The Moonlight Beach

Story by Marcus RJ on SoFurry

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The story of how a Kangaroo and A border collie met.

(Go easy on me, My Master had me write this, so i figured I posted it here)

It was bright warm day, the sun was high in the sky and the temperature was in the mid 80's. The beach was unusually empty, but the guy at the gate let me in so I paid no attention to it. The sand was white like sugar, as small as sugar too, the crystal blue water splashed against the shore in a soothing manner, and not a speck of trash on the beach. This particular beach was private and the waiting list to get in was long. I normally come here on weekdays when it's empty so I can lay down and soak in the sun. Clothing was optional here, but I always kept something to cover my butt, even though it never helped to hide how another part of my body felt watching the big buff furs and the cute twinks walk along the beach.

All I had was a towel, extra long so I wouldn't have to lay in the sand. the sand was hot on my huge feet, as I walked slowly, my feet sinking a little in the stuff. I was headed to my favorite spot, a place where the surrounding rock walls couldn't be seen as you looked out over the surf.

I unfurled my towel and laid it down without a bit of sand getting on it. I dusted my paws clean of any sand and carefully laid down, stretching out as far as I could before sighing and laying still, starting my sun soak.

I listened to the cooling breeze, and the quiet, soothing surf, I didn't need music to relax here, just peace and quiet, even if being here at the same time as other made me long for something more. My paws and pictures can only satisfy someone for so long. I needed someone real, to hold me, love me...take me. Those thoughts quickly ceased as I started to feel tired, and slipped into a peaceful sleep.

An hour later, a toned and very handsome border collie strolled onto the beach, only noticing one other beach goer, a lithe kangaroo, with big feet and tail, and a small speedo to hide his nethers, but it did a terrible job. with the placement of kangaroo balls and their large hump that the sheath creates, tight clothes were just as good as being nude.

The border collie was tall, a little shorter than the marsupial, but much more toned, he too ditched his shoes and wriggles his toes in the warm sand, but unlike the Roo, he was completely nude, balls swinging and sheath slight swelled. He walked nearly silently along the beach, slowly approaching the sleeping male roughly 80 yards away.

He licked his chops as he examined the Roo, staying completely silent, he did make a rather loud noise to test how deep a sleeper the Roo was, and to his delight the male did not even twitch an ear. So, the k9 lied down next to him, for some reason the Roo had a double wide and really long towel that made him look smaller than he really was. He stretched his arms out and put one around the males shoulder, and use d the other paw to pull the sleeping male into him, so that they were spooning. Then with those sharp claws he tore the roo's tiny bit of clothing right off, leaving him exposed for the dog to admire and fondle.

I woke up slowly, when I opened my eyes I was met with the dark of the night, and the bright moon shines across the surf and sand. I tried rolling over but found my self unable to, I looked around and then gasped as I felt a pair of arms around me, and a muscle chest against my back. I squeaked quietly "H-hello? Who are you?"

A small chuckle was my answer apparently, but who ever the fur was let me go and sat up next to me. He responded again "My name is Viro, and the beach has been empty, other than you today, so I figured that I'd come and give you some company, but you didn't seem to want to wake up, I stayed here by you to protect you, and make sure no vagrant came along and violated you. So what's your name little roo?"

I sat up slowly, and looked him over in the dim light, he was to my surprise incredibly hot, muscled and toned, with a beautiful fur color and bright eyes, then I looked down and blushes deeply noticing his rather larger sheath and the red tip poking out from it, and the massive balls that sat beneath it. I looked back up avoiding his g

aze as I responded "H-hello Viro, my names Marcus, it was incredibly sweet of you to watch over me, I-I hope I didn't snore" ugh! The mere thought of me snoring while someone who looked so perfect was next to me made my cheeks flush deep red, and burn.

He chuckled "heh it was no problem, your are pretty cute so I didn't mind having the eye candy for a while, and don't worry you only made cute sounds as you slept."

I whined internally and looked at the ground, and noticed my lack of clothes. "H-hey! What happened to my clothes?!"

"He chuckled again "well when I came along it seems like you were having a wet dream or something, because you were rock hard, and your tiny little cloth, must have broke. Under the stress"

"Oh, n-never mind then" I whimpered quietly, I was sitting here before one of the hottest guys I've seen on this beach a blushy nude mess, and apparently he picked up on it, because next thing I knew his muscled arm was over my shoulder, and pulling me closer to him, I squeaked, but didn't resist. I laid against him quietly, he was warm, and so incredibly soft. His arm felt nice too, nice and made me feel safe.

"Don't you love the moonlight on the beach" he said as if nothing had happened "it's beautiful hot the light reflects off the water"

I leaned against him, and put my head on his shoulder. Was I still dreaming, or had my dream come true, I had a sexy toned dog holding me on the beach, and he was packing too. "I-it's beautiful" I squeaked out, not being able to find any other words.

He shifted me and laid us back on the towel, both of his arms around me now. "Mmm your a nice cute Roo arnt you? Very submissive too, letting me move you about like this. I've been looking for someone like this for a while, someone who submits to my touch without question, someone as cute and sexy as you".

My cheeks could not hurt worse or be more read than this, it's like he was pushing every single button I had, and I was powerless to do anything, I just tested my head on his chest, even as his other paw went inbetween my legs , and I felt a claw slip between my cheeks and runs up to my taint, across my sheath and balls and up to my belly button. I squirmed and whined, but I couldn't deny that I loved it, and my red tip peaking out of my sheath didn't help hide it.

"Hehe, it sounds like someone likes being touched be the collie, how's about it roo, would you like me to continue touching?"

I whimpered at his words and nodded quickly, not being able to think of anything else. "Y-yes you may continue s-sir"

And that he did, he laid me down flat and sat over me, his paws exploring every little inch of my crotch, making my maleness quickly harden, and stand at full mast, but it was probably nothing compared to his. He fondled my balls marveling at them, and their unique location on my body.

"You kangaroos are very interesting, such pleasant looking cocks, and interesting balls, heh, you will make a fine addition"

I couldn't tell what he was saying any more, I was moaning from his paws groping me, and my eyes were shut. I soon found myself on my stomach , my cock leaking pre into the towel beneath me, my tail was pulled up and move out of the way. My cheeks were spread and I shivered as I felt the breeze blow against my exposed hole.

"And what beautiful jewel do we have here little roo?"

His words were lost on me though, I was too focused on the gripping paws playing with my cheeks and rubbing my tender virgin hole, I gasped out, as I felt his muzzle underneath my tail, licking and sucking at my hole, his saliva coating it and all the fur around it, his long k9 tongue seemed to be made for this, he was even able to shove it in me a few times, which earned squeals and clenches from me.

"Are you ready roo?, you've been teasing me all these months on this beach, heh, If id have know it was this easy to get to you you'd be in my bed right now"

I squeaked as I hear this and panted softly beneath him, I was a virgin, so tight and sensitive, I just hoped he had the heart in him to go slow, and th

at he did. I felt his thick cock tip press under my tail, and with the help of all his natural lubricant and saliva, it slipped in with ease, causing me to clench down, and created an immense toughness around him. He pushed forward slowly, inch by inch, he filled me, he was huge!

He continued like this, through my clenching and pushing back until I felt the base of his knot against my cheeks, then he started pulling back, much quicker than he pushed in. Then he pushed back in even quicker, making me jolt and whine, my cock pooling pre beneath me. He continued pulling and pushing, faster, and harder, until they became thrusts, and he go into an quick rhythm, my whines and moans only driving him on further.

"Mmph! That's a good Roo, are you ready for my cum? And my knot roo? I hope you are".

I could feel it, his knot was getting larger. And he kept pushing it harder against me with each thrust. He was throbbing hard and leaking tons of pre, only serving to help knot me faster. I moaned beneath him and clenched to give him extra tightness. I shut my eyes and cried out, and his thrusts suddenly stopped and he was humping me, with his huge inflating knot growing quickly inside me.

I moaned and whimpered clenching hard on that knot. I yelped as he growled loudly, and howled out like a wolf, before I felt a torrent of hot thick potent cum shoot into my abused, no longer virgin passage. I layers there panting and moaning, and he just kept humping and cumming. After a while I passed out still locked and being filled by that beautiful collie.

I awoke the next morning in a soft bed with white sheets, the sun shone through the curtains. I was about to get up, but I felt a familiar set of arms around me, and then I laid back down whining as I noticed the huge knot inside me.

"Well good morning pet. I look the liberty of relieving my morning wood inside of you already, once you passed out on the beach I couldn't just leave you, so I took you home after my knot deflated, and made love to you again as payment for leaking cum all over my car seats. I'd say there's more than a pint of my cum in you right now, and I know you smell like me, so what's it's gonna be, are you going to be my good pet roo? Or do you need more convincing?"

I whined softly and presses back against him.

I'm yours,
