First time for everything!

Story by Kerilus on SoFurry

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This is my first time writing an erotic piece about my two wolves. This story is written as a non-Anthro scenario. Critisim, comments, and suggestions will be nice, but nothing too mean please! If you are not 18 or older, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS!

First time for everything

It was the beginning to a fine day in the middle of a warm spring evening. Everything seemed to be starting a new life in the forest, plants and animals alike. The trees were starting their first leaves, and the grass was so green that the open fields could almost glow in the sunlight. The wind was a little cold that day, but it was only a little into thhe evening and was sure to warm up if the sun could get past the clouds. Tsenturi had gone out by herself earlier that day not only to be alone for awhile, but to take her mind off of what she called "things". Kerilus had promised her that by the time she would return home, a fresh kill would be waiting for her so she didn't have to work as hard. She found herself bored without him, so she waited at a pond not to far from where their den was. She sat at its edge, dragging her paw through the cold water just to see the many ripples she could make with it.

Tsenturi was trying her hardest to take her mind off of him, but it was no use. It was the beginning of her heat cycle again, and the desperate need to mate only made it worse. She needed this extra time to think to herself, and hopefully get her body back to where it should be. Physically she felt strange and very sensitive to the touch while emotionally she felt very stable and ready. Every spring that she had spent with Kerilus, they tried their hardest not to mate. There were times where she wanted nothing more than for him to take her, but Kerilus knew that she wasn't ready. The thought of having pups scared her a lot... Also, if she did get pregnant, she would only make Kerilus work harder to protect and to feed her and their pups.

Slowly she stood up and walked into the cold water, letting it surround her like a soft blanket of comfort. Once the water had reached her opening, she stood there shocked at the burning feeling between her legs. How could she feel this hot when the water was so cold? It sent tingles up her spine as she slowly got used to this new sensitivity. Just then, Kerilus' howl rang through the air signifying that he had indeed caught something and was ready for her to come home. Without thinking she moved her tail out of the way and let her basic instinct take over. Never had her heat cycles been this bad... She turned around to see that the water behind her was light red with her blood.

"Maybe I am ready..." She thought to herself.

Tsenturi paddled her way quickly out of the water and ran full speed back to the den, her heart racing as she grew closer to her lifelong alpha. As soon as she arrived, her first view of him made her lustful. Kerilus sat there silently perched over his kill with a bright smile upon his face. His blue coat shined in the sun and his golden yellow eyes focused on her like he was afraid to look away.

"Look hun, I even brought it back for you!" Kerilus said smiling.

She ran up and embraced him still panting, but kissed him ever so if there was never going to be another tomorrow. Her wet pink fur clung to his blue fur which he didn't seem to mind, but the fact that her violet eyes were looking off of him made Kerilus feel uneasy.

"I love you too Tsen." He said in suprise.

"Then make me yours!" she began to cry.

Kerilus knew that she was going into heat, but he was trying to hold himself back from taking her. He also knew that her mind was not thinking about what could come if they did. Yet he was still surprised at her actions and did not know how to reply. He had always wanted to make her his, not only because he was an eager male but because she was the one of his dreams. After a brief moment of holding her close and absorbing her words, he began softly in her ear ;

"If we mate, you will get pregnant...are you sure you want this? What about your fears?" He asked with concern.

"I'm putting them aside, and besides... I wouldn't mind having our pups run along with us!" she said happily.

He was ready for her more than ever... all she had to do was give herself to him. The embrace stopped, and Tsenturi hinted him to follow her into the den with a flick of her fluffy pink tail under his scruffy chin. Kerilus struggled to keep himself under control as her scent filled his nose. Her hips glided and swayed ever so gently as she waltzed into the den, making his member very hard from over excitement. Kerilus found it hard to believe that this day was finally coming as he followed the beautiful wolf closely. Never had she taunted him like this before...They had come close to mating some years, but decided it best to have more time to just the two of them. She stood in the den and left her sex completely exposed to him, letting her sweet scent pick him off his feet. Surprisingly he kept himself under control. Her eyes grew large as she felt his tongue suddenly lick around her swollen sex, making her moan with delight. His soft, warm lick slowly pushed its way into her tight velvet walls. So many years she had denied this pleasure, but finally it was about to come.

He could feel her inner muscles tense up around him as he pushed his tongue in deeper into this incredibly tight and unused territory. He darted his tongue repeatedly until the tip of his tongue rested well into her vagina, almost able to reach her precious hymen.

"Please don't make me beg! I need you in me!" Tsenturi cried out in lust.

He pulled his tongue out, smiling at the taste of her sweet inner juices. Kerilus began to mount her, jumping up on his hind legs and letting his cock try to find her love tunnel. Finally he felt the tip of his cock touch her swollen lips and grow to his potential. Biting his lower lip, Kerilus pushed lightly until he felt it glide slowly between her dripping sex. He cared a lot for her and hoped that he would never hurt her, but today he would have to in order for this wonderful love making to happen. He went in as far as he could, until her hymen stopped at his tip.

"Are you sure you want to do this? There's no rush, and if I keep going, I won't be able to come out until were finished." Kerilus said trying to hide his lustful emotions.

"I'm ready, make me yours..." Tsenturi replied looking behind her and into his glinting eyes.

With one fast thrust of his hips, Kerilus ripped her hymen, causing soft whimpers from Tsenturi to fill the cave. He was loving the feeling between his legs and wanted to ravage her tight pussy, but he waited for her again until she was ready to continue. She whimpered again and let out a couple tears, but soon her pain turned into pleasure as she grew accustomed to his meat. Her body stiff from the pain was beginning to relax, but her vagina still enveloped his cock, letting Kerilus know he could resume humping. Her moaning grew louder as he pushed himself deeper with every little thrust. Kerilus took a steady rythem to her, letting his hips slam into her ass, making sure to give and get the most pleasure possible without going over the edge.

The rush and excitement of this new feeling made her climax come incredibly fast. It sent her first orgasm ripping through her body, turning the pleasure she was already getting into primal lust. She wanted every bit of his sporting to be hers and only hers. She wanted to experience what they had never had together to the fullest.

"Don't hold back! Give it to me hard!" She begged loudly like a puppy.

Kerilus couldn't hold his urge any longer. He was going slow on purpose as to savor every second, but now he wanted to make her his more than ever. He began thrusting faster and harder at the same time Shaking their bodies as his might and cock plummeted her swollen pussy. His hips slammed against hers, letting his knot finally push into her completely. His mind was taken off of love once he was fully in her, and straight to the mating. His erection swelled to the point that he could barely force his cock into her.

"Tsen you're so tight!" He cried as he panted quickly.

Tsenturi gasped as she felt this new side of Kerilus which shook her to the very core. Not only was he strong, but everything that she could possibly want in a future alpha. A second orgasm filled her with extacy as his massive knot pushed its way in, moaning ever so loudly as his cock reached past her cervix. They panted together as one, both hoping that this bonding moment would never end. Tsenturi felt his pre-cum slowly jetting into her walls, providing the perfect lubrication for their never ending motions. Kerilus could feel his balls tingle as his climax came very close to exploding in her. His mind focused on the intense pleasure he was getting between his legs, but also for the future. He wanted pups he could call his own, but he wasn't to sure what kind of father he could be. Letting the worry slip his mind, all he wanted right now was to make her happy and to show that he could be there for her.

"Oh hun I'm going to cum!" He screamed in pure delight.

"I'm scared" She cried out.

"Don't be. I love you, and I always will." Kerilus said as he panted.

With those few words ringing in her ears, she stood as straight as possible, trying to support his weight. She was ready to recieve his seed. His climax grew to the point where he could hold it no longer...His paws held her tightly in place as he shot large bursts of his warm seed deep into her begging womb. He let out one last moan as the last of his juice flowed into her, filling her womb to the brim with his hot seed. Tsenturi could feel her insides melt with his cum which urged her to let out one last orgasm. She tried to release all of her emotions in the form of warm vaginal fluids, but most of her juices were held in from Kerilus' knot, which led to some of it seep from her abused pussy. The two wolves stood there in the middle of the den panting heavily until they could pull apart. Kerilus laid on top of her with his cock still stuck in her tight walls, breathing down her neck as his energy began to fade from such an intense pleasure. Tsenturi felt wonderful that what he could give was so amazing. She loved how much he cared for her, and how he would always be there for her. She also loved how she could still feel his length throbbing within her tight folds...

"Why did we wait so long to do this?!" she said as she regained her normal breath

"Because we wanted it to be just us, no pups." He replied still panting slightly.

"We can still have time together, but we will have a couple young ones around is all!" She said almost with tears of joy at the thought.

"You and I will make wonderful parents." He said smiling to her, even though she couldn't see him.

Minutes later his member had reduced slightly and finally came out, spilling the blood of her first time and both of their juices all over the den's floor. Tsenturi turned around and kissed him like she had never done before, closing her eyes as her body still shook from their pleasure from one another. He returned her kiss and embraced her tightly, never wanting to let her go. Their love for one another had taken a whole new step, now deeper and richer than ever before.

"I think you might need to take another bath..." Kerilus said smiling as he knew his cum still soaked in to her fur.

"Join me this time! Maybe we could cuddle and rest after that?" she asked with an open heart.

"Sounds like a plan to me. We should probably eat a little bit too... I'm all of a sudden hungry." He replied giggling.

The two tired wolves walked along side one another out of the den and began to feast on the fresh kill Kerilus had caught before they made their way back to the pool. The clouds had finally subsided, and the bright spring sun was sure to keep them warm while resting...But not as warm as the deep love they shared for eachother.