Todd & Rose

Story by thegoogous on SoFurry

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This is a short story about an arranged encounter between Todd, an unusual type of businessman, and Rose, a clean-freak who likes to get really really dirty..

Todd & Rose

*Knock Knock*

"This must be the place.." Todd thinks to himself.

He looks around, noticing the almost odd cleanliness and order about the exterior of the house and the gardens. Even the trees weren't given too much freedom.


The door gently swings open.

"Rose?" Todd inquires. "This must be her.."

In the doorway stands a fairly short mutt of a woman. Her fur is short and sleek, following her curves closely until billowing out of her head and tail like silk. Wearing high-heels and a dress that barely hides her breasts, she looks made up to attend some fancy party.

"Yes! Hello, Todd. Please, come in." She beckons him passed her. "Just give me a minute."

She points him into the living room just inside.

"No problem. Nice.. place." Todd says, stepping into the cleanest air he may have ever felt in his lungs.

"Thank you. I work very hard on it. Please, have a seat. You're welcome to anything you see."

"Thanks." Todd says as he sits down watching Rose strut away. He can't help but bite his lip at the sight of her plump ass pop and jiggle with each firm step she takes.

Todd turns his eyes to the room before him as Rose slips out of sight.

".....This place is fucking immaculate..." He thinks to himself, scanning every reflective surface for a spot or a hint of dust. He looks at his clothes and realizes he may be the only thing in the house that isn't sterile.

On the table sits a bottle of wine and a single glass along with a plate of delicately arranged munchies.

"Eh.. May as well.." Todd whispers to himself as he pours a short glass of wine.

The house is almost eerily quiet yet peaceful, far from what Todd is used to. His days often involve loud music, dancing, and keeping idiots in check.

He cautiously lays back on the couch, trying to ensure he doesn't send a plume of dust into the air around him while he sips his wine. He fails, watching as dust dancing through the air in the light pouring through the window ahead of him. The dust slowly descends across everything around him, skittering across the table.

"This is ridiculous! How does she keep everything this clean!?!" He yells under his breath as he tries to sweep the table clean of the barely discernible dust particles.

"I really like cleaning!" Rose announces sharply. Todd jumps and turns to her, noticing she'd removed her high-heels.

"Don't worry," she says softly with a smile,"I clean everything every day."

Todd slowly pans about the house, "Every... day?.."

"Alright! Come with me!" Rose gently commands.

Todd follows as she slowly guides him back through the house to the guest room. She opens the door revealing a windowless room full of adult goodies and a giant circular bed in the center. She leads him directly to the bed, passing cushions and small trunks full of who knows what.

"We'll have to make this somewhat quick but don't worry, I'm already fairly sure I'll be inviting you back. You're quite charming."

"Heh.. no problem, mam."

"Please, call me Rose. No need for that silly polite professional junk here." She pats his bulge. "Now then.."

Rose spins around, brushing her tail across Todd's chest and belly. She lifts her dress up and hangs is over the base of her tail before placing a finger on her asshole.

"Right here." She says firmly.

"What? Not even any fore--"


"I don't have any lube.. I'm not even hard!

"Better make due with what you've got!" Rose giggles.

Todd sighs, "Really? You just want me to.. Okay.. Give me a sec."

"Okay, sweetie." Rose says through another giggle, wiggling her bottom provokingly.

Todd licks a finger and begins toying with Rose's tight ring. He massages her, trying to soften things up as much as possible as he arouses his cock.

"Little slow on the draw?" Rose jokes, peeking back at him.

"I don't think you quite understand what you're working with here.."

"I think I can handle it." Rose replies, sticking her nose up slightly in confidence.

Now working her ass with two fingers, Todd gathers all the saliva he can, using it to soak both Rose's asshole and as much of his cock as he can. When he's got just about everything he can manage, he lifts his throbbing tip and lays it over top of her winking brown star.

"Awwnnh... There you go, big boy. Get to it."

He grabs one of her hips and presses into her asshole. She gasps, arching her back and relaxing her rear as much as she can to allow Todd full clearance. Within seconds, his large equine shaft is almost half way in.

"Impressive.." He says softly.

"You're bigger than I expected but I know what I'm doing. Don't be afraid to get rough."

"Alright then."

Todd firmly grabs Rose's hips and begins thrusting deeper into her. He can tell she wants to be worked and he's more the willing to appease her.

As he works deeper and deeper into her, he makes longer strokes, spitting into his hand and wiping it across his cock each time to emerges from deep within her. She quietly moans, rocking into Todd's thrusts.

"That's it.. *Huff* I'll take all of you if you give it to me..*Huff*.."

Todd gives her a few more thick strokes before shoving as deep as he can.

"Ahhwn!!" Rose wails, throwing her hair back and leaning into Todd's cock, now completely buried in her.

"Hold on.." She says, holding onto Todd's bulging thigh. She catches her breath while savoring the feeling of Todd's thick, powerful, throbbing shaft harbored ball's deep in her asshole.

"*Huff*.. *Huff*... Okay... Now don't stop until I come." She says, burying her face into the bed.

Todd fully retreats before diving into her again. Starting slow, he quickly increases his pace. Rose's body begins to rock with each stroke.

She lifts a knee, twisting her hips slightly as she begins to almost whine between her deep breaths. She reaches back to feel Todd's cock glide in and out of her.

"Damn.. she's resilient.." Todd thinks to himself.

"Ah.. almost.." She slips out between strokes.

"*Huff*.. Good!.. *Huff*" Todd declares as he feels his orgasm approaching too.

She lifts her other leg up onto the bed and squeezes her thighs together, spreading her bottom apart. Todd pulls her over his cock as he rocks his hips, stroking deeply. Rose wrenches on the base of her tail.

As she begins to quiver and squirm, Todd lifts a leg onto the bed, shoving everything into her again and pulling her dress down off her breasts to massage them. He works her rim in shorter but quicker strokes with the largest portion of his cock near the base, his balls rebounding off her sopping wet pussy.

Suddenly, Rose arcs back, lifting Todd up with her and pulling from under his glutes to ensure he stays deep inside her.

Her orgasm ripples through her body as Todd's thick shaft thumps inside of her, pumping out everything deep inside as Todd slowly humps her with the little room he's been allotted.

She finally collapses onto the bed, trying to catch her breath. Todd lets his cock slip out of her, followed by a small stream of cum that dribbles down her pussy and onto the bed.

"So... *huff*.. Tell me. *Huff*.." She struggles to get out.

Todd watches her in question as she daintily sits up and drapes her dress back down over her knees.

"How would you like to come back next week? We'll have much more time!"

"I'll have to make sure, but I should be free." Todd says with an uneasy smile.

"I don't know how much of this woman I can handle.." He thinks to himself.

"Good! Well then.. As you know, I'm in a slight hurry-"

"Right! Well, here.. Take this." Todd reaches into his coat pocket and hands her a card.

"Really?... A card?" She laughs.

"It's for my other business. It's got my number on it. That's all."

"Todd's Donut Shack?"

"Uh.. Hehe.. Yep!" He paints on an even more uneasy smile.

"Well.. Maybe I'll have to check it out." She says with a smile and an oddly serious tone.

"It's not exactly a clean environment but you might fit right in after what I just saw..."

Rose smiles and stand up, gesturing toward the door.

"I'll see you again very soon, hopefully!" She says with a smile full of delight.

"Sure.. Hehe" Todd replies.

Rose follows Todd to the door. "She hasn't let a single drop out.." He thinks to himself.

She gives him one last endearing smile and lets him out, watching as he descends the stairs before letting the door shut.

"What the fuck?.." Todd thinks to himself as he turns onto the sidewalk.