Against the Grain - A New Day, Approval, and Class Orientation

Story by x_panther on SoFurry

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#2 of Against the Grain

  This is the second part of my released series. I've got this slated for at least two more installments. Bear with me while the story moves along slowly. The first two installments set up the characters the next two start the conflict with a little 'filler' between. Be patient. :P


  As I said before if you have a problem with any of the selected tags or are considered a minor (18 or 21 depending on your location), please leave now. I won't hold it against you. :)


  Against the Grain Part 2 - A New Day, Approval, and Class Orientation




  I don't know where I was when I first noticed it. I don't even know what switched, but I knew that I was different; unique in my own way. My life took a turn the night I finally met Chase. Sure, it was all sparklers and candy, but it also triggered something else. Something much deeper than that; I found something that made me feel complete and calm.


  I don't know when it happened. Hell, I don't know if it even happened. Some switch was flicked in me that night. I hadn't paid attention to my own feelings in the search for another. I always did what I assumed I was supposed to do. I never thought about looking to another male, actively at least. But yet, I had never thought ill-will towards the concept of 'gay'. I guess that was one of the advantages to my parents being off at their respective careers.


  This was something new to me, but yet somehow familiar. Chase was new to me, but yet it felt like I had been looking for him or someone like him all my life. It made me happy and yet I knew there would be problems in the future.


  *  *  *


  Total comfort. That was what I felt. I felt like I was lying on a cloud surrounded by soft fluffy tufts of sunshine relaxing my tight muscles into a mush of sleep. Me being a big horse, even the softest mattresses couldn't stand up to my weight so I always felt the springs. But this. This was total comfort... accept for the stabbing sliver of light coming in from the window over my computer desk.


  I blinked watery-eyed as I lifted my hand up to shield my eyes from the bright annoyance. The morning sleepiness was blurring my vision enough for me to blink heavily. Something felt odd. I scooted to the side and rolled my head out of that annoying sunlight and blinked at the indentation in the pillow next to me. Strange.

  I reached over and touched the pillow. Still warm. Hmmm. Something touched my hand and it made me recoil a little, but stuck to my fingers was a long strand of blond hair. To put it short, I was a touch confused, and then my nose started working again. My nostrils flared a little as I caught the smell of sex and of another body that had been occupying the bed. Chase?

  I sat up practically throwing the bedding off myself and flicked my ears, catching my reflection in the computer monitor. Then the echo came from my bed room door and down the hallway. The shower was running. I knew my parent's weren't due in for another three... two days.

  'Chase?' I thought as I slowly slid off the edge of the bed and stood up, stretching what few knots out of my muscles. I ran my fingers through my mane and gave it a shake before slowly walking out of my bedroom and down the hall, the rubber of my shoes dampening much of the sound as I walked on the hardwood floor.

  The bathroom door was wide open and billowing clouds of steam, standard for a cold house and a really hot shower, but this steam was sweet. It smelled of Chase but fainter. I licked my lips and slowly leaned around the door frame and looked at the glass block wall standing between the shower head and sink. It was like seeing liquid gold and bronze move under running water. I couldn't make out a definite shape, but I knew it was him.

  My heart skipped a beat as the memories of the night before flooded back into my mind's eye. The warming feeling spread downwards through my body, making my short pelt stand on end and my crotch tingle. I squeezed my eyes shut and fought back the arousal bubbling up in my lower half and slowly crept into the bathroom, dragging my fingertips along the counter as I walked gently towards the gap in the shower wall.

  I leaned around the wall and sure enough, there was the mare of my dreams; a spray of steam-billowing water raining down over matted locks of gold swept along the curve of his shoulders and back. With one hand on the wall, I slowly stepped into the shower pan which seemed to catch his attention, but he didn't jump or flinch. He simply turned his head to the side and looked over his shoulder to me, his bright blue eye opening under the rain of water, "Good morning, big guy."

  His voice had the same effect on me now that it did the night before at the coffeehouse, like velvet rubbing against velvet, so calming and soothing but yet alluring. I liked my lips again and smiled a genuine smile as I stepped forward and put my big hands on his hips and leaned in against his back. The shower water splattering into my eyes as I curled my fingers around his waist, "Good morning, Chase." I stepped up close behind him, his small frame fitting easily against my chest and pelvises.

  He chuckled as he leaned back against me and I felt as if this was where I belonged. I closed my hands further around his soft core and stroke along his belly all the way down 'til my fingers bumped against his sheath. His mane melted against my chest as he leaned his head back against my shoulders, "Mmm... sleep well big guy?"

  I couldn't help but chuckle lightly, the dreams that had been plaguing me for the weeks before had all but gone in the night's sleep; just modified a little. "Girl, you have no idea." My diamond shaped ears stood up a little as I heard the echo of my soft chuckle; must have hit a ticklish spot as my fingers gently swept down over that soft lightly toned belly of his. "You wouldn't believe how much sleep you've made me loose."

  That caused Chase to chuckle louder and turn to push on my chest, though my hands remained on his hips, "Oh, such flattery," he said as he tilted his head up and gently kissed the end of my muzzle. The wet softness tempting me so easily to kiss back as I pulled him against my quickly soaking through pelt as I kissed him back.

  It was then when I realized how awkward kissing another equine actually was, not that it was any less arousing than it should have been. The trigger that made me moan was his fingers brushing through my soaking mane. I pulled my arms up higher and curled them around his ribs and hugged him tighter to my chest as my muzzle pulled to the side and passed his ear in the tight embrace. "Did you enjoy yourself last night, Chase?"

  The little horse of mine pushed himself back from my chest and stepped back under the main spray of the showerhead, his fur soaking through again. I couldn't help but stare at his form with the pelt pulling flat to his curves, "Just a little sore," he giggled a little and slapped his long strands of his tail against the glass block, "but nothing I wouldn't endure again."

  Gods, he was teasing me again; his arms folded up and running his fingers through his own mane to let the water wash away anything that might be caught up in it. The only thing throwing his body out of Playboy was that package hanging off the middle of his groin, but I couldn't imagine it not being there. "Why are you so hot...?" I asked rhetorically, my tail flicking to the side and my nostrils flaring with a deep exhale.

  Chase dropped his arms slowly and smiled as he held up a hand to me, "Because I'm exactly what you were looking for." Naturally, I took his hand and he tugged on me. Though his body mass wasn't enough to manipulate me much, I went with the tug expecting him to throw his arms around me but instead I received a bottle to the chest; a yellow labeled white bottle with blue lettering... shampoo. "Would you wash my back, Tyler," the huskiness of his voice coming through a little as he turned his back to me.

  I almost dropped the bottle as his grip let the bottle fall into my hands. I didn't verbally answer but my hands did when they started working on auto pilot by opening the bottle and squeezing out more than a generous amount of shampoo. Our height difference made me feel like I should kneel, but yet I knew I wouldn't be tall enough to reach his shoulders like that, so I simply plopped the fistfuls of shampoo on his shoulders and started scrubbing. My fingers worked against his short pelt and I realized that he was far more muscular than I had first thought; not as tight as mine got after a workout, but not overly soft either.

  I worked my thumbs in against his back as my hands fell down along his back, the bigger sweeps of my hands rubbing the suds into quite a thick lather as I worked through his back. My brain was mapping out his musculature with each sweep of my fingers, each little bump where it should and each crevasse between muscles just the same, even if he didn't work out he was defiantly stronger than I was expecting someone with such an effeminate figure to have.

  My hands paused in place, my brain not functioning at all as my eyes caught his tailbase framed with his tight high rump that had tried to bust my plumbs the night before. The hesitation made Chase lift his tail and turn his head to look down at me over his shoulder, "something wrong, big guy?"

  I cleared my throat as I looked back up, my dark eyes meeting his. I quickly threw on a grin, "More soap," I coughed out. I picked up the bottle and blurted a much smaller dime of soap on my palm before massaging it back into his lower back, doubling the suds available. I had my fingers squeezing this perky ass the night before and here I was feeling nervous to touch it again, but tough it I did. Working my fingers in small circles as I let them drift lower, gently pushing against that round flesh. I heard Chase chuckle, but all it did was make me grin and take bigger strides. Splaying my fingers out, I playfully squeezed each of those tawny cheeks with both hands just tight enough to get a small moan out of the equine standing in front of me.

  But, just as soon as I had squeezed I went back to soaping the little horse down, gently dragging my fingers between his perky little rump-cheeks and then down along his inner thighs. The longer my hands stayed on him, the more bold I felt. I my fingers tickled his inner thighs on both sides which made him giggle forcefully which prompted him to slap me with his wet tail. I hammed up the slap quite a bit and flumped back on the floor in a sitting position with a nicker. "You should know better than to tickle a lady," he said as he turned around and looked down at me with his hands on his hips. Gods he's such a woman from this angle.

  All I could do was grin from ear to ear and prop myself up on my hands to keep from flopping back against the stall wall, technically I could have sat there all day watching him bathe. His hand weren't quite as delicate as I had been as he scrubbed his own chest and down his legs; he even went as far as to use my propped knee as for one of his hooves as he scrubbed down his thigh and calf.

  The little mare grinned at me and offered a hand to me, "Time to get your back clean," he said as I griped his hand and hoisted myself up mostly under my own power, the rubber of my shoes squeaking on the shower floor.

  I chuckled a little as he spun me around and pushed me under the showerhead, the water wasn't quite as warm as I preferred but it was still warm enough to keep me from shivering while the blast of water soaked me through. My back tensed a little as I felt those soft hands flop wetly onto my back and start to scrub, I couldn't think of the last time my back was so well scrubbed or felt so good. My hands landed on the shower wall and my torso bent forward with my head sunk between my arms. It felt good... very good. Those dainty little hands working the foam through my pelt made me relax and relaxed equines all have similar reactions. My shaft unfolded itself to hang heavily between my thighs as Chases hands worked the foam down over my lower back. If it wasn't for my body posture I'm sure I would have ended up on the floor.

  Somewhat of a totally new sensation rushed over me. His hands didn't hesitate as he worked mounds of foam over my tailbase and down over my toned rump (lets face it, even I knew I had a nice ass). It made me jump a little with his fingers gently touching places no one accept myself had touched since I was a kid being showered by a parent in mechanical washings. This... even though it was foreign, it felt nice; nice enough to make my tail lift up on its own and flop sideways. The simple flap of the tail seeming to bring Chase quite a bit of joy as his hands went back to work and scrubbed down the back of my thighs, his hands attempting to tickle my inner thighs but it takes a lot to tickle a tough horse like me.

  I lifted my head and pushed my hands against the wall but was stopped short at the sudden sensation of fondling; my more than liberal sack rolled back and forth and was gently handled. It made me groan... and spread my thighs apart a bit more; making my rubbered hooves squeak on the tile again. Then the section sensation came over me, that little hand of his wrapped around my forgotten hanging shaft, it made me tense up and lift my head but it didn't stop his hands from traveling up along my fleshy tube and back down.

  Just as my arousal was starting to kick into gear again, his hands were no longer on me, leaving me feeling slightly disappointed. Then his voice chimed in, "Alright big guy, all clean from this side!" he exclaimed in almost an anime cheer voice.

   His light weight thumped against my back and caused me to buckle forward a bit with an oof, "Easy there, girly. You're going to make me chip a tooth on the showerhead." As much as it felt like I should have leaned back against him a bit more, the mass difference just made me stand up straight under the shower head and stroke his arms around my waist. But then I could feel the water beginning to chap my lips. I batted his hands around my stomach and smiled over my shoulder, "Starting to chap. Time to get the rest of me clean."

  He sounded almost disappointed as I turned around and knelt down to pick up the bottle of shampoo. Quickly, I scrubbed my chest into a heavy lather, down my belly, and down to my hooves. But when I stood back up Chase was still standing there with another bottle in his hands. Mane conditioner, I had to laugh.


  It had never taken me so long to bathe. I'd have expected it would take less than twice as long to scrub two bodies than one, but I swore we were in that shower for over an hour. Sense of time always distorts with the lack of sunlight to make time pass evenly. We both toweled dry under the overhead blast hot air driers, and I watched Chase with his light primping by raking and curling his wet mane around his fingers to give it that little spring that had framed his bright blue eyes so well. I took the stallions way out and raked my fingers through my mane then followed by a quick combing.

  I dropped the comb back down onto its shelf and turned to the door but I was quite blinded as a wet towel flopped over my head followed by a nickering giggle deepening out the door and down the hallway. Anyone else would have done that to me, I would have been annoyed but all I could do was giggle as well.

  I tossed both towels down the laundry chute in the hallway as I walked out of the bathroom and listened for any movement in the house. I leaned partially over the banister as I quietly walked down the stairs seeing the cheerleaders outfit still strewn across the floor, "Chase? Where'd you go?" I turned my head to look back up at my bedroom door; no light shifting in there told me the little equine wasn't in there. Rarely ever do I venture down the stairs without at least a pair of boxers on, but being half way down and a touch lazy I clopped the rest of the way down into the main room.

  "Chase?" I bent down and picked up the short orange and white pleated skirt and blinked at it. Holding it up at chest level, it made me grin a little knowing that the little thing that fit this skirt was stalking around in my house somewhere. A clatter of glass jars being jostled in the fridge caught my attention which led me to drop the skirt in place and walk around and through the foyer and into the kitchen.

  I stopped short and leaned in through the doorway and caught the sight of Chase's orange split thronged rump holding the fridge door open with a jug of milk in one hand. I smirked and leaned against the door frame which made it crack. "Raiding my fridge already, huh?"

  Almost like a cub caught with its paw in the cookie jar, chase stood up and turned around smiling at me, "Well a lady's gotta eat," he said quite matter-of-factly and took a chomp out of the side of apple. The light clattering of steal on the wood floor made me wonder how he didn't fall over in the shower. "Bowls and cereal?" he sputtered through another bite of apple as he sat the jug on the kitchen island/bar.

  I stood up straight again and walked into the kitchen as he reached up to open one of the cupboard doors, I couldn't help myself. It felt good to be close to him, I pushed my chest and abs up against his back as I wrapped my arm around his chest and slid my other arm up along his to 'help' him open the cupboard, "Bowls here," I nickered. I felt his body warm up quite a bit as I stayed leaned against him for just a second longer before sliding down against his back and nipping playfully at his exposed tan rump cheek, "Cereals here."

  The girlish giggle I had loved echoed a little and exclamation-pointed itself with a thwap of a tail across the side of my face. "Oh stop."

  I stood back up and turned to the island, "I prefer oats, but help yourself to what I've got." Like I said before, I'm quite the little cook. Without much effort, before long a pot of perfectly cooked oats sat on the counter. I retrieved a bowl from the dishwasher, the one I always used, and slopped the still steaming goop in the bowl along with a sliced apple and a healthy dash of cinnamon.

  I looked up and realized that I had fallen into the zone of cooking because Chase looked at me like he was expecting me to answer. "Uh... sorry. Got lost in the moment."

  Chase was sitting in the breakfast nook against the back window, the large window casting its grid of bright sunlight over the mare with the golden locks. "I asked if you're mother taught you how to cook."

  With the bowl of oats in my hand, I splashed some milk into the mix and clopped around the counter and sat down next to Chase as he scooted closer to the window, his torso turning a bit to lap his legs up over my thighs. "It's kind of a long story. Parent's have high-class service type jobs that keep them out of the house most of the time. I see them for a week or two at a time, but only every three weeks or so."

  Chase's smile seemed to melt a little as he looked up at me in a bit of concern, "I'm sorry. I didn't..."

  "It's alright, Chase." I smiled and shoved myself a muzzle full of those oats that kicked the hell out of that instant stuff. "We stay in contact by email quite a bit. That's what that glowing orb thing was on my desk." Chase leaned back against the window frame a little, arching his belly out towards me as he nibbled the last bit of his apple. "And the cooking thing just kind of happened after watching far too much of that cooking network."

  Chase snorted and covered his lips as he held back a louder snicker, "had to learn how to cook?"

  "More like a necessity," I shoveled in another scoop of those warm oats along with a slice of apple and pointed the empty spoon at the little mare, my other hand resting on his knee. "How many frozen pizzas and microwave mac-n-cheese dinners do you think you could eat before you'd consider scooping out your eye with a pasta fork?"

  Chase snorted and dropped the bare apple core into his empty bowl, "About three days worth."

  "Needless to say, I do all my own shopping with the 'budget' my parents give me each month. Most of the time I can't use all of it but they tell me to spend it. So I order some 'cooking ingredients online from time to time."

  Chases muzzle cracked into a bit of a grin and he shifted his weight a bit more, resting his arm on the back of the bench type seat and the table, "And what might that be?"

  I snorted a bit with a full mouth of oats before answering with a point of the spoon to the glass faced liquor and wine cabinet. I gulped heavily before answering, "Pasta Primavera is hard to cook without white wine. Cherries Jubilee isn't the same without brandy."

  Chase blinked at me hard and tilted his head to the side, "How do..."

  I dropped my spoon into my nearly empty bowl and leaned back against the back of the bench, "My father lets me use his card and ID for it," I said chewing the last slice of apple. "Year before last, when my parents were both home during the Fourth of July week, we had the alcohol discussion. They don't care if I consume it but will restrict my culinary supply to cans of SPAM and refried beans if I do something stupid under the influence." I could see Chase grinning a little as I stroked my hand up to his hip and back down to his knee, "But in two years, I've built up quite a stock."

  Chases soft hand landed on my shoulder, such a soft touch, "Well maybe I should have you cook me dinner sometime." Chase smiled which made me smile instantly. It was one of those genuine smiles that couldn't be falsified even if under the threat of death.

  I blushed a little and nodded, letting my gaze slide down over the mare half sitting on my lap, letting my eyes take in the light curve of his torso and belly, then... my head tilted to the side as I blatantly stared at his nearly bulge free crotch. In most video games a question-mark would have popped up over my head. " do you hide everything in there?"

  The little mare giggled and tugged a few strands of fur on my shoulder, "It's not that difficult. Little uncomfortable at times, but this thong is made specifically to hide what you wouldn't want seen under a skirt." Chase's voice was rather matter-of-factly placed in the explanation, "Found this gaff at HotTopic in the mall." His hand pulled on the waistband over his hip and let it snap back into place.

  All the ball-mashing made me squirm in my seat a little, "Sounds more painful than for what it's worth." Without really thinking about it, my hand stroked up along his inner thigh and gently gripped that orange material holding his package back and in place. If I hadn't of known better, with my hand here I'd swear he was female.

  "Such a naughty pony you are," Chase's silk voice spoke up again in that velvet on silk manner again.

  I had to laugh, "Oh you want naughty?" I lifted my hands up and dragged my fingers along his exposed middle tickling the little mare relentlessly. Chase started to squirm in place, pushing on my hands with his own and trying to defend himself through his laughter; but me being the more weighty I got away with tickling up and down his sides, his inner thighs until the white of his face was almost pink. He finally caught me with one of his hooves and shoved my thigh and me off the end of the bench and I landed on my butt laughing hysterically.

  I felt the faint chewing on my ear as I looked back up at him, still half laughing and wiping the tears from my eyes. He chuckled and licked my diamond shaped ear and I melted against the side of the bench, "You shouldn't tickle a lady like that... you make her mascara run."

  Before I got the chance to make a comment about makeup, a rather sing-songy beeping came from the other room. It was a cell phone chiming out some random pop song. I turned my head to look back at the door way and before I could actually focus on the door, my little mare as through it and into the other room. For a split second there my brain said 'must be part cheetah.'

  I worked my way up to my hooves and dusted myself off as I heard the light chattering in the other room. I don't think he was whispering but it I couldn't hear the conversation. So I shrugged and went about cleaning up the dishes from the breakfast and remembered to fill the oats pot full of water, otherwise it's like trying to clean dried cement off a shovel. By the time I got the two bowls in the dishwasher I heard the clop of the steal shoes across the hardwood floor entering the kitchen again. Dried my hands on a towel and looked through the hanging pot rack at the mare dressed in his uniform again. "That was my dad. He was just checking to make sure I was still alive."

  I had to grit my teeth, "You're not in trouble are you?"

  "No," Chase smiled wide as he stepped around the end of the bar. "Normally after a game, us girls head out to Denney's for a slice of cake then go crash at the leaders house." Chase's cell starting ringing again, the little phone appeared out of the side of his skirt, pink... go figure. "Speak of the devil..." he smirked and answered the phone by speaker, "Hello Chris!"

  "It's Christina..." the tinny voice objected, Chase giggled. "Saw you take off with Tyler last night. Everything alright?"

  Chase grinned again, "Everything wonderful. Why do you ask?"

  "We didn't see you at the hangout spot for the game recap. Just wanted to make sure he didn't bury you in a hole somewhere."

  Chase smirked evilly and licked his lip, "Oh, he buried something in a hole alright." I turned pink in an embarrassed blush, which was followed by several voices squealing on the other end of the phone.

  "shhhHH! Geeze, you girls don't know how to listen to a private conversation do you," Chris shouted at the group apparently standing over her shoulder. "And Chase, you bitch. I've been trying to land that steed for months but he won't even look at me straight."

  I couldn't help but speak up even though I was still quite blushed, "You do come off as high maintenance." Chase scoffed.

  "Uhh... hi Tyler!" Christina sprouted but muttered the rest of the sentence, "You could have told me he was listening you little foal."

  "You could have too," Chase smirked.

  "ANYway..." Chris sputtered on about a few little things and I went about cleaning up the counter and the rest of the breakfast stuff, though with all the female voices bouncing around in the kitchen I was beginning to feel more and more modest about marching around in the buff. Apparently chase picked up on that and handed me a potholder off the counter... way too small to hide anything, he just stuck his tongue out at me and I did the same in return. "Oh, speaking of today, Chase. You and your new boyfriend going to show up for lunch at the OliveGarden?"

  Chase seemed to have zoned out through most of the 'who was doing what and when with whatever objects during the night's sleepover', "I... yeah, what time is it anyway?" Chase looked around the kitchen to find a clock, I however just had my head tilted to the side... boyfriend? Why did that sound so awkward to me?

  "It's just after 11. Get your butt out of Tyler's bed. Lunch is at one," and the phone went dead.

  I had finished putting away and washing everything and was just listening to the jabbering, leaned forward on the counter with my head propped on my hands. "She sure likes to hear herself talk. doesn't she?"

  Chase scoffed and tucked the cell phone back into his waistband, "I swear my dad's bar-buddies have more girly demeanor than she does."

  I stood up straight and stretched my arms over my head; I had to grunt, "I suppose I should get dressed since we seem to be heading out to lunch." I had a question to ask, but I was holding it back. I wasn't sure how to ask without sounding like a colt myself.

  Chase smirked and poked my stomach, "Na.. you can go like that," she mocked with her tongue sticking out at me.

  I flicked my tail and headed back to the living room, "Oh shut up..." I said half laughing. "Could you look around and find the two helmets? We kinda dropped them somewhere last night." The reply was a little hyper 'Yep!' as I marched myself up the steps and into my room. It still had that 'stank' of soggy horse and stained sheets. I simply ripped the bedding off and wadded up the partially stained sheets and tossed them into the hallway before cracking the window open. "Guh that's more rank when you're fresh into it than while in it," I snorted before digging through my dresser for a pair of underwear. Apparently, it was time to do laundry, I was down to three pair; rather low-cut pair of bright blue square-cut briefs, compression shorts for the gym, and a pair of old faded green boxers with more than the standard holes in them. I opted for the square-cut briefs and slid them up my thighs and fed my tail through the appropriate hole in the back. I stretched again and caught my reflection in the full length mirror. As deadly as vanity could be, damn I looked good in those shorts. I faced the mirror and flexed, making my pelt pull tight and pop out every muscle that was defined enough to do so. Oh, the advantages of being equine.

  The rest of the ensemble was pretty standard for me. Jeans and white t-shirt that was actually the right size but looked too tight; not that I mind showing off a little extra some times. What can I say? It feels good to look good. I ran my fingers through my mane quickly as I headed for my bedroom door and down the stairs to see Chase sitting on the couch with a hoof turned up on his knee. I skipped the last few steps and smiled. "How do I look?"

  Chase looked up with a grin that could melt steel, "Fabulous." I felt my brain short-circuit a little... that... was one of those stereotypical words used by a gay guy. But by the time I processed it, it was gone.

  "Got something in your hoof there?"

  He stood up and straightened out his skirt and smiled holding out my helmet, "Just time to visit the Ferrier. The rubber and cleats are starting to get a bit narrow."

  My ears turned forward, "I've been wanting to try a set of those. But I just can't bring myself to pay the extra 50$."

  Chase snickered and pulled his helmet on over his head with the jaw of the facemask lifted, "You should try them. They give you more traction than those rubber ones will on the field."

  And suddenly 50$ didn't sound like such a heavy expense to keep me from falling on my ass in the middle of a pass. "Will do," I smirked and pulled my helmet on. "So I guess we're swinging past your place first, right?"

  Chase nodded, "As much as I like my uni, I need to change." Before I could respond Chase was half way through the kitchen heading towards the garage door.


  I followed him quickly out into the garage and poked the garage door button and dropped myself on my motorcycle. The key was still in the ignition, something I never do but I was in a bit of a hurry the night before. I turned the mettle tab and the engine rumbled to life. Every time I sat on this bike with the engine running it made me grin. It's only a 600zx but it was enough for me. The bike shifted between my thighs, I turned my head to see that smiling equine face over my shoulder. I rolled the bike foreword, and with a clack the center-stand popped up to its rightful place, tapped my hoof on the shifter and let the clutch fly out as I gunned the engine out of the garage. Yeah I'm a bit of a showoff, but Chase seems to enjoy that about me. Before getting too far though I reached up and poked the little button on the jaw of my helmet to close the garage door.

  It became apparent to me that Chase had ridden tandem before on several occasions because his hand signals were very clear to follow through town. I hadn't realized that he lived five blocks from '24' and probably been there several times before the previous night.

  After a few more hand signals, I pulled my bike up into the housing development type housing complex and into a driveway of a copy-cat white house with brown shingles. From the front it looked to be about half the size of my house, but then again size isn't everything (heh, strange to hear an equine say that, no?).


  * * *


  Chase hopped off the back of the bike and dropped his helmet in my lap while I was pulling my own off. "Back in a second, big guy," his voice swooned me again. Good thing I was propped up over the bike.

  "I'll be here waiting for ya," I said as I let the bike roll back and pushed down on the center stand. I hung the two helmets on the bike grips and stretched my legs a bit and walked around as I heard Chase call from inside as I propped myself up against the white panel garage door, 'Daddy? You here?' It made me smirk, he was truly feminine through and through. Without much more than an electrical whirling the garage door started to move which knocked me back a few steps in surprise. Sure, surprise was something a black horse looked good in on occasion but in my composure I balled my fist and watched the door rise slowly to reveal a pair of hooves that were bigger than the dinner plates I used.

  My lungs ceased a little as the door continued to rise further and further revealing more of that mammoth being standing behind it. I had noted that the door was unusually tall but now I kind of understood why the door was three feet off the ground by the time the door passed the yard mark I was still just looking at a set of legs covered in a pair of tattered jean shorts smeared with grease and other mechanical fluids. I must have looked like quite the little colt as I gulped hard watching that satellite dish of a belt buckle appear near ab level to me and the door kept going up and up, a bare v-shaped torso slowly uncovered itself. I could almost feel myself start to sweat. That was one massive horse; the gray stallion was well over a foot taller than me, I wasn't use to such mass with gray-blue eyes staring at me like a chunk of metal to be folded into a knot. But the expression changed quickly from no real expression to a smile, a smile that made me swallow hard when I realized it was the same smile that it was Chases smile (accept for scale that is).

  the mountain of muscle and black smeared gray fur rubbed a red greased rag among his fingers and smiled, a voice expected as deep from that monster, but yet wasn't hard on the ears, "Well, you must be the boy Chase was telling me about."

  For a moment I didn't know whether to speak or to grovel at his feet. I'd swear that this male belonged in the Parthenon not in a garage. "i...i..."

  The large horse nickered and lobbed the grease-ball of a rag over his shoulder and back into the garage, "I... I... what?"

  He was mocking me... that was enough to snap me out of my stammering, "Yeah, Chase and I met up after the game last night." Even from three feet away I still had to tilt my head up quite a bit to look at him in the eye. His expression was soft though, it didn't bring threat only questioning.

  With a quick flip of his head to the side, the large horse turned and walked to the near tool chest and dropped whatever tool he was using back into the chest and slid the drawer shut, "Well she did say she had a great time last night."

  She...? She who... wait... he was referring to Chase, "uh... yes, sir." I felt like such a colt.

  The gray mountain bellowed, "Don't sir me! Please, call me Rush." He turned back to me and took a step forward with a still greased hand out.

  I shook it, his 'greeting grip' was almost enough to break my fingers, but not quite, "Rush?"

  Rush released my hand which I quickly massaged with the other one as he retreated into the garage to pick up a bottle sitting on a bench. With that mountain of muscle out of the way I could see into the garage. It was a double wide garage and twice as long but on one side it was packed with at least six motorcycles and in the far back a pile of linins and a washer and dryer set, on the empty side a mechanics dream come true. Every tool a mechanic could wish for lined the walls and bench. "Picked up the name in Special Forces Training," he turned and gave me a rather stiff salute, "Second Luenent, Sergio DeLorme."

  I had to scratch my head at while trying to process where the nickname came from... "How did you end up with Rush as a call name?"

  The large gray horse waved his hand matter-of-factly as he spoke, "Sergio, serge, serge of water, Rush," his hand movements reminded me so much of Chase, accept for the sheer size difference, Chase barely stand to the ears above this horses mid torso.

  Working my way out of my stunned moment I looked him over again, he defiantly worked out on a regular basis, probably twice as long as I did every day after school. I couldn't stop myself from looking him over; I mean he didn't have a shirt on after all! "So... I take it you're a mechanic now?"

  "This?" Rush tilted his head to the side and down at the small bike sitting partially up to his mid thigh, "No, these are my buddies bikes, and this one here is Chases."

  That really knocked me out of my stupor as I looked over the smaller but decently sized bike, "She rides?"

  Rush nickered and dropped his hand on the headlight fixture of the bright red Buell Blast, "She's a maniac on this thing. That's her riding suit on the wall over there." His finger pointed to the wall, a matching leather suit with black striping all over it and helmet in its proper place on the hook above. "When she turned 16 she begged me to let her have her own."

  I stepped into the garage and looked over the small bike, only a few little cosmetic scratches on it, nothing like it had been dropped. The more I looked at it the more I recognized the bike from the parking lot at the school. I had only seen it once or twice and wondered whose it was, but I didn't even think a gir...yeah... think a girl would be riding it. "That would explain why she's able to balance well on the bike."

  "She's been riding since she was able to walk. After her mother died I started taking here everywhere on the back of my bike. She seemed to love it."

  My biker brain started cranking over numbers, I couldn't stop my mouth as I knelt down next to the red bike, "This got the 490cc engine in it?"

  The large horse nickered and squatted down on the other side of the red Blast, "Custom bored 520CC with an electric turbo compressor." I didn't speak, I was trying to crank the numbers in my head, "And yes, that's 25% more power than the standard Buell."

  I couldn't control my tongue anymore, "Shit, that's almost as powerful as my stock Honda."

  The gray hand pushed on the seat of the bike as he stood back up, "Not quite, but the power to weight ratio is a whole hell of a lot higher." Rush smiled as I stood up, "You sound like a biker-in-training."

  "My neighbor taught me how to ride a dirt bike and I haven't looked back," I nodded and turned to look at the two other rows of bikes with various pieces setting on the cement floor next to them.

  "I bet I got something that will make your jaw fall off," the big horse grinned and stepped around behind the little Buell motioning for me to follow him. His strides were almost twice mine, "This back here is my personal beauty I've been rebuilding."

  I had to repeat him, "Rebuilding?"

  "Yep! Got the frame and the main metal from an estate sale, but everything else," the massive hand gripped the covering sheet over top what I thought was a pile of linins and pulled it back revealing ... Well at first I couldn't think of what it was but then it hit me.

  "That's... that's...!" of course I stammered

  The massive horse leaned the motorcycle forward and let it drop off its center stand, "This is a 1970 Triumph Trident," his voice stayed smooth as he talked about the bright metallic purple machine, "with custom intake, manifold, and bore." He smirked and pulled the key for the ignition and pushed his hoof down on the kickstand to lean the bike to the side. "And it rattles out a massive 120 miles per hour easily in fourth gear." I caught the keys and blinked, the twinkling metal in my fist was like diamond incrusted platinum from Mars. All I could do was stand there and blink at the bike, "Start her up!"

  Though I didn't say anything, my body appeared to be way more exited that I was able to process, my hooves moved me over to the bike and I dropped my leg over the beast of metal. Sliding the key into the ignition I could feel the tumbler bumping over the cut marks, it felt so sexy. With a hoof raised I pushed the kick-starter out to the side and turned the key to the 'run' position, pulled the clutch in, put my weight down on the starter and stomped. That massive engine stood up to its praise, making me flatten my ears as the ruble shook my body from nose to hoof. I rested my butt down against the leather seat and the shear vibration of the whole beast was starting to get to me, the simple vibrate was arousing me and it made me reach over and twist the throttle hard. Gods, the sound it made my ears fold down. It was defiantly not something I'd want to ride, yet it sounded like it would eat an 18'wheeler for lunch and a tractor for dinner and still have room for a compact car for desert.

  I had to crank the throttle again, I could almost feel the wind beating my made back against my head as I gave it the last twist before letting the throttle go and reaching up to turn the ignition off. My ears buzzed and the world was quieter around me, but everything starting coming back into focus when I saw the laughing little equine standing at the front of the garage. "You boys and your toys," he said, it made me grin. When I leaned the bike back onto its kickstand I almost didn't want to get up off it because of the little extra 'bulge' that pushing the front of my jeans out.

  "Just showing him my little project, hun," the big horse turned and clopped toward the little mare and hugged him tightly. "And how's my girl today."

  The world was still quiet to me but I could hear them talking as I strode out of the garage, I was right about the sides difference, Chase's arms locked right above his beltline, "I'm great, daddy! We won last night! We're off to the victory lunch!" Before I knew it Chase ran past me into the garage, "Grabbing my helmet!"

  I took a step past the massive Percheron and walked towards my bike, but a large hand dropped on my shoulder but didn't stop me, it moved with me. I looked up at the large horse leaning in to intimately whisper in my ear, "By now you know of Chase's secret." I gulped, "I take a lot of pride in my daughter and I know you're a star at school. If I so much as hear you hurt him..." his fist tightened on my shoulder to the point that it made my stride change.

  I had to lean my head forward before looking up with a grin on my muzzle, "You can trust me, sir." I practically jumped out from under the large horses arm as I received a heavy slap on the ass with Chase skipping past me. I could only smirk with the smart-ass reply, "The only pain she's gonna feel is sitting down."

  The large horse cracked a wry smile as I plopped on my bike and the little mare wrapping his arms around my middle to hugging me close. With a twist of the key my dinky little bike sputtered to life. "Be safe you two!" the massive horse waved as I rolled the bike back to turn it around. And without much more we rumbled off down the street, my little bike sounding like it was enjoying the extra weight. Not that I could blame it.


 * * *


  It was a rather quick ride down town, just a few blocks. Well, on a map it was just a few blocks. The gentle weight against my back distracted my thoughts enough to where I had to cruise around a few intersections out of the way. It didn't help that chase was teasing me. He must have noticed how much I enjoyed sitting on that monster of a bike, cause his hand kept brushing down over the growing tubular bulge starting to push down the thigh of my jeans.

  I was staring to pant a little at the soft teasing which made the mask of my helmet fog over. Finally, a block before the Olive Garden at a red light, I had to open my facemask and fend the mares hand from my crotch. Last thing I needed was to walk in with a foal on my arm and a third leg presenting itself to a group of cheerleaders. Strange thing though, I'm sure most guys would have been all over that moment. I personally didn't want the wet spot soaking me down to my ankle, "Chase..."

  All he did was giggle and wink through the mask on his red helmet. Even through the plastic and the glare of the helmet, the glee on his muzzle made me crack a smile. "Alright, alright. I'll stop." I almost got caught up in starring at the filly over my shoulder until I caught the glance of the green light in the reflection of his facemask. I leaned forward and throttled my crotch rocket the last half block to the parking lot of the famous (or infamous) pasta house.

  The bumps weren't helping my arousal much, but at least the bike was stopped in the parking lot. Chase was off my back in a split second as my hooves hit the pavement to balance the bike. Eager or hungry I couldn't tell, but he pulled his helmet off and whipped his golden mane to the side to fluff it back out and re-ready that ringlet of his bangs. Gritting my teeth, I balanced the bike on its kickstand and stood up as I fumbled with the chinstrap buckle on my helmet. "Yeah, long runs with you on the back of my bike are going to be a sheer nightmare," I smirked as I shook my mane out from under the helmet.

  Chase didn't even look back over his shoulder as he walked across the parking lot to the door, but I could feel him smirking, "Who says?"

  I had to grunt, it was the only natural reaction to that statement. With helmet in hand, I trotted up next to him and wrapped my arm over his opposite shoulder and hugged him to my side, "Now, see here." Chase looked up at me rather stunned but didn't break stride, "What type of gentleman would I be not to open a door for a lady?" Chase jabbed me in the stomach with his helmet in response as I reached for the door handle.


  The hostess must have recognized Chase from previous visits because she just smiled as the little filly under my arm led me down the rows of tables and booths and to the back dinner party dining room. Even with my partial hearing damage I could hear Chris's obnoxious overly girly laugh echoing over the rampant conversation of flying words around the table. Apparently, one of the girls spotted me with Chase under my arm sending the entire group into a cast of shrieks and squeals as they rushed over and practically dragging my little foal away to the table. I had to squint a little as the girls danced and bounced around chattering and gabbing and making general female noises of glee and excitement; but without the girls at the table, it left the one loan male sitting looking rather relived.

  It's strange that it took me so long to place him, but with his letterman's jacket on he looked bulkier, not that he wasn't strong and probably the strongest tennis player I've ever seen. The small buck displayed only a pair of forked antlers on his head as he practically sank into his oversized jacked as if praising the relief of the gabbing flying around the table. "Well, if it isn't SwiftFoot," he hated his proper name, but he and I had worked together on a geology project for class last year. His brain was bigger than was thought to be inside that head.

  "I have a first name you know," the little buck stood up and extended his hand out offering a handshake. The stiff nail like fingertips always did make me wonder how he did things that required high dexterity.

  I shook his hand in response and smiled, "Sorry. I think it just sounds cooler than John." His notepad twitched as he snorted in response. "So, which one of these lucky ladies dragged your happy ass out early on a Saturday afternoon?" I said as I plopped down in a chair next to him.

  He sat down and twisted his legs together a little as he stretched, "Well, stereotypically every group of screaming, teasing, obnoxiously loud cheerleaders in a social setting have to have a gayboy to drag along."

  I nearly choked on a breadstick as I blinked up at him. I had heard the rumors about what he had been seen doing with a jaguar from the tennis team, but confirming it to a footballer...? "I... er..?" my brain did one of those rapid releases of bazillion images from the night before and what I and chase had done, all of which made me crack a little smile.

  He just looked from the group of gabbing girlies a few feet and to me, "And, now I assume that you are going to let the rest of the football team know that I' m a tail-raiser?"

  Dread in his voice caught me off guard more than outing himself. Considering what I had done the night before and the fact that the deer's brown eyes were practically drilling holes into mine, I leaned to the side and dropped my hand on his shoulder and gave an approving squeeze, "I wouldn't worry about it."

  My wink made his face contort into a question mark... well more of an expression really... and the sudden flood of females and all of their flowery and potiony fragrances swam around me and the buck sitting at the table. The girls hadn't returned to the table, just migrated around the only two males... well, the only obvious two males. "Tyler. You best not be about to bust our fags wig," Chris said in that witty-twitty voice of hers, "or us girls are gonna have to stomp ya good!" The statement was punctuated with a 'YAH!' from the other females, including Chase.

  My ears folded back a little and grinned the rest of the way, "Not at all, girls! I was congratulating him on beating BrightView's star player last year in three sets!" Johns confused questioning expression immediately twisted in the direction of surprise as the girls around us kind of stared blankly at me. "What?"

  One of the girls from behind me chimed in, "You know tennis?" while another one chimed in , "Since when does a football player pay attention to other sports?"

  "I smirked and flopped back against the chair and grinned that over confident quarterback grin, "When you're a star, you read the schools paper to see how many times you're mentioned." John rolled his eyes and shielding his vision from mine. It almost seemed like my acknowledgement of his achievement had been ripped out from under him. The gabbing girls started up again but l leaned forward and dropped my hand on the bucks knee, "Seriously though. Great job in beating that 'holier than thou' springbuck. Bet he never saw that last 90 mile per hour serve coming at him."

  The deer's ears perked up again as he sat up straighter in his chair, the gabbing girls filtered around the table and yapped over their menus. "You're serious about congratulating me?"

  I put my hand under my chair and hopped it forward towards the table a little more and reached for my own menu, "Yes, seriously. Any champion of any sport at our school is worthy of praise!" I picked up a breadstick and gnawed on the end of it. The amount of confusion on the bucks face was melting but I could tell he was processing something. What I couldn't tell, "You've been here more often," I said turning my head to the side, "What do you recommend?"

  The parsing conversation seemed to change his attitude on a dime. His chair slide up to the table and picked up his menu, "The Portobello ravioli are always on the top of my list."

  A small hand landing on my shoulder distracted me from responding. I turned my head with a breadstick hanging out the end of my muzzle as I looked at Chase, "What ya havin, stud?"

  "Don't get that fungus in a wrapper," that annoying voice from across the table chimed in. "its like eating mud."

  I snorted in Chris's direction and lifted my hand up to rub Chases lower back, "Hey, if a fellow jock recommends something to me, then it must be worth trying."

  John smiled an honest smile, though I could tell he was trying not to shrink back into his jacket again. A collie from edge of the table laughed, "Jock? Puuuleez... just cause he knocked some balls around doesn't make him a jock." The dramatic pause left me knowing what the next statement was going to be, "On and off the court." All those TV shows were right, cheerleaders are downright mean.

  "Hey, Tammy...! That was uncalled for," Chases voice lost that calm cheery tone like it did back in bed the night before, gaining that force behind a disgruntled adolescent male, it quickly went back to his normal female tone, "Get off his horns."

   I scowled that scowl reserved for a fumbled pass at the collie, I generally was always displeased with statements meant to hurt ones feelings but this one hit a little too close to home. Like any good team player, my mind cranked through the 'playbooks' in my head and landed on the rumor from last year, "How would you like it if I told everyone how you were caught with Darrel from the wrestling team knotted to you by your parents?" Tammy went silent and blushed brightly as the other girls heads swiveled towards the now silent cheerleader. I felt smug and dropped my free hand on Johns shoulder and leaned him forward a little towards the table, "He's one the lettermen. Insult one, you insult us all."

  John's expression brightened in to smile, a smile of pride; though, I think he was smiling at the sheer shock of the girls faces at the table. The silences after my rather obtrusive statement hung like the stink from the guys locker rooms, but was broken by Chris. "So..." she said looking at the shriveling collie, "Darrel the Doberman, huh?" Me, Chases, and John's eyes rolled in sync with each others as we felt another comment coming from the odd-ball, "Does he stuff his uniform or is that all really him?"

  Tammy responded by throwing a breadstick at the black jaguar with a snappy, "Oh shut up!" which promptly broke the awkward silence that had stopped the celebration lunch.


  All unpleasantness disappeared as food was served to the table, and true to johns word the ravioli was perfect if not just a touch overdone for this cooks tastes, but the flavors were heavy and earthy the way they were meant to be. Idle conversation consisted of who was doing what the next week and what classes were readying for midterms in the coming weeks. Chase and I shared a ravioli or to and the buck sitting next to me seemed rather perky after all the unpleasantries. Food was consumed and full bellies led to pieces of the group fading off with high-pitched departing.

  The last five of us left at the table were Tammy, Chris, the still bubbly John, and me with chase on my thigh, somehow he had managed to worm his way onto my lap. The conversations had faded and the plates had been cleared away. "Well," Chris chimed in, "this dog here and I should get going. We've got some chemistry homework to finish." Chris stood up and straightened her far too short white skirt and smiled, "You need a ride home, John?"

  The buck looked up at the jag and smiled, "No. I just sent David a text message. He'll be by to pick me up in a little while."

  With hugs and parting giggles, the two girls disappeared out the double doors of the private dining area, leaving only us boys (yeah, us boys). Though we all sat quietly for a moment, Chase bumped his muzzle against mine and smiled, "I need to visit the little girls room." He chuckled and slid off my thigh and disappeared before I could even ask if he needed help.

  John laughed a little as I used my finger to blot the last crumb of a breadstick off my place setting, "You caught a cute one there," the buck leaned forward with his elbows on the edge of the table, talking at a slant to me. "Now, why can't I find someone to let me crawl all over their lap like that in public."

  The plight of being openly gay for the first time was starting to fluster me as well. I wasn't open... or was I gay? Well, openly bi at least... I really did like Chase, but the eventual complications were starting to sink in. But my friendly nature bounced my smile on as I put my hand on the bucks forearm, "Don't worry, buckboy. There's someone out there for all of us, regardless what side of the fence we play for." John tensed under my hand, in surprise that I'd actually touch another male most likely.

  It kind of surprised me, too. A week ago, the most contact I gave was a slap on the ass on the field or a punch to the arm for good luck. Before I could retract my hand, a chirpy ringtone from the bucks cell phone ripped our attention apart. The buck pulled his arm from under my hand as he picked up his phone and answered it, "David?... Hi! Yeah, I'm done. Out front? Be there in a second," and with a clap of the phone the conversation was over. John's personality shined through a bit more as he stood up and straightened that too big jacket around himself, "You and I should hang out sometime away from all these girls."

  I stood up and offered my hand to him, which he shook vigorously, "Yeah. Catch a league game or something one of these weekends over homework. I'm sure Chase wouldn't object."

  Before I knew it, I was standing alone in the dining room. I flumped back down into my chair and tilted my head back, letting my head clear from all the gleeful shouts and conversations from the past hour... hours? Hell, I had lost count. But my brain in its analytical motions flipped back to how John had reacted and how colloquial it was for me to grip his arm. If I wasn't careful rumors would start.

  I reached up and rubbed my eyes lightly as the thoughts continued, then got a little trailed and tangled with random images and what if's. I remembered walking past the tennis courts that day that john kicked that BrightView player's ass up and down that court. His speed was amazing and how he was able to cut back and forth made me want him on the team. But as I remembered, something else caught my attention, my thoughts sank a little in reviewing a freeze-frame of the deer hard stopping and cutting back the opposite direction. He was wearing an orange pinstriped silver UnderArmor shirt and a pair of shorts that defiantly were too short. What caught my attention specifically was it looked damn hot on him.

  I shook my head as I sat up in the chair, thinking quickly with that image in my head and the defensive position I had taken just a while ago. Maybe it was true what they say. You start off liking what you like, you just don't know it until you do... Yeah, that sounded awfully jock-like.

  A voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "Tyler, grab my helmet would ya?"

  I looked over at the double doors and smiled at Chase, that smile making everything just stop. I stood up and picked up the two helmets from the neighboring table and started towards the doors, "Where to, miss thang...?"

