Waking of Corruption

Story by Hikarishade on SoFurry

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#4 of Corruption of Innocence

Part three of the Corruption of Innocence. Kiara wakes to a new world.


Kiara would wake the next morning slowly. He would feel her start to stir. Her eyes would flutter open and she moaned softly. Her hand coming up to touch her neck where the wound from the bite was already flawlessly smooth once again.

He licked at her face affectionately, just glad to see that she was alright. Part of him had been cursing his demonic hunger... Cursing the lust he had for blood, especially hers. But he said nothing, and just pressed a great deal of affection to her, glad to see she was alright

She turned her head to look at him. There was something strange in her eyes. Something that had never been there before. She smiled slowly and closed her eyes again. "Will we do that again?"

He smiled warmly, just glad that she was alright. Part of him wanted to say no, but the demonic blood flowing in his veins screamed out the real answer* ... Yes... I think in time, we will... But that is dangerous for us to do too often... Your body will pass out from loss of blood again... You had me worried

She frowned slightly and looked at him slyly, a smile toy at her lips. Her violet eyes flashing briefly. "What if I and drinking your blood at the same time.... would I pass out then?" Yes there was a definite difference in her, though not an altogether bad one.

A singe brow raised. This was something he wanted to find out. The healers were already nearby.... So why not? He reached up and made a small cut in his neck, enough for her to suckle on, as he guided her head to him. He waited to see if she would do this or not

She seemed to hesitate, for a small moment. The last of her dying conscious trying to scream at her to stop. But it was oh so very easy to ignore that now. She leaned up and very slowly licked his wound. His blood coating her tongue before she pressed her lips to it and began to hesitantly suck at his wound. Her eyes half closing as she wrapped her arms around him, pressed in herself against him.

It was an almost orgasmic feeling for him.... Her suckling upon his neck. He would let her do so for a time, before he leaned in and bit into her neck, flooding his maw with her blood

She jumped a bit as she felt his teeth bite into her neck but she moaned softly against his neck and wrapped her arms around him tighter. The hissing feeling of pain and strange pleasure filling her senses as she drank from the wound in his neck, and felt her own blood draining to his.

His entire form arched against her, pressing every piece of him into her that he could. His breathing heavier as he felt her draining him, and only being replaced by what he took from her. The cycle was one that could go on forever if they did not stop, but there was some part of him that simply didn't care.

She was breathing heavy herself. Her ears were flat and her eyes had slowly turned red once he had bitten her. Her fingers clutched him tightly against her as she lost herself in this new, strange hunger. Sucking and licking at the wound. Swallowing hungrily at the salty bitter blood that seemed from her lover and down her throat. Her own blood, a quicksilver color, sweet and light, heady and strange. Not as good as a pure unicorns blood would have been.. there was a richness to it that was different, and corrupted. But she still was in essence a unicorn, albeit a fallen one.

Kage was lost in the sheer wonder of their joining in this moment. There was no act that was as intimate as this... Nothing ever felt as wonderfully as this did.... This was something primal and demonic, and altogether special... Something that no one could share without bonding to the other. And there was nothing that he would allow to separate them in this moment, as he fed from her, and she fed from him, sustaining each other

Kiara shivered and after a very long time of staying entwined with him she moved her bloodstained lips from his. Her head spinning, drunk as it were. Her eyes a dark, angry crimson, like closing embers. "I love you Kage.... "

When she pulled from him, he finally allowed himself to pull away from her. There was a great heavy panting on his breath, but he had to return the words that he should not have said* .... I love you.... Kiara.......

She licked at her lips, cleaning them of blood as she gazed up at him. Her own breathing was a bit heavy and she caressed the lines of his vulpine face with her hand. Her eyes half closed as she was feeling very strange... but very good. "I think part of me died.... but... I do not mourn it... "

He smiled warmly, and licked at her face, leaving soft smears of her blood across her cheek. At this level of her corruption, there was nothing that could stain her fur any longer.... But now he just wanted to let her know of the level of affection he held for her* ... .The last of your old self is gone.... You have given yourself to me, body, heart, and soul..... There is nothing that can separate us now... We are a part of each other.

She gave a flick of her ears and the crimson eyes were starting to fade slowly back into shades of softly glowing violet. "Soul? What is a soul? I have not heard of this thing." Her hands would continue to lightly caress him, strangely not caring about the blood smeared across her face.

He chuckled softly, and placed his finger over her heart*... The soul is what makes us who we are... It is our life energy... Our very essence of being. It is what makes us alive, and different from plants and rocks... I ... I do not know if I have a soul... I am a half demon... And demons do not have souls.... But I am half mortal as well, and they do...

She gave a tilt to her head, her ears flicking back as she considered that. "I do not know if I have a soul.... Unicorns..... we are not the same... we are different..... and I am different from them now too... I am not a unicorn... I am something else.... what am I?"

He gently traced a single finger down her face, the tenderness he only showed to her preset* ... you are fallen.... You are still a unicorn, but you have fallen to the darkness.... Not that this is a bad thing... You will know pleasures and joys they will never experience... you know lust, and pleasure.. and most importantly, you know love.... No other unicorn that has not fallen knows what love is.....

She flicked her ears back. Fallen? Such a strange word. She shook her head. "I don't like that word... it make my gut twist funny.... I want to be called something better.... " She frowned slightly, his blood still lightly staining her lips.

He only smiled, and pressed his lips against hers for a moment before he leaned back* .. You are called something better... . You are called Kiara... you are also the only one of your kind to have a name....

She smiled and caressed his face gently. "I am Kiara..... but only to you... others see me and only see your pet, or a..... a fallen..... Wh-what will other unicorns do if they saw me now?" She had an uneasiness in her belly when she thought about that.

He had to be honest in this part, but he did sneak the venom of his deceit into it. the more he could keep her attuned to him, the better it was* ... They will become jealous....They will want to hurt you... To take away the joy you have found here with me.....

She pulled her lips back and flattened her ears. And strangely her teeth looked just a little different from normal. But the change wasn't obvious. "I would hurt them first... I would.... I would... I would do something and make them hurt first.

He chuckled softly, and tenderly caressed his hand across her cheek* ... I know you would love... but I wouldn't let them hurt you, or destroy that which we have worked so hard to create.... Please do not worry.....

She smiled and leaned into the touch of his hand. She hadden't thought about those other he had held below in the last few days, nor did she inquire about the one she had killed. Nor did she now. "What will we do today Kage?"

He smiled and shrugged his shoulders a little. He actually hadn't had anything planned but there was of course the important ones* ... Well... We should probably eat before we go to whatever it is we decide...

She nodded slowly and smiled "I would like something to eat. Will... Will they have fruit for me today? Or can I go outside and graze? I would like that... but... it was so bright yesterday... it hurt my eyes... " She frowned slightly. "Its never hurt my eyes before.."

He nodded his head, quickly changing the subject* ... Yes.. .I think we can have a picnic... We will have the food brought out to us, so you can graze as well as eat what the cook prepares for you.... Does this sound good? ... And yes, I will make certain that we have some fruit for you this morning... And I asked them to make some more of the sausages you liked so much

She brightened, the violet eyes paling to a more shade of blue, just slightly. "I can go outside? Can we go to my forest? I miss my forest... please? I please Kage?" She looked to him hopefully, her hands lightly placed on his chest.

He wanted to take her to the forest, but he worried about what would happen when she got there. It wouldn't be the same anymore. But as she looked to him with those big pleading eyes, he simply couldn't deny her* ... Y... Yes... We will go to your forest... But... The animals there will not remember you I think....

She frowned and shook her head. They wouldn't... she looked so strange now... she sighed. She longed for her woods again, longed and needed it. "Can we go now? I want to be home... I want to be in my woods."

He frowned a little and nodded his head. He knew that when she went back, she was going to be very upset... But he didn't have any choice now... He had promised her.... Slowly he got up and offered his hand out towards her*

She accepted his hand and stood up. She felt so good. Energized as she stood. Her movements ever graceful as she shook her mane out and her tail coiled around her hocks. She looked eager, happy, and ready to go, pacing about the room.

He however was far from as optimistic about this, and took her hand with his, and gently pulled her towards the door, leading her out of their room. It was a good walk, but he took her out of the castle, and past the village walls. They were finally out in the wilderness again, and before long, he took her out to the very edge of the forest where he had found her. It had taken them a long time to get there, but he had been mostly silent the whole time

She was never less eager, though her eyes hurt from the light again and it took longer for her to adjust them to the light. But once she was in the woods she seemed to perk up. And she broke away from him to run here and there, but things were different... while she had been in the woods her woods, autumn and winter had never touched it. Animals had come to her and happily played. Now they saw her and ran.. the tree's had begun to wither and leaves were coating the forest floor. She frowned and looked at him. "Everything is dying! I shouldn't have ever left.....

He moved over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, speaking as softly as he could* ... nothing is dying.... This is the way of the world.... This is what all forests do without their unicorns... It is the natural cycle of life... *he hated to be so tender in this, but he had to. looking around, he found an acorn in the ground and pointed to it, bringing her over* ... Do you see this acorn? this is a seed... If you had not left, it never would have fallen... and it never would grow... But now, when spring comes, it will plant into the ground, and it will grow tall and proud with time.

She shook her head, her eyes wide as she looked around her. If fact it was too early for fall even for the natural cycle of things. She shook her head and moved from tree to tree... "No.. no their dying.. I can feel them dying.. their all dying.. and the animals.. they fear me.... They don't know me.... The grass... its all turning brown and dying.... Its wrong.. I should have left... No... no I don't want my woods to die..." She was starting to panic, and strangely, she was getting angry too.

There was a soft sigh from the demonic fox, and he fell back. This was why he didn't want her returning... The forest always suffered after the unicorn left... But they eventually recovered. But there was nothing he could do now

She turned on him, her ears flat and her teeth bared. "Why? Why do they fear me? Should I give them something to fear? What have I done to them.. This entire woods stinks of fear." She was getting angrier the deeper she moved into her woods. Her eyes were slowly changing from violet to red.

He kept his distance, but he followed, always. Her anger raged, and he let it rage. He would keep himself to pure silence, just letting her body run through the anger and the pain that she was feeling. In a way it served him... It gave her over to the darkness even more

She would probably have calmed down if he had tried, but with his silence she only got angrier. And she eventually lost complete control on it and she started to storm through her woods. Animals fled in front of her as she ripped up dying plants and threw them, took rocks and threw those too... basically just having a tantrum. She did however manage to get her hands on a rabbit that was cowering and she grabbed it and shook its screaming furry body until the back snapped and she threw that too.

He would follow her, rather impressed by the rage of anger. He would eventually step in, but for the moment at least, he let her anger envelop her... She needed to learn to deal with it, or at least accept the fact that it was a part of her. So silence still kept him, and he followed along behind her, watching very carefully

She turned on him, her mane was all over, the silver and blood flecked strands a mess around her. Her chest heaving as her eyes blazed red. "My woods is dead... I want everything to die in it too.. if my woods are dead everything in it will be dead... Help me... " She was just a little deranged right now. Her lips were pulled back and her teeth had definitely gotten more pointed. "If my woods are dead I will kill all of it.... They have no right to live here if they cant keep it alive."

This was when things had to stop. She had tasted the lust for blood through anger, and he knew that if this went too long, she would go insane. He took some quick steps over towards her, and suddenly it seemed everything around him darkened, his voice much louder then it had ever been before* .. KIARA! STOP THIS RIGHT NOW

She took a step back but didn't back down. "NO! This is MY woods... MINE! I lived here, I cared for it.. if it dies they ALL die! I want them all to die!" She turned around and screamed with fury as she wanted something, wanted to find anything living and rip it apart. "ITS MINE! "

It hurt him to do this, but he had no choice. He walked over to her and slapped her across the face. It was swift and sharp, but by no means anything that would do more then sting. The golden eyes burned brightly as he stood. He may be shorter then her, but in that moment he seemed to simply tower

Her head snapped to the side as he struck it and she let the shock of it rush through her. He had never actually hit her before... She blinked and her eyes faded from red to violet again. Her ears flicking back and she shrank away from him. She blinked at him, uncomprending him or where she was... but her lip trembled and tears threatened to fall from her face, though for some reason didn't, at least yet.

He sighed heavily, and moved forward, pressing himself against her, and wrapping her in his arms. She didn't understand what was going on, and he knew it... But he had tried to keep her from returning. Now all he could do was offer her the comfort that she needed

She wrapped her arms around him and clung to him. Pressing her face against his shoulder as she whimpered softly. She was so confused right now.. so angry, and sad... The fear and pain and dying around her was pressing in on her senses. "Wh... what's wrong with me..... "

He shushed her softly, trying to soothe her as much as he could. This was one of the rare times he would use his shadow powers, and the shadows reached up around them, and pulled them down into the darkness. They would be surrounded by nothing but the stark black of wherever it was they were. In truth they were in transition... Between the shadow world and their own

She stopped shaking as the coolness of the shadow wrapped around her and she relaxed, her eyes closing, though no tears had been shed It felt good here, numb and quiet. No sounds of death and dying and fear... She didn't move away from him only held herself against him and tried to calm herself down.

He pressed himself heavy against her, and lifted her chin up. He pressed his lips to hers in a warm kiss, that somehow seemed far more significant here... But then when the rest of the senses were deprived, each touch and every sound echoed with far more impact

She leaned up into his kiss and wrapped her arms around him more firmly. She needed him right now, more then anything. Needed to know he was there and know that he hadden't left her. Not like her forest had, or her animal friends... That he wasn't going to leave her.

He pressed himself to her, and made certain she could feel every touch, every tender caress. He pushed his tone into her mouth, turning the kiss to one of great passion and love. He wanted her to know he cared very much for her, and was not going to allow anything to happen to her

She shivered to every touch he gave her. And as he pressed his tongue into her mouth she would return it. Wanting him to know just how much she cared for him as well. Her fingers sliding through his fur as she pressed as much of her body to his as she could.

He smiled and wrapped his arms about her form. She was always naked, but he still had his pants on. A warm look spread across his face as he moved and broke the kiss. He lowered his head, and wrapped the warm vulpine maw about her nipple. But this time he dug his teeth against the flesh, and sucked hard on her

She jumped a bit and then moaned as she leaned her chest into the assault of his mouth. Her head leaning back as she ran her hands down his body, enjoying the smooth feel of his fur and encountering the fabric of his pants. Her fingers weren't very dexterous, but she would work at getting them open. There was an urgency in her that there had never really been before. She had had a bad shock back there, and she needed to forget it.

The small fox murred softly as she worked at his pants, and finally they would come open. He wore nothing beneath them, and the rather prominent vulpine sheath would be fully exposed for her. His maw worked harder at the nipple, the teeth pressing harder against the flesh in the sheer bliss of the sex they were about to share

The harder his teeth pressed against that sensitive flesh, she more aroused she became. She moaned and her hand slipped down to rub and caress at his sheath. Her nipple diamond hard against his attentions. Her body was aching for him, it wanted him. There was once a time she would have questioned why she crave this feeling, this desire to have sex with him, but she didn't care now. All she knew is that she wanted it.

He murred around the nipple, and finally released it, wrapping his maw about the one that had not been given any attention. He moaned softly in his throat as he felt her pressing against his sheath, and he pushed his hips forward into her hand

She moaned softly as her one breast was left and the other sought out. Her tongue slicked across her lips as she began to stoke and caress his sheath, a hand moving down to cup and fondle his balls as she leaned her second breast into his mouth. This nipple responding like the first, hardening to a rock at his abuse.

He would sup on it for some time before he pulled back, and gently began to guide her down, pushing her in the vast weightless darkness towards his crotch. He was going to give her another chance to try the blow job, but would see how far she would go of her own accord

She was a bit curious as to what he wanted. After all, the last time that he had made her give him a blow job, he had forced it on her, and she didn't know what it was or why he had wanted it. But she was unresisting. As he moved her into position she hesitated. She really didn't know what he wanted her to do, but her hands caressed him slowly. He wanted something, but she didn't exactly know what

He murred softly as she stroked him gently. The glistening pink flesh was fully exposed for her, and ready for whatever she wanted to give. Panting softly, he spoke in a slightly strained voice* .... if you want to... suck on it... lick it.... It makes me feel very good....

Her ears flicked at the sound of his voice, the only sound there was. She then blinked slowly. Well... he wanted it... she was not one to deny him what he wanted. She flicked her ears back and lowered her head to his exposed flesh. Her tongue would slide from her lips and move along his cock. It was strange, but not bad. Salty... and equines were ones known to like salt. She began to lap at his sex like a horse at a salt lick. Slowly and savoring every one. But... he had said suck too.... She was more hesitant with this one, but she did take the head between her lips and lightly suckle at it experimentally.

The moment she sucked him in, there was a loud gasp, and this was quickly followed by a moan of pleasure, as his form arched towards her in bliss. His breathing quickly went to a loud panting as she suckled on his head

At this rather obvious display of pleasure she would suck more of his sex into her mouth, rubbing her tongue along the under side of it slowly as she sucked on him the way she had sucked on the teat of her mother long long and longer ago then she could clearly remember. It was a strange request, but not an unpleasant one, and one she didn't seem to mind now.

He panted loudly, as he wanted her to take more of him into her maw... But he would not force this.. This time she needed to do these things for herself. His eyes closed tight, and he panted loudly, his hips arching back and forth a little, as she sucked at him. She would soon be rewarded with a taste of his pre

She was a bit surprised at the salty sweet taste of the pre cum that her tongue encountered. She snorted softly and shifted her position slightly to one more comfortable and one where she wasn't going to be stabbing him in the gut with her horn. That had her along his side, her breasts resting on his left hip as she began to suckle more energetically to the cock that had given her the strange treat. Her tail tuft caressed his face.

He panted and moaned the more she sucked on him. His eyes rolled back in his head as he pushed his hips towards her more. The harder she sucked on him, the more of his pre spurted into her maw, and consequently down her throat. His breathing had gone from calm, to the heavy panting of one who was drawing in on an orgasm

She could hear the change in him, and curiosity drove her on. She wanted to see what he would do next. She had an idea from the one time he had made her do this before, but it had been different some how. She began to suck harder, swallowing the pre-cum as he oozed it onto her tongue. And taking more of him into her mouth. She was well and truly able to have all of him in her mouth really, such was the blessing of an equines head. Her tail tuft tickling and teasing him slowly

The deeper she took him, the easier it was for him to deal with this. Panting away loudly, he pushed himself back and forth a little, face fucking her some. His eyes were deep in sheer bliss, before suddenly he arched and moaned loudly, the knot swelling as he came near to his climax

She wouldn't know what to do to make him shoot off in her maw any more then what she was doing. But she suddenly had a great driving urge to get him to do just that. She would push her head down as far as she could. Her soft velvet lips pressing against his knot before she started to bob her head up and down against the ridged pole of his cock. Her hands coming up to cup and rub at his balls as she could sense his climax drawing close.

With this sudden bobbing of her head, he only lasted a few moments more before he threw his head back and screamed out in pleasured agony, and released the spray of hot seed deep into her mouth

She nearly chocked on the rush of salty, bitter cum as it flooded into her mouth. She had half expected it of course, but it would probably always be a shock. She swallowed most of it, but it did dribble from her lips, such as a novice was apt to do.

He was panting extremely loudly, and he was trying to get coherent thoughts into his mind. He panted loudly, and shifted his form around a little. He was in a state of bliss, and his mind was still reeling from the intense pleasure that she had just given him

She would pull her head away in the darkness and blink rapidly. though she never took her hands away from him, and was always in contact with him in some way. She didn't mind the taste, but it was strange. This was obviously the warmness she felt from him every time they had sex. And somehow that made it better. She licked her lips clean from dribbled cum.