The Gray Demon's Bracer

Story by BadRoy on SoFurry

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#1 of Transformation

Always be wary of items purchased in shady antiques stores. Always. The incautious may end up as hulking demon monsters, to give an overly specific example...

This was written as a commission a while back.

"I can't believe you bought that thing." Sam declares, "That guy was a total freak."

"What can I say? It looks cool." Aaron replies in reference to the decorative leather armband he has recently purchased from the square's new antique shop. He twists his arm to admire the intricate patterns and scorchwork. Inlaid on it's outward-facing side is a demonic looking face. It is quite to Aaron's liking.

"He was a real salesman." Sam jests " 'Zis bracer ees perfect -koff- for you yoong man. Trusssst me.' " He adds, mocking the bizarre shop keeper's dry, wheezing voice. Aaron shudders as he recalls the way the shop keeper appeared from behind a shelf and grabbed his arm. The unsettling, Russian vendor introduced himself as Modest. He left Aaron and Sam briefly before returning with the leather bracer Aaron subsequently purchased and now wears. As Sam had mocked, the shop keeper made a suspicious vow that this band would truly be perfect for Aaron. The young customer simply assumed it was a showy sales tactic. Regardless Aaron was immediately taken with the thing.

"He was... colorful. But check it out, it looks like something out of Game of Thrones or something." Aaron suggests holding the band out for Sam to see.

"I guess. I know you love your dark, creepy stuff." Sam shrugs. The pair have left the main shopping thoroughfare and are nearly at the point where they must part ways for the night.

"Alright man, I have to work this weekend so will catch you later." Sam says "Have fun with the guys tonight."

"That sucks." Aaron and Sam dap fists. "Bye Sam!" Aaron sullenly watches as his friend rounds the busy street corner toward his apartment. He continues in the direction of his own building in anticipation of the birthday party for his roommate which ought to be beginning that very minute.

Aaron, as he makes his way home, begins to hear a strange sound. He glances from side to side rapidly when he hears what sounds like whispering. Or like the quiet speech of a television one room over. As it is a balmy summer afternoon the city streets are filled with every type of person. While the sound is eerie Aaron decides that either he is overhearing some unseen mutterer in the crowd or that he is simply exhausted. He manages to relax. Whatever the source of the ethereal murmuring its words certainly are not English. Aaron ignores the voice by focusing on the sounds of the city. His apartment is nearly within view.

Aaron has an increasingly difficult time ignoring the upsetting whispers. They have increased in volume and in frequency of occurrence. Aaron does not need to look around for the source any longer because he quickly realizes that the sounds seem to originate next to his ear though of course no speaker is there. The whisper has become a low grumbling. Aaron picks up his pace due to sheer alarm. He worries that he may have hurt his head, or that he has been slipped a drug somehow. Incessantly the demonic voice speaks to him. Louder and louder still.

Eventually Aaron is forced to duck into a dark alley to relieve his throbbing brain. Leaving the hustle and bustle behind him he swaggers down the barren alleyway. The sound with no known source is ceaseless and booming. It shakes Aaron to his core. He grips at his head madly with clenched teeth. In his delirious wandering he finds his way to a vacant lot beside a decrepit, unused storefront. He takes refuge inside.

"Ghaaah, my head!" He shouts in the reclusion of the long-abandoned store. As the voice reaches an ungodly volume and as Aaron feels he may split in two from the sheer force of it, the sound suddenly stops. Aaron removes his hands from his head and staggers to lean against a support beam. His body shakes violently in the aftermath of the mysterious sonic assault.

"Ohhh Goood. Finally. What was--" While Aaron is happy to be rid of the sound he knows a sudden dread. The silence left in the wake of the voices disappearance is crushing and somehow Aaron understands its implication. Something is wrong. Something is present. "The band..."

Aaron's heart begins to race. The change has no apparent cause, but the young man's heart is pounding. Soon Aaron realizes that this is no mere disorder of the heart. He feels as though is veins course with carbonation. The blood boils as it travels his body. He is burning. Suddenly, and very rapidly Aaron's right arm grows. With no small amount of cracking and popping his right appendage extends three feet or so. The bones within ache as they lengthen and change.

"Aaahh!" Aaron shouts. More suble changes occur in his enlarged arm. First its skin changes from a healthy shade to a dark, dark gray and grows tough and leathery. With a popping of the delicate joints Aaron's hands double in size. Knuckles now large and knobby. His fingernails vanish into the spreading gray skin and are immediately replaced by long and sturdy black claws. Unable to lift the arm Aaron's hand sits on its backside with claws wagging in the air. Only then do the larger changes take place. With a surprising 'Fwoomp' the muscles of his right shoulder explode to enormous proportions. Aaron is left with one oversized arm and a super-muscular shoulder the size of a beach ball.

"Acck, What is happening?!" He shouts groping the hunk of muscle that was his shoulder. It's thick skin repulsive to him. He has little time to wonder as his right arm is soon alive with steadily building muscle. His biceps fill out to outrageous proportions. As the muscles grow they leave Aaron sore and even further unbalanced. His muscular arm weighing down the normally sized rest of his body. The bicep ceases to grow as Aaron worries it will burst through the skin. He can see the sinew twitch and flex with new vigor. A vein pumps away within it. When he tries flexing the muscle he is able to lift the inert lower arm. His forearm is next to bulk up; reaching three times its former size. The area is highly venous. The visible freeways of his electric blood wind through and around his new musculature. Finally the muscles of his hand reach their proper size. His fingers grow thick and calloused to support his black, rending claws. He is now able to move the huge arm freely, though doing so threatens his balance.

"Grraa. Hunhh. That is huge!" He shouts. The changes begin to reach his chest. With the muscles of his back and chest puffing out to the same insane proportions of his transfigured arm. His right pectoral muscle is a taut, gray-skinned watermelon which twitches and spasms as it grows still further. With morbid curiosity Aaron lifts his monstrous arm toward inward. It is enormous. He places his relatively dainty hand on the clammy and throbbing surface of his right bicep. His massive muscles pull tight the leathery skin and rapidly pulsing veins intersect his human finger's path. He takes his right hand, which is now larger than his head and almost thrice the size of his normal hand. Its long claws look as though they could rend metal. He flexes them and watches the muscles of his sausage-like fingers coil. What shocks Aaron the most beyond the changes themselves is how very heavy the arm is. He wouldn't be able to lift it with his normal arm. He reflects that the raw strength of the thing reminds him of the leg of an ox or other strong-legged animal.

"Grrah, hhuuurtss." Aaron moans while doubling over. The muscles of his back are growing far faster than those of his chest. Like slow-filling balloons they swell.

*Krk-krk-krkrkrkrkr* "AAAHH!" Aaron's voice, now inhumanly deep and throaty, resounds in the abandoned store as his spine extends. With each crack and pop of his vertebrae he rises an inch higher, though he is bent over in pain. To an observer his back would look like an intricately carved slab of stone. Not only because of the thick skin's gray color, but because of the impervious aspect of the muscles below. Though he is racked with pain Aaron knows that his new, unwanted musculature will be metal-like in its hardness. His vertebrae are prominently seen on his spine. The deep cleavages of his muscles are pulsing valleys. His back continues to gain muscle as his other arm grows to match the size of its counterpart.

When Aaron's left arm has fully transformed he is left with a gigantic upper body and with his unchanged human lower half. He braces himself against the support beam to hold his top-heavy body. Atop his mountainous and wide neck sits his human head which, to his displeasure, is the next body part to undergo transformation.

"Hrrng, not my -Krrbruk- Uhhhh" As Aaron groans in his gravelly voice his mandible juts out and is coated with thick skin. This leaves him with a cartoonishly large under bite. Yellowed, fanglike teeth stick upward into his view. His jaw hangs open with its long tongue dripping saliva to the ground.

"Aww, whu?!" Aaron moans. Soon though his skull proper and upper jaw meet the position of his chiseled lower jaw. Though not of course without a great degree of discomfort. The reshaping of his skull is the worst pain Aaron has ever felt. No hangover or headache could reach this terrible pinnacle. His head is now blocky and huge. His eyes have reshaped into larger, glowing yellow orbs. His brow is heavier now and his nose has been slightly upturned. He imagines that he must look horrific. 'Like a demon.' He thinks.

Finally Aaron's legs begin to catch up to the rest of his body. First his butt puts on layer and layer of muscle readily shredding his khaki shorts. They hang on by threads. After the firm rump is formed Aaron's penis grows. He flushes under his gray cheeks as his shorts are soundly filled by steadily expanding cock. His khaki shorts struggle to contain the mass of meat within. To say that the bulge is excessive would be a conservative assessment.

"-Pant, pant- Too. Big." Aaron groans in his unfamiliar voice as he takes his new endowments delicately in his clawed hands.

Next muscles groan and grow in his thighs. Alternately they expand here or there. As with his upper arm his thigh muscles are extremely bulbous. Aaron is happy, at least, that he can support his upper body's tremendous weight now. Though his minor relief at this discovery is shattered by the realization that at this point he is almost entirely monster. After his calves and lower legs fill out his feet are all that remain of his human body. Of course the uncontrollable transformation soon removes this final reminder. The ankle bones shift painfully causing Aaron to wince despite his imposing figure. Then the soles of his feet become thick and stout. He stands atop two humongous gray skinned feet now and his claws are just beginning to form. As those of his hands had they swiftly erupt from each toe and dig into the tile below. Black and glistening. The dark magic which had brought this misfortune upon Aaron finally began to dwindle. Aaron's complete form now pulses a few final times as his overblown musculature reaches previously unthinkable size and potency.

"No. Nooooo!" Aaron bellows while looking down over his rack-like pectorals at his burly, clawed hands. After the initial wave of thorough self-disgust has washed over Aaron's pained mind he becomes aware of a new sensation. His body, his humongous and demonic form, feels incredibly tight. The thick gray skin which now covers him is pulled tautly over his newfound brawn. He feels anxious. He feels the need to put his muscles to use. Growling and stumbling he takes his first monstrous steps toward the nearest wall. He realizes just how massive he is when he is able to look clear over the store shelves which had previously been as tall as he was. He plants his huge hands against the wall and, with little effort, shoves the entire section of the wall inward. The concrete and dry wall give way to his work. The loud sounds of destruction are music to his confused ears.

"Hunh, hunh." Aaron pants. He forms two fists and flexes his entire upper body. His neck is forced upward by the resulting growth. His body needs action, Aaron learns. His muscles beg to be used. Beneath this all-encompassing anxiety to use his formidable strength the human aspect of his brain still mourns his lost humanity. 'Trapped in this disgusting body...' he thinks. Some phantasm unites these two drives. Aaron is filled with purpose. His sharp teeth gnash and his claws grasp at imagined future opponents.

"All going to pay. Pay for what they do to me." Aaron inarticulately slurs. The beast doesn't understand who he aims to harm. He has no clue who set this spell upon him, but he knows that he is going to put his muscles to bear on any and every person until he learns. With his beastly tongue lolling out of his mouth Aaron walks to the partly demolished side of the building. He crouches low preparing for a jump. His leg muscles bundle and coil into an excited ball of potential energy. With a crack of the very floor beneath him Aaron soars off into the night. He would go on maraud and destroy to his heart's content in an effort to 'find those who did this to him.' Left behind in the until-recently abandoned store sits the shredded leather bracer. The accessory comes to life and hugs its frayed edges together until it has fused to be whole once again. It eagerly awaits its next wearer and victim.