DownStairs 1 - An Introduction

Story by Stilghar on SoFurry

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#1 of DownStairs


(This story is ©Stilghar/Wolf Starchaser, 2003. This story contains graphic descriptions of nonhuman males engaged in homosexual acts. If this offends you, or if you are not of legal age to view such materials, go do something constructive instead. All named characters are ©Stilghar/Wolf Starchaser. Resemblance of any unnamed character to any copyrighted character is unintentional, or appearance was used with permission. Please direct all compliments and constructive criticism to [email protected], or to Stilghar on Furnet (formerly Yiffnet) IRC. Flamers will be laughed at and have their e-mail addresses blocked and sold to spammers and script kiddies. Use protection.)


So this wolf walks into a bar...

Okay, so it's not much of a start. This is my first attempt at writing a raw spooge story. Gimme a break.

The bar was the Staircase, a fairly successful gay bar named, most furs assumed, for the huge staircase that connected the upper level dance floor to the main area on the ground floor. The wolf was Stephen, a rather handsome male who was showing off much of his white-furred, well-toned body with a muscle shirt cut well above the navel and a pair of denim cutoffs that left very little to the imagination. He wore no shoes; few furs did during the warm spring and summer months. He was also one of a few, maybe a tenth of the furs in the crowd tonight, that knew about the other staircase.

The Staircase was moderately busy tonight, with males of various races cruising, dancing, drinking, laughing, and generally enjoying the music and each other's company. The DJ was playing classic rock tonight, which suited Stephen just fine. After a short wait in line at the bar, Stephen wandered into the common area, stiff drink in his paw, singing along with the music and scanning the crowd. It didn't take him long to spot a familiar fur, and he altered his course slightly for the leopard's table. He proceeded slowly, enjoying the view of his handsome friend in his tank top and cargo shorts. Approaching quietly to avoid drawing attention, Stephen managed to get close behind his "prey". Sliding his paws under the feline's shirt, he pinched his friend's nipples gently, and nipped playfully at one ear before announcing himself. "Heya, Hot Spots, how's it going?"

The leopard was slightly startled, but recovered quickly. "Hey, fuzzybutt, fancy meeting you here tonight. What's with this outfit? Looks like you're in one of your 'moods'."

Stephen took a seat across the table from his friend and his grin turned wicked. "I am," he replied. "I don't know if it's the full moon, or if it's just been too long, or what, but I'm planning on getting sleeeeeeazy tonight." His voice dropped into a low murring tone the leopard instantly recognized, and "Hot Spots" answered with a leer of his own. "But I'll get to that later. Or maybe I should say, 'we'. In any case, how've you been, Lenny? I haven't seen you in a while."

Lenny's smile turned a bit strained and he took a large swig of his own drink. "I've been better," he said blandly, and motioned for the waiter. The raccoon sauntered over, took Lenny's order with a smile, and proceeded back to the bar.

Stephen's expression turned serious. "What's the matter, buddy?" Lenny sighed and tried to look away, but Stephen's concerned face and beautiful blue eyes held him.

It didn't take long for Lenny to give up. "Aww, hell. Misery loves company. You know that panther I've been seeing lately?" Stephen nodded, and Lenny went on. "Well, it turns out he's a married male- to a fem, with kids even. Bastard was just using me to get back at something his wife did. I was just a warm hole that he wasn't married to, and male to boot, just to piss off his wife. I didn't bother to get the whole story. Fucker strung me along for months; hells, I thought he was Mr. Perfect...." Lenny's voice started to break, and Stephen put his paw over his friend's and gave a gentle squeeze.

"Hey, buddy, you okay?" Stephen asked seriously. Lenny looked at his friend and took the wolf's paw into his.

"Yeah, man, I'm fine, or I will be, eventually. I'm sorry to dump my personal problems on you..."

Stephen interrupted. "Don't apologize, Leonard, I did ask. You know you can dump on me anytime. That's what friends are for, right?" The raccoon returned with Lenny's drink, but the wolf stopped his friend when he reached for his money. "This one's on me, bud," Stephen said, and paid the waiter himself.

"Thanks, man," Lenny said gratefully, then cracked another smile. "Maybe I need to get a little sleazy too, with the right furs this time, and for the right reason." The leopard massaged his friend's paw gently, and Stephen grinned.

"Feel like going Downstairs? " the wolf asked.

Lenny's grin turned lusty and his eyes shone. "Let me finish this drink," he answered, "and I'll be right behind you...or in front, or on top...hells, maybe all of the above, and then some!"

The pair quickly downed their drinks, stood, and walked together towards a fairly unoccupied area of the club. A bouncer was standing watch there, a huge Grizzly, nearly seven feet tall unshod, which, like most of the patrons and other employees alike, he was. He wore only faded jeans, tight in the seat and crotch, and his bare bear chest rippled with muscle under the fur. His face, while calm, spoke louder than words that he would harbor no foolishness in the club on his watch. "Heya, Big Mikey," Stephen greeted the huge bear.

Big Mikey's eyebrow quirked and his muzzle turned into a barely perceptible smile. "Hiya, Steve. Hey, Lenny," the bear rumbled in a deep bass that could literally shake the walls if he let it-and there had been times he'd had to. "Going DownStairs tonight?"

Stephen and Lenny both nodded, and Mike led them towards a small counter in a darkened corner of the vast common room. Mike stepped behind the counter and held out his paw. "I need to see 'em before I can let ya in, Boss's rule."

"We understand," Lenny replied, as both he and Stephen fished in their pockets for what the bear wanted. They each pulled out and placed into the bear's huge paw a plastic card, roughly the size of a credit card, with a small dark square in the center. Mike placed one of these into a slot on the countertop, and looked at Lenny. The leopard placed his thumb on the counter next to the card, and a small light on the countertop flashed green. Lenny took back his card, and Stephen went through this process as well. Mike's smile widened a bit as he did something with the console and the artfully concealed door opened in the wall behind him.

Lenny went through this door first, but Stephen stopped and turned to face the huge bouncer. "What time do you get off tonight, big guy?"

Mike grinned down at the shorter wolf. "My shift ends in about fifteen minutes," the massive grizzly rumbled. "As to when I get off, I guess that depends on the situation DownStairs. Now get outta here, I can't keep this door open long." Stephen flashed the bear a grin, thanked him, and headed through the door, closing it softly behind him.

The secret door opened into a narrow staircase, leading down into the building's basement. About halfway down the steps stood Lenny, with an odd expression on his muzzle. "Flirting with Mikey? The first time you came here, you were scared to go near him."

Stephen chuckled. "That was before my first time down here." The pair both laughed and continued down the stairs.

The staircase ended in a wider area that resembled a locker room, with rows of small lockers. Most of the lockers were the standard small lockers found in gyms everywhere, but with an electronic lock with a small display and a card slot designed to accommodate the cards they'd used to gain entry into the area known as DownStairs. Stephen selected a locker whose display read "UNUSED", placed his card into the slot and pressed his thumb against the small print scanner on the lock. There was a small beep, and the locker popped open. Stephen placed his keys and wallet into it, and started to remove his shirt.

"Don't," Lenny purred softly, placing a paw over his friend's. "I want to do that myself...inside." Stephen grinned and closed his locker, looking to make sure the lock held his card securely until he released the lock with his thumbprint, while Lenny secured his valuables in another. The two males embraced, pulling one another into a passionate kiss that lasted quite some time. They finally broke the kiss, and smiled lustily at one another.

"Let's go see who's doing what to who down here," Stephen murred.

Lenny agreed excitedly, and the two went arm-in-arm through the wide door in the far end of the locker room, into what most patrons of the lower facility called "the Hub". This large, semicircular room was comfortably furnished, with several large couches and many thick, decadent-looking pillows scattered about. Occupying these at the moment were perhaps some twenty-odd male furs of various races, all of them nude, aroused, and enjoying one another's company to put it mildly. One golden retriever, in particular, was having a great deal of fun with the wolf behind him, the fox beneath him, and the tabby cat in his muzzle. Another group consisted of a large, handsome rottweiler and a tiger wearing a cowboy hat, a rainbow bandanna around his neck, and nothing else; their performance had earned them a sizable crowd of onlookers and several wet stains in their fur, none of which they seemed to mind. Small tables were scattered about almost randomly, each bearing an assortment of various lubricants, flavored and unflavored, as well a few toys here and there. A large-screen TV dominated one wall, displaying a film of other males engaged in similar activity, to which several of the patrons pleasured themselves or each other while watching. Several doors in the wall around the room led off to other rooms, some of which offered privacy, or more elaborate equipment for various assorted kinks. One wall had a small bar, which served drinks and snacks to furs not otherwise occupied, or seeking a break from the festivities. A slender, wiry fox in a very skimpy speedo tended bar. Currently, he had no customers, and he watched the activities in the center of the room with obvious interest. His speedo had long since failed to hide his erection, and he sat on a stool behind the bar, stroking himself slowly. He smiled at the two newcomers, and waved hello. "Hey, guys, nice to see ya, even if I'm not seeing all of ya yet." The fox's leer was shameless, and he continued his slow masturbation as he greeted Stephen and Lenny. "Can I get ya anything?"

Stephen returned the fox's grin lecherously. "No thanks, Todd, looks like you've got your paws full already. Careful there, you know your boss won't like it if he sees you with cum in your fur while you're on duty."

Todd's grin got even wider. "Don't worry, I can always find a willing recipient whenever I'm ready to shoot."

Stephen laughed, then turned to the leopard on his arm. "In here, Hot Spots, or do you want to take it private?"

Lenny looked to his lupine companion and began to lead him to the nearest couch. "In here, fuzzybutt. I want an audience for this."

The two gravitated to the couch, and began kissing again. Their tongues danced, their mouths making soft noises of pleasure. They embraced, paws roaming freely. Lenny slid his paws underneath Stephen's shirt, running his fingers through the wolf's soft, white fur, sliding the shirt up slowly to reveal the broad chest barely hidden by the thin fabric. Stephen busied himself by pulling up on Lenny's tank top, sliding one paw up the cat's slender stomach and the other down into his shorts.

Lenny did not fail to notice this rather direct act by his friend. "Already going for the gold, are we?" he laughed. "I hate to interrupt, but at least let me get this shirt off you before you go any farther." Stephen smiled back and held up his arms, allowing the leopard to slide the shirt off over his head. The garment was tossed aside with a negligent flip, and Lenny took a moment to admire his friend's build. "Damn, but you're hot, Steve," the cat purred.

This remark caused Stephen to giggle and strike a bodybuilder's pose, muscles visibly moving beneath the fur. He was rewarded with some applause from the other males in the room, as well as a few rather lewd suggestions, most of which he'd already intended to do anyway.

"You're a ham," Lenny laughed. "Now stand still and let me finish stripping you." With a sensual slowness, the leopard stepped closer to his friend and teasingly undid the wolf's top button. Stephen watched his friend work, the bulge in his shorts growing more prominent as the leopard's paws came close to his crotch. Lenny slowed his pace, taking his time and carefully undoing each button of the wolf's fly. He then leaned forward, burying his nose in the fur just above the wolf's waistline, as he reached around to undo the button on the tail flap. With all fasteners undone, Lenny slowly slid the skimpy shorts down, revealing to all present his wolf buddy's fully erect and throbbing seven-inch maleness. "Hot damn," the leopard purred, "does this thing ever go down?"

"Not without a good reason, Hot Spots," the wolf replied. "But now it's my turn to strip you." Stephen kicked his shorts aside and pulled his friend back to his feet, stripping off the tank top. Casting it aside, he caught his friend in a tight embrace, murring softly as their bodies touched fur to fur. Stephen kissed his friend hotly, sliding his paws down to the waistband of the Lenny's shorts. The catch on the tail flap was no obstacle, and soon both males stood totally nude, to the great appreciation of the others in the room. They continued the embrace for some time, kissing and rubbing their bodies and their cocks against each other, smearing their precum over the organs and into their fur.

Stephen stepped back, grinning lustily at his buddy. "So what do you want, Hot Spots?"

Lenny looked thoughtful for a moment, then glanced downward and purred. "First, I wanna suck you off," he answered, guiding the wolf backwards to sit on the couch. "Then I want to fuck you cross-eyed, spooge all over you, and lay back and watch you have your fun for a while. Finally, I want you to bend me over, fuck me silly, and tie to me with that thick knot of yours."

Stephen laughed, and rubbed a paw over Lenny's ears, scritching them gently. "You know what I like, don't ya, kitty?"

Lenny replied to this with a kiss, then proceeded to lick and nuzzle his way down the wolf's wiry body, giving special attention to the areas he knew were most sensitive to touch. He spent quite some time nibbling on his partner's nipples, eliciting a moan from the wolf squirming pleasurably beneath him. Eventually, Lenny made his way down to Stephen's crotch, and gently wrapped the fingers of one paw around the erect shaft, which was by now oozing pre freely.

Stephen smiled down at his friend. "Go on, Lenny. Stroke it, suck it, whatever you want."

Lenny squeezed the wolf's shaft firmly, making his friend yelp. "Don't rush me," he chided with a smile. "I want to make sure I get this right." He then proceeded to lick his friend's shaft like a lollipop, before sliding his muzzle over the wolf's throbbing rod to deliver a blowjob of the highest order.

It wasn't long at all before Stephen, excited by the thick scent of male arousal in the room and the sight of the handsome leopard going down on him, clenched his teeth together and grasped at the couch cushions, grunting out his orgasm. Lenny purred around the twitching, throbbing shaft in his muzzle, hoping to enhance the sensations even as he eagerly swallowed as much of his friend's love-juices as he could. Pulling his muzzle off the slick shaft slowly, Lenny grinned teasingly up at the wolf. "That didn't take long," he teased.

Stephen soon regained his breath, and cupped his friend's chin gently in a paw. "That was just Round One, sexy," he replied before leaning down and kissing his friend passionately. There was a round of applause from the pawful of other males who had watched the display of skillful fellatio on Lenny's part, the loudest from behind the couch. Breaking the kiss, Stephen looked up into the face of Mike as the bear smiled down at him over the back of the couch. "Hi there," he said up to the huge bear.

"Hi yourself," rumbled the huge grizzly, his muzzle split by a mischievous grin. His thick paw slid down Stephen's shoulder to massage the wolf's chest with a surprisingly gentle touch. "Did I miss anything?"

"Just the shortest blowjob I've ever given in my life," quipped Lenny, who was sliding his paw up the inside of Stephen's thigh to poke a finger gently at his friend's tailhole.

Stephen responded by pinching the leopard's ear a bit firmly. "You know I shoot quick the first time if I'm really excited," the wolf replied. "Besides, no male alive could last long in that hot muzzle of yours."

"Flattery has already gotten you everywhere with me, handsome," said Lenny with a laugh, "but feel free to dispense it all the same."

Mike couldn't resist a laugh at the bantering. "So what's next on the agenda?" the bear asked.

Lenny, meanwhile, had slowly been working a finger into Stephen's ass, pushing and twisting it gently. Stephen responded to this by spreading his legs wider to allow the leopard better access. "I'm gonna get fucked but good," the wolf answered, then glanced up at the bear again, grinning wickedly. "Maybe more than once."

Mike murred, a rumble that came from somewhere deep within his thick ursine chest. "That's a very real possibility, cutie."

Lenny purred softly, smiling at the two other males. "At least let me get him stretched out a bit," he joked, sliding a second finger into the wolf's tight hole slowly, causing the wolf to moan a bit. "That monstrous meat of yours could tear him apart!"

"It didn't last time," Mike replied, standing to his full height and laying the meat in question over the back of the couch. The bear's cock was already hard, its eleven-inch length thick and ridged with crisscrossing veins, the rounded tip oozing precum. Stephen turned to gaze at the organ, and grinned lustily, his tongue reaching out to tease the thick shaft.

"Let's move this to the floor," Mike suggested, "if you guys don't mind. The back of this couch is just gonna get in the way." The other two males heartily agreed, and the threesome moved over to a pile of thick cushions on the floor. Stephen laid himself out like a willing sacrifice, arms and legs spread wide and a wicked smile on his muzzle.

Lenny couldn't resist a giggle. "Silly wuff," he laughed, then sank to his knees and, with a bottle of lubricant from a nearby table, resumed his finger-probe beneath the white wolf's tail.

Mike also went to his knees, facing the other two males, with his immense cock within easy reach of Steve's tongue. He pressed down on the base of his sheath, angling his huge meat down towards the wolf's waiting muzzle, and was very soon rewarded for his efforts by the sensation of the end of his rod being licked and massaged by Stephen's lips.

Lenny purred softly as he watched his friend begin to fellate the huge bear, and his fingers twisted and probed teasingly, eliciting a pleasurable squirm and a soft moan that came out around the half of Mike's dick that Stephen had drawn into his muzzle.

The bear grinned at Lenny wickedly. "Make him moan again, that feels good." Lenny complied eagerly, his free paw squeezing the wolf's scrotum gently, and watched the hunky bear's reactions as Steve moaned louder.

The wolf worked as much of Mike's immense cock into his muzzle as he could manage, and bobbed his head up and down the thick shaft, massaging it with his tongue and the muscles of his throat.

Lenny's eyes went a bit wide as he watched his friend deep-throat the vast bearcock. "Damn, buddy...for a wolf, you're one hell of a cock hound!" Stephen replied by wiggling his rump playfully, and squeezing his friend's fingers with his tailhole.

Mike pulled his thick cock away from Steve's muzzle slowly, and leaned down to kiss the wolf gently on the nose. "Feels good, man," the bear rumbled, "and someday I'm gonna have to let you suck me completely off, but right now I want to watch Lenny fuck you 'fore I pound yer ass m'self."

Stephen returned the kiss with a lusty smile. "You got it, big guy." He turned his gaze to the handsome leopard fingering him, and lifted his hips. "Hey, Hot Spots, howzabout you replace those fingers with something a little thicker?"

"You got it, sexy," Lenny purred, removing his fingers and scooting himself forward to rub the tip of his cock teasingly against Stephen's tailhole, smearing his pre over the already well-lubed pucker before pushing himself forward, pushing his tip in past the tight ring of muscle. He pumped himself in and out of the wolf's hot body at a slow, measured pace, and leaned over his friend's body to kiss him firmly on the muzzle.

Stephen moaned with pleasure as the leopard's cock entered him, and returned the kiss hotly as he wrapped his legs around his friend's waist, locking his ankles and pulling his friend into him. "Fuck me, Lenny," he implored as the kiss broke for a moment. "Gimme all that dick, hard and fast!"

Lenny complied eagerly, driving his cock deep into his friend's body with each fierce thrust, plunging with such force that the wolf's entire body rocked on the cushions. Their display of wanton lust was not lost on Mike, who still sat on his knees near Steve's head, slowly stroking himself as the other two males mated. Precum oozed freely from his immense cock, and he allowed the rivulet to drip from his shaft onto Stephen's face fur. The scent and feel of bear pre only seemed to fuel the wolf's libido, and Stephen pulled his feline lover into him with ever-wilder abandon.

The cat's body tensed, trembling, as the furious pace continued. "Gonna cum soon, sexy," Lenny grunted, and Stephen replied by squeezing the invading shaft hard with his tailhole.

"Pull it out and shoot that nasty fuckin' load all over me, Lenny," Steve implored, unlocking his legs to permit his friend to comply. The leopard did, pulling his cock from his friend's ass and taking aim. He was just in time; his body wracked with orgasm less than two seconds later, his cock erupting to splatter his seed over Stephen's belly, chest and face. The wolf lay there, muzzle wide open to catch any stray drops, and Mike leaned over to rub his paw through Steve's splattered fur, then licked traces of leopard spooge from his fingers. Lenny slumped to lie atop his friend as his orgasm subsided, and he hugged the wolf tightly, regardless of - or perhaps, because of - the mess in his coat. Stephen hugged back, nuzzling the cat tenderly. "Thank you, Lenny," he murred softly into the leopard's ear.

Lenny quickly regained his breath, and licked a trace of his own seed from Stephen's chin with a smile. "Any time, handsome."

A sound from above Stephen's head got their attention, and the both looked up to see Mike golf-clapping, a grin on his muzzle. "Great show, guys."

Stephen gave the bear's oozing cock a lick and a squeeze with his paw. "Audience participation is encouraged, big guy," he murred suggestively.

Lenny gave his friend a soft kiss on the cheek and rolled off, scooting over to one side to get a good view. Sitting back comfortably, he took one of the toys, which closely matched the size and shape of Stephen's cock, and a bottle of lubricant. "Carry on, gentlemen, I'll just be over here preparing myself for the Grand Finale." Smiling in response to the lusty grins of the wolf, bear, and numerous observers, he generously applied the lube to himself and worked his tailhole with his fingers, much as he had done to Stephen earlier.

Stephen sat up and turned to Mike, his paw stroking the bear's immense length. "How do you want me, big guy?"

Mike stood and embraced the wolf tightly, lifting him from his feet. "Hold on to me," he rumbled. Stephen threw his arms around the bear's neck, thick arms braced up his legs, and huge paws guided his hips. He felt the head of the immense cock press against his still-slick tailhole, and forced the ring of muscle to relax in order to admit the huge rod of flesh. Mike pulled Stephen down onto his cock gently, and murred deeply as he slowly entered the wolf's body. "Mmmh...yeah," the bear moaned, "Tight ass on my dick, you feel good, wuffie."

Stephen shuddered with pleasure as the immense bear penetrated him so carefully, and he nibbled gently at a round ear. "You feel good inside me, Mike," he replied softly. "Now fuck me with that giant dick."

Mike slowly accelerated the pace at which he pulled and pushed on the wolf's hips, and Stephen moaned as he clung to the huge bear. Lenny watched the elaborate display of carefully applied strength with a lusty smile as he began to work the dildo he'd chosen into himself.

Stephen rode Mike's vast cock eagerly, as the bear buried his muzzle in the wolf's cum-splattered chest fur. "Harder," the wolf moaned, "Pound my ass with that monster cock!"

"You want it, you got it, handsome," Mike replied, and proceeded to impale Stephen at a pace that shook the wolf's entire body. He watched the wolf's face carefully, but Stephen's expression showed no pain, only lusty bliss, and Mike abandoned all restraint. He lowered Stephen gently to the cushions, lifting the wolf's hips so as to be able to fuck "down" into the wolf's body, adding his own mass to the muscle behind the thrusts.

Stephen cried out ecstatically, shouting encouragements to the huge bear. "Fuck yeah, gimme all that dick! Fuck me hard an' flood my ass with hot bear cum!" Stephen tightened his sphincter around the bear's immense cock, hoping to drive his large partner over the edge.

He didn't have to wait long. The bear gave vent to a thunderous roar and buried himself deep inside Stephen, who moaned wit pleasure as he felt the thick bear cock erupt inside him, flooding his body with such a vast load of bear seed that a trace escaped him, oozing out around the huge shaft.

Mike bucked his hips gently as he panted, grinning down at the wolf smiling up at him. "Maybe it's good I pulled outta yer muzzle, feels like I might've drowned ya."

"I can think of worse ways to go," Stephen replied with a chuckle.

A moan of pleasure attracted their attention, and they turned to gaze at Lenny, who was fucking himself steadily with the dildo while pinching his nipples with a free paw.

Mike kissed Stephen's forehead gently and puled himself slowly out of the wolf. "Looks like he's about ready for ya. I gotta go find some towels."

"Don't miss the show, bud," Steve said, nuzzling the bear gently.

"Don't worry, I most definitely won't!" Mike grinned, and padded off in search of a few towels.

Stephen carefully slid over to the leopard, placing his paw over Lenny's on the sex toy. Lenny looked up at the handsome wolf; his eyes were alight with lust...and something more? "Stephen," Lenny purred, "make love to me..."

Stephen kissed his friend passionately, laying back and pulling the cat over himself. He laid the used plastic penis aside, hugging Lenny tightly as the leopard straddled his waist. "Gladly," he murred, settling the tip of his member beneath Lenny's tail.

Lenny sat up, slowly sliding himself down the wolf's thick shaft, his eyes locked with Stephen's. Paws roamed slowly over furred bodies, as wolf and leopard focused only on one another. The Hub might as well have been empty for all they cared, and neither one noticed Mike's return with a pawful of towels, nor did they react when he collected the used toy, wrapped it in a towel, and took it behind the bar for cleaning.

Lenny rose and fell upon Stephen's wolfhood, moaning softly as the thick knot threatened to press into his body and lock them together. Stephen's paw wrapped gently around the leopard's erect rod, stroking slowly along its length. Neither fur spoke; the only sounds were moans of lust and pleasure. Words were unnecessary.

Lenny grunted as Stephen's knot pushed past his ring of muscle and locked into his body, and the leopard squeezed the base of his friend's shaft and bounced, tugging at the thick knot. Stephen's paw twisted and squeezed over Lenny's cock, the organ throbbing under his fingers as the cat's second orgasm neared.

Leonard wrapped his arms around Stephen's torso and embraced the lupine tightly, moaning ecstatically as his cock erupted once again, spilling his seed onto his friend's chest and belly. The scent and feel of the leopard's shuddering orgasm drove Stephen over the edge, and his howl reverberated throughout the Hub, causing every eye in the place to turn towards them. Lenny purred deeply as he felt the wolf's orgasm flood his body, spreading the warmth throughout his entire being.

They lay there for some time, basking in the afterglow, and Stephen nearly blushed as the applause caught their attention. Lenny's smile was like the rising sun, and he kissed his spotted friend passionately.

"That was beautiful, guys," rumbled an immense voice, and the two looked up at Mike's grin and accepted the beers he offered greatfully.

"Thanks," said Stephen, as the three clinked bottles. "Cheers."

They sat and drank in silence, then Lenny carefully rose, pulling gently off Stephen's knot with a wet-sounding pop. The three of them giggled, and Stephen rose as well. "Thank you for a wonderful time, Mike."

"No problem, guys," the bear replied with a grin. "You two need to hit the showers."

Grinning wickedly, both cum-smeared males hugged the big bear, spreading the mess into the grizzly's coat. "So do you, now," Lenny laughed.

"Not yet," Mike rumbled. "I plan on getting a lot messier before the night is over."

The wolf and leopard smiled at him, and padded off across the thickly carpeted floor to the door to the showers. Wordlessly, they took turns soaping each other over with the fur shampoo, scrubbing and rinsing the evidence of the night's festivities out of their coats, and both luxuriated shamelessly under the fur dryers.

They passed through the Hub again, stopping briefly to glance around the room and collect their scattered clothing. Stephen pointed out Mike with a smile, observing that the crowd around the big bear would most definitely fulfill his plans for spoogey stickiness.

Once in the locker room, both males slipped into their shorts for modesty's sake, but neither seemed inclined to put their shirts back on. That would pose no problem, as the Staircase's dance floors often abounded with shirtless males. Stephen retrieved his wallet and keys, and closed the locker, clearing it for another user and pulling his passkey from the slot. He turned to Lenny and realized the leopard was watching him, and seemed a bit nervous. "You ok, buddy?"

"Steve, do you mind if I stayed with you tonight? I don't trust myself to drive at the moment," he broke off and sighed, looking slightly forlorn, "and I just don't want to be alone tonight."

The wolf hugged his friend tightly, planting a soft kiss on the leopard's cheek. "You know you're welcome in my home, and my bed, at any time, buddy."

Lenny returned the hug, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm sorry, Steve...I've just been dumping on you all night..."

"Shh, it's okay, buddy. I'm here for you, whatever you need."

"You're too good to me, Stephen," Lenny seemed on the verge of tears. "We've been friends for years, and you've given so much to me...You helped me come out to my family, comforted me when my father died, you were the first male I ever had sex with, and through it all I feel like I've never given anything back."

"You've given me plenty, buddy," Stephen replied warmly. "You've made my life a lot brighter. Really."

"I realized something tonight, Steve," Lenny responded. "I guess I should have figured this out years ago." He gazed intently into the wolf's eyes. "You love me. I don't know what I did to deserve someone like you, and I'm sorry I didn't notice it before...but I love you too."

Stephen couldn't speak. He felt as if his heart would burst from his chest at the acknowledgement he'd never in his wildest dreams hope to hear, and he hugged the leopard who'd become the most important thing in his life tenderly.

"Why didn't you say something a long time ago, Steve?"

"I wasn't sure how you'd take it, buddy. I figured you'd say something eventually, but until you did, I was perfectly content with your friendship."

"And the occasional groin-grinding?" Lenny joked.

Steve smiled warmly at the leopard. "Yeah, the sex was good."


"Okay, is. You're an incredibly sexy guy, and I was honored to call you my friend. I'm overjoyed now that I can call you my lover as well."

Lenny ran his fingers through his lover's chest fur, and smiled. "We have a lot to talk about, but it's late, we're both tired, and this locker room is hardly the place to plan out the rest of our lives."

Steve kissed Lenny soundly, then whispered into his ear. "Let's go home."
