A Taste of Something Else ~ Chapter 2

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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#2 of A Taste of Something Else [Patreon Novel]

c: busy busy! here's chapter 2!

In Chapter 1 (https://www.sofurry.com/view/994070 ), we met this cute and wildly charismatic coyote Harley for the first time, and he very easily caught our main character Daniel's attention. Well, after school that day, the two quickly learned a bit more about each other...

Reminder that the course of this story is chosen by patrons of at least $2 on my Patreon! Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/laruf?ty=h and I'd appreciate if you signed up! Any amount helps, and you'll get to have (kinda) direct input on how this story goes!

Thanks for reading, and I hope I'll have chapter 3 for you guys soon too!

"Oh!" I typed out. "Hey Harley!" ...but then thought about that. That seemed a little too excited, didn't it? I mean, sure - I'll gladly talk to this new, exciting coyote rather than sit through another who-knows-how-many messages of complaints from Will. Sometimes he just doesn't - stop - talking. I like to imagine myself as fairly easygoing most of the time, but... still.

After a few moments of thought - I wanted to seem happy to hear from him, happy to make a new friend, but not too happy; not like I wanted... well... him. Which would just be silly. I hardly knew the guy. Just that - he was damn cute, and had those bright green eyes, and that nice tail, and that nice voice... I ended up sending back "Oh! Hey, Harley. Good to hear from you. What's up?"

Then, after sending the message, I turned back in my chair towards my desk, but... couldn't quite remember what I'd been doing. Odd how doing something exciting (as in, texting a new boy) and waiting for more just makes time seem to move slower. My computer hadn't yet been turned on, but I still had my backpack nearby as if I were preparing to do homework...

What felt like a lot longer than two minutes passed, with me idly shuffling through my stuff for something to do, when my phone buzzed on my lap again. Instantly I stopped what I was doing and looked back at it:

Got home just a little bit ago, & thought i'd take the chance to send you a message, see if you gave me the right number. glad to see that you did, lol. You seem pretty cool.

Already my cheeks felt warm. I was halfway through typing a response when another message arrived, obscuring the screen.

How about you? not too much homework, i hope?

Well, I mean... I did have a few pages of math homework due on Wednesday, and there's that one paper I have to finish - and I should probably study for biology... "Nah, I'm good, glad to be home. Time to relax, you know? Hey, speaking of work - how come I've hardly ever seen you in class before?" Only then did I realize that the whole reason he'd asked for my number was "'cause I really do need to start studying more", but... at this time, both of us had apparently forgotten about that little detail. Not that it was important. His response this time came in a lot faster.

My usual excuse is that i just have trouble waking up that early for a class - yeah, I know, "it's a 10 AM class, how late are you staying up", but, hey. :P I like sleeping in. Besides, I don't find history that hard. usually only show up for tests and whatever. Today, though, well... can I tell you something, daniel?

I couldn't think of a single time where I or anyone else had ever said anything other than "Sure." to that question.

I broke up with my girlfriend last week. Well, i guess she broke up with me, but, that's whatever. Used to keep me up til way past midnight making me talk to her, and she'd get all pissy and upset if i said i was tired and going to bed. I guess i actually did go to bed one too many times, huh? Heh. Anyway, since that happened, i've been able to sleep a hell of a lot better!

Admittedly, my heart skipped a beat at reading that - girlfriend - and not in a good way. It was almost like when test grades come in, and I didn't score near what I wanted: just this heavy, lurching dread and disappointment. But - that's okay, I tried to tell myself. Can still salvage this. Hell, he could still be bi, right?

You ever had a relationship like that?

"...Hey, Danny," began my friend, rising to his feet. I'd honestly forgotten that he was still here. "I gotta go mow the lawn, so I think I'll head off."

"Oh! Yeah, sure. Thanks for the ride again."

"Yeah, anytime."

Still, though, I had to look back over the messages Harley had just sent. Already we were talking about relationships... well, I guess it's one of the best ways to get to know somebody. "Kind of," I started in response. "I definitely know the feeling. I've only been in one relationship before my current one, though" but then I rethought that: it wasn't necessary for him to learn I'm currently involved with someone, right? "I've only been in two relationships, and have had to do 'damage control' a few times, you know? Never seems to last long though. So, yeah. I know that feeling."

So how are you and your bf doing?

Good lord. If that first message earlier had startled me, then this one did that tenfold. At first I just sat there looking over the short one-sentence question, trying to remember if I'd somehow told him today already, or if I'd met him in the past and he'd found out then... my reply went through four revisions before I finally sent it as a simple "Wait, how'd you know I have a boyfriend?"

Lol. :) One day in class when we were talking about marriage and relationships and whatever, you raised your paw and started talking. Mentioned your boyfriend, i don't remember his name, maybe you never said. I just thought it was really cool that you were so open about it in a class of that size. That's kinda why i wanted to start talking to you

Well, what the hell was I supposed to say to that? Honestly, I didn't remember ever saying anything of that sort. I did remember the lecture that he was talking about, and I remembered speaking up, but I could recall neither mentioning William nor Harley being there... but, I guess I wouldn't really notice, since I hadn't known him back then. Some sort of response had started to form in my head, but before I could put my thumbs back to the screen, to type it out, another message had come in from the coyote:

I mean, what's the worst is when someone goes out of their way to keep everyone else from knowing. Right? I can understand being closeted, but if you're that scared... well. Idk. Not really sure what to say about that without being rude. But, yeah, anyway - how're you two doing? Still together?

I still felt just a little bit... off about this whole conversation. Yeah, I wanted to talk to him; yeah, I wanted to get to know him; but he seemed a little... forward. "Yeah, good. We're alright. Could be better, but there's not really anything where that's not true, right?" Then, to move the conversation away from myself - because God knows I wanted to find out Harley's sexuality: "So, and I don't mean to press, but - mind telling me about your ex?"

Oh, jeez, you don't know what you're getting into, daniel! Ahaha. She was also a coyote - which made mom happy, after i'd brought home an otter once, a second otter who may or may not have been related to the first one, a dragon, a tiger, some others - and, you know what they say about coyotes.

Pause. I guess he wanted me to respond. "No, what?"

We're all kinda crazy, some way or another. My ex went through these absolutely fuckin wild mood swings, right? But, thing was, she only ever had them when it was just her and me. Not at school - we went to high school together, but that was before we'd gotten together - or when we were out, not around her parents, not if it was us with some friends. Only when it was the two of us, and nobody else. So, like, can you blame me for kinda starting to not believe her about them?

Really, though, I should be getting started on my math homework. I set my phone down on the edge of my desk and leaned over to search through my backpack for my things; every now and then it would vibrate again, and I'd eagerly to check, only to see that it was another message from William. This was a fairly regular occurrence.

Sometimes she'd be mopey and sad, and that always sucked. Nothing i said seemed to cheer her up. We've all dealt with people like that. But then also sometimes she'd just get extremely angry, and what it took to get her to stop was a threat of breaking up - so, there's a red flag right there, right? But, christ, sometimes, she'd just get - so excited, so turned on, and for no reason. We'd be having dinner with her parents, and as soon as we turned the corner into the other room, she'd pin me to the fuckin wall, bite my neck, slip her paw into my pants, grope me right then and there...

Then, a moment later:

Sorry if that's TMI. Lol.

"No, no," I sent back in response, "you're fine." This might have changed his train of thought, because like before, his next message took a little longer to come in, as if he'd rethought it halfway through:

Ah hehe. So what if I tell you that sometimes after class, she'd ride home with me - and then ride me in a different way, sometimes for an hour and a half on end? She'd always hold me down against the bed, and stop right when I was getting close because she didn't want me to finish yet. Always had to end up taking a shower after she came over, because of how damn soaked my bellyfur got.

Is it OK to tell you that?

Math homework forgotten, just as soon as I'd managed to get it out. "o///o yeah. That's totally fine." Now, part of me wished that he'd ask something that would allow me to respond like that...

So, yeah. Admittedly i kinda miss that, but everything else was just getting to be too much so it wasn't worth it. You know? But, that's enough about me. Now you know something that a lot of people don't. >;) why don't you tell me something to make it even?

And then again, a handful of seconds later:

Only if you want to, of course. I don't wanna make you uncomfortable.

Well, damn, as if I didn't want to tell him! I leaned back in my chair, one paw lowering itself to the front of my pants. Now I had the thought of Harley, shirtless, pinned against the wall - maybe that sandy-tan of his arms coursed up his shoulders to his chest, and maybe down his belly to disappear under waistband of his pants, too... "Hmm..." It seemed a little strange to me that things were going so... well. As if he knew what I wanted, when I wasn't even yet fully sure what that was. "I don't think it's a story quite like yours, but my first time doing anything sexual with my bf was in the backseat of the car on the way back from a school concert. This was back in high school. He was the one to start it - felt me up through my pants, unzipped my fly, slid a few fingers into the front... didn't get to finish, and I had an uncomfortable boner that I had to hide on the walk to the front door, but still. It's something, right? ;)"

Aah. Adventurous one, huh? One time another ex of mine dragged me into the bathroom after a math test and ended up giving me a blowjob, right there in the stall.

But then, before I could stop myself - as if I had a second head that had started to do the thinking for me: "I like giving oral..."

That makes two of us. ;) Like bottoming, though: it's not for everyone. That tiger I mentioned? Bit of a priss about the whole thing. Said oral was gross, didn't want to give or receive. So that one ended pretty quickly. But, like, whatever, right?

By now, I'd worked my paw under the waistband of my pants and against the bulge in the front of my underwear, warm and twitching slightly with the beginnings of arousal. God, I just - wanted him to tell me everything. I wanted him to show me everything-

Well, hey, fuck. I gotta go, dan. Right as it was getting interesting, right? Lol. I'll see you later. ;)

...Maybe I'd have time to rub one out before Mom got home from work... but, just before I unzipped my pants to get to it, my phone buzzed again, and I looked down - 8 unread messages from William. Hell, I didn't even look at them; the last one said something like "where the hell did you go?" so I just told him that I made a new friend in history class today, and he was asking for help with something.

Which was sorta the truth. After that, I silenced my phone for a while.

~ ~ ~

"That makes two of us."

Before I could say or do anything, Harley had me pinned to the wall of the stall. It rattled on loose fixtures with our combined weight, but he didn't care: he just ran his paws up my body, under my shirt, along my sides - and, God, were his fingerpads warm...

...warm like the pair of lips he then set against my neck, sharp coyote teeth digging gently into the skin through my thick fur. The feeling itself was enough to send a sweet shiver through my body, and when I humped forward as a natural reaction, I felt between his legs a hard warmth similar to the one throbbing in my own pants.

Then, one paw started tracing down my side while the other remained gripping gently, claws pressing into the small of my back, thumb rubbing over the faint lines of would-be muscle that'd actually be firm if I put any effort into it. Harley's other paw continued down, fingers first dipping underneath the waistband of my pants and then moving over to the center to unbutton my fly, knuckles grinding against the top of my underwear - and, in turn, against the end of my hard cock waiting there for him.

When he started unzipping my pants, first I felt a sweet, sweet relief at the pressure finally being released, but then - a different sort of pressure, one caused by his paw wrapping around and then squeezing the bulge of my hard cock through the fabric of my underwear. He concluded his half-kiss half-bite in the fur of my neck and descended down my body, nose tracing along my chest, my belly, part of the V of my hips that pointed down towards that central area... and, then, bright emerald-green eyes focused on my face, he pressed his nose up against the side of the outline of my cock, inhaling gently.

Again and again he nuzzled against me, gradually moving lower or crossing sides, taking his goddamn time in pressing his nose and lips against my shaft, in shoveling his muzzle up underneath my sack. I couldn't help but hump against the coyote's muzzle; his other paw descended from my side and soon disappeared into his own pants, while he wrapped his fingers around the elastic of my underwear and started to pull them down, too.

My cock throbbed out full and hard in front of his muzzle. I watched his eyes focus on it, trace along it from base to tip and then back, and then he looked again to my face - and, then, his broad, flat tongue followed the same track. Sweet, moist warmth, running along the underside of my length, flicking over the tip - only to begin again, and a third time, and a fourth, his one paw switching between massaging my sack and squeezing the base of my cock, fingers moving to allow room for his tongue.

Throughout all of this, he maintained unbroken eye contact with me, half-leaning back against the wall of the bathroom stall, and I couldn't look away. A little lustful moan worked its way through my lips, and again I thrust forward against his muzzle.

"I always thought that you'd make cute little noises..." the coyote purred, his breath warm on my twitching length. "Think I can get you to do that again?" And he moved up, put his lips against the end of my cock, swirled his tongue around the end, started to slowly descend on me

and then my alarm for school jolted me awake, the 'calming' bell tones I'd chosen unpleasantly jerking me out of my dream. A pool of slick pre matted down the fur of my lower belly, and no matter how much I tried to change the course of my mind, it still resolutely returned to that one thing - seeing that damn coyote's nose buried in my pubic fur at the base of my cock.

Oh, today was going to be a long day.