Lunch With The Professor
#2 of sarek and cronic collection just a small bit of fun for my good friend cronic and an idea that we had bounced around for a while and i thought needed some proper attention.
Lunch with the Professor
Eventually, however, cronic began to break down, and rapidly at that.
Meet The Troublemakers
Now how about cronic?
Forbidden Lust
Shadows flickered on the wall and as cronic entered the large room he noticed a mattress that had most likely been stolen from humans or found.
Valkyrie - Book 1 -Chapter 8 - Flashback (Revised Edition)
She looked around as both taylor and cronic were instantly knocked unconscious by some unknown method. this creature was extremely powerful.
Somewhere Out There Act 20 - Drown
I've suffered from near cronic neglection, and i've done well not to turn out insanely needy like many people would think. but not being 'insanely needy' doesn't mean i don't need anything from people.
Imprefect thoughts and in imerfect mind
If anyone has had the inclination to read a few pages of dsm-5, they may have found that gad has five out of twelve symptoms in common with clinical or cronic depression. add on top of that the oddities one experiences with a.d.d.
Chapter 2: learning new things
#2 of the kitty cronicals chapter 2: learning new things ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ eric yawned as he woke up a smile on his face, he had had a wonderful dream, but it was over now and he had to get up, he had no idea what he was going to do today but
chapter 1: Adoption
#1 of the kitty cronicals author's comment: i hope you like my storie i plan to continue the series ^\_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "here kitty, where are you? you little fuzz ball?"
streetwolf cronicals chapter 1
Running down the halls of a abandon water treatment plant turning slightly as he running letting burst from his 45.Cal Kriss into the small group of infected chasing after him . Turning the corner seeing at the end of the hall was a door , steel round...
Other Poem's
Elantra and lyorenth are walking the streets of warfang, cronic is with them looking at hats.
Denzien - Level 1: Into Hell
Having gathered descriptions that make sense to me from numerous sources such as d & d, the bible, dante's inferno, the satanic bible, and even neil gaihman's the sandman cronicals have helped me put together this collection of stories involving denzien the