alright," I said.

I rubbed his chest.

"There's always tomorrow," I said.

He touched my arm where he grabbed me.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked.

"No," I said, shaking my head.

"I'm sorry," he said.

I touched his chest.

"Don't be," I said.

He laid back. I hovered over him. His robe slipped off my shoulder and Mr. Bridshaw lifted his head. He slipped his arm beneath his robe and ran his paw down my back to my bottom. His fingers found their way to the base of my tail and he lifted my tail and rubbed his paw up and down over my bottom. i winced as his paw touched my welts but I didn't let him know. He nuzzled my breasts and kissed up to my neck and I paused for a moment.

"Mr. Bridshaw," I said softly.

But he put a finger to my lips and lifted himself to kiss me on the lips. He raised his other paw and brushed the curves of my breasts with the back of his paw, then he moved his paw down my belly. He lifted my leg with his free paw so I was straddling his waist. His other paw on my rear dipped down between my legs into my swelling lips. I gripped the sheets tightly and bit my lip. Mr. Bridshaw lifted himself again.

"It's okay," he whispered in my ear.

I relaxed for him. He pulled his wet fingers from my folds and slid his paw back up and teased the base of my tail with his wet fingertips.

Oh Mr. Bridshaw you shouldn't. I wanted to say. It's dirty down there. You're not supposed to touch people down there. But it felt so good. His other paw went between my legs to play with my swollen lips, his fingertips slid back and forth over my nub and his teeth and lips and tongue teased my breasts.

"Oh..." I moaned, as his fingers pushed a little deeper between my lips.

"Camile," he moaned.

He rubbed my nub a little harder, then I felt something hard and fleshy press against my thigh, and Mr. Bridshaw replaced his fingers with his hard cock. He bucked his hips gently, one of his paws squeezed my rear cheeks as his other paw pushed against my ass. I whimpered as his fingers dug into my welts but I didn't care. I was finally with Mr. Bridshaw. He put a little more pressure on my bottom with his wet fingers, then his fingers were inside my ass.

"Am I hurting you?" he asked me in between bucks.

"No," I said, shaking my head.

I think he knew I was lying, but he didn't say anything.

Mr. Bridshaw bucked his hips a little harder as he moved his fingers in and out of my ass and I moaned as he rolled his hips with mine. He withdrew his fingers from my rear and sucked on them.

He slid his paws up my belly and squeezed my breasts. He pinched my nipples and rolled them between his fingers. His thrusting increased, the sounds of his hips slapping against mine filling the room with our moans. My body started to quiver, the same feeling from when I touched myself in my room.

"It's okay, let go," Mr. Bridshaw said softly.

He squeezed my nipples again and arched his back. I tilted my head back and cried out. He let out a loud groan. My belly felt warm and wet and sticky inside. I leaned over him, supporting myself on my paws. My arms shook.

I smiled down at him through my tousled hair.

"That was wonderful," I said softly, panting.

He looked up at me, his chest rising and falling with each deep breath he took.

His hard cock slipped from my swollen lips and I shivered as I felt his juices running down between my legs. He nuzzled my breasts and then laid me down beside him. I rested my head on his chest. We lay there together, quietly, staring up at the ceiling.

I looked at him and rubbed my paw over his chest. He stroked my hair with his paw. Then, before I could think, it slipped out.

"What happened to your sister?" I asked him.