MoonLight Rendezvous

Story by Lycan Silvermoon on SoFurry

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Moon Light Rendezvous

By: Ian "Lycan" d'Entremont

Copyright; 2006

It was a warm July evening. The moon was full and bright; it hung high in the dark velvet blue sky. The moon cast its light blue glow over the land.

On open filed, acted like a blank canvas for the moon to paint its eerie glow upon the earth. On the edge of this field, watching the horizon, where the earth and sky merged in infinity. A Male wolf sat and bathed in the blue light. Above him the stars danced and hung against their velvet black backdrop.

A small Breeze picked up and blew along the land. It brushed against the wolf as he lifted his head. Within the winds held a scent, almost familiar to his nose. He looked down across the length of the field. At first he saw nothing but the light blue colored earth, but soon the silhouette of a figure crested the horizon. Slowly the figure moved closer, the shape of another wolf started to emerge. The wolf on the edge of the field shifted a little as the approaching wolf came close, the unknown stranger.

The strange wolf came closer, and soon was in the light. Close enough so that his Grey furred body could easily be made out. He was male, and about a little over 5 feet tall. He noticed the lone wolf sitting on the edge of the woods and approached him.

"Good evening." The stranger said as he came within speaking distance. "It's a lovely night to be viewing the night. Do you mind if I join you? My name is Lassander."

Lassander stood in front of the wolf and waited for a reply. The wolf that sat on the edge of the woods was almost as black as the night itself. If it weren't for the moons glow, he would have blended into the darkness. He looked at Lassander and nodded.

"My name is Stryker. Feel free to join me."

Stryker looked up at the new wolf that wanted to join him. His eyes met with a Lassanders Golden Brown eyes. They seemed almost to glow in this light, and it kind of gave Stryker a chill, that was a mix of fear and intrigue. He looked this wolf over a little; Lassanders body was slim and toned. He, like Stryker did not wear clothing when out in the woods at night. He did notice that Lassander was looking him over as well.

"Would you like to sit down?" Stryker asked shifting over on the rock he used as a chair, to allow Lassander to sit.

"Thank you. I think I will." Lassander sat down next to Stryker and the two of them sat in silence for a moment. "Do you come here often?"

"Only on nights that I'm not somewhere else." Stryker said it almost as if he wasn't aware of what he was saying. There was a short pause, and then Lassander started to laugh.

"You have a wonderful sense of humor." Lassander said.

"Yeah.. I tend to make jokes when I'm nervous." Stryker replied.

Lassander looked over at him, a little smile on his muzzle.

"Nervous? Do I make you Nervous Stryker?"

At first, Stryker said nothing. He just sat there contemplating his thoughts.

"Well you see... I am... well...." Try as he might, Stryker could simply not make the words that he wanted to say come out.

Lassander Placed a paw on the wolfs shoulder, he felt Stryker tense up a little but relax quickly.

"Why don't you just come out and say what's on your mind." Lassander said.

Stryker took a deep breath, He turned slightly and gazed into Lassander deep Golden brown eyes. The light of the moon fell over his face and his own ice blue eyes took on an almost ghost like glow. Lassander looked into the face of Stryker, the contrast of his dark black fur and ghostly blue eyes was in Lassanders mind, a very beautiful combination. He waited patiently for what the wolf had to say.

"Well to tell you the truth. I kind of think your rather cute." Stryker said. He waited for the unfavorable reply to his confession.

Stryker looked at Lassander, he never broke his gaze and Lassander looked like he was neither put off by the remark, nor surprised by it either.

"Oh, I see. You like the feeling of a male against you do you?" Lassander asked.

Stryker lowered his head down and did not reply. He felt Lassander move and he was expecting him to leave, when he felt the warm touch of Lassanders breath on his face when the wolf kissed his cheek. Stryker looked up.

"I also enjoy the warm caress of a male." Lassander said as he leaned a little closer to Stryker. "And I will admit I find you to have a very attractive body."

The two wolves sat bathed in the pale blue moonlight. They looked at each other without saying a word. Lassander raised a paw and brushed it against Strykers muzzle. Stryker pulled away from it slightly.

"Do you think we should be doing this? I mean we don't even know each other." Stryker said.

"Dose the fact that we don't know each other really matter? I mean we are both adults are we not? And we are both physically attracted to each other are we not?" Lassander replied. "Plus I have no mate, are you mated?"

"No, I am lone." Stryker replied.

"Then why be afraid to explore the possibilities of what we can do? Why ignore the feelings in your body? I know your needs, as I need the same thing. We are both alive and we need the sensual touch of a male, and I know I would be very happy to have your body against mine. But if you would rather not, then I had better leave, as I know I can't just sit here without feeling you close to me." Lassander made to get up when he felt Strykers paw on his leg.

"No. Please stay." Stryker said.

A large smile graced the face of Lassander. Stryker started to lean forward, hesitated and then continued forward. He moved his muzzle toward Lassanders. He pressed it against his muzzle and pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss.

Lassander placed a paw on Strykers chest and started to run his claws through the wolf fur. Stryker murred deep in his chest. Stryker moved his paw up along Lassanders leg. He let his claws trace up along the wolf's leg, letting his claw slide up along his muscles.

Lassander broke the kiss and looked deep into Strykers eyes. Lassander moved a paw up and brushed the back of it against Strykers muzzle. Stryker nuzzled it gentle and closed his eyes. He re-opened them when he heard Lassander moving and felt him pull his paw away. Lassander was sliding down the rock, Stryker watched as Lassander got down on his knees in front of him, gently spreading the wolfs legs. He let his soft pink tongue slide out and move along Strykers inner leg. Moving up along and toward his groin. Stryker watched as Lassander edged ever closer to his sheath.

Lassander stopped just before he reached Strykers furry sac, and looked up at him. He was smiling. Lassander leaned forward and took a deep breath through his noses, the scent of Strykers heat filled Lassanders nostrils. The scent sent shivers down through Lassanders body. He let his tongue fall out of his muzzle and slides down along Strykers sheath, which let out a long and deep murring sound. He leaned back a little and gave the wolf all the access he wanted to his readily hardening sheath

Lassander let his tongue slide down and along the wolf's fuzzy balls. On the way back up, he could feel Strykers member hardening in his sheath, when he reached the top of his sheath, there he was met by the tip of Strykers cock, poking out. He stopped and licked his lips; he started to lick at Strykers tip, slowly the length of his member slide out of his sheath.

Stryker closed his eyes and moaned. "Oh yeah. Oh that feels so good." He said, as Lassander teased his cock, by letting his tongue slide along it and flicking it off his tip. The salty sweet taste of his member, like fine wine in Lassanders muzzle.

As Stryker enjoyed the loving attention that Lassander was giving to his member, he never noticed that he had stopped sucking him. When Stryker opened his eyes, Lassander was on all fours in front of him, with his back turned and his tail raised. He was looking back at him and grinning.

"I think you know what do to." Lassander said. Stryker nodded and got down off the rock and get on his knees behind Lassander. He placed a paw on the wolf's hip and grabbed his member with the other. He pumped his saliva-slicked member and placed the top of it against Lassanders tail hole.

"Are you sure that this is what you want?" Stryker asked. Lassander didn't reply, he simply rocked his hips backward and penetrated himself on Strykers cock. In the silence of the night, the sound of Lassanders voice as he let out a deep and growling moan as the thick member of the wolf penetrated deep into his body. Stryker was taken a little by surprise, but let his instincts take over.

As Lassander rocked his hips backward, Stryker started to rock forward. Letting this member slide in and out of the wolf's body. Once Lassander felt that Stryker was starting to take control, he stopped rocking at let his body be taken over by the wolf on top of him. Stryker dug his claws into Lassanders hips as he rammed his cock into the wolf.

Lassander growled softly as Stryker dug his claws into him, it didn't hurt, but Stryker just made him feel Feral. Stryker started to pant, as his hips rocked quicker. Lassander could feel Strykers knot starting to hit against his hole. His hips moved and faster and faster, his balls starting to slap against Lassanders body, his breath fast and quick.

"OH, my god...I'm going to cum." Stryker said.

"Yes, do it!" Lassander said. He wished that he could feel the pain and pleasure of Strykers knot inside him, but he knew that the wolf was going to cum in him before he would get it in and he was right.

Stryker let out a deep long howl as he slammed his hips forward and released his load deep into Lassanders body.

"Ugggg.... Ah...." Stryker moaned and grunted as he came. He pulled Lassanders hips back making sure that he was close to him, his knot, although not in him, was pressed tight against Lassanders tail hole. As Strykers flow ended, his body shook from the pleasure of his orgasm.

Stryker laid down on Lassanders body and tried to catch his breath, Lassander looked back at him and smiled.

"Did you like that?" Lassander asked

"Oh yeah." Stryker panted. He leaned back letting his still semi-hard member slip out of Lassander. Both wolves gasped as Strykers member slipped out. Stryker sat back on his legs, as Lassander got up his knees and moved toward Stryker.

"You did well, I really enjoyed having you inside me." Lassander said. As he kneeled before Stryker, his hard member was pointing at Strykers muzzle. Stryker didn't say a word, but took advantage of the situation and leaned forward, taking Lassanders cock into his muzzle.

Stryker placed his paws on Lassanders hips and he moved his head back and forth, letting his muzzle slide up and down along Lassanders juicy cock. The taste of his pre dripped down Strykers throat, he took the wolf's cock as deep as he could. Lassander started to muzzle hump Stryker, who stopped moving his head and let Lassander thrust his member in his muzzle.

"I'm not going to last long." Lassander said, as he grabbed Strykers head, Lassander tossed his head back and howled and grunted as he released a load of hot cum down Strykers throat. Stryker let out a gurgled murr as he sucked down Lassanders hot cum. Stryker opened his muzzle and took a deep breath in, the cool air rushing over Lassanders wet member cause him to shiver. He began to remove his member. Stryker closed his muzzle just before Lassander fully removed his cock and sucked hard on the wolf's tip. Lassander moaned loudly.

"OH!" Lassander yelped. Stryker smiled and licked his lips. Lassander sat back on the ground and panted. The two wolves looked at each other for a moment.

"Are you ok?" Lassander asked.

"Yeah." Stryker replied. "I've only one problem."

"What's that?" Lassander asked.

"I'm going to want more of this." Stryker said.

Lassander got up and sat down beside Stryker and put an arm around him.

"I would love to do more with you." Lassander said.

Stryker turned his head and kissed him. The two wolves embraced each other and lay down on the soft grass. They spent the night holding each other. The night over took them, and they slept. Their hearts beating in time, with the rhythm of there newly growing affection