Caged Desires

Story by supernatural_delight on SoFurry

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Ben makes a bold step in his activities with Lewis and goes out in public in less than regular attire.

Ben and Lewis are back. Pretty much a follow up to Diapered Desires (hence this title). Definitely going to do another story to be a sequel to this one, might just make these guys regular re-occurring characters. This is definitely the less adult out of stories I have done so sorry if it doesn't hit that sweet spot for you. Just thought of this fun little thing for the two to do.

As always comments, critique, and suggestions are welcome.

Ben was afraid to leave the car. He had never done something this bold before. The fox looked at himself in the rear view mirror again to make sure his makeup had not come off during the drive. His lipstick, mascara, blush, and eye shadow were all still applied. The sight of his appearance made a stirring in his sheath. Unfortunately he still wore a chastity cage placed on him a week earlier. Ben's paw reached down to his pink panties and adjusted the cage around in an attempt to be comfortable again. Hesitating longer wouldn't do him any good so he opened the door and stepped out of the car.The fox took his time crossing the street. The most footwear he ever had outside would be sandals when the pavement in the hot summer time. Today though the fox had been told to wear his red high heels that he only wore for special times at home. Today's outfit had actually been much of a surprise so Ben really had to throw it together at the last minute. He wore a pink bra that had been stuffed to look like breasts. For a shirt he had just found one of his white v-necks. The neck line didn't drop far enough to show how his breasts were fake. But it certainly made it easier to be revealed in one slip up. In fact, in the correct lighting his pink bra would become visible through the white shirt. But it was too late now for Ben to change his outfit as he neared the restaurant.The final part of his outfit had been acquired earlier that morning. A tan skirt that he had picked up at the department store. Ben was in a hurry at the time and did not particularly feel like being "that fox" who tried on women's clothing in the men's dressing room. When he got home he found that the skirt fit but that it was a little short. The lower cut off coming just above his knees. Even as he crossed the street he fidgeted and pulled it down some. Trying to keep his panties hidden so the bulge of the cage and balls beneath would not be revealed. Ben managed to cross without taking a spill much to his relief. He informed the hostess raccoon that he was waiting on another member of his party and they would be sitting outside. Just as he been instructed to do so.Ben took out his smart phone and sent off a quick text to Lewis, informing the horse that he was waiting at the restaurant for him. The fox tried to keep himself distracted from how terrified he was by playing Tetris on his phone. It only took a few rounds on the game before someone snapped their fingers in front of his muzzle. Ben practically screamed, but did not. He did however jump from his seat and Lewis laughed loudly. Ben felt like hitting Lewis but break into a soft laugh himself."Hi hon," Ben said and went in for a kiss.After a brief peck the two took their seats at the table."You look nice," Lewis commented with a snicker."You too," Ben said though Lewis still wore the same blue suit he left the house wearing that morning. "Has work

been okay so far?""Pretty simple today, mostly entering data," Lewis replied as he picked up a menu. "I am eager to finish today."Ben caught the teasing tone in Lewis's last comment. He was easily just as eager as his boyfriend. Not only to finally get his cage off but to have some more fun in bondage like the previous week. Lewis had not told him what his plans were for tonight and still gave no hints now. Ben couldn't care less though. He always enjoyed a good surprise. They spent most of their meal discussing plans for the upcoming weekend.Ben would have to work on Sunday but that still meant the two of them both had Saturday off and they decided to go see a movie. Lewis made a joke (at least Ben hoped) that the fox should dress like this when he went for work. They were both near the end of their meals when their waiter returned."Anything else today?" the golden lab asked the two of them."I think this is it for us. Just the check please," Ben responded, using his best girl voice like he had when ordering earlier.Once the lab stepped away Lewis smirked at Ben again."Such a polite young lady," he teased.Ben played along by giggling and doing his best to blush. He definitely felt a lot better now about coming out like this even if it still felt weird. Lewis glanced to see if the waiter was coming back before leaning in and speaking in a hushed tone to Ben."I'll take care of the bill and then I will head back to work. When I come home tonight you need to be completely naked."The horse paused a moment for Ben to nod in understanding."Before you leave here though I want you to use the women's restroom. If you don't the cage is on for another week."Ben gave an audible gulp at the threat attached at the end. Had Lewis asked him to do this right when they arrived then maybe he would have weighed the option of keeping the cage on for another week. Instead, he stood up and with a wink strode confidently towards the bathrooms. That confidence only lasted a bit though as Ben then had to focus on balancing in high heels.Ben was rather disappointed by the women's restroom though. It was not as nice as he had heard about. Just a small table with magazine's and lotion sat at the entrance. The fox's heart rate increased as he ventured further and further in. Settling on the stall on the end. He entered and made triple sure to latch the door behind him. Out of instinct he lifted up the toilet seat. The mini skirt and panties were slowly pulled down as Ben tried to calm his breathing. Assuring himself that since he was already locked in the stall he wouldn't be caught.Just as this idea entered his mind Ben's ears perked to the sound of the door being opened and he frantically sat down on the seat. The fox's large tail almost got shoved into the bowl with his rear that sunk in from the lack of protection. Ben

sat completely still, barely realizing that he was holding his breath. Slender, grey legs were all he could see of the entrant. She walked in and took the stall next to him. His heart moved even faster as he tried to ignore the woman as she used the toilet. He returned to his task and adjusted his cage cock. Pushing it beneath the rim and into the bowl.With a soft moan the fox's stream left him and entered the toilet. Even after he finished he was still too nervous to leave though. Ben remained seated as the other woman flushed, washed her paws and left the restroom. A smile grew on Ben's muzzle as he got up. When he first met Lewis he never dreamed that one day he would be crossdressing in public and using the ladies room. That horse had a way of pushing him without pushing him too far. Meeting Lewis was the best thing that had happened to Ben.

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