
Story by SevenElevenMan on SoFurry

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Tobias, an agent attempting to take down a secret organisation known as Scales, meets the person he is attempting to save as well. Myles, an auburn rabbit, who is in too deep with the wrong kind of people.

Don't ask me. Just don't. This is just a random little thing for when I get bored, and don't really have any fanfiction stuff to write. The Tobias in this story isn't the same one from Our Darkness, though.

I used SeventhSanctum for these character personalities, so here we are:

The confused, educated male anthropomorphic rabbit who belongs to a secret organization. His wardrobe is artistic.

The vocal male anthropomorphic Hare. He has a slender build. His wardrobe is mysterious.

So, uh, enjoy. XD

A sleek, light-brown hare was peeking around the corner of an alley, watching, with a smile, an auburn rabbit strolling down the alley. The hare blushed, biting his lip a little, remembering the time they first met, despite the crazy, awkward circumstances.

He darted forwards, taking cover behind a few boxes of rotten fruit and vegetables. The hare screwed up his nose, uttering a soft squeak of disgust. He peeked out from behind the box, watching the anthro sit down on a bench, presumably waiting for a bus, but the hare knew otherwise.

The hare, known as Tobias, smiled to himself, closing his eyes and letting his mind drift back to the time when they first met each other fully.

Tobias had been sent to intercept a dealing with an evil organization known as Scales, known for having all lizard members. They were supposedly trying to force something out of a rabbit named Myles, and Tobias's organization didn't want that, because Myles had skills that they didn't have, and they wanted to recruit him. Plus, when the organization tried to force something out of someone... that person normally died.

Tobias knelt down in front of one of the doors of an apartment, an ear flicking towards the keyhole. A faint voice was pleading.

"Please guys," The voice was pleading. "You know I'm not trying to screw with you!"

A harsh laugh rang throughout the apartment, sending a chill down the rabbit's spine. "You think we care about that? All we care about is getting our share out of this little conversation."

"Guys, this isn't funny!" The voice was suddenly screaming. "I want out of this!"

"Oh, we'll give you out... In a more... deadly way then you expected.." A lizard said, smirking. His claws slipped into the pocket of his jacket, withdrawing a gun, which was almost immediately thrown from his claws by the rabbit, who screamed, "NO!"

The rabbit burst out the door, knocking Tobias to the ground. He groaned, rolling over, and getting up. The lizards were chasing Myles, and Tobias wasn't going to let him die.

With a swift motion, he tripped a lizard, grabbing his gun from him, and knocking another to the ground. The hare pursued Myles for a few minutes, before finally catching up with him in a back alley.

"Please.." The rabbit panted, brushing some of the locks of his hair out of his face. "Just let me leave!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Tobias exclaimed, placing a paw on the rabbit's shoulder, attempting to calm him down. "I don't work with them."

"Thank god_! I thought I was gonna die!" Tobias frowned, hugging the smaller rabbit, his arms wrapped tightly around him. _

"You're not. Are you Myles?" Tobias asked, now stroking the lagomorph's hair.

"Y-yes.." Myles replied shakily. "I-I suppose you've come to save me or s-something?"

Tobias smiled a little. "In a way, yes. We've heard that you've got skills that we require. We'd really love you to join up with us, and we can stop people like them together."

Myles looked slightly put out. "O-oh... w-well, I mean if... I kinda-"

"Nobody's gonna force you," Tobias said briskly. "I only ask that you consider it. We can meet up some time next week, at that coffee place five minutes from here, and we can discuss it further."

_"I... O-okay.." Myles muttered, blushing a little. Tobias's smile grew a little wider. "You're kinda cute, you know?" _

_"Y-yeah..." The auburn rabbit said, trailing off. His cheeks lit up a darker red as the hare kissed him on the cheek softly. _

"Well... goodbye, Myles," Tobias said, walking away. The rabbit watched him walk away, and then sighed. One of his paws dropped into his jacket pocket, and brushed something. He pulled it out, and realized it was a piece of paper. He read through it quickly.

"Call this number if anything happens. I'll try to come if I can, but if I can't, I'll bring somebody else.


The number followed. Myles stuffed it back into his pocket, muttering, "Wow.." under his breath.

Tobias smiled again, and stood up. He jogged over to the rabbit, tapping him on the shoulder. Myles spun around, only to sigh in a relieved way.

"Tobias... right?" Myles asked, a little shyly.

"Yep," Tobias grinned. "So, thought about last week?"

The auburn bunny chuckled, only slightly. "Yeah. So, want coffee?"

"Of course I do!" Tobias said, taking the bunny's paw and leading him into the café. Myles sat down at a table in the more quiet part of the café, while Tobias ordered coffees. Myles stared out the window, spacing out a little. He'd been having these weird feelings lately... feelings for Tobias, mainly. And it was starting to screw with his life. He couldn't stop looking over his shoulder for those guys who had been trying to kill him last week, and then feeling so grateful for the hare who saved him.

He groaned. This was so complicated.

"Myles," Tobias said, sitting down.

"Tobias," Myles muttered, before his ears perked, and he took the coffee from the hare's paws, muttering a soft 'thank you'

"So..." Tobias said, trailing off a little, but seeming to regain his confidence a few seconds later. "I know last week was really crazy, and that I probably scared the crap out of you or something-"

"You didn't!" Myles insisted. "Some say I'm a slippery little bunny most of the time."

"I can see that," Tobias smirked, sipping his drink and staring at Myles.

"I did think about it... Is there anything that can offer me some sort of protection?" The rabbit asked nervously, tapping a paw on the table. "I don't wanna live my life looking over my shoulder anymore."

"I know, I know," Tobias said calmly. "We can offer you protection. And I still want you to join us. You can learn how to stop the people who made your life hell, and the people who do the same to others."

Myles sighed deeply, frowning. "I want to.. but I've got a problem that I need to discuss with you."

"What might it be?" Tobias asked, the tip of his ear flicking slightly. Myles sighed, swallowing his courage and pride, and muttering, "This."

Before Tobias could ask what it was, the auburn rabbit leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips. Despite Tobias's initial shock, he sort of felt relieved, and let it continue until Myles ran out of breath, and he backed away.

"You don't have to feel weird about it," Tobias said consolingly. "I.. I feel the same."

"Really?" Myles asked, still frowning.

"Of course! You're really cute, you've got a good personality, and I overall like the way you look. Well, actually, forget that last part. The point is, I do feel the same."

Myles smiled. "T-thanks, Tobias."

And, abandoning their drinks, Tobias and Myles both left, for the car that was waiting for them, arms wrapped around each other protectively.

Well, that was pretty fun to write! And cute and adorable :3

Our Darkness - Chapter One

** OUR DARKNESS** ** CHAPTER ONE: A NEW FRIEND** * * * **If you haven't seen the previous note on the introduction, I'll say it again for you: I changed this story to anthro, so don't get confused. And this story will be taken in point of...

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Our Darkness - Introduction

**Title: _Our Darkness_** **Author: _Ridlius_** **Warnings: _Gay Pairing, Depressing Themes, Romance, Swearing_** **Summary: _Tobias and Shad. Two rabbits both with darkness, and two rabbits who can't help falling for each other. Despite what the...

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Five Nights at Freddy's: The Mutant Bowl of Salad

**Alright... I have Dylan to thank for this one. He sent me a PM where he said in a SoFurry chat, a person said he'd never read an epic story that started with a salad. He said he then stated he'd write a one-shot like that in order to spite them. So,...

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