The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 10 - Past, Present, Future

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#10 of Warrior Cats

Yeah, yeah. I know..... There has never been a Sex scene in the books and there will never be one I uess but come on. This is a Fantasy Story. Have fun still.

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Same goes for used Music and those Lyrics.

*The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 10 - Past, Present, Future *

2 Moons later

Leaf bare was laying in his final Days and the first signs of Green Leaf were already to be seen.

Since the attack of the Foxes, nothing special had happened in the forest and luckily, no one had died.

3 Cats had become Elders within the last Moon and One ear was happy to be not alone anymore.

Wild berry Claws and Night Wings Kits had made it over the time as well and now they were all 5 Moons old. And a Hell of energy packets.

Their Parents had a lot of work with them so Half star gave them the chance to help them and they greatly said yes.

" Is it him?" A young Male Voice asked lowly.

" Yes. He comes. I can smell him?" A young Female said back.

" Ok. Everyone get ready. On my sign we attack. "

A few Heartbeats passed without something happening. Then all went fast. A Cat appeared in the opening of the den and moved in. Once in the Male screamed....

" NOW!"

..... and six young Cats began to attack the Cat.

The Cat was Half star and the six young were Wild Berry Claws and Night Wings Kits.

The Kits began to Wrestle with Half star in Play and he played his role with a big smile.

" OUCH!!! HEY!!! NO TAILBITES!!! REMEMBER !!!" Half star screamed over to a light brown Tiger striped Male who had bitten him into his Tail.

" SORRY!! " Came back.

They kept on wrestling and after a few more Heartbeats, Half star said totally exhausted.

" OK...... I GIVE UP!!! YOU GOT ME !!!"

The Kits began to Yell out their happiness and once they had moved down from Half Stars Body, they gathered in front of him.

" Are we now good enough to become Apprentices?" Asked one of them.

" Maybe you are but I already told you that you cannot become one until you are 6 Moons old. " Answered Half star.

"But it´s soooooo Boring in here. " Said another one.

" Yeah and Hawkeye wasn´t 6 Moons old when he became apprentice. " Added another.

" It´s true that Hawkeye wasn´t but I already told you the reason why he became so young an Apprentice and what he went through? Do you really want to experience the same?"

The young Kits began to look at each other and then finally they gave in.

" You are right but.... Can you maybe play with us more?" asked one.

" I really try my best but.... You know that I have to look over the others also and I..... " He suddenly stopped and began to look around because he felt something cold running down his back.

It was nothing physical. Only a feeling of two Eyes that were laying on him and once he had turned around he found the source of that feeling. It was Sunshine Heart who was looking at him and her look was filled with deeply need.

" Is something wrong Half star?" One of the Kits asked but before Half star was able to answer, Wild berry Claw and Night wing appeared in the Camp entrance with some kills in their mouths.

Once they had dropped their kills on the Pile, they both came over to Half star and shared tongues with him.

" How´s Prey running?" Asked Half star.

" Better. Greenleaf is definitely approaching. " Wild berry Claw answered.

" Good to.... " Again he felt the feeling of Sunshine Hearts Eyes on him and he began to look again at her.

Wild berry Claw and Night wing also began to look into his looking direction and once they both saw that he was looking at Sunshine Heart, they both began to smile.

Without saying something on, Wild berry Claw moved past Half star, over to the Kits. Night wing began to do the same but before she left Half star she said to him.

" Go to her. She really needs you. "

He only nodded a yes in response and began to move over to Sunshine Heart. He moved like in Trans and he never lost Eye contact with her. Once he was standing in front of her he said.

" Hi there. "

" Hi. " Came dry back.

" Is something wrong?"

" No..... All fine. "

He began to look deeply into her Eyes and asked in a really lovely Voice.

" Really not?"

On that she looked down at her Paws and after a few Heartbeats she said lowly to him.

" You are.... So close but.... also so far away to reach for me.... I..... I.... "

He knew what she meant.

Since one Moon they both hadn´t talked with each other but not because they didn´t wanted to. It was each time because he or she was away for hunt or he was talking to someone else but now that he had time, he wanted to finally change all. That was why he lend in close to her Ear and whispered into it.

" I know and I want to change it. Wait for me outside of the Camp. I want to show you something. "

Once said he left her but before he did it he saw a really big smile on her face.

He moved over to Dust tail, who was laying under the High rock and a big smile on his Face.

" Hi Dust tail. "

" Hi Half star. Let me guess. You want to tell me that you are out for some time with Sunshine Heart. "

" Guess you are right. "

" Then have some fun. You two are really deserving it. "

" Thanks. "

" Were are you going?"

" That will be my secret. "

With this said, Half star turned around and ran out of Camp. Outside he met with Sunshine Heart and together with her, he ran to the old Camp. On their way there, they both didn´t said a word but thousands of thoughts were running through their Heads.

Once they had reached it, they slowly walked in and once they were standing in the middle of the Camp, she suddenly began to talk.

" Half star.... I know that.... You had a mate before and that you are staying Loyal to her but.... Can´t you .... Maybe.... Spare a little Place inside your Heart for me and .... "

He silenced her by Placing his Tail on her mouth. Shortly afterwards he said to her with a Love and Lust filled Voice.

" A little Space for you wouldn´t be enough for you. You see.... I am Loyal to my Mate but when I had shared tongues with Star clan she told me that.... Well.... I should forget her until I see her again in Star clan and .... She said that I.... I.... Sunshine Heart....I .... Deeply Love you and I want.... To.... Claim you as mine. Here.... Where I met you for the first time. "

After he had said that he looked ashamed to the side but not for along because she moved into his Field of Vision, laid down on the ground, moved her Tail aside and began to pure.

More he didn´t needed to be told. She wanted him and he wanted her.

He quickly moved behind her and licked two times over her slid. Then he moved over her and set his Bite in her Neck. On that point their Instincts began to take over. He began to trust over her back while she began to pad around.

After a few times of trusting it then happened.

She moved with her Tail a bit upwards and forward while he did a trust forward and right into her waiting slit. On the time of the impact she began scream in pain and once he began to trust quickly in and out of her, she screamed nonstop in pain. Not only because she had been a Virgin and tight as hell. He was also big for his age and his Barbs on his Penis were immediately dicking into her Walls, even if they were not standing tall.

Luckily for her, he didn´t needed long until he did his final trust.

He had pushed into her for the fifth time when he couldn't hold it back any longer. He pushed as deep as he could and released his Sperm into her.

He had blasted two waves into her when he released his Bite on her Neck and that she used to turn herself around and tried to slash his face with her Paw. He managed to fire a third wave on his outgoing and once out he dodged her Paw and jumped a bit away.

Once he was out and away, she began to roll around like each Cat did after mating and while she did he licked his Penis clean of her Blood. After a while she moved back into position and a blink later he was back on her back, repeating the hole mating process.

What they both didn´t knew was that they weren´t the only ones who were having some fun. Hawkeye and Silver feather were also doing it on their special place but they were much more active than Half star and Sunshine Heart. They both were already on their third time and they both loved it, even if she felt only pain on his trusting.

A bit later

It was shortly after their sixth time.

Half star was licking his Penis when suddenly Sunshine Heart asked him something that he wasn´t aware of.

" Half star.... Now that we are mates.... Can you tell me your past?"

" What? My Past? .... Why do you want to know that?" He asked back after a Heartbeat of silence.

" It just came up in my mind. You see... The only things I know about you is your name and the things you did for me and the Clan. "

" Don´t tell me that you don´t even know the rumors over me. "

" Surely I know them but ... I never gave something about them. I mean.... It cannot be true that you destroyed a hole Clan on your own. That would be.... " He cut her.

" It´s true. I did that on my own. "

" WHAT???? REALLY???? "

She quickly got up from the ground and set herself right in front of him saying.

" Tell me!"

He looked her into her Eyes with pleading once of his own but he saw that she was serious and quickly gave up his resistance.

He looked down on the ground and asked.

" What do you know exactly about the destroying of the Clans?"

" Only that you destroyed them and that it was shortly after a Clan meeting. " She answered.

" HAHHHHHH.... Very well.... But listen carefully because I DON´T want to tell it again and I want something in return from you. " The last words he said with a sly grin on his face and she quickly nodded a yes with also one in return.

" Good.... As you said it was right after a Clan meeting. To be exactly it was three Sun highs after Full Moon."

He took a little moment to gather his thoughts.

" The Day had begun as always. My deputy had organized the parties and I had gone on hunting as well.... "

He took another short break.

" There hadn´t been a sign of an attack from Ice Clan or that they wanted to even attack Light stars Clan but.... while I was hunting .... I suddenly felt.... A .... A sharp pain in my chest. "

His look became sad while spoke on.

" I knew that something had happened and that was why I ran back to Camp but when I reach it I saw that.... something wasn´t right.... The two guards I´ve had positioned on the Camp entrance were not there and a smell of Blood was hanging in the Air. "

Tears began to form in his Eyes and Sunshine Heart gave him Head while he spoke on.

" Once I entered the Camp I saw what I had always feared to see.... My hole.... Clan.... Was sitting with wounds.... In the middle of the Camp.... Everyone.... Except my .... My .... My Mate and my daughter... "

His Tears became visible and his Voice became shaky.

" When I asked around.... Where they were.... Each one looked over to my den and when I.... I..... I.... Oh please Star clan.... "

His Tears began to flow.

" These bastards had killed them both.... But not like Warriors.... They´ve had raped my daughter and my Mate had to look at it with broken legs.... And when they were finished they.... They.... They´ve let them bleed out by several deep wounds on their necks and open stomachs.... "

Heartbeats were passing by without a word said. Only sobbing's from Half star were heard and some licks from Sunshine Heart who was licking his tears away. Once he had gathered some strength back he spoke on.

" What then happened I really don´t know anymore. The next things I can remember was that I was standing inside a foreign den and that in front of me were two Queens standing, shaking in pure fear and behind them were 4 kits, screaming in fear. "

Another moment of silence.

" First I didn´t knew why they were fearing me but then.... I saw...... Under my.... Paws.... Blood.... And Fur.... My Son.... DEAD!!! ..... I killed my own son.... And not even him.... When I ran out of the den.... I saw that...... I was standing inside the Ice Clan Camp and.... Everyone was dead.... I killed everyone.... And not only the Males.... I killed the elders.... The females.... Even some Kits and the medicine Cat.... I killed them like they had killed my mate or even like.... Some Prey.... Please Star clan.... Forgive me.... "

He broke in because the Pain overtook him.

He screamed like a little Kit and tears were flowing out of his Eyes while Sunshine Heart was lying next to him, licking his tears away and hating herself for even asking for his past.

Time went by.

The Night had begun to rise when Half star was finally able to speak again.

" After that.... I ran out of the Camp and out of the forest... And from that moment on I was called the destroyer of Clans and my Nightmare began. "

" I see.... I´m sorry that I even asked for it. " Sunshine Heart said and licked over his Neck.

" You don´t have to be.... It was time that you get to know it.... It only makes me sad each time when.... I´m remembering it.... My Son.... Killed by my Paw.... Just because he wanted to stop me. "

In his Eyes were again Tears to be seen but they were quickly erased because Sunshine Heart slowly moved in front of him, laid down, moved her Tail aside and said to him.

" Let me erase these bad emotions for you. "

On that he cleaned his Eyes with one Paw, gave her a really big and warm smile and in the next Heartbeat he was on Top of her again, mating her for the seventh time. Once they had finished, she asked while she rolled around.

" I´m fearing to ask but.... Did you do it with another Female?"

" You mean... Except you and my Mate?" He asked back while he licked himself clean.

" Yes. "

" ÄÄhhh...... No. "

" Really not?" She asked because he had acted evading and gave him a look that he never had been able to deny.

" Please Stop looking at me like that.... "

" Really.... Not?"

" GGGAAAHHHH.... Fine. Yes, I did it with one more female. Happy now?"

" No! Who was she? A Warrior of an another Clan?"

" No..... For my sake.... She was a Kitty pet. "

" A Kitty pet? AHAHAHAHA !!!!"

" That´s not funny!!! I didn´t even know how it happened!!! All I know is that I was talking to her and in the next moment I was showing myself into her for the X time. I even did her for only one Day because.... "

He stopped and wanted to end but Sunshine Heart didn´t let him.

" Because why?"

" Because.... She and her Two Legged owner left the Nest forever and I don´t know where they went or even her Name. All I know about her is that her Fur was as soft and warm as yours and.... It´s color was so red like a burning Fire. "

" HHHMMMM.... Soft like mine fine but.... A Kitty pet.... HIHIHI.... "

She began to roll on her stomach while she laughed but once she was in position he jumped on her back and before he set his bite he said.

" Now you will regret your laughing my dear. "

To be continue