(~4~) In Order To Profit, Pt. 2

Story by WSAD on SoFurry

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#5 of Star Fox: The Descent

This is part two of two of Chapter 4, of Star Fox: The Descent. This is quite possibly the most depraved thing I've ever written... Either way, it's the longest chapter posted so far. Part 2 is over 13,000 words, and part one was around 9,500 words. So the total length of Chapter 4, In Order to Profit was over 20,000 words. That's why I decided to split it in half.

Hope you enjoy this newest chapter!

(~4~) In Order To Profit, Pt. 2

"Of coursse not." Baccus replied before planting his mouth over hers. Fox watched as she choked briefly before she began to swallow in gulps. The Goannan's tongue must have been probing her mouth deep. Her swallowing made Fox imagine Baccus' tongue slithering past her tongue to test the limits of her gag reflex by prodding at the back of her throat. All she was doing in response to his invasion was to try to suck his serpentine digit down deeper.

"I'll let the Great Fox know that nothing is wrong, and that we'll be back tomorrow morning with good news." Fox said, directing his words at Krystal. She gave him a side glance. She tried to smile through the vigorous kiss before Baccus pushed her off of his knee where she had been perched. Under his forceful direction she was made to sit on the couch next to him.

"You had her firsst last night, Baccus." Kilroy argued. Baccus was now hovering himself over the blue vixen with a great deal of intention tenting his pants. Baccus stopped himself from going further and scoffed. He sat back in his chair and waved a flippant hand for Kilroy to take his go at Fox's vixen. Fox pulled out his communicator and started preparing a message to Peppy. He kept it simple, but was finding it difficult to type on the screen.

Kilroy had stepped away from his seat to lean over Krystal from the front to force his mouth over hers to give the vixen her second hard kiss of the night. Fox's eyes were caught between checking his spelling and the activity coming from his right hand side. He watched Kilroy hook his hands under the hem of her skirt to yank it up to her waist. His vixen was already spreading her legs for him without any noticeable complaint.

Fox fat fingered the digital display and he couldn't find the focus to correct his spelling. Meanwhile, Krystal was now staring up at Kilroy with a panting expression and reaching out to undo his pants. Both Baccus and Kilroy were pulling off their blazers.

Baccus leaned to the side and pressed himself up against her. He stole her mouth from his brother in a quick swap of lips and returned to tongue fucking her like he had been before. With Kilroy out of the way he started undoing his pants while his brother sidestepped a hair and did the same with his own pants, which he was then quick to drop to his ankles for a quick kick to the floor.

Fox had to lean back into the couch cushion to keep his view of Krystal clear. Kilroy had her roughly by the hair now and was pulling her away from his brother and back toward him. He had her mouth on his cock shortly thereafter. He heard her gag once and Fox jumped with a start. It was just enough to cause him to accidentally send the message with a stray strike of his thumb over the screen. He checked what he sent and saw he'd not finished his last sentence and he had a myriad of typos.

Krystal was working herself over Kilroy's knob in the background while Fox attempted to correct his message and resend, but Peppy responded before he could.

"Drunk? Things ok over there Fox?" Was the hare's reply. Fox looked from his screen to the activity playing out to his right and saw that Kilroy was rocking his hips into the blue vixen's throat while his brother was busy groping at her breasts through her top while nipping and licking at her neck. Their tag team was met with no apparent resistance from Krystal, as far as he could tell. It was his turn to swallow.

"Fin, yeh. Hard drink. We're fine." Fox typed out a message and sent it with his attention split between his phone and everything to his right. He felt frustrated. He followed his last message with a second. "Wil try to check in later. No Promises."

Fox put his phone back in his jacket's inside pocket where he felt it vibrate from an incoming reply. He didn't make the effort to check it. He took a swallow from his glass and let the liquid burn down his throat.

"Take her mouth, I want her cunt." Fox overheard Kilroy say. Baccus grabbed Krystal by the shoulders and pulled her over until she fell sideways into his lap. His cock was standing upright from his pants and she looked at it for a short moment before reaching out to it with a hand and popped its head into her mouth. Kilroy dropped a knee onto the couch cushion and stroked his dick while his free hand slid up her leg to the bunched up fabric of her skirt. He was pawing at her lingerie to reveal her folds hidden beneath.

"So rude!" Krystal panted from over Baccus' cock, but Fox could hear the excitement and playfulness underlying the tone of her voice. Baccus smirked and pushed her head back down on his dick to silence her.

"No no, dear maiden, jusst eager. Rude iss what we do with the slutss out in the lobby." Kilroy replied before he managed to pull her lingerie down to her knees. With a hasty motion he had her panties down and off of her so he could shove her knees apart with Krystal lying on her side. Baccus adjusted his position on the couch so as to prevent the vixen from being twisted between the two of them uncomfortably.

Fox watched as Kilroy lined himself up, slapped her pussy with his cock, then pushed it in with a steady motion. Krystal gasped over the cock in her mouth and squinted her eyes tight as the thick Goannan cock stretched her open for the second day in a row. She was panting hard through her nose as her chest heaved. She was still clad in her jacket and vest, but Fox doubted they would let that last for very long.

"She'ss still tight, Baccus." Kilroy commented as he gave the vixen several short thrust to knock his length into her inch by inch until the resistance of her cunt stopped him just short of being halfway hilted. With a foot on the floor and a knee on the couch he was in prime position to start rocking his cock into her, and rock he certainly did. Not that it helped him wedge himself deeper. "She'ss clenching like a vicce, tonight."

"Maybe we should see how loosse she iss when drunk?" Baccus replied as Krystal doubled down on working her mouth over the obscene cock she was being given. She was struggling to take even half of his prick. Fox couldn't believe she had managed to take both of them so easily the day before.

No, not easily. They forced her to take it, and she took it. The broke her in, and the resistance Krystal was finding on sucking Baccus' cock had Fox drop his ears. They'd have to break her in again tonight, too. He knew they wouldn't settle for half a cock in her. It made him feel bright red just to think it. He'd seen it play out once already, and now he was predicting the next of tonight's sordid actions with the vivid imagination of a child.

"What do you think, Flyboy? Should be load your woman up to see how bad she iss at holding her liquor?" Kilroy said whilst looking over at Fox. He hesitated, and wondered how far he was going to allow himself to go on with this bravado he was carrying. Baccus was presently too interested in stroking his fingers through Krystal's hair to notice Fox's situation, but Kilroy had his eyes on him. Fox let out a shaky breath.

"Do I get to pick her poison?" Fox asked Kilroy. The Goanna gave Krystal a hard thrust, which made her let out a cock muffled squeal. He hissed a laugh down at the vixen before returning his gaze to Fox. Their eyes met and Kilroy narrowed his eyes over an unhidden smirk.

"The bar is yourss, Flyboy." He told him. Fox stood on legs that felt numb. He was cold all over with electric chills. He was actually participating in helping them fuck her. "Here that, little blue maiden? Your Flyboy is going to help get you drunk tonight."

Kilroy reached down and pulled the vixen off his brother's cock with a firm hand on the scruff of her neck.

"Kilroy, she wass bussy!" Baccus protested. Kilroy hissed a laugh at his brother and again directed himself down at the vixen below.

"You ready to have a nicce drink, little maiden?" He asked her. Fox was now at the bar and there were dozens upon dozens of bottles to choose from. He was wary of the contents of most of them since he had never seen a lot of these brands before. The Star Fox team, again, was accustomed to cheap booze, which was something the Loka brothers probably wouldn't touch, or hadn't touched, in a decade.

"Y-yeah!" She sounded nervous but excited. Fox looked back over at the couch and saw Krystal's eyes on him. They shared a moment and he grinned at her. She grinned back before Baccus grew impatient and pulled her back to his cock. Kilroy stepped off the couch and finished disrobing while Fox made his selection. There was an unopened bottle of white wine. He pulled it off the shelf and saw it was a Cornerian Chardonnay. Krystal liked drinking wine when she got the chance. She had told him once that it made her feel fancy and elegant.

"A good choicce! Our Flyboy hass a eye for vineyardss, Baccus." Kilroy called out loudly from the couch. Baccus looked over and saw Fox with the bottle in his hands. He sneered at Fox.

"That'ss a 3,000 credit bottle, Flyboy. You think the maiden iss worth it?" Baccus asked. Both of them were watching him. Now he felt a little hot. Were they suggesting he should pick another bottle?

"Why the hell wouldn't she be?" He accused both of them. Both men hissed in laughter.

"Bring it, Flyboy, she'll drink fine tonight." Kilroy urged Fox to bring the bottle. Fox had to find a bottle opener and fortunately there was one sitting next to the sink in the wet bar. With a shove of his foot Kilroy pushed the coffee table aside and away from their area of the couch. Fox returned with the bottle and watched Krystal bob her head over Baccus' tool while Kilroy took the bottle and ripped the foil off the top. Fox tried to avoid looking at Krystal and instead watched as Kilroy expertly removed the cork and tossed it and the opener together to the floor.

"Apologiess, Baccus, but I need her right now." Kilroy told his brother with the bottle in his hand. Fox was looking back and forth from the bottle to Krystal in confusion. Was he planning on tipping the bottle back and making her down it? Baccus let free a groan of frustration and pushed the vixen off of his throbbing cock.

"How much she need to get drunk, Flyboy?" Kilroy turned and looked at Fox. Fox hesitated for a moment.

"I've seen her drink half a bottle of wine and get pretty drunk." He replied. Wine wasn't so hard on her that she would pass out if she drank too much. Liqueurs were her worst enemy. It's why he selected a bottle of wine for her. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad for her if he picked an easier drink.

"Pretty drunk? I think we need to see her obsscenely drunk, don't you agree, our little azure maiden?" Kilroy rocked the bottle back and forth in the air while looking down at Krystal. She was looking at the bottle and was probably feeling uneasy. For all her fuss and bluster about her ability to drink alcohol she was presently looking at an entire bottle of the stuff and she certainly wasn't fool enough to think she could down a large amount of it without getting plastered. Whatever bravado she had about her drinking habits was fading faster than a Fortunan sunset.

"I, I can try. If that's what you boys want me to, to do." Krystal replied sheepishly. Fox could tell she putting forward the last remains of her bravado for him and the two Loka brothers. She was doing a poor job of it, but you could admire her effort in trying.

"Don't worry, maiden. Your Flyboy will nursse you back to health if you get a hangover." Baccus told her, and she smiled over at him. They were such bastards, Fox thought.

"Ok..." she said aloud. Krystal looked over at Fox for reassurance and he nodded at her with a smile he hoped looked more genuine than it felt. His heart was thumping uncomfortably in his chest.

"I'll rub your feet and everything." He told her. Both brothers laughed as Kilroy stepped back and sat the bottle over on the coffee table. He returned to the vixen and yanked her up on her feet. He started undressing her. Fox stepped aside and took a seat in the same chair Kilroy had occupied earlier. He had a good view of Krystal helping Kilroy to undo her skirt so it could fall to the floor around her feet. Her jacket and vest were easily removed and Baccus leaned over to reach for the clasp of her bra to snap it open.

"You dresss so much better than the women we were fool to hire." Baccus said from his position behind her. It looked like to Fox that he was admiring her ass. His brother was taking a prolonged moment to admire her tits.

"I want to look good for the Team." She said while looking away. Krystal was on display again in front of both of them, but this time she'd already tasted their cock's from both ends and her thighs were now damp from her feminine juices. The vixen was thoroughly primed for sex, Fox had no choice but to notice. It hadn't taken very long to get her there, either. Her nipples were looking flushed and plump with arousal as Kilroy drug a thumb over them to tease at their flesh. Fox was beginning to feel flushed with his own arousal as well, as much as he hated that it was so.

"Aren't you far too classy a maiden to be presenting yourself to a group of men, my dear?" Kilroy tried to chastise her. His hands took her by the shoulders and caressed them. The vixen opened her mouth to offer a rebuttal only to shut it. She hesitated more in protest with what looked more like a pout, than any kind of outrage.

"No! I want to look professional for the people we do business with!" She found her voice finally and was stern in her conviction. Kilroy continued to rub her shoulders, but became bored with her limbs and again glided his hands to her chest to hold each of her breasts in his palms. He held the weight of each breast in his hands and pressed their flesh into her chest with a massage that was more for his own pleasure than for hers.

"So the Team has never seen you in... full pressentation?" Kilroy asked. Fox watched as Krystal shook her head and denied any such thing had occurred.

"No!" She proclaimed, and Fox felt a sudden burst of invigoration spurred by the confidence and conviction of her tone. "Fox is the only one I've ever been with, besides..." She stopped mid sentence. Her words faded to quiet at the moment where she would have admitted that there might have been others she'd given herself. What invigoration he'd been given had been dashed in short order. Of course, they both knew she'd shared herself with the Lokas, but were there others? Before Fox? During? He dared not dwell on the history of her past exploits.

"I intend to keep it that way." Krystal began again. She hesitated. "Until... yesterday."

Regretfully, Fox felt himself stir in his loins. He caught her eye, but she was so embarrassed she had to look away. He wanted to feel galvanized, hot like fire. It was one thing to know a truth by assumption, but an entirely different matter altogether when your woman said it out loud, and not just for your ears, but for others to hear as well. She was telling him that she had been reserving herself for him, for Fox McCloud, one and only. At least, she had been. What should have felt like hot fire ripping through his loins like an erection dropped down his spine liek ice water instead. It did not seem to affect the growing length of steel between his legs, however. Kilroy pinched her nipples and she sucked in a sharp gasp at a breach of the peace.

She was giving herself over to them now, but before that, she had been his. Hadn't she? All those moments, precious and frequent in their shared quarters. Couldn't he cherish that thought? Perhaps the Lokas would find a way to coat that in their cum as well?

"Turn around." Kilroy told her before letting go of her breasts. She obeyed and looked over her shoulder while Kilroy retrieved the bottle from the table. "Bend over."

"What?" She asked. Krystal sounded as confused as he was. Kilroy sat a hand on her shoulder and firmly nudged her forward until she was dropping her elbows onto the couch cushion ahead of her. "What are yu-YOU!"

Fox sat upright in his chair just as Krystal yelped in surprise. His hand bit into the armrest and he felt his knuckle threaten to go white under his fur. He heart thumped heavily in his chest. Kilroy probed her anus with the blunt tip of his thumb. She crawled further onto the couch in protest but his invading digit followed her on her journey. Fox felt his heart pound harder against his ribs. What the hell was he doing to her, he thought rapidly but said nothing even though his lips twitched in anticipation of shaping sound.

"W-wait, Kilr-" She again protested with her rump wiggling to get free. Baccus leaned over and grabbed her by the top of the head, a handful of hair bunched in his fingers.

"Shussh. We are professionalss." Baccus told her. The vixen went still with her tail nervously twitching at her side. Fox watched Kilroy bring the bottle up to his lips. He stuck the tip of his tongue into the bottle's opening and wrapped his lips around the glass to suck on it. He was making an effort to leave a coating of spit on the bottle before he let it pop free of his mouth. Fox wanted to know more and more what the hell he was planning on doing to her.

"Have we even drank that kind before, Kilroy?" Baccus asked. Kilroy tilted the bottle in his hand and looked at the label. He rolled it some more and after a moment shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't think so." He replied. Fox watched as the Goannan tugged at her asshole with his thumb until Krystal could only droop her head to the cushion underneath her as she whined. Kilroy let his thumb pop free of her pucker, then sucked in air like he was preparing to spit. What the hell was Kilroy going to do to? Fox couldn't think, didn't want to think Kilroy was going to...

Kilroy spat down at the vixen and she gasped as soon as the bullet of saliva pegged her asshole like a dart to a bullseye. Despite the hand on her head she managed to look over her shoulder at Kilroy and then to Fox. They looked at each other and for a moment they shared a knowing gaze that let each of them know what they thought was going to happen. Kilroy wouldn't, would he? Fox watched nervously as Kilroy lower the bottle until the glossy wet spout was level with her asshole.

Fox couldn't muster any strength to protest. He broke his grip on the armrests and forced himself to remain calm. He was wide of eyes as he found only enough willpower to keep his eyelids from slamming shut as his heart threaten to beat its way out of chest. Then he felt his pants tighten around his groin as he watched Kilroy tip the bottle over and press the spout at her virgin opening. Why the hell was he so hard!

"Wait, Kilroy, that's," she flinched and whimpered as the bottle's opening disappeared inside her. She flexed and whined. "Kil-, Roy..."

"Shh, little maiden," Kilroy hissed and cooed down at her. With the bottle's opening now inside her he lifted the bottom up. "We've done thiss before."

Up some more the bottle went and Fox watched as the liquid sloshed and shifted within the glass until it was draining downward into her, his vixen. She gasped and squirmed as soon as she felt the first splashes of wine roll amidst her insides. Fox could see her resist the urge to shiver.

"Ah, are you sure?" She whined from over her shoulder. Fox could see her flex the muscles in her stomach and ass like her body was confused as to what it should be doing. Kilroy lifted the bottle some more and began to push it deeper into her, which left her to only push her cheek into the couch cushion to squeak out a feminine grunt.

"In a little while you'll be too drunk to care." Baccus told her with a very knowing smile. She gasped again as Kilroy pushed more of the bottle's neck into her. He held the bottom of the bottle with his fingertips and the three men all watched the white wine drain slowly into the vixen.

Krystal kept her face buried back into the cushion as she was slowly filled to the brim with expensive import wine. The brothers seemed to be more than pleased now that the damage had been irreparably done. Fox knew there was no turning back. Basic biology told him that the lower intestines absorbed everything rapidly. No need to wait for the body to try and digest it. It'll all hit her bloodstream and she'd be more plastered than she ever had been in her life.

"This feels weird..." Krystal was panting. Her body had yet to figure out what was being done to it, and her tail twitched nervously from her anxiety.

"Hand me the cork." Kilroy said, and after no one responded, "The cork, Flyboy!"

Fox jerked his attention to him and saw that he was pointing to the cork that lay on the floor. Fox leaned out to grab it. Handing it over to Kilroy he watched as the Goannan plucked the now empty bottle from the vixen's rump. Nothing was leaking from her upturned ass. Kilroy was quick to slide the cork into her asshole.

"Squeeze this tight." He told Krystal. He gave her a light slap on the rump and she squeaked. Fox could tell she was trying to squeeze the cork as tight as she could.

"I f-feel really full." Fox heard her say in a low voice that was as full of uncertainty as her ass was full of Chardonnay.

"Slide the coffee table back more, Flyboy, so we can use more of the floor." Kilroy told him. Fox stood up quickly and grabbed the edge of the table to slide it further away from the couch. Why was he obeying? Kilroy had left the bottle of wine on the hardwood floor so he picked it up to sit it on the table while Kilroy busied himself by pulling Krystal off the couch on properly onto her knees.

Baccus scooted across the cushions until he was back in front of the vixen. She didn't need to be told what to do and her mouth was back on his cock without prompting. Fox returned to his chair and pushed it aside until he was given a clear view of the action. Kilroy pulled up on Krystal's tail and rubbed his dick against her cunt lips before pushing himself once again inside.

Krystal moaned from the return of a cock in her body. Like before, Kilroy was struggling to get half of his length in her. Baccus was having similar issue with her throat. Fox eyed the bottle of wine again and then returned his gaze to his woman caught between the pair of green reptiles. He'd let them pump her full of wine, and he did it knowing she was a light weight with alcohol. She was slobbering over Baccus' cock and Fox finally gave it up.

He couldn't stand the tightness of his clothes. He was burning up. They felt confining like a straight jacket. While he watched Kilroy rhythmically thump his cock into Krystal's ever loosening cunt he slowly disrobed. Fox hung his jacket on the back of the chair and draped the rest of his outfit over it. He didn't bother with modesty, and he didn't care if he was sitting naked on their upholstered chair. Fox was certain the Loka's furniture had seen worse days than this.

With each new thrust inside her Fox could tell that Kilroy was working her open more and more. By the girth of his cock or the strength of the alcohol her pussy was giving up just like ox had. The cork in her assholel didn't budge, however. Fox couldn't' tell if she was reeling yet from the alcohol. Her eyes were patiently shut as she sucked Baccus' shaft with ever increasing ease.

"You ever fuck her ass, Flyboy?" Kilroy asked without looking at him. The Goannan was too busy watching his fat prick plow the vixen's field. Baccus reached down to her neck and pulled off the scarf he'd wrapped around her neck. It was discarded to the floor and Baccus was again leaning back into the couch with his hands rolling through Krystal's hair as she swallowed around his prick.

"No." He replied. He wasn't going to touch himself, he swore. He was stiff already, and to a point where he was actually embarrassed by his body's betrayal of him. He couldn't play it off or act cool about the ordeal when he was clearly responding to seeing his vixen get fucked from both ends. He rubbed one of his knees and clung to the arm of the chair to keep his hands too occupied to drift to his groin. He shifted anxiously in his seat.

He felt hot across the face and chest like a radiator was blowing over him. It was similar to the previous night's activities, but this time the only chill he felt was from the AC pumping air into the room. The rest of his body was clearly aroused even though in spirit he was adamantly trying to remain as stoic as the famed Fox McCloud was suppose to be under pressure. He felt a hell of a lot of pressure coming from the heart beating in his chest and the erect bobbing with his pulse. He ignored both.

"No wonder she was so tight. She's a virgin somewhere after all." Kilroy commented with amusement.

"I've... rimmed her before." Fox felt like he needed to throw that out there, as it was something he had over them for a change. A thing he'd done first.

"Oh?" Kilroy hissed.

"If our maiden enjoys a good rimjob then maybe you should try her out, Kilroy." Baccus spoke up from the couch. He was spending a good amount of time being leisurely with the vixen bobbing on his cock. He seemed content to relax as she did all the work.

"Perhapss." Kilroy hissed in reply. He sank himself as deeply in the vixen as her tightness would allow and held himself still. Krystal moaned in protest around the dick in her mouth. Fox watched as the Goannan thumbed the cork still wedged in her pucker. She sucked in air and squirmed as Kilroy began to rub and nudge at the cork with his thumb. The vixen clenched and squeezed at the plug.

"What do you think, Flyboy? Think the maiden will like a tongue like mine danccing acrosss her star?" Kilroy glanced over at Fox from the corner of his eye. The Goanna grinned broadly and slid his equally broad tongue out to flick it at the air. With a muscle like that Fox had an inkling of what the result would be like. He didn't think anything they could do to her wouldn't end in anything but... pleasure for her.

"She'll... probably like it. Like she does everything else." Fox replied. He distracted himself by fetching the scotch and refreshing his glass. The liquid was hot from his tongue down to his belly. It was a good drink to have to clean his teeth as the alcohol burned like mouthwash. Just savoring the burn helped him watch the scene play out a little bit easier.

Kilroy had his attention aimed back at Krystal. She was squirming, but to Fox's ears her noises sounded less and less like protests. Kiltoy plucked the cork from her ass and Fox waited from something to come following it out, but there was nothing. The contents of the bottle had soaked down deep into its new container where it was surely being rapidly absorbed into her fragile body. He felt himself shiver again at the idea that she was going to have all that alcohol slam into her like a brick. The most he'd ever seen her drink was a few beers, and they were cheap beers with a lower alcohol content.

This was a full bottle of wine, and good wine at that if the Lokas were to be believed. Even if it wasn't as strong as his scotch it wouldn't matter in the end. Kilroy slid free of her cunt and took a knee behind her. Fox watch his tail briefly sway. He saw the metal capped end that protected an old injury Kilroy had suffered. A story he'd never heard told, but probably was just as violent as the story that took the sight from Baccus' right eye and replaced it with a scar. With what looked like a gentle kiss Kilroy planted his lips over her asshole. Krystal exhaled through her nose hard and shifted her knees apart like she was invited him in.

Baccus was watching Kilroy as much as Fox was. The brothers didn't seem to mind watching each other demonstrate their prowess. Fox caught Baccus' gaze briefly and he looked away and refocused on Kilroy rolling his tongue between her cheeks with an expert's precision.

The Goannan spread her ass apart with his hands and kissed her lightly on the asshole again before pulling back and sticking his tongue out like a fat needle. With a second kiss the tip of his tongue met her pucker and to Fox it looked like Kilroy was french kissing her. His head rocked and rolled from side to side in a steady motion. The vixen he was assaulting hiked her tail up and tried to raise up on her feet. Her rump managed to lift by a few inches before she was forced back down by KIlroy's superior strength. Baccus had her by the hair again to make sure she couldn't protest verbally.

Fox hated to admit that they knew how to extract whatever they wanted out of someone. They figured out a way to extract his exclusivity with Krystal from him, and they were now again demonstrating that they could and would get whatever sex act they wanted from her. And she'd love it by the time they were done. If this night moved in the same direction as the previous night had, Fox thought. It was a grim thought, but it didn't stop his cock from reminding him of his own need for attention as he watched his woman get tongue fucked in the ass by a man many times his better in the bedroom. He felt flushed with hot shame and added to it with another swallow of scotch that was beginning to leave him feeling more and more languid as his alcohol fueled buzz slowly took hold over him.

"Did we have have only one of that bottle, Baccus?" Kilroy asked after he came up from her asshole. Baccus paused for a moment while he pushed Krystal further down his cock to make her gag and water up around her eyes. She was straining to accept his girthy length down her throat like she had the day before. Fox had underestimated how forceful they'd been with her previously.

"No, I think it wass the only one." He finally replied. Krystal was given a moment's reprieve to inhale before being pressured back to getting as much of him in her throat as possible.

"I can't tell if it'ss the wine or the vixen, but we might be served well by importing another bottle." Kilroy replied. Fox watched him as he slipped two of his fingers into Krystal's pussy to rub and explore her insides while he watched. The blunt tip of his cock was in view, and Fox noted that it twitched with the rhythm of a heartbeat as it drooled a small measure of pre onto the hardwood floor. He looked away from it and refocus on the curve of his woman's ass. She was rolling her hips now into Kilroy's fingering hand to coax more of his digits into her folds.

"I'll tell Venuss to get another bottle shipped in." Baccus told him. He shoved Krystal off his cock and grabbed her under her chin. She was panting. "You still sober, lovely maiden?"

Fox watched Krystal lick her lips patiently while she caught her breath. Kilroy did something with his hand and she gasped. A quick glance told him that Kilroy had rotated his hand to plant his thumb on her pucker while his fingers still dug into her cunt. His thumb entered her asshole and she whimpered.

"Well?" Baccus asked again while rotating her head with his fingers locked under her chin. She tried to smile and stuck out her tongue.

"No! I'm, I'm feeling just... jus a lil tipssy." She admitted. Her speech was beginning to slur. It was the beginning of the end for the sober woman Fox remembered. The direct deposit of alcohol to her bloodstream was hitting her rapidly, and as the minutes ticked on she'd be getting progressively more and more drunk. Fox was morbidly curious as to what kind of woman she'd be when he was wasted off a bottle of wine.

"Good, that'ss good." Baccus told her. He took the hand from her chin and rubbed her cheek gently, which she gladly leaned into, before sliding it behind her head to take her by the hair again. "Finish what we start, maiden."

"Hoh-Kay." Krystal replied and opened her mouth and let Baccus guide her back down over his shaft until Fox heard her gag once to signal she'd reached her limit. Quite a lot of him was stuffed inside her muzzle. She was bobbing and rocking her head back and forth on her own with Baccus' hand only acting as a heavy handed incentive to continue the challenge of accepting his steel in her swallowing sheath.

Fox noticed when Kilroy removed his fingers from his woman. The Goannan lined himself up with her entrance and penetrated her with no trouble. His length still couldn't quite fill her tunnel like he would have wanted, but Fox was sure he'd rectify that with some additional effort. Krystal was now besides herself, it seemed, with how her hips wiggled left and right with a cock once again stuffed inside her. She wasn't completely drunk yet, either on alcohol or sex, but she was certainly feeling the effects that... they could have on her after a certain amount of time and effort was put in. Fox's heart was pounding as he watched her deteriorate. He was struggling to keep his hand resting on his thigh. He was conflicted. A part of him was aroused, but another part of him was still outraged much like it was the day before. Ambivalence was the word of the hour and he didn't think that would shift or alter any time soon. He took another swallow to drain his glass. He contemplated refilling it.

Baccus was making more noise. The noise coming from him was a low growl that gave away far too much. Fox remembered the night before, and could unfortunately recall just how vocal Baccus liked to be when he was ripe to vent his pleasure. He was a noise maker whereas Kilroy was more subdued with his own release. Fox was fairly certain that Baccus was getting close, and that he'd have to watch his vixen once again take a full load of another man's cum inside her. As much as he hated to admit it, at least Kilroy was more modest when he did the deed. Baccus was just going to let loose and show off when he claimed her. Claimed her. Was he that deep into this sordid mess, Fox thought? His cock was clearly thinking it was. He eyed the bottle of scotch and took note that there was plenty left in the container for him to take another serving.

Baccus was no longer content with sitting in wait for his eventual orgasm. Fox was straining against his instincts as he watched the Goannan force Krystal further down on his obscene prick. The vixen was forced to gag and swallow as she was pressed further and further down onto the cock filling her mouth to the brim and beyond. Her throat was somehow taking it, but how was that a surprise, She'd learned to do it the day before. Fox knew she'd remember how to do it again tonight. His own heart beat was as rapid as Krystal's no doubt was. Her tail was twitching and swishing as much as Kilroy allowed it to as he buried himself inside her again and again with an ever increasing intent to hilt himself. Fox was glad they were at least being more gentle with her this time around.

"Baccus." Kilroy said. His brother looked up at him from the vixen choking on his cock and the two brothers shared a glance for a moment with curious expressions playing out of their features like an unspoken language was being exchanged. Fox watched, but was unaware of any message being traded. He wasn't sure of their motives or ambitions. The only thing he knew for certain was that Baccus was eager to vent his load and that Kilroy was humping again his vixen with a steady thumping that would surely get himself hilted if given another minute's worth of time. Krystal had already managed to take so much of their respective cock so what was taking a little more?

Baccus only let slip a smirk and what sounded like a short lived laugh. A single syllable of laughter that was enough to make Fox perk his ears up in warning. He felt himself flutter, like something was on the horizon, but he wasn't sure what. He could already feel himself sag into the seat, but that didn't diminish his arousal. He just kept watching. Kilroy gave him a hard glance, a wordless look, and that settled it. The look was brief, but for the moment it was shared Fox felt himself slink deeper into the chair. His cock was hard as stone and he was certain something was going to happen. He reached low and caressed his nuts. He wouldn't cum, but he couldn't keep himself from grabbing ahold of something that was his. At least his own loins were his own, right?

Krystal started gagging out of reflex. The hand on her head was shoving her further down now and she was struggling to cope with the sudden force that was pushing the final few inches of cock down her throat. Fox watched her eyes shut themselves tight as beads of water threatened to form and drop down her cheeks as she struggled to make room for Baccus' length in her throat. A wave of shame washed over Fox as he felt himself open his mouth as if to pant before quickly snapping it shut again with his ears pinning themselves low to his head in response. He let go of his nuts and rested his hand tightly on his thigh. His erection would not go down!

"Look at me." Baccus said, to noone but her. Fox watched her force her eyes open, and she looked up at him from her strained position on the barrel of his cock. Her eyes finally watered and broke with tears forming and running against her fur. "Swallow."

Krystal obeyed, and so did Fox. He swallowed and felt a lump go down his throat. His fingertips were digging into his thigh as he watched his beautiful vixen take gulps around Baccus' cock as his brother picked up his own pace and thumped into her rump with a hastier rhythm. This was it, wasn't it, Fox thought. They had gotten tired of the foreplay and were now going to break her in again.

Baccus shoved her down hard onto his steel and she could only struggle and panic. Her hands found his knees and she gripped them tight as she kept on swallowing, or trying to. She was desperately attempting to follow her directions, but even as her eyes filled with the tears of strain and struggle her pupils with rolling up higher until they threatened to hide behind her eyelids. Not that Baccus seemed to care. He had an amused expression on his lips as his own breathing hastened and quickened with the pulse of a man coming ever closer to an impending climax.

Fox just sat and watched as Kilroy aided his brother. With every hard thump of his hips Kilroy made sure to push Krystal further and further into his brother's lap. Her precious nose was already buried into the flesh of Baccus' stomach. She had nowhere else to go and the Goannan held her firmly where she was impaled on him. Her eyes rolled back and her hands began to push and shove against his knees, then his thighs. Fox watched in stunned silence as her palms found their way to Baccus' stomach where they desperately shoved against him as she gagged and swallowed with an increasing panic and desperation until her eyes finally rolled to disappear halfway under her lids.

Kilroy held himself still inside her cunt as she finally sagged between him and his brother and fell limp. Her arms dropped below her and hung like the limbs of a child's ragdoll toy.

"Don't kill her." Kilroy said finally, jokingly. What? With a laugh Baccus pushed her off his cock.

Krystal was unconscious. They'd made her pass out and he just watched them do it. Kilroy pulled himself from her snatch and gave his cock a firm stroke. He had to grab her by the tail to keep her from collapsing to the floor.

"Never." Baccus replied. He stroked his cock as well. He was near to his peak, but was for some reason edging himself like he was saving his volume for a special moment. Fox looked on as his vixen was limp between them and moaning quietly as her body was man handled and suspended. Her eyes were blank and still half hidden by her eyelids.

It was something Fox wouldn't be capable of forgetting. Kilroy slapped his cock between Krystal's asscheeks and left them there in her cleft. It took little effort for him to line himself up not with her cunt but with her virgin asshole. The blunt and obscene tip of his prick pressed against Krystal's forbidden entrance and Fox simply sat and watched. He did nothing, but what could he do? Stop them? How could he do that? Do it now, after letting them choke her unconscious with a cock in her throat?

He had a clean view of her getting defiled. He swallowed hard as he watched the head of Kilroy's cock ease itself forward to press against her entrance before finally the Goannan let out a low growl. Krystal started making quiet moans and whines, and when the deed was finally done, she gasped and her eyes opened.

Kilroy had managed to wedge the head of his cock within her deflowered hole.

"Wha-Huh?" Krystal slurred from both the alcohol and her reviving from her unconscious state. "Hwat's tha, it hurts."

"Shh." Baccus hissed down at the vixen with a grin on his face. He took her by the head and shoved his cock back into her mouth. She gagged once, then went quiet as the prick shut out all avenues of speech. Kilroy, now embedded, was gently rocking his hips forward in little short motions. The vixen's whimpering was now muffled by Baccus' cock.

"I've never had one thiss tight!" Kilroy hissed in pleasure. Krystal reached back and slapped awkwardly at his thighs until she finally found a hold on him and pushed. It was futile, as he did not budge except in the way he wished to. His cock was grinding deeper and deeper into her with a steady pace that had her groaning and flinching more and more as her virgin tunnel was plundered by an ever growing amount of reptilian steel.

"Don't spoil the plot, Kilroy. I'll want to find out myself after you're done." His brother replied. Krystal was again shedding tears at the corners of her eyes from the growing pressure in her rump and the rigid length in her throat. Fox was trembling all over in silence. His own cock felt like it would never soften, and he was fluttering so much in the stomach and loins he couldn't even imagine touching himself. What he was watching was so awful and depraved, but it stroked him in places he didn't know he had. Darker places.

"She needss to be put out again, Baccus, she'ss clenching too much." Kilroy told his brother. Baccus grunted and took the vixen's head in both hands and forced her back down on his cock until her nose was pressed into his belly. She gagged and struggled until she was pushing against him with both arms, but that faded after some moments as Fox watched her drop into unconsciousness for the second time. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she gasped and swallowed around the invaded member buried so deeply in her throat that she had no chance to take in air. Her body fell limp, and Kilroy caught her by the hips.

"Have you ever tried thiss on her, Flyboy?" Kilroy asked him. Fox shook his head slowly in reply. Baccus pulled his cock free of her mouth and helped hold her up. He looked like like he was trembling, too. His dick was drooling a stream of precum down the underside of his shaft. Fox hated that he knew he was so near to climax. He'd seen their body language too often in the past 48 hours.

"Watch and learn. Even a pilot ass skilled as Fox McCloud can learn new wayss to usse hiss cock pit." Baccus joked. Fox watched him stroke and rub gently at Krystal's face as she breathed steadily and deeply. She was completely out of it.

Fox watched as Kilroy took advantage of her again by sinking more of his length inside her clutching tunnel. He groaned and was forced to adjust the grip he had on her hips. Fox shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he watch Kilroy bury himself halfway inside her asshole with a steady hard shove. Kilroy stopped, and for a moment, Fox thought he saw Kilroy's eyes flutter with pleasure. Kilroy let out a shaky breath and looked back down at Krystal with a hard hunger in his eyes. Her asshole was stretched painfully tight around his stick.

"She might not be ass tight when you get to her, Baccus." Kilroy panted, showing his exertion.

"Then I'll just take her firsst the nexxt time the Great Fox dockss." His brother replied. They both smiled and hissed lightly in amusement. Then, quickly, Kilroy sucked in air and squeezed Krystal's hips tightly. His thrust was hard, and at first, the force resulted in no gain. Fox even jumped when he first saw the slam of the Goannan's hips.

But then, with a hard growl from behind gritted teeth, the green pillar began to sink slowly into her passage. Fox saw how the muscles in Kilroy's back and ass, his legs, and his arms, flexed with exertion. He wasn't letting up the pressure. A hard, constant, force of will was sinking the obscene length into her backdoor without stopping.

The vixen groaned for the first time, and whimpered. Fox flicked his eyes from the sight of the cock spearing her ass deeper and deeper, and her face with its fluttering eyes and twitching facial muscles. Her noise grew louder like a whine and feminine grunts. Kilroy kept growling. Baccus merely looked amused as he slid his hand under her muzzle to cup her chin.

"Almosst." Kilroy hissed. There was still a few inches left to sink. He was panting and growling as he rested.

"I'm enviouss." Baccus noted out loud.

"Guhhh," Krystal moaned. She looked dazed and lost. Her eyes were completely out of focus and kept blinking like her sight was broken and couldn't be restored. At least she was regaining consciousness, Fox thought.

"Flyboy." Kilroy called. He lifted Krystal up by the arms until she was leaning backwards into her chest. He sat himself down on the couch with her perched in his lap. Fox could now see her pussy in plain sight. Its damp folds leaked juice down from her freshly abused entrance to drool over what few inches of Kilroy's cock still remained outside her asshole. She was still limp, but her panting and groaning told them all that she was rousing.

"Y-yeah?" Fox asked.

"Come here and wake her up. Let the maiden see your face firsst." Kilroy told him. "She might need you to rub her feet."

Baccus laughed and started stroked his cock slowly. Fox could only stare at his vixen, still perched on the prick of her brutish lover. He felt much like a wooden puppet as he stood on stiff legs that patiently propelled him around the corner of the coffee table and to where Kilroy sat in wait with his vixen.

Fox didn't need any special direction for this. He'd woken her up many times before. He took one of her shoulders in hand and caressed one of her breasts in the other. He ignored Kilroy's hand reaching around to grab at her other tit. Instead, Fox focused himself on her face to lock his lips with hers. His tongue explored beyond her teeth as she breathed heavily and hard. He could feel the vibrations from her every moan.

She broke their kiss with a grunt, then coughed. He kissed her again and could now taste the traces of cum in his spit. No doubt from Baccus drooling down her throat for so long.

"Fah-," She tried to speak, but was failing. Her head lolled to the side and swung back again in a drunken manner. "Fahx!"

"I'm right here, Krystal." He told her. She looked him in the eyes, and she was now clearly drunk. The mixture of alcohol and repeated bouts of losing consciousness had caved in her sobriety. She smiled at him and began to pant quickly. She grabbed at him and found his arms.

"Ahm druuunk!" She told him before falling forward. She yelped and squirmed. Krystal wiggled and looked down to see herself sitting in Kilroy's lap. She started breathing excitedly then and jerked her head back up at his and bumped her nose into his face in the process. "HE ish in ah mah butt!"

Baccus cackled from the sidelines while his brother hissed in low laughter. Fox shrugged and took her arms in his and tried to kiss her again. He jumped when a firm hand grabbed him by the wrist. It was Kilroy's green hand clutching at him.

"Help her go all the way down." He told him. Fox looked at him, saw no room to negotiate himself away, and looked back at Krystal. He chose not to say anything. Instead he locked his lips over hers for another kiss and he planted his hands on the sides of her waist. He started leaning forward with his weight dropping more and more onto his lover. She grunted and wriggled through their kiss as he began to feel her sink.

He didn't shut his eyes. With him face to face with her he watched as her eyes fluttered and squinted as she was forced to take the rest of Kilroy's cock. Fox felt his own dick twitch as her eyes rolled up, threatening to hide behind her eyelids again as the invasion in her backside neared its completion. She was gasping through their kiss and threatening to pull away as she began to twitch and squirm from the extreme intrusion she was experiencing.

Kilroy planted his hands over Fox's and gave an extra push down to assist him. Krystal yelped out from her kiss hard enough to finally break it. The vixen's grunt was almost like a squeak as her tongue threatened to hang out from her mouth in a full open mouth pant. She sagged limp against Kilroy's chest with her eyes still lodged upward as the muscles in her lower torso twitched along with her legs, which gave off little muscle spasms that she was clearly not in control of.

"I think you broke her, Kilroy." Baccus said. He shifted in his seat and began to give himself a lazy handjob as he watched Kilroy hollow out the vixen's rectum.

"I don't know about that, but I know she'ss not a virgin there anymore." Kilroy said. Fox watched him drag his tongue across her neck to trace it up the side of her face. Her head tipped and fell to the other side and Kilroy followed the curve of her neck until he was licking her jawline. "What do you think?"

He was talking to Fox. He stood back on shaky legs and tried to stand up straight, but he had no way to know if his posture was anything close to resembling stable. Krystal was conscious, but out of her mind.

"I, think you," he swallowed. What to say? He just helped him break her in. Not, even just physically, no. Fox was reeling on the inside. He looked into her eyes, which were still lazily fluttering as she panted. They seemed blank, like the fuses and bulbs that kept her running had all fizzled and popped. "I think, that I, ah, agree with Baccus."

Baccus laughed. "Two on one, Kilroy, you broke her."

Kilroy snorted. "Sit back, Flyboy, let me see if I can fixx her."

Fox obeyed and stepped back until he found himself returning to his seat. His eyes were glued to Krystal and Kilroy. It was... fortunate that his seat was across from them. He had a clear view of Krystal being forcibly lifted up off that green pillar spearing her backside. Kilroy's hands were wrapped tightly around her waist and he was, with some effort, managing to drive her up and down his cock.

Fox watched as she squirmed and squeaked as she rose and fell on the cock impaling her. Her asshole clung to his prick so tightly that he could tell that Kilroy was putting in a strong effort to slide himself in and out of her. Fox didn't think he'd ever been with her where she was that tight on him. He'd never felt her clench on him as tightly as she was clearly clenching on Kilroy's tool.

Kilroy gave up on the method of lift and dropping her, as their wasn't much 'drop' in the deal as he had to push her down onto his stick. Fox watched as he leaned all the way into the couch and wrapped both arms around her chest. Krystal's arms were pinned to her sides by the strength of his own, and with her rendered immobile in his grip Fox watched him being to rock and grind his cock up into her ass.

The thrusts were short and jerky, but the force his hips on the couch made the underlying springs and frame creak and squeak from the repetitive motion of his love making.

"This might be the lasst chance you get to taste her cunt, Flyboy." Baccus said, catching Fox's attention. He broke his stare away from the mating pair and caught Baccus' gaze. The Goannan smirked at him. "I doubt Kilroy caress if you give her a lick."

Fox looked back and saw that her cunt was indeed clear of any other man's spunk. Except maybe his own from earlier in the day. The shower cleaned her up pretty well. He didn't care though, not now, if he tasted anything other than her juices then he'd know it was his own. His cum in his woman. No shame in that. Kilroy didn't say anything to object to Baccus' suggestion, but Fox doubted he was even listening. He was too busy using his arms to help lift and rock the vixen in his lap at his hips rolled to slip and slide his shaft into her increasingly abused asshole.

Her moans and squeaky grunts were falling from her lips continuously as she hung limp in Kilroy's grip. The look on her face was seeming more and more full of lust and bliss as her eyes regained small measures of focus and the corners of her mouth found the strength to curl up in a drunken smile.

In a slow motion Fox stood back up and made his way to her. She looked like she was burning hot as he felt himself touch a knee to the floor as he knelt in front of her rocking and gyrating body. Her cunt kept slapping atop Kilroy's heavy nuts. Fox dropped to both knees and reached under Kilroy to slip his hands under the couch cushion for a place to hold onto.

He was going to do it. It was tricky, but he caught her pussy in his mouth as she bounced quicker now in Kilroy's lap. Her pussy broke from his lips from the motion and he looked up to see that Kilroy had slipped his head over her shoulder to press his cheek against hers as he hissed and grunted. He was watching Fox intently. Fox looked away and tried to find her pussy again with his mouth, now suddenly feeling dry.

Her cunt was soaking wet, but he kissed it anyway. She tasted amazing. Maybe it was the alcohol altering his taste and senses, but she tasted so much better tonight than she ever had before. It couldn't be real. He found that if he matched the rhythm of Kilroy's motions that he could bob his head in time with it and never break his kiss from her nether lips.

Fox shut his eyes and fell into the routine of licking and kissing her entrance. His tongue slithered in and out of her with wild abandon that left him hungrier every time to drew her flavor across his taste buds. He found it easy to ignore the occasion instance when his chin would bump against Kilroy's sac. It didn't matter. His world was black from eyes tightly shut, but the mind was a wondrous thing. He only saw Krystal. Her moans, her grunts, the little winks and twitches her cunt would make when she was being pleasured and teased. He focused on only those things.

His neck hurt from trying to keep up with the motion of her cunt rising and falling, and he finally noticed that he was working harder now to keep his mouth on her cunt than he had in the beginning. Kilroy was snorting through his nose so much Fox finally opened his eyes and looked up.

Krystal was conscious and aware, but wildly drunk. She was licking and nuzzling at Kilroy, whose eyes were screwed tightly shut as his nostrils flared with rapid breathing. He was beginning to hiss now. Fox remembered the that that was his tell. Kilroy was about to burst. The tightness of his vixen's once virgin tunnel was drawing him closer and closer to orgasm.

And she was happily licking all across his cheek as he hissed. Fox felt as much as saw Kilroy slam her down completely on his cock whilst he let loose a low hiss that rumbled deep from within his chest. For a moment, Krystal paid no attention to that as she gave him sloppy kisses and licks on the face. Then she noticed. Her eyes widened, she groaned, then sucked in air to gasp, and leaned herself back into him.

"Guh, so, ahH!" She spoke. She was plastered. She accidentally kicked Fox as her right leg jerked in quick little spasms. Kilroy kept on hissing, and Fox finally looked away from the sight of Krystal smiling broadly above him as she squirmed and started whining and squeaking out shallow grunts.

Fox watched the Goannan's nuts twitch in a steady rhythm. Each time they did it was followed by a throb of his cock, firmly embedded in his woman. Not a drop leaked. It went on for several long moments where the only thing that happened on the couch was Kilroy panting and dumping his load while Krystal squirmed in his lap and merrily accepted it like a... like a whore. Fox swallowed and felt his mouth dry as a bone despite still tasting Krystal on his lips. He needed another drink.

"Haven't had one like that in a long time." Kilroy finally said after a lengthy moment. His rhythmic throbbing had subsided, but still no sign of the deposit he'd surely given her. Between the wine, and now the cum, Fox was certain there was a distressingly large amount of volume in her now.

"Fah. Feel fuull." Krystal panted. Her head had rocked backwards and was catch in the crook of Kilroy's neck. The Goanna unwrapped himself from around her arms and planted his hands on her hips where he gave her a gentle rub.

"I bet you do, little maiden." Kilroy leaned both of them forward and Fox had to move away until he was seated on the floor, having fallen backwards, to let Kilroy stand and get by. She was perched on his cock with his arms supporting her by the shoulders. "Your turn."

"About time." Baccus said. If his dick was any indication he was as ready to have his share of vixen as he'd ever be. Fox stood and returned himself to his seat in the chair. Kilroy brought Krystal over to his brother and let Baccus catch her by the shoulders when she was allowed to fall forward. Now in his grasp he hungrily kissed her again, which was a gesture she gladly accepted and returned passionately.

"Flyboy, come here." Kilroy called for Fox. He felt his ears flick backwards instinctively. He stood again, but was steeling himself for whatever he had planned next for him. For whatever else he'd be made to endure. He could hear his vixen whimper happily into her kiss.

Kilroy grabbed him by the wrist.

"Don't let her make a messs." Kilroy told him, and put Fox's hand at the base of her tail. "Grab her and rim her, Flyboy."

Fox wanted to glare at him. Kilroy's own look halted anything Fox thought to do. It wasn't an angry glare, but it was a firm look that allowed for no negotiating on the matter. It said, there are way things are to be done, and this is how those things will be. Fox swallowed. He took Krystal by the tail, and with that Kilroy let go of his wrist. Fox watched as the cock in her ass was slowly pulled free of her. "Now, Flyboy. Show uss how you eat her asshole."

Fox knelt with his hand still holding up her tail, and shut his eyes. He was actually surprised that Kilroy didn't put his hand on the back of his head to force him. He shouldn't have been surprised. Fox realized he'd just shoved his face next to that obscene pillar on his nose to compete for real estate between his woman's heavenly asscheeks. The cock popped free of her pucker and Fox planted his nose between her cheeks. The rush of cum made him hesitate as it hit his lips and dripped down his chin, but end the end he took it into his mouth.

"Grab my dick and stick it in her." It was Baccus' voice. Fox opened his eyes and saw Baccus looking at him from over her shoulder with a wide toothy smirk. Kilroy clapped him on the shoulder.

"You've got the besst vantage, Flyboy. Don't make poor Baccus fumble around trying to do it himself." Kilroy chuckled. Fox felt Kilroy plant both hands over his shoulders. He was standing behind him, and could feel something drip over the fur on his lower back and tail as he knelt behind Krystal. Baccus pulled her closer into his lap and Fox followed. His free hand reached and found Baccus' thigh, then quickly his cock. His hand bumped into his rigid meat.

It was huge and felt hot to the touch. So much blood was required to make it stiff it was like the room's temperature had no effect on his prick as an extremity. It was getting a steady pumping flow of hot blood. His fingertips couldn't touch when he... grabbed it.

Fox's mouth felt dry again. Dryer than the scotch that burned his throat and left his mind feel buzzed. Baccus' cock was still wet. It was damp from Krystal's spit. With some effort he pressed the blunt tip at Krystal's entrance. She had returned to kissing Baccus. It was just him now, and Kilroy watching over him to make sure he did the job.

The cum was thick in his mouth. He had forgotten the flavor from yesterday, but now the strange consistency, like butter with hints of salt, was filling his mouth and clinging to his taste buds. There was a sweetness mixed into the hot mess he was cleaning from her abused asshole. It must have been the wine. Whether he liked it or not he wasn't done drinking yet it seemed.

"How'ss it taste?" Kilroy asked. Fox didn't answer. His mouth was too busy rolling across her ruined pucker. The head of Baccus' caught finally found purchase between her folds and nestled its way between them. Krystal flexed and let out a shrill whine from her vigorous kiss. She took care of the rest. The lips of her cunt crushed into Fox's hand quickly as she rammed herself down on Baccus' cock within any hesitation. Within moments her hips were breaking his lips from her pucker and pinning his hands between her pussy and Baccus' nuts. "Back up, Flyboy. You aren't needed anymore."

KIlroy, with his stands still on Fox's shoulders, hauled him backwards. Krystal was eagerly bouncing on Baccus' cock with a kind of wild abandon he'd only seen once before. Yesterday. Even when Fox was driving her nuts in the shower that morning he wasn't sure he had driven her to quite such a mindless frenzy. In her current state, full of cum and wine, she was so addled and horny that she was not anything like the woman he was familiar with.

"Gorgeouss. Issn't it?" Kilroy asked. Fox was quiet as he watched her hips rise and fall rapidly as she moaned and yelped into Baccus' mouth. He watched the Goannan reached his hands around to grope at her ass. Her tail flicked to and fro with passion.

"Come. They're bussy." Kilroy said. He lifted Fox up to his feet and left him standing alone. Fox risked a glance and saw that Kilroy had retrieved the bottle of scotch and was in the process of pouring himself a fresh glass. He filled it halfway then tossed it back in a single swallow. He smacked his lips after his swallow and seemed to be reveling in the extra heavy shot he'd just taken. He poured another one, but with less alcohol this time, and handed it over to Fox.

Fox hesitated to take it. "Take it. If you're afraid of germs it'ss a bit late for that."

Kilroy had a point. Fox took the glass and tossed it back no differently than Kilroy had. He was grateful there was less in the glass. Perhaps the Goannan suspected his own tolerance was not a match for his own. The Goannan chooses now to be kind? It was laughable, in a grim kind of way. The scotch burned his throat but it was a pleasant sensation all things considered. He was feeling the alcohol soothe him and dull him with the euphoria hanging around his head softening noise and making the room feel warm and more inviting.

Fox followed Kilroy with his eyes as the Goannan returned to the bar. He kept casting glances over to Krystal as she continued to ride Baccus without any concern for the rest of the room. The way they were kissing was sloppy and involved like it was a competition to see who could tongue fuck the other the most vigorously. Baccus kept on winning with his lengthy meaty tongue as his hands gripped her ass tightly to ram her down on his cock every time she reach reached the apex of the upward lift of her hips.

"McCloud." Kilroy called to him. The Goannan was depositing the bottle back onto the shelf from whence it came, and was beginning to sift through the other bottles. His hand was tracing its way across bottle after to bottle to run a fingertip across their many labels. "Are you drunk yet?"

Caught between the two views he was giving himself incentives to pay more attention to Kilroy. At least he wasn't being emasculated when he looked over at the bar.

"I'm... not quite there." Fox replied. KIlroy waved him over absently while he continued to look over the stock of alcohols in the racks and shelves of the bar. Fox stepped away from the couches and chairs to make his way to the bar to join Kilroy. The sounds of lovemaking were persistently following him from behind. Fox noticed that his ears were permanently fixed in a downward position.

Kilroy pulled a bottle of reddish alcohol from the shelf and then pulled another down with it, which was clear. Fox watched as the goannan mulled over his choices and then decided on a bottle that was probably another kind of scotch. He fished a fresh glass to join the one they'd both drank from before and he filled each halfway full with the red liqueur, then slowly poured the clear alcohol in behind it. The clear mixed with the red strangely, and like oil and water the two liquids refused to blend. Kilroy topped both glasses off with the scotch and what resulted was a mixed drink that seemed to roil as the 3 alcohols slid past one another like the storms of an angry gas giant. Fox had no idea what kind of mixed drink it was.

"Thiss will take care of the resst of your sobriety." Kilroy offered him one of the glasses while taking up the other for himself.

"What. What is it?" Fox asked, but still picked up the glass carefully as to not spill any of its contents. He looked into the mixture and felt the dryness of his mouth return.

"There are a couple wayss to make it. I made the strongest verssion." He replied with a toothy grin. Fox then watched as Kilroy touched the glass to his lips, paused for a moment while he shut his eyes, then tipped the glass back to let the contents slide quickly down his throat with a fast swallow. The goanna held his head back for a moment then finally opened his eyes to smack the air and shake his head. "You can try it, or set it aside for Baccus. He'll drink it when he'ss done blowing hiss load."

Fox ground his teeth briefly, and stared deeper into the mixture sitting in the glass. Krystal gasped and giggled loudly between her panting and happy yelps. Fox turned and looked, and saw that Krystal was now on her feet with her hands planted firmly on Baccus' shoulders while she rode him rapidly in a full open mouth pant that had her tits rising and falling with the force of her love making. He jerked his head back and stared again at the drink, and touched it quickly to his lips.

The drink burned like fire from the moment to touched his tongue to the moment it finally dropped down into his stomach. The enamel on his teeth felt like it'd been stripped clean. Kilroy watched him and chuckled wryly. Fox swayed and shook his own head. He managed to catch himself on the counter of the bar. The room wanted to spin, and it took a strong and heavy effort to keep himself grounded.

"I said it wass strong. I've never seen anyone not me or Baccus that can still stand after downing it." Kilroy told him before stepping around to reach Fox's side. Fox clung tight to the countertop as he continued to feel himself reeling and threatening to buckle from the rush of alcohol through his system. That was a very strong shot. Kilroy grabbed him by the arm and pulled him off the counter. Fox did not fall due to the firm grip Kilroy had on him.

Kilroy helped him walk to where he could sit. The cushion Kilroy sat him on, the bed that faced the bar and sitting area, was soft and comforting. Fox was still spinning from being guided through the room and Krystal's lovemaking was only a blur somewhere in the distance. He thought he could hear Baccus getting louder, but his senses couldn't be trusted anymore.

"But don't worry, McCloud. If your woman can handle that bottle I think you can survive a hard drink." Kilroy said again. In Fox's stupor he only barely noticed the sea of green overtake his vision. He managed to focus his eyes enough to see Kilroy, standing in front of him, reach out a hand. Fox felt it touch on the side of his head.

"Open wide, Flyboy." Fox didn't understand. He couldn't think clearly, it was getting more difficult to do. A second hand grabbed him under the chin and he felt the hands grip tighter on him. The hand on his chin pulled and Fox's mouth opened. "I'm going to borrow you while Baccus dumpss hiss nutss."

And Fox felt something large bump his lips and force his way in his mouth. He was startled, focusing down from Kilroy's face to his groin and the pillar jutting out from it to prod at his lips. Suddenly feeling more sober Fox realized what Kilroy was going to do. He yanked his head back in protest, but failed. Kilroy's grip was too strong. He grabbed KIlroy by the wrists to break away, but that failed, too. Goannans were built very strong. Fox glared up at Kilroy, and the Goannan only smirked in reply.

Fox gagged hard as the cock bumped into the back of his throat. His lips were pulling tight and his jaws were stretching more than he'd ever felt them before. All he could taste was the now familiar flavor of spunk that wasn't his own. He couldn't even bite down. His jaws felt like they were stuck in the open position from the sheer size of Kilroy's tool.

"You're mouth is real soft, McCloud, like your woman's." And KIlroy grunted and shoved more of his length into Fox's mouth. He struggled to breathe with the dick in his mouth. It was going deeper down and he found that he was swallowing reflexively. If the foreign object couldn't go out maybe going in would work, perhaps was his body's traitorous conclusion. Fox couldn't stop Kilroy from using his throat like a surrogate for Krystal's. He could only glare at Kilroy as water collected at the corners of his eyes.

Kilroy let go his chin and planted it on Fox's other ear. Now Kilroy had him firmly by both sides of the head and the Goannan gave Fox a final toothy grin and message. "Let'ss see how you compare to the vixxen."

Fox felt the surge hit him. His throat was made to accept every inch of Kilroy's tool with the pair of heavy nuts slapping against his chin. Fox tried to breathe, but found he couldn't. He inhaled, but nothing happened. He gasped, but only managed to swallowed around the cock wedged deep into his throat. Everything he'd witnessed Krystal go through was now happening to him, as if it was karmic justice for him allowing them to do such depraved things to her.

Fox was now very drunk and it would get worse as the mixed drink and glasses of scotch would continue to hammer away at his senses as the night progressed. The room was growing darker and darker as he drew closer and closer to the limits of his last breathe. He could hear Krystal's love making, her moans and pleasure filled cries being joined by a chorus of guttural bellows from Baccus' climax. Kilroy would not let up on his ears nor give his throat any quarter as his nuts ground against Fox's chin. He just held him there firmly while Fox slowly drifted off into the darkness of unconscio-