Hidden Thorns 1: The Rebirth

Story by Kirenaaz on SoFurry

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#1 of Hidden Thorns

This is my final body and it is in pain. My skin cracks and splits as my bones flow like molten steel. My screams are strangled in the shifting, mangled remains of my throat. I open my eyes and writhe in agony at the sight of nothing.


Like the pain, I felt time pass, eventually. When I finally opened me eyes all that met me was a coldly glowing, floating sphere of light. Moving my arms I find that I am bound to a soft surface by my wrists and ankles. As I struggle I hear a voice, feminine and faintly familiar. "It is good to see you are awake," a faint rustle and my face is covered with a mess of dark fabric, "lover." A moment later I feel the surface, I suspect it is a mattress, shift under me and a warm whisper of breath along my chest. "You see, you've been here for three days recovering." As she spoke I felt nails trailing along my thighs," and I intend to help you learn who you are."

With every word I felt my flesh tremble underneath her touch without my control. I felt a fire burning inside, which I could not act upon.

"You are not exactly the man you remember yourself being or much of a man at all. The good news is that you'll never have to shave again. The bad news? Well, there really isn't any." She laughs quietly as needle sharp teeth pierce through my nipple and I feel her breasts brushing my belly. When she pulls back and releases me, blood leaks free and trickles on my chest. I hear what seems to be the tinkling of bells beside me. I smell blood, my blood, and I smell her. It sends a pulse of blood through my body and I want, but am denied.

Against my side, interrupting my thoughts, her tongue laps at the wetness then withdraws. She squeezes the base of my nipple and pain! I stretch and strain against the fetters as a wires plunges it's way through my body. I gasp for air and try to escape the cloth the smells so much of her. The pain becomes a dull ache, but is not completely forgotten.

She chuckles at my struggles. "You won't be seeing anything yet, pretty one, but," a strand of hair whispers along my now engorged length, "I guarantee you won't be too disappointed." More hair falls along my stomach and I inhale deeply as I feel her breath against me again. I struggle futilely; teeth scraping and nibbling. Tongue lapping at me, warmth and wetness envelope me. Both helpless and easer, I thrust into the embrace.

She pulls up and presses her hand onto me. "Not yet, now be a good boy and lie back and enjoy yourself," I feel her strength holding me back, holding me down. Again, the tongue curling around me, her hand teasing against my body. I lose control; she takes it from me, forming my body into her will.

Again I am drawn in. My only thought is lost in pleasure. Nails carve sigils of desire into my thighs. Her tongue plays me like an instrument while her head rocks gently. Whimpering and when I can take no more; she releases me. Cold air rushes to wrap me in an icy cloak.

The bed shifts again and her knees touch mine. I hear a slick, wet noise and the scent of her increases. Another shift and her hair against my chest. The cloth lifts a bit; a nail travels the rim of my mouth leaving a trail behind it. Drawing her hand back from the obscuring clothing, she moves upward; her knees are along my chest, her legs beside my thighs. I run my tongue on my lips and taste her.

"I'm sure you enjoyed that- little treat, but you," she leans forward and I hear he heavy breath next to my ear. She firmly grasps me, lightly stroking the swollenness and whispers as she leans back, "will love this." She runs my tip from entrance to clit, teasing me.. tormenting me. Abruptly she drives me deep and grinds herself on me. I am lost, I want to touch her, scratch her, take her, but I am taken. I can only moan, writhe and whimper under the grasp of the chains.

I am clenched in her warmth. I am only able to concentrate on her thrusts as I twist beneath. The cloth is pulled away, it was pants... her pants. The first thing I notice is that she isn't human, neither of us are. I doubt, even if I were inclined, that I could be repulsed. Her eyes, half closed with lust, are deep, glinting gree orbs. Her body is slender without being thin, athletic legs hold me and her thin, slight pointed muzzle is a paragon of beauty. Snowy fur covers her body while proud, upthrust breasts capped with pert nipples sway with her motions.

Seeing the shock in my eyes she says, " You are not who you once were Jason." She leans back and the sudden squeeze pulls me further to my boiling point. I hear twin clicks and my ankles are freed, but I no longer care. She straightens and the tightness eases. Rubbing her hips against mine she brings her hands to herself. The right travels up to caress her furred globes while the left goes down. It splits her lips and occasionally I feel her fingers alongside her slit and I watch helplessly as they tease as her nub.

She leans forward, running her claws first on my sides then my arms. Clasping my wrists, she releases the manacles, but keeps her grasp; freeing me from the bed, but not her. Drawing her body close she thrusts her lips to mine and speeds her rocking as her eyes close fully. Our tongues slip together and twist about each other while I meet her movements. Frantically we move together and finally I succumb and burst within her. Releasing myself while she rests her weight on me.

Sated, I ask of her, "Who are you and where am I?"

She murrs to me and whispers, "Now," as her hand creeps between our legs, "is not the time." and caresses the exposed base of my shaft. "I will tell you later, much later, my love," as she shivers and begins to grind again.