Meet The Troublemakers

Story by SADesian on SoFurry

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#1 of Sarek and Cronic Collection

Meet Sarek and Cronic.

Who are these two rambunctious dragons you may ask? Let's go into more detail.

Sarek is the epitome of everything that it means to be lazy. He has close to zero aspirations, other than working on his impression of a hill, while at the same time having a nose for getting into trouble. The black scaled, purple maned drake often times runs his mouth without filtering what he is saying, being the main cause for most of the tight situations he finds himself in, sometimes dragging Cronic into it as well. Of course, at times, that slithering smart-ass of a tongue comes in handy whenever trouble is exactly what he is looking for.

Now how about Cronic?

Cronic is a good natured, all around sweet heart, having a pretty level head and nose for avoiding putting himself anywhere that he might find compromising, which unfortunately probably happens more times than he would like because of the black dragon he chose to befriend. The white scaled, blue maned dragon is the science and reason behind their friendship, often times trying to steer his lazy, stubborn headed companion in the right direction, but sometimes Cronic likes to just point him down a certain path and see what happens. Devious little drake that he is.

Together, they will certainly get into all sorts of trouble, and here is where we will document and make sure that every last detail has been accounted for. Hopefully it doesn't get out of hand.