Part 1: Heat

Story by Scamps Darkflame on SoFurry

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All the characters in this story are mine....'cept for Kelsk...he's very real...and owns Kelsk. Cause oh...he IS Kelsk...Scamps is touch...I'll bite your *** off! Okay thanks...that's all =D (if this doesent prove i have a dirty mind nothing will! XD)

Black and white: Part 1: Heat

Trembling slightly in the windless reaches of a deep canyon a small vixen bounded through the snow, every sense alert to the snow filled world around her she whooped in joy as she slid down a steep embankment and jumped as she reached the shallow basin below clearing it in a flash of russet-on white. Scamps had lived in the mountains most of her life, her pearents...well she couldent remeber them, only distant flashes and warm fuzzy memories of hapiness in the time they were alive...they were dead, that she was sure of, so being alone she had made her own life in these wide open mountains...of all winter was her favorite season, being an odd crossbreed she was perfectly suited to the changeing climate.

Slinking down to a unfrozen shallow rock pool she lapped at the freezing water, stopping momentary to stare at her own reflection in the water. Looking at herself now she had more or less reached her full maturity. Her delicate muzzle, reaching back to a streamlined head, her entire body was mostly white furred. Her ear tips paw tips and belly, as well as the tip of her tail and twin streaks above her eyes were a russet red color. almost black in parts, three arrow like stripes ran down her tail which had the odd grey black hair in her usually stark white...smiling she watched her mismatched eyes one dark gold, the other a silver grey sparkle back at her in the crystalline depths of the rock pool...lapping at the water one last time she broke her reflection into widening ripples.

Running through the canyon she came to a wide open plain. Now she was wandering she came across many new places. looking across the plain she saw a fringe of snow topped trees reaching as far as the eye could see..thinking aloud to herself she smiles "Well..looks like i've found myself another forest.lets hope it isnt as dangerous as the last IF a wolf could outrun this vixen!"

grinning she raced across the rock hard crust on top of the snow like a russetwhite blur, the only sound being the panting of her own breath and the slight patter of her paws..she HATED open spaces..places like this could get you killed ifyou didn' t know what you were doing...

Breatheing a harsh sigh of relief she slowed to a rocking trot as she entered the was mostly pine..oweing to the greeness it still had during places it was as dark as others weak sunlight filtered through gaps in the heavy snow-covered branches, smiling again she almost bounced as she broke into and easy lope thorugh the forest, Her keen eyes watching for anything that looked edible...finaly she reached a huge stateley tree that seemed like the perfect shelter for the oncoming night..a pine that was so stunted all of its lower branches formed a large rounded unbrella..pushing thick branches aside she gasped a little..the place underneath the tree was rather large..and since she wasant going to let this kind of oppertunity for both shelter from the wind and hidden from prying eyes she dropped the light bag she was carrying and gathered small sticks to light a fire.

A short time later Scamps was comftable seated near a small but cozy fire, from the darkeness around her she guessed it was night outside, she has unrolled what small amount of bedding she had on a waterproof ground sheet to she wouldent get a wet tail during the night..muching stoicly on a flat pankace like bread she had baked over the embers of the fire she sighed didnt really get much better than this..watching the embers she didn't notice the flickering shadow-like form watching her from the higher branches of the tree...its bright intelligent gaze watching her silently.

Flicking her tail over to cover her neck the young vixen curled up for night..the embers had reduced to a warm dull glow during the night, rested and fed she was finally settleing down for the night.surprisingly she felt less comftable than usual..she shifted her hips again wondering why she felt so hot due to the fast the embers couldent be puting of that much heat...thinking back she tried to remmeber somthing about this particular time of the year but the memory drifted away from her like smoke on the wind..her blood felt tlike it was fire in her veins..eventualy murring she fell into a restless type of sleep, punctuated by tossing and turning.

she was dreaming she ws back with ehr mother and father.loking up at a blurred face in her dream she felt herself saying "Dad...i heard the other foxes of the tribe talking..what does 'in heat' mean..?

a low male voice anwered her her

" way to curious for your own good.when the time'll just know, its a's a sort of have many years till your time just forget about it mother will attend to you when the time comes and you'll get a fine mate from one of the other tribes nearby..."

she felt a brushing sensation on her tail..with her eyes still closed she batted half heartedly at it.second later it was back..joined by a low groling noise..half asleep stil she sat up and promtly knocked nto somthing large and furry..

"WHAT...the...huh..who's there?!?"

wildly looking around she rubbed her eyes and finally her gaze rested on a dishellved figure not very far from sitting up to quickly she had obviously hit him and knocked him a few feet away from her...getting up slowly she backed up to the trunk of the tree as she shadow stirred and opened its eyes..

twin shimmering gold eyes stared at her...blandly they seemed to asess her..her neckfur bristleing and on end she hissed at it

"Go away..leave me tougher than i look!"

her own voice ended in a sqeak.which wasnt very convinceing. The other animal un-curled and stood up brushing dirt from its fur..stepping into the dying firelight she saw her visitor..

a male fox..well..what looked like a fox definatleley.his fur was dark sable grey except for his chest eartips and tailtip which were as coal black as a moonles night, seemingly tribal marking s in a shade of dark purple ringed the glowing golden eyes that hadant shifted from her since they had opened, his hair was long and fell around his shoulders and across his furhead in raven dark wisps...he blinked..seemingly taken aback by her agression towards him, slowly approaching her he spoke in a voice that was like oil on ice

"I think the question should be..what are you doing in my neck of the woods.."

with that he gave what appeared to be a sheepish grin

"Sorry i scared you, i just don't get many visitors...and you seem to smell diffrent...iunno..its interesting, thought it take a look before i introduced myself.."

he looked at her earnestly and grinned, pushing his hair back over his shoulders..where she noticed what appeared to be pointed spikes growing from each shoulderblade. choking almost she finaly sighed and un-flattened herself from the treetrunk and forced herself to speak in a calmer voice

" sorry..being a traveller i have to take everybody as a threat..its dangerous you know." flattening her ears in a sheepish gesture she waved a paw towards the dwindleing fire..

"if you mean me no harm then perhaps you can help me rebuild the fire? i don't think im going to be sleping much tonight after the scare you gave me!"

chuckleing she gathered a few sticks and th mysterious male fox dragged somthing from nearby which turned out to be a dry log which he heaved into the fire with no sign of effort.

Finaly seated comftably on her bedroll him rather close neaby she gave him a sideways glance

"What did you mean..i smell diffrent'..?"

his gaze drifted to the fire and he shrugged

"mm...whatever it is its alot stronger now you havent got the smell of fear around you...its like..a magnet..'

snorting she shrugged herself..

Oh i forgot to tell you my name..Im Scamps..Scamps Darkflame.."

Holding out a paw he hestantly grasped it with his own and smiled

"Im Kelsk..just Kelsk.."

smileing back she ficked her tail in a fox welcome..suddenly he turned to her and seemed to sniff deeply..her ears flicking back and forth...

"The..i can smell it again when you moved your tail...."

murring she looked behind her

" might have to do with the fact that i have been feeling odd latley..all hot and stuff...must be coming down with a fever..because its making it hard to sleep.."

He shook his head and raised his muzzle a little..

"No..its not that type of smell..."

he got up and moved around her..

"whatever it is it isnt a sick smell..thats easy to pinpoint...somthing else.."

shurgging he slumped back down beside her...

"I don't suppose you have any other ideas..because it making my head spin everytime i get a muzzle full of it..."

sniffing she shook her head and let her ears drop

"I think its somthing to do with this time of the year...erf...i only i could remember what it was my pearents told me.."

shaking her head as if to rid herself of a fog around her brain she rumbled..

suddenly noticeing her partner had gone unneringly quiet she looked over at him..

he was wering a smirk on his foxy features and his tail was lashing slowly back and forth..she laughed..her own voice sounded a little hollow..

"uhh..what's the matter...Kelsk..?"

He just stared at her...feeling uneasy she shuffled a few paces backwards..


He suddenly leaped forward, powerful leg muscles digging he pounced on her..landing on all fours over her..his eyes glittering hungrily..

"Kel...wha..what are you doing..?!?"

she tried to push him off her but he brought his muzzle closer..sniffing deeply.his voice a low whisperey growl..

"i...know what it in't help it.."

she pawed uselesly as his chest her tail thrashing at his backside..


suddenly remebering what that meant., a flash she remembered..heat..that was when the females went on to a mating madness..the males were always worse..a sort of fever came over them during their first mating..they couldent help themselves..that must mean that.well.this weas the first time Kelsk had ever cought the scent of a female in heat.and it was driving him wild......

his breath becoming ragged he murrred quietly, his paws stopping the young female from scratching him..everything seemed to be in a red haze..the smell filling his nostrils and making feeings her never thought posilbe uncoil in his belly..this was important..he knew the heat filing his brain was whispering to him, making him feel like he was being borne along by a wave..he had to take her now..everything consisted of this moment..foxmurring he dug his back paws into the snow and lowered his muzzle to brush the fur at the nape of her neck..the smell drove him again, making his blood sing in his ears..he could almost hear Scamps heartbeat under her fur...oh...running a paw over her chest he purred, ignoreing the fact that she had gone almost still herself..the only movement being a weak thrashing of her tail...without thought she was responding to him!...smiling wolfishly he ran his paw down her chest his claws extended and raking through the soft thick fur there..his paw running over her breasts and to her flat felt like she was almost vibrateing...looking up in surprise he noticed a small smile on her lips..she was purring!..grinning again he brought his muzzle to her neck, licking tenderly at the mane of fur there...his muzzle buried in the ice white fur he suddenly clamped his jaws down on her neck eliciting a small gasp from her..both pleasure and pain in the sound.

Scamps had no idea what overtook her..but the second he was on her his own scent filled her nostrils and she panted deeply..a rich earthy smell caught her senses and her head swam with the feelings that came along with it..pleasure..a forgotten feeling of happiness..and a rapidly rising feeling of heat, like the blood in her veins was burning up.

Kelsk was in his own elemeant..sense guided his paws over her belly betwen her legs as he found her pleasure centre, now she has flicked her tail to one side he was almost lost in the moment, licking the fangmarks he had made on her neck he moved to licking the joint between her neck and shoulder..his paw rubbung beteen her legs as he panted between licks..

Murring scamps thrashed her tail in extasy...why the HELL had it took her so long to find somone like this.the feeling.was..unimaginable..his paw was driving her crazy...instinct drove her to respond be pressing herself into his paw rather than away as she would have done had she not have been in heat and overcome with a sort of blood-frenzy..

her own paw stroking over the fur of his chest and down his belly in the space between their bodies she tickled her small paws over a growing furry bulge...craning her neck downwards she almost froze...instinct driving her slide her paws over his sheath..his moan audible to her ears through the fur he has buried his muzzle in...her exploration of that part of him had it's rewards though...

Kelsk moaned and murred as Scamps paws slid over his he couldent have stopped even if he had wanted too...his member was rock hard..and nothing short of a pack of wild wolves could tear him from this moment...stroking his paw upward and back along his belly he purred in lust..his own paw now covering hers..sliding himself out of his sheath he licked her cheek lovingly..looking up ward at her, head thrown back..panting he finally guided himself into her..shuddering with pleasure. The first reaction from Scamps was to gasp and bite her tounge as he entered her..yes it felt good but being her first time there was also pain tempering the pleasure she was getting from it...not being a small fox Kelsk was still swelling as he entered her, the heat coming from his member seemed it would melt the snow around them...panting hard she closed her eyes and silently wimpered as he drove himself deeper.

Thrusting slowly so he could enjoy his first time Kelsk choked back his howl of delight, his paws sliding down to her hips and pushing her onto him he ground his full lengh into her, his knot starting to grow, licking her neck he let her feel the full size of him before he started thrusting slowly, taking his time, listening to the pained timbre of her wimpers fadeing, replaced by murrs of happiness.

Scamps could feel her body quickly adjustiing to his size and the pain slowly faded...replaced by sheer pleasure as he started his thrusts, driving himself deeper into her each time, wrapping her legs around his hips she purrr like a maniac, her claws latched firmly around his shoulders as she matched his thrusts, arcing her back she moaned..every single thought in her head washed away by the feeling of him, her own heat filling her till she could see nothing but stars when she closed her eyes, as he increased the pace she started to pant harder, more raggedly, her ear flattened to her skull she wimpers and tenses up, her claws almost gougeing his skin and fur she cumms hard her legs shaking and her entire body twitching..

Kelsk felt her close to cumming, increseing his tempo he almost shreiks on pain she she peirces the skin on his shoulder with her sharp claws as her legs grip him harder, his knot up to full size and grunts and gives a harder thrust...she gives a loud whine as it enters her..throughly locking them together as he cums..his sharp fangs clamping down on her shoulder just hard enough to draw a little blood from her body..panting.he raised his head..looking up at if in wonderment he licks at the wound on her neck as she tries to move...yelping in pain she decides to stay still and he chuckles quietly.his own words coming in a harsh whisper.

"mm..looks like were going to be tied together for at least..oh..ten minutes..don't move.."

smiling uncertinly she stays still and absently strokes her paws over the clawmarks in his shoulder..

"i..uhh...musta been a little rough there..m'sorry.."

he chuckles drily, licking her cheeks

"no problem, i was just as sorry i jumped you there..never..well ive never had a feeling this strong."

..Smileing fully now the vixen hugs him

"not your foult, i shoulda listened to my pearents when they told me about being in think..this is only the start of the mating season

giving him a cheeky grin she murrs as his knot finnaly goes down to manageable size and he pulls himself out, his body curled around hers in the glow of the fire, laying his head on her chest he smiles

"yes..well...i guess i should make the best of it eh..mating season..i think im going to like this part of the year.."

THE END this is part one..who knows this may be the only part, and its horrible short i RARRRFRRRRYSOPSJ)(I!!!

and...i don't do yiffy scenes well from third person..SO SUE ME!! =D

By : Scamps Darkflame 2003 (mating season ^_~)